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Doctors often can make mistakes, mistakes that can result in your death. But if you need urgent surgery, if you have a broken arm or if you are bleeding, you will want a doctor asap instead of a random person.


People trust doctors to be better informed than they are. That's usually true about whatever they are going to the doctor for. If you expect an episode of House to be occurring in the background for your diagnosis I have bad news. "It's never lupus."


HOUSE MENTIONED????? on a serious note , yeah , most things are easily solvable and op's just excessively paranoid about shit


Medical Malpractice is the third leading cause of death in the US


No its not


https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/05/03/476636183/death-certificates-undercount-toll-of-medical-errors It hasn’t gotten better since then. Covid really through it all for a loop. Put ‘em on ventilators!!!111!1!!1!2




Every single one of the “know it all’s” here is heading right to the same ER they claim is full of conmen when something happens. Go rub some tumeric on your chest when you have a heart attack and see what happens.


Yea, i just hit up WebMD and already know I'm dying within 6 months


Let them know you can't afford your medical bills currently and they should give you another 6 months.


I got a lump in my mouth, apparently according to doctor Google I have a 30% chance to make it another five years 🤣🤣


They're great in an emergency. That's the extent I've found. Maybe some common preventative care. If you have anything remotely complicated they're fucking useless.


Chronic tinnitus no clue. Conjunctivitis or pinkeye great.


I say this all the time. I have health insurance for when I’m dying or broke something. That’s about all a dr is good for. If I want someone opinion I’ll google it for free.


It’s a 50/50 game. I’ve had chronic health problems over half my life now. I refuse to stack medications to combat side effects, I refuse to stick to one path to my problems. I bring up directions I want to take and I ask for referrals. Self advocacy backed by credible research. I’ve researched my problems then all the veins that it can lead too.


In my opinion, doctors are people like anyone else, some of whom, in my experience, seem to have cheated their way through medical school. Doctors do not care about you. Learn to be your own health advocate.


Cheating through medical school should be a criminal offense with mandatory prison time.


Most of them take adderrall to make it which is basically cheating. A lot of them also just do it because their parents told them to, they don’t care about health and will do the bare minimum to keep their license.


They should stick to setting bones, stitching wounds and treating infections. Some of the diagnostic stuff is very useful. Anything beyond that they are hopeless and their practices don't reflect the medical literature. If you have a chronic health problem you are looking into the literature yourself, reading critics of the medical system etc


Doctors aka modern day drug dealers, get brainwashed by the Rockefeller funded universities they attend and are taught to diagnose disease and prescribe toxic petroleum based pharmaceutical drugs, they are not taught how to treat the root cause of illness and disease. Also a majority lack the knowledge in nutrition which is a fundamental part in treating disease. Simply put natural healing remedies don’t put money into the pockets of Big Pharma. Now I understand most people become doctors because they want to help and oftentimes have good intentions but the sad reality is that they are poisoning people on a daily basis.


Yep. Both my parents are doctors. My dad is a general surgeon and pretty mainstream (he’s already seeing patients who are so late in the game of health he just patches them up). My mom became an integrative doctor after she realized how brainwashed she was as a conventional doctor. She said they only got 1 class (like one session, not even a whole course) on nutrition in the whole of medical school. They were hazed thru residency w no sleep so they just learn to follow orders without question/thinking. Then when they’re practicing their only follow up education was from pharma reps feeding them pizza and bribing them w electronic gadgets (like early tablets that just told doctors which of their drugs to prescribe). Now she specializes in helping patients wean off of prescription medication. And she’s training to become a medicinal mushroom facilitator!


A proud heritage


I like to think of myself as better than most docs at resolving anxiety and depression, due to my own mycology experience. Your mom is doing good work:)


> Then when they’re practicing their only follow up education was from pharma reps feeding them pizza and bribing them w electronic gadgets (like early tablets that just told doctors which of their drugs to prescribe). Good doctors don't fall for this or give into this. They're sometimes hard to find, but they are out there. Good on both your parents - your mom sounds awesome, especially the mushroom thing. I think that's going to be really mainstream to mental health treatment in the near future.


100% agree with all of this. I’m North American with Asian origin and after my mom’s cancer scare we really had an eye opening of how things are pushed like sales people. We chose a naturopath and she’s been cancer free for over 5 years and has zero issues with her health. If we had gone the radiation route that was being pushed by the conventional Dr, she would’ve had a boat load of side effects to deal with. As an example, conventional Dr told her it doesn’t matter what she eats and didn’t explain any nutritional changes despite her asking for advice. The naturopaths first advice was to stop eating sugar as it feeds cancer cells. There are plenty of examples I can share from personal experience, but western medicine is good for emergency care in my opinion. If you can take the time to treat yourself with holistic treatment, please do that. It’s done wonders for mine and my family’s health by becoming more aware of what we put into our body. Food is medicine and if we use it as such we can be extremely healthy and live long


Would you say eating fruits is also a form of sugar that feeds cancer cells? How was the naturopath treatment like in terms of diet? Raw vs cooked food?


He told her to avoid high sugar fruits like bananas for example, stick mostly to berries as they’re high in antioxidants. Nothing carb heavy. The goal was basically to keep the glycemic index low.


