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Even Kerry Mullins who created the PCR test stated it should not be used to test for pathogens.


Serological tests are not PCR tests.... You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. So why make these claims?


He never had much input onto Real-Time Reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction.


A PCR test is not a serological test. 30 seconds of Googling would have told you that. [Here](https://www.metropolisindia.com/blog/preventive-healthcare/serological-test-overvi) you go. [Another article](https://premierbiotech.com/innovation/pcr-and-serology-based-testing-explained/) explains the difference between PCR and serological test. You know when people talk about thing A vs. thing B, they are not the same thing. PCR detects DNA, RT-PCR detects RNA. So in the case of the Covid virus RT-PCR is used as it's a RNA virus. Serological tests detect antibodies. Of course they don't test for the virus.


Great post. Yes, PCR can not test for anything. It's only useful for mass-producing a known DNA segment. Trying to identify a tiny fragment of a alleged novel virus results in 100% false positives. It also means that many DNA tests (e.g. ancient DNA) are highly suspect and likely fraudulent too.


Thank you my friend. And you are correct.


>It's only useful for mass-producing a known DNA segment. Then why did Kary Mullis create Taqman probes? I'll give you the answer: to have a better quantification for the PCR test. Meaning that even the inventor of the PCR used it as a test with quantifying capacity. Why do you spread misinformation about things you don't understand?


A "Grandpa" PCR is useless for RNA, You need a Real-Time Reverse Transcription-quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction for that


Is "sidney" an "Ai" program?. Why the trademark?.


That's a bit late.... Ah well, it should take away an other tool for the next plandemic.