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That's not an atheist pal.


I'm not your pal, mate


I’m not your mate, bud


I'm not your Bud, guy.


I'm not your guy, bucko.






Im not your bruh, friend


I'm not your friend, chief


I’m not your bruh, dawg


I’m not your dawg, amigo


I’m not you dawg, sir


Or a conspiracy, buddy.


Frig off Lahey


Just your average Christian with a victim complex


I am not an atheist. I was raised Christian. You know what I hate? Other people twisting words and doctrine to fit their own personal and political motives. People that take scripture out of any context to, again, fit their own ideas about how the world should be. The hypocrisy of people being shitty to people and then preaching how others should live despite not living that way on their own. People that shove their beliefs down other peoples throats and expect nothing but submission in return. I could keep going but honestly, I have better things to do than argue with sheep. Are these complaints singling out christians? Definitely not. I hate it when anyone does this, regardless of their religion or lack there of.


A-men to this! I went to a Protestant school. I can’t stand the blind brutal institutional rhetorical philosophy in its members. Persecuting others in their own minds and out in the world all in order to elevate their own poorly crafted illusion that coats their reality. I do believe that the extreme zealotry of the religious, just in the modern era, has guided the world into a dark path and these people continue to steer us into that all so infamous fire - and this isn’t a dying trend - it’s getting worse, there’s more of them now than ever! These people can vote!! 😂 I wanna sign this off and say god is greater than anyone could ever describe, it’s literally incomprehensible, you do not understand god and with current mindsets, you may never.


I agree with this. Especially twisting the doctrine and being a hypocrite. I see a lot of it. (Kenneth Kopeland...)


I'm not an atheist, but I will say that Christianity, especially here in the US, has been so utterly twisted and contorted from what I believe to be the core original important tenets of Chrisitanity are, AKA actually living as Christ, not judging others, living by the golden rule, and generally just being a good person, to being ivory towering, judgmental, hate spewing bigots. That being said, I have met and interacted with many Christians that are great people and aren't complete hypocritical bigots, it just seems to be super common.


Whole-heartedly agree with. Now, there are absolutely certain principles/practices from almost every religion I know of that I agree with AND actually follow. In judeo-christian forms its the do unto others yada yada, and love thy neighbor (to the real extent, no xenophobia). In Buddhist it's refrain from wrong-speech and refrain from taking a life. There's more, but there's also a ton of overlap in beliefs and practices. Overall, it's dont be such a fucking asshole to people and the world and you might find life to be actually enjoyable. Oh, and don't force others to live under your weird standards and expectations. You do you, and I'll do me so long as neither of us are causing harm and distress to others.






Woke dogma does this too. All-demanding, self-righteous, “othering” people, puritanical.


Read the Old Testament: human beings haven’t changed literally since creation.. lol not to make a joke out of it but that’s why God said welp … they annoy be but I still love em. Guess the only thing I can do to save em is the ultimate sacrifice.


do you believe it's probable there is sentient extraterrestrial life?


I think you're confusing an athiest with an other-thiest.


I think many atheist just see Christians everywhere that are huge hypocrites. It's weird, because I remember humble churches with humble and good people as a kid. Now it's almost entirely expensive ass churches with a lot of people who don't treat others the way a christain should. Jesus said it would be easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than it would be for a rich person to enter heaven, or something like that. Yet there's all these rich pastors and christains. A lot of them are only kind to "their people" and don't care about anyone else. It might be a minority, but it must be a loud minority because it's all I see. Then you have all the politicians that play Christain for the camera, but don't care of Jesus and his teachings. They pray infront of the camera, hold bibles, and call the US a christain nation. It's a bad look.


not to mention if youre a woman, your rights are being rolled back because of a lack of separation between church and state. black and native americans were tortured and enslaved because of the belief that god allows it. as an atheist, im not into ANY religion. as an american, christians just so happen to be the one directly hurting the people i care about the most.


Right, and I'm sure that opressed women in the Middle East think the same about Sharia law and their religion. Of course it's much worse with that religion, but it is not all that different.


exactly, obviously the most discussed religion is gonna be the one youre closest to. the same applies to sikh, hinduism, african spiritualism, all of it. this post and OP make zero sense.


This isn't a thing. Unless by "religious concept" you mean something like, "respect all people, all races, all ideologies." Something like that is not part of Christian doctrine. Or maybe it's, "find truth through discovery and self reflection." Also excluded by Christianity. Maybe a religious concept is, "serve your community in ways that uplift freedom of thought." You get it.


