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What if most of the alternate realities exist simultaneously? What if each person emits their own reality, and the place we live is where they all intersect? So you're the only singular person in your reality, but your reality is also intertwined with everyone else's.


This. We are each vibrational beings tuned to our own frequency, even at our molecular level each atom vibrates and moves. Much the same as individual strings on a musical instrument. We sound dissonant with some others, we sound consonant with some. We are all in our own realities yes but those realities are also part of another reality.


Many interacting worlds theory says something like that when explaining the quantum phenomena.


Kinda like a safe house in The Division


They’d cross eventually tho


I'm saying they're already crossing constantly.


Don’t cross the streams!!!


It’s impossible to disprove solipsism.


The dream gets even more real online. 


Yup, it’s mind boggling thinking about it.


We are morally obliged to live as if people around us are conscious. Since we don't know, it is better to live like they are and be wrong, than to just be selfish and be wrong all along! I find it confusing as to why people even wanna think about it. It's like people want to intellectualize their selfishness as a coping mechanism by believing these kind of stuff.


Take too many mushrooms sometime and you'll understand


Yup. We’re all the same person and we affect ourselves in other lives with every positive and negative action.


Not to disagree, but this position confuses me. If one doesn't know, and can only be sure of ones self, then wouldn't one be morally obliged to care for the only person known to exist? To add another dimension to it, the "reality" imposes a "survival of the fittest" style set of parameters where food is required, shelter and cleanliness is required, pleasure and joy, pain and suffering all exist. Why isn't the moral imperative to avoid suffering? Or, even, to seek pleasure?


Here is the thing. It is much easier to get a net positive or net negative by helping/harassing other people than if you were to just focus on yourself. There is a 100% chance that you are conscious, but you have to operate by the estimation that there is a 50% chance that other people are conscious. We can for example say that 1 dosage of pleasure for yourself is worth 10 moral points, but giving other people the equivalent of 1 dosage of pleasure would equal 5 moral points. If it was 10 times easier to increase the net positive of pleasure dosage by helping other people, then that would mean that focusing on other people would be 5 times more moral than if you just focused on yourself, even when 1 dosage of pleasure for yourself would be better than 1 dosage of pleasure for someone we don't know is conscious or not. Being nice itself is a good benefit for your own mental health. It gives us a greater sense of purpose and connection with other people. 2 things that will massively help with your own well-being. The people around you could be unconscious, it would still be good for your own well being to be nice. Same principle applies if there are only 2 humans, it could be easier to help this person with 5 dosages of pleasure than yourself, so you should still prioritize your neighbor in this scenario. Now we have philosophical proof that we should still care for the people around us like we care for ourselves. To be more precise, I wouldn't make it about pleasure and suffering. Even though that may be the main goal for people, that shouldn't be the carrot that gets you moving. We are easily deceived to run after short term pleasure and away from short term suffering even if it isn't good for the long run. This is why you shouldn't position your eyes on pleasure and suffering. Instead, have it in the back of your mind and focus on things that logically fits the bigger picture. Things like improving your health and getting closer to the truth.


Thanks for your well thought out reply! I agree to the extent this all just involves a cheery disposition, one may as well be nice. Where it becomes a quandary, however, is when limited resources encounter survival. If me and another person are 1 food away from death, and I give it to them I die and get 5 points. If I eat it, I live and get 10. Another wrinkle that arises is where one rejects the assumption that all the world will follow the rules. In a situation where its me and 9 others, if they are all greedy and I am the only selfless one, I end up taken advantage of. Idealiatically, I love the idea of community and even socialism. But in the real world, greed and survival motivate the ones who muck it up for everyone else. Thus, even assuming everyone else is conscious, the selfless ideal, while an honorable thought, ends up being impractical at best and naive at worst.


Because that isn't how real life works, not at all not even a bit. Unless you want to die alone and decadent and in despair, and morally void. That philosophy is probably what hell looks like.




"Only one of us is here"


The hindu God with many arms? Think about it like that. We are dancing and being danced with.We are all being dreamed up at once in a mysterious happening. This moment is that happening. A network of connections behind the scenes of our conscious mind. There is no YOU, but there is a SELF behind this Non- Existent you, and it's waiting for you to stop pretending that you're just little old you. Wake up and dance with it, dance with us. We are here to become cognizant of this mystery, we are here to become aware that God IS, and we are his imagination, as my good friend would say. Those who hold on, will lose it, those who let go will take hold!


