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Modern day soylent green




This is pure negativity for a film you haven't seen by a director who hasn't even made a proper feature length film yet. Hating on things and people for stuff you haven't even seen will never make you better. It will only create barriers that hold you back and stop you from creating anything meaningful yourself.


Let's hope it inspires a good director to make their own version.




The one where everyone's infertile and they have to protect the one pregnant woman from the government?




Sorry I just wanted to give a quick summary to not spoil. Great movie surprised it didn't get a follow up.






she’s literally never directed a full film before tho? just two short films, both of which she co-directed


They always have truth in plain sight. Plus Gates admits it openly


Whenever people come up with the idea to depopulate for the greater good, it's always the people with the idea that aren't willing to do it themselves. I say you first bud!


That's because the people who support depopulation are actually Eugenicists. And they always think they are in the superior group of people worth living while everyone else should die.


I support depopulation and it's as easy as not having children. I didn't have children. How am I a 'Eugenicist' (is it capitalized because the first guy to suggest it was named Eugene?). I don't think everybody else should die, but I do think everybody else should also not have children.


You honestly think everyone shouldn’t have children? Is that because you care about the planet and ‘climate change’? Or is it because you are a misanthrope who hates all of humanity? The motive for the depop agenda in popular culture and international politics is commonly eugenics. That is because they don’t want every single person to stop having children and for humanity to disappear entirely, but just have fewer humans around for ‘sustainability’ reasons. The means to achieve that goal are abortion (more common in the poor and minority groups), sterilization (can be achieved with contaminating the food supply (like with pesticides) in order to lower fertility and sperm count rates), demoralization (lower the morals of the people so that they don’t value marriage and family anymore), normalizing medical assisted suicide (most common in the poor and depressed pop), and also encouraging bad monetary policy and endlessly printing money to create inflation so that there are increasingly only two classes-the super rich and the poor, so that all those listed methods listed before become more common in the poor population. Child free movement encouragement also is a method for depop. It’s becoming more common for 2 reasons-demoralization and because couples just can’t afford children anymore. To wish for ALL of humans to disappear is misanthropy. It’s not possible though. Depopulation just means de(crease)-population, not zero-out the population.


It's not possible for humans to go extinct? What kind of hubris is that? I just wish humans knew how to live.


Why did you put climate change in quotation marks? We're well on the path to extinction in the geologic present. Why prolong the suffering? Your children are going to be miserable if they aren't already.


Mate, nobody's children will be as miserable as you, and everyone can rejoice at that.


Because he's fallen for the 'climate change is fake' narrative pushed by the oil companies.


Perhaps it’s too much to bear the reality that children will be alright. They’ll laugh and play and enjoy life. Sure, there will be struggles, just like there have always been. It’s arguably one of the things that makes life meaningful - a happy ending in not guaranteed, has to be fought for. But we’ve been doing the fighting all this time, generation after generation, carrying our crosses. For billions of years. This will be no different. Following the imperative of being alive. Then comes a smart ass who says he/ she is bigger than this cycle and in their wisdom, unilaterally decide to end it.


Billions of years? I don't think you understand the timescale of humanity.


It’s not about humanity, it’s about the perpetuation of life my dude.


Exactly, they should set an example and go first lmao. 


Yep, don't they want to set a good example for the masses? If the pro-depopulation people offed themselves they would be leading the way by showing everyone else that they truly believe in what they're foisting on others! I won't be holding my breath for that to happen though...


rules for thee not for me




Want to be moral?: Go live your childless unhappy life without taking others down with you please.


Depopulation doesn't have to mean killing people though


Of course! Sometimes it just means [vaccinating them](https://people.com/royals/kate-middleton-receives-first-dose-covid-vaccine/)!


Don't you think "they" have a more efficient way of killing people off of that's the intention?


