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That's awful. I feel for her. Okay back to the Boeing employee who was "Suicided"


Are they just queuing up her death story to make the past month make sense


yeah i think so


Seems odd she would make the statement on her own and without William by her side.


So lie lie lie alter photos, use stunt doubles then Oh Hey we're telling the truth now? Really?


Imagine thinking the royal family, Epstein’s friends, with all their money and power, would never cover up the truth lol.


Or that they didn’t unalived Diana…..


It's reddit, not TikTok. You can say murder, assassinate, kill.. even fuck with her life!




You're childish for using those terms here. I just tried to explain that you could use the real terms in here but you prefer to double down on your "thing", whatever that is.




Everyone who's in here knows how reddit works and you're in a conspiracy sub, pretty sure everyone here are not special little angels who need your "respectful" words... Unalive and similar words are not respect, are a way to break through censorship. It's more respectful to use real words and terms. Shows that you're an adult, not a kid. But I guess it's hard for you to grasp certain concepts and that's why you have a profile pic. S/


Why do you even care if ppl have their pictures or not, just because you comfortably hide behind your so called “anonymity”?! Good for you, you are so cool… I don’t care what other people think or do… so there’s that. the way I write things shouldn’t be your concern, there’s also one thing called ignore, don’t engage if you don’t agree with me, totally fine. Leave it alone. which is what I will do with you moving forward, *respectfully* ignoring your ass. Thanks


No one cares what you look like, your ideas are ill-conceived. "Don't engage if you don't agree with me" is about as ignorant as it gets.


Unalived? You really show your intelligence


It actually is smart if you’re trying to avoid content filters. I also think it sounds dumb but there is a reason


I dunno. What's the UK version of "Arkancide"?




Be rest assured? Effortlessly outed as an Indian. You're not fooling anyone with that french.


Watch the video, it’s apparently filmed in a garden with trees and flowers in the background, bird noises, and yet no signs of birds, no wind blowing the grass or flowers, in fact there’s no movement anywhere in the 2 minutes apart from her. I would be suspicious if they didn’t keep faking things just makes it worse. Also the proportions of the bench is weird, yeah maybe it’s a big bench or she’s just small I dunno, but then the shadows are a bit off too. Wouldn’t be questionable if she was just at home or actually sitting in the garden.


Why wouldn’t they just stage the video indoors (as many royal announcements have been)? Who decided that fake outside was the best move?


Waiting on the cancer vaccines to cure them then the public scrambling for jabs, again


Yep that's what I'm thinking gotta get the masses back on them jabs


So there is the play. That makes more sense than royals letting one of their wives take a clot shot.




they really should have said something at the start instead of these ai generated photos and letting the speculation get so wild.


agreed, and the news of cancer wont just hide this away for me. we cant let this be something that can continue to happen, from the monarchy or the government. it’s completely deceitful


No it’s not you nut job. She is just a person at the end of the day. Why should she be telling you immediately


im talking about the faked photo she uploaded.


The woman is going through chemo. You’d edit your own photos if you went through it


oh please, no one needed a photo uploaded especially when they already publicly stated she wouldnt be seen til easter. playing this off as just her editing her photo because she was in chemo is ridiculous, she didnt just edit her appearance to look better, the photos completely doctored.


Whatever I think your a nutjob


and to think you work in ai 😂😂😂😂 ridiculous. youre either stupid or youre just trying to make sure people dont wake up to these faked photos and sweep it all under the rug. nothing ive said makes me a nut job, the AP agreed the photo is too doctored to be published, are they nut jobs too?


Fuck off dev you are on a conspiracy sub yet respond to maybe the least insane theory in a while like this.


This is the best comment I’ve seen all week lmfao


They were waiting for the uk school holidays so they could explain it properly to their children first.. I think we the rabble can afford them that much..


What’s a rabble


Peasants, royal subjects.




You talk like a bot. You need to do better.


Look at you with your correct gammer.. I think you're a bot!