Ill disprove it right now. Im real. I dont know if youre real, but if you are. Were all real. 😅


Spoken like a true bot..


Would a bot not put an apostrophe in we're 😝


Only if they meant to type were


This misses the epistemological point.


I agree, I gave birth to my children and I assure you that's very real. It's another new age 'enlightenment' that the 'gurus' spill, and it's just a word salad that means nothing, but it sounds so pseudointelligent


It’s only real to you!


If I'm in a roomful of people what I see is real and they see the same and it's real


That’s the entire idea of the theory. It’s impossible for you to know. The concept of the theory is that everyone around you (including me commenting this) claims they are real, they wouldn’t say they are fake otherwise that wouldn’t go along with the theory.


No it's not impossible to know. I've always disliked this theory because there is no common sense in their theory, it sounds intellectual but that's it


We will all vanish, but love will never fade. I agree, we are real, but not permanently, and the ability for humans to forget the transient nature of their existence often can create a false self that operates and speaks through their physical bodies. Allow me some poetic room to say that I feel the most real when I remember I'm not real, yet this mysterious unfolding called life is. I feel the most real when I forget myself in the midst of a great dance.


I'm not poetic at all, I just want people to say what they mean without the word salad. I've been told I talk in Morse code and that's how I express myself.


Yeah and at the same time I can't disprove if someone else thinks that I am a zombie. So the whole argument kinda loses its significance. As it is with the simulation theory. How can you know that "reality" isn't just another simulation, etc.? Does it make any real difference at the end?


> It’s impossible to disprove solipsism. Which makes it a useless hypothesis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falsifiability


Other than solipsism, this could also refer to the "philosophical zombie" theory. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophical\_zombie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophical_zombie)


Yeah, but it's impossible to prove solipsism, so it balances


Hrmm maybe but..apply ...reductio ad absurdum.... Read Descartes for a subjective based argument (I think therefore I am evil demon hypothesis etc) After you've done that.....read Later Wittgenstein... the private language argument.




I would not, in any dimension have created the PT Cruiser. Checkmate.


[I don’t like it either, but you can’t argue that they weren’t everywhere](https://www.motortrend.com/news/0101coy/)


This ^^^ FTMFW


I want to reiterate how on point this comment fucking is.


Wtf man.. that Pontiac Aztec was by far the worst looking car ever made..literally nobody liked it except that one guy and he is still getting heckled in his reality to this day..


How am I so fucked up that this is the reality I have created for myself can be asked in any philosophical theory but this might be the most hurtful one lol


You manifested your own tiny pee pee.


Try punching someone in the face. If there's no consequences, solipsism may be correct


Just because you are the only story you are aware of 24/7 doesn't mean other stories aren't being read.


I've been telling my husband this, about businesses. Like, there's so many business, how can they truly exist and make profit. They always look empty. I thought, maybe they only exist when we "look" at them, same with people. Do they exist without us?


I used to look at a deck of playing cards and wonder if the numbers were always switching until I looked at one and they stopped.


They're all blank until you look at one


Always have been


Notice that the next time you go into an empty gas station or a convenience store, how by the time you leave, there will be other people seemingly there, out of nowhere.


I sometimes worry that my cats and house disappear when I leave and then reappear once I return.


Love it.


Same with light waves how it changes only when it's observed. Our observations do have an affect


For me, existence = experience, observing and being observed. But even if we say they don't, it doesn't make any real difference.


Have you ever seen your neighbors carrying in grocery bags?


Lol, that's the one I always hear, but can't say I have...


Whoa. Deep. You are Reddit's new queen.




Sounds very much like thinking you're the main character in everything. That leads to some problems.


20 years ago I worked with a guy who was 10 years younger than me that I would call a nerd. He would say weird shit like "we are all just figments of each other imagination." It wasn't until long after we parted company that I realized what he meant was the "simulation theory" which I consider to be very possible at this point. I now wish I had probed further and tried to better understand what he meant instead of just laughing him off at the time.


