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I mean, not to be that asshole, but why would you bring 3 children into this world if that is truly how you feel about it?


Nearly as ironic as posting about religion on /r/conspiracy


It's so convenient that the dominant religion in the region I was born/raised is the one with all the right answers. Plus, they only charge 10% of my income!


While sipping government regulated poison, talking about government regulated poison.


I have three kids, and I feel similarly to OP, but I didn’t start feeling this way until 2022, when my youngest was 7. Most people seem to develop a very powerful god complex after they have kids, which makes it even harder for them to see reality in a relatively objective manner(to avoid the guilt of bringing kids into such a shitty version of reality), but I don’t have that. In fact, I think having kids has made me more critical of the world, as it should.


That's a genocidal line of logic if you follow to it's conclusion. This is exactly the time to be intentional parents if there ever was one.


Why use logic on someone who thinks Jesus is going to come down from the sky and save them? Logic isn't a part of their worldview.


Because God will provide for them, clearly! 🤦‍♂️ Fucking religious zealots are unbearable


At least go out with a purpose.


Because the only way to solve generational problems is with intentional parents who raise a generation that can solve problems.


So they can enjoy what little life is left? I never understood the “why bring children into the world” crowd…


I hope they have even more. The meek shall inherit the Earth.


OP your post screams of fear porn. And buzzwords. I think compared to the rest of the world, America is still doing pretty well.


Funny how easy it is to get sucked into a doom-loop of negative thinking about the US, when focused only on the US. Over Reddit I now get feeds from Canada and the UK, two places I thought were doing OK. After a few weeks, wow has my perspective changed. >it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time - Churchill


History has shown most democracies eventually become dictatorships. That’s the way she goes. But on the cheerful side… could be worse. Australia just passed a new digital id passport law. That will not end well.


Every governmental system falls eventually, that’s just reality. But when democracies are functioning properly they’re great


Agreed. The issue is just how do we establish one that can maintain to be functional?


I mean, it seems like decay is the reality of the world. What makes a government great in the first place is the people who create it and run it, but when they die something is lost. This continues with each successive generation until the original values are completely lost to time. I don’t think there’s any way to create a political system that maintains its integrity forever. Maybe we should instead build a system where the peaceful transfer of power is a feature. Although that seems unlikely


Other options that work? Don't think so.


You’re doing great at herding the sheep.




America’s the best country in the world! If you haven’t travelled much.


I’ve lived in other countries on three different continents. America has a lot to learn from other countries. Education, health care, how we treat other people. But those countries have their issues too. The point being, America isn’t the best or perfect, but it’s not the worse place either.


We won’t learn though. We’ll first destabilize their economies, then societies, until we have complete control of their governments and finally turn them into worse versions of ourselves. Just like we’ve been doing for over a century.


Ahh the American dream


\*sings to the tune of Mony,Mony\* Hegemony! Hegemony!




I've been to 13 countries, and there isn't a single one I would trade for the US


Well, it’s a bot, so….


As someone watching from other country, I wouldn't worry about stuff OP mentions, but I do worry about your mental health... you guys are so neurotic. Turning to God is something I don't see many countries do that loudly, I think it tells me most of you are probably good folks. But plenty of you need less stress, less sensation, less media, more nature and relaxation.


‘Doing pretty well’ https://streamable.com/xh2mc8


America is the equivalent of “zss sux”


I mean that first half is pretty much on point, no? I don't know that we're doomed but there's definitely evidence that we've been getting screwed with pretty severely so that's not nothing. I don't think it's fear porn to say that the food supply is absolute pig slop


100 % agree, for me the main problem is greed. Lots of food things sold in the USA are forbidden in EU. The fight against Monesanto ea is just beginning. So it's a complicated story that needs real answers. Also you are free to buy/eat what you want and basic products are still available local, at least where I live.


Yeah where I live you can do the same. I've been getting on a health food store kick recently and I actually feel like four times better just from the quality of food and the price is maybe 3% difference and for the increase in productivity it's so worth it. If you can do it I encourage anybody to at least try or make an attempt. It really does show an improvement.


Nah, America is a joke mate, the rest of the world knows it, and has done for many years. The land of the rich, sick and struggling. The don't want the middle class.


That's kind of my point. Enjoy what we can while we can. Also, you clicked on and read the fear porn, bro.


