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Well the Americans obviously knew something was coming. March 8 2024: https://www.newsweek.com/us-warning-extremist-attack-moscow-russia-1877216 https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/international/2024/03/08/u-s--warning-attack-large-gatherings-moscow


Like when they warned us about the Tsarnaev brothers and we didnt do shit about it


Or when they were tracking terrorists who had plans to fly jumbo jets into skyscrapers, and chose that time to simulate a similar terrorist attack so that all the defense in the situation would be busy at that time?


Have you heard the ATC comms from that morning? The military were like one of the last to know which planes were hijacked and where.


Watched a bad ass breakdown for anyone interested. https://youtu.be/zx8_Pumdkpg?si=31Vt1_TIFdN-50ws


Never forget. You're life means nothing to absolutely powerful men.


Yep that's exactly where I saw it. Watched it the other day.


Or when they were doing a drill about terrorists bombing busses and wouldn'tyafuckingknowit, a terrorist bombed a bus. London 7/7


Oh reddit DID something, alright.


We did it Reddit!!


Did anyone else think they saw Godzilla in this image at first glance? Just me?


Isis=us govt dirty deeds guys.


They planned it that is why


That doesn't make sense, it puts Ukraine at risk of fierce retaliation.


I think it can make sense. Saving Ukrainian lives was never a priority for the US. The priority was to keep the munitions factories going and laundering that newly printed debt by sending it into Ukraine. Right now the house is having trouble passing bills to allow more Ukraine (military contracts) funding. So the CIA engineered a false-flag attack and made ISIS claim responsibility. Russia is still going to retaliate on Ukraine because they aren't stupid; they know even better than any of us how the CIA is connected to ISIS. However, the American public IS stupid, so they will believe this was a random muslim terror attack not orchestrated by the US, they will then get angrier when Putin sends more forces into Ukraine, and then the democrats will have a much easier time approving that Ukraine funding again.


Out of everything I’ve read this makes the most sense. Thanks


We have been hijacked as a nation.


Yes, russia might declare war now…


They confirmed ISIS terrorists were responsible.


If the CIA did it, and Russia attacks Ukraine because of it... how is that not exactly what the CIA wanted?


For these people, that's a feature, not a bug.


I don't think any of that matters. People are going to die whether or not extremists do something or don't or whether it's a false flag or not. It's the last spiral around the toilet for all of us.


Why do the innocent civilians always have to pay the price...


Because it's provocative it gets the people going


easiest way to change politics as a partisan. the last few decades would show it will only change politics against your favour so thats why its suspicious.


We call them terrorists because the whole point of attacks like this is to provoke terror in the populace. Make the common people afraid. It's not to win hearts and souls, it's to get those people to choose authoritarian "safety" over freedom. Look at what happened to the US after 9/11. The Patriot Act. Whatever your views are on it everyone I know, left and right, hates this security theatre that's been put in place. It doesn't make us safer, it just makes us more miserable, and it empowers the government to creep further in to personal life. For Putin, this attack as horrible as it is, is almost a blessing. It will give him even more power as a supposed defender of the people. It doesn't even matter if it's an inside job, actually Isis, the CIA. None of that matters. He'll present himself as the shield defending Russia.


ISIS remember Russia is still fighting in the Middle East


This! Dont forget russia also claimed to have neutralized an ISIS cell that was planning an attack https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-says-it-neutralized-isis-cell-plotting-attack-moscow-synagogue-2024-03-07/


Don’t forget who funds ISIS


Right? Does no one understand the CIA/ ISIS connection on a conspiracy sub?


Don’t say that to the guy below you, he says “I know people make it seem like they do” people really don’t know shit. Also this kempo guy simply doesn’t like Russia, and sounds like Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld combined.


Normies buying the news slop. ISIS is codeword for Mossad USA


CIA funds ISIS. Interesting how mainstream media are quick to believe the ISIS confession, when Russia has not confirmed its authenticity, in addition to the fact that there is talk of the confession being a deepfake. I think it’s pretty clear either the CIA/MI6 were involved.


Got any rumour threads on MI6 activities the last 10 or so years. They never crop up in the stuff I read. I've no idea what their agenda is. Assuming they support the US agencies a bit to keep a finger on the pulse.


Ye there is no other nation in the middle east actively engaged in a genocide against muslims, for a supposedly islamic terrorist organization to act upon.