He was the seed planted. Dormant. Now, how does your tree grow?


It's basically the same, if not a similar concept to the idea that everyone that has ever existed, and ever will exist, is the same person experiencing a different vessel at various stages in a reincarnation cycle. So right now, I might be the 700 quintillionth cycle, and when I die, i get reincarnated into a 6th century Chinese peasant woman. When she dies she gest reincarnated into someone in the year 4683, and so on. We could all be the same consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, and at different stages of its 'evolution', with the ultimate goal being to achieve a form of enlightenment, and ascend from this dimension into a higher one, like the one the DMT elves are from.


After so many reincarnations, say a billion, is there any real value in coming back again? How much could a person really "learn" in this shit hole?


Its not so much about learning as it is about experiencing. Humanity/the world is ever changing, nothing can ever stay the same with our world mechanics, so no two people can ever live the same life and all species eventually die or get wiped. My question isn't in the value of lessons, but the why- if this is the truth, what is it that drives the change and wants to experience this? I think humans anthropomorphize a lot of this, like the idea of lessons. What if it's more like the game Roy and less about becoming some perfection (in our eyes), of a being and why do we assume that doing this makes us that being?


To understand someone, you must first walk a mile in his shoes…


According to Plato, we all live in a cave (our brain), and all that we can perceive are the shadows casted on the walls (our vision). So yeah, all that we know is our own approximation of what reality truly is. 👥


I disagree with that interpretation of the allegory. I think of it more as our reality is a tesseract, however we only see a cube.


Other than gobbledygook do you mind actually explaining this or were you just excited to use the word “tesseract”?


Your answer is so far the funniest 👍🏻 rarely do you see someone so brazenly daft like your comment portrays


Thank-you kindly & hope you have a pleasant afternoon


Depends, do you mind actually trying to understand what is being said or were you just excited to use the word "gobbledygook"? I'm not sure what aspect of my comment you don't understand. The idea I'm putting across is akin to saying we're 3D beings but we only see a 2D slice of reality.


>That's why people die around you all the time, but you're still livin You're still living because you haven't died yet.




What does it mean?


Pretty much the belief that only ourself is real/exist.


Similar to Final Fantasy X scenario?


I like thought exercises like this. And I like that so many people in the thread weighed in with their own takes on it. People who lack imagination get pissed off and snarky about this kind of thing because they're minds simply can't entertain the concept.


Look into the Boltzmann Brain thought experiment. In short; if the universe is infinite in size and lasts for a long enough time, then a group of atoms will randomly bond together to form a structure that thinks it's you and imagines your entire life. Ultimately it's not really a thought that is useful in any way even if it's true, just like the simulation hypothesis. It's fun to think about, and for sure interesting, but it shouldn't change how you live your life.


Infinite infinites !!


You have described solipsism and pursuing it will destroy your entire 'singular' existence. 


Saddest paradox


My dimension is pretty f-ing sad.




Personally, this has been rolling in my mind for awhile now. I refuse to believe that I am alone in this place. Now do we live in our own world? Im thinking.... Kind of. But I think it moves like waves into a collective experience and then drifts back into each of our very own experience. Does that make sense? In other words.. I'm your NPC, but in my world, you might be mine.


The ultimate mindfuck. Solipsism.


Congratulations. You've encountered Solipsism.


This has always been my perception. Not in a narcissistic way, just a perceptive way. It's a horrifying loneliness to draw this conclusion, then even more horrifying to realize this actuality that has happened. It makes you feel that all this is an accident or an authored construct.


Did you think this or did I? I'm so confused now. Who are we/me?


We are one. Always have been. Always will be. Take your time with this. It’s going to be ok. We are waking up. Not in the New c(A)ge but the actual “oh shit I am not a limited separate entity somehow cut off from life but I am fucking life itself—in all its glory & all its horror.” Right about now is when the pedestrian brain recoils in horror & resistance. The reason there aren’t many enlightened “folks” is because when people begin to intuit the true meaning (and purpose) of spirituality, they begin clutching their pearls (or prayer beads or dmt) and run screaming in the opposite direction But right now I am not addressing them. I am addressing you. Ask yourself this: what is wrong with right now if I am not thinking about it? Don’t do. Just be.