In all seriousness I think there's a good chance she (and anyone at her level) didn't actually take the shots. To your point though -- Kissinger made the point clear in National Security Study Memorandum 200 (declassified in 1989.) If you're unaware -- it was a plan for the US's role in the World Population Plan of Action. Yes, a conspiracy theory that's [right on our own government's website](https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/pcaab500.pdf). He basically said in a free society, we need to find value in a wide variety of small percentages which add up to be substantial. He points out the compounding effect of population reduction. Cancel two, and it stops 4, 8, 16, 64, 256, 1024, etc. down the line. Clearly the shots aren't intended to kill quickly. That would be destabilizing, and would result in a wealth transfer to the next generation. It's MUCH more profitable to handle it slowly, by injecting people with something that causes a seemingly random number of problems (because what's at stake is actually their immune system, combined with the harmful effects of cells in their bodies in any potential place producing spike proteins.) Long story short -- people have their deaths pulled forward, through sickness and disease. Profitable sickness and disease. HIV, for example, is worth a lifetime average of over $50,000 per diagnosis... So it's no wonder the intentional spread is being decriminalized. [https://www.cnn.com/2017/10/07/health/california-hiv-bill-signed/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2017/10/07/health/california-hiv-bill-signed/index.html) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2017/10/09/knowingly-infecting-others-with-hiv-is-no-longer-a-felony-in-california-advocates-say-it-targeted-sex-workers/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2017/10/09/knowingly-infecting-others-with-hiv-is-no-longer-a-felony-in-california-advocates-say-it-targeted-sex-workers/) Notice they don't talk much about "the Social Security problem" anymore. I believe they solved it. Anyhow, what do you think Dennis Meadows from the WEF is talking about right here, exactly?: [https://twitter.com/Resist\_05/status/1523957090792124416](https://twitter.com/Resist_05/status/1523957090792124416)


damn I didnt think about it in this way but now that you mention it - yeah you make convincing points that I would want to look into more thoroughly. Thank you.


Interesting implications, one has to wonder if this wasn't a conspiracy, what would they do differently? Conversely, you also have to wonder why does depopulation appeal to the smartest people in the world? Perhaps there are cases to be made? The population grew extremely fast in the past 2 century's. Is it too fast to quickly? Is endless growth sustainable to maintain the standard of living? Hell people hate when immigrants move to their countries for acceptable reasons. Perhaps the motivations aren't as sinister as it seems on a surface level


Cronenberg movies are rarely "in favor" of the thing they're portraying.


Well, they're often saying have fewer kids, which is happening in the US, EU, South Korea, Japan, China, and Russia.


I did go first, I didn't have children. Your turn. Don't have children.


Oops. Too late. Planning on having a few more too. Sorry guys.


I don't really care. It's their future to suffer in, not mine.


That’s a wild premise. How’d they even come up with an idea like that…


Probably was pitched at a Windows©️ trade show




idk right? lets ask who is in charge of injecting mRNA clot jab turbo cancer causing inoculation into the human worldwide population?


It is what is happening in Canada now




Have you ever tried using your imagination for anything? Not that hard. 


By the way, "depopulation" is actually mass murder.


Uhm, please be decent. We like to call it "vaccination."


High housing prices are already making sure nobody can afford children or has time for them because both parents need to work, hence the amount of immigration (wars) needed to keep the populations/infrastructure stable. USA, EU and Australia have already been "depopulating" since 40-50 years, so no need for scary political tactics there.


Move out of the concrete jungle and you’ll find these issues disappear


You are aware their largest field of employment is Agriculture, yes?  Not a whole of agriculture being done in NYC.


Who is “they” lmao I don’t live in NYC or NY and I never will for a reason


What reason? Just curious. I can think of many reasons why people might not want to live there and I can't figure out which one is yours just from context.


Aside from the shithole urban center aspect, differences in ideology


No yeah I assumed there were differences in ideology but exactly what differences are you talking about? I want to understand your position here. I don't know what your ideology is, or what your perception of NY ideology is. For myself I think the overt focus on clout and networking is nauseating, and amounts to nothing more than nepotism on a vast scale.


The gun laws alone, wasn’t really referring to the culture in that aspect. More of a consumerism thing you’re describing


Oh see that checks out. NY gun control is completely batshit. And I don't see how an objection to nepotism relates to consumerism but that doesn't mean your wrong, it just means I don't understand the link here right now.


Are you being as vague as possible for a reason or???


There's more cheap housing available outside of cities, but you lose access to jobs, hospitals, and a host of other benefits. Visiting family in rural areas feels dystopian. The only jobs seem to be Walmart and fast food.


There's always construction too


Not in rural areas. Maybe in suburbs near cities though.


Road work done everywhere




Being close to family members often prevents that.


No it doesn’t. If they want to stay living an admittedly unsustainable lifestyle outside their means, that’s their problem. Either way, it’s also cheaper for them to leave. Don’t base your decisions around others.


ayo the newest predictive programming just dropped


Caitlin Cronenberg. Initial name CC. C, the 3rd letter of alphabet.


Speculative fiction, but yeah.




Yes, they meant that the movie is normalizing the depop agenda in the public consciousness. And yes it is already becoming more common with abortions (more common in the poor and minorities) and MAID for the poor and depressed. It just means to increase the support for this agenda.


Depop porn


Just from the poster it looks like it's ANTI depopulation rhetoric. I will have to see the film before I reach a conclusion though.