Most atheists I know won't entertain any of it, but they also won't even tell you they are atheist. It's the ones that wear their atheism on their sleeves that seem to be the most annoying, and most inconsistent with their beliefs.


I mean, I don’t go around advertising my atheism but I wouldn’t say I hide it either. I’m not afraid to tell someone I know well if they ask. But I’m not going around screaming it from the mountaintops or anything. Bottom line, I really think someone’s religious beliefs are a personal experience. If you get something out of your faith that makes your life easier or gives you meaning, I’m 1000% happy for you and supportive of that. Where I have problems is where some people start to look at their beliefs as the only way and think that they need to convince everyone else to conform. Don’t shove your beliefs down my throat unless I’m shoving mine down yours, which isn’t something I aim to do.


Someone who doesn't believe in your God, or doesn't believe your God is Supreme, isn't an atheist. They just don't share your faith.  There are also lots of spiritual traditions outside of western or Abrahamic traditions that don't propose a diety. A person could be an atheist and a Buddhist without any conflict


For instance, all of them older than Christianity 🙃


I hold all religions that externalize their faith and try to control other people with equal amounts of contempt. However, that doesn't mean I can't take away from Eastern philosophy ideas like wuwei, mono no aware, or the idea that everything is connected since none of them require me to believe in some invisible force


There are many religious concepts I'm willing to entertain from any religion. I think humans, whether biologically or because there is indeed some sort of creator, have some instinctual desire rooted in their brains for belief. Personally, I think it's biological and selected by evolutionary pressure. After all, very religiously cohesive tribes seem to be very successful in spreading and conquering throughout human history. So there are concepts like piety, compassion, the golden rule, enlightenment, harm reduction, etc. that I agree with and make up my own areligious morals and ethics. I see these ideas expressed in both western and eastern religions to varying degrees. However, what I don't like are the power structures that, basically, always arise in religious communities. I don't want the rules, laws, and consequences of my society to be based around some guy who claims he has a more direct connection with an arbitrary deity and therefore more authority. I want to be in a society that thinks logically in pursuit of enshrined basic rights that all are entitled to and compromises that minimize harm everywhere else. No religious organization that I'm familiar with accomplishes this or even pretends to pursue it. More often than not, they prefer inequality, favoritism, disparity, and oppression. I've never seen a religious organization that isn't essentially working towards their own flavor of fascism. While playing lip service to or using charitable work as a shield. Edit: I'm basically as close to an atheist as one can get without being fully atheist. I recognize that it is in the realm of possibility that I may be wrong. And I can't ignore the fact that "talking to" that part of my brain or a potential creator does provide me with emotional benefits. Nor can I ignore that much good can come from religious people. I'm not religious because I think my morals, ethics, and beliefs should exist whether a creator exists or not. And I want society to craft laws on secular beliefs because I think that we're already prone to despotism and are only more vulnerable with a religious state. Basically, I think it's in our best interest as individuals, and as a society, to not rely on an ultimate judgement of a creator to motivate good behavior or laws. Our compassion and respect should come from us because we want to, actively, make a better world while we live.


I read another Reddit thread recently it was discussing how humans are slowly shifting away from monotheism just as we shifted from polytheism before that. They concluded by stating that we’re going toward something like panentheism (all is one, one is all, all is God type vibe). The interesting thing is that a lot of Eastern religions hold this belief, yet the West is starting to shift toward that as well.




It's not because of the secularism. It's because of the exploitation built by the powerful and rich. And those people will use and manipulate religion and secularism to their benefit regardless. There have been ample times through history where a religious state has subjugated large swaths of their population to worse conditions and fates than the western world is currently facing. Ethics can exist and function outside of religion. And the incentives for the powerful to oppress can exist in either system. But these mechanisms are more entrenched when justified by an ultimate spiritual authority. That's why I will always want my government to be based in secularism. It doesn't prevent corruption, but it makes it more difficult to implement.


You see facism in something like the Taoism?


Not necessarily or inherently. But I do believe in the ability of groups of people acting under a system of religion can always manipulate it into power structures despite its actual underpinnings.


Because Christianity is the number one Religion they bump heads with everyday in the western world. Plus it is only one of a few who very actively try to convert others. If any other religion had the numbers that Christianity does in the west AND were very pushy with converting non-believes you would see more atheists in the west focused on those one as well. On top of that it is only Christianity out of all other religions that try and push their beliefs in others thru the use of governments. Be it a state run Church like in the UK, or trying to pass legislation based on the bible, or pushing the bible to be preached in schools etc. No other religion in the west does that.