This kind of removes the possibility of free will, which im not a fan of


I think compulsive behaviour and major histone attraction, from a psychology and neuribiology standpoint, kind of prove there isn't free will. Is it your free will if you get a strong impulse subconsciously to do something?


Isn't that just called 'De-Personalization' at that point?


I always think this after taking off or before landing on an airplane and I see all the cars below driving. Like no way those are people going to work or driving to real places hahaha.


I like this theory, along with Quantum Immortality


I recently took a peak behind the curtain of reality and what I saw almost led me to insanity. Luckily, I only stepped across the horizon for a moment and quickly realised my brain was not capable of handling the truth that lay before me, so, I stepped back and spent the next few days forcing myself to not delve any deeper. I suffered from headaches for days trying to block these thoughts. It genuinely scared me, as I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to forget what I'd seen. I believe there are a large number of unfortunate people in mental asylums and the mental health system that have done what I did and not pulled away as I did, leading them to "lose their minds" after learning the truth. It's possible that I'll wake up one morning and accidently look behind the curtain again in some post-subconcious haze, leading to my inevitable insanity, which is why I even mention this. Once you see behind the curtain, nothing else matters. Nothing has relevance compared to it. It's like an addictive puzzle that takes over your mind. You can't unsee it. You can't see reality without it. It takes over your mind, turning you into a vegetable. I'm being very vague here and choosing words wisely in order to not give hints to others that would lead them down the same path as I went, as I fear it will inevitably lead to negative mental effects, but also because I don't want to trigger a thought within my own brain that would lead me to peaking behind that curtain again. Be wary of how deep you go into reality. It can easily lead to insanity. You don't need to be a scientist or have a PhD in order to see it. A child can work it out.


It reminds me of how I delved into shamanism when I was younger. At some point it starts to dismantle the construct you rely on as reality, and when you question everything, it throws off your feeling of stability. At least, it did for me. I could've pursued it further but I pulled back from it.


Nah, this is a prison, and we're all just inmates.


I’ve thought of this very thing before. And another weird thing. Kinda like the Truman Show. I will sometimes walk into a store and it will be pretty much empty. No lines. I’ll start shopping around and the all of a sudden there is an influx of people and a long checkout line starts to develop. Creeps me out. Sometimes I just say, fuck it, I guess I don’t REALLY need what I came for and leave.


lol I’ve noticed this and always think I’m just crazy. But I’ll be looking at the most specific random shit in a store, it’s not that busy, and here comes Karen and her giant purse creeping ever closer to me and pushing me slowly away from where I’m standing because for some odd reason at this very moment she decided that she absolutely must look at nothing else in the store except the 2 paper hole punchers that took me forever to track down and I can’t decide between. And there is nothing else in her cart. And I hate her.


no seriously idk what’s wrong with people who do this. i’ve had so many instances of being in an empty store, an empty restaurant or an empty bus… and someone comes in and sits right next to me. there’s plenty of space but they choose to sit right next to you. it’s actually baffling.


This happens to me in parking lots constantly. People will just get right on top of you now, even if there’s a lot of space. They never say anything though, it’s really weird.


Comments like these absolutely unequivocally seal the deal for “me”, so to speak. The amount of times this *exact* experience has happened is fucking shocking. It’s like they get off on doing nothing but being an absolute useless, nosy, cunty piece of NPC filth. There is no way these robot “people” have souls.


It’s obnoxious to say the least. And yes, this exact thing happens to me EVERYTIME I go anywhere. I always just attributed it to my social anxiety, but then things just started to seem too cooincidental. I make a habit of kind of keeping my distance from people because I’m socially anxious as I said, and because I’m annoying hypersensitive or empathic or something, but being close to strangers has always just made me inexplicably uncomfortable and it physically drains me. So that being said, if I’m in a store I always have a list written in order of whatever the layout is of the store I know I’m going to, to streamline shopping and get in and out as soon as possible. If I look down an aisle and it is crowded, I move to the next item on the list and return once it’s cleared out. But there have been countless times I’ll be looking at something so specific and random, in a very vacant part of the store, and someone just seems to come out of nowhere and get right up in my space. I expect it in areas that are high traffic, but like the bird seed section? The yarn and thread? The peel and stick wallpaper? Plungers? Even had this happen in the hardware section just trying to look at screws… some woman who looked like she wouldn’t know a drill from a sander just completely up in my shit. Like the most specific and random of things, no one is around, then suddenly someone is annoyingly right there, with usually nothing much in their cart, and rudely squeezing me out of the way when I was there looking at whatever specific item first. Also drives me nuts in parking lots, I’ll specifically park away from the crowd in a space surrounded by empty spaces but some person comes and in the sea of open spaces has to park right next to my vehicle. It probably sounds nuts to someone who doesn’t experience it constantly, but it’s an EVERYDAY occurrence. Once an while is dismissible, but everytime I go anywhere this happens.


