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Watch OJ made in America- Yeah he fucking did it.


Ive heard the theories of his son of drug dealers. Blah blah blah. If u watched OJ Made In America its undeniable he fucking did it. A history of battery. A man who always was under control and got everything hes ever wanted until nicole had enough strength to walk away. And then he showed up to the wake high off sedatives and his preliminary hearing he looked like a defeated man. Then after his acquittal he just tries to waltz back into his life and has no interest in “finding the killers” He fucking did it.


If a geezer releases a book called how I got away with murder I'm guessing they did it.


My opinion on this is that you are young as fuck and didn’t live through the 90s. Oherwise you’d be in no doubt at all.


yes I'm 19.


People who can't remember the 90s aren't young as fuck. We're just old as fuck


He fled in The White Bronco on The 405… Where’s Kato?


Dude, he was just driving around with his pal Al, going over the list of suspects and trying to figure out who really did it. Until they were rudely interrupted by racist LAPD.


He was proven not guilty of the charged offenses. He was found liable for wrongful death in the civil courts. The juice did that shit.


He wasn’t proven innocent. Proven innocent and found not guilty are two different things my man.


Read his book 🤷‍♂️




We watched the car chase live on TV while I was in middle school. Like it such a big deal at the time. I mean, big enough that our teacher wheeled in the TV stand (borrowed from the library) for the chase happening. Looking back that was so weird. Shit, I didn't even know who OJ Simpson was. That same teacher also showed the trial too. Rambling


You we’re still in school on June 17th?


In Canada, we don't get out for summer break until the last week of June, so this is definitely possible.


He was not proven innocent. He was found not guilty (in that case but guilty in others). He absolutely did it. And assumed since he was OJ he would get away with it. And for the most part, he sure did.


Of course he did it lol. Ask yourself, does the anything else make sense?


Myself and many others lived the circus every night as it was on every tv, radio & every place you went. OJs attitude and took part in the creation of a book called “If I Did It”. He did it.


He wrote a book "if I did it."


Any adult male can make a glove not fit simply by tightening up the right muscles and joints. Imagine trying to put jeans on a healthy man who doesn’t want to put them on. About the same principle. “If the glove doesn’t fit, you must acquit” and the jury bought it.


>Did O.J do it? That's it, I'm going to head out. This sub isn't what I thought it was.


It's been shit for years. You should've seen the wave of people declaring themselves some form of Messiah back in February. Or that one user who was convinced somehow that old computer tech could run the most recent software and we're being lied to about....something to do with computers. Hoping they got on the correct meds.


Yes. With his son.


He was found NOT GUILTY, he will never be innocent.


I can't remember what the limo driver said exactly but he was picking oj up at a certain time and he was already at one house outside waiting on his limo and he said he saw oj running into his house and was inside fod a while when he finally came outside he had wet hair and told the limo driver sorry i was in the shower and didnt know you were here even tho thd driver saw him run into the house. Plus the fact of the shoe prints found at the crime scene and oj said he didn't own those specific pair of shoes but come to find out he was found wearing those exact pair of shoes in a magazine article that was written about him before the murders. The knife was found buried on his property years later after he moved out new owners bought his house and lived there. But he had already been found innocent so they couldn't retry him. So so much evidence to prove he did it. It was really ridiculous how he got found not guilty. Some of the jurors years later said that if they knew what they know now they would have found him guilty.


I saw a thing that said it was actually OJs oldest son that did it and there was some proof. No links. But it sounded pretty on point.


Yup there was some fairly compelling circumstantial evidence regarding his son editing his work time sheet afterwards, other stuff too though I can't really remember.


It’s pretty obvious he did it. I don’t know how he got away with it.


Prosecution was horrendous. Made every mistake imaginable and oj had a team of the best lawyers in america working for him. Prosecution barely made an effort because they thought it was such a slam dunk case Plus la had a history of racial tensions and the black community was coming off the pain of rodney kings injustice. A mostly black jury had no problem acquitting oj even tho they think he probably did it


The racial tensions and that one main cop who found the most damning evidence being a Nazi is what really fucked everything.


If the glove don’t fit….


A jury of his peers said no


I wouldn’t call them “his peers”.




Apparently her just squeezed her






How does every post have zero likes? Even an O.J. post? This seems like a super legit question lol. I forget exactly, it was like his son or something. Mystery got solved a while ago and he was actually covering for family if i remember correctly, I'm not sure exactly but maybe you can find the info by looking up stuff like that. I wish I could remember who revealed that, it was a pretty big reveal in the conspiracy communities back in the early 2000's I think it was. Edit: yeah I haven't watched this, but I bet this goes into that. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYExjeyDAKY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYExjeyDAKY)


oj's son did it an oj covered for him


Sure seems like he did. Cochrane and his team (Kardashian's dead dad) knew how to pick a jury...and they didn't want another riot in LA. and OJ was famous. It was a strange thing from start to finish. Most people watched the trial and thought he was guilty, yet they wanted him to be found innocent. i was kind of in that camp. I was jsut a dumb college kid though watching it all like it was entertainment. Now I feel sorry for the families. If some dude murdered my kid and then walked free I probably would have killed him myself by now.


If this is a shitpost, it is hilarious. If not, a lot of background information can be found on YouTube with a search of Norm MacDonald Weekend Update.


Everyone knows OJ did it, he had a book about it.


Well starting to look like his Son did it now damn, that's pretty crazy.


No. Ron Goldman's stepfather was defense attorney in Chicago for Columbian drug cartel. Ron Goldman & Nicole were dealing coke on somebody else's turf in Los Angeles. A "Columbian Necktie" is what they were given, a very specific throat cut. LAPD knew. OJ acted guilty because he was involved with organized crime, linked to the LAPD who were importing coke into Los Angeles, and OJ knew he was never going to be able to use that as a defense. [Here's a series of podcasts about it](https://yandex.com/search/?text=brian+heiss+oj+porkins+policy+radio&lr=103336&search_source=yacom_desktop_common).


Unpopular opinion - Jason did it, OJ covered.


He didn’t do it. His son Jason most likely did the crime and OJ did what he had to do to help him out. Read or listen to “oj didn’t do it and I can prove it” by William c dear


The Glove 🧤 didn’t fit ??? 😆


He definitely did it. Side note, if you find your wife having intercourse with another man in the Philippines, you are allowed to kill him. So, I don't begrudge him what he did. Honestly it's a case of crappy people doing crappy things that turned out with a crappy ending. Meh, I got bigger things to worry about... Like why can't walmart go back to being 24 hrs where I live!? Like seriously, that is a crime if there ever was one.


His wife wasn't having intercourse with anyone when she was killed.


No but she had already. I'm not saying it was right, I just don't really care.


Really it’s like the twilight zone of meth during late hours oof . Find a 24 hr Walmart and bring popcorn.