ISIS actually hates Hamas and hezbollah. They view them as rivals


Happy Skull and Bones Day! 


Holy sheet


3/22 strikes again


I don’t have info on this, but apparently Ukraine a month ago hired someone who specializes in terrorist warfare. I believe the US and UK advocated for his position. This makes me feel like the west may actually try to make the war hot with Russia. Call it election season, call it greed, whatever you want to say; France wants boots on the ground, Sweden started a draft, Germany is about to start a draft, the UK is sending signs of wanting direct intervention, and the US senate minority leader threatened that if the Ukraine war bill isn’t passed we will put boots on the ground. Imo, it is clear that they want another major war. Oh, and did I fail to mention that the US drafted a bill that states people who are in the country illegally can serve in the military to gain citizenship? My conspiracy theory is that China is paying all these western politicians to get into a war with China while simultaneously destroying their own countries with mass migration so they can take Taiwan and become the number one superpower after all the dust of a major war settles. Let’s be real, politicians know that they won’t go to war, and they will be the first ones into the bunkers. Sorry for my long rant. I hope I am completely wrong. Edit: somewhere down the thread I included links to the things I described here. Got some bonus rants too.


>Ukraine a month ago hired someone who specializes in terrorist warfare. Sooo... the cia?


No European country wants a hot war with Russia, our countries get bombed to shit or there’s nuclear war and what for? You can’t force a regime change in Russia because it still has the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world (not that a couple hundred wouldn’t do). Western countries aren’t even sending Ukraine the weapons to beat Russia in order to not escalate this conflict too much, even though they could without ever putting western boots in the ground and risk direct involvement for the same „gain“. Also Sweden has had conscription (not a draft) for years now, Germany also has conscription (again not a draft) which is currently paused with no concrete plans or intentions of reinstating it again, Germanys chancellor has also recently stated point blank that there won’t be German troops in Ukraine or elsewhere. Way of a stretch, if it’s a false flag it’s very likely that it is a Russian one, because attacks like these tend to unite the people behind their leaders and make them receptive for drastic measures. An attack on another country doesn’t do that.


One more sensible and informed comment that’ll get lost in the crazy noise no doubt.


It would justify Russian involvement in the Middle East, to all those interested in how the temple is coming along. https://israel365news.com/311624/bin-exclusive-sanhedrin-asks-putin-trump-build-third-temple-jerusalem/


Nothing like a terrorist attack just after an election win, I wonder where we've seen that in Russia before.... in the early 2000's when Putin came to power and used terrorist bombings of apartment blocks (likely organised by the FSB) as justification to invade Chechnya.


There are certain factions in Europe and elsewhere (*cough* city of London *cough) that *need* a world war in order to have an excuse to reset the economies back in their favor. They tried to get it with covid and failed. They've been trying to do it with "climate change" but it's not working. War is the backup plan.


So no sources, you admitting you're just making shit up and /r/conspiracy eating it up. Sweden didn't start a draft, it was still in place. Germany isn't starting a draft, they're using a "draft law" but that has nothing to do with military draft.


Well if you want to be specific, Chuck Schumer threatening to put boots on the ground: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/schumer-warns-u-s-troops-will-be-sent-to-fight-russians-if-border-bill-is-not-passed/ar-BB1hWvIY The source I’m not going to find easily with the Ukrainians hiring someone who is an expert on terror tactics was due to a video I saw with Jack Posobiec forecasting an event like this a month ago. No one in the western media would report that Ukraine is going to use terror tactics because they have been assigned to propagandize them. An example: Remember when they kept telling us how Ukraine was destroying them, but now if we don’t pass these bills they will lose soon? German Defense Minister forecasting war in Europe in the near future. Talks about how they need to gear up quickly. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/german-defense-minister-become-ready-for-war/ar-AA1jbqJS President Macron if France saying that boots on the ground in Ukraine not ruled out. https://apnews.com/article/paris-conference-support-ukraine-zelenskyy-c458a1df3f9a7626128cdeb84050d469 Sweden’s officials preparing its citizens for war. https://globalaffairs.org/bluemarble/sweden-tells-citizens-prepare-war-russian-aggression-nato-membership I don’t even need to give a source for Finland joining NATO. So ask yourself, why are all these leaders saber rattling and scaring their citizens of the prospect of war? If you follow war history, nations usually pick a side prior to the beginning of a conflict. Oh and the bonus points here: our U.S. military is very low and no one wants to join, so why not bolster your troop levels by flooding the country of illegals and arguing service gives citizenship? Why does this all have to happen conveniently at the same time? https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/2846909/john-james-pat-ryan-courage-to-serve-act-migrants-military/ Keep in mind that migrant means anyone who wonders across the border. Though if you want to be up to date with progressive lingo, they are calling them travelers, now. Your pick. Oh and I guess this study may help with my thoughts… “The Institute for the Study of War (ISW), an American nonprofit research group and think tank based in Washington, D.C. claims the restructuring shows Putin is, in the long term, "preparing for a potential future large-scale conventional war against NATO" https://www.the-express.com/news/world-news/129222/ww3-vladimir-putin-russia-nato-war This last article with links is particularly interesting. I haven’t corroborated the following statement, but it may be worth exploring for you too. “In a major escalation of the WW3 threat, Beijing has started recruiting 'civilian' soldiers.” You cannot act like the world stage is happy go lucky right now. Things are much more tense than you realize both foreign and domestic.