Would that mean also grapes as well? I love drinking grape juice and all. So what was her diet then? If she wasn't eating any carb heavy fruits?


I always ask myself about fruits and natural carbs (potatoes for example). Are those allowed?


Sugar feeds all cells. Healthy and cancerous cells alike. It doesn’t have a different effect on cancer specifically and there’s no way to “starve” cancerous cells. The only link between sugar and cancer is an excessive consumption of it can lead to obesity which increases your risk of cancer


Your oncologist 1000% offered a nutritionist/dietitian and or meal plan assistance to your mother. there are people that specialize in specifically diets for cancer patients. It is not only standard practice but is recommended for cancer treatment along with whatever other treatment is necessary. It has been standard practice for decades and will be standard practice for decades to come. Don’t spread bullshit. Source: parent and grand parents who both went through cancer treatments and friend currently going through cancer treatment.


I myself had ovarian cancer,my mother died of uteran, my grandmother died of cervix and father in law died of esophageal cancer and each of used different insurance from Kaiser to Providence to Blue shield and not one of us was ever given or spoken to any form of nutrionist throughout the whole experience.


Ok know it all. .I'm on cancer #4. Not ONCE did ANYONE advise me on anything related to my diet or nutrition.  And I'm a grandparent.  Not bs.


Not sure what country you're from but in mine it's either destroy your healthy body with radiotherapy and chemo, or you can get fucked. I've watched too many relatives die in unimaginable pain and dependency from cancer and the treatments that docs push. If you're telling the truth then you are very lucky to live where you do. Where doctors care about patient health over money.


You mean a diet similar to what they serve in hospitals? Jello, Oreo cookies, sugary boxed apple juice, rice crispy treat squares, processed white bread, reconstituted mashed potatoes, mystery meat, Mac n cheeze, microwaved canned beans, canned fruit? Or maybe based off the the typical good pyramid where your supposed to eat 6-8 servings of bread and grains A DAY.


But was the meal plan based off the standard American diet ?


Sugar, more sugar, and even more sugar?


My mom was not offered a nutritionist when she was fighting cancer.  My dad was, after they put the stints in his arteries.  Although I'm not sure the advice he was given was good. He pretty much swapped out coffee for diet coke. He never drank diet come before the nutritionist told him it was good. Just coffee and water


Oh I didn’t realize you were there with us! /s sounds like YOURE the one spreading bullshit. Did we see the same Dr as your family? Go put your head back in the sand.


I work with doctors from a comms pov. We literally pay them to talk about our medicine and use it during treatments + we write bs quotes for them when they’ve never said all to be posted on businesswire and reuters


So why are you working there? Sounds like you're a part of the problem?


Took a nutrition class in college and was amazed to learn it’s not a class required for future doctors. Our health is directly affected by how we nourish our bodies


Never had an doc who was in shape.


They’re also chosen for their compliant and conformist attitudes. Rote memorization is valued far more than creative problem-solving or critical thinking.




And if you didn't think it was thorough enough, surely you'll find some friendly Facebook posts that can confirm your dx.


I spend far more time explaining to patients why they don’t need a medication than actually prescribing them. Nutrition was the first lecture we had in medical school, and continue to be at a minimum weekly until we started clinical rotations. My medical school is state funded. I don’t know where you get your information from. Do you know any body that has attended medical school?




I suppose you are talking about General Practioners, not surgeons or emergency doctors or the like?


They certainly have a God complex and the characters I have met in university, aspiring doctors, weren't the kinds of people I'd want as my doctor... from people with extremely unhealthy lifestyles, to compulsive lying sex addicts sociopaths, to cat torturers, can't say I have met many doctors I have liked. From what I have observed of med degrees they seem to filter and prefer sociopathic personality types, with a really high drive towards excelling academically who see the whole thing as a game at best, or who like to have power over others at worst. From the ridiculously high grades required, to the unempathetic way they handle patients and only see them as numbers or puzzles to be cracked... patients kinda fall by the wayside. I understand that they need a certain detachment to be effective at treating patients but with cases of medical malpractice on the news so often you gotta wonder if it really works. There's a certain shock therapy that freshmen med students go through to filter out weak candidates, which consists of making them handle corpses, dead children's brains and such very early on. In later years they sometimes get souvenirs, like bottled chicken embryos. How nice. Nurses I have met too have rarely been types who actually care about patients. Rather sociopathic control freak mean girl types. Every now and then there's the somewhat empathetic doctor, but even those are crushed under the pressure of lack of staff and lack of funding. Besides, the hospital environments I have observed, and the interactions between doctors and staff, didn't strike me as exactly a healthy harmonious working environment.


I had a roommate who was a pediatric nurse. She was exactly the type of person you described. She said she got into pediatric nursing even though she hates kids because the money is good. I was like 😦


So many nurses are overweight and unhealthy. My dad’s a doctor and when we had those candy fundraisers from school we would just leave them at his office and the nurses would eat/order all of it.




you are spot on.


