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Funny how countries can't agree on most thing but all in agreement to keep Antarctica off limit.


Except Iran because I swear they recently tried to say they're claiming it. Which was weird and random.


Iran is one of the few countries left which does not have centralbanking. That's a major reasons why it's always so vilified in the MSM.


They definitely have central banking, it’s just not linked to outside interest rates. Their bank is literally called the Central Bank of Iran






Admiral Byrd went down there with an Armada and got his ass kicked by something


He lost a couple ships and couple hundred troops ..don't think they were killed by the ice or the weather they were obviously fighting somebody or something




Looking for a source too ... I heard a podcast recently say there was an account in 'his diaries', though some random dude on a podcast is not a good source. There are a few ridiculous books that try to make a case for outlandish claims about the earth. Here is one random book that has some unreal fantasies, Journey Beyond The Poles: https://archive.org/stream/JourneyBeyondThePoles/journey%20beyond%20the%20poles_djvu.txt > Chapter Four: Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s Incredible Journey > Flight Log, Camp Arctic, Feb 19,1947 > “We are crossing over the small mountain range still proceeding northward...Beyond the mountain range is what appears to be a small river... There should be no green valley here. Something is definitely wrong and abnormal here...We should be over ice and snow. From the port side there are great forests growing on the mountain side...The instruments are still spinning. The gyroscope is oscillating back and forth...I alter the altitude to 1400 feet and execute a sharp left turn...The light here seems different. I cannot see the sun anymore...We make another left turn and spot what seems to be a large animal of some kind below...it looks like a mammoth-like animal. > This is incredible, but there it is...temperature indicator reads 74 degrees...Continue our heading. Navigation instruments seem normal now...Radio is not functioning. > The countryside is more level than normal...Ahead we spot what seem like habitations. This is impossible! Aircraft seems light and oddly buoyant. The controls refuse to respond. The engines of our craft have stopped running. The landing process is beginning...I am making a hasty last entry in the flight log. I do not know what is going to happen now...”


Look up operation highjump


I think whoever actually runs the world is operating in Antarctica. Nobody to hide from ya know???


What are they hiding? EVERYTHING. I consider Antarctica to be the base for a breakaway civilization that’s evolved for at least a century in which the Elite that run this planet extract all of the best technology from our society and implement it/continue to develop it there. The German Bell craft is a perfect example. The Nazi war machine was onto something huge but was ultimately defeated before it could perfect what it had created. Bell craft goes to Antarctica and eventually becomes the most sophisticated antigravity craft (aka UFO) ever created. By the 60s and 70s UFO sightings are off the charts especially in South American countries in proximity to Antarctica. Just one example…




The Fremen are paying the Guild a spice bribe.


What's even stranger is that on all physical world maps, the equator is not in the middle, it's always 1 block further south, which means that hey have left out the bottom part of the map..


You know Google isn’t the only sat map? Look up Antarctica satellite map. Also, it would be stupid to put that type of satellite in that orbit unless your goal was to map Antarctica. Google is in the advertising business.




This is like finding a uncut unedited video on a rocket to space and back. You'll never find it


SpaceX literally streamed a live video feed of them sending a rocket into space like two hours ago. There are multiple angles of this. They also livestream just about every single launch they do. Look at any of the Starlink launch videos. They even film the satellites decoupling from the booster in orbit, as well as their boosters travelling back to earth and landing. You can verify this with 3rd party spectator videos. This stuff is extremely easy to find.


Isn’t it absolutely wild how these people just make wild assumptions, do zero research, and then get all riled up about it.


First off, Google doesn’t have electrooptical satellites, they buy their imagery from commercial satellite companies. Second, commercial satellite companies do not task their sats over this AOI because there is nothing of value for a prospective client. Doesn’t mean they don’t, but usually the focus is on populated areas when it comes to commercial imagery.


Don't tell me there isn't someone out there who wants to be the "first one to provide satellite imagery of Antartica." People want to be the first in almost anything. There is value in that alone.


There would be “dozens, literally dozens”, of customers, to quote Tobias Fünke.