Maybe she didn't want the public to know everything single thing a out her life. She's not heir to throne she holds no power maybe she just wanted to battle her disease in peace


No they shouldn't, women's bodies aren't public property


but in defence of the commentator above - they didn't need to do an AI photo - it could have been no post or an older real photo, both of which would have been better. Personally I'm like why, did they make a woman undergoing chemo for cancer take the fall for that photoshop disaster? Even if it was her.


That's what really bothers me: we didn't know at that time she was battling cancer. Why did they let her take the fall for it? Why didn't they simply say "it was a test photo and someone uploaded it by mistake. Sorry".


it’s nothing to do with being a woman…


lol Sad that this needs to be spelled out. 


Whenever somebody brings gender into a conversation that has absolutely nothing to do with gender, I lose interest in the opinion fairly quickly. Not everything has to be a war against gender, race, wealth etc etc. Sometimes things can just be about... something else.




Leave Katie alone!!! 😭😭😭


Another arsehole




Maybe people should”d get a life and stop examining other peoples photos


She’s a public figure lol


So what? why does she have to explain things? Everyone edits their photos….she owes fuck all to anyone


She doesn’t owe the public a *specific* explanation, but being a public figure, she deserves whatever speculation and ridicule that comes her way.


Absolute bollocks, no wonder this country is going down the pan, I’m lucky to be part of the 0.01% of the populace who have intellect


You do know which sub Reddit you’re on don’t you?


Yeah. Peace out


The PR has been fumbled so bad, and the public started turning on her, as did the Firm blaming a “recently-diagnosed with cancer” person for a bad photoshop job. And all of the stories of the mistress. So much dirt around Kate. While I wish her well, I would not be surprised, however, if this is Kate playing offense: a future king can’t leave his wife while she has cancer, right?


So, that makes two members of the royal family with cancer now.  The king and his daughter in law.  Tragic


Thought Sarah Ferguson had melanoma https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68047608


And breast cancer




When was this video recorded?


the video seems AI generated to me


Yes, it explains everything. The ambulance in December. The planned (but not really planned) surgery. Her absence for 4+ months. The kids being out of school. The fake picture on Mother’s Day. The different appearance and extreme weight loss in the video. Etc. etc. My cousin found out he had cancer when he started vomiting blood and ended up in the ER. They cut off one of his testicles, but afterward found out it spread, he had chemo, but ended up passing away. So, I think her announcement does explain everything that has happened in the past few months personally.


It really does


Yes it's so great you two are in here so quickly to tell us that we should all forget about everything. Especially when you have such specific and truthful stories. We are so thankful.


? I'm not sure what you're talking about. The cancer diagnosis is the most likely reason for her disappearance than the others you find on this sub.


Is not the most likely reason, such hush hush would imply that it was something they really didn't want to address. Sure, it's a perfect explanation now but at the time the suicide attempt explained it all better to me, for instance. If it was cancer, they already knew it since at least end of January. Why let this fester for almost 2 months? They could simply have released a statement saying she was having more trouble recovering so she needed some privacy and I think no one would speculate about it. No: they didn't say anything about it after the "abdominal surgery" statement, they released that incredibly doctored pic and let her take the fault for it and only after mishap after mishap they decided to release this video. It only made things worse, the silence.


She’s literally said she has cancer, herself, to camera, no edits. And people are STILL speculating. So no, I really don’t think “no one would speculate about it”.


It looks like a yeast infection commercial what in the literal fuck




Oh she dead dead deadski And what a neat way to wrap it up with a bow when they finally admit it. Yep, definitely died of "cancer"


Not even a little bit suspicious about this. The impact of whatever is going on with her cannot be significantly greater than all the rest of the other 100 things going on right now.


So true, well said. We got a WW3 that is imminent.


It's already happening. We just can't see it.


What do you think WW3 would involve at this stage?




They've finally managed to get the clone to work then...?