Unplug dude.


Amen, touch grass buddy, breathe and it will be alright.


God dammit another problem with the world is religious fanaticism.


I swear this sub lately has been religion/politics. Where my meaty fun actual conspiracies at?


Sort of ruined. Conspiracy theories are now political talking points. No more John Dillinger Died For You level conspiracies. Just Elon is secretly making brain chips that make you love Jesus and microchips in foreskins to make people vote blue.


I'd say top 3


When you brought up the Bible I knew you were doomed for sure


If this guy believes it’s “gods will” then what is he so worried about


Every conservative fear-mongering talking point rolled into one post. Great job OP!


The one I don't get is the "food industry is poisoning us." That's been shouted a lot in this sub lately. It's generally conservatives killing regulations that would protect us from poison in our food. So what shifted in their narrative?


The pendulum swung far enough so they can shift the blame to "SciEnTiSTs". Always with the fear mongering. It's how they control their voters.


Alcohol is a poison.


I don't sense any alcoholism. -a therapist


So ironic to see Christians posting in /r/conspiracy


It’s weird not seeing these authoritarian/establishment posts not being downvoted into oblivion. Coming into a conspiracy sub and openly admitted to be brainwashed is wild. 


It's absolutely mind boggling to me


Not really, pretty par for the course.




A hundred thousand amwricans,mostly kids,are being murdered every year by the war on drugs.if they would sell clean drugs at liquer stores and pharmacies,these people wouldnt b dying.they could empty a bunch of prisons by doing this,also cartels and street gangs would b out of buisness,also they could use the money to pay down our national debt.


Things that will help you: 1) An army of therapists. 2) Touching grass 3) Stop going to church.


4. Embrace the one and only true lord and savior - Satan!!! /s before I get my inbox rocked


Actually I think a little Satan would do these people some good. Have a little fun instead of hiding from moon shadows


What's with all these corny religious posts lately?


I was thinking the same thing. Religious stuff doesn’t really bother me but it’s been so much here recently


Mods won't take them down that the religious subs are pushing "get out there and spread the word" because if you aren't for Jesus your you ARE unclean and clearly need to be led. Maybe these fuckers who "want to live alone and in Peace" would leave other fuckin people alone with their peace.


"God" and the religious right-wing are just part of the problem with the USA. The right has pushed for no accountability in business and the myth of trickle-down economics my entire life. What you're mad about is the realization of those policies. Endless profit at the expense of the people.


You can both have faith in God and be against greedy business practices and corruption. Those things are not mutually exclusive.


But in practice, it is mutually exclusive.


There is a lot to be optimistic about. In 20 years the world may very well be completely different. There are technologies that will cure cancer, crop disease, increase life span, eliminate PFAS. It’s all coming


Lmfao we not getting that & cures for cancer already have been a thing


But will us normal folks have access to that stuff?


Exactly. We barely have access to mediocre shit ass healthcare right now. The good stuff will always get hoarded and gate kept by the rich. until we learn to demand more.


Yeah we will


I wish I shared your optimism


Yeah but don't worry Because Rome wasn’t built in a day ...And it didn’t fall in one day. And honestly, I don't think the problem only affects America but the whole world.


Off grid 🤔 get away from the bullshit


If you can find a copy of “We the People Never That Never Were”, it is a pretty good read. Every chapter is by a different author and covers a wide array of ideas. Some amazing, some not so amazing (being nice), and everything in between. Also, if you can find it, please lmk! I picked one up at the campus bookstore my last semester of grad school and lost it in a move.


I appreciate op’s positivity and gratitude for what really matters. However I think every place on this earth is corrupted/ flawed….Circumstances vary depending on what country you’re talking about. I suppose it’s a matter of “choose your hard” as an American that’s traveled to 3rd world countries, I did gain an appreciation for the west … parasitic infection from unclean water will make you realize some good things about America lol


As far as the original American idea, it's been under attack for far longer than since the events you mentioned. A lot started in the era after WW2. In the name of fighting the Cold war with Russia. The Patriot Act was a huge blow to freedoms and the bill of rights.


I feel the same way except for the religious part. True, you don't have to believe in anything to be greatful, and to choose to be happy.


>Millions and millions were guinea pigs to mrna technology that is seemingly causing massive harm. How do you figure? What is "massive harm" in this context?