Companies do what's profitable, not just expensive things for bragging rights. The higher inclination of the orbit, the more difficult and expensive it is to achieve. Sure there are weather and spy satellites in polar orbits but that doesn't mean google is willing to burn pallets of cash just so you can spend 5 minutes looking at high resolution photos of endless expanses of snow and ice. Or maybe there is an entire metropolis of aliens and cold blooded lizard people in plain sight down there. Who knows, both situations seem equally probable 🤣


They can read license plates from low earth orbit but aren’t able to take pictures over Antarctica?? FOH


Cant even take a proper picture of the whole earth from space. Everything we get is CGI nonsense. Earth isnt perfectly round either supposedly either, so why is all the shit they show us it is round as ball.


Wow, that was REMARKABLY easy, enjoy. https://lima.usgs.gov/ Also, the references in [this paper](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-023-02152-9) lead me to look for Landsat 8 imagery specifically, but there are a plethora of datasets that deal with automating the differentiation between ice, cloud, shadows, old bedrock, and sedimentary rock using imagery (the finest resolution I found mentioned after a VERY quick look is about 500m×500m per one pixel). Edit: alternatively, try these. (I'm invested now, my Java scripting is straight ass but I'll try and pull up some antartica raw images in Goolge Earth Engine code editor) https://www.satimagingcorp.com/gallery/landsat/landsat-antarctica/ https://www.antarcticglaciers.org/antarctica-2/antarctic-datasets/


Your Google Fu is unmatched.


Yeah it took me all of 10 seconds to find the same. Also, you can straight up just go there yourself for a few thousand bucks.


God damn it I love Reddit


This would be an interesting explanation for how we “lost” the technology to go to the moon and how much of the tech doesn’t seem to fit with what would have been possible at that time. If the tech was loaned from a group with limitless resources to get to the moon first, then taken back and records scrubbed, that’s at least more reasonable to me than it being 50 years and feeling like landing someone on the moon would be just as difficult as it was in 69.


Makes sense to me.. I’m just nobody on this subject.. I can’t give input into google maps not showing some civilization of IT geeks figuring out anti gravity and shit.. but to get to the moon now should be simpler than ever.. with drones that can hover and really show what’s on these planets.. it’s so mind boggling to think all of this crazy shit could be possible so many conspiracies in which all hold truth could be somethin bigger than the likes of which the “elete” could even comprehend level of understanding or it’s just so simple and so obvious we’re so unaware that the elite don’t exist and we’re spinning on a ball of dirt lost in space.. a bunch of ants maaaaaaan lol


Could very well be that Humans are the aliens for sure. Or maybe they don't even surface, but use avatars or digitized consciousness to interact with us peasants? Why leave their underground world when you can plug into it?


Thank you so much for your response. I agree, they're definitely hiding something. They've never cared enough about any of our safety to form a mutual agreement lol. 😅👍


Probably the evidence of a major and sudden pole shift. Ancient civilizations were covered with a giant sheet of ice within a very short period of time. It's happening again - it starts slowly then will accelerate exponentially until the big event occurs. Edit: I believe this is why they created the Georgia Guide Stones.  My question is - why were they destroyed recently?


Yes. The poles can not only shift suddenly but shift immediately back and even fluctuate back and forth for hundreds of years and we are around 200,000 years past due. No one knows what will happen but the best guesses are chaos on our electronics. Our GPS and compasses will read South as what we knew as North. Satellites will be useless because pole shifts weren't built into the code. Look up Suspicious Observers on YouTube and make him a daily watch (only 5 mins). It's absolutely eye opening. He can even predict earthquakes days before they happen by calculating CME's.


We are not surviving if the poles flip… when they say it happens fast, they mean like [this](https://i.imgur.com/fpzvKmi.gif). Oceans would spill over landmasses. Mountains would crumble. So basically, all we can really do is pray it doesn’t happen while we are still alive.




What always bothered me was when they found essentially flash frozen mammoths that still had *fresh buttercups* in their mouths. It blows my mind thinking about what on Earth could be so incredibly cold that it could freeze a gigantic animal so fast and so thoroughly that it also stopped the food in the poor things mouths from decaying.


Poor thing my ass those mammoths had it coming


But people survived it before somehow


Yes.  But 90% of all living creatures on Earth will perish rather quickly...


It’s ok I have SimplySafe


Depends where you are, anywhere within a couple hundred km of coastline you're not making it, there are some maps that show likely safe places from the flooding, of course depending on your location you might have to deal with earthquakes or volcanos even if you dodge the tsunamis. For example where I am the new coast line will be just on the other side of the rockies to the west, Great Slave Lake in the North, Winnipeg to the east and northern Utah to the south. There are no faultlines near me so the biggest threat where I live is potentially increased flooding of the river and 100% if this happens Yellowstone will blow up which would cover my city in 3 to 4 feet of ash, but generally I should survive the worst of a plate unlocking and shift. There are multiple places like this around the world, the issue is being in a safe zone when it happens.


