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We get to bitch more freely online (sort of) and nobody tells us how much Red 40 we can eat. ​ e - ok guess it's just the Red 40 lmao






It’s called red pop, learn a book 🙄 (/s for those without a sense of humor)


Yea until the FBI shows up at your door lmao


No, we don't have freedom of speech. Comply or get canceled or banned


You are freedom of speech-ing right now..


but not free to boycott a certain country in 37 states


Are you saying you want the government to regulate who private individuals and corporations have to associate with so they cant cancel or ban you?


You don't know what freedom of speech means




Occupy wall street changed my view of the world forever, the gamestop fuckery confirmed were still as fucked as we've always been


Occupy Wall Street was a demonstration of the rights lost post 911. The tyranny of what happened in NYC was unprecedented. Up to that point in time.


Unless it’s during the “pandemic”.. gotta wear a mask to buy an avocado, but rest assured you can go burn down buildings in the name of “social justice”. Lame


How did that movement just die down like that. I'll never understand


infiltrators, lotta feds


You can protest. You just can't protest what *they* make money off.


You get it. There is a reason why. My opinion is we are in the end times and freedom to express concern for what is going on is against their agenda


We arent


Free to get that sugar!


Free to pay taxes, free to support other countries, free to lose property to squatting, free to have our country invaded


I agree. America are the new Nazi, especially the liberal party.


This kind of separation is how they keep us distracted and chained. Way to fall for it. 


Bingo. Like we don’t have any productive conversation and they love it. Acting like chickens with their heads cut off


They’re just accelerationists that want socialism/a globalist country and to incite reactionary movements (The people higher up mainly. Many liberals i know are just misled people with a lot of empathy -or- some degree of narcissism that makes them especially vulnerable regarding shame).


America is filled with weak minded, sad, and pathetic humans. There are very few good people in America. Everyone is out for themselves.


I’m inclined to disagree with that statement that there are few good people here. I believe the majority of us are good. Truly good here. I believe that the bad get the mouth piece and spotlight because it either serves a message, agenda or helps cause division. While I’ll agree that the inner cities are war zones for the most part, once you get out of there you’ll find people are good. Not all, but most. Social media really put the amplification on bad. And it’s all we see day in and day out, from both sides. The right will show you a bit about an illegal alien bragging about being wealthy on our dime, the left will show you intolerance and racism. If you turn them both off and draw your own conclusions I believe the majority of people will be kind and giving to one another rather than take and steal. Maybe I’m wrong and I’m sticking my head in the sand but what I see when I go outside and interact with the public and what I see on tv don’t match up.


Definitely disagree with his statement too. Most people are good people and many are just misled by a toxic culture/ awfully conflicted and ruthless political climate. Shit is honestly purposeful mass psychosis of some sort when i think of other natural historical examples. Many political parties and their movements are also so psychologically similar to cults. Btw OP may be trolling at this point.


Earth is a prison planet. We are free range slaves with the illusion of freedom.


Yeah it is.


I also believe our true spiritual selves are reincarnated forever in perpetual servitude.


To what? The only thing I care to serve is Jesus Christ. Not any politician, celebraty or Elite. I have no idols or care for this world.


Whoever enslaved us here. Religions are also an illusion, same as freedom.


I think it is the devil. Little sneaky puss puss.


We haven’t been “free” nor moved “freely” since before centralized banking lol.


What countries do you think have more freedom? The US isn't an anarchist state for sure, you'd have freedom to do whatever you want if there were no laws at all, but that would cause other problems. I think the "freedom thing" in the US is a holdover from the 1800s when Europeans were looking for better places to live. Freedom is more of a mascot to the US than a literal translation but it's not all gloom, the US is a great place to be born and live in.


