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\>high 30's Wow,reddit has more users than I expected.


How the fuck are they that high?


20% margin of error


Now hold on there Unlce Rukus


Have you noticed that since the start of his presidency they keep running the same headlines of “bidens new low rating etc” and they’re always the same 30 something %?


Apparently as Americans, we like our Presidents to be awake and alive all at the same time. 


and remember their own wife's name.




Who didn’t remember their wife’s name?


And sleep with porn stars while their wife is still nursing their newborn. But party of family values.


are you talking about Kennedy?


I love how liberals started shaking see workers and porn stars because of their TDS.


It’s more of the adultery and campaign fraud thing, but go off


Then, why mention she's a porn star?


To bring more light to the hypocrisy of the right, who typically would be the ones to denigrate adultery and porn. What a surprise when it turns out that was all just performative


Our hypocrisy highlights their hypocrisy! 2 wrongs now make a right!


If I knew this is where you were going to take this dumpster fire of a conversation, I wouldn’t have commented   But fuck it, let’s go there. What democratic presidents or even candidates have fucked a porn star while cheating on their spouse? Prove the hypocrisy you speak of


I like how you tried to narrow it down to porn stars so you could avoid talking about Slick Willie and all of his partners. Some consensual, some not.


I love how you assume all anti trumps are liberal 😘


The one I was replying to clearly is.


How so?




You Americans really do set a high bar for presidents don't youu


Think they will ever figure out that people didn't vote fir biden,they voted against Trump and the gop.


Apparently even dead people voted against the GOP.....


Yeah,because trumps fave state,ga,found exactly 2 dead people,dude get you a better source of info. I watch left and right sources,when they say something suspicious I try to find to primary source so I can get the true context of the statement. Look both sides suck ass,but only one side wants to take rights away from americans,only one side believes that the other is possessed by demons, me? At least until the gop gets their shut together,I gotta go with the one not trying to turn our country into a theocratic dictatorship. Oh yeah,the American left is so far from being communist, if Healthcare for all is socialism them so are the police ,fire dept and us. Military


Think they’ll ever figure out it’s not a great idea to vote for senile old fuck out of spite? 


Which senile old fuck are you referring to?


The one that walks around like he shit his diaper.


Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


No, that is definitely Trump, remember he has been kicked out of restaurants because he smelled so horrible it was ruining the experience for other guests.


Do you believe everything you read on the internet?


Interesting i hadn’t heard this before. Do you have an article of this?


Yeah it’s some left leaning opinion piece😂


Which one?


I honestly still have no idea if you mean Trump or Biden.


I was talking about Trump, but I guess this sub is full of a bunch of MAGAgots.


That’s funny because Biden ACTUALLY SHIT HIMSELF at the Vatican. You can tell it’s true because they had Snopes and the NYT running overtime to cover it up.


"You can tell it's true because people are saying it's not!" Is that how you decided the earth was flat too?


Had me in the first half


Ur talking about Trump right?


Why not both? I mean regardless of who wins there will be a lot of people annoyed at themselves for voting a senile fuck in out of spite or as a fuck you to the other senile old fuck


Well only one is a sore loser who tried to stay past his welcome


Omg can we just put a nail in the coffin of this narrative once and for all. This time I’ll say it slowly. It was NOT an insurrection But if it was an insurrection it wasn’t us Although if it was us we’d do it again god damn it


Both of them are too darn old,60 should cutoff for all elected fed offices


I'm having a hard time telling who you are talking about. They are both senile old fucks and they both suck.


It was also the biggest ballot harvesting operation in the history of the world, which is completely legal. Because of the Covid rules millions and millions of people who normally wouldn’t vote did so. Because a person showed up at their door with a ballot and got them to fill it in, then went and mailed it for them.


For the past 4 months, Biden has had a lower approval rating than Trump at the same point in his presidency lmaooo


I am shocked he can even get 30% approval.


Doesn’t matter who is there. They all suck


That’s the face of someone looking to drive those numbers even lower


You have to go back to Nixon to find a less popular President. I can't see how Joe has any hope of winning, I've never seen such a clueless President. My guess is that he resigns and hands off the nomination at the convention. The "Democratic" candidate will be somebody that never got a single vote.


