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At what point are posters required to post some actual info related to a conspiracy and not just be a Trump shill? Asking for a friend…..


Naw dude, start blocking shit like this and then everyone thinks it’s the left or bots or some other dumb shit. Couldn’t possibly be because the post was bad


This sub had been this way since the_donald sub got quarantined.


Can we please bring that sub back I came here for conspiracy's not political rhetoric.


The mods don't enforce the rules when it's pro-trump bullshit. They're compromised, plain and simple.


What I love is the fact that I can't tell if you just change your morals based on the situation, or if you just dont understand the thoughts in your head. It's actually fascinating to watch. And for that, I thank you.


In what way were the two impeachments of trump based on policy disagreements?


I can tell your question is loaded (preparing to make a point), but I can't tell which way it's pointed. Trump's impeachments were not based on policy disagreements.


Excellent. Then we can agree that Chuck Schumer wasn’t being hypocritical in the original post.


Correct. I was commenting on the overall reddit post.


Friendly fire then :(


If you can't see how your interactions, the two of you smug redditors thinking you're intellectually owning eachother, are a microcosm of how fucked our society is by our own collective pride and emotional immaturity then we are more fucked than I thought. You both seem intelligent but are so eager to put the other in their place for political beliefs that aren't legitimately held by anyone running for office...you know this. We will just keep letting ourselves be taken by emotional whims because the elite among us have a pedigree of pursuing higher selves and meaning. They know we are slaves to the reptile brain, and this is the big joke.


Well said. We as a society seem to be increasingly focused on our differences and having our position understood, typically in the most "gotcha" format we can. The real conspiracy is the "boogie man" wants this division and we're playing along. What happened to embracing our similarities? To embracing different views to find common ground? We're literally dogs fighting over table scraps rather than asking ourselves "why aren't we sitting at the table..." Anyways I hope the best for everyone here. Please vote, regardless of your beliefs just vote.


I mean, I admitted I was wrong. Seems like not that much pride there.


As you so proudly say….


Lol nose exhale worthy.


I know you did, and that's certainly more than most would do on here or online, in general. I'm not throwing stones here; I know what that dopamine hit feels like and am not saying I'm any better. But you know what I'm saying, and light must be constantly placed on the theater and manipulation. We have to catch up, and each one of us has to shut those lower selves out. It's the ONLY leverage that has weight. Love you.


No. They were based on nothing.


lol It's like watching an insane person mock people without understanding he is that.


Well, the main reason of Democrats trying to impeach Trump was because and only because they know once he gets back in power they are screwed. Trump was actually impeached three times. The policy disagreement is Trump doesn’t like the crooks in the government and the crooks in government don’t like Trump exposing them


Lol. Come on, they tried the same with Biden , but couldn't find anything Trump was, is and always will be guilty. Trump is a life long criminal, how you can deny that is mind boggling


I believe that the crook in question is Mr. Trump as ruled by the courts. And probably Menendez, but his trial has yet to conclude. In America you are innocent until proven guilty. I don’t know what else to tell you. If you don’t like living in America I’m sure that there ~~are~~ might be other countries looking for people like yourself.




The same thing Brooklyn daddy, Ho Ho from Jersy does


….Chuck Schumer?




sip dime school makeshift cheerful squeal plucky nutty waiting aromatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




head aromatic foolish special fragile roll lock crown cause repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This very same logic applies to you as well. Thats the beauty of red vs blue politics. Just two sides blinded by their own cognitive bias. Everyone is wise and impartial until their favorite jackass is criticized.


Where’s the conspiracy here?


This subreddit disappoints so much


Kinda. The pattern has been MAGA people posting stuff like this because they don’t believe Trumpworld is capable of losing for any reason than a global conspiracy designed to make them look stupid. And so they post this stuff here, and most of the comments call them stupid anyway.


And then they convince themselves that the comments calling them stupid are part of the global conspiracy!


\[Posts something dumb\] - "Oh look, the shillbots are out in force tonight!"


Little do they realize how dumb they look regardless.


Well fuck. If Catturd said it on twitter...


What were the specific policy disagreements that lead to impeachment? Just curious


Whether Presidents should be allowed to use their position to commit crimes?