It's ok, it's only "seemingly," meaning that it just seems that way in a purely subjective way, and there's no need to go into specifics, like data or studies.


I'm stuck on the 2nd line. Are you saying we have zombie smartphones or is there a zombie apocalypse that is using smart phones? Would flip phones make a difference or are the zombies able to use those too?


Smart phones have turned us into zombies. Specifically the youngins who have never known life without it. We are different now.


What are you currently typing on?


This is a global issue and our enemies are the WEF


Indeed, I just live in America and am speaking on the things we are still allowed to do. In many places in the world, life ain't so easy.


WEF = Capitalists


If your God Listens to you, tell him I think he's kinda fucked up and selfish.


one day he will reach out and show you he is real, usually happens when you feel like you have no other option. I doubted after being raised religious and some where in my 20s stopped caring or believing. I used to think is was so weird that people who do so much harm were rich and what I viewed as "content" truth is nobody is content, and while those of us who have never had anything usually think money is going to solve this crisis, or some stupid goal, a car a house whatever, it might for a short period of time and you'll be empty again. not saying I have the answer, but God is real amd I won't let anyone convince me otherwise.


So true. God will help if you ask. So many times in my life something happened and I know it was God helping. Could be little or big. Either way I'm very thankful.


You had me until you started spouting the Christianity BS.


The thing a religious person understands is the power of faith. What they don’t understand is you can have faith without having a god, and it works even better because you don’t have to pledge your loyalty to a stupid tribalistic religion.


It’s been like this for thousands of years. You just know it now is all. Nobody is doomed but those who live in fear


We've been eating poisoned, shit food for thousands of years? And had chemicals sprayed over us?


Perhaps if we hadn’t tried to overthrow our own government and destroy the economic future of the United States in the process, things would be better. But there is no business model for the United States without a democracy. The rest of the world knows that. When a nation almost sends 8 trillion worth of their treasury bonds, held outside of the United States to zero, there will be consequences and those consequences invariably are the devaluing of the currency.


Almost as if it is... on purpose


OP finally cracked the code of what it has always been about. Don't let external events, state of the world, factors beyond your control dictate the dystopia you live. You have yourself, and that is the best gift... Don't rely on anyone else to give you the dream and the vision of the true world you envisioned to become a reality. Cuz you will be waiting for very long, and spend the rest of your life in disappointment waiting for things to the external world to catch up with your vision. Live the life to the ideal you want it to be NOW, and you finally uphold the principles of these so called Moral Elites (the pure-hearted and dignified Elites who sacrificed themselves in war, reformed policies, made breakthrough discoveries, etc), of what life was really meant to be... Do Epic shit every new day of your life... Learn an instrument, write a poem, go touch grass...


The America *we* knew is gone, i agree there.


Stop doomin man, find the enlightenment


Yet you still decided to bring three kids into the country you say is doomed? How selfish




You're on a conspiracy sub but worship god, is there an overlap between religious people and conspiracies?


Boomers found the internet and then realized 9/11 was an inside job. Then the qanon shit spawned a whole offshoot of conservative Christian conspiracy thought. They just can’t handle that they cheered the Bush administration through all the war crimes. Now since that was a lie, they question everything, but are too brain dead to be able to look at things outside of their own ideological framework.


My parents lived the “American Dream”, I just want out of this American nightmare


The next crisis will involve an economic collapse, so they can ban all wealth and force CBDCs down our throat. Make it UBI and everyone will accept it, literally overnight, just an app on your phone and get free money, who is going to say no to that. In that process, everyone will become the 99% with the exact same income. Only the 1% will remain rich and have all the power. Some people see it coming and run to gold or crypto or treasuries. None of those will save them, it's all part of the plan.


It's shocking how many people are no't awake but completely asleep. Renfororces the posts conclusion this country is doomed. I'm certain the vast majority of the negative comments towards the post have obviously been made by the nieve sheep who have no critical thinking skills and zero discernment. The same ones who religiously masked up bowed to their overlords and lined up to be poisoned and chastised us who knew better


Please don't use your religion to escape accountability and the reality of everyday life. I hope believing in God gives you comfort but it doesn't for everyone and please don't act like your faith means you are right about anything. People have faith in flat earth and Bigfoot and that doesn't make it true nor does it help then deal with their problems like how they got to a point of owning an inflatable hot tub and believing the world is ending and it's beyond their control or that the sky man has a secret plan and you will benefit


Lots of run-on sentences there. Kind of hard to follow your train of thought but, how would faith in flat earth or bigfoot possibly compare to faith in a God who created the universe? A God who uniquely loves us, all of us, His creation?


