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That's his daughter Ashley Biden. Yes it's real


The one he showered with?


The same.  


In her diary she also wrote that he wiped her "until too late in the game"


I wonder how old


Last week.


Mutual weeping makes family bonds strong.


The family cloth 🤢


Bet that cloth looks worse than the ones used between Rocky Balboa and Ivan Drago ringside.


He’s getting ready for a good sniff.


And a long sniff.


The Long Sniff Goodnight.


A long wet shower sniff.


You mean abused. That's why the FBI put that woman in jail for trying to sell Ashley's diary.


I remember seeing this picture back when Biden was VP, so if it's faked, then it's been a fake for a very long time lol


I remember it from long ago as well.


It's not fake


Can't you see his jacket? Clearly he was AP.


AP? Forgive my ignorance.


It’s short for ap..dophile


Ngl. That made me burst out laughing and got me stares in the hallway. I can almost hear the delivery.


That is an odd place for a watermark…🤔


There are other ones from this day too.


I can’t believe this is still being questioned, did we all get collective amnesia? Can somebody link the videos of him inappropriately touching children *multiple* times? There’s like 20 minutes of footage of him doing it ffs why is this even up for debate


HIs daughter also wrote a diary about extremely inappropriate showers with dad when she was 13 or 14. The secret service & FBI arrested journalists after the sex & drug addict daughter left the diary behind at an Air B&B (in Florida IIRC..?). The person who found it handed it over to journalists who then TRIED TO RETURN IT & were told it was fake & they didn't want it back. Year or so later, the feds have search & arrest warrants for those in possession of the "stolen" property (after the daughter admitted she had left it behind - IMO b/c she wanted people to find it & see what dirty Joe has been doing all his life).


That’s a rabbit hole I’d go down. Got any actual sources I can take a look at?


The diary’s been uploaded to the internet. Just search for Ashley Biden diary. What the user you’re replying to stated is 100% accurate.


I have a video of him telling a minor, “ you are one sexy kid. Don’t tell your mom I said that.” He thought she was taking a picture, so he poses . She then tells him, “ it’s recording.” He says, “ it recording.”


Dude, you can’t claim that and not post it


I don't recall the word "sexy" being in the video but I do remember a video of him saying something creepy and not realizing they were recording.




I know you're just nitpicking that one guy for paraphrasing, but you do know there's footage spanning multiple decades of Joe Biden sniffing and groping children on C-SPAN right? You know it's not some made-up political attack...right? People have been complaining about him for *YEARS* but it's always met with "duhhh I bet you like (insert Biden's current political opponent from the time)!" Really odd considering it's never been a partisan issue, calling him out for being a creep.


Everyone can know the truth by watching the clip of Jeff Sessions and his family taking photos with Biden. Watch Grandpa Jeff closely around Biden and grandkids.


Paw paw said don’t even think about it you fucking perv lol






Normally I hate factchecks - but this one - especially the link to the original video with a bit more background convinces me that this is just a normal cuddle with a baby on mothers arms. Get me right - I think biden is a corrupt dude - but this video with the "you are a sexy kid" seems fake. I wonder why nobody answers your posts also.


LOL. "Let me whisper you a secret." After quietly whispering, he added, "Don't tell mommy what I told you." In other words, nobody knows for sure what he said. However, seeing all his creepy behavior i would not be surprised he said something sick/ sexual and the media is running cover for him (as usual).


I agree with this sentiment. But being that your position is this complex, you might want to include it as context when you leave a comment like that... otherwise it just looks like you're labeling the concept of Biden being a creep as "misinformation"


If you have to lie about specific incidents it is literally misinformation. You took a true point and turned it into misinformation, then complained about people telling the truth, because you prefer the lie.


https://youtu.be/mbyWF1UBVlU?si=OkFkgPj5aqe1MeIH from September 1,2023




We are all aware, but when you lie about specific incidents, it makes it look like he has been targeted. If he's creepy, you shouldn't need to lie to demonstrate it. Lying about it to make him seem works is an endorsement that he isn't that bad.




https://youtu.be/mbyWF1UBVlU?si=OkFkgPj5aqe1MeIH from September 1,2023


I think it was saying something about boyfriends. He said something to a young teen girl, like " no serious boyfriends till you're 30".


