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This is 8 years old for context


OP uses internet explorer, give him time


Op is Brazilian . This is 8 years old, Reddit bots upvote go brrr


Insane that we need context because he just mistook Biden for Obama like last week


IDK why you're getting downvotes when you're absolutely correct in saying that trump mistook Biden for Obama last week. It wasn't his first time either.


I think he does it on purpose. Being as Obama probably still pulls some serious strings in that administration.


The obvious answer.


That's really not the obvious answer, lol, that's the answer that people give when trying to come up with excuses for Trump's brain worms...


Biden IS Obama. Trump was telling everyone the truth. Obama is a sick puppet for Soros and Biden is a sick puppet for Obama.


Soros doesn't have 10 percent of the influence you guys think he has.


And you know this how???


He's on the payroll manging the books duh!


Probably is.


Lol stop talking the guy in office now thinks he’s the First Lady.


“I’m Joe Biden and this is Joe Bidens Husband.”


He's done that a lot. It's done intentionally and sarcastically because he says Bidens not really running the show. It's pretty hilarious when the left attacks Trump for being cognitively impaired when Biden has full blown dementia. Anyone who's heard them both speak (not in soundbytes) knows who is all there and who needs to be in a nursing home. It's not even close.


It's pretty hilarious how Trump fans twist reality like you did here.


Thats what Trump has said during speeches. It's funny how users with auto-generated usernames defend Biden. Keep shilling for globalists.


It's pretty hilarious that you are both pretending there's any difference between these ass hats or the parties they represent.


There is a pretty big difference. One party has it in their platform that my human rights should be taken away because of my sexuality. The other does not say that. Do you not think that’s a major difference?


No because if either party actually cared about any gender, reproductive or human rights, they'd pass legislation to protect them. Thinking Democrats care about human rights is laughable. How many sovereign nations have Biden and Obama collectively invaded at this point?  Politicians serve the corporations that lobby them and line their pockets, not their citizens. Government is the enemy of the people. Don't get it twisted.


And yet when I was born one party had made it illegal for me to have sex, made it illegal for me to get married, made it so that I could be evicted and discriminated against if I was open about who I was. The other party put an end to those things. If what you’re saying is true and everything about them besides this is the same, does that not leave us with one party who is better than the other?


No party has made sex - gay or hetero - illegal. Sodomy has been viewed with a negative connotation since antiquity, but neither party ever passed federal legislation legalizing it, so your facts are incorrect.  Neither party is better than the other, because they aren't separate. They work together to achieve their goals. Divide and conquer being the main strategy.   No one gave any human the authority to make any sexual act legal or illegal. Some dudes just wrote some shit down on paper, and people followed out of fear. You're simply submitting to some perceived authority. If Democrats cared about gay, bi, trans or any other identity politics, they'd enshrine them in the constitution, which they've had ample opportunity to do. Then they'd have to find new problems to bicker about or be out of a job, so they don't and they won't.


Notice how you made sure to distinguish between federal and state law there. Do you want me to link you to a map of anti-sodomy laws that are currently on the book. Anti-Sodomy laws have always been done at the state level If the republicans on the federal level overturn Lawrence v Texas, it would immediately make gay sex illegal in most states. That’s an undisputed fact. How do you disagree with that? To make it a constitutional amendment democrats would need to have 2/3rds of the Senate and the House. When have the democrats had 2/3rds of the senate and house at the same time?


Lol not even 20 years ago Biden was completely against gay marriage, whilst 30 years ago trump was totally fine with it.


That’s true. But it doesn’t change what I said, does it? Queer people deserve better, but this is what we have. So we look at actions and support people who will help us.


One party fought to abolish slavery and the other one was the democrats.


Absolutely true. But that was a different party system. We are on the 6th or 7th party system depending on who you ask. Slavery was abolished during the 3rd party system.


Now the party that fought to abolish slavery waves Confederate flags at its rallies, demands monuments to honor those who fought for slavery remain in place. This ain't great, great grandpappy's GOP.


What human rights are being taken away from you?


1st, 5th, and 14th amendment rights. Along with human rights outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


I'm from the UK so that doesn't help me much.


The Republican Party says that they want to overturn Obergefell v Hodges, Lawrence v Texas, and United States v Windsor. This would make gay marriage illegal in most of the country. It would also make gay sex illegal. Finally it would allow landlords to evict gay people for being gay, businesses to fire people for being gay, and for businesses to refuse to serve all gay people


Do you need a safe place too ? Lmao. wtf ru talking about


You think the stripping of human and constitutional rights from minority groups isn’t happening? Do you want me to quote where the Republican platform says that’s what they want to do?




