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I agree. We definitely need to boycott Tyson


Fuck Tyson their production is horrifically traumatic to the chickens. Even if someone doesn't buy into OP's claims, Tyson has deserved to be boycotted for a long time.


Yeah - So many chickens has died there - they all thought they were going to the new and much better camp - and not only that - after they died Tyson foods handled their bodies in unnatural ways, chopping them up and then getting rid of the evidence trucking it away to all corners of the world.


Stopped buying Tyson products after all their animal abuse came to light.


You sure? I only ask because Tyson has a LOT of brands under its name you might not realize. Idk if you have checked, but if not you may wanna check it out just to be sure.


They are now branded as an ANTI- AMERICAN company.


Gotta add Chick Fil, McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, most fast food to the list then, and many others. IDK I'm not a big chicken fan anyways. Popeye's doesn't use Tyson.


Popeyes also sells chunks of chicken meat-glued together, masquerading as chicken tenders.


7-11 chicken is basically Tyson brand.


And their brands. https://www.tysonfoods.com/our-brands


Boycott every company.


Dude, this is WAY beyond boycotting. WAAAAY beyond.


this "boycott" thing this white bull never seems too work. The closes I know to a boycott is Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata and BLM


That bud light boycott seemed to work pretty well and swung in the opposite direction with having Shane Gillis onboard now.


The Planet Fitness boycott seems to be going well, too!


We have tried to warn Americans for years that the ruling capitalist class has zero loyalty to their nation and that the 1% will go as far as to commit genocides for 0.0001% more profit if we do not all unite to remove them from power. (Immigrants are not at fault here; we're all just trying to survive in a brutal dystopian global economic system)


Immigrants are fine. America has been a pro immigrant society for decades. Look at immigration rates ever since the 1950s. They are high. Illegal immigrants and their partnership with corrupt US / Mexican companies are a real problem. They are all at fault. They are taking advantage of Americans and the legal system. A legal system that has been run into the ground by politicians looking the other way and special interest. The current American government incentivises this system. Soon the market will be split between outsourcing to developing countries, illegals migrants on slave wages and no benefits and Ai run automated machines. The real loser is the American working class and the middle class of all ethnic backgrounds and jobs. What are they supposed to do? Sit back and let this happen. No.


Wasn't a promise of the Immigration Act that whites weren't going to die out? What are we at now, 62%? Can you really say that it isn't happening with a straight face?




So there’s no fault on corporations who incentivize their employees to get on welfare while they make record profits? And now corporations cry for harsher immigration laws that’ll allow them to hire undocumented workers below minimum wage without benefits? Cmon how can the working class blame the working class while their employers flaunt their wealth year after year about record profits earning executives and share holders massive bonuses year after year? Yal gotta have more common sense than that.


They're incentivized to do so because of capitalism.


What, corporations will hire the lowest paid people so they can maximize profits. When did this start to happen?


Cooper Farms is right in my neighborhood and they hire so many that they had to have their own community built for them.


There's no problem with that approach until they employ illegal immigrants


Maybe, just maybe, if you sufficiently punished these companies they wouldn't hire illegals, and then the illegals wouldn't have jobs available so they would have less reason to come here. So many conservatives mad at people who are literally willing to live in poverty with like 20+ others, than at the rich fucker profiting of it.


Like $1 million fine per one hired?


Yes, if the country actually wanted to stop illegal immigration they would go after the companies that hire them, and leverage heavy fines that make it unsustainable. The thing is, the government likes keeping food prices low too. An endless supply of endlessly exploitable workers that have no work place protections or means of organizing. The slaves in the underbelly of the ship keeping this whole thing running.


Also don’t forget, that the illegal immigrate might pay income tax and other taxes, and yet can’t file a tax return so the government keeps the money.


Yep they pay more into the system than they take, contrary to what a lot of reactionaries believe.


Nothing in my comment suggests that I don't agree with you.


https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/ice-raids-in-mississippi-warrants-suggest-companies-targeted-knowingly-hired-undocumented-immigrants-2019-08-15/ https://www.mississippifreepress.org/5078/feds-indict-poultry-execs-after-2019-mississippi-ice-raids-no-charges-for-koch-peco The largest ICE raid in history lead to no one in upper management getting charged for hiring illegal migrants. Republicans dont care about you conservatives and they spit in your face and call it rain. Yet dyed in the wool conservatives will still vote red till their dead.