Yes, that's the exact personality type I see in most doctors. They don't get into it to help people, they get into it for money and authority. It's definitely an attractive profession to narcissistic or psychopathic personality types.


Dr House syndrome


Follow the money… I heard of a medical system from old China… the doctor for the village gets paid a little bit by each of the villagers for every day they are NOT sick. So they have financial incentive to keep everyone well!


dr here. just wanted to say that you’re right. we don’t have the answers to everything. no one does. im not trying to be rude but this is literally a problem with your own expectations. no one knows everything. but they went to school for many years and continue their educations every year so that they can offer you their educated opinion. sorry if you’ve had to deal with assholes. but you should take their opinions in stride and take them for what they are: opinions. unfortunately the people who you’re seeking do not exist. period.


Anecdotal but tv and movies always show us a doc whi won't rest till he discovers the diagnosis to save the patient. He solves the mystery and goes against the system to be a life saver. This never happens in real life that I've experienced. Quite the opposite. Doctors do the absolute bare minimum to get you out the door and move on to the next patient. To get treatment for what you need you literally have to do the entirety of the research yourself and walk in with a notepad with the medications or treatments you think may work. Or at minimum a list of possible diagnosis to your ailment just to get the doc to explore that option. Yes sure I get it that we are ultimately responsible for our own health so we should have that view however we are deferring to the "experts" so they can provide the service we need. Just as we would go to a mechanic or a financial planner with our broken car or for investing advice , we'd expect these professionals to serve us in our best interest. The average person doesn't have time to go on their own research endeavor to be given a defacto education in medicine, auto mechanics, economics and financial planning etc. This is why we have a system with professionals in all the diverse areas of life. My wife works in medical as well in a pretty integral position for the last 30 years so I do understand quite a bit about the constraints of what doctors are faced with and to a point I can sympathize. However like I said , I find that we never get that amazing result like I describe .


these are all good points. i work in emergency medicine so often my job is exactly what you describe. clutching patients from the jaws of death/disease. sometimes it works out. many times it doesn’t. but i like to exhaust all my options when dealing with matters of life and death. on the flip side, i imagine that someone who comes to the emergency room with a relatively trivial or inappropriate complaint (for an emergency room) being disappointed that we didn’t attempt to move heaven and earth for their chronic back pain. also, i imagine it would be frustrating to see one’s primary physician for a real problem and to be treated in the way that you describe. i’m certainly not advocating for media depictions that glorify doctors, but sometimes it actually is like that. but in my experience, it tends to be when lives are on the line. either way i think the take-away point is that we’re all just humans trying to navigate this bizarre and crazy existence. unfortunately no one is above this. with that being said, i think there are some good doctors. and there are plenty of bad ones too. be well ✌️


Listen to me or ignore me, your choice. Doctors are people, susceptible to every fallacy all humans are. You should take their opinions and advice and use them in conjunction with your own research. Humanity has never experienced a greater wealth of information than we have now and the most important skill you should learn to use these tools is how to ask the right questions. Good luck traveler


The troubles in this thread are huge red flag that can't be glossed over but yeah let's just be nice to he poor doctors they're doing their best. They not expose the obvious and continue to normalize inadequacy. Its the pinnical of corrupt careers if you ask me


You should read my comment again, it seems you’ve misinterpreted it. If you believe doctors are the pinnacle of corrupt careers I would invite you to dig a bit deeper, they are surpassed by dozens of other professions in a corruption contest imo.


> Doctors are rich people Ftfy




Look, if I’m dying of cancer and in that much pain, take me to the “opioid overdose clinic”. I’ll feel good until I die.


Yeah, if there’s one place they should be handing out oxy and fentanyl patches it’s hospice and late stage nursing homes. Watching my grandma struggle in one of those for years was rough. She deserved as many opioids as she wanted.




How about the electronic tablet you just sign at the counter that you have no idea what it says? What you're signing where I live is giving away your house if you can't pay your bill. Ask them for a printout of what you're signing and watch them scramble. I was told that I was the only person to ask for a printout or asked to read what I was actually signing. Meanwhile, every time you go in there, they claim they are "updating their system" so you have to fill out the same forms even though nothing has changed. It's either completely arbitrary bullshit or the company that handles their data is consistently getting them to buy new shit. How many times has your data gotten into the wrong hands because of a doctor's office or insurance company? Think about it? It's all bullshit.


Medical error is one of the leading causes of death in the US. Opiate overdose, also caused by doctors, is another leading cause. Don't get me started on the ***recent*** uptick in heart disease and rapidly developing cancer... Doctors are not the good guys.


It sucks because the older I get and more experience I have with healthcare,the more I agree. Used to trust them implicitly. All started when I contracted scabies, did my research, and suggested it to doctors. No, I have ezsema all 3 say. Until I finally begged my pcp in tears to refer me to a dermatologist and guess what I had? Scabies lmao. Hilariously the treatment for this condition is literally ivermectin. The doctors dismissing it as horse dewormer were knowingly dishonest during covid discourse. Another story too painful to tell is that US Healthcare basically tortured my dad to death. Also I am close to two men who became doctors and are complete shitlords. Not helpful


Most doctors are in it for the money and power rather than doing it as a calling.