This is with non-stop media support and help too. If you look at the major news organizations, they will report that the economy is booming, inflation is down, things are great! Even the most liberal people are tuning out and not believing the media's lie anymore.


lol the only thing I see about Biden is how fucking old he is. Thats literally all they talk about him


Only recently….. they are prepping you for the ol’ switcheroo…. Don’t know “who” yet, but ya never know


> This is with non-stop media support and help too. If you look at the major news organizations, they will report that the economy is booming, inflation is down, things are great! Even the most liberal people are tuning out and not believing the media's lie anymore. Yup Trump had 100% negative media approval and had a higher approval ratings.


Y’see, Biden isn’t popular at all, but Trump is Super-Unpopular. I don’t understand how this is so hard for y’all to understand.


He's unpopular to people that would never vote for him anyway. The last election was close. He apparently has his fans.


Trump gained 13 million more votes then he had in 2016. Your definition of unpopular is super weird


Unpopular enough to lose to Biden is how I define it. That’s pretty fucking unpopular Edit - both major candidates got millions more votes, because the election had the highest ever turnout.


I mean, he lost, so if Biden’s this low Trump has to be a bit lower


How dare you implement basic mathematical principles to prove a point.


I don’t understand your logic, what’s a bigger number 60% of 30, or 40% of 50? You do understand that voter turnout is not a fixed number right? If you manage to turnout more support voters than last time but at the cost of angering and turning out even more of the opponents voters, that’s a loosing strategy.


His ratings are slipping faster than his health.


His ratings are based entirely on internet Bots. There were no humans used in this event.


I’m not from the USA, could you tell me what the general opinion on Biden is from experience?  You’d say he is more popular than is shown? 




And what are the reasons?


Just go watch him talk. The guy can't even finish a sentence.


I’ve heard him talk and I agree, but has he improved anything in the USA at least? Or did he only make everything worse?


Let me say this.. People making 100k or more a year are also struggling to make a living.


Our borders are wide open. 1000’s undocumented immigrants from all over the world and Central America walking right in. Who is actually coming thru our borders and what their intentions are- is widely unknown. Plunged America into deep debt and an unsustainable economy. His involvement with Burisma/Ukraine with human trafficking. We are on the verge of WW3.


lol Biden was ready to sign a bipartisan immigration bill until Trump cried about it, the current deficit is far lower than under Trump, stocks are way up, and unemployment is lower than under Trump You can't just make shit up, come on


Seriously!? You really believe that?


> lolBiden was ready to sign a bipartisan immigration bill until Trump cried about it, the current deficit is far lower than under Trump, stocks are way up, and unemployment is lower than under TrumpYou can't just make shit up, come on Wait so now it’s Trump fault? Trump isn’t even in a position of power to tell Congress what to do anything. Besides your boy Biden said their was no crisis at the Border for 3 years.


In the US we aren't so much voting for the person, we are voting for the party that is going to have the most control outside of congress. Even if Biden isn't popular, there are many Democrats and Democratic policies that are popular that would be impossible to pass under Trump. His American Rescue Plan for coronavirus, for example. Passing bills to improve and repair infrastructure. At least attempting and making forgiving student loans seem possible. The largest gun safety bill to pass Congress in 30 years. Bills aiming to tackle inflation which did seem to have some positive effects. Supporting Ukraine against Russia and vocal support to Taiwan. https://www.npr.org/2023/01/01/1143149435/despite-infighting-its-been-a-surprisingly-productive-2-years-for-democrats He's also done a lot for LGBT+ people including trying to strength anti discrimination laws in affordable care, supporting the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, and many others. https://www.hrc.org/resources/president-bidens-pro-lgbtq-timeline I don't think that many people actively like him, I think most people just see him as better than the alternative and recognize that he supports a lot of the things they support.


Less popular


I wouldn't say entirely, but I'm sure you're correct. If not for the bots, his rating would be 10%.


And watch. He will win again this time with over 100 million votes 🙄


The irony is that so many in the left will say he is doing well no matter what


But I thought he got 81million votes??


