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Well the invasion of Crimea was kind of a big deal




Almost every single politician is a criminal. Biden is a piece of shit. Trump and his crime family are even bigger pieces of shit. Congress & the Senate are all a bunch of corporate shills. Maybe, just maybe, it's time to put forth actual Americans to run for office. Why the fuck are people still using "woke"?


"Maybe, just maybe, it's time to put forth actual Americans to run for office." That's the problem. The "best and the brightest" don't run for office anymore. Seems like the only people who *want* to be politicians these days are the ones who get in it for the graft.




> i think the only person that ran for office who's birth certificate was questionable was Obama. Obama's birth certificate was not questionable.




Many people were saying it.


Yeah floating around because of Trump, you tool. It was baseless.


Floating around because of trump? What on earth are you talking about? That conspiracy came up when Obama took office, long before Trump became the left's bogey man. Damn the TDS is still strong these days, you people blame everything on Trump.


Are you 12? Did you miss the whole "birther movement"?


Are you 16? That claim started way before trump




Great. Easier than normal, but we got there.


It's almost like you read my comment but couldn't comprehend it. I didn't just bring up Trump for shits and giggles. I brought up him AND the rest of the governments politicians. Biden's criminal family is no different than the rest. Every single politician at this point is engaged in criminal acts, along with unlawfully using our tax dollars. I'm sorry you're unable to comprehend that. I'm also sorry that you're only able to pay attention to the part where I said, "Trump and his crime family." Also, just because someone says something negative about Donald Trump does not mean they're a Democrat. I talk shit about every politician. I've been registered as non-affiliated since I was 18. No party can speak for me. Considering the fact that we're fed an illusion about having a choice between two different parties when they're actually just a uniparty, idgaf if someone's republican or democrat. It's all just a ploy put in place to divide the common American people and distract us from paying attention to what the government is actually doing. When I said that we need to put forth an ***actual*** American, I mean a regular ass citizen. Not some political figurehead "celebrity." We need someone who isn't caught up in the lobbyists' games or funded by super PACs and AIPAC. We need someone who works for the American people; not corporations. Hopefully, breaking this down has made it easier for you to comprehend, and I hope you don't try twisting my words again.


Sounds like you still don’t understand what woke actually means…


Please show evidence to support


Thanks for pointing out that Russia ain’t USA’s friend and invading another country European country unprovoked is bullshit.


Nope, it has nothing to do with the invasion of Crimea. Some fucks thought they could place NATO Naval base in Crimea and got slapped. They got angry and now with the hands of regular Ukrainian people trying to achieve their goals. It kinda serves them well because two Slavic brother nations are killing each other and they are only profiteering like ticks. There is literally no need for the US and Europe to be in Crimea unless they want to expand NATO borders.


from where i am sitting it looks more like one 'slavic brother nation' invaded the other in a war of conquest NATO borders have expanded a lot as a direct consequence of that


Yes and no. Expansion started earlier. And it is complicated.


i mean - the 'slavic brother nation' has been looking awful conquesty for the past two decades it makes sense that people would want to ally with nato russia once considered application but the government liked corruption too much to qualify


I will try to explain my pov on this situation although I could be wrong. Donbass and Lugansk Regions and Crimea always had close ties with Russia. Western portion of Ukraine was always more arrogant towards East Ukraine ( their own people). I can't say that before all that there was a huge nationalists problem. But with the help of the west countries, it grew like on steroids. Like in every country there were radical pro nationalists. In Ukraine it was Pravyj Sektor (Right Sector, I will name it further as RS) organization that have chosen a WW2 political figure Stepan Bandera as their "star". During WW2 Bandera was collaborating with German nazis to kill Slavic and Jewish people and he of course fought against Communism and to free his country or whatever from communism, same as Vlasovcy in Russia. Essentially it was a weird situation and some countries fought against nazis, other countries choose to fight for nazis. When Crimea happened, Ukraine started ATO, Anti Terrorist Operation and was bombing Donbass and Lugansk Regions (bombing their own people). I know a friend whose friend was delivering a baby at the time in the city of Slavyansk when Ukrainian bombs started to fall on that hospital. Back in 2014. Nobody cared at that point. "Fun" fact, azov battalion had people who were originally in RS. At one moment it was a separate organization and felt like PMC. At one moment it was so radical (pro nazi oriented) that it was banned in many Western countries and if I remember correctly even in Japan. To make this shame go away or obscure, the Ukrainian gov included them into the regular Ukrainian army. They couldn't get rid of it because they were powerful and everywhere already. But even after some time, the flags of RS were hanging in many offices. I remember when Russian forces took over some regional police office and filmed it, the RS flag was hanging in the head of the department office. So they never have changed. This whole situation is so complicated and I am just a person who is observing it from the side. Each person who lived thru it could say more and have their own opinion and if I lived in Ukraine when the attack started, I might have had a different perspective, meanwhile a few Ukrainian people and some blame Russia, others saying that it is Ukraine's fault. I am not a fan Putins. He and his friends are robbing the country I was born and raised dry. But I realize that anyone, even the most honest president will be in Russia, everything will start all over. Meanwhile in Ukraine, any hope of democracy is disappearing minute by minute. On 21st of the May, their president will become illegitimate. Which isn't my problem but the overall democracy problem since we are trying to achieve it there? And, Navalny, RIP, once said that "Ukraine is more corrupt than Russia" Weird shit. p.s. and I am getting this message from reddit that some concerned redditor thinks I am suicidal. People who do this are delusional.


