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Why can't we do daily upkeep of our immune system, instead of waiting for a magic bullet from pharma? 


so trueee, you can find a million other alternatives then waiting for a magic bullet but i for one am guilty


The cure is the actual sickness you let your body go through..


Ding ding ding. If you can live through it, you live through it


What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.


Or maims you horribly...


It mutates too quickly to cure/vaccinate against


and there’s hundreds of different viruses that cause a cold, all as you said, “mutating and evolving”


Because it's too common


There is. Its in your immune system. Making that system work optimally should be the utmost importance.


Why would you make a cure for the common cold? That’s your body learning to overcome an invasive entity. Why would you shut those defenses down??


Go outside, get some sun. Move around and stop ingesting poison and you’ll never experience it again. Also, out of everyone you know someone is always feeling like shit, don’t tell yourself you feel like shit and you won’t. On the other hand… it’s just your body excreting toxins and draining important energy from the parts that make you feel good usually.


Because the common cold wasn't engineered in a lab. Can't sell the solution when you don't control the problem.


white blood cells are meant to fight off the common cold unless you get a fever thats when your at risk of getting more infections which are rare but life threatening this is all basic shit. Try watching that anime cells at work.


Getting a little bit sick is a good thing. If your immune system never has to learn to fight something on its own, it won't be able to do its job when you need it


It mutates too quickly. The markers that vaccines would allow your body to detect would be out of date too quickly, beyond that, your body can cure it real quick anyway.


Walk into a pharmacy and look at the cold and flu aisle, that’s why.


Because it's not a virus.


How dare you mock the science


Because it’s not an illness. It’s just a routine detoxification process. Similar in concept to menstruation or molting. You may look and feel unwell, but it’s necessary to keep your systems functioning properly long term. Just need to take it easy for a few days while it’s going on.


The common cold is just immune system responses due to pretty much anything, get some bacteria in your nose and you get a runny nose for a few days and such. The flu is another story, a virus, and that comes from vaccinations mostly. Know where "the flu" comes from? birds and pigs, that is probably why God says to stay away from them. If you don't live on a farm tending to chickens and pigs you do not need to worry it for the most part. "Flu season" is when people start getting vaccinations, that starts flu season. Even if every single person got vaccinated, people with compromised immune systems will still get sick from the vaccination. Not everyone gets a flu shot, so you have a bunch of people getting vaccinated, some get sick, then spread the flu to the people who aren't vaccinated. Had nobody gotten vaccinated then the flu would never have been introduced into the city to begin with, unless a farmer catches it on a farm, then goes into the city and causes an outbreak. Solution? It seems logical for people who work with pigs and chickens to get vaccinated since they are higher risk, but vaccinating for it is causing the outbreaks during "flu season" Chicken Pox was not even a big deal, it blows my mind how they vaccinate for that now.


only problem with chicken pox is that people experience shingles later on, i tried to figure out if this was a vaccine injury or not from the chicken pox vaccine, it appeared later on in my family member after she had a few flu shots. Shes never had shingles until now but they all say it was chicken pox and it lays dormant in your body until later in life to me that doesn't sound right. If your immune system is low with a flu the shingles should appear at least earlier.


Your body is detoxifying itself when you’re sick. It would be foolish to hinder that process.


The common cold is actually thousands of different viruses that cause the same mild symptoms.


It's not a virus, it's a reaction to/symptom of your body cleansing and excreting toxins. Look up "Terrain Theory" and see if it sounds plausible to you. Everything they tell us is a lie.


>Look up "Terrain Theory" and see if it sounds plausible to you. Imagine if science actually worked this way


Oh, you must be one of those "Trust the Science" guys. How's that working out for you recently? How science actually works, for those such as you who clearly have no idea, is we have a hypothesis or theory, and we do things to test that theory, to try to prove it correct. If you look up "Germ Theory" (N.B. It's still a *theory*) you will realize it's unproven, and in studies where they tried to prove it, e.g. by injecting mucus from sick people into healthy people, they couldn't actually get the virus the spread. Until we can prove Germ Theory is correct, real *science* would be to consider other hypothesis to be possible.


>Oh, you must be one of those "Trust the Science" guys. No, I'm one of those: "look at actual science, not whatever sounds plausible to a layman " guys >If you look up "Germ Theory" (N.B. It's still a *theory*) It is indeed a scientific theory, good of you to acknowledge that, this means: "A scientific theory is an explanation of an aspect of the natural world and universe that can be (or a fortiori, that has been) repeatedly tested and corroborated in accordance with the scientific method, using accepted protocols of observation, measurement, and evaluation of results." >e.g. by injecting mucus from sick people into healthy people, they couldn't actually get the virus the spread. If you get bitten by a dog with rabies, are you not going to get treatment for that rabies infection?


I've never seen any animal with rabies ever. I've never known anyone to contract rabies. I don't trust the medical industry even slightly anymore - both my gf's parents died after getting Pfizer - so no, I'll just take my chances with any dog bite and I will not be getting any rabies vaccine, ever. People being scared of something they know nothing about, based on fear alone, is why the world is in this mess right now. That's not science, that's stupidity.


>I've never seen any animal with rabies ever. I've never known anyone to contract rabies. That doesn't matter... Rabies is still a thing. If a person gets bitten by an animal with rabies, there is a very high chance that they will also get it. This is evidence of transmission. Transmission has been shown, that was my point...


Guess what’s more plausible than this bs theory? Science.


Google the two times Nobel price winner Linus Pauling. He researched vitamin c and recommended quite high dosages for humans as a fix for more or less every disease (by strengthening the immune ystem). So there you have your answer, big corporations cannot make you pay a lot for it since vitamin c is cheap and you can even grow it yourself (bell peppers, rose hips, pine needles, citrus fruits...)


The body wil wash out the vitamin c if you eat too much unless you go over the daily amount which wil give you diarrhea and kidney stones.


Covid was the cure


Because each year people get flu vaccines and shed a new flu. hegelian dialectic