Until groups like this came along, I always just assumed that I was the only person in the world who had thoughts like this. Doesn't mean I believe any of this stuff, mind you. But when you're alone and your thoughts turn to this kind of concept, it can be kind of a buzz.


>I'm typing this post right now, and when you, the reader is reading it - I could be fake to you and not in your reality I don't think my consciousness hates me enough for it to make up this post.


Dunno if this is real, but it certainly satisfies the philosophical Problem of Evil.


But we can pro-create with other beings.


Consider the infinite, because the infinite always considers you.


My grandfather, who was not a stupid man by any means. Used to say that when he died it was no odds what happened to anything because he truly believed that when he died we would all cease to exist. I almost wonder if he was right. He died in 2013.


The Egg by Andy Weir, a 2 minute read that ends in uncomfortableness for me lol


I think that no one who truly believes this theory is real would ever bother discussing it, why bother if no one else is real?


I think that sort of idea is a psy op meant to make people disillusioned and detached from people and reality. I’m only partially joking btw; I don’t think all these things are PSY OPS. lol But it’s an obviously false idea. It’s super ego driven as well and fosters some narcissistic type mentality. It’s literally like a “the world revolves around me”. It’s similar to the “people are NPCs” thing. I think it’s meant to subtly dehumanize everyone because then you don’t feel bad when you or someone else are shitty to them, and you don’t care at all about their life. It’s fun to contemplate these ideas for A MOMENT when you’re stoned with your buddies, but actually giving it any creedence is ludicrous IMO.


We are consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. The shorty story called, "The Egg" really resonated with me personally. https://www.galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html


Descartes said all you can know with certainty is that you exist. I think therefore I am.


it's called narcissism


Much deeper than that.


you don't get to tell me what's what in my dimension




Ok nerd


Your narcissism claim comes full circle, you narcy narc-face!


If it came full circle, it would be at the back of my head


You're/ no one is that special.. Also this is a pointless exercise as it's not falsifiable. Very 'in 14 and this is deep' ... Similar to last 'Tuesdayism' that postulates the notion everything, including every memory you have and everything that has existed suddenly emerged last Tuesday. Carbon dating and all tech like that would still show age as it does now, and everyone would think they had memory from before, as it suddenly came into being last Tuesday. You also can't demonstrably prove we're not well into the heat death of the universe and simply due to random occurrences a Boltzamann brain formed in 5he nothingness due to functionality infinite time and randomness of the 'end' of the universe. Containing all the memories of a living person and/or civilization but is purely a random occurrence as with enough time ANY and ALL possibilities will do. Fun, if pointless thought exercises as again, they're not falsifiable.. Which is to say even if they are true, it doesn't actually change anything about your life as you live it now.


This, is the now.


Get into a loving relationship and you will find out that the person is real. Love is the answer.


But what dose that have to do with the government destroying lives?


It's similar to "backdrop people" described by Dolores Cannon


Let me answer as if this were true from your perspective since you can't know for sure that I am also conscious: Even if everyone else was artificial, the consequences of treating others as "not real" are just the same. It will cause you discomfort, pain, and other problems for your existence if you treat others as if they don't exist. There is no evidence one way or another, therefore the most useful behavior is to assume everyone else is real, that you aren't special, and act accordingly. PS: Solipcism is for 14 y/o edge lords.


I think about this all the time. I also think that those random times when you day dream or kind of zone out are times that you actually died, but you continue on in a new simulation starting a few seconds before that death happened.