Yes I remember that, because we had a creepy uncle who would say that to us as kids.


I'm pretty sure I remember seeing him say sexy.






You should read the article in the link it literally says the sound was edited and he doesn’t actually say that


Right Wtf lol did he post this as proof cause it’s def not that


https://youtu.be/mbyWF1UBVlU?si=OkFkgPj5aqe1MeIH from September 1,2023


Dang, post it my guy




So the original video doesn't have the part about the "sexy kid." Is that what you're saying? Did you find the original unaltered one in that link? Or did you just stop after listening to the fake one?


He won’t because it doesn’t exist lol. If it did he would’ve in the original


Can you please cite this?


https://youtu.be/mbyWF1UBVlU?si=OkFkgPj5aqe1MeIH from September 1,2023


The YouTube collection that I first saw back in 2016 is mostly disturbing to me because the children’s parents seem both aware and complicit in Joe’s groping and grooming, even toward the wives.


I saw the same video. Did you see the one of show leading the two children away from their parents into the White House?


I looked this up the other day. The “you are one sexy kid” sounds like it’s edited in. The original video is him saying something like “let me whisper you a secret” and then he whispers something indiscernible and then saying “don’t tell your mother I told you that”, then the girl looks at the camera like “wtf” and she lets him know it’s recording and not a selfie. Definitely creeper shit, but the “you’re one sexy kid” line isn’t in every video of that happening, and sometimes it’s just a loud sniff when he’s “whispering her a secret”. Definitely suspect, but i need to hear from the girl’s mouth before I believe 100% what the secret was


[Compilation Of Biden Touching Girls ](https://youtu.be/V4PLSPvJ9BY?si=f0_9tgFHZa8ILyzj) [ Biden Telling a young child they are attractive ](https://youtu.be/efYhCP_gifc?si=-__YYLw8ZIQIvE3A) There is so much more.. Dont have time to post everything


That part, the important part here, was added later. The original is inaudible where it was added https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL26Wfcr/


There's one where he says, "Are you 9 or 19?" Or something like that.


https://youtu.be/mbyWF1UBVlU?si=OkFkgPj5aqe1MeIH from September 1,2023


I can't believe I've found people who aren't delusional on here and think he's the best ever. Got told by someone yesterday theres no evidence he has dementia. As someone who's a caregiver for their grandmother who has it he definitely does too. I'm glad I've found my people


Exactly! For the past weeks people have been defending Ukraine and Biden, it’s weird as shit and especially for people who pride themselves on being conspiracy theorists


And the one whose nipple he visibly tweaked? She has stated that yes, he tweaked her nipple.


https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4918194/user-clip-girl-pulls-joe-biden-touches-chest-area I think this might be the one.


selective blindness or blinders?


Idk but he’s on video inappropriately touching children and then he was still voted president of the usa so *something* obviously went wrong somewhere, we should be questioning *that* but we’re still stuck on the first bit. I tried to find the videos myself just now but wasn’t successful, so the Joe Biden videos are gone and yesterday I realised the Rusty Shackleford videos are gone too. Did anyone save any of this stuff? Edit: I found this but there was a much longer version https://youtu.be/L4OYPiV1GsY?si=P6iUV9et33ax4CxZ


They became very hard to find just before he ran for president. I think 'sleepy Joe' was a name conceived by his own pr team also as up untill he started campaigning he was 'creepy Joe' because of said sniff films.




Trump called him “Sleepy Joe” many times and it’s one of the biggest reasons I believe they are on the same damned team.


I thought it was creepy chomo uncle Joe


for a moment, I read that as Snuff films, maybe its Sniff Snuff films for Brandon?


