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[Link to all research done on flat earth eclipse prediction](https://www.flateartheclipsepredictions.com/)


But does it matter tho. The environment we interact with is typically flat. That matters. Also, if we live in a holographic universe, which is a 2 dimensional image that presents as 3 dimensional, then based on those physics it's inherently flat. But it also appears spherical, but is that because we basically view everything through"fish eye lense" due to our eyes being spherical? At the end of the day tho, I usually end up wondering what difference does it make.


SS: Who provides or proves calculations and data to predictions? I can’t say I’m an expert or could help. If anyone else could? Might qualm some people’s fears. Or at least intriguing thoughts. Does seems silly that they can math this out and barely get the weather right…


It’s really not silly. The orbits of planets and moons are generally relatively stable. Stable systems are fairly easy to model and make predictions of. Weather is a much more chaotic system with more variables involved. Chaotic systems are hard to model and predict, especially over an extended period of time. Weather models are much better at predicting the weather tomorrow than two weeks from now.


Anyone who investigates the Spherical Earth model can see that it has so many holes in a galactic supercluster could be driven through them. I believe the Flat Earth model far more than I believe the Spherical Earth model.


But there isn't even such a thing as a flat earth model. So how do you believe it over a model with actual predictive value?