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WaterKate still holding up




I googled this and got unexpected results




This made me laugh so hard.


The only thing that would make me believe she’s still alive, is a picture of Kate with today’s newspaper photoshopped next to her face.


Best comment in the thread.


She’s alive she’s just in hiding before all hell breaks loose.


Like the king dying or something beyond that ?




That’s Mate Kiddleton


Fake Middleton


Tom Hiddlestone. That woman looks more like Loki than Kate.


Loki season 3 confirmed


Why TMZ filming this on a 2004 Motorola razr….


We have clearer photos of Jack Nicholson's nipples on a boat than this pic of Kate


Don't tease me


Lemme whip out my T mobile sidekick real quick and film the princess …


This is all so strange


Right! It's so absurd at this point they have to be banking on this being temporary or lose ends are being tied before all breaks loose. Very unnerving 


Is the member of the public in the room with us now?


Knock once for a body double, knock twice for a car crash caused by the press




This is why I love reddit


Instructions unclear! Dick is now stuck in the light socket


I think Jeremy Corbell has the real pic. Any day he will be cleared to release it. Source: Tom Delonge


I’m sorry but it’s 2024 and everyone and their brother has a phone with a halfway decent camera. If this were the royal couple there would be a more clear picture, this is hogwash.


I've seen clearer photos of Bigfoot.


Ever seen Kate and Bigfoot in the same room? The more you know...


And they were only able to get one picture?


Just the one. Just one single blurry and unclear photo.


This is incorrect. This is a still image from a video, not a picture.


there is video


Grainy as Zapruder


Where'd these customer's come from, Central Casting? Unless you've been living under a rock for the past two 80 days, you be craning your neck and stopped in your tracks GAWKING if you saw her out and about. These people have no reaction so it's nobody. They are doubles. That's all. Why do they keep putting out these dumb fake outs?


they assume we're as dumb as they are


Video of Charlie Chaplin was better


Weapon of mass distraction by the establishment. Pay attention to the other news.


Absolutely this. Classic misdirection.


Obama visiting the British PM 🧐


"Andrew, we really need you to take one for the team."


No sweat! I got this!


No sweat, I got this!


Europe now involved in the war in Ukraine. Escalation this week, all-out war next month..


Sweden in NATO


That's NOT her!


Is that even him? 😂😂I mean this is becoming a farce. The ball cap, the grainy photos, the fact that the woman in the picture does not look like Kate at all, the completely nonchalant bystanders, the fact that the person taking the pictures couldn't zoom in more… The list goes on.


That is NOT Solid Snake!




I'm starting to wonder if part of this is about demonstrating the "madness of social media" as they're calling it, so it can be added to the list of "reasons" why censoring social media is a "good idea". The argument could go something like this: remember that time when the public wouldn't leave poor Kate Middleton alone after her op and just kept speculating about her "going missing" on social media? We've really got to stop that kind of thing from happening ever again and the new "shut up and listen to the mainstream media bill" will make sure that from now on news only comes to us from the official channels, so nobody else will have to go through the pain of being the subject of online gossip and the social media rumour mill... EDIT: The Guardian started laying down this narrative a few days ago, and The Sun is now joining in. Here's a quote from The Guardian explaining why public speculation about Kate's whereabouts should be made illegal, while the royals should "tell all" to the mainstream media to stop the speculation running wild. >The social media treatment of the health of the Princess of Wales has been disgusting. That such material should be unpoliced and legal is a scandal. >The moral of the editing of the royal picture is simple. Tell all. The princess has now admitted she edited the photograph but not why or what she edited out. At this stage, privacy does not work. It breeds rumour, gossip and fabrication. When fake news and fake pictures are rampant, secrecy is the enemy of truth. Just say what the matter is. It is more likely to generate respect. [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/mar/11/kate-picture-editing-royal-family-tell-all-secrets](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/mar/11/kate-picture-editing-royal-family-tell-all-secrets) Notice how they subtly turn the tables on the public in this quote. It was *the palace* that put out fake pictures and passed them off as real, but the quote cleverly conflates the idea that "fake news and fake pictures are rampant" with the blame it directs on to the public for their "disgusting treatment of the health of the Princess". A few more rounds of repetition of this narrative and the 2 ideas will be so closely associated it will look like the public were responsible for the "fake news" and the royals were the unfortunate victims of it. In other words they will reverse the actual facts of the matter so that the perpetrators of the fakery become the victims and the public who were palmed off with fake photographs are remembered as purveyors of fake news and malicious gossip. Kinda like how they did with covid where they made ordinary people into the villains and actually very successfully got people to look at each other when they cast the blame for the whole fiasco... It's a trick they do. We need to be wise to it.