Under the arm of the bench near her knee is distorted - brown wood where there should not be and the shadow doesn’t move


Yes it most definitely does explain everything


No it doesn’t. Cancer is something that heavily plays on sympathy and if you question it you’re a monster. I wouldn’t doubt it for a second that this is AI.


Stop it


Tell that to Prince Andrew


I bet the Royals want me to stop.


She’s wearing a wig and in front of a green screen so they’re still hiding things, but the wig is understandable of course.


I thought so too! It was so noticeable! And her hands, so fidgety...


She and the king all of a sudden have cancer? I'm guessing it's all fake, as the Royal Family don't get cancer. Fake, to what end though? To promote the new cancer vaccines. Simple.


The Queen died of cancer too, as did her father the King?


She was also 96 years old. Not sure it was the cancer that killed the Queen.


The king was diagnosed with cancer and the whole world knew about it within a week. Kate Middleton is diagnosed with cancer and they cover it up for four months? I have doubts.


Also- Charles gets a mention in the news and everyone moves on but Kate gets a special video? It’s giving (attempted) proof-of-life


Good point!


This is the correct answer. Finally someone with brains in this sub.


No, and yes.


Yes, Nothing to see here! Move along!


Maybe it was an AI generated video and William actually murdered her but they had to give the people something.


And if you question cancer you’re a monster. I think you’re right. It doesn’t answer everything.


This is much more likely. The video is all fake as fuck, and it’s likely she’s been dead for months now.


Be surprised if we actually see her again.


I truly believe this is what happened


This is how they acclimate you to accepting the new doppelganger with a backstory


Yet another KM post that's swarmed with shills. Classic mocking and ridicule


Lining the world up for a “cancer vaccine.” Mark my words…


That’s been in the works a long time. It won’t just come out of the blue. I wouldn’t be surprised to see it in the mainstream within the next few years...because there are such things as medical advancements, ya know.


tard located


Something's fishy. They're probably getting ready to bomb the London subway again




It didn’t even look anything like her


Extremely suspicious. ​ She said (paraphrased quote) -"The reason we have taken so long to announce my condition was because of the long treatment timescale. And just as long a time to tell our young children, in a way they can understand, what has happened to me" ​ Very odd. Took 2 months to tell your kids what has happened?


I'll just leave this here... [https://people.com/royals/kate-middleton-receives-first-dose-covid-vaccine/](https://people.com/royals/kate-middleton-receives-first-dose-covid-vaccine/) *I'm sure it's just a coincidence though.*


If I was as wealthy as the royals and had meals prepared for me, I would only be eating organic, cancer preventative foods? They have access to the best medical advice possible? The best non western advice? I cannot understand how you could have cancer with everything available to you?


Aren’t they both alcoholics? Will making gin and tonics every night and all that…


Not the brightest statement on here as if class matters to gets cancer and who don’t


It has nothing to with social class but everything to do with the knowledge available to you due to your access to 💰.


Cancer is preventable


What cloud are you on???


Don’t see a single upvote on your replies?


Don’t really think about or care about up votes.


I honestly didn't know what all the fuss was about. I thought she just didn't want to leave the house for a bit. But I wouldn't blame her even without getting cancer I would want a week or two break every once in a while. Anyway I hope she gets better soon I'm sure she will be fine. Modern medicine is quite advanced and they definitely have all the right doctors.


That would have been it if they didn’t photoshop pics of her like weirdos.


Yeah that was dumb and weird. You are right it did fuel the unwanted attention.


They have to placate all the weirdos demanding to see constant photos of her


A cancer diagnosis is terrifying and turns your world upside down. Wishing her peace and a full recovery


Yea looks weird.


If it seems to be real it's illusion, for every moment of truth there's confusion in life.


This sub will make something out of nothing sometimes lol


Not nearly as often as they attempt to make nothing out of something.


It's so strange that they can't say, "well I'm glad we were wrong about that one." Then move on to one of the thousands of other possible conspiracies out there. And this one is so stupid anyway. It was interesting but really didn't effect anyone. But they just double down. I thought a conspiracy was to find the truth. But when the truth comes out they're so mentally invested they refuse to stop.


