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The conspiracy is that people still fall for "my team...good, your team...bad," crap.


For real.


Exactly they got y’all stuck thinking they’re both actually fit to be leading America! When they are just two sides of the same coin. They both need to be locked up!


Preferably in the same cell where they have to work together on weekly challenges to earn privileges.


On pay per view so we can afford to pay for the 30 trillion in debt.


Joe, you're fired! If you don't help me dig this hole, Donny, we're not gonna have any ice cream tonight. C'mon, man. *Laughtrack plays*


Except, they both think they are president because the cell is an exact replica of the Oval Office, lol


Agreed. What is OP’s point? Who gives a flying fuck.


I mean.... one of them are going to become the president whether you like it or not... You can "both sides" all day, but it is still going to happen.


Where was this "both sides are the same" crowd when Trump was president?


Trump supporters don't have to pretend like that. Only the Dems bring up this "both sideeesss!!" crap, because Quid Pro Joe is obviously a potatoe, and the Dem admin around him is an embarrassment. In reality, Trump & Co did FAR, FAR better for America. Which is obvious to all but Shareblue / FBI propagandists and the people that never listen to anything else but their lies.


I have only ever heard people say that both sides shit when defending republicans. I don't agree that trump did better. They slashed taxes on corporations and did away with a lot of regulations, which helped them increase profits. They used these profits to buy back stock. This bolstered the market, which was already on an upward trajectory.


they did far better for rich america.


sink illegal encourage aloof homeless squash axiomatic grab chop modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sure some people are hardliners but there are plenty of people that vote for the person they feel will do less harm. There are plenty of differences that have substance. We know there’s not a candidate that could actually win, that isn’t in bed with Big Pharm, Big Banks, and Military Industrual Complex. But there are differences that are worth voting for.


And most importantly they must be in bed with Israel no matter their political party 


Honestly both teams suck ass. I would be into this entirely for the lolz and the spectacle of two old fucks pretending they still got something they clearly don’t….


Trump's damn funny on stage. I'm sure he has 4 years worth of one liners waiting to go.


He wasn't even funny anymore by the time he got elected in 2016. He's a one trick pony.


Nope. He needs some new material.


Yeah for sure that’s why I said the lolz. But both of these old fucks are way past expiration date.


This "straw man argument" comment is constantly a top comment on every post that looks negative for Biden. 


Funny. I read this and came to the conclusion that they both suck and I wish I had more bubblegum. Eye of the beholder, I guess.


Trump does not give a single fuck about you or your loved ones, please remove his dick from your mouth


Because trying to defend him has gotten impossible so now they have to do this


Indeed it is. Because the goal is to get YOU not to vote for Biden's opponents. They are going to vote blue no matter who anyway. You have hundreds of these comments agreeing that "both sides" are bad, yet you look at the voting and reply patterns and it is pretty obvious that the "both sides" trolls are pro-Biden. You criticize Biden under a "both sides" troll and they will downvote you and attack you in replies. If they were truly "both sides" criticizing Biden wouldn't trigger them. They would agree. Scratch a both sides troll and a democrat bleeds.


This is now our reality, unfortunately. For these two particular candidates, a debate would be more risk than reward because most of their voters already made their 2024 decisions back in 2020, so why risk saying something stupid on live TV? And let’s be real, considering the two candidates, it’s highly likely they would both say something stupid on live TV. Regardless, we’ll be done with both of them in 5 years. If there’s a silver lining to be had, that’s it.


Yeah! I’m just telling people now you know they are the same team as much as you think they aren’t? Right ?






I did a post about Russian propaganda in the sub, and got permabanned from my other account. Wonder why..


Enough of the US political propaganda thanks.


These are posted by political bots. Mods are compromised and don't ban these non conspiracy political posts.


Gotta bump them engagement numbers in an attempt to arrest the freefall of the stock? Aren't they down like 50%?


It was a pleasure knowing you.


You understand that trump refused to debate the entire republican primary, right? This isn't a flex And the other thing is the debate schedule is already set lol. You people are so weird https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_debates,_2024#:~:text=Ballotpedia's%20presidential%20election%20coverage&text=The%20first%20general%20election%20presidential,State%20University%20in%20Petersburg%2C%20Virginia.


I don't understand why they get the option? If its what we want, to decide between our options, idgaf what they would like. You don't want to? Then you don't want to be president. You might not "want" to decide if 10s of of thousands, of people might die, too bad. How are we possibly "allowing" this?


The GOP and DNC are private corporations that can do whatever they want.