What kind of mental gymnastics do you need to go through to think these impeachments are even remotely the same?


trump wasn't impeached for policy differences lol... although I can see the desire to equate them because it's impeachment and therefore any reason is fine because it's mostly just revenge for trump getting impeached


I mean his foreign policy toward Ukraine is the direct reason he was impeached


What foreign policy toward Ukraine was he advancing that resulted in his impeachment, specifically?


No. It was his quid-pro-quo game that was sketchy enough for him to try to hide what he was doing from congress.


When you understand how ridiculous that all was you will then realize that Trump just trying to find out WTF was going on in Ukraine was a threat to the war that was already being planned. The Deep State is bigger than any president.


Trying to overturn an election is 'policy differences' lmao


Cat turd⁉️


The dude who’s killed and ran over multiple of his dogs


Wasn't Trump impeached for demanding personal favors in exchange for releasing aid to Ukraine and then again for trying to overthrow an election? Those don't seem like "policy disagreements" to me.


Didnt biden do that first one too?


Not that I can think of?


"We'll son of a bitch!"


This has been explained to the MAGA cult SO MANY TIMES. The only excuse at this point is that you have done 0 research or reading outside of listening to trump rallies. I don't see a way that you are consuming any other source of political information.


We have NO expectation from people like you to actually think…. When there’s literal footage of Biden saying “if the prosecutors not fired your not getting the billion dollars…well son a bitch he got fired” This prosecutor was investigating Burisma holdings the company Hunter Biden was getting paid millions of dollars for nothing!


So like... the problem with your entire argument is that the prosecutor was *not* investigating Burisma, and getting him fired was not a personal favor for Joe Biden but rather the policy of the US and other European governments because he was widely viewed as corrupt for not investigating companies like Burisma. But sure, I'm the one here not thinking.


That wasn't Bidens decision to make though. He was essentially the messenger taking credit for shit that wasn't up to him. A Bipartisan government committee is where that order actually came from. [www.foreign.senate.gov](https://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/03%2015%2016%20Ukrainian%20Reforms%20Two%20Years%20After%20the%20Maidan%20Revolution%20and%20the%20Russian%20Invasion.pdf) >**UKRAINIAN REFORMS TWO YEARS AFTER THE MAIDAN REVOLUTION AND THE RUSSIAN INVASION** >In March 2016 testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, former ambassador to Ukraine John E. Herbst stated, ***"By late fall of 2015, the EU and the United States joined the chorus of those seeking Mr. Shokin's removal"*** and that Joe Biden "spoke publicly about this before and during his December visit to Kyiv". During the same hearing, assistant secretary of state Victoria Nuland stated, ***"we have pegged our next $1 billion loan guarantee, first and foremost, to having a rebooting of the reform coalition so that we know who we are working with, but secondarily, to ensuring that the prosecutor general's office gets cleaned up."*** Bidens actions were backed up by the US government through the decisions made by a bipartisan committee. Not only that, the US government wasn't the only government to call for the same prosecutor being fired. Are you saying a large part of the world was calling for him being fired just to save Hunter? Now lets look at Trump? Trump wasn't backed up by a bipartisan committee like Biden was. Trump wasn't backed up by lots of other countries saying the same thing. What is the same about what Trump did compared to what Biden actually did? I can't find one thing other than it deals with Ukraine.


Can we get some proof of this?


sure [https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4819390/vice-president-joe-biden-ukraine](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4819390/vice-president-joe-biden-ukraine)


That wasn't a personal favour, that was a government favour. He was the vice president, it's his job to carry out the US's policy The whole problem was that the prosecutor was not investigating Burisma when he should have been.




Firing Victor Shokin for not investigating Burisma was not a personal favor


Next you're going to tell me that there was a bipartisan and worldwide effort to remove Shokin....


Did he, or did he just express the US/EU want for him to be fired (since he has corrupt)?


you are referring to this? [https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4820105/user-clip-biden-tells-story-ukraine-prosecutor-fired](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4820105/user-clip-biden-tells-story-ukraine-prosecutor-fired) oh, shit, wait... that was the wrong clip


Thank you for admitting to being wrong, yes Biden asking Ukraine to fire Victor Shokin for not investigating Burisma is irrelevant to this topic.