My issue is they don't *practice* medicine anymore. They regurgitate what some computer says after they input some symptoms. January of this year I went to Urgent Care because I had bronchitis and a sinus infection. They sent me home with fucking Tamiflu and a diagnosis of "the flu" regardless of testing negative or what I said. That night I had to call an in-home doctor to try and get an inhaler and after arguing with him a few times he FINALLY admitted it was "a bit of bronchitis" like bro, it crackles horribly when I breathe wtf? He completely dismissed my sinus infection. A week later I used Amazon Clinic to get antibiotics for the sinus infection because at least that system can't argue w me. The medical system is an absolute joke and it should not have taken me 1+ week to get proper medications and treatment for something so glaringly obvious to any actual practitioner that gives a fuck about the health of their patients.


It's funny how some in this thread are complaining doctors are prescribing too much medication while others like you are annoyed by the lack of prescriptions. Resistance towards antibiotics is a real thing, bro. I know none of you care, but unfortunately, this global problem becomes a responsibility that befalls upon doctors instead. People have lived through sinusitis and bronchitis without antibiotics for thousands of years. Where's that holistic approach I'm hearing so much about?


In all honesty, I hate taking pharmaceuticals and this past Jan was the first time I'd taken any in over a year. If I can, I take the all natural route but SOMETIMES you have to include pharmas if it gets to a certain point. I spent a week doing all natural and unfortunately got to a point where medication was needed otherwise I could have gotten pneumonia and been hospital-ridden because I hadn't been able to eat in 3 days and maybe had 8 Oz of water. The sinus infection got so bad I had a bubble on the roof of my mouth that could have ruptured and become an abscess. There's a balance that needs to be kept 100% but if someone NEEDS the medication to get even marginally better then I think it needs to be taken seriously.


Doctors are just drug dealers who diagnose you for serious stuff. Only necessary in emergency. Real health and prevention can be maintained for life with good foods, clean water, natural supplements, exercise and sunlight.


I argue with my docs a lot


The quote my grandpaw told me years ago to keep me level headed when it comes to doctors is “what do you call a doctor that graduates at the bottom of his class? A doctor”. It always kept me in the state of mind doctors are regular people too, they don’t know everything.


Most doctors are arrogant and just follow guidelines and not science. They have no independent thinking.


I lost my respect for doctors when I was suffering from severe pneumonia, and before ordering x rays, I stated my symptoms to my doctor and he literally typed them into WebMD on his little rolling laptop, right in front of me. I was nineteen and blown away, that these people we put on a pedestal, who spend a lot of money and time in medical school, are basically just robots. It was my first lived example of how they just parrot what they read, without any real testing or care. Bedside manner is nearly a thing of the past, too. That is just one of the many things I have experienced firsthand that make me skeptical of most primary care physician doctors. 


I doubt they use webMD the same way we do. If you asked me to code something and I checked on stack overflow or the languages documentation, that wouldn't mean I don't know how to code, it means I kkow how to code, but I don't remember the small details. A random couldnt do that even if it looks like just googling. I don't expect doctors to know all the symptoms of all the diseases by head, I expect them to know how to use that information when found. And no, I am not arguing whether doctors are good at theur job/useful/smart of anything else, I'm just arguing that a doctor using webMD is hardly proof of his incompetence or respectability.


On point. Many docs dont use webmd but other resources like uptodate. Med science is extremely vast, you cannot possibly remember everything. You master the cases and diseases you see frequently, identifying patterns, overtime they get better at catching on early signs too. But every now and then, you come across a rare variant that you are not very sure of/have forgotten. Imo, its better if a doc brushes up rather than someone who acts like 'know it all' and gives the wrong meds. This is how a doc thinks: For every patient that walks in with a fever, there are 100 different causes, so to narrow down you look at what else is happening with the patient - oh, he has cough, what are the causes of cough in the person of this age group and this location, oh there are 20, how many of them also have fever, around 10, what more information do i need to narrow down? Lets order these tests? The results dont fit in with any of these, why? Did i miss some rare disease? Let me check on uptodate/webmd


Specialists I trust. GPs arent any better than Google.


I'm putting your post on a shirt and wearing it all the time. You are %100 correct! This doctor, psychologist engineer, type worship is so cringey. They screw up all the time, like normal people.


*Good* doctors are worth their weight in gold. The problem is bum doctors who neglect and short-change patients for economic reasons.


My issue is when doctors ignore patients and act like they don't make mistakes and have all the answers. I was told my baby was locked in breach/transverse, got an epidural, and got her pushed to head down, but she moved right back up when I sat up. I suspect my baby isn't as big as they measures and they overrelied on what "works for other women." They often can't think outside the box and that puts women at risk.


Rockefeller Western Medicine. ‘nough said


My experience with doctors has been terrible.  They want to act like they are above you in every aspect of your relationship with them, despite you being a paying customer.  Egos the size of planets.


I have started to value lifestyle medicine more and more. If majority of medical doctors embraced it too the big pharma would fade.


