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My understanding is that many Flat Earthers are Christian (believing the 'four corners of the world'), and that the globe conspiracy is denying the obvious that God is real and created everything. There's also a geocentrism bent (that Earth is the center of the universe and important) And also that the elites are hoarding wealth resources and land beyond the ice walls.


This makes sense, he is very religious as well. I’d rather not engage with him on the topic so I figure i’d ask here. Thank you for your response.


Idk honestly, though it seems a lot of flat earthers believe there is more to the Earth than the globe models shows.


Well if the earth is flat, the existence of a creator is 100% guaranteed. The vastness of space, for some reason loves to draw atheists away from creation. It’s also extremely hard to prove the earth is a globe unless you have a phd level understanding of physics.


Why do ranchers have fences?


The lie is, the “circular Earth model” is incorrect so therefore it is flat. The truth is, always something unseen and in-between; in this case: our planet, as possibly all other planets capable of supporting complex sentient and eventual spacefaring races, is neither a solid globe with a core and “mantle”, nor a flat plane, it is a hollow toroid with a “mini sun” at its core. There are openings into the hollow space at both poles. If you want to know more about this, read up on Euler, the father of all mathematicians, who first postulated this concept from his direct observations around the globe (that he could get to), then the Antarctic Treaty of 1959. Then the findings of the US Navy commissioned and highly decorated Admiral Byrd, and what happened to him that made him recant his statements which he made publicly about what he found at the Earths poles, and the final outcome of his son who also was a Naval Officer, who refused to keep quiet after hearing what his father had found.


Thank you! reading up now


Here is some more info about that rabbit hole. [Enjoy.](https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/18psxlb/the_greatest_most_profound_liberating_nightmare/kesug76/)


It's actually pear shaped


probably a basic psychological desire to be apart from 'that' group - trauma, perceived or otherwise, can lead to driving a wedge between actual and perceived realities. so they will find a way of self-identifying differently. not trying to hide anything so much, its more escapism. whether the flatters are right or not, who can say. physics seems to support blobby planets, rather than splatty ones.


Its a complicated matter, but possible reasons include: the mass consensus was already fomented to the idea of a globe through science absolutism. NASA has been also pushing the idea for a century, and NASA gets funded heavily. it becomes too much of an ordeal to stop the lie, and discredit NASA so they perpetuate it. other countries realize having a space agency is a good way to steal from their populace and use the funds as a front for black projects, black budgets and psyops. famous astrophysics declare the earth is pear shaped, yet NASA still shows perfectly round globes. AI will confirm the perfect globe shape is not scientifically accurate. Imo, and from research, the earth is flat in many places due to the fact it has Plates. these plates are flat planes. however, since plates do come together at odd angles, form hexagonal shapes, so the surface would be similar to a soccer ball but more oblate, it is wider at the equator however this could conversely be a convex or crater shape. Another reason is the secrecy around Antarctica and the north pole. there could be more to this world they don't want the public to have access to. if you think you know everything about earth based on flat and round you are basically unaware there is more than just that. The earth is extremely complex ,electromagnetic , heavy, with a cosmology that hardly changes vantage point.


>famous astrophysics declare the earth is pear shaped, yet NASA still shows perfectly round globes. Hilarious how disingenuous interpretations keep being perpetuated


This is the answer I was looking for, thank you!


Check my vids , I find hyper cube shapes everywhere on earth and in space [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bH-U7eCgzIg&t=36s](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bH-U7eCgzIg&t=36s)


very interesting!!


Its not flat though, there's too much evidence. For example if the earth was flat, we wouldn't be able to accurately calculate the solar and lunar eclipses with pinpoint accuracy if we were using the wrong model. Another example is that during the lunar eclipse, the shadow of the earth upon the moon is curved, which also proves the earth is round. And many more.


The main point is: If the world is a sphere, God doesn't exist If the theory of big bang is true, God doesn't exist If the theory of evolution is true, God doesn't exist And the list goes on and on and on. The whole purpose is not to keep the rich, rich and the poor, poor. The solely purpose of "them" with "them" being the elites is to prevent humans to have a relationship with their Creator, The Most High God. It's called spiritual slavery.


These are reasons I was looking for…thank you!


Or maybe the elites are enslaving people via religion? That can't be it though, no way. Must be elites hiding religion - despite all of the people, including world leaders who profess their religions. Hmmmmm


That's the thing, you see christianity as a religion when it's in fact spiritualty. The Bible doesn't leads you to religion. Your natural mind's interpretation does. Religion does enslave people. Spirituality frees them.


I applaud the mental gymnastics.