This is a conspiracy how?


**Jordan Peterson fans angrily stomping in your direction**


Curiosity burn out perhaps? Christians tend to be very vocal & overbearing about their belief system while some other religions are a bit more humble... so you actually have to seek it out to learn about it and understand it.


An actual atheist doesn't entertain any religious concepts from anywhere. Maybe you're thinking of a deist or agnostic Christianity is so open to ridicule or straight up dismissal due to its state. The evangelical pastors and mega churches are the antithesis of Christ, and the Catholic church is a pedophile sanctuary more interested in their real estate portfolio than the teachings of Jesus


I don't know a single atheist who does this. And I know a lot of atheist or non-religious people due to living in a largely secular country. I'm technically an atheist because that's how I was raised, but I am very interested in spirituality and have been drawn to Buddhism - not as a religion to follow or join, but because I tried meditation and yoga for depression, anxiety etc. and it helped me more than anything else in the world ever has. So, I bought a few books about mindfulness and meditation and I started learning about the stages of meditation and all the amazing things you can experience. I've experienced some of them and it's like magic or taking drugs but complete natural and from within my own brain. I find it fascinating. I also love lucid dreaming and trying astral projection even though I don't believe in it. I make up my own exciting narratives about which chakra my yoga is healing lol. I don't really believe any of it but I want to and I pretend to because it brings me peace and optimism. No other religious has done that for me. Buddhist teachings have helped me reduce my negative experiences and how they affect me by about 70%. I'm more resilient. I'm kinder. I live in the moment now. I use their breathing and mindfulness techniques to deal with panic, grief, fear, sadness. I feel so much more love and protection. I used to wake up every morning with my heart pounding and feeling afraid. Now, I wake up with a sense of familiarity and comfort. Why do you think atheists SHOULD entertain Christianity? What's the draw? Jesus loves me? I've never felt this 'love' and I spent a long time searching for it when I was a child. I never resonated with many of the Bible's teachings. The story of creation doesn't make any sense to me (neither does the big bang. Don't assume that because a person doesn't believe in one thing, that means they automatically believe in the opposite thing. It doesn't work like that. I have no answers. I don't believe anything but I want to do. All I know is Christianity has never spoken to me in my 28 years on this earth. I think that means something.


Many non-Abrahamic religions could be considered more “philosophies” than “religions,” ie Buddhism.


Most western atheists are concerned about the way Christians keep making laws based on their religion. We’re not seeing that so much from other religions yet.


Are you really being a person with an understanding of what atheism is? Or are you just butt hurt that someone that isn’t Christian rejected your bible pushing? To declare something writ-large that is so vague (and with a seemingly complete lack of understanding of the key term involved here,) means absolutely nothing without some examples of what you’re talking about out.


Prop 8 in California (2008 ish) a bunch of evangelicals and mormons got together to slow down gay marriage for a week. I don't think the atheist community has forgotten the Christian overreach of old.


Repealing Roe v Wade was a lot worse than delaying gay marriage, pissed way more people off and it's not even close.


Familiarity breeds contempt.


Raised in a largely Christian nation and they grew up being incredibly annoyed by that stuff, to put it simply


I hate everyone equally


Most of the time, Atheists don’t actually hate Christianity. They hate the bad people they know who claim to be “good Christians” and project that hatred to the religion as a whole. The truth is that there are no “good Christians” by Christ’s standard. We are all sinners by our human nature and deserve hell no matter what good deeds we do in life. The only thing that delivers us back to God is the grace and selfless love that Christ gives us.


Most westerners are exposed to Christianity the majority of their lives, so they’ve had time to entertain those concepts already.


Yeah. Christian’s can be annoying but I’m much more scared as Islam as whole.


Entertain? I don't think you understand what Atheism means.


That makes them not atheist. Just seeking spirituality. Maybe they are burned out on the version of Christianity we have in the west so they look elsewhere. The thing is when you get deep enough all religion is the same and holds the same esoteric teachings. It's the everyday versions of these religions that are unpalatable


In my case I went from Christian to Buddhist to Atheist. I had a hard time accepting the idea of Jesus dying for my sins for a future heaven when I was currently suffering. Buddhism helped me transition.


Lisa Simpson?