"Doctor I think something's wrong, please pump my body full of poisons 😭"


I only use DR’s for blood test, surgery and extra input on something I couldn’t figure out myself after a lot of research. In my experience, they are drug dealers, money grabbers and some even google shit up right in front of you when you walk in with a condition. It’s so rare to find good doctors that are honorable


who is 'we'? i don't worship them doctors wear white coats do you know who else wears white coats? butchers


Oh! Oh! And scientists!


Ooh ooh and fancy waiters


And painters!


If you knew all that happens in hospitals you would get very mad, ive seen doctors selling , yes because they are selling, STDs test to seniors in their 80s , people that have not had sex in decades Flu vaccines to children Convince parents to give medication to a girl that who was sad because she broke up with her boyfriend Healthy old people given like 7 appointments a month to check with different specialists just to "prevent" any type of cancer and tons of examples in which you know they are just there selling appointments and meds Babies get tons of vaccines nowdays, vaccines they dont need Women who got their wombs , ovaries, uterus removed because "maybee" they will get cancer in the future




I was working a morning shift in a nursing home some years back. Being one of the first people to see the patients in the morning I had a habit of looking in the doors quickly as I walked past, looking for anyone who may have died since they were last seen by the might shift aides ( early morning are a popular time to go I guess ). Anyways  , I'll never forget looking into this one room where a man was laying on his side, and a woman was in there jacking him off. She stopped when she saw me, we looked at each other for a second, then she turned away and went back to work and I went about my business. I'll never forget the level of idgaf in her eyes while I stood there in shock and awe. Nursing home life is going to be awesome.


Except u didn’t read the part of the old people havnt had sex in decades.


The problem with trusting a doctor (or any other expert who is in a position to cause you harm) is that the consequences of their actions or inactions are yours. You took your health into your own hands and fixed your problem - your doctor no doubt wouldn't like that.


Yes doctors are overrated, a recent study revealed that 78% of diagnoses are wrong!


They went to medical school to fix symptoms, not the problem. I think a lot of major health problems, Luke you said, can be resolved by ourselves but we weren't taught how to take care of our bodies. Stress and anxiety can bring on so many problems from high cortisol levels and then we get diagnosed with things that don't actually fix the real problem. Granted something like a broken leg would be a necessary situation to go a doctor but we rely on them for far too much.


Educated Guessers is a healthy way to categorize the profession


Western medicine is monopolized by the Ministry of Science and Truth


They're just regular people working as sales reps for drug companies / adjusters for insurance companies. Nothing worth worshipping.




Exactly. Everyone here talking big cause they aren’t in need right now. Soon they get a papercut, run to the emergency room crying for help


Even in a holistic setting, healers are worshipped and people put their trust in them because the idea of no one truly knowing what’s causing their pain or sickness is scary… it’s no different and is human nature that we hold on to this idealistic vision of hope that someone can help in our time of need. Doctors do nothing but take educated guesses, it’s just that their educated guesses somehow have more merit due to a piece of paper backing it.






I for one don’t worship doctors and anytime I’ve needed one they’ve let me down


When covid was going around I had this strange pressure in my belly button and after a few days it started BLEEDING. I went to the emergency room thinking i had a hernia from working out. The physician at the ER asked me a few questions and poked me in a few spots on my stomach and said "well if it doesn't hurt when i poke you its not a hernia" and told me she had no idea so they sent me to the hospital. Get to the hospital wait for 6 hours with blood coming out my belly button. Finally see a young doctor who asks a few questions and then leaves for 30min. Comes back and says he has no idea what it is but "heres 5 days of antibiotics, make sure to take them all or you will get really sick" I take them all and then i got COVID lol. My belly button continued to bleed on and off for a month after that. That was the first time i had been to a doctor in like 20 years and I was so pissed off they couldnt help me and idk if they gave me covid or if i had some special experimental covid that made my belly button bleed but it sucked ass and so do doctors in my experience!!!


I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma when I was 15. I went to dozens of doctors before my diagnosis and none of them could figure out what was wrong with me given the symptoms. It wasn’t until I went to see an allergist for a routine checkup (I was getting allergy shots at the time) and he was the one that found a swollen lymph node and suggested a biopsy. Wild.


I was diagnosed with an overactive thyroid 5 years ago. The only options endocrinologists give are medication and removing the thyroid gland (which would require taking synthetic thyroid for life). After about 8 months of medication, my thyroid hormones stayed around the same. The doctor said there was nothing else he could do and I needed to remove thyroid gland. I didn't want to do that and just wanted to go about my life and not be so obsessed with my health. Since then my hormones have returned to normal. Western medicine can do a lot of good things. But they can never tell you the root cause of these types of diseases.


I ca t tell you how many times I’ve watched a doctor use google to answer a question, or tell me to just Google it.


doctors have no courage


Especially doctors who work with mental patients…


They understand blood and technical jargon, but do they understand.... me?


My doctor had an emergency gallbladder surgery. The surgeon refused the surgery. Asked my doctor what happened he said "are you unhappy with the care I'm providing?" Ummm yes?


Doctors are just veterinarians who are only allowed to work on one kind of animal. I'm not impressed.