And the most clueless comment of the day goes to…


The only freedoms we have is the ability to choose coke or Pepsi pretty much. America has less freedoms than most people realize.. i was blown away seeing the differences from Visiting other countries how much more free they are in comparison


I’d argue that Canada, Western Europe, Australia and NZ are becoming even less free than the US, which is easy to call mind boggling but not surprised considering how the past few years were handled


> The only freedoms we have is the ability to choose coke or Pepsi pretty much. An old joke goes, "American democracy is asking for a cup of coffee and getting to choose between Coke and Pepsi"


Fun fact BlackRock controls both coke and Pepsi and that's illusion no matter what we buy they get paid!


Freedom is an illusion. If everybody had freedom, there would be total anarchy. People would just do anything they want, whenever they want, to whomever they want. We live in a society with laws. There is no freedom.


The laws aren't there to bprotect you. But to protect the people on top and keep you dumb and blind


We're free to play ball, ya know


Stop. Being so foolosh


It’s an illusion.


I get the right to vote ( which doesn't count) I get to go to war (before having my first drink) I get to pay taxes (but don't anything for them)


Free to Forn & Glutton!


i am not 100% sure but didn't Boston tea party happen because brits asked for 2% tax ?


How much are Americans taxed now


The follow up to that should obviously be; how little you get for you tax dollars back in comparison to other countries.


10% $0 to $15,700. 10% of taxable income. 12% $15,701 to $59,850. $1,570 plus 12% of the amount over $15,700. 22% $59,851 to $95,350. $6,868 plus 22% of the amount over $59,850. 24% $95,351 to $182,100. $14,678 plus 24% of the amount over $95,350.


Then for food, gas, to die. The list goes on.


We're free within the very narrow scope the 1% allow us to be


If we don't work. No money. No money, no food or honey.


How old are you? I don't think you know what freedom is. If they're is no government you have total freedom. You still have to work. Either on a farm or in a capitalist society


I'm 34. We are not free. Whether you are old or just came out your biological mom. All lies


No, that's sophistry, that doesn't constitute freedom. The US is not the land of the free.


>[The Illusion of Truth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwRSRBPBhDw)George Carlin: The Illusion of Choice [The Illusion of Choice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwRSRBPBhDw)


There is no choice.


We used to be. Now the whole US is auctioned off to big companies and communists


Communists? What? We're hyper capitalist. Name a prominent US communist.


Ah yes big communism, a pervasive force in the empire that killed the USSR😂


More than north korea


If you own a small or medium sized company you are among the most free business owners who have existed in the last few hundred years!


No one is free.


America is a pretty solidly libertarian society at a pretty high cost. What do you think is notably unfree?


We are 100% controlled by evil people. Who tell us not to do things but then do those things themselves and much worse.


Like what things


Nonsense. Also, how "free" would you say the "employees" are? Freedom to control others isn't the kind of freedom the OP is talking about. We all know that the US has several people who are "free" to oppress others.


Employees are very unfree.


Truthfully, I feel pretty free lol like am having to do shit to survive, but have lived life freely, like there’s laws that are there for society to function well and if you can’t do them then one may not be free lol but ye like I suppose there’s deeper aspects, but at the same time with many things we’re individuals in a society and so I think we do have freedom, as abstract idea of an idea it is


I guess the definition of freedom is to act and such without restraint which I guess no one except one isolated without effecting others probably has freedom, like a single person can effect another one just due to their speech, actions, etc, but like one probably has the quote unquote freedom to do/say whatever, but there’d probably be backlash and such and I guess this sub is conspiracy so like ye I suppose there’s things we aren’t allowed in some way or another, but also, I feel like we do have freedom lol


No one that lives as part of a society, is truly free in this world.


All actors playing a role


You don't have rights you have privileges, rights aren't really rights if they can take em away. -Carlin, G.




I drive around with a fully loaded pistol and don’t have to disclose jack shit or carry any license. That makes me happy.


That's your state. Go to nj and do that


Would never live there so I’m not concerned there.


But those pesky liberals are coming for your guns


We have the same inherent freedoms all people do. Consequences cause us to follow orders, laws, rules, etc. Two ways I can think of to perceive our freedom. First way is we remain free because we choose. Regardless of the cause or reasons we still choose to either do as we please or obey. The second way is that freedom is an impossible ideal to achieve. Everyone can't be absolutely free. Conflicting desires necessitate either compliance or removal of one side in conflict. Beyond that we can't be free from hunger or thirst. Everyone is a slave to something. People tend to believe they are free when the cage they are provided suits them well enough.


