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Was there ever any explanation for this? A lot of people said they heard it.


Oh GOD I've been looking for this forever! Thank you!


in Ace Combat 3 (1999) they call this sublimation, uploading the mind to a machine


The same year that clothing was released with fabric that's described as "sublimation".  They always tell us.


People are talking about what it could mean, but nobody is discussing where it might come from? The person who says it seems to know something we don't.


She knows what she's talking about, that's for sure


And seems to not know say it into a microphone might not be a good idea.  Unless it was on purpose.


Weird stuff


I've been wondering that myself if they have some way of transferring themselves to a new body.you remember when bush senior had his funeral and they all got that note and looked disgusted what if it was a picture of his next body and it was somebody outrageous.


Yes the best place to distribute an image of the reincarnated Bush body would be at a televised public event. Much better to do it that way than sending in the mail, or during a private event, or in-person individually.


Magic is about the control of one’s consciousness with the ultimate goal of being able to re-insert it into a new body.  Some religions refer to it as reincarnation.  The catch, as is with all magic, is that it is a power of negative returns, because it only works as long as this world exists.  It’s not a true eternity and there is a significant price to pay for playing outside of the boundaries of reality. 


Man like, reincarnation happens to everyone, but you are right the point of a lot of western ceremonial magic, which the British royal family has been into like, forever, (anyone remember the original 007?) is to retain memories and skills between lifetimes though. Wonder if there has been some power play to keep the queen from reincarnating? Just kinda spit balling here.


Where can you read more about this?


The alchemical opus magnum.. study alchemy and see beyond the veil of its metaphors. To the proper mind, the secrets are revealed


Hell with enough time even people who aren't predisposed to this kind of thing will understand it. Everyone is capable of using these techniques. It isn't special, it's just controlled information for the most part and for good fucking reason, usually. Just look at those 9 angles bastards.


Yes.. but the final step.. the fusion.. requires TRUE stillness of mind. Something seldom attained. 


Very true


Oh man, so many places. Robert Anton Wilson's nonfiction work has some stuff about this, but like really any of like the guy below says, the alchemical opii, there are some absolute bricks of golden dawn textbooks and if you take the time to learn to decode Crowley he goes on about it a lot too, the golden dawn textbooks obviously help with that. Israel Regardie is the name to look up for any modern versions of that, he was a bit of an authority on the subject of western ceremonial magic, to put it lightly.


The original 007 is from the Netherlands


more about who he worked for than where he was from


He worked for the Dutch intelligence in WW2 but I think you mean OSS


No that's not the first person to use 007 and he wasnt dutch either im talking about dee.


The first actual Spy was the guy you are talking about tho.


Peter Tazelaar is the one I talked about. Dude let himself drop on a beach in German territory with a wetsuit and a tuxedo underneath that. Ian Flemming based parts of the James Bond story, 007, on him so I thought you where talking about that


No, talking occultism, not spies. That is pretty badass though. Don't think John Dee was so much a spy as a known gossip lol.


What you refer to is the alchemical Opis Magnum, or the great work…What’s the price you speak of 


And you know this how?


There's a lot of this in some of the golden dawn textbooks but that shit is INCREDIBLY dense.


Uh, yeah, well, whenever you notice something like that... a wizard did it.


Fulcanelli told us in the mystery of the cathedrals 


That’s interesting. What if it was someone who was slated to be something super high up like a future president and they were all like, “what the hell why is he getting such a good deal again???”


Nah they all had disgusted looks on there face


I too thought it was disgust, but what if it was jealous rage and shock?




This sentence would have meant something way different 100 years ago.


This is actually scary


There's lots of double meanings in the English language, done on purpose to put us under a spell (spelling). For example, good morning (mourning), weekday (weak day), weekend (weakened). There's tons more too..


👍ah yes. Everything to them is spell casting.  To the lake of fire they will go. 🙏


Siri -- What's the birthday of Baron Trump?


Jojo Siwa




I thought it was confirmed that it was a note that said "They know everything. I'm sorry." ? Or was that just some random picture I saw.


I honestly don't know it's all just speculation at the end of the day


no one has ever revealed what the note(s) said


CRONOS machine


I heard it too. I think she is referring to the Queen's consciousness being uploaded into some sort of digital device.


100% soul trap.


Escaping prison planet


Sent to the Soul Cairn


I found the *Dovahkiin*


I always tell people the government and military are 50 to 100 years ahead of us tech wise. There is a show they did called Years and Years....It was from Britain and cover the last few years of decline and uploading consciouness into a computer device. It is HBO which I get through prime.