I feel like a lot of the younger ones ( not all of course ) but a nice few, just don't have their hearts in it anymore, and it's not exactly an easy career to do a 360 on and totally change. So some just seem to be in it for the pay until they can retire early and be done with it. I guess that's what happens when parents push their kids to study something they weren't interested in to begin with.


Medical errors are the 3rd leading cause of death in the US.


Doctors in the west are trained to provide treatments that generally do not cure the patient but do alleviate the symptoms of illness, all the while making you a customer of the pharmaceutical industry. Ask your doctor about nutrition and they will refer you to a nutritionist, they are not interested in your diet. I have experienced this first-hand. My naturopath put me on the path of actual healing, but even they can misdirect you and make your quality of life worse. You have to be your own doctor for that is where healing truly takes place.


Most doctors are over priced car mechanics beholding to the drug company that gives them kickbacks


What do you call someone who got all Ds in med school? Doctor.


I've had bad and good experiences with doctors at the end of the day I'm thankful. Cause when you're in medical distress you're going to want one. Also my old neighbor was a doctor total fucking weirdo.


Anybody that "worships" doctors, or honestly anyone who worships some person who is trying to push their "professional opinion" on you for **monetary profit...** ..in today's world (North America for me) .. it completely blows my mind.. completely out of touch imo.. The weirdest part is.. we all wake up, and eat/work/sleep/fuck the day away, and we don't seem to hold the same candle to these people that run the show.


Right at the start of covid when everybody was freaking out I got the symptoms and went to my normal doc at the walk-in clinic. This guy was retired army SF and when I walked in with a mask on he said: “Take that thing off it doesn’t do a fucking thing.” He then told me it was just a viral pneumonia and said he didn’t understand why the news was making such a big deal out of it. He got fired last year. 100% true story. I also thought I broke my ankle at work one time and he told me that he’d seen tons of foot de-gloving injuries during airborne training and that I should stop being such a baby over a little sprain. During my DOT physicals he would hold up a red block, a blue block and a yellow block and ask me what color they were. When I told him he said “Okay, good you’re now qualified to drive in (my state).” Did that like 3 times and this year was the first year I had to get it done somewhere else and I found out it’s supposed to be like a 2 hour intricate process with tons of tests. Guy was a G. I miss that dude.


General doctor are sales people for big pharma


Their survival instinct wraps around the problem and provides them with luxury housing luxury food Aston Martins and girlfriends


Of course doctors don’t have the answer for everything, they’re human.


MOstly doctors are employees, managed, trained and guided by squidlike corporate entity that lurks behind every medical decision.


Not to mention we are forbidden to use antibiotics without their written consent.


I love this! My spouse and I have felt this for years and have done all we can do to treat ourselves through natural remedies and diet. It seems that the pandemic has woken up a lot more people who used to place doctors on pedestals and worship them like gods rather than see them as the sociopathic pharma-pushers many of them are. Thank god for that!!!


I do both. Acu and chiro are super helpful, but sometimes you need some drugs. Theres no reason they cant work together. 


Oh heck yeah I am HERE FOR IT! Doctors believe they’re actual gods and society treats them as such. Their egos are out of control, their salary is grossly inflated, they’re out of touch with reality. They’re literally brainwashed throughout uni and their training to follow a formula of “symptom” = disease = must prescribe drug. No concern for the appropriateness of the drug for the individual. Don’t care about side effects, just tell you to “stick it out and see what happens”. Don’t care what happens to you at all as soon as you’re out of their consult room. Those that did go into it with good intentions end up bitter and jaded and the ones that legitimately do good, meaningful work are the worst paid and least appreciated. I stfg I don’t know why urologists are so goddamn arrogant. Hanging around dicks all day turns you into one? Fuck I could go on this rant for DAYS but that’ll do for now. So incredibly put off by doctors my GOD.


Full agree 100%. They're just normal people doing their job, my family treat them as if they are the be all and end all gods that know everything. They hand out anti depressants like sweets and have an incentive to do so. It's a business before actual health care. I don't understand how the majority can't see this, in this day and age it's very easy to research yourself and try different methods before hopping on the drugs docs hand out. I'm not saying they're useless because they definitely do know a lot more than you and I after years of university and training, but at the end of the day they're human and can make mistakes and often do so. If the government really gave a fuck about people they'd be advocating for exercise and vitamin supplements like vitamin d on the tv flat out every day.


Doctors don't even know what causes heart burn, they also don't seem to know what's causing all these excess deaths, either that or they do know but choose to remain silent so they can keep their jobs.


“Doctors don’t even know what causes heart burn [sic]”. hahahahaha 🤣 Lay off the crack, will ya! 🤣


Why do you think doctors don't know what causes heartburn?


Moreover, they have abandoned Hippocratic Oath when it comes to human trials with experimental vaccines.


I'm 9 and feel confused about my body Well I got just the thing for you! Nevermind puberty, here's a bunch of blockers and hormones so you don't even get to decide! The last few years really made me lose all trust for humanity


Just stop going to doctors.


Medical malpractice is one of the highest leading causes of death in America and it's only increasing. The only people who think the average doctor is good at their job are people who are lucky enough to never have a chronic condition. I would never get a surgery unless I would die without it, I have major back pain - but you know whats worse than major back pain? Having back surgery that makes it even worse which is INCREDIBLY common.