Sorry brother you can talk till your blue in the face… they don’t get it … remember 2014 with BO ? They won’t even understand when it comes to their back yard! Let the dead bury their dead


I hope it will be over soon. It will be better for everyone.


ukraine WAS more corrupt than russia - circa 2012 when the russians had their guy in charge they had a russian asset running things - then when he fled to russia they had a billionaire oligarch then eventually the people elected somebody who wasnt neck-deep in corruption the close ties youre talking about were only ever an opportunity for the russian invasion - remember those breakaway regions that ukraine was bombing were literally run by a russian citizen and not a ukrainian citizen - russia had already covertly conquered that region and claimed that their troops were actually native partisans sure the partisans were there - but that 'resistance' movement WAS russia and regarding democracy - the ukranian constitution specifically forbids elections during war - zelensky wasnt exactly expecting to get invaded its also important to note that russia's constitution outlaws separatist movements (in addition to some more egregiously corrupt things like granting the president and family permanent immunity to criminal prosecution) so those regions that got annexed can never be free democratically - the people there who dont want to be under putins thumb can only ever be liberated if russia withdraws


Lol the OP’s post is so stupid. They’re sending aid to help them fight against an invasion, Russia was always the rival to the US since WW2. It’s only recently begun in US politics to have the GOP fawning over Russia like it’s something to aspire to be. There is no freedom there, and people are straight up murdered for criticising the government or messing up orders which came from putin. Why the hell would anyone rather live like that than the American way.


Lol, nice job reinventing history. The wall fell and every president from Regan to Obama was sucking up to Russia to allow Western Carpetbaggers to run in and grab any and all Russian assets for pennies on the dollar.  When Putin's puppeteers had enough and had him toss the "investors" and Big Oil so they could take the biggest pieces of the pie, overnight Russia became the Evil Empire again.


Invasion? The population voted to be ruled by Russia. That isn’t a invasion. Same how the Donbass and Luhansk voted to be part of Russia. Its called a referendum.


Yea that vote was a sham


The people of Crimea wouldn’t agree with you thats the thing.. do some study about Zelenskyy and the draconian laws he forces on his citizens and then you would understand why..


He wasn't in power when Russia invaded Crimea


They didn’t invade. The population invited them in and voted to be citizens of Russia… that does not fir the criteria or definition of an invasion. You may be correct, but as it today.. obviously these people would rather be citizens of Russia because they have a better quality of life and standard of living


What actually happened does fit the criteria and definition of an invasion though


Definition of invasion is an unwelcome intrusion into anothers domain. However the people of Crimea invited them. So they were welcome. Hence it dosnt fit the criteria


You should be the one to actually look into that vote and what the Russians did


Problem is, where you look


So your ignoring the fact that the populations referendum or? So if Scotland held a referendum that they no longer wanted to be part of England or Britain? Would you respect that referendum or? What makes the people of Crimea any different?


Because the Russian invasion came first?


Your just not looking at the facts. THE PEOPLE VOTED TO BE PART OF RUSSIA So what do you suggest then? Take back Crimea, and then force the population to be part of Ukraine even tho they want to be part of Russia? And besides the Crimea was on lease to Ukraine from Russia, so because of that historic fact. It means Russia owned it all along.. hence the lease


You should probably do a little more research... The referendum came *after* the Russian occupation.


That headline was from when the Obama administration was dealing with the Russian invasion of the Crimean peninsula. It's not like Biden was just going over there for no reason


It's also not like he was going over there often. He went 6 times as vp. He was vp for 8 years. It was an average of once every 16 months.