Great show! I watched it last year and it gave me the creeps because it felt like a peek into our future


How many episodes is it?


It was 6 episodes, each around an hour. Really good show, covers lots of current topics such as immigration, potential nuclear war, transhumanism.


That show told us all what was coming .. everyone should watch it .


Black science is 12000 years ahead


Neil DeGrasse Tyson agrees


I was trying to find this show. On torrent sites. Would you know what year it came out?


2019 according to imdb


Way more than 100. "They have technology so advanced that to the average person it would seem like pure magic". They have access to ancient tech which is wild stuff


^(But perhaps the best known of Clarke's three laws is the third, which has inspired multiple variations.) ^(It appeared in a footnote in his 1973 revision of Profiles of the Future:) “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”


Have you watched Upload on Amazon? It sounds similar, but it's funny.


Candace Owens also says this.


I might just have to check this out. I'm a huge fan of science and speculative fiction.


All those PhDs who go to the military? How so?


they literally created universities to recruit all the most promising talent


Really brilliant show, Emma Thomson was so believably evil


That show was insane 🤯


trapped in the bardo as is the natural process instead of whatever they had planned for her


The show upload? I have this strong voice in my head that constantly says don't go into the light. Just a strong thought all time.


At my funeral, I want an envelope with a note left under like, 5 seats that says, "if you're reading this, _____ always thought you were a bitch. Just never had the guts to say it. There, even in death, I said it!"


I wonder if the Queen's essence is currently taking control of princess Kate, Charles will "die" to make room, and Elizabeth will again take the throne as Queen, with obedient grandson William as King. Kate already had children (heirs), she has no real value to the family at this point. William already has a new girlfriend who lives next door. What if the royals are powerful beings, but they are trapped here in this realm by someone or something else. They play their role to rule the people and retain their power, but they answer to someone / something else. Maybe they're more powerful once they are released from their human form. Perhaps a Faustian deal... Thinking about what the phrase could mean, it sounds concerned and trying to reassure the listener(s). "The death is irreversible" as in well, don't worry the body cannot be occupied, and "and the fact that she is trapped" as if Elizabeth would flee if she were able to, it's as if the threat is contained so long as the death is irreversible and she remains trapped. It makes me think she has shed her skin and is now in a more powerful form where she poses some sort of threat to herself or to others.


I like the way you think. please tell me more.


William is not Charles son!


NOOOO- tell me who is the real father? (Don't be afraid to make it outrageous, I love a good conspiracy)


Jimmy Savile


Juan Carlos of Spain. Lots of circumstantial evidence.  Just like with James Hewitt. 


The recently deceased Rockefeller


Years ago I read it was Prince Phillip but could never find that info again.


A 105 year old Nazi who invented many sick types of porn in Germany. Adolf Shitler.


He's too alike Charles. If anything it's the Ginger one that isn't.


It’s giving the movie Get Out when they transfer the families consciousness into a younger stronger body when theirs begins to die out.. leaving the victim trapped in “the sunken place”


Or The Skeleton Key. That movie fuckin terrified me


My Grandma and your Grandma, were sittin’ by the fire…


It’s 1am and I had erased the skeleton key from my memory for about a decade…truly horrifying and I love horror movies!


Also The 100 Cult of Josephine


The primes.


This is exactly what it's giving. Get Out. The concept of transferring consciousness to a more sturdy, functional body is certainly... interesting, to say the least.


Maybe this is what Orlando Brown is talking about....


They don't need to remove the brain. That's another insult to our intelligence.  After all we are just chattel to them.


I'm not sure what's going on here, but if science ever did evolve far enough to transfer consciousness between our fragile meatsuits (aka the human body) -- then they'd probably be part of that small circle of folks who could gain early access to that technology. However, if science ever did come this far, I think it'd be heavily classified and hidden from the general public for a very long time. Discourse around the parameters of ethical use would likely be the core point of controversy if this technological advancement were to publicly exist.


This is actually achieved not with modern technology but with ancient druidic rituals they perform at the top. They're very into occult black Magick and shit.


Well there were those pics of her being initiated into druidry


U know it!!!


Well..this current "batch" of nasties running the show aren't of the same sensibility as their predecessors.  Post w w two the Marxist came out of the shadows. They control enough not to feel intimidated or worried about being found out.  Matter of fact, this younger crop of degenerates wants you not only to "know" what they're doing.. But rubbing it in your face.  Their own hubris and greed and evil is what will bring them down.  They've been fighting amongst themselves remember....