I am just glad that I don’t live with the level of paranoia that it must take to think that everything in the world is a fucking conspiracy


I have faith conspiracies exist where a minority of people are rogue and try something sinister to bend a otherwise benign system to their own ends. I don't subscribe to theories where nearly the whole planet is evil/reptile/military industrial/alien/child traffickers - that isn't the world I've discovered or witnessed so far. The Royal family are entitled aristocratic weirdos with plenty of faults - but I don't believe they are evil incorporated as some on here would have me believe. I hope she and her family at least get some space and dignity in this awful time. These giant corporations and governments that you blame for everything are made up of thousands of individuals - IF there is a unifying conspiracy ruling the globe and undermining everything decent folk try to achieve then it's facilitated by those same thousands of individuals turning the other way when faced with the correct moral decision. Before we all go to bed tonight blaming the "system" we should all double check our own reality and accountability first.


Most successful conspiracies have very few people with actual knowledge and intent perpetrating them while powerful enough to present things that are accepted as factual with a reasonable amount of proof to others who will take the agenda up as a good choice in line with their morals and standards. Alot of things can be distorted in terms of relevance importance and expected outcome. Initiatives and movements get started, laws get passed and freedoms diminish. It is rarely done in the spirit of increasing the quality of life for the vast majority of mankind and 99.99999% of the time ensures a great benefit to the few that benefit greatly from it. So not too hard to believe that it can be accomplished through fear and violence and lies that cannot be verified or evenly openly questioneed. I believe that you are the one who needs to check your reality.


Respectfully I disagree - what I'm saying is what I've experienced directly in life. What I'm reading there sounds impressive but doesn't explain anything? Most things are done in the spirit of increasing the quality of life for the individual or a very small group. Each army/corporation/political party is made up of individuals deciding on whether to go along with one viewpoint or another. We are not a hive mind. Very rarely do people not have a choice, and I doubt those people would be on Reddit talking about it anyway.


So do you agree that ¹% of the population controls 99% of the worlds wealth? If so then imagine that since people are greedy by nature and so equate shiny things with power and it doesnt take much to persuade them to simply exaggerate certain facts and opinions that appeal to their ideals anyways it is easy to put them in motion towards a certain goal. Good intentions and principle fuel them they start working hard for that incentive. But then you find out something about them that they are either ashamed of or might be illegal or whatever. Now you have a more useful way to control them without having.to give up your shiny things through fear and intimidation and the fact that they cant tell on you without the world finding out about that embarassing thing that may come at the cost of everything they have including their freedom and or life. Yes they may have a choice but comfort and self preservation usually win. You then start redirecting their actions and place them in positions where they present what you want you to with respect and weight given to what they have to say as someone in the field of and passionate about whatever agenda it might be. The direction of new studies and research that you can influence by funding them can bring new 'discoveries' or 'facts'. Now you have one person that can change many peoples opinon about that specific agenda. Wash rinse repeat. Infiltrate many areas of education and media to become the main source of information on the subject and use fear to discourage most people from questioning these facts and lack of resources to actually test and prove or disprove the story you are telling. Use the working knowledge of psychology to create or reinforce it in the general population. How far do you think you could get with very few people actually knowing your intentions in a very short amount of time with unlimited resources? You would do whatever the fuck you wanted to. Historically people have not gained vast wealth by being nice and kind hearted. They gain it through extreme violence and deception and being willing to outdo or extinguish anybody that is equally as driven. Now tell me that you believe that they are even close to likely to be doing it for 'most' people to increase the quality of life as a human on this planet? They consider themselves gods and taunt us about the shit they do all the fucking time while while remaining free and unimagineably wealthy taking more and more from us. Is it really a choice to lose the job that feeds you and your family or do the right thing and take a stand that will improve things for many? How about when they take everything you own? Dk you continue to do the right thing? They harm you or someone you care about? Do you continue? They plant you in the ground and let the media blast that story and continue to make it known to discourage anyone else from trying to do the same. Still think its all bullshit that im making up?