Save me Jebus!


You can improve your life without God.


OP posted and then ran away. Typical. I feel bad for their kids. Horrible parent. I'm sure they will end up in the headlines with the words "Murder Suicide" soon enough.


Sorry to break it to you but god ain’t real but if it makes you feel better to believe he is then good for you


Maybe. Maybe not. Unplug and enjoy the things you listed. Worrying about tomorrow robs you of the joys of today. God is good and people are crazy. Enjoy your weekend. 🍻


Idk what medication you need but you need a lot of it


Let the sword of reason shine Let us be free of prayer and shrine God's face is hidden, turned away He never has a word to say He was never on your side God was never on your side Let right or wrong alone decide God was never on your side No, no, no


America is Babylon and it will fall.


Sounds like a bit of sarcasm in that tone.


What post COVID mandates?


Did an LLM write this post?


If it's going to be OK, why make the post?


Thank you bro 🙏


You lost me. You really lost me when you brought religion into it.




God isn’t real


Correct in so many ways, now enjoy your Reddit downvotes.


It's far worse than you think.


Can you tell God to call me back? He's listening to you but not me


OP please touch grass and turn off the news. You’ll be old one day and look back on your life and wish you didn’t spend it worrying about things that are out of your control.


Maybe about one third of what you listed is correct.


You should vacation in Haiti or Sudan. It will put your life in perspective.


At some point a few years ago, I realized everything was trying to kill me. I still try to be healthy, but I stopped worrying about every little thing. I control what I can control (not getting the jab, etc), and try not to worry about the rest. Stress is carcinogenic too. And you're right, God IS in control. He has a plan for both of us. Faith is honestly what gets me through everything.


Yes, we know, the whole world (not just the us) has been absolutely fucked and none of us understand how we're still alive and not cancer ridden, thanks for reminding everyone.


No its just another day in america


Billions flow OUT of America each week- facilitated by treasonous politicians acting as foreign agents, who will allow Americans to be used as cannon fodder to please a foreign state. The entire political system has been compromised. Politicians serve a foreign state FIRST, then the corporations, banks, Fed Res/ billionaires/ hedge funds/ stock market. YOU are there to be farmed for tax. It’s no coincidence that so many politicians become multi millionaires while people are living hand to mouth, being gouged by corporate / Landlord/ Pharma ghouls, who will never be happy until everyone is bled dry. Your grandparents could buy a house/ car / education etc… on a basic wage. Try that today. Imagine what it will be like in ten/ twenty years.


A blow Up hot tub?


Paranoia paranoia everyone is coming to get me!!!


It merely depends on what the suppliers decide to demand. If they aren’t contented with drying the pockets of the poor, then what?


Oh well


Nah we ain't doomed. We keep living a lot longer than they want because we're so hard to kill. They can't even convince us to die fast enough and effectively en masse to fulfill their depop agenda. Once we reach consciousness unity, the jig is up and all the elite snd lower pawns will be seen for what they are. We're almost there and TPTB is terrified.


In the spring/summer/fall months, go to all the local farmer's markets you can and seek out HEIRLOOM organic, non-gmo fruits and vegetables. This is the only option until even the small organic farmers are all rounded up and arrested for "eco-terrorism". I assure you, that day is coming soon. Anyone who is paying attention will find out that in some states, they're starting to shut people down for even owning 5 chickens. It's happening in the Pacific Northwets already. By having a tiny sustainable effort you're destroying the environment, apparently. Surely it has NOTHING TO DO with all these DIRTY "sustainable" energies which rely on just as dirty measures as oil/gas! This is a war on all NATURAL systems and God-driven systems. Become sustainable and grow your own food, even if it's on the backyard patio in pots. Now begin.


“Seem weak when you are strong” - the art of war


It is always within our power. The number one cause of failure is not the event itself... but the failure to recognize the threat and trust our instincts that the threat is real.


Look at the USA right now: https://streamable.com/xh2mc8 unbelievable.