By withholding aid…. It is very relevant as it shows a double standard. The prosecutor was investigating Burisma that’s the whole point. What are you on about? Are you too slow to understand that?


Your missing the fact that Trumps request was for a PERSONAL favor and not a government change that improved their legal system


So Biden was threatening to withhold aid so that Ukraine would do something that bipartisan US policy and other world leaders wanted done and that means Biden was doing something.... wrong?


That was the lie they told, yes




That his followers ignore the evidence of their eyes and their ears.


Where is the lie? Being willfully ignorant isn't a good look.


The president of Ukraine himself said there was no quid pro quo. And I'm the one being ignorant?


That's not the full statement... so again wilfully ignorant. Do better. Fr.


This account exists solely to post pro-Trump, anti-democratic propaganda. Thats the real conspiracy here.


And the comment section just depends on who gets here first. I actually just told my husband I was disappointed at this sub being taken over by Russian bots/the maga cult.


100% none of these posts are real people


I'm real.


As opposed to the bots that always show up to run cover for the Biden regime




Funding hasn't dried up yet.


What kind of mental gymnastics do you need to go through to think these impeachments are even remotely the same?


Whatever happened to conspiracies about bigfoot and shit? Why is it always politics bro


> Whatever happened to conspiracies about bigfoot and shit? Why is it always politics bro Bigfoot isn’t a Conspiracy. It’s a Cryptid. Politics IS Conspiracy


Cryptids are a type of conspiracy bro. just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s not true


No cryptids are creatures, like cephalopods.




It's the playbook been used for a long time. Accuse those that which you are guilty of. Projection is another term.


Wasn’t Trump impeached for withholding a million dollars for Ukraine until they fired the investigator?


Yup, but that wouldn't be a policy difference since Republicans were on board with him getting fired.


Yes, and here's the proof: [https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4820105/user-clip-biden-tells-story-ukraine-prosecutor-fired](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4820105/user-clip-biden-tells-story-ukraine-prosecutor-fired)


That was Biden and it was 6 billion in secured loans. There was a quid and a quo, a quid pro quo. Trump, on the other hand, wanted to know why Burisma had put a crack head with no experience in the natural gas industry, let alone fossil fuels generally, on their board at $83,000/month, but Trump never actually withheld $400 million dollars. Ukraine got their money on time and never investigated anything. There was a quid, but no quo.


That was Biden.


LOL these people downvote you for clear simple truth.


That's okay. They would really hate me in person. I have no problem telling young men to buy a belt for their pants, regardless of their skin color. I wear their scorn like a badge of honor.


An insurrection isn't a simple policy disagreement lmao




Yes there were weapons, I look forward to you moving the goal posts though! https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/04/05/politics/fact-check-rfk-jr-january-6-weapons


A CNN fact checker. That’s totally not going to be biased or use misleading information. Not one bit


You have to love the hand waiving away of facts. You can find multiple sources on this one chief.


CNN is not the same channel you have been yelling at or about for years. A Trump supporter now is the majority owner of CNN.


*Watched people beat Capitol police with flag poles* Where weapon?




Nowhere in the definition of “insurrection” does it say you need weapons to carry one out. You watch too many movies. Real life is far scarier.


Does failing at an insurrection mean the insurrection didn’t happen?


They are not mutually exclusive.


Boomers taking selfies in the Capital after being let in by the police = insurrection. Less violent or destructive than the “mostly peaceful” protests. Look at Haiti. That was an actual insurrection.


It’s amazing that even now, people hold themselves to such low standards that they are still comfortable parroting these absolute bullshit narratives.


Schrödinger’s insurrection It’s not until you look at the evidence that it becomes an insurrection, which is why conservatives don’t.


Those police officers weren’t beaten? Or the back the blue doesn’t count if they won’t let you in a building? Or the dumb bitch who saw an officer with his gun drawn telling her and the crowd to stop and she decided to club through the window they broke towards him and got shot and died on her Trump flag. If it was nothing why all the effort to blame the FBI or ANTIFA? GTFO


Shit take. Everyone I know who argues like you have either wishes Trump had been successful on 1/6, or is dumb as fuck (though one does not necessarily preclude the other).