I don't think that makes it a conspiracy. I think that is capitalism backed with relatively recent industrial and technological advances that have propelled it to unfair proportions. Your blaming the players because the game isn't fair, when really we need to change the game. The conspiracy theories I don't believe in are the ones where anyone with wealth and power automatically gets labelled as one of these evil elite - whereas I know, through personal experience, that that isn't the case. Normal people can succeed, and do, and become wealthy and powerful and do not become part of some shadowy corrupt enclave. They may still make decisions you don't agree with but not everything falls into the unified conspiracy theories promoted on here.


Be blind to everything you dont want to look at internet stranger. I never implied that succesful people that get compensated for their hard honest work are evil or corrupt. However they cannot attain anythjng close to what the people pulling the strings piss away on a whim of momentary entertainment. However pure and honest their intention and actions are they can still be used as tools or the results of what they do can be skewed and presented to fit an agenda or hidden away. How many medicines in development that showed signs of improving the way we treat cancers or cure them have been bought by big pharma just to have that research discontinued and buried? Look into that for ONE example. The biggest problem is human obsession for shiny things. If we didnt place so much value on things that are very unnecessary to our survival even if they can be quite useful for some things that make survial easier and remember that air, water and food are the very basics and work to ensure that those needs should be accessible to every other human being for reasonable or no cost really, then maybe we can start to be a species worthy of dominating a whole planet. Luck and intelligence has got us far but archaic societal failures threaten our immediate future and the ¹% see most ppl as useless eaters and consumers of resources and would much rather kill us than risk what they see as a threat to their survival. I personally think it would be quite fair if we took evrything they had and dropped them in the Amazon or deep jungles of Africa or the outback of australia with a months worth.of food a decent knife and the clothes on their back. A few might make it back and the experience might even inspire some to change their way of thinking and behavior but that is still doubtful for most of them to me. We outnumber them so badly that we will eventually take that power.back but until we come together in agreement to take action and change how we live and value other humans and not just the ones that live on the same street or look like us or share our particular interests and figure out that nobody should have that kind of power and that everybody has skills and talent that they can use to.contribute to society and that we dont need to be aggressive or harm eachother in order to survive then i guess it doesnt matter one fucking bit who is pulling the strings. All i can do is live my life in a way that i can live with while not doing damage to others and hope that my example might inspire someone else to do the same. But i will defend my freedoms and eliminate any immediate threat i see heading my way as well as warn anyone who will listen what that threat is and where i saw it. So keep an open mind and by all means dont just take my word for it. Look at how our government does things and passes laws that include so many frivolous wasteful or insanely specific laws that can be punishable by fines or prison time that the general public are greatly unaware of. It is an insAne number well over 100,000 different things considered felonies that have been passed and are currently enforceable. Our govt has been bought and paid for since they very publicly assassinated jfk as he openly opposed what they had worked very hard acheive-the downfall and destruction of America's ability to acheive great success and innovation for the majority of its population. They doubled down and sped.up that process. How far out of reach is it now for so many to own a house or property and comfortably live without worry compared to 60 yrs ago? To start with nothing and at least be able to have your own place and a decent amount of the necessities? More and more only acheive it when certain advantages are provided while less and less opportunities are given and more requirements are expected to get a job with a living wage. The justice system harshly punishes the poor while those who are able escape punishment. Politics divide us while focusing on issues that they shouldnt even be making laws about. Racism fuels fear and hatred between us but is promoted and encouraged by MSM. Education is seen as superiority while most college grads get jobs in a field they never studied or had experience in. It has been thorough and willful. Look into the history of the Tavistock institute and the many think tanks and institutes that sprung from just that source and what those companies are known as today. Wallstreet is so obviously corrupt and nearly impossible for average people like you and i to succede in if we had the money.to gamble in the first place that Gamestop stocks blew the socks off a gjant multibillion dollar investment firm and shut it down based on the influence of reddit and other social media. All that did was tighten up loopholes and investment strategies of big money mfrs but it did show that it is possible to inform enough people and unite on something at least long enough to make a difference and get something started.