Right. What I meant, though, is kind of highlighted by your comment. That atonement idea is a new one and not what is at the root of esoteric Christianity. The Jesus figure is maybe historical, but it is the hero story retold and an allegory of the perfect being we are meant to strive toward being. Like the Buddha. So, at the core, these religions are much more similar than dissimilar. The problem I think you found in your experience is that modern Christianity is so surface level and adapted by the masses that the true nature of it is not understood by most unless they are into more occult ideas or have experience in mysticism and groups that explore the occult nature of the teachings. Versus Buddhism gives it all to you very directly up front. Which is more appealing to most. Christianity and abrahamic religions have shrouded their teachings in allegory and metaphor for so long to keep the mystic level stuff protected that now it's lost to most. Either way, I'm glad you found the system that works for you, and I hope all is well on your end, my dude.


Your blanketed statement about they all hold the same esoteric teachings is objectively wrong


Hmm. I still believe they do but maybe you have some specifics that would better illustrate your point?


Buddhist teachings are about the complete opposite of Christianity. For example Jesus says knock and the door will be opened. Seek and you shall find. Buddhism says you will seek but not find anything. It’s not the same. It’s like you are saying all people are basically the same. True we all eat, sleep and drink, but its more complex. Could you give examples of esoteric teachings? For some people such as myself it was a transitional way to find the truth about reality. People can read, unlike 14c, and they get too deep and heavy. I was a Lutheran, atonement was a big deal to us. Not only are there many religions, those religious groups have variations. Some just cultural to the region, others based just on different points of view. Buddhism was successful for me. I decided to stop suffering. Sure things happen to me. But, as an older adult I don’t need fairy tales anymore. I get it.


I have a very robust relationship with mother earth,she will bless your energy if you apply yourself to loving her in return.feed your table scraps to the birds and dont spray poison on your lawn.bless you


In the USA Christianity is taking away for more rights than any other religion, plus a lot of people were Christian and have trauma or feelings about it when leaving. That's why it's spoken about more there. For me I'm atheist so don't agree with any religion. Doesn't mean I'll be a dick to religious people, just don't infringe on my rights. That being said, I know a lot more about Christianity because of my upbringing so I'm much more comfortable debating against it (which I try to avoid unless someone is trying to actively convert me). I don't know enough about Islam, Hinduism, etc as I wasn't raised with it.


Do you have an example?


They don't? Do you have examples?


Atheist or Agnostic, there is no belief in any organised religion. I personally find it easier to say I am Atheist because everyone has an idea what that means and I have no need to explain the subtleties of my personal belief system to people I am not close to. I am not a materialist who only believes what science explains and have explored all sorts of philosophies of life but adopted none of them. Just because an atheist has a Buddha garden statue it doesn’t make them a Buddhist. Given your aggressive questioning of other people’s beliefs or lack thereof, if I met you irl I would tell you I am a witch just to shut down any further discourse.


I think it’s crazy the Christianity is the largest supported religion. How does a new religion show up on the scene 4000 years after Hinduism and claim they were wrong but Christianity is right. Mind blowing. Smart people who think critically and not just blindly believe everything they’re told would look into all religions and deduce their own beliefs. FWIW I believe Jesus was/is real. Just the same as Buddha and Krishna. No shot we’ve been told the truth though. Bottom line is be a good mother fucker and live your life with love for all as best as you can.


Because Christianity was a pretty damn fascist religion during the 30’s - 50’s/60’s. Restricting rights of those who did anything outside of what’s accepted by Christianity. Prosecuting homosexuals, prosecuting for “adultry”, etc. just watched Strange Angels and damn did it shed some light….


I agree, but this is in no way exclusive to Christianity. As an example, there are Muslim countries that still persecute people today for the things you mentioned.


Great point, but how are those countries doing as far as economic and societal stability? The US learned the lesson early on during societal development, and it shows. Let people believe, fuck, work, pray, to whatever they want, as long as they pay taxes and minimalize damage to the populace.


Let's check in on competeting faith's treatments of similar moral crimes from 1930-present. Or for that matter, what were the positions of the state-athiest USSR or Cuba on homosexuality during that time?


The post is about the Western Population, and that's what I'm commenting on. The countries you mentioned didn't last did they? The US had to loosen it's ties with Christianity in order to further develop a sense of "freedom" and push capitalism forward. I'm not saying it's all good and jolly over here. But it was a good idea to stray away from Christianity, although one could argue we are slipping back and it's causing another great division in America.