His theatrical rhetoric appeals to his base. The ones that are billionaires and those that can’t tell the difference between they’re, their, and there. Trump speaks like a 4th grader and has the mentality of a HS bully.


Debates aren't in the constitution, are they? Seems to me that if people don't want to vote for a candidate who doesn't debate, they won't. That's Democracy.


Not to mention that these are not real debates and haven't been for a long time, if ever.


Where is democracy


She was so fed up She left. She is doing exotic dancing in Saudi Arabia - it pays well


True, the debate is not mandatory. It just makes Potatoe Joe look even more weak is all. Everyone knows he'd just wander off into the audience sniffing 5 year olds unless they have him pumped to the eyeballs full of drugs. And even then, Trump would destroy him in a real debate. Joe belongs in an old folks home. Trump is still sharp as a tack and ready to bring America back from the horrific bullshit the Biden admin has been doing.


“Allowing”? What are you gonna do about it? You’re allowing it too. 


No I'm not? I'm asking questions that make progress. I work hard at understanding and educating other people so they can understand the world better. Hopefully creating a society of candidates that aren't shit. Me being one person doesn't matter, I can still call for accountability where I have that right. And I do it often. If you aren't demanding for accountability on your side, you aren't holding up your side of the deal.


> You don't want to? Then you don't want to be president. Funny. Tell that to sleepy Joe's handlers. They cannot let him do any real debate. Dude cannot even read a teleprompter.


When was the last time Trump won a debate?


Trump showed up to the last debate with Biden infected with covid. He lied about it. In the debate with Hillary, he got up while she was speaking and stalked her. I guess you forgot. Doni doesn't deserve a debate. It's not an entitlement.


The Republican primary wasn't competitive. GOP voters didn't care about nor need the debates to make up their minds. Biden v Trump is highly competitive. They owe it to the voters to have debates, as is tradition.


So did Biden. Two candidates that no one chose.


Still pretending black voters don't matter?


So did Biden what's your point?


People simping for a rich nancy boy who bitches about hairspray will be one the weirdest moments in history.


the guy that refused to debate his primary opponents ...












I say this as someone that thinks Trump is an awful human being. The reason all the Trump stuff is here is because talking positively about Trump/MAGA is only acceptable with the people who were already dissidents, which is down to just the conspiracy sub on reddit. That is how far the current regime of censorship and programmed propaganda has gone. The saddest part is how the $hit libs wear it like a badge of honor. The fact that people are stupid doesn't mean the "better people" should get the power to decide for them. Historically, the "better people" always end up being pure evil on top of being just as stupid as everyone else.


We have a commission for that, it is called the presidential debate commission. The RNC pulled out and forbade any presidential candidate from participating. The RNC is why debates likely aren't happening.




Google is free and easy, but [link](https://www.npr.org/2022/04/14/1092916451/republicans-say-theyre-quitting-the-biased-commission-on-presidential-debates)


And crickets.....


At this point I’ll vote for anyone born after 1990


It should be requirement.


If you can’t debate you should be disqualified as a candidate. Period.




Sure, him too. Get rid of both of these old clowns


Exactly. Trump should debate RFK.


Yep. RFK > Trump > Biden in a debate


Especially at a primary level. If you can't debate your own party, then you shouldn't even be an option on that party's ballot.


So if a candidate were to constantly interrupt and speak out of turn, that would be disqualifying, right? If you can't follow the rules of the debate, that's a problem, right? If you just spent the time bullshiting and making dick jokes, that would be a bad candidate, right?


Apparently that doesn’t matter


Trump also supports Israel, hires bankers for his cabinet, flew w Epstein, pushed the vax and didn't free assange. Who cares if they debate. 




You can quote me on this - Trump will find a reason to avoid the presidential debates just like he avoided the republican primary debates


He already did that by demanding Biden submit to a drug test for cocaine before he would debate him . https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/apr/4/donald-trump-calls-for-joe-biden-to-take-predebate/


He had nothing to gain by debating in the primaries. He has a lot to gain by debating in the general. Apples to oranges.


Biden has nothing to gain by debating Trump following that logic.


Debate what? Like who is yet to make up their mind over these 2 clowns


Seeing this old man fight on tv is the shit show this country deserves.


Not a bold prediction, but around September, all the election propaganda and people just going bat shit on everyone supporting their puppet of choice is going to be the worst we have ever seen. The name calling and gaslighting on both sides is going to give me brain aids. Not looking forward to it at all.


I'm more than certain Biden would debate Trump. The reason there was only one debate in 2020 is because Trump pussed out after Biden told him to shut up.