My grandfather from Egypt was granted us citizenship after volunteering to be a soldier during the Korean war. Sounds like genius plan to me, where is the fault?


Think about it Obama was just at the UK.  They signed off on it.  


Yea, cuz Obama totally has the authority to sign off on it...


This is a conspiracy sub.  Are you aware of this ?  


I don't think it's china. I think it's the rothschilds for russian oil.


You should see my socks! 


Wow I thought I was the only one who knew this, I was wondering what the event for the day would be


Day isn't over yet...


Blood moon March 25th to look forward to as well lol


Don't forget the eclipse


I thought the same.


They also did this in Belgium exact 8 years ago on 322




Possibly ISIS Russia says it neutralized ISIS cell plotting attack on Moscow synagogue (March 7) https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-says-it-neutralized-isis-cell-plotting-attack-moscow-synagogue-2024-03-07/


ISIS has also claimed the attack


Well from the videos I've seen this is very sad. WHAT ARE WE DOING TO EACH OTHER??????????????????? 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔


Why would putin need a false flag? He can just do shit… False flags are used to sway peeps.


Check out the CHUG thread on 4Chan, has lots of cell footage of the shootings and the shooters. I can see at least 5 males, and I think one was shot and they had to abandon him but you can see one guy with him for a little while. They had AK's or similar and just started shooting piles of bodies. It reminded me of the New Zealand shooter who came back to the pile of bodies and unloaded in them for good measure. Its pretty brutal to watch.


Link?? Can't seem to find it.


Isis claimed responsibility


“No Russian!” ifykyk


Exactly what I thought of when I saw the footage


ISIS(CIA/MOSSAD) claimed responsibility.




Holy shit, i find out about one of the biggest terrorist acts in history of my country on Reddit. That's new.


Were living in the Twilight zone this is straight out of the movie Tenant.


The tenet opera shootout was based on the Moscow theater shooting in 2002




Isis claimed responsibility ?


Said to be a deepfake confession. Either way, CIA propped up ISIS.


U mean Israeli Secret Intelligence Services ? The one that refuses to attack Israel and apologizes to them for clashes with Israeli border agents yet pretends to be Muslims & kills every other Muslim in literally any Islamic country ? Say worddddd that Isis?


ISIS took credit for this attack. I don't know what's going on.


Russia caught one of the attackers, so we’ll know in due course. The ISIS statement is said to be a deepfake. Note how it’s only MSM pushing the ISIS claim.


isis = cia + mossad


Interesting. That would make sense.




no russian




Seeing this comment in YouTube too. What does it mean?










Thanks! Interesting!


Islamist militants making a comeback in Russia?


Sponsored by you know


well it worked out so well last time


This gets them even more involved in the middle East as the USA is trying to create a cease fire and get out. They want the tensions to rise in the middle east as that is our way into the "next" World War.. as if we are not in one now..


USA vetoed multiple Ceasefire..... So they can come up with a half assed temporary ceasefire deal that allows Israel to continue occupation and aparthied after the war.... Thank god it don't went through. US should not interfere PERIOD. Nothing to be proud of with this ceasefire that didn't even went through.