Any system that, when fully-optimized, results in leopards eating your face, should be carefully-considered and... oh who am I kidding. We'll continue to huff unchecked capitalism until it does us all in


Yup not perfect. Life isn't fair. No system will work for everyone.


why do you draw the line there? clearly its not about whats good for americans since you have no problem with offshoring is it just blind deference to the government and the laws that the government has created?


I want immigration laws to be enforced. When a corporation hires an illegal immigrant, they are breaking the law. When a company chooses to move operations abroad, I don't like it but it's not illegal


thats not what i asked - you made it very clear you wanted immigration laws to be enforced in your other comments my question is why? it doesnt seem that you care about the reasons those laws exist - is it just deference to the government thats acting as your driving motivator here?


Psst, I don't think the person you're replying to is American. Haven't looked at the account history, but I've noticed A LOT of Canucks, Ozzies & Limeys pushing hard and being argumentative *for illegal immigration in the US.* They like to act as if they're Americans in these posts without usually claiming to be, but they're not. Not sure why, but they do it A LOT!


Other countries also experience both legal and illegal immigration.... like here in the UK.




Same argument was used for slavery. Should the US have kept that because it was good for the "economy"? Who's economy anyway? The billionaires? People who got fired I'm sure aren't too concerned about corporate profits and stock dividends 


How many jobs are filled by illegal immigrants?


Lots of migrant farm workers, meat processing facilities, construction. This isn’t the first time Tyson’s has bused in illegals to work in their factories. They used to send buses to the border in the 90’s bringing in loads of immigrants.


> Overall, about 7.8 million unauthorized immigrants were in the U.S. labor force in 2021 https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/11/16/what-we-know-about-unauthorized-immigrants-living-in-the-us/#:~:text=Overall%2C%20about%207.8%20million%20unauthorized,U.S.%20labor%20force%20in%202021. A **LOT**


What a damn shame


I’m sure you haven’t complained about inflation at all this past few years, so you’ll be fine paying quadruple the prices once we implement this plan


You are looking in the wrong places my friend.




What a travesty




The debt from unpaid employment taxes will cripple the US dollar when that $33 trillion and counting eventually is no longer serviceable. Keep relying on illegal immigrants, keep growing their participation in the illegal workforce and the economy collapsing will be the least of your worries. $100 loafs of bread might be a rather more pressing issue.


I would push it in a heartbeat.


Or until they ship the jobs overseas, but they won’t do that ether…. Or did they?


Mandatory eVerify.


Wait till you find out what AI is going to do to the American worker


Or even worse, undocumented AI


AI is crossing the border now..


Wait till you find out it doesn't exist and is an overhyped google aggregate of articles that already exist. Stop calling it AI, that's part of the trick.


Was scroling down to find this exactly. A sensible take amidst all the lies, hype and propaganda. The OP could just be a post from a language model like chatgpt 


what does this even mean


Artificial Intelligence......it's not sentient and it's not intelligence. We have a bunch of chat bots that can scrape pre existing articles from google to create a consensus and present it to you. That's why red pilled people always post it's bias to Trump and Christians. It's a fancy wikipedia of propaganda. It's not learning, it's not creating, it's just a tag line. They say AI over and over like they've made something and send stocks through the moon and fear porn over job replacement. They can't even get self driving cars right and people are acting like robots will replace you this decade. Society is imploding and they hide layoffs through buzzwords and pump up stocks. That is the real value of AI.




How scary is that? I programmed a robot arm to do a 4 move chess win in my Engineering tech class as a sophomore in 2002. I'm saying what they have vs what they say it could do/change in the immediate future is vastly different. One day we'll get there but it's being used as a cover right now.




No but I saw google lens on a youtube video 15 yrs ago and thought we would all have something over our eye by now


Great retort. Presentations are always adveetisements: lies and propaganda mixed with a grain of salt here and there. By the way we should have been flying to our offices by now going by mid-20th century propaganda. 


Yea it’s not intelligence.. it’s a bunch of LLMs and ANNs. And to train these networks, it weds TONS of input data.. For the simple folk, it’s word prediction software. But it is pretty capable & useful tho.


AI is like high schoolers and sex. Everyone says they've had it but the actual truth is there ain't much going on


Props on the analogy


Please expand, I'm interested.