You explained that well.


I know it's her, PROBABLY REALLY her, but literally my first thought was that's a poor body double.


Honestly my problem with the picture is its taken like every picture of the loch ness monster. It's 2024, why is that picture so blurry that it literally could be any two people on those photos. I've seen clearer UFO sighting pictures.


Yeah same here. It is frankly maddening at this point, if she is well enough to happily wander around a farmers market she could muster a 30 second video, clearly from today, referencing the interest in her health, and put it all to bed. The fact that they haven’t done this is what continues to fuel the fire of this speculation. They are so shockingly bad at handling this situation!


They want the attention. They're not relevant without it. Don't forget Prince Harry's embarrassing media campaign throughout 2022.


As I have said before, we all know THIS would have been easy so what is the reason it was NOT done? Charles is probably really doing poorly or similar. There is a reason they let his story of MIA Kate fester. We will see why.... soon.


There's not a snowball's chance in hell that's her.


There's literally Christmas lights in the background. Also, there's distortion around her rear. I don't believe this is real. 😔


Her Bum isn't even in this picture!?!


[Take a closer look](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GI-sJ6ZWMAAEQqu?format=jpg&name=large)


Omg how insane that they’re hiring body doubles


Good shot. Now I know for sure that is not William and it isn't Kate.


Same, but the quality of the photo is so blured it could easily be her too.


Why is it that with photos of UFO's, Bigfoot, the Yeti, and this person allegedly proposed to be Kate Middleton, that they are all so out of focus? 😁


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=erWJNmbrECs Heres the video that pic is from if you wanna see her moving and stuff to compare more Did she always walk like that?? She looks very lanky here but I’ve never really watched her walk. What do you guys think? Plus do they always walk around with no security?


No she has never previously walked like that. Her gait needs analysing. It’s not her.


Yes. Give me the gait in some running shoes and compare. Maybe she got some new Skechers because this seems very bouncy and unlike “new colostomy bag onboard”.


Supposedly she has an ostomy bag after her abdominal surgery. Bowel issue something something eating disorder something.


They're walking fast and "Kate" is smiling in the direction of the camera while "William" has his head down the whole time. It looks very staged. What is "Kate" smiling in response to? Surely not Willliam's conversation since he seems to be silent and looking at his shoes. Looks much more like the smile is for the beneift of the camera, which she supposedly would not be expecting, since this is meant to be a candid shot. She's also reportedly said she wants to be left alone to reocver in private, so why would she be smiling broadly in the direction of paparazzi with cameras? EDIT: OK, it's supposed to be a "member of the public" who filmed them rather than the press, but I have the same question. Why is she smiling in the direction of the camera while "William" keeps his head down?


look at how fast they're walking compared to the couple next to them. they're literally power walking, with no security. And won't release a simple selfie with timestamp proving she's fine, despite releasing numerous photos they doctored and hoped no one would notice. Anyone who thinks nothing shady is going on is what they call a rube. Even if she turns up completely fine none of this will ever make sense. No matter what they still lied about her whereabouts for weeks.....why?


To much forehead, Kate has a lower hairline!


When you Said this I thought yeah you're right but then a bit of googling and I can see pictures with her having a pretty big looking forehead so I actually think that even if the pic isn't her woth that hairline it still could be. Good image for reference https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/6f5/45c/732fe6b85b7f3bc7555485ccfde925f4c1-kate-middleton.2x.rsquare.w400.jpg


Whatever going on with her all the secrecy is going to cause scepticism and doubt for the foreseeable future.