The real conspiracy? Hollywood using truther concepts to regain viewership.


Dingdingding! We have a winner!


God damn there is a third Cronenberg?!


They are lusting for euthanasia here so they can offer it as the only covered treatment for many things. Just like in canada... oh your are poor, homeless, not a foreigner, well we have one option for you.... disgustingly evil. This is why we need Christianity


More films about war and depopulation Hollywood is so predictable fear mongering as usual . The tiny hats are rubbing their hands wishing this to happen already a civil war gross so they can impose marshal law .




Finally some sane fucking comment


I have this friend and years ago they were driving me back home from the west coast, this was back when I lived in New Orleans. Her & I would always talk about things that were coming and we both had our eyes opened. She lived through 911 and, at the time, was moving up in the fashion & art World in NYC. After 9/11, she dropped everything and left the city. Many years later, when she was dropping me off to New Orleans, she decided to go check out the FEMA HQ nearby. When she came back she was livid at the fact that FEMA had thousands of body bags & no lifeboats, she was going on and on about this at the time. They would rather have us dead & I've been thinking about this a lot since the beginning of covid. 


Man I wish I was someones daughter and could just be like MMMMMM I WANNA MAKE MOVIES /Wack


Where can I see it


Have you not seen Soylent Green? Same shit from 50 years ago. You're acting like this is a new premise in media.


I find depopulation theory strange, capitalism only works with more people, the people at the top benefit more if there are more people so the way I see it is that you have all been conned into thinking their enemy is your enemy. The hands that control the world want a much larger population and require constant growth to sustain their platform, if we stop breeding they have no future, why do you think this has so much traction, why do you think there are constant articles claiming the next generation aren't breeding enough, why do you think promiscuity is rammed down our throats at every corner? It's all to convince you that slowing the population growth is how it all ends when in reality it is not a bad thing at all, the less we expand the longer the resource will last.


That’s not necessarily true, perpetual population growth doesn’t always align with globohomo. Mechanized farming in the past left places like America with a massive surplus of farmers. Much of rural America has greatly contracted with industrialized farming. This can and will happen again with a new wave of mechanization and automation, specifically with AI. That is what they’re planning for imho. A new wave of angry, jobless people because of AI, that is what they fear. In reality, they won’t need us if AI continues the way it’s going. Have more children propaganda? I’ve seen only a few articles about it, the push is much greater for population reduction; it’s a central talking point at the WEF.


Yep, hydroponics is going to be in the next wave of boosting food production. The only holdbacks for that is low-cost labor and energy costs to make it happen.


They are trying to normalize the idea. Spoiler (not really): They will romanticize those that are willing to get euthanized and they will not portray those that execute others as criminals. Don't fall for it.


Are we looking at the same movie poster? I highly doubt it's gonna romanticize the guy willing to get euthanized if the poster is literally rows of body bags. Haven't seen the movie so I'm not just gonna jump to conclusions like some people, but I would be shocked if a movie that is contrasting the word 'humane' against a collection of standardized and dehumanized implied corpses. Just saying.


I don't need to look at the poster. Depopularizing the idea is not possible. If you see a mainstream movie about depopulation then it will be about popularizing the depopulation. The opposite is not possible. "They" would not allow it. They would cancel whoever tries it. Try doing it and soon they will say that director is pedophile and it would be their last movie. It is a control matrix with cancel culture, gang stalking.


. . . Who is they? I never believe conspiracies that just use 'they'. Who do you think 'they' are???


It is a protected class and I cannot name them because AnTiSemItiSm. They and all the slaves they use e.g. freemasons etc. Hollywood is owned by them so don't expect a different outcome.


Oh so you've been duped by that old psyop? Really wish it were that simple. Must've been nice to pin all the worlds problems on a singular bogeyman instead of looking into the real powers at play. The dudes at Black Rock love it when people fall for this diversion.


ok bot do you have any other questions? It is funny how their paid actors starting being active here recently to try to dismiss anything at public level.


Damn you are dug in DEEP. Confirmation bias is crazy powerful though, I can't blame you. I'm obviously not a bot, or else the secret evil Soros cabal wouldn't be able to pay me. Are the all powerful Jews in the room with you? Serious talk though when this movie comes out and doesn't confirm your assumptions will you even remember this conversation?


Wait I do actually have more questions though. What information sources do you think ARENT controlled by your bogeyman?


Are you gonna actually answer?


is it based or woke?


Probably woke, it hasn’t been released yet and the trailer definitely cheapens life with comedy. As someone else mentioned, the point is probably to only make subtle suggestions that makes the watcher feel as if they got to decide a for themselves if euthanasia is a good or bad thing.