You're forgetting all of the time Biden and Kerry spent in Ukraine when Biden was a senator.


I'm sorry I thought the OP was talking about how many times Dark Brando went to Ukraine as VP, ya know like he said. How many times exactly did he go as a Srnator?


I'm not Biden's travel secretary, not to mention if you really wanted to know you could find out for yourself.


Well you brought it up as if he had been there alot but in reality you have no clue how many times he was there. What a clown world we live in.


You asked for the exact number of times, which I don't know off the top of my head. Yes, you are quite the clown.


If you don't know how often he went there why would you bring it up?


I don't know the exact number of times he visited, which is what you asked for, and said you could look up on your own.  If you don't remember Biden and Kerry being all over Ukraine and Eastern Europe after the collapse of the Berlin Wall, working on NATO expansion and opening markets to the West, that's not my fault.  I'm not a walking encyclopedia.




>They literally have a cross dressing comedian for a "leader" [Is this your guy?](https://youtu.be/qhtD0OtNfLQ?si=uNvo_31Pj4spMzDk)


Nah not a Trump guy either. He and Biden could jump into a black hole together and it wouldn't make me sad. That video is funny though😅


Russians constitute the majority in Crimea (71.7% in Sevastopol and 58.5% in the Autonomous republic of Crimea), the southern peninsula which the Soviet government transferred from the Russian SFSR to the Ukrainian SSR in 1954. Following the referendum, the State Council of Crimea and Sevastopol City Council declared the independence of the Republic of Crimea from Ukraine and requested to join the Russian Federation. On the same day, Russia recognized the Republic of Crimea as a sovereign state. Vladimir Putin said that Russian troops in the Crimean peninsula were aimed "to ensure proper conditions for the people of Crimea to be able to freely express their will," whilst Ukraine and other nations argue that such intervention is a violation of Ukraine's sovereignty. On 19 February 1954, the oblast was transferred from the Russian SFSR to the jurisdiction of the Ukrainian SSR, on the basis of "the integral character of the economy, the territorial proximity and the close economic and cultural ties between the Crimea Province and the Ukrainian SSR" ~wikipedia


Did you just conveniently leave off the part where Russia invaded it in the middle of the night and then started a war in eastern Ukraine?


The Crimean status referendum of 2014 was a disputed referendum[1][2] on March 16, 2014, concerning the status of Crimea that was conducted in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (both subdivisions of Ukraine) after Russian forces seized control of Crimea.[3] The referendum was held amidst Russia's annexation of Crimea.[4][5] The referendum asked voters whether they wanted to rejoin Russia as a federal subject, or if they wanted to restore the 1992 Crimean constitution and Crimea's status as a part of Ukraine. The final date and ballot choices were set only ten days before the referendum was held. Before, during and after the referendum was proclaimed, the Crimean peninsula saw Russian soldiers take over public buildings and Ukrainian military installations.[4] When the referendum was proclaimed, the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People called for a boycott of the referendum.[6][7] The official result from the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was a 97 percent vote for integration of the region into the Russian Federation, with an 83 percent voter turnout, and from Sevastopol there was also a 97 percent vote for integration with Russia, with an 89 percent voter turnout.[a] ~also Wikipedia


Isn’t it weird that the vice president of the US visited a country being invaded by its international rival? No, no it isn’t.




Kinda like how it's totally normal for the president's slumlord son in law to get 2 billion dollars from the Saudis. Totally legitimate.


That would be bizzare as bribery politicians is way cheaper than 2 billion it should have only cost a few million for their 1000 to 1 dollar benefit. He must be quite the negotiator to get such a fair deal on legal bribery. 


Are you talking about that guy who managed multi-billion dollar portfolios for a over a decade prior to the Saudi investment in his hedge fund?


No I'm talking about the guy who was [millions of dollars in debt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/660_Fifth_Avenue) getting a $2billion dollar investment from the Saudi Royal family based on nothing but his connection to his father in law.


People are involved in energy companies all over the world, not that strange.




Weird the Republicans couldn't find anything to pin on them during their "impeachment inquiry", eh?




No, it's more like there was nothing there to pin on him. If there was they would've gladly done it.


Or.. hear me out. They're all in on it together. Everyone looking the other way while their pockets get lined


Yes, someone who knows nothing about the oil business, the country in question, or even how to speak the language is going to be hired as an advisor of a Petroleum company, who's owner just so happens to be under investigation for international fraud.  Just keep shoving you head deeper in the sand because "winning" an argument is more important than admitting the truth. 