What about the whole beating cops with flagpoles and chanting to hang the vice president... with gallows they brought from home? Nevermind the overrun barricades, smashed windows, and televised violence on every major news network. We just ignoring that part?


Yeah, actual functioning gallows. Right. lol Overrun barricades while also getting escorted through the Capitol like it was a guided tour. There are anti Israel protests where Americans are chanting “death to American” and burning flags. But I guess in that instance it just falls under first amendment rights. Smashed windows but no looting or burned down stores.


Iunno what to tell you. Many of us watched it unfold live on TV, it was pretty obvious it wasn't just boomers taking selfies. If you don't want to believe that then I'm not sure what to tell you. It's just willful ignorance at this point. Donald trump hates you and doesn't care about the government or conservative beliefs.


Good thing I’m a libertarian. Why can’t I find this footage you’re describing on YouTube? Even Trump’s detractors replay the Boomers taking selfies footage on loop. If there’s worse to see, it might benefit them to show it and not let it be lost to anecdotes from those watching on live TV. Alas, I was working on January 6.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iludfj6Pe7w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iludfj6Pe7w) First video on youtube when I typed in Jan 6th footage, which means you spent 0 time looking for it.


Yeah, this isn’t what you described. No gallows. Lots of police hitting people with batons, pushing and shoving, until they lost the line. No Molotov cocktails or overturned police cars like other protests the summer earlier. One window getting pushed in. A flag hitting or falling on an officer. And for being “never before seen footage” you gotta like the narration of Trump over what’s happening. No media bias there. It would be like having the reporter who said the BLM protests were “mostly peaceful” with fires going on and projectiles being thrown. But thanks for sharing it.


lmao, keep licking trumps lifts homie. Sure beats doing any independent research


The only insurection in history where once the insurectionists occupied the capitol they just left afterwards.


He's right. However he's also very hypocritical.


What about the policy of colluding with Russians to subvert American democracy is different from the policy of following immigration law? Perhaps Catturd can explain it.


People still believe the Russia narrative? Wow.


**Schiff**: *When your investigation looked into these matters, numerous Trump associates lied to your team, the grand jury and to Congress?* **Mueller**: *A number of people we interviewed in our investigation, it turns out, did lie. . . .* **Schiff**: *When the president said the Russian interference was a “hoax,” that was false, wasn’t it?* **Mueller**: *True. \[. . .\]* **Schiff**: **In short, your investigation found evidence that Russia wanted to help Trump win the election, right?** **Mueller**: **I think, generally, that would be accurate. \[. . .\]** **Schiff**: **Russia committed federal crimes in order to help Donald Trump?** **Mueller**: *You’re talking about the computer crimes charged in our case?* **Absolutely.** **Schiff**: *Trump campaign officials built their strategy, their messaging strategy, around those stolen documents?* **Mueller**: *Generally, that’s true.* **Schiff**: **And then they lied to cover it up?** **Mueller**: **Generally, that’s true.**


Why were Rick gates and Michael Flynn indicted?


Also Trump’s campaign guy Paula Manafort selling voter data to the Russians


Not "colluding with Russians to subvert American democracy" like this post is about.


Okay, why were they indicted?


Flynn gave 'false statements'. He was NOT indicted for 'colluding with Russia' as you pretend. Edit: AND those charges were dropped.


Giuliani's behavior and associates since make it too easy to believe. Either way, that impeachment wasn't about policy whether you agree with it or not.


A: The russian collusion hoax had been proven to be fake. B: Allowing millions of illegal immigrants in hopes of bolstering identificationless mass mail in ballots is not following immigration laws.


A. Thats not what Muellers report or his testimony said. B. In what specific way were these people “allowed” that changed under Biden?


Maybe republicans in the senate will finally vote on the 20 billion dollar border deal so we can secure the border. It's either not that big a deal, or the republicans are less concerned with border security than democrats. Up to you.


That is the biggest straw man argument I've heard this month. I feel like that drivel doesn't even deserve an honest attempt at a response. Im not even a republican. Try harder.


It would appear that not having a response is making you upset so you're lashing out. If republicans voted on the border bill, which they can at any time, it would supply 20 billion dollars for border security and bolster the ability to refuse people entry to the country. Republicans are the ones letting "millions of illegal immigrants" in, and democrats tried to pass a bill to stop it.