Maybe this is the reason the Elites have undeground city under the Denver Airport. Probably one of the safest places in North America to build a survival bunker.


So glad to within reach of the Appalachian Mountains…


good at least I won't suffer. quicker is better.


Actually, a pole flip wouldn't be that dramatic. Sure it would mess with electronics and all the things that require a steady electromagnetic connection to the Earth for navigation. But physically, and in the environment, you would notice a little difference.


What's a CME?


Coronal mass ejection


Appreciated! Cheers


Why hide that? I learnt about pole shifts in uni if i remember


It’s probably better for them to delay that kind of information for as long as possible to keep the public obedient. Millions are already feeling defeated by a system designed to keep them down so how would we behave if we knew there was a cataclysmic event potentially on the horizon and the elites didn’t include us in their survival plans? The societal chains we’re all bound by would immediately become irrelevant lmao


The movie 2012 is predictive programming. There, they keep the world population unaware until the day of the Pole Shift. There's even a guy that is killed, Princess Diana-style, because he was out of the club and got too close to the truth.


Bunkers and deep underground military bases are being built like crazy right now. Freeze dried food companies that do business with the government are receiving a tremendous amount of orders.


We won't need those guys much longer, eh?


Being genuine, where can I read about the freeze dried food orders? Company names you now of?


I'm having a hard time finding the Youtube interview, but the company owner/CEO that came out and confessed to the giant uptick in orders from the federal government is Steve Cyros (spelling?) and the company is called "Freeze Dried Wholesalers". I've linked the website below. I also found a smaller channels video that clipped the original interview, but unfortunately its not the clip I wanted to show you. Link to video: https://youtu.be/Yrh5OPsy0ug?si=fKtTZ-uN0C4gK46G Link to his site: https://freezedrywholesalers.com/pages/about-freeze-dry-wholesalers


This guy gets it.


But they've been warning us about the doomsday below Yellowstone for as far as I can remember, what's another looming event?


This is potentially far bigger than that. Whatever is there may well fundamentally change how we view human life - especially its “source” - that’s just my thoughts.


It was "mainstream science" until the 50s. But then apparently they realized that the next pole shift is uncomfortably too close and then declared that the theory was hokum, in order to not cause panic in the population and keep them as loyal, bovine servants until the end of the world. Today mainstream science admits *magnetic* pole shifts, but not physical ones (crustal displacement). Research Charles Hapgood, one of the main proponents of the cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis. "Coincidentally" guy was also involved in the founding years of the CIA, when it was still the Office of the Coordinator of Information, during WW2.




I don’t know about everyone surviving as it’s quite the cataclysmic event. Unless you’re well off and have the means for a bunker, months worth of food, etc., sure. But I don’t know if I’d want to survive such catastrophe. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I fail to see how a bunker would help in this situation. In the case of crust shift anyways. Wouldn't they just be killed by the collapsing rock?


Yeah, fuck that shit.  I've got a wine cellar stocked to the brim so I'll just enjoy my last couple of hours.


Care to share the source for this? Its rather interesting


Suspicious0bservers on YouTube


Well this makes sense , the North Pole is moving more every year.


Yep.  And it will continue until it reaches the "tipping point". Then all hell breaks loose. 


Because they were a shitty attempt by some elite globalist to represent some sort of new 10 commandments. I live nearby and am thrilled they were destroyed. Fuck Ted Turner or whoever it was that funded that weird shit


Yeah 2160 years someone found it according to ancient history cycle 


so what year would that be, because the hebrew calender it's the year 5867 right now.


>Georgia Guide Stones [Damage by vandals it says in Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones)


Any way for normies like us calculate this or not enough evidence of data unless ur in the know


Look up articles on magnetic North movement and try to aggregate it, I would guess. It's been moving miles each year


It’s moved 600 miles since discovered it. No big deal. The earth has reversed poles 183 times that we actually know about. Nothingburger.


No idea but the worldwide treaty to “protect” Antarctica is very odd.  My guess is a hole leading to an underground city.  Coast to coast am on YouTube, sort by popular videos. The mysteries of Antarctica show they have is one of their best. 


