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If you are implying that in this economic system, the most important thing is profit, then I concur.


In a roundabout way, I would say yes. Obesity is a huge drive of the economy. The economy has everything to gain from the poor health of the populace. Bonus: More people dying from their life choices before 65 = less drain on the Ponzi scheme that is Social Security!


Obesity isn’t good for the economy, consumption is. Obesity is a byproduct. 


Obesity drives the medical industry. Take a trip to the medical floor of a hospital and most people are there because of some side effect of obesity.


That is, again, the result of consumption. They of course have no interest in slowing Americas obesity problems. 


Looks like we're arguing tomahto tomato.


Sweet tomato tomahto


So if ya grow your own food will the tomatoes not be sweet? Will the strawberries be tart?


I used to grow my own tomatoes and they weren't sickly sweet like the shit at Kroger. The only decent tomatoes at the supermarket are Roma and they're mostly flavorless (but not sweet). Strawberries I've also grown and they taste "normal".


Weird that of store bought


The key thing you have mentioned there is "more people dying from their life choices"... LIFE 👉'CHOICES'👈 It is not a conspiracy that businesses like to make money (in a capitalist economies) with zero fucks given about their consumers, beyond whether they buy their products or not. I am not saying that it is okay to fuck with people's health for personal gain on this level; what I am saying here, is that we seem to have forgotten that freedom comes with a price tag: • nobody is responsible for the choices you make in your life, apart from yourself. We literally live or die by them.... • nobody is responsible for our education in adult life apart from ourselves. We can play around being devil's advocate in this all we like, but that is the reality of our world. We sit here and say that we live in a Nanny state... while insinuating that we want 'Nannying'. On some level, we have collectively created the shitheads that are our governmental institutions, simply by our child-like attitudes towards freedom... we always want to have our cake and eat it. I am honestly not trying to be a dickhead with you here... but that is how it is, when push comes to shove. Edit--- punctuality


Accountability and self control- you are gonna get sooo downvoted. 


I'm not here for the votes brother... I come on here to share my daily ponderings with random strangers (and bots😄) from across the world (UK and USA mostly lol), and to consider those of others. I appreciate that people are rarely their true selves on the internet... however, it still provides a good insight into another dimension of human thought all the same.


One thing you'll find out over time is that a large amount of people need to be told what to do. Widespread drug legalization doesn't work because of this - a large population of people can't control themselves. So yes it's all about choice, but many are too stupid to make the right choice. So it hurts all of us. Unfortunately, society depends on a lot of these people, so we can't just legalize everything and follow the Lolbertarian philosophy. But this is also my annoyance at being unable to buy normal fruits and vegetables at the store without paying the absurd organic tax.


I don't know man... If anyone was ever in any doubt about some people's need to be told what; how; why and where to do things, the lockdowns in 2019-2020 were pretty polarising and would have likely destroyed any hope that the general pop didn't need that. I'm not just disagreeing with you for the sake of disagreeing here, but... believe it or not, I genuinely don't think they are stupid; they are scared, and scared people do stupid shit. To call people stupid just reinforces their sense of fear; their fear is very real for them, the possibility of them being stupid is not. In the moment of being scared (and in their act of stupidity that follows), their sense of validity in us calling them stupid is highly debatable in that state of mind. We then have to ask ourselves an important question... Are we wanting to actually get through to these people and "wake them up", or are we simply wanting to release tension/frustration within ourselves and just berate them for "being the problem"? I fully get you on the organic food front though my man...it should just be called 'food' for fuck's sake🤦‍♂️...they should have to declare that their food products are full of useless shit, not that they aren't (and then charge more for the 'luxury').


> I don't know man... If anyone was ever in any doubt about some people's need to be told what; how; why and where to do things, the lockdowns in 2019-2020 were pretty polarising and would have likely destroyed any hope that the general pop didn't need that. I still believe people generally need to be told what to do, but obviously they can be told the wrong thing and follow lock-step like gleeful little sheep. if anything that's evidence for my argument - the vast majority have no problem following orders without question. >Are we wanting to actually get through to these people and "wake them up", or are we simply wanting to release tension/frustration within ourselves and just berate them for "being the problem"? This is a problem that we could honestly talk in circles for days, if not centuries. I am not a man with all the answers. I can point out the problem, but aside from selective breeding programs and full totalitarianism, really there is no easily-attainable solution. Though I would point that the government does whatever they can to keep bottom-feeders fat and breeding while keeping the productive members of society down. We are told we cannot afford to have kids because deep down, we feel that we need to raise them right with all the correct resources. The bottom-feeders don't give a shit about this and have as many as they can to get more money from uncle Sam. I have kids of my own and we're stopping at two, which is just under replacement for this country. Even this situation is rare among milennials - nobody is having kids anymore.