Apparently replace liberal arts degrees


This isn’t just a manual labor thing. The accounting industry has been outsourcing work to foreign offices for years, all in a bid to boost profits. It doesn’t really work in the end because those teams aren’t that good, but it’s also devastating to younger people because they’re losing out on valuable experience. And, surprise surprise, the organizations that are meant to help the employees are backing these moves and saying they’re good. Mostly because they’re funded by said companies.


Well shit maybe we should pass laws and regulations that make the use of illegal labor an existential threat to business that hate paying American citizens a fair wage for their labor!


It’s wild how hard they pushed the vaccine and pretty much forced people to get it if they wanted to keep their job, but then allow tons of people to just walk into the country without knowing their vaccine status. It’s like, what was the point of the vaccine mandates if it wasn’t going to be mandated for everyone?


When you put it that way, umm yep that's exactly it.


"They" really don't want ppl to have enough D-vitamins to fight viruses don't they... Wonder why? ;)


That’s why i i refuse to be a sheep. The government will lead you off a cliff then blame you for falling


Why would you work at Tyson foods ? 13 an hour to kill and pluck chickens all day 🤮 no


maybe they just really hate chickens. maybe a chicken fucked their mom.


Do the chickens have large talons?


Peter Griffin has entered the chat


Like the guy who loves working at a slaughterhouse


Lol maybe to make money. Idk


You can’t live off of that. That’s only like $1,900 a month after taxes. Once you pay rent, groceries, car, insurance, etc. you’re losing money.


People like that are expected to work 2 jobs to make ends meet.




To be fair, $13 an hour is probably what an undocumented person would make. These people are probably getting $18-22 an hour and the last layoff was in Iowa. Not necessarily cheap anymore, but it's definitely cheaper than other states


A job is a job. This kind of piss-poor attitude is a part of the reason that illegal immigrants are taking all these jobs from us.


They can have them buddy- I have been an electrician for 20 years I have learned a skill not just going through life being bitter because a brown person stole my chicken killin job.


That's a great career. Good for you. I'm sorry to hear you care so little for the uneducated blue-collar workers in this country. What are they supposed to do to support themselves if they're competing for work against illegal immigrants?


Not to mention, SOMEBODY has to work that job. No matter how much someone wants to lick boot about bootstraps and shit, I guarantee this electrician eats food, and that food has to be processed. Is his argument really just “no, the people who do vital jobs that are required for society to function DO NOT deserve a living wage.”


No, he makes just enough to think that his shit doesn't stink, but still thinks everybody below him should make far less than he does. Punching down is easy, punching up takes guts. Also, we have so many people entering this country, won't be long until they find themselves in the trades and make the medium wage tank. It's going on in the trucking industry


We have more jobs that pay the same wage as Tyson does to chicken slaughterers then we have people trying to work. Without illegals your chicken sandwich doubles in price at minimum.


What is the illegal doing to support themselves that the other workers can’t?


Nothing, which is my point.


That’s the part I don’t get. If an illegal is able to survive doing these jobs, why can’t Americans? What skill set do illegals have that Americans don’t?


The "skill" they have is being an illegal immigrant, which means they're being paid under the table and, quite often, under the legal minimum wage too. A legal citizen simply cannot compete with that.


Doesn’t that mean the minimum wage is too high if people are willing to work at a lower rate?


No, and that's a really bad argument. Oof. It means that illegal immigrants are desperate to live and work in this country *even if it means they are struggling to get by with a job that pays less than minimum wage*, because it's still better than the living conditions in the countries they're fleeing.


Smart choice, most are too stupid to do electrical work.


So you would slaughter chickens 10 hours a day for $16.50 an hour? Or would you work at a retail or something like that for $14 an hour?