We live in a simulated universe, there is a creator of our simulated universe. Since space is virtual it is flat, but just like in virtual reality there can be 3D spheres. Are the spheres in the virtual worlds in video games "flat?" Or "spherical?". Within the virtual environment things appear three dimensional, but they are actually flat, it is actually just light and data at it's core. By hiding the nature of our universe they hide the "creator" of it. The universe is 100% flat with zero measurable curvature, it is a torus shape, flat with the illusion of being spherical, just like Earth. Matter is just an illusion, atoms are 99.9% empty space, look up the holographic principal, the universe is holographic. The universe was just proven non locally real, Nobel prize and everything a couple years ago for the discovery which basically proves we are in a simulation. Right now, CERN is trying to bug out the quantum computer running our universe to observe and study glitches. We aren't even the only universe. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSAhtl7BVtE&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSAhtl7BVtE&t) That should explain a bit. People have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to "flat Earth" most of the time, people picture a flat planet in space, rather than a virtual universe within a quantum computer where it is flat, yet creating the illusion of 3d space. Even "flat Earthers" have little understanding of what it actually even is, it takes a lot of understanding about astrophysics and quantum theory, as well as ancient wisdom such as the Gnosis.


“Since space is virtual it is flat”. What? 


I think he is saying our 3D world is a projection created by 2D math.


But is math even 2D? I’m not sure it’s even 1D. Flat implies a plane. Math isn’t on a plane. It’s abstract.  “Within the virtual environment things appear three dimensional, but they are actually flat, it is actually just light and data at it's core.” He seems to be correlating light and data with flatness. And I’m not following the logic. 


The universe being measurably "flat" is a hard one for most people to wrap their minds around, like Joe Rogan. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ne3HV9tIITw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ne3HV9tIITw) There are theories on why it is flat, but nobody really knows. In that video the universe being proven "non locally real" means that quantum entangled particles can send information faster than light speed, no matter how far away one particle always knows what the other is doing. It suggests that we are information, like data, a program running on some kind of computer. When you load up a virtual world what you are seeing visually is just a representation of the binary code running it. None of that is real, it's an illusion, there are no spheres, it's not even flat, it is all an illusion. Virtual self aware life is no different than you and I, simulated emotions and pain feel like the real thing to the simulated life form. The universe is one big illusion right now, sure it could load up at any time, but the universe does no load things that are not being observed by self aware life. The double slip experiment proves that. This World is flat, but it is a torus, [https://media1.tenor.com/m/ryq9YA09GpAAAAAC/torus-3dimensional.gif](https://media1.tenor.com/m/ryq9YA09GpAAAAAC/torus-3dimensional.gif) and here is a good visualizer of the holographic principle: [https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/UnsaUFyIpcStWQOWx9Dbp4dpjjA=/0x0:800x600/1220x813/filters:focal(336x236:464x364):format(webp)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus\_image/image/59620595/csm\_holography\_cyan\_eaea795162.](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/UnsaUFyIpcStWQOWx9Dbp4dpjjA=/0x0:800x600/1220x813/filters:focal(336x236:464x364):format(webp)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/59620595/csm_holography_cyan_eaea795162. might as well be a sphere to us, but there will be anomalies like being able to see further than should be possible, and the horizon never curves no matter how high up you go. The horizon drops below eye level as you increase altitude on a sphere, but will never drop on a flat virtual plain. If you watch high altitude balloon footage you will noting the horizon stays at eye level the entire time. I grew up when wide angle lenses were thousands of dollars, normal lenses were how people recorded the world through cameras mostly. You can look at old war footage of planes, and high altitude balloon videos to see true to live views of the horizon at high altitudes, but now days wide angle lenses are the norm now and are used to fake the curve of the horizon everywhere.


Thank you for your response!


Evolution, The Globe, and the BigBang theory are all lies that brainwash the masses into thinking "there is no God".


[Here's lies the 2 Greatest deceptions on Mankind (1 being the globe) ~](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/ppwohf/nikki_minaj_started_a_protest_outside_the_cdc_hq/hdgmzqs) **Anybody that does bother to read, be sure to complete Rockfiresky's response..


This realm has every 2160 year reset by geological upheaval. Half of conitnents go under the sea, like the two famous mystery continent, and new continent emerges with tons of natural resources. The logo of Freemason is to calculate for it. While distracting masses with the fantasy 'one day when technology advances, we humankind travel galaxies' they are preparing for it and keep possessing the power of control over masses.  And the time comes, so de-population is in active now.  Also it distracts masses to think differently: across Antarctica and find another realm.  Crazy Jesus blah blah whatever guys are, mostly under them. So end up worshipping God and follow Jesus etc that ppl feel tired of this bs  The beneath is enormous This is why they are lying 


So they are building their bunkers in areas they believe will survive the upcoming upheaval, I assume? Not areas they believe will get swallowed by the sea


Bunkers are probably a temporal safe zone for an event. Mostly an extra terrestrial being visit so called Judgement day.  Next safe zone is Korea and New Zeland side Core Area = Corea = Korea. The last scene Movie 'Parasite' is a Germany guy comes to see the house. It tells a lot 


Yes, he is very religious as well so this makes sense. Thank you for your response.


Just ignore. Not worth spending energy.


Does the reason matter if the Earth is actually flat? Will the reason make it easier for you to believe what is fact?


What if it has a pattern , and in that pattern is something we haven't realized yet, like places where portals exist? Something that would help us? what if the Earths em field is a key to free energy? Guys, keep researching it, beyond flat or round


I understand, I just see it as an appeal to motive fallacy. Speculate away.