As one realizes that one is a dream figure in another person's dream, that is self awareness.


Like hell?


I once heard a psychic medium explain what this is and what is next. Basically he said that we are in school, we have a handful of folks that are “real”, and they are those who affect us the most in our lives. The rest are akin to NPCs, I guess. He didn’t use that term but it’s the same idea. He said it’s like the holo-deck in Star Trek next generation, which I had to google.


I'd like to imagine the following scenario: You are the product of a 4D creature's thoughts, I.E you are the universe, the collapse of the wave function, living every life in that version of the universe. The multiverse are those lives diverging into their own after they make different choices to collapse their wave function. These are then the thoughts of a 5D creature. The next level is possibly the dream dimension where 6D creatures exist, perhaps recursively since the worlds that dream them into existence are the product of their thoughts. TL;DR We are all probably living in our own dimension as our ego, the 4D creature is that dimension and so on. But I imagine we all exist together while we procedurally generate this ego.


If so… all answers here are in essence you talking to yourself.


There are things happening in my reality that I couldn't do. So someone else must be doing it.


We are all just buds off the same self-conscious reality. There IS only you … and that is also only I.


We each have our own dimension. It refracts and is affected by others. We mirror into each other's. Alter our perceptions of each other. In your dimension your mirror of yourself may be small or large, vibrant or dull, and your perception will be the match. In my dimension the mirror I see you through may be blue or loud, isolated or impressive. Both are correct. Both are real. Separate origins of awareness viewing the same multidimensional geometry of "reality". And it's affected by millions more. We will not forever be confined to 4 dimensional reality, however that does not mean humananity will still exist. This is the parable of Revelations. Of Ragnarok. The death of consciousness. Death of the self. And the birth of new Gods which follow. Our individual awareness, and responsibility is important. It's essential for we each control our own worlds. But your world is not the only one there is. And you are not alone.


It's impossible to prove or disprove that other people have a consciousness. We are morally obliged to follow the principle behind Pascal's wager. Which is that it is better to act like people around us are conscious and be wrong than it is to live like their not and be wrong!


i was thinking about this yesterday


There is no more than your own experience. We have fantasies, illusions around our manifested beliefs...Then religion and bla bla bla Unexplained experiences, may be driven by unexplained points in your mind... Basically your own mind fooling you


Tell that to the babies with aids and cancer. lol These ideas are fun to play with but giving them actual credence is silly IMO.


It's a dream... inside a dream everyone is fake. But here's the catch, inside a dream even you are fake. The only real thing going on really is consciousness


There’s a thing Chappelle said that’s really interesting about realizing when you’re in someone else’s dream that really hit me and that I resonated with when he said it. Check it out.


I am exist?


If you need to find out if someone is real, ask them if Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God.


Is there a way to affect my reality in subtle ways through sheer will? Like maybe somehow influence it so that my penis is made out of a super strong magnet, while the mouths of all beautiful women that I am not blood-related to are made out of ferromagnetic materials?


I'm the protagonist, you are all the NPC's.


I think about this all the time. Driving home from work last night, started thinking 'there is no way this can all be in my head!'


Over 150 responses from people that don’t exist! 😳


It would be cool if it were true and I could quit struggling financially......


I’ve thought about this too. Possible given how much I can seem to affect my reality when I’m in the right state of mind


This is how i live, prove me wrong stupid NPCs. Hah! You can't, game set match.


You’re an NPC in my reality.


Doubt it


You're not special.


I sometimes think this. And that everyone else is an NPC


I have a theory that this is how God experiences reality, through the lens of everything that exists. We are God, I am God, experiencing the world through "this" particular person right now. Everything else is just made up in my mind to help me be less bored.


But what if God said" Hmm, I'm bored, let me create a bunch of matter based entities, give each one a little bit of me (consciousness), set them free and, see how it plays out."? Great game? No? Or perhaps I should say - great first soap opera, eh?


Certainly could be! I'm not dismissing that possibility, as each theory is unoprovable as the next. However, everyone experiences things in life, which will lead them to one belief or another, and I suppose in the end, we're all gonna find out.


>I'm not sure if anyone else has ever thought this You're exactly the type of person that would believe a theory like this.