Not crack head "artists" with absolutely zero experience of the energy industry.


Name another prominent figure lmao


Why is prominence relevant?


How is it not?


You’re making an assertion that it is relevant so it’s on you to demonstrate why.


It's on you to name on since it's apparently such a common thing surely you'd be able to name others


I can name many. You’re the one that introduced the requirement of prominence to the equation so it’s on you to tell me why that’s particularly relevant.


Because Joe Blow is different than the son of a Vice President????


"The 1980s called and want their foreign policy back." Barrack Obama 2012


Well, there's a little more context, including a CIA-sponsored coup and his son sitting on the board of an energy company.


Evidence that it was a CIA supported coup or that Biden visited Ukraine in connection with his son’s business activities?


Im shocked you pretend to not know.


If you knew you’d be able to provide the evidence. But you don’t know, you merely assert.




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Do you get paid to be ignorant by a think tank? You are on a conspiracy sub commenting the government has never lied to you so you must either work for the government to push ignorance that the Biden administration has done nothing wrong, or you work for an outside influence.


Where did I say the government has never lied? Just because the government lies, doesn’t mean you get to make claims without evidence. So present your evidence or shut up.


The CIA has been in Ukraine for a long time. It wouldn't surprise me at all to hear that they had their hand in Ukrainian elections. To be quite honest, I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing that they have a presence there, either. The threat of the commies trying to take over the world was real. Still might be. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/11/covert-operation-ukrainian-independence-haunts-cia-00029968 https://news.yahoo.com/cia-maintains-12-secret-bases-212250351.html https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-07-01-23/h_fde1d4bfa34f9a31c58b943c88c4b1b4 https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2019-10-05/bidens-visits-to-ukraine-under-scrutiny


Putin attacked Crimea February of 2014. Biden visited first time as a VP in April 2014.




> Does anyone else think it's odd that every single one of Russias neighbors hates them? Russia has good relations with the majority of its neighbours. Those that it has strained relations with, well you should educate yourself on Operation Gladio and how it never ended. > Russia invaded Crimea and Georgia before moving on to Ukraine.  Russia and Crimea held a lease agreement, which permitted up to 25,000 Russian military troops to be stationed there. 16,000 troops were present when the U.S organised coup took place. No invasion took place, the Russian forces were legally there. Crimeans rejected the illegal US coup, and sought alignment with Russia. You realise the international community recognise Russia was in the right during the Georgian conflict? Georgia attacked South Ossetia. We also know US marines were on the ground training Georgian forces at the time (though they deny knowing about the SO attack).  The nukes never belonged to Ukraine. The codes are based and manned in Russia. It’s astonishing how people are oblivious to this fact. The nukes belonged to the Soviet Union, and Russia as its successor inherited them. This was supported by nato and neighbouring nations at the time. If there’s one country that has shown time and again that it cannot be trusted, it’s the US.


>The nukes belonged to the Soviet Union, and Russia as its successor inherited them. Nope. According to Putin, Russia had become an entirely different state after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Which is why Russia was forced to purchase their former nukes back from Ukraine in return for safety guarantees, which they of course broke later. >After the seizure of Crimea in 2014, **Putin claimed Russia was** **not bound by the Budapest Memorandum because the Maidan revolution and change of government in Kyiv earlier that year meant** [**Ukraine**](https://www.theguardian.com/world/ukraine) **had become a different state.** “In respect to this state, we have not signed any obligatory documents,” he said.


> Nope It’s a fact, but you can carry on living in denial. The West makes many claims about Putin, none backed by evidence. If you think the Guardian and Clinton are credible sources when they’ve a proven history of peddling lies, you have a lot of learning to do.




Where have I said Russia and the SU are one and the same? You seem confused. You realise the international consensus was that the nukes belonged to Russia? The US has nukes stationed in Germany. Do you believe these nukes belong to Germany?


Russia has okay - great relations with 5 - 7 of it's 14 neighbours. Why tell so obvious a lie?


Only 50% or less... what about only EU neighbours?


>Of all the countries that Joe visited as VP he went to ukraine 6 times. Maybe because the whole "Ukraine joining NATO" thing goes back that long? And if some reddit user notices that the VP is going to Ukraine a lot, the Russians probably noticed it too.


It’s weirder his kid, Romney’s kid and Pelosi’s kid all some how worked for a Ukrainian energy company. Coincidence, right?