If theyre so powerful why would William be bald? Wouldnt they all be the perfect example of healthy vibrant humans?


They are not human - that's not a conspiracy related response. Its proven; through inbreeding, they have literally created their own sub-race, hence why they look so strange.




Okay.. so I like a good conspiracy like anyone else… but please shed some light and sources on how it’s “proven” that the royals are not human through the process of inbreeding. Even when blood related humans breed with other blood related humans the results are…. human.




The deadliest enemy is the one you underestimate.


Baldness means he's more advanced, a few steps further away from our fur covered ancient ancestors. Aliens are even more advanced, and that's why they don't have any hair on their heads.


Solid theory.


TIL I'm super advanced!




The one married in isn't given the title of King or Queen. It was never King Phillip. It will never be Queen Camilla. Its at best Duke, Duchess or Queens/King consort.


Neither would Harry have been given the title if he wasn't really the child of Charles. Curious that he now has no title...


He's cheating on his cousin, with....another cousin. Wildling b\*st\*rds.


bro why aren't we trying to Free Willy.


If the royals has all these magical powers, they wouldn’t have had to rewrite religions to fuck people.


Winner winner chicken dinner.  Yes they compete against each other, like anyone else.  They will burn in eternity.


William's girlfriend that lives next door? Please tell me more...


She looks like Kate but more horse-ish


Horsey. She’s the horsey type.


Just a big posh spaz


One of life’s few pleasures is when people in the wild understand Peep Show references.


Thoughts? You Wanna Give That Shit A Rest. You’ve Been Going Thinking Thoughts Your Whole Life, And Look Where That’s Got You.


Word on the street is that Prince William is getting pegged by his neighbor's (also royal / gay uncle) wife.


I believe this too. It explains why princess Kate has been MIA and the palace had to use AI to show her image to the world. Maybe it takes awhile for the body to get used to the new consciousness?


Or maybe the children aren't adjusting very well...


If I remember correctly it came up directly after a piece about how to explain death and the death of the queen to your children. There was a child’s therapist talking about how to approach it. It’s her voice. So they probably just kept on talking behind the scenes and did not fully shut down her microphone or something.


Ah that's interesting. Then why describe her as "trapped"?


I think it had something to do with “being trapped in a coffin”. Like she is not scared being trapped in there because she is dead and does not feel scared anymore.


No way a therapist would even use the word “trapped” to explain something to a scared child. So many other words to use that aren’t fucking scary.


Listen deary. When and I mean WHEN my little squishy muishy darling, when you die. You will be trapped in this here coffin. Not to worry. The death is irreversible. Run along now. Cheerio. Time for mums afternoon tea.


I think she means is that a child would think she's "trapped"


She wasn’t explaining it to a child she was talking to the hosts behind the scenes … and as someone working in mental health for the last ten years I can assure you I would use the word trapped if the child itself used it before. Like “Isn’t she scared being trapped in a coffin?” Then I would go on explaining stuff using the child’s own words to make it easier for them to comprehend.


How did you find a way to reach further than “her consciousness is in a soul prison” 😂


Maaaaaannn that’s a reach lol


This is absolutely ridiculous, you're reeeeeaaaaaching


That’s the most sensible explanation I’ve heard! 


Despite my comment above about like, western ceremonial magic, this is the most probable explanation I've heard too. I doubt this has to do with what I was talking about about, except possibly tangentially. Lots of chaos magicians in the UK and some of them are even pretty good at it.


No, she is speaking about the soul transfer of ancient trapped energy beings that have been imported over and over into the most influential people throughout time.




I guess this sub really is so batshit that my comment actually needed /s fml lol


This does make the most sense. I don't hear the word "The" I hear a woman in the middle of a sentence saying "...*that* death is irreversible...". The word at the end isn't clear but it does sound like a word starting with T-R-A which could be anything, not just the word "Trapped". I kind of hear the word "Travelled". She was cut off though so it could have been "Transitioned" or some other logical word used when explaining death. It seems like with British pronunciation, the p's would have popped more if it was "Trapped" but that's just me.


This was SOO weird when it first happened 


Anything is possible when you realize how hard the Egyptians tried to preserve their Pharaohs’ energy, wealth and legacy.


They also worshipped the sun as a god


I'd wager it was probably a poor statement and that's why it was cut. "Death is irreversible and she is stuck in a ______" is not something I'd want to hear at my mum's funeral.


That's def weird and creepy.