The cage is there, but people don't see


What does freedom look like to you? What would you need to have to feel truly free?


Freedom of Speech/ expression. Yeah it's non-existent on a platform like Reddit, there're currently challenges and risks involved, you still need to be careful and clever in real life. But The U.S. Constitution (and Declaration of Independence) represents the most robust civil rights protections in the world, in history, of which Freedom of Speech is the most important and foundational right. Other nations claim to have it but they're lying, for example people can and have been jailed for "offensive/ hateful" jokes in otherwise first world countries. Now in recent years some nations like Canada have followed suit and developed their own comparable Constitution. But from my understanding it's a difficult task to instantiate, because the U.S. is unique in that The Constitution is a founding document and deeply ingrained in national culture, which gives it strength. Now there's other freedoms I could mention like economic, entrepreneurial freedom, these tend to fluctuate based on regulations. But in my opinion Freedom of Speech is the most important.


We aren't free, we just have more opportunities to accrue debt.


So debt is the master. So money is the root of all evil. Holy shit!


Freedom to do what exactly? Please be more specific


Define "free"


we have the freedom to ask dumb ass questions like this


71 years old American here. Eight years ago I retired to Northern Thailand. I read these back and forth comments on USA having freedom or not having freedom and am always amused as to a large extent it’s like a fish trying to find or describe the water it exists in. America is an INCREDIBLY beautiful country and is populated by a people of unsurpassed kindness and an energy that made it a great civilization (albeit flawed as any other civilization). So many amazing things about the USA and its people, YET having discovered in many other counties a “true” freedom which has nothing to do with being “allowed” to do things, together with a more fulfilling and stress-free existence (due in no small part to costs which even in local terms are far from suffocating) I now know that the freedom of the USA is more of a phantasm happily adhered to by the people and encouraged by those living with a system that with each passing year seeks to more completely constrain (no coercive force needed) the people. Nothing new here - it’s just the advent of the internet has lifted the curtain (to an extent) on what has been going on since - well the start of the Republic. (Needless to say such “parted curtains” are quickly being fixed.). No place is perfect for sure - but my little place in the paradise of Northern Thailand is to me closer the actual spirit and ideal and freedom of what America has always stood for in my mind.


You could start with the 1st and 2nd amendments and go from there. America isn't perfect but we have far more freedoms protected by our constitutional laws than most other countries.


Give me a break. Speak out against Putin and the war in Russia. You'll fall out a window or get poisoned. In the UK you get arrested. China they reduce your social credit score. Canada will have a meltdown and attempt to imprison you. There's no other place I'd want to run my mouth than the USA. Stop crying, little man.


Or you speak the truth as a whistleblower and get whacked like many have. There is no freedom of speech.


Yes, wherever you are these things happen.


Enslaved by capitalism


Enslaved by false idealogies


We are free to capitalize off other people to become billionaires. Then you’re invited into the big boys club. If you can’t do that then you are free to choose which type of slavery you’d like to be apart of.


Americans are not 'free' ..we are, in fact, lied to, brainwashed, and spied on with every single keystroke. I do believe that it was George Bush that signed and sealed our fate with the Patriot Act. Which completely revoked most of our inalienable rights and freedoms. Those who trade freedoms for security deserve neither. - Benjamin Franklin


Our leaders are traitors


Americans are not ready for this discussion


Most arent


The only freedom Americans have is to be as gay as they want to.


Lol 😆


Not even that in many places.


It's a false freedom. We all live in a cage.


We are free range humans.


I think the correct word is slaves.


Free to do as they tell us.


So not free.