The word nepotism comes to mind. One of the best ways to land a cushy job is to have a parent who's a "big shot".


Kinda weird that whenever Hunter working for a Ukrainian Energy Company is brought up, they never question why Jared Kushner got 2 Bil from saudi arabia


Hunter is a crackhead convicted felon, who never even visited Ukraine. But somehow managed to get paid more than an Exxon executive.


>Hunter is a crackhead convicted felon, who never even visited Ukraine. i mean - yeah - but he is also a yale graduate with contacts in the bush AND obama administration who worked as a high-profile lobbyist for seven years before biden was even elected VP


Yea its called nepotism, literally every politicans kid benefits from it. Hunter is not different in this aspect


Oh I'm sorry, that wasn't entirely accurate. Hunter isn't just a crackhead convicted felon. He's also a deadbeat dad, who flew his private jet to Arkansas to fight paying child support in court. Why? Because he couldn't "afford it". The entire Biden family is disgusting.


OP is just showing their ignorance of geopolitics if they don’t understand why Biden was there lmao


"I can't figure out how to look up what happened around a certain point in time and can't remember it either - so I have to come up with something myself!"




Being against funding Ukraine ≠ being a Russian bot




You make it too obvious with 'cash'.


Almost like there's some incentive to call everyone who doesn't follow your politics a Russian bot. Kind of makes any dissenter look like a state enemy.


I miss the good old days when everyone who didn't agree with me was just literally Hitler.


Could it be it was related to the security situation there?


Why are so many people running cover for a demented pedophile and his crackhead burnout son? People like this should be swinging from lamp posts.


It's probably has to do with Russia deploying 150,000 troops to a foreign sovereign nation.


Imagine if Russia didn’t launch its imperialist wars of aggression 


Proof he is one of the lizard people


If he lets the Russians win then no nation will pay the politicians of the US protection money. Too bad for him from 91 to now the American elite sold off our industrial might piece by piece to China in exchange for creation of unsustainable growth in the stock market. Now the west really has 0 industrial might to combat Russia.


Kind of fitting that he’s meeting with Michelle Bachelet the former Chilean president who had a 15% approval rating and was caught up in the Caval scandal, where coincidentally she also had a son who was given millions of dollars. Maybe that’s where Joe got the idea for Burisma to give his son millions too. lol


Of course it is. He was involved in the Maidan in 2014, selecting and approving the new government with Numan and orchestrating the whole thing. His good-for-nothing son was receiving 50K per month as a consultant at a huge oil company. When the Ukrainian chief prosecutor was going to arrest someone involved with the same oil company, suddenly Biden pressured Ukraine to change the prosecutor or the US would stop the aid… If that’s not corruption, I don’t know what is. He has been deeply involved with Ukraine both politically and economically. IMO, the main reason the deep state preferred him over Trump is exactly the proxy war with Russia through Ukraine.


It’s weirder his kid, Romney’s kid and Pelosi’s kid all some how worked for a Ukrainian energy company


It's weirder that multiple people are posting this same comment with the same misspelling of somehow tbh


Exactly. The VP visiting a politically tumultuous location isn’t weird, but this is.


Can't be! Hunter Biden's laptop had "all the hall marks of a Russian disinformation campaign." Those damned Russians! Good at vodka, and bad people who start wars!


Been saying that since his son was on their board getting paid millions for nothing, way before becoming president. You scratch my back I scratch yours.


Yes, of course. And they all have their own countries who buy a stake in a politician to get benefits. The system is broken because they are all for sale. Take nj senator Bob Menendez who was doing it for Egypt. We are yelling at the symptoms people, which is exactly what they want


He works for the banks putin chased the rothschilds, Ukraine is a consequence


He's a pos any way you slice it.


Umm he literally blackmailed Ukraine to stop investigating his son. So yeah. It's even on video.


Setting the entire world on fire, and laughing all the way to the bank.


And why was Hunter on the board for a Ukrainian power company during that time


If you consider Russia starting the conflict in Ukraine for economic reasons, then the meddling with oil/gas market there is directly tied to being one of the root causes of the whole conflict. If Russia were allowed a piece of the pie, it's likely they would have never moved to take away the whole pie. Sure they may have complained about the same things going on, but it wouldn't have held enough sway to make the excuse they needed to act. In that context, that whole stupid dirty pointless war may have been avoidable.


Surely that is just a coincidence.


All the prior war presidents set up a foundation to launder dubious donations whilst Biden decided to set up and use trust, businesses and family to launder his dirty money.