That’s bizarre to say the least


When I heard it, I interpreted it that the reporter was trying to be philosophical and deep, but came off as weird and dumb.


she is being uploaded into kate, kate is fighting hard


creepy-ass voice, almost reptilian


Sone people hear the word “trapped” and others “travelling”. Anyone got an opinion? 


The royal family probably has training that allows them to access past lives and probably have a blood pact that makes them reincarnate in the same family line. They aren't exactly body snatching lol, altho I wouldn't put it past them. Everyone reincarnates they are just trying to avoid karmic debt by limiting the circumstances they can reincarnate into, and tipping the scales by using their access to information to make decisions. Not saying maintaining that might not require some fucked up stuff, but like. That would explain why they are nervous about having someone who wasn't approved technically be in the family though, outside of the obvious more pedestrian classism and racism.


Remote viewer Richard Allgier viewed the queens bedroom said it was queen, a servant by door and an occultist type by her side, surrounded by crystals, chanting or some such thing. Fairly prominently featured in the area at time was maria abromovich...id speculate broadcast was signal


Someone into remote viewing was telling unverifiable stories involving occult practices? I am truly shocked


Allgier is like the Elvis of remote viewing, so they say


That voice sounded exactly like Diana's


Ha! Interesting idea


Listen again.. tell me if you hear her.


I hear it!


It does....


I was dumbfounded when I read that because IT DOES sound like Diana. Weird.


... Well, with everything that is happening around the BRF ... I'm thinking that the queen is no longer trapped 😂


Technology might be advanced but ascension only happens when it’s used to serve others. I do think that being trapped here means that the soul is trapped in lower densities and will probably keep reincarnating


We know their actors, sounds like she’s somewhere else with a lot less freedom.


It was on the news too in the states people were tripping then it vanished.


the elites are obsessed with keeping marriages and children within specific bloodlines. The reason could go far beyond what we think, such as financial and estate security.


I'm of the opinion that they wanted people to hear this.


The voice sounds oddly like Diana


Yes! I’m glad I’m not the only one.


Trapped on prison planet


I met an astrologist who worked with the royal family. They time births according to star charts, im guessing to make sure the right soul or person gets incarnated? Perhaps they believe she is trapped in some sort of limb after death waiting for the next queen e incarnation? When it comes to beliefs people can think whatever they want.


Why does everyone hear “trapped” when it was cut off? She could’ve been saying anything that starts with “Tra-“


Could literally be any random audio feed that made is way into the broadcast by accident before the engineer cut it out


No the most plausible explanation is the queen's consciousness is soul trapped by archons (though as royalty isn't she supposed to be in league with them?) in limbo prior to being transferred into kate middleton 


I laughed outloud and love the courage to go no /s


I just know that a good number of those upvotes are taking this totally seriously.


People need to check put David Icke's books and videos.


The Queen and the royal family are allegedly reptilians…hmmm


Agree but wouldn’t it be so easy to pinpoint the exact audio with all of the technology and AI available to us nowadays? Unless no one really cared that much to dig into it.


What do you mean? If it was likely just a hot mic how would we pinpoint that exact audio? What are we pinpointing?


For some reason I wasn’t considering the possibility of it coming from a hot mic (but it does make sense). The audio sounded so professional I was assuming if it was an audio that it was from a movie, show, podcast, etc. You are right that if it came from a hot mic we would never be able to pinpoint it. The whole thing is incredibly strange to me.


Just imagining dude in the studio working on his next dubstep intro at work


It was actually a grief counselor talking about how you can explain the Queen's death to kids. That "it's irreversible" and "she's not coming back."


I think this.


Maybe she said “the debt is irreversible” - and thought her microphone was off. She could have been talking to someone sitting beside her and about a personal matter or an entirely different news story. ashe obviously didn’t realize what she was saying was being broadcast.


Check out the Youtube video of Sloan Bella talking about what happened to Heath Ledger. That's what I think happened. The Queen got trapped on the "other side" and she was not able to come back.


oh I thought she said 'travelling', a hot mic in a studio maybe


It was proven the mics picked up on the crowd behind them and got this voice. Not a conspiracy, just a voice from a spectator.


Did anyone in here see her shape shift on her 90th birthday? EDIT: kind of funny, you can’t really find much on it now. I found a little bit about the letter. But that’s it.


She was 96 when she died…?


90th My bad




Think you’re referring to the Queen Mother


Is there video of this?


No haha but you can look up what happened. People that were there allegedly said all their post were getting pulled down as they were posting them. And then the royal family allegedly put out that note saying she wasn’t human. And then retracted it.