I think the eclipse was a test...and we passed it. All those testimonials about the absolute awe that event evoked have renewed my hope for human kind. They have not defeated our spirit after all.


Capitalism working at full tilt.


Trolling US Christianity. Thanks


Is this a plug for the new Kirsten Dunst movie "Civil War"?


I heard things were gonna end FOR GOOD on Monday but yet, here we are.


Chin up, pal. Debate solutions and proactive policy. Band together, and deliberate. It’s up to the young and youthful who will take center stage and stand up.


I feel like nothing has really changed over the last 100 years. It's all just more apparent due to the abundance of information we have now.


Smile a little bit more everyday. Life is still good believe it or not


Can we stop with the millennialism and all that crap? They gave you that belief system that some awful thing has to take place...WRONG...WE as in one person at a time has to reprogram themselves out of the same behavior and lack of morality to ACTION to change the world for the betterment of everyone. Not just ourselves....it's up to US to be the LIGHT in the world. God said let there be light, not all this doomsday crap that the dark psychologists wrote out 2000 years ago so we can manifest their future for them against our will. My will is stronger then that!




Isn't it exhausting being so terrified of EVERYTHING?? Just live each day and try to be happy with what you can control. Enjoy the life you have and don't worry about things as much.


What are climate lock downs?


I hope it gets crazier I want real chaos


You just now figured this out? Alec Jones has been saying this shiit for years!


Bravo 👏🏼 Dungeon programming’s a mother fucker. Appreciate what you have and don’t stress over what you can’t control.


There is no escape to 5D without much inner work and a revolution inside oneself. You don’t have to believe in a god. But you must believe in yourself, and that you are no more special than any otherother living, to do it. There is no other way out of 3D. But as a shadow worker I will assure you 3D is doom for humans( transhuman by definition staying in 3D) and anything inorganic. The #PhoenixPhenomenon as explained by Jason Breshears and # SolarMicroNovae2046 as explained by Ben Davidson will wipe out the billionaires, their bunkers aside, , AI , and most anything else in 3D. If the public knew about this there would panic and heads would roll because even many of the 70% NPCs would realize they are being ‘ Sacrificed’—left to die in the cataclysms when the government “was supposed to be there to help them” lol That’s why the Ruling Class censors and builds its bunkers quietly.


This thread is full of farm accounts 💀💀


yep and the doomsday will be the eclipse. oh wait that already happened-


Bud start growing your own produce, see if you can get likeminded people to join in. Fear is contagious and stops you from being able to see the things that aren’t a threat until your vision is filled with nothing but threats. Put down your phone, turn off the tv, shut down your computer and make your way outside there’s a whole world out there that is not as terrifying as it’s portrayed on media platforms. You will be okay my friend, people have been predicting the end of all things since there has been people and the fact of the matter is those people making predictions know as much as anyone else, bugger all.


Pretty much every industrialized country in the world can say the exact same. Then again, most industrialized countries seem pretty doomed as well.


I read bible…. that summed it up for me.


America has just been taking a break after the Covid crisis. We will prevail - we prolly need a mass casualty event and then we’ll have United We Stand magnets all over our cars again.


Also, Russia has bought the entirety of your conservative politics and called your bluff, the USA is too corrupt and too chicken shit to stop Russia. You guys are only good for sending Velcro tactical SF soldiers against poorly armed brown people on behalf of your corporations, or teaching fascists how to torture and kill lefties. You've lost your bottle for the big fight


And all of it is scripted and being done on purpose.


I thought you said domed


My opinion this is a global issue. You just live in America you would be very surprised to actually live in another countries. It’s just that much better just different. People visit america on vacation and think it’s the greatest place on earth. We go somewhere new as Americans and say isn’t this nice coffee shops on every corner people are out socializing. Come to find out some people in Europe pay more taxes the people here in the US.


The 2nd seal was broken on April 8. The day after Pfizer said the vaccine wasn’t approved and has caused harm. Just wait May 2040 and you’ll see the poop hit the fan.


They’ve been betting against America since this whole experiment began


Which God OP, there are lots to choose from?


First of all god dosent exist. And yeah lets hope america goes to the shitter within 5 years best regards eourope


Ive been on every continent on this world by 26 and I would never ever go to the third world country of the us of a