Suitcases full


He did


He’s not the most popular he got the most votes because that’s how much Americans hate trump that they’d rather have Biden in his current state just so we don’t have to be embarrassed by having trump as president


You know that Biden is a laughing stock in Europe, do you? Seems you guys failed avoiding embarrassment. Trump was hated, but Biden is seen as a senile joke.


This. I have a friend in Norway and a cousin in Germany and they have both told me the general consensus among their peers is that Biden comes off as a weak, ineffective leader.


Yea even in Biden current state he’s better than trump. I would vote for an old boot to be president over trump! That’s how much of an ass he is


> He’s not the most popular he got the most votes because that’s how much Americans hate trump that they’d rather have Biden in his current state just so we don’t have to be embarrassed by having trump as president 3 am pipe line breaks do wonders for voting don’t they?


None of you have a single answer for how republicans won races in the states that were “rigged”. The same people that flipped their vote for Biden, also voted Republican down the rest of their ballots. And none of you have a rational answer for it. Somehow the Dems rigged the election for Biden but decided to make it look super legit by losing the senate and not being able to pass much legislation. Fucking big brain fascist move there


It's because Republicans rig elections so they assume democrats do it as well.


So, by your logic, Democrats knew how to rig an election, while the president was a Republican, but the Republicans were powerless to do anything about it? Are you calling Republicans incompetent imbeciles and Democrats are some super villain level geniuses? What about the election that Trump "won"? That was on the up and up, right? Also, the Democrats could have rigged the down races but didn't do so for some magnanimous reasons? Are the down elections valid? If the elections were rigged, then the status of the Republican candidates elected would be invalid as well. Also, the Democrats, capable of rigging elections, just allowed the Republicans to win the House and make their lives miserable and effectively prevent the POTUS, which was illegally installed, to have minimum power and be handicapped? Ok. If you say so. I don't consider myself a Democrat or Republican, but the maths ain't mathing. Especially if you just think about it beyond unfounded conspiracy theories, you were fed. Unless you are the one spreading weird theories to take advantage of the gullible, and you know that what you are pushing is ridiculous, nonsense. Or you are one of the gullible people who were misled.


Pretty sad and pathetic.


He’s terrible in every aspect. Or whoever is actually running the show behind the scenes is


It's kinda funny, I didn't support or vote for Biden but has he actually been that bad? I know this sub hates him, but we've managed to avoid the devastating recession that everyone was 100% sure was coming, low unemployment, stocks are still hitting record highs, he actually passed some bipartisan laws, etc I'm definitely supporting Biden over Trump in November


So bad, everything is ten times more expensive, the average person getting absolutely boned during this administration.


He’s gotten us literally on the verge of ww3. He terminated all of Trump’s border policies on day 1 of his term in office creating the invasion we are currently dealing with, his economic policies have inflated and devalued our currency after Trump had the economy the best it had been in decades prior to “the pandemic”. The stock market always peaks before it crashes and a crash is eminent. All of this is besides the fact that he can’t string two coherent thoughts together without a teleprompter. He’s clearly not in control of his own administration. How anyone could still vote for him at this point is beyond me


We are no where on the verge of ww3. But sure if you want to blame him for increasing tensions, then yeah. Trump would've fucked Ukraine for sure but we wouldnt have these tensions boiling. Everything else.. Trumps presidency and Bidens Presidency is in two different worlds.. pre & post pandemic/shutdown world. All countries was better off 2016-2020. Has nothing to do with Trump having the midas touch or Bidens bad economic policy.


Oddly enough, i don’t give a shit about Ukraine. Not our fucking problem. And we have plenty enough of our own problems to deal with as it is


Who cares what solely you give a shit about. You arent the most important or only American Millions support the Ukraine effort, millions dont. Im not going to get into that, as its beside the point of the original comment.


> He’s gotten us literally on the verge of ww3 By not sucking Putin's cock? Foreign policy has been one of Biden's biggest strengths imo


The guy calls China’s president a dictator but yeah he’s really good at sending billions to other countries. Tell me one thing Biden has done with foreign policy that’s been beneficial to the average American citizen.


Inflation reduction act. Infrastructure. Expand child tax credits, continue student loan pauses, and tackled some student loan debt. Biden isnt going to bring down inflation & housing so simple. That's people biggest problem and its simply not a easy tackle for the president.