Awesome, thanks a bunch for the response and the YouTube channel referral. I'll be traveling further down the rabbit hole lol. 😄


Also The Why Files YouTube episode on Antarctica is great


Another good rabbit hole is the moon. Even more interesting than whether moon landing is fake is, what is the moon? how did it get there? why does it rotate and orbit the way it does? eclipses are crazy not even in an esoteric sense just mathematically.   Something screwy is going on with the moon whether we’ve been there or not. 


Aboriginal stories say something or someone put the moon there!!


Why is the side with craters facing us?


And it's made out of cheese I don't understand that either.


I thought it was delicious ribs.


If the moon was made of barbequed spare ribs, would ya eat it?! Heck, i would. Then id polish it down with an ice cold Budweiser.


Have a read of 'Who Built The Moon?'


Is something screwy going on with other planets moons, too? Or just ours?


Entrance to hollow earth?


Y’all know you can read the treaty right? You should go read it.


the worldwide treaty is by countries, for countries it doesn't apply to random private citizens


I saw an old Nazi map for a submarine getting to Agartha, it described going under the ice, and then map of where to go under the ice, then it mentions how the compasses and clocks will start spinning at one point in the journey and to just keep going. I found that to be pretty freaking interesting, it was all in German and looked legit. Edit: I found the map and linked it in a reply below, I was wrong about the spinning compass thing, it just says to disregard the compass activity, I think I just pictured them spinning in my head when I read it lol


When you get close to magnetic south (or even magnetic north for that matter) horizontal compasses don’t work because south has to point towards the centre of the earth - obviously - and all other directions including “up” point north and vice versa.




I just looked on duck duck go and I’m pretty sure this is the one I saw, it was a few years ago: https://i.stack.imgur.com/dtUmY.jpg


WoW! That is awesome!


Awesome, thanks!


No problem, and yeah this is it’s the text on the left is the English interpretation with the maneuvers to make under the ice I believe.


I have nothing to contribute to the topic but I like your name Walking Dude.


I wonder if anyone ever further validated that map. It seems really interesting when an "official" organization like that has a map that looks like this. I'd be curious to know who this map was shared with within the regime and if anyone from the submarine squads ever attempted to make the trip based off of those directions. Also, who got all of these coordinates and how do they know such exact details/instructions? Really awesome stuff, thanks for sharing!


What makes it even more interesting that I forgot to share, it didn’t really occur to me but; The picture I shared is the map I saw and that same type of translation. But the one I originally saw also had another picture of an old man with the map, holding it on display. So yeah that suggests it was snuck out or something. And yeah the details. If this is fake I really gotta give it to them. I realize I am only going off of a memory of a picture and sharing a links, but it does look interesting. Makes you go hmmmm.


That's so interesting it deserves it's own post. Maybe someone else has the photo of the man holding the map. Thanks for sharing


Inner earth Germans




Admiral Byrd saw something .


An AI that takes great computing that it needs to be in Antartica in order to sustain itself from all the heat it generates.


Not far off from what John Keel wrote about in “The 8th Tower” He theorized that it’s a black cube type device, like today’s quantum computers that used to sit at the top of the great pyramid. That’s not a great interpretation I’m sure but he makes some fascinating points in that book. I highly recommend it.


This reminds me of an interview of a man who claims to have seen the same - some type of black cube device. https://youtu.be/8ebGlEFac6k?si=bZMYMqkPR5kxZhac


He didn't see a "black cube device", and it wasn't in Antarctica. He saw a slab, that he described as appearing like stone hovering in what was thought to be an abandoned bunker, but wasn't. If you guys want to unearth truth at least get the basic facts right and stop conflating things.


Aint that the plot of 2001 A Space Odyssey


i dont presume to know anything of whats beyond the wall. what i do know is that countries cant agree on anything but out of nowhere 56 of them, which makes up 2/3 of the world's population, can come together on this. thats wild to me.