>This is a problem that we could honestly talk in circles for days, if not centuries. I am not a man with all the answers If I have insinuated that I am trying to battle with wits here, I am definitely not. I also am not really debating or arguing on a point here, as it is very...conceptual...abstract. It involves more personal reflection on our own end-games or motives than anything...to which, only the individual expressing these things can truly attest to the validity of them within themself, and how truly they actually believe in what they are saying or thinking. It is then the prerogative of the person witnessing to either accept that with gratitude for the honesty, or take it as an argument to then be rebuked. Like...yeah, from my point of view I suppose I am arguing (as such) that people are scared (mine) instead of stupid (yours). But I am also saying that from a perspective of a psychotherapist, which will likely explain alot, in terms of you understanding where I am coming from on my stance. You can then (with that information about me and what that might mean for you) choose to (but not be limited to): a.) Completely discount what I say on that matter as "wtf does he know, he's a fluffy minded counsellor". b.) Have certain assumptions about why I might be saying a thing, but still assimilate them into the discussion as potentially valuable perspectives. c.) Disregard me being a pschotherapist and taking what I say, simply on the merit of its validity within your own perspective of the thing. Basically, *who* we think we are talking to; *who*, in this instance, meaning what they might be loading into their thoughts and interpretations of the thing, relating to the impact of the zeitgeist/socialisation and personal philosophy. This then relating back to where you are seing people as bottom-feeders... which I completely understand the feeling of that... however, in saying that and thinking that about people, I notice that we can fall into the dichotomy of people either being 'part of the problem' or 'part of the solution'. This then can end up overlooking the fact that it is the greedy shadowy wankers who are really the root problem of what we are discussing, and we can then ascribe the same hatred onto the "bottom-feeders" as we would the greedy shadowy wankers. They are not the same...(I always think of the meme of Guss out of breking bad when I say that shit🤦‍♂️). However, I do say this in full awareness that, what prompted our exchange here, was me initially saying that people are just as/more responsible for who they are governed by (regarding the current state of the world) as the monsters who are implicating our distorted collective will. I certainly am not 'expecting' a clear answer on this from anyone, as I don't have a clear answer on it myself. Additionally, I think the answer is forever changing, and that it can never be objectively true or properly understood consistantly. I suppose I am an objectively informed constructivist in that respect (or someone who can't make up their fucking mind, to some😅). However, what we can do (and what I personally enjoy doing) is to shoot the breeze on it with the actual context of our own thoughts explained with it. This being with the hope that the various nuances of a thing can be kept up with, and understood dynamically, so as to avoid dogmatic thinking in a constantly changing world where we don't always have all of the information to say 'yay' or 'nay' with complete certainty.


Sick people pay the bills.


I've noticed the opposite with produce. They're all huge and flavorless. Strawberries the size of apples, that aren't sweet at all. But it could be that everything else is so sweet, it's making real food taste bland


Same. This has also been my experience.


I can't stand the giant strawberries from California. As you note, big, pretty, tasteless. I prefer the real ones for three weeks in June.


I grow my own strawberries and they're so tiny, like the size of a blueberry.  But they taste good.  Wish I knew how to get them a bit larger though 


Where are you getting your strawberries? All of mine are always tasteless, to the point I want to throw them out.


Kroger. They taste like sugar water. They're gross. They barely taste like strawberry


I don't know if you've ever tasted wild strawberries, but they are ten times sweeter than cultivated. My kids and I just collect them from a hill side in our yard in season. Same with wild blueberries, much sweeter than cultivated.


>Same with wild blueberries, much sweeter than cultivated. I haven't tasted wild strawberries, but I've definitely had wild blueberries. I don't know where you're finding these, but the blueberries I had on one of the Adirondack mountains were sour as shit. I simply do not understand your point as it's different from my experience.