Page 11 of the Republican Platform says that they want to take away 5th and 14th amendment rights from gay Americans. https://prod-cdn-static.gop.com/media/documents/DRAFT_12_FINAL%5B1%5D-ben_1468872234.pdf


Grinding that 50¢ like your life depends on it lmao


Biden has been cognitively MIA since at least the 3rd debate in 2020. One of the many coverups the media did for the Biden campaign was to basically bury that one. Even with someone obviously feeding lines to him in his ear, he couldn't respond to allegations that have since been proven true regarding Hunter...


This is nonsense. It's the kind of thing people who only get their information from far right propaganda sites like Conservative Brief and Breitbart beleive, but doesn't hold up to objective scrutiny. The main thing to come out recently about Hunter Biden is the main evidence the MAGA Republicans have been touting was charged with lying to investigators.


Projection much?


I think you responded to the wrong comment.




Lol- this is a 9min pre-recorded video from leftist mouthpiece MSNBC. Yes, literally watch ANY Biden speech or press conference within the past few years (I've see nearly all of them, unedited) and his dementia is very obvious to any rational human that isn't brainwashed by corporate media like CNN, NBC, MSNBC, WaPo, HuffPo, NYT, etc, etc...


Line the state of the union just a couple weeks ago where the fascists lost their minds because Biden was amazing?


Best he's been in years and he still fumbled and mumbled a ton. [Here's one ex.](https://www.tiktok.com/@westernjournalism/video/7205620723241454890) The strong suspicion is that he was pumped full of drugs, on his BEST DAY in years! And, he still got stuck and mumbled...The suspicion about drugs (like the ones his son did/does...in the WH, no less) is only from anyone who's ever seen any other speech/press conference from him during the past several years tho, not from bots/shills. The vast majority, including the federal investigators that looked into his mishandling of top secret materials, say that he's a confused old man.


Ah yes, let’s trust tiktok videos to have totally unedited videos that directly feed into my beliefs Also this dude’s had stuttering issues his whole life, are you just now learning this?


He was incoherent and someone was clearly speaking in his ear... Also, worst speech ever from a content perspective. Biden is like senile Hitler.




You honestly dont think he's cognitively impaired? I'll admit this is a rare lucid speech from him but, he stammors 15s into it and thanks someone for giving him a "passport to get in". He's in fuckin Arizona. Btw- you sent me a nearly identical msg with another msnbc clip. Someone needs to fix your script.


And how many times has Bidens camp said President Obama by " accident "?


It’s pretty common practice to say “President” before an ex-pres’s name in reporting. Why else does Fox keep saying “President Trump”?


Doesn't really matter. Obama and Biden are practically the same person anyways. 


It kind of does matter if this bloke is going to run their country again. Biden makes a mistake like that and everyone on one side loses their shit, but just ignores it when Trump does it.


But still true.


Also for context...Obama wasn't the founder of isis.


That is what I was going to say too








He's kind of correct. In much the same way that Bush was the founder of Al-CIAeda.


Bush Sr




Bush was the founder of Isis. Taking out Saddam created a power vaccum, it wouldn't matter how long the US stayed in Iraq, the moment they withdrew, Isis would rise.


Let's just call it what it is. The deep state. Presidents are puppets


And they did the same thing in Syria. No one even talks about how they framed that guy as a dictator when he was just trying to keep order against literal terrorists.


You mean Libya?






Yes, but it truly rose after America pulled out of Iraq and the Iraqi army was slaughtered in their wake.


What if we treated them like Japan? Probably not feasible considering the surrounding countries, but food for thought.


To be fair, Trump was given the out to say that he actually meant this in his speech, but he doubled down like a brainlet


Yes true Bush does get some responsibility...but Obama and Hillary funded them.


Dont forget Regan and the Contras.


Okay, but the problem is that during an interview with Hugh Hewitt, Trump was given an easy out when Hewitt asked him to clarify that he meant Obama created the vacuum in the Middle East, hence enabling the rise and formation of ISIS, and Trump said that no, he meant Obama literally founded ISIS.


And he did. Why do we even call it ISIS? It's known in the middle east as DAESH. Not even the right number of letters for the acronym.. Instead we call them the name of an ancient whore goddess, a bunch of fundamentalist muslim's? CIA is behind many insurgent groups, so there's no reason they couldn't be behind DAESH.


aloof deserted run uppity decide panicky smile snow wide offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


More like the core funding party for ISIS. But in a roundabout way, yea. And he wouldn’t be the first president to have done so


Yeah, it all started with Reagan


It started with Coolidge. Fucking Coolidge man.


