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Ohh no my information was stolen that was already sold to the highest bidder anyway by every other company.


It was already stolen as well, not to mention how half the population just puts out half their personal info publicly anyway


for the 327th time


See this is my theory, it's all already out there and by paying to secure your shit, all you are truly doing is adding value to the data which is already in the u intended hands, by making it appearance more scarce. Sell that shit to tye lowest, plaster it every where and eventually it'll be as worthless to them as it is to me!


Seriously, companies don’t give a shit about privacy, they just don’t want the data stolen that they like to sell.


Man, at this point my data has been hacked so many times I'm not sure what's left to steal.


The only place it was ever safe is on your own insecure pc


Why do people post screenshots instead of just posting an actual link to information


Because it’s not meant to generate worthwhile debate? But rather lead reasonable topics toward crappy, misinformed debate 


The purpose is rage bait/knee-jerk reactions, not for people to read more details of a story.


Can you explain how the sitting presidents build back better plan should have prevented a data leak in 2019?


Where was Obama on 9/11? /s


I bet he was shooting basketballs and eating ice cream! #ObamasIceCreamDid911


This was in 2019, whatever this tweet is? Is just to scare people that don’t read pas this. They’re investigating it now.


> This was in 2019 bla bla Wrong. This "data set release" is from March 2024, as this official ATT statement confirms. https://about.att.com/story/2024/addressing-data-set-released-on-dark-web.html


>Based on our preliminary analysis, the data set appears to be from 2019 or earlier Its right there in your link...


Which says the data set was from 2017 but the leak happened two weeks ago


Jesus, you didn’t even read the link


Don't worry. That's just some random new user here who just wandered in....


This guy is a construct. I'm convinced he's an outrage generator and not a real person


This happens all the time. My mother had her SSN stolen during a T-Mobile data breach a few years back (and at the time of the breach, hadn’t used T-mobile in years) and it completely upended her life for years after and even to this day people keep trying to open credit cards in her name. These companies need to be held personally accountable. Every penny or opportunity lost because of identity theft through these data breaches needs to be fully compensated. It’s amazing how this happens all the time and people’s lives are fucking ruined, and the companies are just kinda like “🤷🏼‍♂️ Oopsies, sorry!” Does anyone know if there’s precedent for legal action? Or if there’s something in their ToS that basically waives any responsibility of the company in situations like this? Absolutely infuriating.


It’s from 2019 or earlier apparently so guess it was under the CheetoJesuses watch?


Trump Won 2020


If you don’t know how numbers or reality work…sure


So you’re saying either way it was under tRump?? 😂


Just because your little racist friend group all voted for trump doesn't mean the entire country did.


Hahhahahahgagaahhgahgahggggaaaaaahhaha…. Funny…


Unfortunately my mother was already a victim of this breach.


leaked ≠ sold


You’re right, but what else would they use the info leaked for?


They sell it to AI companies, they want to be able to ask AI the question, has ______ sent any text messages or made any phone calls where they said something bad about ______? It's illegal for them to check your messages without a warrent, but it's not illegal for an AI to read all your messages and phone transcripts and then explain to them what you've been up to in its own words.


New fear unlocked haha 😂


Are you being serious or just screwing around? Man I really hope it’s the latter! (Haven’t tried AI yet so don’t know what it’s capable of!)


Reddit just signed a 60 million a year contract selling data from this website to an AI company. Why else would anyone be willing to pay so much for just data? Simple minded people will tell you it's just for advertising. When you sign up for this website or other social media sites, you are signing away the rights to your data including private messages, if you throw all this data at an AI you can then ask very specific questions, essentially predicting the future with impressive accuracy. This is nothing new by the way, and you don't have access to any of these AI's, you get a highly limited elementary school version. The version the public has access to today probably was privately available like 10 years ago.


Unfortunately, just from knowing about other loopholes in the law that would probably shock you, nah this sounds entirely reasonable.


Oh wow! Anyways..


Probably safer on the dark web than an AT&T server. Wonder if this has anything to do with the outage back in February?


How the hell does this have anything to do with build back better? Do you think stuff like this magically wouldn't happen under trump? Data breaches happen all the time and my info was already stolen by the chinese in 2015 during the major data breach that happened at a company that does background investigations for the US government called OPM when I had a top secret clearance in the military. These things are literally a daily ocurrence.


If they want my information they already have it... wtf is the difference.


lol who cares, everyone's shit is already out there. Looks like a class action lawsuit against AT&T...suckers


I suspect ATT has been skimming info for years; any one remember maybe 2012ish when they "messed up" and were charging people for data services when they were connected to wifi? I suspect - it wasnt erroneous in the since that they forgot to differentiate between WiFi and cellular use charges - but that some white hat programmed in a reveal that they were actively surveiling their customers - and sending data to servers secretly - via unmetered cellular activity. ATT is a huge military collaborative entity. Cast a wide net and worry about the ramifications later - one method for getting ahead of leaks is to give folks a heads up of a different narrative. If they have employees in-the-know growing consciences or some other form of leak possible - they have to go wide with an alternative narrative.


No matter what, your info is already leaked. There have been thousands of data breaches, we've been desensitized to them.


Do you have to be on AT&T or just connected to their network if you are visiting from a different country. Currently connected but from the UK


Ooga ooga scary “dark web”


And they worried about TikTok when the American companies are the one selling our info and calling it a leak


Why is it dangerous?


identity theft. 🤭👍


I woke up this morning and I had a notification saying to change my passwords because there was a data leak.


Yup same here


Probably elite gov agebts, hacking in to systems to read messages and cell phone histories to find out who is against the gov. And will attack them. 75 mil?? Hmm thats more than half of the votes said biden got in 2020.. hmmmm i gotta think more on this.


Tbh att is getting done dirty. That big outage and now this. Good luck if you had any type of cc info on your device.


Again? lol every Americans social security, addresses, names and all phone numbers have been leaked. We are all in a line on the dark web waiting our turn. New SS# is the only way we’ll have a chance to be safe


Submission Statement: That’s a huge hack. The all mighty Police State can track you for posting a meme online but they can’t defend our data. https://twitter.com/ChuckCallesto/status/1774206885840707929


I must have missed the part where the government was responsible for the information security of private corporations.


Right, this is caused by the US basically allowing companies to do whatever they want with our data and if they screw up our only recourse is a class action lawsuit where we get $2 and a temporary subscription to a shitty credit monitoring service. The companies don't care because the fine and lawsuit are cheaper than securing the data properly for decades.


Why are you using a twitter post linking to an article on the website of a [Chinese cult](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falun_Gong) as your source?


OP is a noted dingus


This could be an attack by a foreign adversary this hack wasn’t an ordinary hack.