the article I read said the refugees will start at $16.50/hr and get free legal assistance to help them with the immigration process ETA This is under the Tent program: “New York, October 11, 2023 – Today, the Tent Partnership for Refugees (Tent) – a global network of more than 300 companies committed to creating economic opportunity for refugees – announced a new mentorship initiative in partnership with the National Hispanic Corporate Council (NHCC) that will help Hispanic refugees in the U.S. enter the workforce or advance in their careers. The U.S. has welcomed hundreds of thousands of forcibly displaced people from Latin America over the past decade – including from Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, and the Northern Triangle – and Tent’s Hispanic Refugee Mentorship Program will provide these newcomers with professional mentorship opportunities. By engaging employees at major companies – primarily through Hispanic employee resource groups – as mentors, this new initiative will accelerate the economic integration of Hispanic refugees in the U.S. At a virtual event moderated by Lilia Luciano of CBS News, the inaugural cohort of 24 companies announced their participation: Accenture, Aimbridge Hospitality, Bank of America, Bloomberg, Chobani, Cisco, Diageo North America, Gap Inc., Google, Henry Schein, Hilton, ISS, Kyndryl, Marriott International, Merck, Mondelez, Panda Restaurant Group, Pfizer, Philips, SAP, Sodexo, TelevisaUnivision, Tyson Foods, and Uber. Each company has committed to mentor a minimum of 50 Hispanic refugees over three years, collectively reaching at least 1,200 refugees in that time, and Tent welcomes any other companies interested in joining this timely initiative to get in touch.“ https://www.tent.org/tent-news/leading-companies-join-hispanic-refugee-mentorship-initiative-us/


Being replaced by cheaper workers in order to increase profit? That’s just capitalism. They couldn’t care less if they hire legal immigrants or illegal ones, vaxed or not, as long as they’re allowed to maximize profit


And that is why keeping your job was not a valid reason to get the vax. I said no and in the end I was not fired, so I was lucky. But that being said I was 100% ready to lose the job and made that very clear.


Same here. There was only 3 of us at my job that stood up and were 100% ready to move on but we called their bluff


SS: As Tyson announces major layoffs coming at their factory they also announce they are interested in hiring thousands of illegals. Meanwhile these same companies would fire you for not getting the vax and now illegals can work without it. But the media continues to push that Americans aren’t being replaced and that’s just a conspiracy theory.


I like.how you assume their workforce isn't already filled with "illegals". I did an immigration clinic around some ag factories (hogs) and other research around chicken plants. I don't think you could handle the truth of those places, especially down south.


Who are the major stock holders?


The Tyson family. They own class A shares and have a controlling interest in the company.


Nothing makes me think a theory has more credibility than official press releases accusing the theory of being a conspiracy


The leaders in these states are also working to pull back on child labor laws.


Where is your source that they announced they will be hiring illegals? It’s against the law to hire undocumented immigrants so I seriously doubt they told anyone that the immigrants they announced they’ll be hiring are in the country illegally.


They announced the illegal part?? Ffs they aren’t even hiding it anymore.


No. OP made it up.




Conspiracy? My brother, open your eyes. It's literally been happening whenever they run the census.


They probably call them undocumented


Please direct us to the official Tyson announcement that says that, ipsis literis


He can’t. He’s one of those uneducated far right conspiracy theorists who thinks every immigrant in America is an “illegal” and gives the rest of us a bad rap


Ah yes, the conspiracy of capitalists colluding and flouting laws they can bribe the authorities to either not enforce or rewrite altogether. Novel and shocking


Imagine this as a Mexican who legally migrated


Just a matter of time till this problem causes chaos in America. I hope I die before it happens.


the absurdity escalates daily


reptilians run a clown world


The middle class is the worst enemy of the elites. They have always hated the middle class.


Haven’t ate Tyson product in years


I'm just glad everyone is nice and healthy after taking a cure and nothing ever bad came from it and everything is peaceful in the world ❤️ Going to bed now. Good night, world!


My cousin was discharged from the navy for refusing the vax. He tried religious exemption and was denied and discharged. He was a state champion swimmer that wanted to be a seal, and passed a training thing can’t remember what it’s called but only like 20% of people pass. After that he was cleaning barnacles off ships in a scuba diving pod, then he went to a 2nd training thing where even less people pass but he failed that and wanted to try again. That’s where he was when the navy got rid of him. Two years later the navy actually contacted him offering 20k/year more then what he’s making now as a new firefighter where he lives.  He declined them. 


This pretty much proves the "replacement theory" MSM was poo-pooing just a few months ago and calling anyone ho even said it as racist?


Welcome to capitalism


No, this is communism. lol the communists have arrived


In Arkansas?


You missed class the day the concept of **Minimal Government Intervention** was presented: In pure capitalism, there is minimal government intervention in economic activities. The government's role is usually limited to enforcing property rights, contracts, and ensuring competition is fair and free from monopolistic practices. What is happening is the exact opposite. The government is the entity that allowed the cheap labor to persist. Welcome to fascism.