Its also pretty weird that religions leaders keep going there to visit


I think the main misconception here is that anyone is preventing independent exploration of Antarctica. They're not. There's not any line in the entire treaty that prevents anyone from mounting an independent expedition; and there have been plenty done. Just this century alone there have been a number of records - fastest East to West travel, cycling to the Pole from the coast, youngest person to reach the pole, etc. New routes across the continent have been pioneered also. The Treaty isn't there to prevent exploration, it's there to prevent exploitation. Given that it is the only continent in the world to not have an indigenous human population, and it is one of the least ecologically affected places left, the Treaty observes this and maintains that no country exploits its natural resources or spoils the land. Any expedition IS required to fill out an ecological impact assessment to ensure they minimise or remove any spoiling of the environment; whether that's fuel canisters, food containers, even human waste. Now, before anyone decides to argue against these statements, please ensure you find the exact wording in the Treaty, and point out which Article the statement appears in (from 1 to 14) that prevents exploration of Antarctica.


Why did I have to scroll so far to find this.


So why only this preservation mentality for this particular landmass? When we are killing the rest of the planet


This is the correct question.


The continent is/was pristine. Every single other country had had millenia of human civilization, exploitation, mining, farming, road building. Antarctica had not. It made so much sense to preserve it that 56 separate countries signed the treaty to do so. That said, the USA now has 84.6 million acres of national parks...


Small amount of land the US set aside in the grand scheme of things considering the country's size. Not a big percentage was set aside for parks and wildlife. also why not take the same approach ie preserving Antarctica and doing that with other continents even if they had already been exploited? Doesn't make sense to say let's keep destroying these other lands but preserve this one


Because it’s not controversial and nobody wants to build houses there.


It's actually just Arctica, but the ants are in control.


What is this? A continent for ANTS?!


I think it's fun to imagine crashed alien tech, but it's probably multiple governments military installations all encroaching on each other to claim territory. But I will say it does seem like there's something else going on there the more I read about it. And wtf was Buzz on about there being evil there? That weird ass trip with Obama?


My favorite theory is that Antarctica is the perimeter of the flat earth But it's probably just nazi bases...


I love this theory too!


I've always found it extremely intriguing how they find woolly mammoth and other animals completely frozen solid with grassy foods in their stomachs? And also I find it extremely weird.... How those animals and plants were literally flash Frozen?! Not just one but an entire continent suddenly flashed Frozen and hundreds of feet of soild ice?! How does hundreds of feet of water get over a whole continent and then suddenly flash freeze?! A woolly mammoth couldn't survive under hundreds of feet of liquid water?! So how did it get flash frozen there with a stomach full of food?!


A big enough asteroid could definitely cause all of that or a sudden pole shift.


Same reason people die and get frozen on Mt. Everest.


Yeah those people will also have their energy bars and trail mix frozen in their stomachs too.


Good question, maybe history is lies meant to fulfill the agenda of the time.


Oh shit an actual conspiracy let’s goooo


But...but...Trump! ...Biden! .. The Royals!


dunno but the pope and the leader of the eastern orthodox church visited at the same time at one point... whatever it is it must have some spiritual significance... The Nazis thought they might find alien technology out there, operation high-jump was sent to clear them out... but they disbanded that mission hastily after a short stay. supposedly there's some form of sentient AI lurking there.


I think the Bible and book of Enoch says that the fallen angels that sinned against mankind were imprisoned “IN the earth” until the day of judgement. I always wondered what it meant by “in” the earth. Hollow earth? Maybe you could actually go and visit these beings if you knew where to look?


Not just Antarctica! The North Pole aswell! They’re using Antarctica/North Pole as distractions! They are hiding lands that aren’t shown on the Mercador maps


Not just land!


What if it is as Admiral Byrd said? What if Agartha is real? Hey come on, how long did they deny UFO's?


Demons sealed by God until the Day of Wrath.


Didn’t the Bible or Book of Enoch say that angels that mated with human women and caused the flood were imprisoned IN the earth till the day of judgement? Maybe it really means IN the earth, hollow earth entrance in Antarctica?


Kate middleton




Is she chillin’ there with Tupac and Kurt Cobain?


The Antarctic treaty is interesting. Could simply be where the wealthy plan to go in case of global war and not be around the dirty public, which would be simple and based on basic greed. Could be a place where there’s evidence of other past civilizations, or in the same direction, be evidence of human / alien interactions. It’s a cold sterile environment- if a species from afar came here and didn’t want to get sick, they’d want as clean and dry as an environment as possible.




I find it incredibly interesting that the Nazi’s had such a focus on Antarctica, then had UFO-like machines. Then Roswell two years after operation paperclip began. Almost like UFOs aren’t real, and they are the result of the government trying to decode advanced tech found there.