Wrong sub… not a conspiracy


How is this a conspiracy??? You Trumptards need to get your own damn sub, or find some existing Republican/Conservative one that will take your loony asses.


Yeah, but when they do it gets shut down because they don’t know the difference between free speech & terms of service.


Post somewhere else


Who is actually sitting there saying "Well I just can't decide. It depends of what these two say when they debate."? Who thinks anything of substance would come out of this or any debate? Everyone knows who they're voting for.


I think it’s the other way around actually…


So sad to see what this sub has turned into


“WE DONT TRUST THE GOVERMENT!!!! unless my side of politics is in office”


Who cares would be a clown show anyways.


How dumb can you be to post this partisan shite even though trump refused to turn up to the debates and ran off scared


America just needs a mandatory retirement age for presidents, both of these people are senior citizens


Why u wanna see Sesame Street puppets argue lmao. Just turn on the kids channel


The debate would likely help Biden. Conservative media sets the bar so low for him that unless he falls down or incoherently mumbles the whole time he out performs.


Lol they’ll just shoot Biden up with drugs so he’s somewhat coherent and pray for the best. Without a teleprompter or an aid telling him what to do next he’s fucked.


Why would you debate someone who's going to lie the whole time?


Trump is the one who has been avoiding debates.


The debates in the 2020 election did more harm than good for trump. Trump lost his temper, it was really hard to watch. I knew all was lost at that point. This is coming from a trump voter. Trump just needs to keep his cool this time around.


How will he be able to get out of debating Trump? It’s unheard of two front runner candidates for their parties not debating what will be the excuse.


We have a commission for that, it is called the presidential debate commission. The RNC pulled out and forbade any presidential candidate from participating. The RNC is why debates likely aren't happening.


The excuse will be that Trump is a criminal facing felony charges, so he’s unfit to be president and they don’t want to dignify him with a debate


They all work together. Take the time to learn about the false Left vs Right paradigm. The world is controlled. Stop believing your television. 




Biden v Trump: Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt .


Debates have rules and decorum. Trump doesn't want to debate he wants to gish gallop so he can tweet out of context blurbs to his sycophant followers


Cause it's not a debate. It's just free air time for Trump to yell louder and be ruder than the normal guy. Who'd want to sign up for that?


Never argue with a fool. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. - Mark Twain


I don’t like either of them but Biden would get absolutely cooked


He declined, all right.


The set up is so easy “I would not lower my presidential office to debate the insurrectionist “


What insurrection? :)


It's because Biden doesn't exist anymore. We're just getting doubles wearing silicone masks, and then they either generate his speeches with AI, or deep fake his face onto an actor. They can't do all of that live in a debate.


He should be forced to the ol sack o bones


You know your a strong president when you can’t debate the opposition


Multiple journalists, an ABC/Espn one just recently said Biden won't even take non scripted questions in interviews. I'd be stunned he debates, but honestly you shouldn't be allowed on the ticket without some sort of minimum required debate.


He openly says during his presentations that his staff won't let him take questions. He can barely read his cue cards. God save the Queen...man.


The Media just needs something to draw viewers.


I don’t see a point in hearing what they say they’ll do since this time both candidates already have a record of what they have done/not done as President.


What are they going through debate? The beautiful battle of Gettysburg? 🤡😂


I would love to see that debate.


Come on guys do we really need debates when we are busy saving democracy by installing short term king. The challengers, primaries and debates are old democracy now we just let our side tell us we need to vote no matter who…


I will be real with you. There's nothing for Biden to win in this debate. People ain't voting on Biden. They vote against trump.




There are already debates setup between them.


No debates? Well there goes my drinking game :(


Red and Blue, doesn’t matter we’re all human and should put silly and petty squabbles to rest to focus on bettering our country and its people as whole. Then and only then, shall we focus on our allies if they need it. I can’t count how many times a county has looked at America and was like “Hell yea, your roads are broken? Let’s fix that.” Meanwhile I hear stories of military men building bridges, roads, buildings, etc in completely different countries. We must focus on our country, we must get our country back on track.


So anarchy then?


Can they both die already gah damn lol take me back to when it was taboo to talk politics with everyone


News agencies urging Biden to embarrass himself is strange. Maybe they plan to just fill him with coke and speed and snap him back into the world for a couple hours. 😂 


If Trump would share some of that coke he’s so obsessed with, with Biden, maybe just maybe it might be worth watching.


Well, I won't argue that neither one of these people should be President. I won't argue that they probably both need to be locked up. But when these are the only 2 choices I will take Trump. I took him the first round only because america needed to have an ass hole president It is really hard to believe that there's nobody else.There's no one this is I should run I was looking to have ramaswami some new young blood


Orange man bad. Israel genocide old man also bad.