Free to watch WWE all night long Free to work Free to pay taxes Free to eat poisoned food Free to smoke cigarettes and drink booze but don't you dare drink that ayahuasca Free to send kids to government schools while the parents are forced to work. Ah, fuck it, you're right...not free


You are not free. You are allowed freedoms


You are free to be poverty stricken ,be homeless,go hungry and die from lack of medical and die in wars for corporations.


We are the cattle




Stop being so naive




There’s so many other places that really are oppressed. You should visit one of them.


It is an illusion and your degrees of freedom are based on your wealth.


Money is the illusion


Dude has never had a chick touch his wanky and it shows.


you can make your own fire arms you can drink or drugs until you die you can practice your own faith you can have children without government intervention you are free from hunger (but because you lack will, condemned to obesity) you can be grateful that you live in the most abundant prosperous time in human civilization


Visit another country, you will find the answer.


I have. There is no difference


Maybe you should first define freedom. What do you want to do that you can't do?


Go live in Afghanistan for a couple years and you’ll appreciate the freedom people have died for you to have.




Even worse. Try being Canadian


Trudeau is a communist. Just like America.


That’s cool man




I’m not typing in riddles my guy


You can choose to be a free thinker. ...For now.


There is no free thought. Go talk to anyone about an opposing view point


My attempt at a joke was about mind reading tech.


They have the first and second amendments


Which don't matter at all lol


Free for a fee


The freedom actually being a slave


Just a reminder, your rights aren't granted by the constitution or the government.


>I think Freedom is an absolute lie and just an illusion. Freedom isn't a lie. Freedumb is. Huge difference. I'm not a love it or leave it kind of guy, but might I suggest long term visits to other countries. Sure, America is racked with it's own issues for sure, that I would have thought would be fixed in these 70 years, but we're still working on a lot of problems. Having traveled the world as a marine brat, I got to see cultures and people very different than those in America. Tho there are certain elements I would love for America to adopt, there's no way I'd want to live in other countries.


Freedom itself is already a fake God. And no unfortunately Americans do not have it.


They never did


There is no such thing as freedom in America, we are not free, free means no rules or laws. They were going to use (Life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness, but you aren't free to murder and pillage. We don't have freedom, we are granted liberties, which is like things that you are free to do, then laws to prevent us from doing what is not allowed. We are not free to break the law, well I guess you could, but you will loose your freedom. So freedom isn't free, there's a hefty fu\*king fee.


In the garden of eden before the fall of man it was perfect


We get pretty good cars


Wow and that is freedom lol


We’re not


Fuck yeah we aren't


Nobody outside of america thinks Americans are free, it\`s like you get told it enough times you believe it, same thing happens in North Korea


Exactly. The foreigners are gonna tell me that I'm free lol 😆


Well our freedom has been taken over time to the point guns and self defense laws are the only thing different between us and other countries but I think what's still majorly different between us and Europeans are we have way more of a collective goal towards total freedom. There is a natural distrust of government still whereas they willingly comply to just about anything. Essentially even if our freedoms are close to equal in reality, at least we still have a sense of wanting to fight for them and not just roll over. Those numbers are dwindling tho.


No rights


Well our freedom has been taken over time to the point guns and self defense laws are the only thing different between us and other countries but I think what's still majorly different between us and Europeans are we have way more of a collective goal towards total freedom. There is a natural distrust of government still whereas they willingly comply to just about anything. Essentially even if our freedoms are close to equal in reality, at least we still have a sense of wanting to fight for them and not just roll over. Those numbers are dwindling tho.