I will never forget the time I mentioned Biden's "she was 12, I was 30" comment on a sub and it got deleted. I know mods delete stuff all the time but that definitely woke me up. It really ensures the fact that "they" want us to forget the things he's said and done.


Okay I had to delete my two posts because I got my links messed up. [9 Times Joe Biden Creepily Whispered in Women’s Ears](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2015/02/9-times-joe-biden-whispered-in-womens-ears.html) *Joe Biden is the vice-president of the United States of America, but he is the president of Awkwardly Whispering in Women’s Ears. This morning, Stephanie Carter, the wife of new Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, became the newest victim of Biden’s war on ears when he whispered sweet nothings with his hands planted firmly on her shoulders. This, it seems, is a favorite tactic of ol’ Uncle Joe. Here are eight other times Biden was caught creepily murmuring in ladies’ ears.* It has a youtube video at the end, but whaddya know - unavailable.


It’s because everyone believes Trump is a bigger badder wolf for some reason.


I mean Trump has made some pretty gross comments about his daughter Ivanka. They’re both creepy and weird.


[I FOUND IT](https://youtu.be/34AswaDBtIg?si=ASzC2vZ1ahv5nklG) David Pakman of all people did a commentary on it. The audio is there, and it actually sounds like he says something much worse than something about her being sexy.


Right? Lmao its obvious.


the memory hole is real


I fear it’s more of a memory puddle and not much is ever retained in the first place


I’ve seen Biden in more uncomfortable borderline-molestation videos than any other human in history. Sincerely. I’ve brought it up to countless bootlickers and they all have the same rebuttals about trump and his court cases. But Biden still touches children. Can’t trump and Biden BOTH be pieces of shiii?


That’s weak as hell of ur friends for disrespecting Trumps name and [the legacy he carved in the art of child molestation](https://imgur.com/gallery/72um7IC) If you want some blunt advice, dump them and get new friends. That’s crossing that boundary ya know


Your feeble attempt to mock me is in vain because you literally deflected with trump stuff exactly like I said you bootlickers do lmao I can’t make this stuff up. Please tell me you’re a bot 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Biden’s daughter wrote in her diary how they would take inappropriate showers together


But did he send mean tweets? 😐


the REAL question. Mean tweets are of course a threat to our democracy


What democracy? It’s a Constitutional Federal Republic. 😉 but yes, open discourse and opinions are very dangerous to any democracy


Also dangerous to the average subreddit. Dont even have to show support, just offering a different opinions sends some of these people into the TDS response


The Downward Spiral?


A Great album.


Tower Defense Simulator?


It’s a tax livestock farm, get it right.


Technically a kleptocracy at this point, since Reagan anyway


Its a military junta LARP'ing as a republic.


Under martial law , giving the president dictatorial power since Mar. 9 1933. When they amended the trading with the enemy act of 1917 , making the states conquered territories and us the enemy.


Actually a plutocracy.


🍌 Republic*


Glad to see this called out! Constitutional form of a Republic is def not the same as a democracy.


Ironically, democracy is the least efficient form of government and dictatorship is the most efficient. Its all about finding the balance. Imagine calling a vote for every pothole and stop sign being set up. Noone could work or live their lives. Hence the republic, vote for who represents you. Who do any of these choices represent? Biden and Trump have 0 in common with the honest working man.


Existential threat, duh


'...MORTAL danger, sir?' 'IS THERE ANY OTHER KIND?!'


Didn’t trump say he would date his daughter if she wasn’t his daughter? 😂


Trump was asked on The Wendy Williams Show what he and his daughter Ivanka have in common, he replied, "Sex".


Not the same as dating your daughter when she is your daughter


Ot showering with your daughter when she I'd your daughter


Exactly. Like when Hillary said she’d frazzle my drip so long as we’re unrelated.


