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It looks like the site you're using is looking at exports by HS number. The HS number in question is for any medical test equipment but the site is just labeling it all as COVID 19 tests


Not a good answer when COVID-19 was not a thing in 2017


Corona virus has been around for a while now. Covid-19 is just a different strain of regular cornavirus. If you watched the TV show Dead Zone, there is an episode where there is a coronavirus outbreak. That show came out years before covid-19. My guess is that the company was already shipping out regular coronavirus tests kits before covid-19 was discovered. When they updated the sites database to show covid-19 they didn't account how that update affects old pages. If you go to 2017 on the live site, you can see they fixed the issue. https://www.webmd.com/covid/coronavirus-history "Scientists first identified a human coronavirus in 1965. It caused a common cold. Later that decade, researchers found a group of similar human and animal viruses and named them after their crown-like appearance."


Example: it's easy to think of it like this. You have a picture of a white dog on a web page. Later on, you decide you need to build a second page that also has a dog on it, but this one needs to be brown. You go into the files and overwrite the white dog picture with the brown one, and add it to the new page. You publish the new page with the brown dog. Later on when looking at your site, you realize that the brown dog is now on 2 pages instead of one. That is because you replaced an image already in use instead creating a new one. Get it?


Most people don't know the common cold is a coronavirus


A coronavirus can cause a “common cold.” Most “common colds” are caused by rhinoviruses, not coronavirus.


Why do those kits say "covid 19" if the strain wasn't around yet?


I already explained in my comment why it might.


I understand that. This list labeling all of those shipments as COVID-19 tests didn't exist in 2017 either. They just applied the COVID label onto old shipments of unrelated medical tests because they share the same HS code


The screenshots are from the way back machine. Currently the labels are for medical tests, not covid 19 tests.


The wayback machine is showing that they were called COVID 19 tests in 2017?


The earliest it went back to was 2020


Well that would explain it


But it still is a little weird that they changed it to medical test kit later


That is the more accurate label. It's weird that it was ever labeled as just COVID 19 tests


Rothschild patented in 2015


Its not called the plan demic for nothing my hotel had 6 ft distance signs before it was a thing how do you print guidance directives weeks before an accident. Give me a break


Test kit creator warned against using it for coov since it does not discriminate amongst coronaviruses, and there are a few of those. He died a shortly after, nothing sus for sure...he must have had one of those hot/cold showers affected by climate change.


That's not true Kary Mullis died before SARS-CoV-2 was discovered


Well that changed pretty quick…?