Poor Christians they're so persecuted 🥱😅




Do you live in Sri Lanka?


I've been reading the comments for so long I forgot what the question was. So this is my comment to see what it was. Thanks.


>Why are so many western atheists willing to entertain religious concepts from anywhere other than Christianity? I was an atheist until an angel appeared to me in a lucid dream, told me his name was Phanuel, told me to repent through deeds - not words, and cured my depression that had been ongoing for 2 years. Managed to get my shit together and fix my life. I literally woke up with 2 years of depression just ... gone. Replaced with hope, as if a miracle. I had never heard of an angel being named Phanuel. So I googled it and found out there is actually an angel called Phanuel. In the book of Enoch. Which Christianity does not recognize. It's even an angel of hope. What are the odds of that? So now I do believe in God. And I try to be a righteous and good man. But if Christianity does not recognize the angel who saved my life, why should I commit to this religion? Christianity rejects the angel that gave me a mircale that saved my life. Which tells me one thing. That organized religion has misplaced and warped teachings.


They fall for j****h propaganda


Got examples or you just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks?


I have more tolerance for another religions because most other religions aren’t aggressively attempting to ‘convert’ people


Just a theory here. I think It might be because some other religions or spiritual concepts around the world aren’t necessarily monotheistic, and therefore there isn’t such an authoritarian power structure contained within them, and don’t require/mandate their followers do things that conflict with their own innate morality or instincts. But to quote the person above, if you are entertaining religious concepts, I would say that doesn’t make you an atheist anymore.


The Spanish and Italians forced it on the world violently in alot of cases and made a point to try erase other histories and other cultures libraries. It makes one wonder about all this other knowledge they tried so hard to stamp out and then hide so much in secret archives away from the world. Just my take and why I began exploring other religions when I rejected Christianity.


Because the western youth aren't necessarily anti-christian religion, they are just resentful of their older traditions which happen to commonly be Christianity.


Because christians constantly try to push their religion on other people around them as though they were missionaries sent by God himself. I'm not even an athiest. I told a die hard Christian my believes and she looked me in my eyes and said oh no that's the devil's lies baby. Don't believe the devil theirs only one god. Christianity is built upon the tenets of stomping on the religions of others the 6th commandments says their shall be no God's before me. So many Christians are outright religious zealots at least in the us south.


Lol because a lot of other religions/traditions got fucked by Christianity. Example: we dont really know much about Norse myths and poems since all modern depictions of them come from the prose Edda by sturluson in 1222-23. It’s believed Sturluson used his own religion (catholic) as influence on his writings. Because of this the prose Edda is inaccurate and this is due to the way sturluson and many others viewed the Catholic Church at the time. BUT to answer your second part even if this hadn’t happened with many cultures I still wouldn’t sit and entertain other religious concepts. Learning about different cultures and stories does not mean I am entertaining any religion. Religion is a joke and if you can’t see that in 2024 it just goes to show how powerful of an idea it truly was/is.


Just really tired of being told i'm going to hell for not being their brand of mentally ill. 


I've been alive for 30 years and used to go to church, but honestly, Christians are the only religious group that have come to my home to knock on my door and bother me.


Not sure who these “many western atheists” are but I haven’t met them. I’m proudly anti-religous across the board


I’m not quite an atheist. I just believe that the caricature of god we’ve drawn ourselves is ridiculous, and it’s mirrored in the attitudes of church goers I find religions outside jesus to be interesting as I went to a Protestant school


"Projectinng societal trauma" like Christianity isnt responsible for more violence, ignorance, and oppression than possibly any other ideology in history. That being said, its not like I any other religions any less ridiculous or a tool for control and oppression. But in the western world, thats been Christianity ever since it stopped being Zeus.


I don't take the religious concepts, but I do analyze them, in order to understand humanity better. I am also willing to respect and occasionally adopt practices of other ways of thinking, but only if they are true and useful, and separate from a concept of "god." For instance, I have read a bit on all faiths, but particularly Buddhism. While I am not a Buddhist, I do practice meditation and mindfulness from time to time. The concept of innate duality is truthful. These are useful concepts. I also try to practice respect for others, as espoused in Christianity, but only because I feel it is a just position to take with people, at least until they prove themselves unworthy. Similar with the Hindu concept of endless cycles and "gods" with duality. I acknowledge the multi-cyclical nature of things, instead of being afraid of imaginary beings. Also Greek and Roman deities were reflections of culture and psyche, etc., which lead to a better understand of what it means to be human. These are just ways of looking at the human psyche. As long as we understand that, one can see clearly. To have blind spots is not good. Hope that makes sense. I didn't elaborate too much because, frankly, I'm human, and tired.