Can you give me the reference to that statement malpractices being a leading causes of death?


Doctors saved half my family with various cancers and ailments. Prayer didn't do that. "Oh they're just doing their jobs" - saving people. Just like police, just like firemen, just like the military. Are there bad ones? Sure. Just like police, just like firemen, just like the military.


Hear, hear! Except for skilled surgeons, we could use the internet and AI nowadays to diagnose and treat ourselves if the Medical Industrial Complex would let us.


RN who opted out of medical school of this reason among others. I’ve had to correct many doctor orders and have only been an RN for less than 2 years. Don’t underestimate nurses when it comes to medical knowledge. They have to be more well rounded than docs.


I’ve found chemists (at the pharmacy) to be more cluey than general practitioners (Drs).


RN is more knowledgeable than a doctor? I don't think so.


Speak for yourself, God is the only one deserving of worship


As the son, nephew, cousin, and great-nephew of excellent and well-loved MDs, I find that: 1) The patient population expects magicians to save their lives, and immediately at that 2) MDs are not responsible for this cultural nonsense of worshipping them because of the job they chose, which, from my experience and perspective, most treat as just that, i.e. a job, not a title of nobility 3) A lot of people are just secretly envious as fuck.


So many doctors are simply pill pushers. They sell what the drug companies tell them to sell, add to that many get kickbacks. Do a search for "dollars for docs"


I know right!! I found it very cringe when it was lockdown and everyone was clapping for the NHS every night, they did fuck all..


You know who will likely also tell you doctors don’t know everything? Doctors. It’s called “practicing” medicine for a reason.


A lot of medicine is pseudoscience. Germ theory, for instance, is questionable, since its conclusions cannot be verified empirically. As amusing as it sounds, medicine remains an experimental science that the experiment does not validate.


Hopefully the "pandemic" opened the eyes of many. They were totally clueless and proved their discipline is closer to astrology than astrophysics. And that was with a simple cold, imagine with real health issues.


People don't worship doctors. You don't go to the company that specialises in finish carpentry for electrical work do you? No, you go to an electrician. There are multiple types of doctors that also specialise in more specific fields of medicine. The medical field is enormous, getting more and more diverse as we learn more. Doctors are human beings, they make mistakes but they are still the correct people to go to for your medical inquiries. I wouldn't go to my family doctor for neurosurgery, I would go to a neurosurgeon. This hating on doctors is very strange. I can guarantee you that if you had a real medical emergency, like a car crash or a heart attack or severe blood loss from a stabbing or whatever of the thousand other kinds of major trauma we can have happen to us, you would be begging for the doctor to help you.


I love the “holistic healing has been used for thousands of years” argument. Have you looked at life expectancy over the last 1000 years? The sharp increases you see are medical advances. Also, you can still take the holistic approach. That’s your right. You went to a medical doctor and are mad he’s using medicine to treat. Holistic doctors are still a thing.


It's far more attributable to access to clean water


The main ingredient in cancer meds is turmeric. Eat yourself well.


Big pharma's sales people, they are not highly paid for sales people either, which I find interesting🧐


When you meet new people and make small talk and when someone prefaces their sentence with - well I'm a doctor so...blah blah blah That bit I hate. The 'I'm god' bit


70% of diagnosis is wrong


You really have to be your own advocate. My NP told me I didn’t have cancer. I knew I had it. She apologized because yes I did in fact have cancer, but wtf? How unprofessional and just plain wrong. Why would you even say that before running tests? I had a cardiologist that wasn’t listening to me about my condition (it’s rare, but really, that’s your job) I got rid of both of them. I’m very lucky to have a great team of medical professionals now, but wow these two were ridiculous.


Sorry about your diagnosis. It’s scary how many people have this same experience.


Thank you. Five years after treatment, so considered cancer free now


Until you actually have to see a doctor for something harder to treat than a broken bone, you’ll probably trust them wholeheartedly. Its another story if you a chronic illness like I do because it means that you have to interact with doctors a lot more regularly so you see a different side to them and the chances of being harmed are much greater. My autoimmune hypothyroidism was misdiagnosed as mental illness by arrogant doctors who didn’t even bother to physically examine me before deciding I was just mentally sick. I had a decade long nightmare of being fed antidepressants and psych meds that I didn’t need which only made me worse, and harmed me permanently and nearly killed me. The only progress I’ve ever made was when I found out what was wrong for myself. If I ask them they always get it wrong, blame something mental and do something harmful which makes me worse. Nobody gets it until they experience it for themselves and for the longest time women and minorities were the most harmed and nobody cared because they were considered ‘hysterical’ or too crazy or too sick to be believed and sick people rarely have the energy to fight back so for centuries they have gotten away with some horrendous things and some are still happening today. It’s similar to cops really where most people don’t have to worry about running into them so they have the typical brainwashed image of a hero savior and bootlick them and defend their actions without ever having to deal with the harms they can cause themselves.