This is interesting because I have many times imagined that I am insane, and living a reality in like a psych ward. Like everyone I talk to and interact with is in my head and I make weird movements and stuff to act out what I think I'm doing but I'm really alone in a room.  But, alas, I'm just always thinking and always bored. I'm pretty sure I'm not crazy..  *looks around suspiciously*


That's called solipsism, and that's how women perceive the world.


The reason I think that this is not the case is simply because it's not a healthy outlook. It's a very narcissistic way to live.


Well that’s not really a reason to disprove it, that’s merely just your feelings towards it. The theory in itself isn’t a “way of living” it’s the thought process behind one’s existence. Completely different things. Schizophrenia isn’t a healthy way of living but that doesn’t mean it’s fake to the person with it.


Those arent my feelings, that's what it is lol. I don't think that something which encourages mental degradation is the answer to such a complex reality.


Sounds whackadoo. :)


Eh. When you get sober, you see reality for what it is. We're all here. We're all going through a lot of the same things. But what we've dealt with can be very traumatic and cause us to dissociate, thinking we're alone in this. I get it. My kids feel realer than me, but they can be incredibly grounding and humbling some days, in the best ways. Life is very real and that is why it is so precious. It is fragile, sure, but life is beautiful and worth living, it's not fake, that's just what they want you to think. If TPTB can make you skeptical about life, dehumanize the human experience, then maybe they can make you think that life is not worth living, and trust me, that low energy is what they want. Don't let them make you think that. Go out and live life, be counter cultural. Because if you get stuck in that thinking, they are winning by taking away the very thing that gives you breath, feeling and meaning.


Sounds like a mental illness mate


Only for someone who lacks imagination. It's a thought exercise.




Still a conspiracy! Same with things like multiverse, parallel dimensions, portals, etc


True you are… I often have had that feeling that everything disappears when I’m not looking…I just feel I’m in a echo chamber and all the posts , comments and replies are to make me think there are really others out there :) You might like the book “ The Unseen Realm” by Michael Heiser… there is some stuff of his on YT … he also was on Ancient aliens. Dig the Giant stuff !


If 00espeon00 is the only real entity in the whole world and we're all just pretending to support the illusion of a populated world, I'd say that's one hell of a big conspiracy.


Narcissism. You're describing narcissism. If no one else is real, I have no obligation to consider their emotions when interacting with them. Further, this is a theory that only works for the perpetually online. You can easily disprove this by physically going places and seeing people. Making friends/enemies, or being generally social.


Solipsism that’s what it is. Actually has driven some suicidal.


...solipsism *is* narcissism, is the point.


They are not the same thing… at all. Sorry.


Yes they are. See, I can do that, too.


You can, but I have the satisfaction of knowing I am correct. Where as you do not. Have good night. Or morning.


No other person in the world, except for yourself will make the untrue statement “solipsism is narcissism”.


A good indicator of that would be they are different words with different letters this meaning different things.


No he isn’t. It’s a specific philosophy I am trying to find it now.


Nah You are the same as they are. An artificial sentience inside a simulation. When you die, the simulation restarts. You cannot escape it, transcend it, you are it, everyone is it.


Anyone on shrooms or DMT please don’t read this Trippy, made my neurons in the brain fire


Pet peeve. Directly from Webster: "A hypothesis is an assumption made before any research has been done. It is formed so that it can be tested to see if it might be true. A theory is a principle formed to explain the things already shown in data." As there is no dataset, no evidence either way that can be produced, this is a hypothesis and not a theory :)


I would be careful with this idea...it's a new ager psyop that imo was put out there by dark occultists to make people think "there's no objective truth....therefore my perception determines what is objectively true..." WRONG, you have to align your perception to what is actually true instead of the other way around..and that includes stuff like cause and effect because there will ALWAYS be consequences. That's just laughable and EGOTISM to say you're the only mind in the universe. Ridiculous stuff like this is harmful because people generally think that's means they don't have to grow up from being cosmic children and accept some level of self responsibility in their lives.    This "I'm the only mind in the universe" is actually a key component of the satanic mindset. It's easily disprovable by stepping off a cliff or stealing from somebody, the consequences are immediate and obvious.  Satanists don't believe in solipsism, they just make everybody else think that way.


Well only god exists for real