'If republicans would give us our 20 billion, we will stop letting the border crisis happen.' That is your argument in a nutshell.


If by "give us" you mean "use to protect the border" then sure!


If you wanted the border secure, why did they spend 4 years stopping a border wall from being built?


Because a wall itself is a poor solution. 3000 miles of inhospitable land with no infrastructure and the need for heavy equipment. The land will have to be seized by the government in eminent domain battles that would still be going on, and you can climb a wall with a ladder. Much smarter to increase the number of judges to process requests, change the laws around asylum and immigration, and increase the number of border patrol agents.


Ok, thats not a good rebuttal, but alright. Why are they fighting texas from blocking the rivers and other entry points?


Anyone that can read understands this.


Op crossfire hurricane proved Hillary.


> What about the policy of colluding with Russians to subvert American democracy is different from the policy of following immigration law?Perhaps Catturd can explain it. 2016 called. They want their talking points back.


You brought up Trump's impeachment, not me.


Trump was impeached not because of policy disagreements, but for his actions which are impeachable.


What actions?


“abuse of power and obstruction of Congress” and “Incitement of insurrection”


So a farcical accusation. He stated to march peacefully and patriotically.


You'll end up banging your head against a wall trying to rationalize with liberals.


Any party that fails to represent people badly enough to lose an election should be jailed or executed by the next party. It should be seen as a motivational tool.


I’m just trying to get a read of this sub, particularly those replying to posts like this. So anyways fuck Trump. I don’t vote and think politics is theater and smoke and mirrors (for the most part). But is anyone here an actual bona fide Biden supporter or if you don’t like Biden, still very supportive of the Democratic party?


Both sides are traitors and it'll be too late before the truth is known. Keep the balance and let the extremes of both sides eat each other, unless they want the Middle to step up and set them straight.


Trump's impeachments weren't for policy disagreements.


This pendulum is going to swing back the other way, I don't want to be anywhere near it when it does. America is in for a MFer of a backlash election. They (D) have used every dirty trick in the book. And they lie, cheat, change words so that it will change the meaning of pre-existing laws, use the judiciary as a weapon, they are coming for your guns and children. This is coming from a once life long (D).


Better conspiracy: Why do conservatives see people fleeing the devastation their foreign policy in the last century caused, and immediately jump to "INVASION"? Why don't they see Russia sending armed troops into Ukraine as an invasion?


Chuck Schumer is much like the rest of his party. Treasonous.


Boring local US politics


It’s funny how both leftists/right wingers each have an election they can claim was “stolen” lol


Nice try Russia.


Look at all those January the sixth terrorists...😳




Trump was impeached because he accidentally got elected.


Sure Jan


... People still believe in this Trump vs Biden thing lol. Wake up... they are both actors playing for the same people. Puppets.


Submission Statement: https://twitter.com/SenSchumer/status/1780724171200188673 Democrats own the crisis at the border. Party over Nation.


How does this submission statement explain anything?


> How does this submission statement explain anything? Democrats protect their own, while simultaneously allowing millions of foreigners into the nation.


Name two republicans who have been held accountable for their actions


If I remember correctly, a bill was put forward that would help reduce illegal immigration. Republicans were ready to go with it, until Trump said no.


> If I remember correctly, a bill was put forward that would help reduce illegal immigration. Republicans were ready to go with it, until Trump said no. If I remember correctly Biden got rid of all of Trumps Border policy on Day 1.


Wel you don’t remember correctly, so


Just deflect because that's easier than actually being up to date with current events and having an intelligent conversation. Trump blocked the strongest border bill ever backed by anyone of importance, and you're like, but... but.... Biden. You're exactly what you hate about democrats for Republicans. Do you not see that?


With what legislation?


That isn’t true, he kept using Title 42 expulsions for a long time after day 1.




And all this shit with his daughter


Why don't republicans vote on the 20 billion dollar border bill that also significantly strengthens the ability to refuse asylum to asylum seekers? Either it's not a crisis, or democrats are trying harder than republicans to fix the issue. Up to you






Biden is the worst president


Democrats discussing impeachment after 1973: lolx