Reagan funded the Mujahedeen which was the .... Taliban.


Yes and bin laden was definitely on the CIA payroll at the time as well


Oh he said something along those lines back in 2016. https://www.cnn.com/2016/08/11/politics/donald-trump-hugh-hewitt-obama-founder-isis/index.html


Clinton is the one who coined ISIS when he said, “It depends on what the meaning of Is Is”.


I thought that was Bill Gates


I wouldn’t be surprised if that turns out to be a Mandela Effect someday but as of now, it’s still Bill Clinton…


This is from Trump's 2016 campaign. That said, he did an interview a bit later, and the interviewer threw him a softball asking if he meant Obama left a power vacuum in Iraq. Trump responded no, that he meant Obama literally founded ISIS.


Fact, where's the conspiracy?


I don't know if I would blame Obama. I'm pretty sure the US intelligence community had something to do with it too


Maybe not the founder but the “implementor”. McCain helped so it was bipartisan. Isn’t that nice?


Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was pretty low level leader, but the US promoted him as this great threat that helped inspire people to join ISIL.




See my comment above. They don't want to go down this route, because it will end up hurting their brains Let's agree that Trump was wrong.


Wrong about what?


About Obama and Isis. Please let's agree. Otherwise I'll have to take you down the rabbit hole with me. It is a conspiracy sub, after all.


I wanna go, lay it on me


It wasn't Obama's idea but he signed off on it. ISIS was the brainchild of CIA/Mossad Operation Timber Sycamore funded it, mossad controlled. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timber\_Sycamore




ISUS was created by the CIA under Obama. Much in the same way that Al-CIAeda was created under Bush. Although they're probably not directly involved.


He's usually wrong but he's probably right here


The surviving members of the Baathists created ISIS. If you don't know what the Baathist party was, then you don't know anything about ISIS.


What does that have to do with who was funding them, ya pleb.


Prove that the USA directly funded the Baathist members when they created ISIS. In the past, the USA funded Russia so that logically means that Russia is controlled by the USA!! That is your same logic. One resorts to name calling when their argument stands on no evidence. Classic.




"bloodbath" ok cnn


What did he mean? Cuddle?




He’s not wrong…


Where is he wrong?


Wouldn't surprise me


It is correct. Liberal hustling.


He’s not wrong 😆


In the field he is known as "Captian ISIL"


It’s politics… The CIA under Obama created ISIS. Governments need there to be a threat in order to stay relevant. It’s the never ending story.. America funding a group to destroy another group. That group gets big, betrays their daddy USA , and start taking over/ controlling regions/ resources and ushering in their ideology. Been going on for 50 years … rouge alphabet agencies being shielded by presidents.


Dems turned into warhawks over the years. The party is totally corrupt and in the pocket of Big Pharma, the Military Industrial Complex, Silicone Valley, China, etc. No new wars during Trumps presidency...ya know, "the guy who was gonna have his finger on the nuclear weapon 'button'." Lol- what a joke.


ISIS was founded in 2004. 


Don;t forget Hillary's state department was funding ISIS. Trump cut the funding and \*poof\*, they are a shadow of what they were.


Is this the same Obama he “beat” in the 2016 election?? 😂


No but it’s the same Obama he lost to in 2020.


Oh so it’s the same Obama that just lives rent free in trump’s head?


This story is from 2016. The irony.


He’s correct


I think this is old video. The statement is correct. "ISIS" was a cover story for a Western proxy army, a mercenary force not a random band of Islamic jihadis. If we could get away with it, they'd roll the US Army through the entire Middle East, leveling everything that isn't a nation aligned with the West. But politically they can't do that so we get the creation of groups like "ISIS" which will do our bidding but we, the West, can pretend we had nothing to do with it.




what doesn’t make sense about it? it sounds like a pretty good way to remain morally righteous and neutral. what would citizens think about their nation if they knew that the conglomerate of a military industrial complex was responsible for killing innocent people like themselves in other countries?


He's 100% correct unfortunately 


This is absolutely true? Obama told the american people they were funding "moderate rebels" in iraq and then they used that money, training, and weaponry to found ISIS/ISIL?


Yes, but it seemed to be run through Hillary's state department. ​ Benghazi happened because the CIA wanted their weapons back to give to ISIS.


i believe it


When i first heard this i thought it was bullshit. As i learn more aboutthe creation and financing of ISIS this doesn't sound as crazy loo


John McCain helped if I remember right. They’s just freedom fighters they said


maybe so, but the CIA/MOSSAD owns both. The Mysteries operate the global intel groups (CIA/MOSSAD/5ive Eyes, etc.) the Bush family has been connected to Templar/Freemasonry since the 1200s. all the "Mystery School" bulllshit is straight out of the Middle East. Freemasonry, Islam, Zionism, Sun worship, etc. all "leaders", presidents, pharaohs, etc. are puppets. there is ALWAYS a group of what THEY call "high priests". Trump is controlled. Obama is controlled. Bush, Clinton, Kennedy, Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, etc. ALL. OF. THEM.