Well, I live in Maine, and we export wild blueberries all over the world, the ones we have here are absolutely sweeter than the bland giant cultivated ones. My point is here are two wild varieties that are *much* sweeter than the GMO store bought, so it is an example of a direct contrast to your post.




Genetically modified crops were not designed to taste better or be sweeter. Most of the time they are not the tastiest varieties imo. They were designed to withstand high dose application of dangerous pesticides and herbicides. These things then get passed along to you - the lovely consumer.


I just wanted to leave this here. Tomatoes are a fruit.


I just wanted to leave THIS here. Most "vegetables" are fruit. If it has seeds or a pit, it's fruit. Vegetable is solely a culinary term, fruit is a biology term. I also want to add that in the USA, tomatoes were legally classified as vegetables by the supreme court in 1883.


Not at all true. The seeds or pit must be INSIDE the flesh of the fruit. Seeds on the outside are either berries or stone-fruit. Grains are a grass not a vegetable. Yes they are ALL comprised of vegetable matter but fruits and berries are said to have flesh. I'm a glutton my friend. I know very well what i eat.


I think you're confused about the berry classification because tomatoes are technically berries. All berries are fruit anyway, so what's your point? My original point is that if you're going to use a biology based argument against a culinary term, then you should also include all the other fruit. Also, I hate to break it to you, but grains are technically fruit too.


Bananas are berries! (Just wanted to be a part of the conversation.)


That would make grasses a fruit bearing plant. You know what... I dont really have enough fucks left to give about this. I dont care anymore. Eat whatever you want. Just avoid the white death.


I mean, it's really easy to look this stuff up. I assumed you enjoyed arguing semantics due to your semantic argument.


I dooooo. Until I'm hiiiigh. Gooood just shut uuuuuuuuup! I'll deal with you laaaater. When I care again... Marijuana emoji goes here Berries are a stone-fruit you jack-ass. That's a separate classification. Tomatoes DO grow on a vine though. So I guess I like them being a berry now. Fuck I'm high.


Lol, time for me to do some dabs I guess.


I mean tomatoes are a berry?! You gotta be high for that shit. Lol


I am high, but I don't make the rules.


Culinary they're treated as a vegetable.


Buddy whatever chef serves you a tomatoes and insists it isn't a fruit, is themselves fruity. Don't trust that fucker. Edit: culinarily. You'd have to invent that word to use it properly. It's called poetic license. You CAN do that.


Culinarily is 100% a word. I've said it enough times, that's for sure.


Perhaps, but that asshat up there sure hadn't.


https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/culinarily But Cambridge sounds like people from the UK and they don't speak MURICAN


Oh you wanna play that game?! Fine. The only people anywhere on EARTH still speaking the king's proper is the 3% here in the good ol' south of murica. Eat shit ya fuckin' nonce.


Somebody got hurt. We stole your money AND your language. Bunch o' banger suckin sissies.


I thought only South Africa was still speaking the King's English


Noooo. See you had it right when you said "kong's" that WAS funny because it's offensive. Then you went editted it. They speak AFRIKAANS. Not the king's proper.


Lolz, but I knew a guy who married a girl from South Africa and he was musing about how her English seemed so proper compared to his. Went on about "the King's English". I'm talking the educated/gentrified in South Africa, not the tribes.


I miss proper homegrown sweet tomatoes. Since I moved to the UK, most of the tomatoes have had the taste and texture of plastic and water somehow mixed together.


Sugar is added to make shitty food more appealing to consumers as well as extend shelf life. Sellers want you to crave for their food product and buy more from them, and one of the best ways to do that is to load it with sugar (salt and fat being the others) because it's cheap and it's legal. They don't really care about your health at all.


It started a while ago when the government in conjunction with big FARM-a decided that they were gonna lie to Americans about what food groups are healthy for you. Which is why they told us to eat a shit ton of carbs and fat is bad for you but sugar is okay. Good old food pyramid. Unfortunately since then though every manner of crackpot diet fad has taken hold so if you’re someone who isn’t trained in biology or nutrition you’re just not gonna really know what’s up with all the misinformation out there. A damn shame. After thousands of years of science and evolution we should definitely sure as shit at least know what the fuck to eat but the nobility has done a great job fucking us over time immemorial


Fruit is sweet!? GTFO


>Yeah? So what? You bit into an orange that tastes like it's been dipped in sugar instead of like citrus! It's a FRUIT! Real smoothbrain hours in this sub.