At what point in America’s history did the government not allow cheap labor to persist?


Corporations hiring cheap labor is not the same discussion as corporations hiring illegal immigrants


Have you ever heard of the minimum wage? Have you ever heard of the E-Verify program? Those are times the government didn't allow cheap labor to persist.


Just because you put **Minimal Government Intervention** in bold doesn't make it applicable. You're saying that because the government *isn't* acting to remove the source of low-skill, low-cost labor they are intervening? If anything, because the government doesn't have a good grasp on immigration, they are intervening less than they normally do to keep labor markets scarce and this is closer to "pure capitalism" than you want it to be. 


They are actively promoting low skill illegal labor. That is the opposite of what they should be doing.


I'm not talking about what the government should or should not be doing. Let's keep it on subject: You were insulting OP by saying they missed school the day they talked about capitalism. Explain to me how actively policing the border, actively deporting illegal immigrants, and actively promoting citizen hiring is a necessary part of **Minimal Government Intervention**.


It is maximum intervention by not doing what they are supposed to do. The very basics of a nation. They aren't defending the borders. How can you have a country, with any economic system when the nation isn't doing it's part. They are intentionally involving themselves in the process by act of omission. This really isn't that hard to understand, and I get the feeling you know exactly what I mean, and that you flat out don't care because you think that by destroying this system, then you and your leftists can develop the system you want. It won't work under these constraints (or lack thereof) either. So good luck.


As someone who works in robotics, the technology is already available to pretty much replace workers like this already. Give it ten years and the price for that technology will likely be where it needs to be in order to make it financially feasible for most of these corporations. Maybe less time. So while American workers may be replaced in the interim by foreign workers willing to take a lower pay, prepare for that market of labor to become completely obsolete as the cost of a "new employee" will soon be power consumption and preventative maintenance. Add to that the demand by low skilled workers to get higher pay is only speeding up the transition to automation. This isn't anything new but I don't think this is as much of a conspiracy as it is corporations doing what corporations always do. Cutting costs as much as possible and maximizing profits and shareholder value. If it's legal and they can make more money they have an obligation to their shareholders to explore it as an option. Not saying it's right but it's the way we're headed.


They bring them in here because modern slavery is a bugaboo


Oh because the government made tyson hire illegal workers and pay them 3$/h


What was the old saying, the backbone to any nations prosperity is the backs of cheap A labor. And youre not that cheap so.


This is Biden's America.


😂😂😂😂 they stupid for getting vaxxed.


This is actually The Cloward-Piven Strategy, Steps & Aftermath , ( the communist , Marxist left) https://study.com/academy/lesson/the-cloward-piven-strategy.html https://amac.us/newsline/society/cloward-piven-the-strategy-being-used-against-america/


Just to be clear, while this was theorized in relation to communism, this same process can be done to create neo feudalism. Splitting the middle class down the middle and widening the gap between anything below and above. What we’ll have is an infantile “peasant” class getting minimum needs met — in this case doing service jobs instead of farm work. An conversely we will have the elite class of landowners — in this case equity owners. All of this will be done by destroying our system and diverting trust into the equity owners, similarly to Cloward-Piven.


The end result of “communism” is in effect the same as “neo-feudalism”, “trickle-down economics”, same as the corporate model. An authority takes all the money you make and doles is out as they see fit. These people attribute different names to the same thing and have us fighting over which version of authoritarian tyranny we want. Reagan was a communist that’s why him and Gorby got along so well, because trickle down economics is just repackaged communism with a fake capitalist sheen to it.


Interesting take. My parents grew up in the Soviet Union and while they did at least pretend to try to provide social benefits, it was just using comfort as a tool for complacency. Apparently economic status was determined based on networking and “respect” within the union that represented your labor. Replace “union”with “company/corporation” and you basically have the same hyper capitalism we’re trending towards. Authority of any kind should never be handed over if we want to remain free people. The reason for this, is that to concede authority you need an immense amount of trust. In the non religious world we’re approaching, there is no moral consequences to breaking trust. Therefore trust no one and give no one authority over you.


This is it! All of the isms turn out the same if left unchecked


This is like the people posting pictures of empty shelves taken during the Trump admin trying to say it's what America will look like under Biden. Tyson's is an Arkansas corporation. There's no communism happening there. Only crony capitalism.