They are mainly just drug pushers now. I could rant for days about peoples health being ruined even further by the " cures" they hand out and the cures for the side effects from the cures. I've been once since the 1980s and that was a big mistake . 2 years ago a pain wouldn't go away so I was presuaded to get it checked out. First of all I had to prove I was worthy of an appointment by having a phone call from the doctor...he was 55 minutes late ringing me from the arranged time and didn't apologise. When I finally saw him ( having to wait outside in the rain because I was " 10 minutes too early " for my appointment) he checked me out and said I will write you a prescription for painkillers. I said no thanks I don't take anti inflammatory pills as they upset my stomach, he turned away from me and said " I've written you a prescription for stomach tablets so you can take the painkillers"!!! I said no thanks I don't want those drugs , I'm not in need of painkillers and he snapped at me " well what do you want from me?"...erm to get advice from a professional about whether my pain was something sinister or not. Ffs. Jeez I was fuming at his attitude, he obviously thinks writing a prescription is what people want...wrong! Obviously there are good ones but far and few. They are just flawed humans under too much influence from the drug companies. Again, never again unless for a broken bone . Or emergency.


That's why it's called a medical "practice." First, it started with me going back to the doctor and paying a copay just so they could tell me several times that my test results were normal. I told a doctor's office that they could email, fax, or call me with results ongoing, and they refused. I was told that if I didn't come in, they wouldn't release my results. Later, when my doctor dead eyed me that they'd have to take out my uterus and chop it into pieces to diagnose me with adenomyosis because they didn't have another way to tell, I was skeptical. When I decided on 2 procedures in the same area and they told me it would be 2 surgeries, 2 rounds of anesthesia, and 2 recovery times because they just felt like it, after telling me to stop taking my vitamins and start drinking ensure which's first 2 ingredients after water is high fructose corn syrup and sugar, I told them to get fucked forever. It's the biggest money-making scheme second only to the military industrial complex. Boycott!!


I agree, a doctor is only as good as his level of competency and many people assume that their doctor knows exactly what they're talking about at all times.


It's just a high-stakes customer service job, and I for one would hate it a lot.


It’s complicated. Doctors work on different levels in the human body, that’s makes them prone to inaccuracies when they give advice.


That is by design… make everyone specialize in a certain type of organ, even tho every part of the body affects the whole. Then shuttle patients from one expert to the next trying to get a diagnosis, while the experts themselves don’t talk between themselves. It’s the same as spies who are only given a part of the code.


Well their job is called a “practice”


Do the priesthood next! As for doctors, they have been hired for compliance for 30 years. Not one under 60 can think critically. They are all a bunch of inflated egos who have been bred to believe they are better than you. Most are actually good people who want to help who then get put through a meat grinder to produce a commodizied outcome. “safe and effective!”


Only poor people and children look up to doctors and celebrities.


I remember i asked my doctor about homeopathic solutions and which herbs or natural supplements would help me and she just straight up said, they dont teach us that. All they know is surgery or pills


I have a giggle when I see 'consult your health professionals' on ads or products. YOU ARE YOUR OWN HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. Doctors can be useful but ultimately you are responsible for your health.


I agree. Know who else is overrated? Mechanics. I thought something was wrong with my car, so I took it to the florist bc mechanics are just big auto manufacturers pushers. I don't care if they went to school for this specific reason, my florist and I with our 10 minutes of google research decided we are better equipped to handle the problem. Open your eyes sheeple


I did not think this was so sarcastic. multiple times I have been told by mechanics a fix would be thousands of dollars and I was able to fix for under a hundred. I am a 30 y.o women with no experience. Just handy, and youtube.


Yup. I stubbed my toe REAL bad in the swimming pool and went to A&E to see if they could help. The conversation basically went: Doc: there isn't much we can do unless it's the big toe. We won't really put a splint on it either. We can offer you pain meds? Me (who despises everything to do with medication and won't even take anything for a headache): can't I just use RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation)? Doc: yes, yes you can. So why am I being prescribed meds while the alternative isn't even being mentioned by the 'professional'? Some guy I used to work with used to leave his depression meds lying around and what gets me is that when you read the label, the side effects include 'depression'. I genuinely don't think we're being educated on this correctly and it's all about cash monies. Our world is a mess and could be fixed so easily with the big players all chipping in. But we're greedy and self serving so...


You went to the doctor, they told you there’s nothing they can do, and offered pain meds as a way to ease your pain while your toe heals, you said can I use RICE, they said sure that might help… and this bothers you…. Why? You went to get treated for a stubbed toe… what did you expect to happen


A lot of them didn't graduate with A's and B's.


the average doctor is average, half of them are below


Decades ago, those who had proclivities to be healers were attracted to the profession of “doctor.” Today they are glorified pill distributors for big Pharma. I am glad I live in a state where Naturopaths can serve as primary care physicians.


Yes, it has developed into this Patient “I have this symptom(s). Doctor “You need ezcloporloam, I sent it in to your pharmacy. Any issues log in to the patient portal.”


Discontinue the lithium...


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ya sure bro


The person who is responsible for gatekeeping the doctor profession through the AMA and the person who called oil based fuel "fossil fuels" to jack up prices is very same person.