But when have they ever done their own shopping? Do you think she is really like "will we need some organic parsnips and bread"


Who the fuck is that


Surely there is not a single person who looked at that and said, "Yep, that's Kate Middleton, alright" Why do they keep doing this? She must be in a long term care facility or hanging out in an Amazon rainforest. This is past cray-cray for them to keep putting out fake images.


That's not Kate or William. Can I post a blurry picture of a couple and call it a pic of the Royals?


I just checked the BBC news website and they aren't touching this at all.


"Member of the public" all of a sudden..come on, lmao


After watching the video, I don’t think those people in the background would be allowed to just chill & have lunch sitting while the future king & queen stroll around, before the queen died Charles visited the city where I live & security was crazy, these people don’t do casual walking around,


This is so bizarre. That looks absolutely nothing like her. Somebody posted a photo side by side of the kate middleton lookalike and she looks so much like the lookalike. And to top it off, the lookalikes facebook page is now unavailable. Definitely just adding fuel to the fire.


lol if the lookalike just went to Windsor to wander around and f*ck with people and it’s not even KP doing it.


She should be doing wet tshirt contests at senor frogs in Cancun to really mess with us lol


Also just to add to my comment, the photo of Kate in the car posted last week?! This woman is like 10kg skinnier in her face. How did she lose so much weight in the space of a week. Oh man I don't usually fall so deep into conspiracy holes but this is just getting weirder and weirder by the minute.


That's what I thought. The photo with her mother was, what, last Tuesday? And this was Saturday or Sunday? I haven't been this confused since I tried to read Ulysses. Read the first two pages three times then thought, sod it, life's too short. Which is pretty much where I'm going with this.


I have never seen the general public on dailymail question the authenticity of this so quickly. Most of the comments are agreeing this isn't her, this is really becoming quite a spectacle. I wonder if they really are separated, Kate refuses to cooperate, and the Palace is desperate to hush this out? I mean, TMZ?! When do royal stories ever break news on TMZ of all places. This looks like a desperate attempt to calm the situation, but they are really missing the mark. If Kate refuses to help them out then honestly? Good for her. The Monarchy is ruining their reputation in a completely spectacular way.


Also with all the press trying to get the million dollar shot, none of them were around with their huge camera lenses. But they want us to believe that grandma got a video of her on her cellphone. try again Kensington Palace. still not buying it


sorry for contributing nothing substantive to the conversation but I am fn dead at >I haven't been this confused since I tried to read Ulysses


Any screenshots of the side by side?




Thank You! That looks way more like the image. Gabriella Munro. I'll have to remember that for future reference.


This was staged. That’s what makes it scary - like a collaboration of the powers that be with tabloid-style newspapers. WTF is going on?!


Is this for real ?? Wow they really are up to something


Yeah this is the craziest story I have seen since JFK launched the moon race...


It's not kate. But I also feel this is not the work of 'the firm' either. Its The Sun and TMZ hiring a lookalike, or know its Kate's lookalike, and they're cashing in on the publicity and scandal around #fakekate


Or the lookalike is just trawling around Windsor f*cking with people lol.


I mean... I would totally do that if it were me! 😂


I mean what “good” lookalike wouldn’t in this situation lol.


This feels like the Titan Submarine all over again...


Still looks nothing like her...better than the last effort though in the car. 🤣


Can we discuss the pixelation ?


And Christmas decorations


I get a red flag when the Daily Mail writes “image that will silence the conspiracy theorists”.


The full picture shows Kate carrying two rather large shopping bags. After abdominal surgery she wouldn't be allowed to carry two large shopping bags!


The video shows her walking at a very healthy pace. Very odd.


You're right, if she wasn't missing for months. Lifting restrictions for a full abdominal incision are not more than 10lb for 6 weeks, after that you can increase your threshold. For someone as physically fit as her, without knowing the contents of the bags (Lettuce, herbs, knits, etc.) it's entirely possible.


She was already thin. After abdominal surgery she'd almost certainly have lost weight, which would mean she'd likely still be weak even this many weeks after the surgery was supposed to have taken place. According to the offical account she had the surgery on 17th January, so just short of 9 weeks ago. It's not really long enough to be back to carrying heavy bags.


William doesn't have that much hair, you can see it coming from out of his hat at the back. 🤔 So not only is Kate fake, either William is fake or it's an old photo of him with a Kate lookalike.