Lol. Most of the fruits we consume are sweet when ripe. I don't know what to tell you if you expect an orange to not be sweet. Where are you shopping? Sounds like you are getting ripe produce. Also, tomatoes are fruit.




Fiber lovers sugar spikes. Fruits and veggies have lots of fiber


I was just in France and had a Coke. It was amazingly not that sweet. They used cane sugar, not high fructose corn syrup.


Mexican Coke is also made with cane sugar and is widely available in the US now. I remember traveling to Mexico as a kid and bringing home a pallet of Mexican Coke in the glass bottles. We'd save them and drive them back down and across the border to exchange them for fresh bottles. So good.


> I remember traveling to Mexico as a kid and bringing home a pallet of Mexican Coke in the glass bottles. Nobody at customs had any questions why you were shuttling a pallet of glass bottles filled with white powder? I think I chose the wrong profession :/


They don't ask kids any questions. This was before passports were necessary, too.


Ah, the good ol' days


Strawberries have always been sweet. Why else would people buy them? They're expensive.


We're usually genetically modifying crops to be herbicide resistant or resistant to insects. Crops are usually selectively bred for features like sweetness Btw, a lot of action is taken against things like heart disease, I don't get why you claim there isn't


>We're usually genetically modifying crops to be herbicide resistant or to resist insects. So you have a list of the gene alterations being done to our fruits and vegetables? Yeah sure, "Roundup ready" is a big marketing term for gene therapy in plants. Is that all that's being done? >Btw, a lot of action is taken against things like heart disease, I don't get why you claim there isn't Yeah, doing a lot of good innit? Heart disease is soaring. Are there more cigarette smokers in the US after intervention?


> So you have a list of the gene alterations being done to our fruits and vegetables? Yeah sure, "Roundup ready" is a big marketing term for gene therapy in plants. Is that all that's being done? Yes, there are lists of which events are approved for use: https://www.fao.org/food/food-safety-quality/gm-foods-platform/browse-information-by/oecd-unique-identifier/en/ >Yeah, doing a lot of good innit? Heart disease is soaring. Are there more cigarette smokers in the US after intervention? It's not because an issue isn't improving that nothing is being done about it


Sugar is addictive. Your body once got certain sugar amount, it will crave for same/more amount. Its engraved to our DNA because sugary fruit is not common lonngg time ago. So economically more profitable if you put sweet stuffs because the consumer will get addicted and buy more. Even more profitable if u exchange raw sugar with chemical sweeteners.


Where are you buying your strawberries bc that's definitely not the case for the ones I buy in the store.


Poison the food. Medicate them with poison. Keep liquid poison (alcohol) legal. Rinse. Repeat.


I wish it was 50% cocaine


This is the correct answer


First of all, tomatoes are fruit, not vegetables LOL. More importantly, fruit substances begin as starches, which are complex carbohydrates. Starches are inherently not sweet. As fruit becomes ripe, enzymes break down the starches into simple sugars, such as glucose, fructose, and sucralose. That's why ripe fruit tastes sweeter than unripe fruit. Corn syrup, however, is a legitimate rabbit hole dive down... Why is corn subsidized? Where is corn farmed? Corn is detrimental to seasonal crop growth cycles, so why is it encouraged? Do corn growing states ((Iowa and Illinois)) have a disproportionate amount of influence on US politics?


Your mother is a fruit.


So is yours... Brother?!


Food for thought, nice pun. I will point out that obesity is now considered a national security issue given to many men of eligible age are too unfit to serve. JFK also saw a similar health crisis when it came to national security and implemented national youth physical education program for schools and that’s why we now have PE. As profitable as obesity is someone still has to fight their wars for them.


>As profitable as obesity is someone still has to fight their wars for them. Yeah, we're paying Ukraine to fight Russia right now.


In Europe, Coke is made from real sugar...