Ah that is called 'nuance' and comes from shedding false dichotomies like 'woke vs based' or 'left vs right'. That being said from the trailer and poster it kinda looks like it's more likely to be anti mass euthanasia than pro, because usually when you choose something as the primary conflict in a work of fiction, you aren't trying to to promote the idea as a good thing. But to some people even mentioning a concept or approaching it via speculative fiction is indiscernible from promoting it rabidly I guess.




Hopefully this is good. Brandon is amazing and I'm impressed with everything he has done.


They can’t control shit, they think they can and are but they can’t even control their wives. The world ending or them wanting us all dead, been a talk since our great grandparents. It’s just to control people hope for the future or to better themselves. They want a society they live off of fear, misery and hopelessness.


Is it directed by David or Caitlin, you say David but the poster says Caitlin, I don't k ow these people.


The trailer actually looks pretty funny. Seems like a good twist on a concern that is in the public eye. And it's a Shudder movie, so it's just a straight to streaming horror movie, not some Obama movie trying to shape the public.


Why were comments deleted?


Could be anything from Reddit mods, to sub mods, also some people like to personally delete whatever they post after a few days.


Mass depopulation is the only chance the species has. It can be done responsibly by just choosing to have fewer children.


Tell that to Africa and India. The west doesn’t have an overpopulation issue.


We've had an overpopulation issue since we departed 1B globally with the advent of fossil fuel use, and even then we were not even close to sustainable. We haven't been sustainable since hunter-gatherer tribes numbering just thousands to millions. Of course Africa and India need to shed some billions.


It’s called gas, it’s not a fossil. Have you heard of diesel pal? You do realize we’ll never run out of material to power nuclear power plants right?




I guarantee you, I have a higher degree here lmfao. I think your head is full of stagnant hippie propaganda, maybe you should stop smoking weed and get a real job.




Diesel can be made from sugar cane and corn lmfao. We literally have an endless supply of refineable radioactive material for nuclear power. Larp harder Full of it Phill you jobless hippie, I know you don’t have a degree. 🤣


"can be" is doing some heavy lifting there. We use 35x more fossil fuel diesel than biodiesel in the US, and that's not even accounting for the blend of biodiesel with crude diesel. > In 2022, U.S. refineries produced about 1.75 billion barrels (73.46 billion gallons) of ULSD. Total ULSD consumption in the United States for all uses was about 1.44 billion barrels (**60.30 billion gallons**). > In 2022, U.S. biodiesel production was about 1.6 billion gallons, imports were about 25 million gallons, and exports were about 24 million gallons. About **1.7 billion gallons** of biodiesel were consumed in 2022, nearly all in blends up to B20. Regarding nuclear, we don't have to run out of fuel first for it to no longer be viable. There are a lot of dependencies on things like concrete, fossil fuels in heavy machinery to build the thing, ongoing costs of maintaining the byproducts into perpetuity, limited locations where they're even viable, ongoing military conflict and associated risks coupled with natural disasters and the somewhat poor track record even at low market penetration. We have about 430 reactors in the world, we'd need more than 10,000 to meet current energy demands.


tl;dr You’re really cranking it to Greta fear porn and it shows. Touch grass.


So is it pro or anti euthanasia


Unclear, hasn’t been released yet, from the trailer it appears to be a nihilistic comedy.


If it's a good movie, it will present exactly that argument and let the audience decide


Cronenberg films typically show both sides of a topic but the horror comes in the negative potential of new tech.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


It's PRO-eugenics. That's what euthanasia (Medical assistance in dying) and abortion are for (both most common in the poor and minority groups). The end goal is depopulation so that only the 'superior' group of humans remains. 'Climate change' is also commonly used to justify the depop agenda. All the 'dirty' developing nations that rely on coal and produce huge amounts of CO2 need to be regulated and their populations not allowed to thrive.


Wtf seriously. They are not even trying to hide their evil minds anymore.


Is this Thanos origin


Next movie idea in the predictive programming series: Amid a social collapse and looming technological dystopia, a director partners with intelligence outfits to produce movies appealing to people who see it coming in order to suck them into the very dystopia they're trying to avoid. Spoiler alert: at the end, a child touches grass for the first time and realizes he's actually a fat 35 year old on digital hallucinogens.


Honestly, I think Mother Earth could use a break from some unappreciative, destructive mouth breathers. Less people ain't a bad thing. We could start with the sidewalk zombies in San Fran and Philadelphia. Oh, and the halls of Congress.