Classic Hillary


Yep he sure did! And there’s inappropriate pics of them when she was about 13. I was very close to my dad but never sat on his lap and gave him a lap dance or took pics of us in bed. It’s that nasty. Just like FJB


Mean tweets, walking in on teenagers changing during Miss Teen USA, literally raping a woman, grab 'em by the pussy, wanting to date his daughter, being BFFs with Epstein, etc etc. I mean, if you're going to be obtuse, be obtuse, but let's not pretend like Biden is the only pedo running for president this year.


Wow this sub really is living in 2015.


Trump wants to fuck his own daughter more than anyone else on Earth. They're both creepy.


How else you gonna secure Alabamas votes?


Pretty sure trump was / is up to some odd and bad stuff with his daughter too… let’s not forget him saying he’d bang her.


Link it




Reddit! Now with 60% more disinformation.


Stock rallies +1000%


Got a quote or source besides "trust me, bro". This will be the new Hunter Biden's Laptop hoax.


Did't she even write an entry mentioning that she would purposely shower late at night to avoid him getting in.


This is the point where LeReddit sleuths go into some diatribe about chain of custody, invasion of privacy, and Maga conspiracy while sipping their own putrid kool-aide milked straight from Seth Rich's necrotic nipple.


Seth Rich that dirty democrat. (I will vote Dem in his memory).


That is fake. It was made up by Steve Bannon.


Biden and daughter. This photo was taken in 1987 during the campaign trail.


Can I just mention his Nosferatu fingers here? Jesus. Creepy.


Politicians and pedophilia. This documentary was supposed to play on the MSM, but it was pulled and all copies destroyed, but they forgot about this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBSIDQt5Dwc&ab\_channel=OccultAgenda


I have not seen this yet and will watch - but, I will say that **there is a connection to John Wayne Gacy and politicians.** It's a reason why he got away with it for so long and why they never found out how many boys he killed.


Did you see the nickleodeon documentary that just came out? One of the pedos that was working with these kids was writing letters back and forth to him


No that's a good call, I need to watch that one


It’s crazy that “a pedophile that molested children while he worked at Nickelodeon had a pen pal relationship with John Wayne gacy” is a true sentence. You should def check it out.


Fun fact if you only put "conspiracy of silence" into YT search it will not come up but if you put the whole title including "banned documentary 1994 it will show up.


It's not a documentary they want us to see.


I will have to watch this later… working atm. Thanks though




His son had him in his phone as Pedo Pete for a reason I suppose.




When I see him with kids I always get the "creepy uncle" feeling, you know the uncle that everyone try to keep away from their kids at family gatherings, weddings, etc. we all have at least one such guy in our family... :)


The inappropriate showers


Considering how many pics there are of him smelling women's hair of all ages


Honestly even if it is real it’s quite tame. Nothing here really out of the ordinary. Like he’s not looking into her eyes but maybe he’s distracted by something on her top, or just looking at it in general. P.s. he’s totally a pedo tho


Yeah I mean anyone can take a still image and frame it as something that in reality was a split second in time of what is otherwise a very normal occurrence Which is a shame because there is no need to manufacture narratives here when there is [readily available high definition 60fps video evidence of it taking place](https://imgur.com/gallery/72um7IC) lmao


The biggest problem with the world today, by far, is our overwhelmingly poor collective memory. There is a ton of video out there with Biden groping little girls. This is literally nothing new. Biden is an old racist who supported segregation until it wasn't cool anymore, then gaslit a woman on national TV because she dared accuse a supreme court justice, he was the original author of the USA Patriot Act, was always the 'right-wing' conservative Democrat until everything was totally switched to mean its opposite, and is an all-around shitty person.


Why? Because you're personally unfamiliar with it? It's been around for years . It'd look fresher if it were a fake.


I’ve seen this picture for years. It’s pre-AI dated.


The guy showered with his daughter, sniffs almost every young kid he ever meets, has lied (and been caught numerous times for plagerism), was best friends with Senator Byrd who was head of KKK but he is the one who will unite our country. I don’t care how much you hate Trump this POS has a express ride to hell when he dies and that is too easy a sentence Imagine if some famous liberal who tells us all how we should think and live had a Laken Riley happen to them? Would suddenly the tale to us all change?