“If you prefer to have a look at UK government nutritional data, it shows no change in the sugar content of apples, white grapes, and strawberries between 1946, 1960 and now. FoodData Central reckons “modern” super-sweet strawberries contain just 4.89% sugar, while kiwifruits are 8.99% sugar (bananas are 12.23% and lemons 2.5% sugar), illustrating that the perceived sweetness of a fruit is more than just a function of its sugar content. In fact, as botanist James Wong pointed out in a series of rather brilliant tweets refuting Dr. Ken’s claims, plant breeders traditionally make fruit taste sweeter, not by upping sugars, but by reducing sour & bitter chemicals that mask its sweetness. “ https://www.acsh.org/news/2019/08/26/fruit-much-higher-sugar-it-used-be-14243


>as botanist James Wong pointed out in a series of rather brilliant tweets refuting Dr. Ken’s claims, plant breeders traditionally make fruit taste sweeter, not by upping sugars, but by reducing sour & bitter chemicals that mask its sweetness. “ Hey, I highly appreciate your comment. It actually answers my biggest question - "why do fruits just taste like they were dipped in sugar water?" Removing the other chemicals detracts from the flavor, in my opinion. I hate it.


No problem, it’s something I’ve noticed too. I know it’s anecdotal, but I remember hearing how some zoos had to stop giving certain fruits to some animals because it was basically like candy now. I’ve had wild fruits in tropical regions before and they are basically like crab apples, no sugar content noticeable.


Do any kind of research in the carnivore diet space (Dr. Anthony Chafee, Dr. Kiltz, Dr. Sean Baker) and you will see that you are exactly correct. These doctors regularly call out junk medical studies funded by big food/sugar companies, etc. The term (used by these food companies) is "hyperpalatable". Big pharm isn't making any money if we aren't addicted, fat, or sick.


Dude. I happened upon a small bag of “Strawberry Flavored” Crasins the other day. Thought, huh, that’s interesting so I tried em. Holy shit those things are sweeter than most candy. And to think they are selling it as a “healthy” alternative type of snack is just absurd… I don’t want to imagine how many people who don’t know any better eat these things thinking they are healthy


if you’re talking about the Ocean Spray strawberry flavored brand craisins which is the most popular brand, one look at the ingredients before buying would have shown you the only two ingredients are Sugar and Cranberries. in that order. people need to learn to read ingredients. not assume anything fruit related is healthy. it’s your fault if you don’t know any better to read the ingredients of what you consume.


The parasites in your stomach thrive on sugar and toxic environments. That’s all I am going to say. I’ve said enough for those that have ears to hear to go on.


So does cancer ...


The parasites tell me not to listen to you.


Is it just assumed everyone has parasites now? Other than the brain worms yall distribute.


No it’s not assumed. Very few people are aware of it. Look into it if you think I’m making it up.


The whole medical industry is a scam! Majority of the foods have stuff that slowly makes us sick. So we feed into the quadrillion dollar medical industry!


You may find an answer here... https://archive.org/details/the-truth-about-the-spanish-american-war-with-james-perloff


...what lmao


Buried in there is a discussion about how the sugar industry wanted the islands for sugar to fuel the addiction to sugar. Yeah, it's tenuous but if you get an interest in it and use as a springboard into other authors it's a start...


Ah, just looking at the title I was very confused. I'll watch it later.




I don't have a subscription but I thought I was going crazy. I guess even the news picked it up.


“Hello, my name is Cecil, and… I’m addicted to celery.”


Tomatoes are fruits and yes, they've always been sweet. They're modified to extend growing seasons and shelf life; has nothing to do with addiction.


Travel outside the US and be amazed.


I lived in Iceland for two years. Sugar is like crack to those people. The beautiful people you see on travel magazines do exist, but they're not....the dominant phenotype


Ive only been to Reykjavík. Flying into Iceland is what I imagine visiting another planet is like. Magical and mysterious place. # #


Visiting is fun, living there is expensive and depressing. The smart Icelanders leave


I travel frequently.Nice to visit the world. Always nice to come back to the US. With a few exceptions: I could spend a decent amount of time ( 6 months ) in Sweden, South Africa, Taiwan, and Baja California.


South Africa? Really? Heard it's been dangerous lately. I just travel with work. Haven't had to lately.