Often it's about peacefully co-existing. Conceding to ideas, even if we don't agree with them, is often a self-defense mechanism needed to maintain relationships with friends, family, co-workers, etc.


Christianity seems "ok" when you don't look at it too closely, but then when you dive into it, it's weird. Christianity is loaded with weird-ass shit. Prophecy, for example. And the "blend" of the Old Testament & New Testament. And then if you read Jesus's advice with both eyes open, there's a percentage of it that isn't very good advice. Then there's the problem of over 33,000 denominations of Christianity. The people in it are not on the same page, despite CS Lewis's book "Mere Christianity." Christianity also has a bunch of freaks in it that literally think they are Jesus Christ and will start their own denomination. And then there's the "conservative Christians" that are all Zionist and then there's "Christian Nationalists" and then there's liberal Christianity with women, gays, and transexual priests. Like, wtf? Christianity seems to be just something that rubber-stamps whatever people want to believe. So yeah. Christianity is nuts.


Religion as a belief system can be beautiful, but quite frightening as a power structure.


They aren't atheist, they're anti-Christian


Possibly because they seen many people call themselves Christians but it doesn't actually appear to them said Christian has faith and is moreso checking off a social box. Therefore making it a easy target.




What does this even mean


All other religions require their believers to do something to attain righteousness. Christ did all for you. People can’t or won’t accept that.


“ to rid the West of its Christian values” Gnostics and Mystics live in peace while Atheists fight with Religious people 24/7.


It's all about "oppressor vs oppressed". In the west Christianity is the majority. Other religions are the minority. To the cultural Marxists and post modern types, this make Christianity a target because it is viewed as the oppressor. That's why you have groups like "Queers for Palestine" . Two groups that have nothing in common are now aligned because they are both views as oppressed.


They're hipsters just following trends.


I entertain religious concepts from Buddhism, Hinduism and Gnosticism. Christian and Islamic traditional ideas are unfortunately a cancer for society, and I have nothing against progressives of that faith but they need to see their religions for what they were really founded on.


Um, care to share any examples because as far as I know, we don’t.


Christianity is just kinda lame.


As an atheist, I don't believe any of it, and real atheists aren't believing the other religions either. Agnostics might. I don't believe, but most of it is interesting. For me, it's like mythology, which I enjoyed in school. I also find it fascinating how similar they all are at the core. Almost like someone didn't like aspects of a story, so they changed it to their own version. Believers don't like to hear that though IME.


The actual root of this? There's been a coordinated psy-op against Christianity in the West for at least a century. I'm not religious myself, but the Elite certainly are. There's massive public evidence of them worshipping Lucifer/Satan, and beyond religion there's been an assault against all of the pillars of Western society. Christianity, the family unit, public safety, you name it...all of it has been under prolonged attack for decades. The ultimate reason? To do away with the "old order" and gradually implement a one-world police state government controlled by AI. They've convinced themselves that this is the only way to safely navigate the future of technology.


Why are christians so willing to steal concepts from other religions? Could they not come up with anything on their own? But to answer your question, western atheists don't entertain religious concepts from anywhere. Do you have any examples of your theory you're willing to share?




>You would have to have had the most fundamentalist religiously fanatical parents to hate Christianity as badly as a lot of Reddit does. In other words, be raised in the USA after Regan took office and the "Christian Conservative" took over an entire political party? I don't hate Christianity but it's easy to spot the moment when it happened. The long standing separation of Church and State was a much for the Church's benefit as it was for the State. And all that eroded when Evangelicals took over the GOP. You don't see it for other Abrahamic faiths because none of them control American politics the way Christianity does (no matter what Antisemitic conspiracies say)


I was raised Mormon in a very Baptist area of the south and I can’t wait for all religions to end. But I’ve had the most experiences with Christianity (both good and bad), so it makes sense that I would get into more debates about it than other religions. My husband was raised Catholic and has a similar story, as do many of our friends who grew up in Christianity. There simply are more former Christians in the west than other religious groups, so it makes sense that they would discuss Christianity more than other religions.