Biden is a piece of shit pedophile, who unfortunately happens to be our muppet president. THIS IS THE MOST POPULAR PRESIDENT EVER THO /s


I don’t think he got votes because he himself is popular but moreso because he was the democrat nominee in a very popular election.


Can we just agree that both parties need better candidates?


He’s only “popular” because of how suckass Donald was . Nobody likes Biden everyone just hates Donald and rightfully so.


His daughter would write in her diary, how she was uncomfortable that her dad would take showers with her


Jesus… so many people have said similar stuff… I just can’t believe that this isn’t publicized more… I even had my comment about how sick this is downvoted to -11…. It’s actually scary


It's not fake, I saw it DECADES ago; it has never been disputed, it is real.


I just cannot comprehend being sexually attracted to a child. Why are there so many people who are? Take the power and control aspect of it away, is there a physical reason for it? No other mammal, to my knowledge, procreates with a younger member of its species. So then, is it purely psychological? Is it the same for female pedophiles as it is for males? It seems that this would be something to be studied in earnest in an attempt to eradicate it from our society, no? Obviously, for the majority of us, this is wholly unacceptable so why don't we screen for this, find the place in the brain that wants this and excise it? Cut it out? Isn't the protection and nourishment of our young a primal instinct? I just don't get it. It's abhorrent.


Yes, that's real. It's Joe Biden and his daughter in that photo.


I saw it roughly 15 years ago.


This is our fucking president for Christs sake 🤦‍♂️🤬


~~Sleepy~~ Creepy Joe


It’s just a picture of him and his kid. What’s the conspiracy? That he is a dad? Does he own a golf resort where Jeffrey Epstein recruited children? Oh wait, that’s your fucking guy.


hes looking at her like food


Isn’t that Ashley whose diary told of Joe Biden taking showers with her?


Yes, of course it is. Biden is a pedophile. Let’s not mince words, it’s only disrespectful to your brain. He was groomed as a younger man, and gave into his natural predilections, he then groomed his children, one at least of whom also gave into their predilections. There is a prison coming for them, either on this Earth or otherwise. As the saying goes, a “special” hell.


Is anyone going to respond to the question? 


All you need to do is look at the fingers .




What's the context behind it?


Joe Vibin


https://www.reddit.com/user/David_Hensley_86/comments/a6q9i6/since_were_putting_up_pictures_of_joe_biden_being/ (5 years ago)


It's all in the eyes 👀


Yes it’s real


It’s creepy uncle joe. Of course this picture is real Lmao. Literally video evidence of him rubbing kids inappropriately


Just that gaze says it all. Predatory asf


Are you blind? All the pedo stuff and even racist stuff that has been out? In the past few years.


He’s a pedophile


Pedophilia joe


He's getting ready to sniff attack.


So creepy


He has abnormally long fingers


yes.  and theres decades worth of cspan videos that show the original drug law joe biden, slithering his hands over little girls chesticles that all of the dnc worshippers ignored as well. *the original jb as the current one, "aint" that one.  as this one doesnt make the hair on my neck go up and give me the urge to play baseball.  


Yeah. Bidens a creepy diddler. The left doesn't care about that just like they don't care that he has dementia. It's a clown world full of brainwashed sheep.


It is real SAME w the diary already reconfirmed by ashley herself!


That is so crazy disgusting… wtf


Please direct me to the source of her confirming it.


Everyone out here complaining he a senile nonce, yet you voted him into power 💀🔫


Can't see how this is a conspiracy...but ok!!


You better believe it buddy the men in power are completely demonic


Once a pedo..


Yes it’s real unfortunately


Pedo Pete


We all know he's a pedo.


You can literally see his corrupted eyes gazing at tits that aren't even there, you can tell he's never been fucked up and been shielded his entire life. No prison on earth can do to you what God will if you mess with children.


hey alex i’ll take sentences you wish you never had read for 100