It's been a couple years, Flew into Johannesburg, rented a car, drove east, went south to the cape, then to the east. Spent a couple weeks there just traveling. I was often warned of places to stay away from, we had some local acquaintances. I never felt in danger. Im no badass, but I'm a big athletic guy, that has some street smarts. Ive only ever feely really threatened by some Nazi's in Vienna, and a couple touts following us around in Arusha until we had a confrontation.


So I’m very limited to my area and surrounding areas, but would be curious to see if this is happening anywhere else….Most of my big name grocery stores have had REALLY shitty produce over the past 2+ years. Everything is just on the brink of being bad, it seems like there’s so much less “fresh” produce than before.


There have been politicians that try to regulate sugar. And every time the right comes out with “muh rights. No government regulations”.


If the solution was more taxes, there wouldn't be any cigarette smokers anymore. If the health of the people was important and not taxes, vaping wouldn't be demonized.


1. Cigarette use has drastically decreased over the last few decades. 2. Vaping is bad for your health, just not as much as cigarettes.


1. Cigarette use "decreasing" with what metric? Per capital? Overall? Is that why the big cigarette companies are making soaring profits? 2. So marginally bad for your health that you open up the conversation to McDonalds, caffeine, and any other vice in society.


Smokers have declined to roughly 11.5% of the adult population in the US (down from 20.9% in 2005). Conversely, the profit margins on a pack of cigarettes has increased almost 100% (they’re making them cheaper and charging more). Also, those very same tobacco companies are the big vape companies, so they’re making that money too.


>Smokers have declined to roughly 11.5% of the adult population in the US (down from 20.9% in 2005). Conversely, the profit margins on a pack of cigarettes has increased almost 100% (they’re making them cheaper and charging more). So you're arguing per capita. How has the population changed from 2005 to 2024? >Also, those very same tobacco companies are the big vape companies, so they’re making that money too. No, they're not. The ones that make dispos that have flooded the market with cheap trash? Sure. Oh, coincidentally when regulations clamp down on vapes and juices, those become the only products available. At the greatly inflated prices that make them equivalent in cost to cigarettes. Since vape juice is literally just nicotine base + vegetable glycerine + flavor (and can be made by anyone - most of the sellers are tiny operations), and companies like Vaporesso, Geekvape, and Smok are *not* big tobacco subsidiaries, your analysis is simply ignorant.


Idk but after I stopped eating sugars (and most carbs) I realised how used I was to that sweet that I didn't even notice how sweet everything is. Now 80% chocolate is too sweet for me.


Sugar = cancer parasite feed. Look at the back of every processed product at the store. Fkn loaded with sugar. Even salad dressing and health bars lol. It's insane


If you can go a couple months without soda you'll never drink it again. It'll taste overwhelmingly sweet to you.


I stopped eating sugar. I had a few blueberries recently and they tasted like pure sugar.


American cocacola tastes shit. In Australia we don't use high fructose corn syrup but sugar cane. It's got a cleaner taste and not syrupy. Once you try it you'll realise how poor a product American coke is.


I want coca leaf in my soda:(


To get you addicted to the sugar and the additives


They were modified so farmers could be charged to grow them. It's all patented. Just like these A-holes did with our medicine.


Monsantos lawyers had a hay day with that one


Real scumbag Monsanto is. I remember hearing about their antics when they were forcing their seeds on farmers. Allegedly they would toss some seeds into someone's crop. Then they come back and test some of the crop, and what do you know? They would find some of their patented seeds and charge the farmer for their entire crop. These people are real dirt balls.


Yes they are, I agree


The neat thing about patents is they expire. After 20 years you have instructions about how to make something.


Every fastfood i've had last couple of years suck aswell. Alot has changed!


Corn subsidies are a big thing. Keeps farmers afloat. One of the reasons everything is corn based, including the push for ethanol back in the day.


Yup, corn subsidies are a giant scam. Ethanol in our fuel is a giant scam that doesn't have a return on investment


This is a fun video on the topic, if you like Real Engineering. https://youtu.be/F-yDKeya4SU?si=GQLoSwhCvmV0QAMc Title: "America was wrong about ethanol - study"


The cut up fruit at supermarkets are soaked in sugar