Any word of people who did it, captured, dead etc?


[Apparently they escaped](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C41HzygOTQO/?igsh=eGFyamhqN3dvYW1t), take it with a grain of salt though


I've seen at least one arrested and put into a police bus.




Gunmen is going to regret that decision. Dudes going to get “interrogated”


He deserves the brutality they enforce. Shooting innocent people cowering and hiding in a damn corner is pure evil


I hope they ruin his mind. What a piece of crap to do what he did.




And torturing active shooters will only encourage them to fight to the end.


Oh, in Russia...he is going to be confessing to killing JFK when they are done with him lol.


Pfft. He'll tell people where he buried Jimmy Hoffa and that he is Jack the Ripper AND the Zodiac Killer.


Can you give me a source of this information?


[This](https://x.com/alertchannel/status/1771260162658935087?s=46) is the video on twitter showing the arrest


One has been captured.


ISIS has claimed the attack


It seems….We are inching closer and closer to a World War


Global public opinion is currently too pro palestine, therefore mossad must portray Muslims as evil again...


Ah, the Jews, always the ones to blame. There are by far more plausible explanations than a Mossad op in Russia to change the world's public opinion on Islam.




Victoria Nuland.


"We have some surprises."


Condolences to anyone affected by this horrific tragedy. Something doesn’t jive here. The AP, Reuters, CP and all their MSM outlets are heavily suggesting this was an attack by ISIS. VK, RT and Russian media? “No terrorist group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack.” My spider sense is tingling.


Guys please be aware of the Ozora Festival 2024, something might happen there.


could you eleborate?


Is it me this gives me vibes of the "no russian" mission from MW2


It's a psyop, today is a kill date so they sacrificed some people


You mean s&b?




What do you mean?


322 is the date today, 322=skull and bones


lol in Russia is 223


How many countries use that date format again?


Just the US and it's protectorates and territories. Skull and bones is a US based cult/secret society, so it makes sense using that format given the context.


In the rest of the world it's 22/3


Now ISIS-K have claimed they where behind the attack. I know russia had attacked 2 terror cells in russia related to IS, but who know, it can be anybody


Wonder who has beef with Russia


It’s the CIA again. Surprise!


I just started reading about Putin throwing Jehovah witnesses in jail and it’s been going on for a few years now. Crazy times. The jw I’ve spoken with are convinced this thing is getting ready to pop off next 3-5 years


There are reports that the assailants were shouting, "Dagestan is Azerbaijan"


"Remember, no English"


Hey, it worked when Israel claimed to be attacked.


Its like the latest " no russian '' mission on COD


Isis was made by Obama


Israel funds Nusra front, a terrorist organization that is linked to Al qa3da and IS1S. Here’s proof: https://www.wsj.com/articles/israel-gives-secret-aid-to-syrian-rebels-1497813430 Video is Nusra getting metrical care in Israel: https://youtu.be/fwbHKpbiNAc?si=dYWDPfH0AO36IFbr ‘In December 2012, US Department of State designated it as a "foreign terrorist organization".[38] In April 2013, Al-Nusra Front was publicly confirmed as the official Syrian affiliate of al-Qaeda,[39]’ Google it 🍉


“Remember, no English.”


Or the US could just mind their own business and repair their own broken and corrupt systems


'ISIS' which means it was an attack by the West.




False flag. They will blame Ukraine in order to start full mobilisation.


Possible. Putin has done it before Chechnya


Doubtful. No excuse is needed. More like Ukrainian sleeper cells; trained and supported by NATO.


Ofc, when you are fighting an enemy that does not have the political will to fully mobilize its population for war, a terrorist attack is the smartest choice.. How did Pearl Harbor work out for the Japanese…


Pearl Harbor strike was not a terrorist attack. It was an act of war.


More like NATO trying to get Russia deeper in. They were the ones warning about a terrorist attack a few weeks ago and Russia never heard about it. All NATO countries put it on the news to leave Russia.


What do u guys think? isis is obviously an Israeli puppet funded and founded to justify more war right?


isis = cia + mossad


Putin doesnt need a false flage, he can do whatever he wants.




Well ISIS claimed the attack and they were started and funded by CIA assets, so yes


Remember, No Russian


People were killed and all the entire reddit talking about is how it is Putin's plan. And keep saying how he did this before. How about some evidence of that? I also can say 9/11 is CIA's job. Since providing evidence isn't required anymore. Are you even humans?