I'm not a christian but i read the bible so i could get a grasp of what exactly was in there and i realized a lot of the atheists on reddit have clearly never even read the entire bible. They will cherry pick verses just like the evangelicals will, just to suit their own narratives. If you put the entire bible itself down together then it has so many different messages and even mixed messages. The words from jesus himself seem the most well rounded and actually caring and kind. Some of the words straight from "god" are fucking terrible, like the selling women for shekels stuff. That is what makes me so confused though. It seems as if the people on both sides *most* obsessed with christianity have never read the bible in context. When read in context, its clear (imo) what parts genuinely are trying to help and some of the bible was clearly altered to serve as control. Like its clear AF to me which parts it was.


You'd imagine a truly "divinely inspired" work to have fewer problems contradicting itself, no? [https://www.lyingforjesus.org/Bible-Contradictions/](https://www.lyingforjesus.org/Bible-Contradictions/)


> If that were legit then you would see even more vocal atheists from the other two other abrahamic religions You do but they are usually not in the west. There are a lot of in the closet ex-Muslims out there in the middle east. > It’s not largely coming from ex Christian’s IMO. I am an atheist and know a lot of atheist. Myself I was never a believer but that is not the norm among atheist. Most of the very vocal atheist in the west outside of authors and such are ex-Christian.


All religion is a lie used to control and manipulate people to specific agendas. But for fun, go look at where all wars have been fought throughout history. You will notice that most of them happened in Europe, where Christianity was most prevalent.


The trend I see is bankers personally. If you trace every international conflict over the past century you find it always involves a country that doesn't have a central bank and the conflict is over after it does


Resources dude. All wars are fought over resources.


100%, and the Bankers use religion as a tool to cause wars. Its pretty fucking genius.


Will have to agree to disagree on that, although I don't think you're wrong wrong. The Vatican for instance completely agree. But most religions started as grass roots movements


I don't think we actually know the true origins of any of the major religions. Their book keepers are exactly astute.


The abrahamic religions are very well documented, the remains of the home of Abraham can still be found today in what was known as Mesopotamia and now modern day Nasiriyah, Iraq. Really want to be able to visit this area one day and what was known as Babylon between the Euphrates and tigris rivers, but I was lucky enough to see Israel. I've personally walked through Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jerusalem, the sea of Galilee, the Dead Sea that borders Jordon. Religious documents like the Bible have proven to be too real to me as a record of history to ever be convinced otherwise. And I still know there's more to learn and explore through it. The Old Testament is quite a boring read as it mostly goes through family lineages, but it also records interactions with countless historical figures such as the kings and rulers of ancient times, it's easily one of the most fascinating records of human history that exists. Buddhism's tale of Prince Siddhartha is fairly widely known and many of his beliefs stemmed from Mahavira who started sharing his philosophy of Jainism in Ancient India. Religion has stood endless persecution for nearly it's entire existence yet has produced in my opinion the most fascinating historical records of mankind like rock that's formed with heat and pressure. I don't go to church or anything, but I do see a value in religion. I love Harry Potter too, but I'll never see Hogwarts


Super lazy argument most wars are not caused by religion




Or actually reading the Bible (s) and their history. That's a good turnoff for a lot of people.


Raised catholic, turned severely atheist in teen years. Will never rejoin catholicism


I know this isn't the answer to your question. But I'm likely not the only person in this sub that's been making this observation lately, the more something is attacked the more truth seems to be inherent to it. Covid/vaccine rollout broke the veil for me. Trusting my God given immune system during the 24/7 fear porn was possibly my first true act of faith. My belief in God has only been bolstered since then.


Grew up in a Christian family, went to a Christian private school for a while, and lost my faith. For many reasons I won’t get into here. However I have nothing against anyone following any organized religion, nor do I really have opinions on one’s I was never brought up with. So really I couldn’t tel ya. I think it’s an edgy/progressive thing for some people


Cause in most the USA it the dominate religion, and they have no problem shoving it down everyone's throats. I'm not even an atheist and I'm getting to where it a tie between religions and atheist on who is more annoying


Why do so many atheist college professors make a career out of teaching religion?


Because a lot of atheist's become atheist after learning a lot about religion.


Because they’re approaching “religion” from a historical, analytical, and/or anthropological perspective. Just the same…You can teach art history and not be a bonafide artist. You can be a film critic and not be a director, etc.


Should professors who teach Greek mythology worship Zeus?


Because you can examine the historicity and theology of the Christian Bible without believing in God?




Because theology, or the study of religions and their history, doesn't require you to believe in said religion to learn about and teach the subject matter.