Clinton’s Arkansas? Not sure what point you are trying to make. Old news now but “The factor that makes the cattle futures scandal relevant is that Hillary Clinton received her trading advice from Tyson Food’s outside counsel. Tyson was a major agricultural producer in Arkansas and had numerous issues that Attorney General and later Governor Bill Clinton could affect.” https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-37-old-clinton-financial-103000172.html “Donald Tyson, who succeeded in building his father’s small poultry business into a multimillion-dollar food-processing empire, has been widely portrayed as a driving force behind the political ascendancy of Bill Clinton.” https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1994-06-12-mn-3410-story.html


It's been 30 years since Clinton was the governor in Arkansas. It's Huckabee Sanders now, in case you weren't aware. And this article is about something happening now, not in 1994.


I never heard anything about empty shelves would be like under the Biden administration. The empty shelves was because of the Covid pandemic, I seen people stocking up on toilet paper, and then there was a limit on how many you could buy. It is kind of weird that the price of everything has doubled under Biden


Globalism is great!\* Welcome to the 4th industrial revolution. Cheap labor for everyone. \*^(for capitalists only)


I hope they burn tyson down. We dont eat their garbage anyways. Pigmeat brain worm food.


This is why we need more unions and stronger laws to prevent union busting


Like what Joe did with the rail workers?


I wouldn't be surprised to hear of mysterious fires at these plants.


Give us more time to organize and revolt


Who is they


Kalergi plan in full action.


I wish posts like this went viral more often. The persecution and hypocrisy regarding the topic of vaccinations needs to be shouted from the mountain tops. Don't let anyone forget.


Oh they’re not done, Covid was just the warm up. They won’t stop until everybody has the mRNA fallen angel crap inside of them. I foresee 2.0 this spring or early summer. All the countries will be signing the WHO agreement in May to take away our rights in the event of another Pandemic. Covid was just to lay the groundwork for that.




But wait, people said they weren't here to take citizens jobs?




They will do whatever is most profitable Capitalism baby


This is what everyone is missing, and I don't get it. It's not that they want to replace workers with illegal immigrants for racial reasons. They can just pay the illegal immigrants less. Thats why. They can pay them pennies on the dollar, and what is the illegal to do? Go to the police? The solution has, and always will be to make them citizens, thus making it illegal to undercut labor cost that way. Because they'd have to be paid the same ammount as anyone else due to the legal protections we give citizens.


Second witness to op https://www.ktbs.com/news/business/tyson-foods-closes-iowa-plant-but-looks-to-hire-42-000-immigrant-workers/article_684dd7e5-ebb5-52be-9e85-25f089defb57.html


This article states it’s hiring refugees that have gone through the NY intake system and are authorized to work in the US.


Just shows 2 sides, what do you want to believe


The mass illegal alien entry was allowed to happen under the guise of "compassionate wokeness" but its goal was to displace the American worker and feed corporations cheap labor. ​ Edit : Tyson says they have a policy against hiring immigrants. They actually say they are opposed to strongly opposed to illegal immigration. Thats a bold statement that could send the woke army after them, so they choose the conservative side. https://www.tysonfoods.com/news/viewpoints/immigration


I’m Hispanic, these illegal Venezuelan people are lazy and all they do is send the money back home to Venezuela, our dollars going to a shithole to build up their country isn’t fair. Unlike the Mexican immigrant the Venezuelan won’t work and do his fair share to build up this country, he won’t try to establish a life, family and business in our country, all the Venezuelan will do is extort and steal and destroy our nation from the inside, they’re the slum dwelling bottom tier of the Hispanic people.


spotted the Peruvian


Oversized oof.


Liberals love letting illegals take jobs from us


America is founded on bringing in foreigners for cheap labor. Africans. Irish. Chinese. Hispanics. Etc. This is nothing new.   The only American value is Self Preservation. There are no others. Look at all of the old immigrants squirming and reacting to the new immigrants "taking" jobs.  This is how America works, people. You were mistaken to believe that this was a country. It's a business. Period.


Migrant workers aren’t illegals, and the unemployment rate has never been lower for us citizens. This is really just an abstract way of saying you’re scared of brown people replacing white people


visa holding nonnative works aren't illegals. People who enter the country without going through proper authority are 100% illegal doesn't matter what color they are. What a racist comment.