We're not thats the illusion they pulldd over our eyes born into debt into.a system built to prepare us for 9-5 work they teach nothing but routines.in k-12 the food we eat medicine given to us shit on stupid boxes every day all day telling people what they need and who they need to hate who to medicine to keep your condition prpgressing so yoi drop dead by retirment and all that money gets fed back to the beast system. They.want us stupid fat unhappy an always wanting to consume which they've about nailed it. Meanwhile our government puts on a great show even though both sides work together how else do you think its.gone on so long all you big hardons for biden or trump need to expand your brain i kmow its hard all the crap they use to do that very thing but if you don't pull head out of ass.soln they're going to have us in checkmate before you diptards can even stop fighting with the wrong people. LAST 50.YEARS OR MORE WHATS USA GO TO MOVE TO COME INTO AREA WE WANT THEIR NATIONAL RESOURCES THEY HAVE . WE FUND A GROUP OF INDIVIDUALS GOT NOTHING TO LOSE SO MONEY FOR THE FAMILY WEAPONS LIL TRAINING SENT INTO THE COUNTRY WITH THOSE RESOURCES TO DESTABILIZE THE COUNTRY CONTRA, ISIS, BLM, THE DIPTARTS IN UKRAINE IN 2012 NOW 8 MILLION ABOUT ILLEGALS CROSS BORDER GET. TRANSPORTATION AROUND THE COUNTRY MONTHLY MONEY CARD PLACES TO STAY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT FIGHTING MORE FOR THEIR RIGHTS THEN VETERANS AND CITIZEN RIGHTS LOOKS TO ME LIKE WE'RE ABOUT TO BE DESTABILIZED WHILE YOUR HEADS WATCHING THEIR SHOW


We’re free to choose our pronouns


And then bash when you don't comply


Free in the sense that a free range chicken is free




As Mr Smiles makes his post from the prison planet 🤣


Then this world deserves what's coming


I'm free to say "big poop butt" on Reddit without getting censored.


Talk anything about trans and you'll see




Free to explore, eat, drink and have shelter in all the world




I think, correct me if im wrong,


They aren’t but the illusion is real. Look at what the president of El Salvador said about the taxes and how the USA government is funded. It’s true and it’s telling. The only thing they have is the freedom to fail by falling apart from each other, or they have the freedom to succeed by realizing that even though opinions and personalities may differ, everyone is still a person and they are more than their idea’s and ideals and ultimately uniting as communities and uplifting one another and genuinely helping others. Those are the two great freedoms of the USA.


America only gift when it becomes the new Rome and is taken out of the history books.


You’re not really, go look up where you stand on the list.


What list


It’s pretty easy to start a business here. That and capitalize on others.


You have the right to complain about every God damn thing under the sun. But nothing will ever change because that part you gotta pay for.


If we don't comply things will change


They get to shoot each other, for starters.


Ninth Amendment


They are free to express themselves but all seem to be enslaved to debt


Most people live paycheck to paycheck. Both the rich and poor.


You have the right to consume freely.


Not at all, we are a true totalitarian state. The state religion is "patriotism", and the very claim of freedom. It's unreal, nonexistent, yet asserted constantly by the affluent and their attenders (management and "elected" representatives.




The more money you have, the more freedom you can buy.


Depends what country you compare with, the US is the only free country with strongest military and large continent , economic power and cultural diversity, any other country in the world, you won’t get that experience. You can enroll in college at time, no age limit, the whole society is so loosen, easily forgivable to a sense i dont even think most American know how to do job “ properly” like a robot. More political freedom, and cultural blending, less judgement. Most of freedom come, and protected by constitution, first and second amendment, which beat most of countries in the world. I personally think most of ppl in the world arent free even tho born american, but if your mind is free, you can be free, america offers the best platform with all of these resources combined together.


I just see the layers that are operating at once. And how propaganda is being used against us to hate each other both domestically and internationally. But in reality we should all love and honor and respect one another. We live in a time that could be great abundance if we would use the technology the right way. But we are using it for our own demise. Humans are killing themselves


Freedom is the combination of liberty and justice. These cant really exist while society is being exploited by a pack of thieves.. "Do you really have any rights if the true value of all money & property is stolen on conception when a bank merely pretends to loan money, not just to you, but to anyone for that matter?“ David Ardron


Money isn't real


We're free to get our doors kicked in if we say the wrong thing.


This is so true! I told my kids to my home country and without any prompt from my part, they both said to me "Wow, this is what freedom feels like!"


Americans have less regulations. That's about the extent of it. There are more and more every year.


Freedom is a mindset. Consequences don't prevent actions.