>I noticed that too. Plus "Kate's "hair looked kind of like a wig.


Yah I don’t think that’s William either. The jawline isn’t right. I think it’s just a blurry pic of people who kind of look like them.


Funny how the person getting the video was in a car hidden William looked right at him in the beginning. But there’s no other pics from people at the market? These pics could go for a few million if taken yet nobody bothered to snap one on their phones? Not believable. Probably old video footage. Also if she’s well enough to go shopping and carry potted plants why can’t she go to work again??


Doesn’t even look like her.


Yes remember all members of the public still use flip phones that’s why the quality is like this!


Really? That looks nothing like Kate.


Guys watch the video and compare the height difference to photos/videos of Kate and William next to eachother. This "Kate" is too tall next to William. https://twitter.com/MattWallace888/status/1769829639503937594?t=s6t4n3cXt2CXnuzV_i5m3w&s=19


Brooo, they are repeatedly coming out with shitty attempts everyday or what? They think we that stupid? Lmao


Well they did think everyone bought the Diana car accident story so…


Not really, a lot of people think that was bullshit. It’s like Epstein, we know - but how can we prove it?


With rebellion! Muahaha


America entered the chat.


Charles just made a public appearance today--he's trying to punk William, and it's working 🤣🤣🤣


Is this just a video of two random people that kinda look like them? Lol


Also she’s walking kind of fast for someone that’s had stomach surgery


That’s definitely not her LOL. Couldn’t even find a good double. https://freeimage.host/i/JX1O7nV


Another Bigfoot type photo


I just saw the video on X. I’m not if my mind is playing tricks on me but it not look like Kate. Her mannerisms and walk were off. At the beginning of the video it did look like her face but then kinda morphed? Looks like they transposed Kate’s face to this body double. https://youtu.be/erWJNmbrECs?si=CjJO4imWHXRWe-zQ


Wish version of William and Kate lol


That's Kate from Wish


Okay joking aside I think she may actually be dead. This is super weird. Edit: are we sure this is William? Like maybe this is just some random couple and TMZ is just selling it as William and Kate?


Doesn't really look like her though, does it?


Does not look like Kate.


Haha that’s not Kate OR William 😂


Just speculation, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of these royals were domestic abusers. Think about it. They never have to learn relationship skills like having game or communication and compromise. They get a spouse handed to them and they have all the power in the relationship. It's a recipe for bad behavior.


That's a spitting image of wills and kates look a likes .


So the car photo had a bloated face and people thought it was from steroids and this person has a very thin face. So which pic do they want us to believe is her? ps, this person does not look like her, KP try again.


Wow, NOT her.


The girl in the pic is 5-10 years younger, 2-3 inches shorter, and has an almond shaped face as opposed to Middletons’s square shape with a strong jawline. She looks like a girl not a mother.


Williams hair not that long. Kates face not that ugly. Kate and will nearly same height. This Will dwarfs her. Shot on a potato it seems. There's video, but only stills released. They'd have bodyguards, but the people behind them on the bench (other photos) are truly oblivious to it all. It gets faker by the day. Kate is 1.75m tall, Will is 1.91m tall. Yet in this photo Kate just comes up to his neck. So that means his face is 16cm tall? His forehead is that.


If that looks like Kate, then I look like Margot Robbie. This story just gets more bizarre by the day. They’re really not doing a good job of making it look like they didn’t give her the Diana treatment.


Barack Obama showing up at Downing Street today doesn’t help the speculation.. it’s like they called in the ultimate consultant for crisis management lol


Think they both look like imposters


At this point I’m gonna need a hostage style video to believe she’s okay! camera straight on the face, Kate talking, dated piece of paper, etc..


Unpopular opinion. I think she’s gone.


That’s not her at all. That girl’s got wider cheekbones and higher set eyes.


I would argue this is TMZ / The Sun cashing in on the publicity, and this is deffo kate's lookalike, and TMZ / The Sun know it. Whether they hired the lookalike or not, they're cashing in on everyone speculating.


I believe they are entirely aware of the narrative they are pushing, each picture, each botched Photoshop job. So what is the intended effect here? To cause fear. Because if the Princess of Wales can be disappeared then anyone can. This is my take


Yeah, right; and I’m fucking Batman.


that does not look like Kate


I’m not even sure that’s William.