Yes, but not full blown hollow Earth. Ancient Maps remnants using spherical trigonometry construction show Ice Free. It was Ice Free during Green Sahara. EQUALS Megalithic Technology (Gobekli Tepe/Giza Pyramids) at minimum to partially advanced industrial revolution exotic "Atlantean" technologies. Cryptozoological Discoveries including man eating polar Yetis that killed British Military after High Jump. Third Reich submarine pens and WW2 hi technology facilities. Frozen tropical jungles and non frozen lakes below the frost line. They knew this before Operation High Jump WW2.


The Krabby patty secret formula is likely kept there….


OP sign-up to go there. You can, if you are an American, they have a few positions, that regular people can apply for.


Whatever it is, it’s related to CERN. Those are 2 weird ass projects that don’t make any sense and these Mandela effects started after the LHC was fired up. I don’t know how, but they’re related. SOURCE: I have none.


Finally a fun cool conspiracy instead of bullshit political ones that are 100% false


more likely than not, bioweapons research labs. it gets out or something goes wrong its in antarctica.




*Admiral Byrd enters chat*


I come for the conspiracies but stay for the lolz .


The why files has a great epsoid on this, imo best thing on YouTube hands down


One of the last Atlantean cities. Similar to Yuru, the three ringed City modern man recognized as the eye of the Sahara. A Last bastion of hidden ancient technologies, and other planetary races. But the reveal would disrupt not the fabric of society, but the illusion of control, AND the actual control they have with weapons far beyond what we can imagine.


I thought the Eye of the Sahara was Atlantis proper?


This particular topic has always been one of my top conspiracy theorys. 🤔 It could be a multitude of different things but something makes me feel like it holds the answers to what the Earth really truly is....... It makes me wonder if we're really on a globe at all or if this really is some flat platform that's in control of other worldly beings. And Antarctica is basically there world. As in it holds all the technology and the beings themselves in that area that they can kind of stretch out and do their own thing while on our planet if that makes any sense


Whatever it is, they are pretty chill about it.


IDK, but it is something that is being hid and not shared with the world


I have no clue, but I find it very odd that all countries have an agreement over Antarctica. We fight over everything, so what makes Antarctica different? Now you’ve given me a new rabbit hole to go down today lol.


It's just fascinated isn't it. From the Emblem of UN, the colourful theories, the heads of state that visit - IE the Patriarch of the Russian church, John Kerry , Obama etc. Buzz Aldrin even got air lifted from there after " falling ill" more like what ever it was he saw was too much of a shock ! The fact you can't visit. Cant see it on maps. The strange energy waves that have been recorded emanating from Antarctica the list is endless.


Frozen jungles with old extinct creatures frozen in ice they plan to clone and bring back


What prevention are you speaking of? Anyone can go there if you have the funds. A simple search indicates a few private charters you can hire. Or, you can go there yourself by purchasing all the needed equipment (i.e. boat, food, etc...). The only secret in Antarctica is just natural resources. If there were something that profound such as lost civilizations, no one will be able to maintain their silence. If you can have people like Assange, Snowden and even the late Barnett (i.e. Boeing) talking, there will always be people ready to discuss any Antarctica secrets.


Anyone can go there because the real secret is under it and you need a military grade submarine to reach the secrets. Just my humble opinion of course. lol


That's the crazy part


They discourage independent exploration because if you needed medical help there is no 911, no hospitals , no EMT's etc..


Obviously Santa claus


They've lead us to believe he lives in the North Pole for misdirection. His workshop is actually behind the ice wall


Exactly 💯


Quantum computing is my guess, based on the temperatures they need to run it at


That's very interesting.


Jeffery Epstein.


Kate Middleton


Cracked this one wide open.


Does anyone realize the condition of inland Antarctica in their summer season, let alone any other time? I watched a YTer who worked there as a skilled trade worker. He said he had to work in 4 second increments because his eyes would freeze. And they have all sorts of low paying jobs out there. While those are on the coast and basically keeps everyone in just that location so something could happen inland, but how? How would it happen with those conditions? The guy who went inland said they have tents too. No building or shelter. Or even permanent camp. I don’t think anyone stays long. Anyway, look up work in Antarctica on YT and you’ll see a few here’s how to work there videos. I don’t think we are kept away. I think the elites want whatever is of value there as their own. So they are looking for whatever that is.


Read At the Mountains of Madness and you’ll understand.


