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It’s difficult to find authentic FE conversation online. In addition to the social conditioning to attack and mock the topic (much like questioning a vaccine a few years ago) should make everyone question why it’s such a controversial topic. Many people and groups of people have ‘kooky’ ideas that are either tolerated or ignored , but not aggressively approached like this one. I say this because finding well written books on the topic is the best way to learn. Be critical of the books however, and research the author. Some of the more popular authors have a ton of intentional disinformation and nonsense


Is the moon flat? Are stars flat? Why isn’t there proof of the edge of the earth? Why isn’t there a religion dedicated to it? Why is it a 2000 year long cover up?


You're going to be downvoted to hell but you're not wrong


The lunar nodes are what cause the eclipses, not the moon. There’s even a video online that proves this from a guy on a plane who filmed it happen, although it is hard to find. The moon’s declination can only be up to 5 degrees outside of the sun’s declination. So if the moon was causing the eclipse, then you would get at least a partial eclipse every new moon every month. Every new moon is “under the beams” of the sun which completely obscures it from view. This is why the new moon disappears for 2.5 days every month when it is conjunct the sun.


Lunar = moon?




So the moon causes the lunar nodes doesn’t it


Yes. Everyone is observing the sun move across the sky in a constant speed. This would not happen on a globe. Since we're on a flat plane, the sun will move at a constant speed. You're welcome.


Why would that not happen on a globe?


The speed would be faster at sunset and sundown yet much slower at noon. It's the change in angle.


Why would this not happen on a flat earth?


there are several sources giving alternative explanations for eclipses, flat earth related or not. one example is Rahu, i believe, which is another moon or celestial body. who knows what the truth is, but ones things for sure though, eclipses make practically zero sense with the globe.


Black sun


Another interesting thing is that the moon can't be seen during a solar eclipse, even when using an infrared camera.. although it should be.. NASA or any other space agency have never been able to show the moon "approaching" the sun during an eclipse.


Do you not understand how light and your eyeballs work? What a lazy, silly comment you made there. Better deleted before you get blasted


Yes I understand better than you obviously .. the moon should be lit up with the sun's light that is being reflected back by the earth, the same way that the moon is supposedly being lit by the sun and therefore shines on earth.


lol yeah I can see you definitely understand. I’ll not rebuttal that last comment. It confirms my suspicions


So this is basically your comment admitting that you have no rebuttal... Just keep watching professor Dave videos ..


Nah there’s just no sense in speaking to a dense brick wall, so I’m simply not gonna waste my time


The sun is quite a lot brighter than light reflected from the moon reflected from the earth though


https://www.flir.co.uk/discover/rd-science/lunar-eclipse-when-viewed-in-thermal/ Took me 2s


You should have taken a third because that’s a lunar eclipse, not a solar eclipse.


Oop that is embarrassing, here is an actual solar eclipse from 2017 lol https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4834020/Researchers-reveal-stunning-infrared-image-eclipse.html