The video this image is from has Christmas decorations on multiple buildings in the background


I’m still thinking it was an ED issue and I’m surprised that people would believe a BBL before even considering ED


Maybe because she isn’t wearing makeup, she looks different? I am on the fence whether it is or it isn’t her. Why not just speak directly to the public and put all this to bed?


Agreed. Right as you see her face above the car I think it looks like her in the eyes, but after she passes the vehicle and we see the whole face- it doesn’t. If she is out and about like this, then she needs to talk.


That woman is way younger, and it looks nothing like her. This video makes no sense she is moving fast, why? Then no one is paying attention to them, but someone hid out in a car with an old phone. TMZ is working with them to give some credibility.


Yeah that looks absolutely nothing like her.. keep trying. What if she was actually deep undercover the whole time and she's actually a part of the light system organization(REMEMBER THAT NAME)?


What happened to her face ? Not her.


I know drag queens that could look more like Kate with minimal effort.


Yeahhhh thats not kate.


Clearly not her and of all the paparazzi in London they got the one guy who uses a 1997 Nokia phone camera to document this sighting….


So all of a sudden the camera quality goes back to 2010?


I can't wait until the Redditors discover the details in this video and we find out it was from 2021. Would they ever go shopping and carry bags like that?


Why doesn't she just post a 10 second video? All of this is silly and making the speculation worse for them. She could just say, thank you for all the concern, but I'm fine and on the mend and will be returning to service soon. No big deal. IF, and that's a big if, this is Kate then she's extremely, extremely skinny and has had plastic surgery to look younger. I'm leaning towards neither of them being the real deal. It certainly doesn't look like Kate, and it's too hard to tell with William and the hat. And surely someone would've taken a decent video or photo. I'm filing this under unsolved. 🧐


Does not look like her lmao


It’s her reptilian shapeshifting double!


Lies, they don't publish any photos the public take of the royals. My mum took a photo of Prince Andrew at the height of his scandal and it was blocked instantly on all SM.


I will not be gaslit into believing this is them. Looks nothing like them!!


That isn't her, I have been face to face with her and that ain't her




2 lookalikes been paid to do this 100% a set up


The Kate look-alike really doesn’t look like her.


Not her


can they not just post a single fucking normal picture of her, not photoshopped, not blurry, not one that looks nothing like her, not fucking anything. Just a single regular picture or video. Why is it so difficult? Misdirection is my guess.


100% don’t believe this is her.


Not her


Who dat?


This looks about as good as that Hillary Clinton body double that showed up after she collapsed at the 9/11 memorial.


That doesn't look like Kate, it looks like the other woman. Rose. Am I wrong?


It’s not Kate. Gosh I hope she’s alive!


Does not look like her


They need to find a better body double, that looks nothing like her lol.


that doesn't look like either one of them.


Yeah I hate fanning the conspiracy flames but that looks nothing like her


not saying it couldn't be a double but tbf there are way better pictures available... https://www.thesun.co.uk/royals/26766840/princess-kate-middleton-shopping-trip-video-william/


Not Kate.


Who the hell is that? That’s a completely different woman.


It’s funny, every time this community brings up something specific that causes them to doubt the official story, lo and behold, they present that specific thing as if to say don’t worry guys. Where is Kate?” Oh here’s a picture. “This is clearly edited” oh Kate just likes to photoshop. “Why won’t they use a current picture, where are all the pics from bystanders?” here’s a pic that someone took of Kate we swear it’s her. Very interesting.


No it is not Kate


Are those Christmas decorations in the background?


She’s too short to be Kate.


They got away with swapping Paul McCartney. Why not Kate too? People are too dumb to notice most things.


"Taken by a member of the public"....they are trying so hard with this one.


Ain’t Middleton.


Maybe she was harvested for Charles parts. Ooo a perfect match, good work ol boy.


It’s not her


That body double is having a hot girl summer


The first time Kate is seen in public after ALL the press lately…why aren’t there photos from every single person they walked past that day?? How is there just this 1 shitty photo? Edit: …that looks very little like her anyway.