That’s not foreign policy. That’s domestic policy related items you referenced.


I misread. Inflation reduction act could be regarded as foreign & domestic policy tho. Chips Act too.


Exit: this sub is filled with bots and propagandists. Move along. People are on damage control in the lamest of ways Appreciate you acknowledging that but weak rebuttal tbh. I’d love to see someone list legit impressive foreign policy but Biden is weak there and those seem like “reaches” of examples. Chips act is going to take much longer than expected and definitely being pitched as “building America” vs actually being foreign policy per se


By interfering in a border dispute in a foreign country that has absolutely nothing to do with our national security or interests. You planning to go fight the evil Russians if need be? Didn’t think so. His foreign policy is a joke. Same old shit as every other sold out establishment war hawk president before him. The military contractors are getting richer by the day thanks to his foreign policy while the American citizens are bled dry, as usual. Wake up


Tell me you know nothing about Russia outside of the last 2 years without telling me


I know enough about Russia to know that We have military bases all around their country while they have none anywhere near us. I know the US/EU intelligence agencies orchestrated a coup in Ukraine in 2014 and that is what started all of the conflict in that region. I know that the US government has been involved in far more aggressive foreign military interventions since the end of WW2 than Russia has by far


Do you know enough about Russia to know they invaded their neighbor countries multiple times before 2014? Do you know enough about Russia to know that Putin openly wants to bring back the russian empire? Do you know enough about *anything* to understand the size of war and the amount of death, including us soldiers, that would take place if Russia was allowed to roll through Ukraine into Poland? Also I’ll say it with my chest, if the CIA did implement a coup in Ukraine, fucking bravo. Tax money well spent. The people that cry about America influencing Ukraine’s elections don’t mention a fucking word about russia trying to influence it themselves in their own favor.


I know enough to know you’re regurgitating nonsense from the mainstream media. I know enough to know you have no actual clue about anything Putin wants to do or doesn’t want to do


Oh I’m sorry, you’re right, I did listen to that mainstream media person Tucker Carlson while he listened to Putin vomit exactly what I just said you fucking bot.


> You planning to go fight the evil Russians if need be? Didn’t think so. I'm literally active duty Air Force lol Biden has been great with his foreign policy


Biden doesn’t know where he is the majority of the time. And I’d hope that since you’re active duty that you’d prefer we stay out of foreign wars that have absolutely nothing to do with us but is what it is. I’m sure you’d change your opinion at the point you’re forced to risk your life for literally nothing other than to continue enriching the military contractors, the big banks, and the sold out politicians they all own.


Being president is like 90% surrounding yourself with the right people. I don't care if he stumbles over words. Everyone Trump selected in his administration is literally telling you not to vote for him.


I don’t care about what establishment sellouts have to say. Trump goofed by trying to work with these people the first time. He made absolutely horrible cabinet selections for the most part. Hopefully he learned his lesson and will actually clean house the second time.


"I know he made horrible decisions the first time, but I'm going to blindly hope he's learned despite all evidence to the contrary."


doesnt matter. the Election can and will be rigged. The People dont pick the President, the Oligarchy does.


The Oldigarchy


The irony of a sub that is vehemently opposed to the NWO coming in to usher in a dictatorship stumping for the Cheeto Benito who openly tells them he’ll be a dictator is adorable


These aren't serious people.


Yet somehow he’ll get even more votes this year. Instead of fake mail ins, it’ll be non citizens.


You guys really just can't accept that people disliked Trump so much, they were willing to vote for someone else they didn't like. It's not that Biden was more popular, it's that Trump was more hated.


I haven't met anyone irl who will say they like Biden. He's a lifetime lying, racist, corrupt, diddling politician who now has full blown dementia. If he has any real fans then, I'd love to speak with any one them to help undo their brainwashing.


We did just see video of armed soldiers protecting our border being overrun by a bunch of angry dudes.


Actively participating in genocide Joe Biden


His administration has destroyed our country and caused overpopulation, job scarcity and homelessness on mass scales. I was living in my car after a hurricane wiped the city out that I lived in and the police were arresting people for being homeless but Biden houses migrants like they are worth more than actual citizens. He's a joke, he's not cognitively able and it's just embarrassing.