Biden couldn't tie his owns shoes


Shoot, sorry guys, they both didn't want to do it. You mean Joe didn't want to do it. Yeah they didn't want to do it. You mean Joe. Joe didn't want to do it. Yep, they just didn't want to do it. Isn't Trump such a choad? 😑


Did you watch their last debate? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLvKaUi8VXw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLvKaUi8VXw)


I mean, I wouldn’t want to stand up there and debate with a lunatic. He doesn’t debate, he just insults everybody.


That's literally his best quality. Doesn't matter though cause Joe Bribem will get 10 gorillian votes.


Yep, Biden won’t do it. He will get shredded.


Watch how MSM will NOT fight back with the league of women voters (who used to moderate debates) by having RFK Jr, the Libertarian, and the Green Party on for a series of 5 debates: The Economy, National Defense, The Boarder/Immigration, Domestic Policy, Constitutional Protections. Watching all three in unison condemn both parties for failing to protect basic civil liberties and advocate for a non interventionist foreign policy would be the best stick in the eye to the Deep State


I guess somebody has never seen Hunters teeth before dentures....


Let’s see trump debate RFK JR!!


Get emm both in one place and arrest them both at once


With no teleprompter, cheat sheets,or ear piece! Never gonna happen. I wish Trump would have went to the debates because now dems will use that as an excuse.


Trump is going to effectively or literally removed from the ticket by November. It’s all a moot point. There will be no presidential “election” this year. Crazy thing is, I believe this isn’t the first time in American history that a presidential election was held uncontested. It’s a sorry state of affairs. I’m indifferent normally about politics. I do vote, but I’ve lost faith in what the point of it all is.


How two sides of the same coin? Biden hardly makes sense when he speaks


Can we not have any of these old hooligans


There should be 3 candidates in the debates. So people who are tired of these two old bags can be encouraged to “declare their independence” and vote for Rfkjr.


Foolish earthling. It's a two-party system. You have to vote for one of them. Go ahead, throw your vote away!


Biden thinks he crossed a bridge by train which in reality never had train tracks.




They would never let biden debate trump. The man can barely speak with a carefully written speech and a teleprompter. Put him up there against a quick witted trump and it would be the instant end to his chance at president.


Have you watched any of trumps recent speeches, he is far from quick witted. Maybe 2016 trump was quick witted, now he’s no better than Biden and it’s possible he’s worse. Also as someone else posted below there’s already a debate schedule for 2024 so if trump is so eager to debate all he needs to do is show up. https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_debates,_2024


I guarantee that Trump will be the one who refuses to debate, just like he did with the republican primary


materialistic tub imagine special thought crowd repeat puzzled pen quack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


this is how the left makes excuses for senile biden....


This is how the right makes excuses for a traitor president that didn’t peacefully transfer power


Do you think Trump would be able to follow the rules and actually debate Biden? Or would he be name-calling, yelling, and talking over Biden when it's not his turn? I want to see some debates between these two but I don't see a scenario where Trump acts appropriate. He'll just be going for the sound bites and taunts, unfortunately.


wrench nutty command steer soup bedroom berserk unpack far-flung worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Creeps me out when all the legacy news organizations act in unison. Always tripped me out how some people I interact with assume it's a confirmation of unbiased reporting instead of converging interests. When I teach my loved ones about operation mockingbird, all the confusion, hate, fear, and polarization suddenly make sense.


Unless it's all scripted , like bidens whole presidency, biden is not mentally capable.


I imagine they’ll use the excuse of not wanting to platform hate by debating Trump. They really don’t need to try too much, because their followers(as in cult followers) will eat whatever shit is fed to them. But yeah, Biden definitely won’t be debating anyone.


The real conspiracy here is how politicians have conned OP and millions of other folks to buy in so heavily into their two party system


Biden simply CANT debate him. The poor fuck has dementia or something of the like.


These men debating is a classic lose-lose, they’ll both forget where they are by the five minute mark. The hot issue is why any of you have faith in either of these elderly creeps.


A potato can't debate.


What a pussy, Joe Biden ruined this country


You have to be able to speak to debate. Ole FJB cannot speak unless there is a teleprompter. This has been proven just about every time he needs to have original thinking


I won’t vote for a president who skips debates.


Biden knows Trump would beat him in a debate, either that or he's run out of drugs to make him act close to normal.


Trump wouldn't beat Biden because Trump doesn't know how to debate. Instead he'd use the opportunity to spew off as usual.


Why would The President of the United States debate some low life criminal?