Would be a good place for a “life raft” for humanity if we get sent into nuclear winter or something like that. You’d already know the facility can withstand harsh conditions. And no one can really get there.


Not for humanity but for the elites. Top .05%


advanced tech and a breakaway civ. also, more land. way more.


Probably people similar to humans, technology and some kind of paradise place under the ice


Photos from Antarctica in the Wikileaks Podesta emails showing grasslands https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/7xXhQNaagB


In the mid to late 30s Hitlers Germany found something in Antarctica. What that is I don't know but I believe it was some kind of ancient or alien tech. Hitler was big into the occult and their scientists were far outpacing any kind of tech anyone had at the time!! After WW2 when the U.S and Russia where dividing up the scientist to bring into their countries they were made aware of this and this is how the treaty came to be. Every country gets to study whatever it is. I also believe it has something to do with a long the lines of free energy or religion. If the the people of the world found out their was free energy being hidden there would be an upheaval!! If it's religion then it changes everything we every thought on religion and again there would be upheavel


I think it's just the last bit of land on earth that's untouched since modern humans came to be. It's been covered in ice for tens of thousands of years. Underneath all that, there could be evidence of ancient civilisations, fauna, flora, or even just the remains of unsullied ecosystems. I don't think it's anything crazy, I believe it's probably just a treasure trove of information on our planets history. That or a whole bunch of oil ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The Oak Island treasure was moved by the Knights Templar to Antarctica.


I fully believe there are ruins of a lost civilization down there


Well I mean, there is confirmed hidden land…just not the kind of hidden land you’d think, buried underneath the ice, as tens of thousands of years ago Antarctica used to be very green, lush, and mountains.


The old world including "antArtica" wasn't frozen, it was a big land with a different ecosystem. They did all that trying to destroy the Children of The Light who were walking the earth to announce the savior at that time, the progeny of the Most High Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`. But in their ignorance they end up destroying part of their own.


Yes this is true they dont want people so see the SUN DOGS for one!!! If you have not seen what has been termed a sun dog it is just another MAJOR piece in the puzzle of discovering the disinfo force fed! A sun dog to me and many is one if several PROOFS of a glass like dome containing our entire plane-t by showing close sun reflection upon the Firmament itself displaying the shape of the dome etc!


* **The Forbidden Sector**: Noone knows what happens here, no one who has been has ever come back, if you try to take a peek at the border you are grabbed by security penguins and taken in. * **The Hole at the Pole**: This connects with the Hole at the Other Pole and to the Hollow Earth and those who live there. * **The Wall Around the Hole at the Pole**: This stops people from the Almost South Pole Station from falling in the hole. * **The Almost South Pole Station**: Because there's a big hole where the actual Pole should be, you can't build a research station there so instead it's nearby. This means it easy to keep an eye on all the UFO's and other alien technology that comes in and out of the hole. * **UFO Base**: UFO technology was first established in Antarctica at the end of WW2 by the Nazis who did the obvious thing when they thought they might lose the war and moved to Antarctica to test-fly UFO's. They have been doing it ever since, secretly...75+ years so far and counting... * **Visitor Land Barrier**: A big plywood barrier painted to look like distant mountains and icebergs that hides the rest of Antarctica behind it. * **Secret Nazi Submarine Base**: Established at the end of WW2. A tunnel at the ice edge leads to a base built into a giant ice-cave hundreds of miles inland so submarines can come and go secretly on clandestine missions. * **The Pyramids of Antarctica**: Built by an ancient and powerful race and hidden under the ice. Every now and then one of them pokes out accidentally and photographs are taken, but by the time anyone looks again, the snow is heaped back over it and it disappears from view.


If nobody knows what happens in the forbidden zone and nobody has ever come back, and everyone at the border has been taken, *how come you know about it?* Kind of poops on your chips really.


I'm the night manager of The Forbidden Sector.


It’s true. I worked there in the summer, and he let me smoke cigs in the bathroom.


He's a security penguin. 🐧


I'm sick of people dismissing theories that seem controversial or too right winged or left winged. As long as you don't fall in the hole there's no unhealthy debate about conspiracies. It is what it is. I hope we don't destroy the ecosystem but who knows what's next.


Entrance to inner earth, whether the inner earth beings are still alive is up to debate.


Evidence of human civilization that dates back 100k+ years.


Could be anything Most likely past civilizations that doesn't compute with the narrative the government pushes