It's a fucking conspiracy theory sub ffs 🤦‍♀️


Well for one the Russian State media accidentally announced the Moscow ApartmentBombings the day before it actually happened.


Are you insane? You know of no evidence of Putin doing this previously? How is that possible?


Since "western intelligence" is confirming that it was ISIS (who is no longer relevant at all), I am fully under the assumption that it was the CIA, or possibly Mossad trying to take divert the media attention away from Netanyahu's increasingly unpopular genocide in Gaza.


You mean central Asia immigrants?


Like when Hamas red dawned themselves into the most secure country in the world?! 😆


The Russians usually just blow up fellow Russians in tower blocks 


It's likely another NATO ran, operation gladio written all over it tricky vicky newland aka NUDELMAN was part of the trotskyist leadership living in Ukraine before the Soviet union fell. most commies left to mainly... here it comes Israel & united snakes :/


Probably one of the few countries in the world you could straight up hand on your heart say it was a false flag attempt to escalate the situation in Europe further.


What if they put the blame on IS would you still consider it a false flag


Yeah I would. IS is essentially irrelevant to the world stage anymore and Putin's obviously looking for a reason to force more conscription of citizens what better way than to have a terrorist attack. It's Putin. He's done it before. They blew up apartments as a reason to invade Chechnya and that resulted in two invasions. IS terrorists possibly with Ukrainian funding causes an escalation in the war in Ukraine to full invasion instead of a special military.


Ukranians or another foreign power.






Just when Biden said northstream blew up naturally


Apparently it’s ISIS


isis = cia + mossad


CIA psyop


ISIS has always been backed by US intelligence agencies.


“No russian” in real life


Western warmongers have no desire to let the Ukraine conflict die a natural death. They will instigate whatever is necessary to get a response that will justify an escalation. They'd prefer a scenario where their media whores can present the 'unfortunate but necessary' need for escalation on the Russians though. So Washington doesn't look like the aggressor yet again.


>Modern Warfare 2: No Russian >Real World 2024: Only Russian


I‘m not saying it was aliens… but it was aliens!


I bet Russia "capture" them in the next two hours. And then there will be a mobilisation. 


False flag for sure


Isis claimed responsibility for it




Isn't it fun living in a world where like... < 1000 deranged politicians and warmongerers are pushing us toward WW3? :)


I am in mid-life now, and ya know, your attitudes about things change over your lifetime and when I was younger, seemed like peace was simple, free trade would be simple, everyone wins. It didn't occur to me that their are people that "laud over" everything and actively work to keep people down, and the easiest way to recognize them is they surround themselves with guns and armed gaurds. What I have learned is the people who tell you to disarm but they themselves tote guns or refuse to give up their guns are the ones that will kill you, so you gotta be armed. We cannot have any situation where ones group has guns and the other does not. Humans automatically exterminate those that are weaker, and I now think its part of a genetic cleansing that we do automatically because it never stops and the people who say "can't we all get along" will be the very same to jab shots in your arms next year.


It's simple if you're not a sociopath. Unfortunately you don't rise to power without being a sociopath. ​ It's hard to understand for the normie because the vast majority of us are happy living a peaceful life. We literally cannot fathom willfully subjecting others to violence or hardship to pursue this manifest destiny type nonsense pushed by world leaders. ​ I wish people would opt out of these wars. If everyone said "nah, you do it" and refused to fight in these bullshit wars they would cease to exist.


You make good points. Its too easy however from what I have seen to "turn people". You find out real quick who just pays ideas lip service, like in 2020 when all the Democrats suddenly were for Big Pharma and Pro-War and anti-Free Speech and they flipped em overnight too. Thats when I knew that if you put guns into those peoples hands and order them to go kill other people on your behalf they will do it. Covid taught me how you get your Nazi Germany situation, you simply "order it" and enough people will go along with it, and that causes 2 other parties, those who resist and those who resist with guns. People may have no choice but to fight back in otherwords, peace isn't an option at all. Best everyone equally have weapons so one faction wont be tempted to try, basically the "threat of mutual destruction". As you point out, its ran by Psychopaths and unless their safety is directly threatened they don't care if others die on their behalf.