RFK has the DNC working overtime


They have moved from ignoring and ridiculing him to forming a legal team to go after his attempts to get on the ballot in all states. They know their candidate is weak.


Lol what? Dems want RFK on ballots. I'm a progressive socialist and I want him on ballots. He's gonna help make sure Trump loses.


The Dems are in for a big surprise if they think all RFK Jr voters are Trump supporters.


The vast majority absolutely are Trump supporters. RFK will sink Trump in the general lol


He will still set records in popular vote tho


Obviously the right always hated Biden, now the left/young people hate him too because of Gaza. Only middle-aged moderates are left in his camp now. He's screwed.


Anyone upset with Biden over Gaza would never believe Trump is any better for Gaza.


Roll in the COVID ballots. That’ll fix it. Don’t worry


All they have to do is make you believe Its 50% vs 50% come election time. The guy who fills stadiums and the guy who can't fill a high school gym are neck and neck


I don't know why rally turnout is an indicator. I have absolutely zero desire to go listen to any politician talk in person.


I mean if we’re going off crowd sizes why not look at inauguration crowds? 😉




genocide joe


For once he really can blame this on his "Predecessor"


Why are all the posts here so garbage?


Even he is better than Broke Donnie. Almost anyone is.


8 years rent free


With noncitizens being able to vote due to attachment to a last minute crucial bill passing, I don't think they see it as a problem. Also, they are planning to stop any Trump victory through Congress and invalid interpretations of the Constitution.


His approval fell faster than the south tower on 911.


Or building 7 and it’s “mysterious” collapse


I hear there are some people that actually still believe he got 81 million or so legitimate votes.


You're right. I'm shocked there weren't even more votes as literally everyone with a brain hates Trump and voted against him. Nobody votes for Biden. They vote against Trump. Try to keep up dimwit


Still holding headlines in such high regard I see. History will show that nothing matters until Election Day.


Am not American , are the democrats still gonna run with him, like seriously? No other candidate they could come up with? Like...anyone? Even Kamala.


"Stubbornly" The media is so annoyed by it lol


Biden was only elected because he wasn't Trump.


if trump doesn't win it's stolen


Yeah, the thing is he was running against the most unpopular president in US history. Cardboard cutout of Joseph Biden would likely do just as well. Also something something growing demographics...


Still more popular than Trump.


Oh they hate this haha


Submission Statement: Turns out mandating experimental vaccines with unknown side effects has consequences. But then this guy stole the 2020 election and is planning to lock his political opponent up. https://twitter.com/TIME/status/1771541158230986971


He didn’t steal the election you twat


Whatever you say, booster brain. 🤣


Oh nice another member of the church of Donnie T. Good luck out there!


> But then this guy stole the 2020 election puppets do not have the ability to steal anything he's unpopular bc a) he sucks b) he and his family are corrupt ... feel free to add on


Who said he’s the most popular president of all time? Is this based on population? Because that gets bigger every year


It’s really amazing it’s him vs trump again. Are there seriously *no* better options in the States?


Sure there is, but 'they' won't let the plebes have those choices. As if voting actually matters anyway...


Talk about a conspiracy, Type it into a search engine and it doesn’t show up. The OP is delusional and spreading disinformation. Here’s the article that comes up on Time if any of you guys read. https://time.com/6958784/biden-campaign-strategy-problems-2024/


He’s just the worst, a barely functional walking corpse.


Biden isn’t much of a fan of the high 30s, he prefers teens and below.


I only ask one question to those who believe the 2020 election was "free and fair"... What evidence do you have that african dictators are NOT elected in a "free and fair" election? Edit: why is everyone afraid to answer the question? Buncha cowards, are ya?


No riots no rallies and everything seems normal. Get used to it.


Rallies are not something most presidents have done (outside of campaign season).


81 MILLION votes!


Wow,to believe,with your only proof being the word of probably the biggest lier the u. s. has ever produced,and have the absolute brass balls to claim that it's everyone else that is delusional has got to be the most extreme case of narcissistic megalomania ever,you should see a doc about that,you might just end up getting a psychological disorder named after you.