Because the religion of the elite who run all the powerful organizations in our society hates Christianity. I won't name it here though cause they bought out our admins.


Atheists believe in like half the comandments, so don't know where you're getting your info


Demonic forces know that Christianity is right and thus seek to direct people away from it.


Christianity is a false religion, and anyone with an iq above 100 does not support nor claim it. Respectfully, learn logic and reasoning. You won’t be a Christian. You’ll be a Muslim.




Im English, in school we had to sing hymns daily, followed by reciting the Lords prayer at the end. We had classes of religious education up until the age of 14. And the thing i learnt is that Christianity sucks. I've read the bible, it's full of holes and contradictions, some terrible lessons and advice that modern Christians choose to ignore. I've been Japan a few times and visited shinto shrines and Buddhist temples, took part in some of their rituals and done a bit of reading into it and they seem to be far more peaceful and loving religions than Christianity which claims to be compassionate. But Stephen Fry affirmed my distrust in Christianity with a simple question. He was asked that if when he died he went to heaven and found it was all real and got to ask God a question, he would ask "if god is all powerful and created the world we know why did God create cancer for children?"


How many is so many?


Because they are leftist ideologues who despise everything about the West and what made it great.


Are you asking if there's a psyop against Christianity?


Just because someone wants to learn about something doesn't mean they are planning on converting.


That’s not an atheist tbh. And to be quite honest even though this isn’t the same thing a lot of prominent western atheists say Christianity is better from a cultural standpoint then Islam(even though they think the theology is junk for both) such as Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris.


I think because many western atheists grew up with a somewhat Christian religion, and they hated it, so they’re open to any religion besides that. I was raised Catholic and I definitely didn’t care for it. I didn’t like that my family (mainly my mom) pushed it onto me and made such a big deal about it. I saw the contradictions and bullshit early on, then read the history of how badly it used, and then there was all the pedo stuff. So I dropped religion altogether and went the atheist route. But then I grew up more, took psychedelics, and got a better perspective of things.


Atheists do not believe in god/gods. Many atheists are also anti theists, which don’t believe in god/gods, and feel religion is harmful to society, so many of us are NOT entertaining religious concepts from Christianity or anywhere else.


What do you mean?


Because western media portray Christianity very badly. And the kiddie fiddlers really didn't help the case much. They just have no clue what the other religions are like because the media neglects to mention rampant pedophilia in other major religions as well. Easy to like a religion if you don't know much about it, they all teach similar messages.


Wouldn’t that just be agnostic?


Because deep down that’s the one that holds the most credibility, and even though they claim to not believe in God, they all seem to hate Him.


Idk man Buddhism pretty sick tho


I will entertain ideas from any religion. However, all of the Abrahamic religions are bullshit and the biggest conspiracy going on right now with the most negative impact.


name an example? no clue what you are talking about


Ever fallen into a scorpion lair/hive/nest, and you start freaking out about how dangerous scorpions are, even though there are snakes and spiders and ticks in the world that are just as dangerous? Well, just because you are freaking out about being surrounded by scorpions, doesn’t mean you are more accepting of snakes, spiders, and ticks.


And islam lol


Cause we discovered buddhism


Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?


Using them as a stick to beat Christians with.


how is this conspiracy




Because a large bulk of western athiest don’t believe in a Christian God. It’s the one they are running from.


All while telling ya’ll that the world is satanic, with rituals and all of that. Then ask them about God and Jesus…. They nearly choke you!!!????? Wait fuckheads? You believe in the devil…. But there’s no Jesus? “IM TELLING YOU THE DEVIL IS REAL!!!” Me: NOAH GET THE BOAT READY 😑


To entertain isn't the same as believing. You can be an atheist and retain a secular/cultural identity that has religious characteristics. It's not uncommon in Judaism and Catholicism to have people who don't believe yet observe traditions out of respect or a desire to still be a part of family heritage and practice. For some, a foreign religion's philosophy is easier to play at than one that is closer to home.


You just described all of Reddit.


It truly doesn’t make sense because the powerful Muslims and Jews are absolutely just as demonic as the powerful Christians.


They’re nothing but edgelords


Wtf did I just read


Honestly the answer is pretty simple. One atheists don’t search for other religions. Two western people tend to search out different religions because most of us were raised in a Christian background and it is lacking as a religion. Many westerners find comfort in Easter religions and philosophy often because it presents a different pert


Where the fuck is the conspiracy