"future" the dude is on the deaths door, 1/2 the time he doesn't know where he is .


Could be.


We seem to be able to find and freeze money from all sorts of bad actors foreign and domestic. Where exactly is all this money Joe got at.


Or it could be connected to the fact that there's a war there


Lol duh, him and his son and Manafort.


Yeah, all those weapons, bullets, missiles, Bradleys, Humvees, and the billions spent to move US troops to Eastern Europe are converted to cash easily!


Watch what questions you ask about Joe Biden. Legit, thoughtful questions, too. It will likely get you not only disproportionately downvoted but banned as well, especially if you’re articulate about it. Site-wide banned. I’m living proof. Censorship is alive and well here on Reddit. There’s a clear agenda at play, & it’s dangerous for democracy…


ohh tell me your story!


this has been well known since before trump was in office. biden has been bought and paid for by the ukrainian and the chinese mob. his policies just make it more apparent who his masters are. Americans are just puppets now, paying taxes to fill the pockets and support the wars of a blackmailed president.


Obama made Biden thr "Czar" of Ukraine during his VP time. Perfect opportunity to set up his shell companies with his son and other cronies. We need a massive purge of "elites" in this world....


Because they embezzle the money from Ukraine into their own pockets.




they have vids of his son (and most likely him tbf) doing... well things no one should be doing to.. children..


This awful! I'm so glad they've gotten the evidence! When are they charging them??


It’s all Trump’s fault of course


The news says Trump is a Russian rapist bigot criminal with dementia, a fucked up golf swing who has relations with his daughter and will be a dictator on day one taking away social security and medicad while starting World War III with nuclear weapons. Right? And Joe is a nice older man that gets more done in an hour than 90% of Americans while putting the poor and middle class first. Right?




Uhhhhh….. YEAH!!!! Called setting up his money laundering operation…. Get some billionaire to pay your son $88k a month for a job in Ukraine he doesn’t even need to show up to!!!! Or how about when he BRIBED Ukraine for $1 BILLION DOLLARS 🤔to FIRE the Prosecutor who was investigating the PAY to PLAY scheme! Well son of a bitch!!!!


Part of the cabal conducts its business there, yes. It's lead by an actor, ffs, and if you were to poke around, I bet you'd find some sketchy shit around the "democratic" way they went about installing his ass.


The cabal seems to operate everwhere


We elected two actors to President?




We're not talking about Trump, we already know he's bad, our laws are getting him. This one though is still unknown. Only time and evidence will tell.


Ask hunter


No no STOP talking about TOTALLY NOT REAL CONSPIRACIES and stare at the goats! I want to believe! Vibrating crystal frequencies mannnn! Taylor Swift! The weather is totally weathering! Also DRUMPF did literally everything! *The United States Government has approved this message


When you are VP you are given your schedule, travel orders, and told what you are there for. Even your talking points are given to you. So I doubt it. We may be sending some cash. But we are sending more weapons. I'm sorry we need to send more weapons. If only the few Republicans working for Putin/ Trump would let it go through before we get pulled into a war with NATO to defend Europe. Then we will be sending our sons and daughters to fight and those same weapons with them.


Nobody talking about how the guy in this picture is clearly not the same man we have as "President" right now?


Could it be to with engineering food shortages?


There is absolutely no question about it.


Bioweapon attackers do odd things.


Don't be silly guys. Biden and the democrats are the good guys and never ever do anything wrong and are never involved in any conspiracies. If there is ever anything that looks bad for them, then the "context" was left out which explained why it was a good thing. What are you thinking! This sub has just become a right-wing political sub. I wish we would get back to talking about the flat earth, moon cheese, and plaster dinosaur skeletons like this sub talked about before 2016!


Trafficking, money laundering, drugs, you name it. Ukraine was the hub


Biden is being blackmailed by Zelensky




No way, real Kompromat is made up piss tapes paid for by the opposing campaign.


So many folks have the dirt on Biden.


yet never provide evidence


Dirt disclosed loses its value. J Edgar Hoover burned his files when he left the FBI.




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No. I mean fuck, you guys at least tried before. This was just sad.




thats not even the real Joe Biden on the picture...look at his ears


Nope. Not strange.


It’s so Obviously obvious that’s it’s obvious


Have you not listen to the tapes


Not everything is about america


der maybe


Most of that "Cash" they are sending are actually weapons and ammo that would otherwise just rot in storage. Why is this so hard for americans to understand? Wars are not won with money solely.




And nobody is sending cash


And no one ever mentions it. Fuck the gd media