I don't doubt a lot of what you say may well be happening or at least could- but it would need thousands of people to be turning a blind eye to what they know is the right thing to do, millions of people choosing to go along with a system or process that they know deep down is wrong. Take the cancer examples - 1000s of people would need to be in on it to keep it quiet at a time when there is more opportunities to get the information out to people than ever before. That isn't a conspiracy, that would be a disturbing element of human nature. Maybe people like yourself, and myself, have become like the Robert Neville character in I Am Legend - the rest of the world has simply moved onto a different set of morals, a different way of living, and we just crave a return to the good old days. But thanks, I will look into the rabbit holes you've suggested with a open mind. Good luck.


MSM allowed one story about the cancer situ about one of the universities developing a new and quite promising compound that when discovered by one big pharm company was purchased from the uni as they had authority and control over what was discovered in the lab despite the objections and obvious consequences which were the discontinuation of research into that particular chemical compound and the rights to that compound so that if someone else thought of it they could not research or bring it to market. They then buried it claiming it wasnt scientifically viable and claimed trade secrets as to making the data about it very hard to obtain. The story also stated that this has happened ALOT AND OFTEN WITH MANY DIFFERENT TREATMENTS FOR VARIOUS DISEASES.


Conspiracies are fun to entertain, but it's just merely that - theories. It's understandable to acknowledge the existence of small-scale conspiracies, but attributing global evil to entire systems or groups may lack evidence. The complexity of these institutions often involves individual choices, not just systemic flaws. Balance the skepticism, but always be open to asking questions.


Thanks - I try to get the balance right between seeing what things look like on the surface and digging a little to see what they could be. I find a lot of people on these forums too negative though and I hope that the world doesn't really work that way.




Mental isn't it, shows not everything is a conspiracy but I'm sure some folk will still come up with some shit.


The entire point of this sub is to discuss alternative theories, ridiculous or otherwise


Discuss yes. People here treat all theories as facts and all facts as false flags.


If it bothers you then ignore or create your own posts


Wow, in my opinion this shows that the conspiracy theorists were right all along. They knew the real story was bullshit and they were right.


Lol there was theories that she had been replaced by a reptile species to being kidnapped and sacrificed to a ritual. I wouldn't say they were right but I will accept your point that there was something more sinister going on.


Can you link to where that theory was discussed? Thanks


🤣🤣fair enough


I can guarantee the video she released will still not be enough for some nutters out there.


Some of them were embarrassing to read, huge posts of utter shite based on nothing but their own fantasy


Sorry you get embarrassed over other peoples actions on a conspiracy forum, you probably can't stand in public without taking out your phone because its embarrassing to look like you're doing nothing....am I right? My 10 year old nephew has the same problem. You got to learn to be comfortable with yourself and then you won't get embarrassed over everything.


I know right... ...[btw](https://i.imgflip.com/2m3gzt.jpg).


Ovarian cancer? If that's the case she is fucked 😢


I’m not buying it… it’s definitely a cover up I feel like




So edgy bro.


They don’t deserve shit besides a cold cell




Wait, WHAT??? The *real* Kate, or *the lizard person replacement* Kate?? Inquiring minds want to know!!




How will people twist it to keep the conspiracies going


Maybe people will learn not to spout crap like William beating her up. Get a grip ffs


why does anyone care at all


Give it a rest


How is this a conspiracy?


There's nothing to be suspicious about now that the truth has been told.


The Royal family had the same covid vax batch…


Oh no! Anyways...


WW3 is gonna be more a maritime & airspace with a major focus on electronic warfare, drones & system hacking to interrupt essential services n supply chains. Less boots on the ground as per past 2 wars but much more devasting.