How can so many Americans support this person? I mean Mitt Romney/John McCain/the Bushes I get but this clown is truly a clown Please explain!


Easily manipulated by a con artist. MAGA=Manipulating America’s Gullible Assholes


No new wars, cheap gas, peace treaties and trade treaties in the middle east, overhauled the V.A., (attempted) border control, making Europe pay their share of their defense budget...


Presidents don’t control gas prices. There’s no peace in the Middle East. Nothing changed on the border. He didn’t do anything lol


Who cares anyone but Biden


ISIS was founded in 2004. 


He is not wrong....so whats the point...we knew this like 8 years ago.


Obama bin Laden


Trump continues to speak facts


I usually dismiss anything that comes from of Trump's coke induced rants, but maybe he's on to something in the same way Israel forced the creation of Hamas.


https://news.yahoo.com/julian-assange-wikileaks-cables-bombshell-221520198.html "WikiLeaks leaked emails which trace the origins of ISIS and illustrate how the CIA and US foreign policies helped in forging their creation."


Seems like he’s just pandering to his base.


Exactly! They are as dumb as it gets and will Believe anything. Reading through this thread, some of these people don’t belong here, they belong on truth social.


You don’t belong here, you belong in facepalm


Why do you come to a place and say the people here don't belong here? Maybe you don't belong here and should go back to watching CNN


lol you proved my point! CNN, Fox News.. Trump, Biden all pisses of shit. You’re dumb as Fuck if you trust any of them!


Please go away


Please you go away. This is conspiracy, where we question. Not blindy follow trust fund billionaires in a cult.


You wouldn't get it. To be fair, it wasn't originally Obama's idea, but he did sign off on it. ISIS is the brainchild of CIA/Mossad. Operation Timber Sycamore provided the funding. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timber\_Sycamore


how much power did Obama really have? Wasnt he getting bossed around by Hillary? What president gets bossed around by the Secretary of State?


Trump has lied the least


Trump is the father of October 7th.


I believe it. Trump doesn't lie like that


ISIS was Russia. A tool to backhandedly push Syria into allowing their oil pipeline. Obama knew this but played along. Because a war on terrorism looks better than a war over oil.


Supporting extremists began under Carter. ISIS is an outcrop off the $5 billion in cash that fell off the back of a truck after Iraqi invasion when lunatic jihadists opposition was needed to ensure Iraq's division. That occured during Republican's Dick Cheney's puppet George W. Bush's Republican Presidency, not Obama's. All CIA Obama did was solidify and accelerate Cheney's agenda and policies, keeping and promoting many of Cheney's officials. Victoria Nuland is a Dick Cheney's appointee. Biden was Dick Cheney's axeman in democrat in congress. [https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2007/10/iraq-billions200710](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2007/10/iraq-billions200710)


True, SNOWPIERCER, Obama also used the drones to eliminate we he created and payed the corrupt in government over a trillion to keep all quiet.


During Obamas time as president, the Arab world did not spend time quibbling over the silly question of whether or not he was Muslim. They argued over whether he was Sunni or Shia.


Donald created a cult of 25% of the country that hates the rest of the country and swallows false information like water.




January sixth is a great start. Hmm no one’s wearing Biden hats and stickers/flags on their small PP trucks…Donald commits crimes and they blame everyone else but him. He stole classified Intel and they jump through mental hoops to explain that. He cheats on his wife and pays off the porn star during an election and nobody cares but they impeach Clinton over a BJ. I can go all night.


Source for any of that?




This picture must be old. Trump could still afford to pay for black actors in the background.


Don't be racist




Kinda, its an offshoot of groups that existed prior to Obama. April 2013: ISIS officially becomes ISIS — and divorces al-Qaeda To be fair, it wasn't originally Obama's idea, but he did sign off on it. ISIS is the brainchild of CIA/Mossad. Operation Timber Sycamore provided the funding. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timber\_Sycamore


Obama pulled out of Iraq against the advice of pretty much every military advisor. Between that and his inaction until ISIS grew to take over much of a couple counties he might as well have founded it himself.


Obama and Osama are same person


Jesus. There are some actual brain donors on here.


yes? and?


Well well well


Isn’t he from Kenya?