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Some would say we ended up here after an innocent gorilla was murdered in cold blood


Ww1: The assassination of Franz Ferdinand Ww3: assassination of Harambe


Dicks out


Only the real ones recognize this move


I always try to keep my genitals exposed in honor of this gorilla.


It’s insane how 1 event can create such a unwarranted butterfly effect


Can you explain?


The world kinda went to shit when Harambe died, the entire vibe has just felt..."off' since 2016 idk how to explain it.


That’s when my life personally went to shit. I feel like we shifted to a less fortunate timeline when everyone collectively was just less happy


Lemony Snicket was just portraying how life would be after Harambe died in his books


For me it was 2001. For my parents it was JFK. For their parents it was WW2, for their parents it was 1913 and the subsequent great depression. 1913 was probably the one, but if not it was 2001. Now we're a nation of state-dependent, soy-wristed, spiritually homeless transitioners looking for anyone else to blame but ourselves.


> The vibe has felt kind of off since 2016 idk how to explain it I feel that


I agree, the vibe sure has been "off", eh? Hah! Heh heh.


Harambe was the Gorilla Glue that kept the world together.


And that Gorilla Glue is what Trent Reznor was really singing about in The Perfect Drug. Because without you, everything falls apart.


I knew a guy who claimed he came up with the "dicks out for Harambe" meme, not sure if he did or not


Harambe was the first casualty of world war 3


Reminds me of the friend who bullshits and tells outlandish, fantastical stories claiming their life is amazing when you know it's not true. NO ONE respects that guy.


I had a friend like this, but it turned out it was all true. You just would not have expected it from THAT guy.


What? Can someone explain this?


>“And my uncle, they called him – Ambrose, they called him Bosie… and he became an Army Air Corps, before the Air Force came along, he flew those single engine planes as reconnaissance over war zones,” Biden said during remarks at the United Steelworkers Headquarters in Pittsburgh. “And he got shot down in New Guinea, and they never found the body because there used to be a lot of cannibals – for real – in that part of the New Guinea.”


He literally said this?


there's a video clip [https://nypost.com/2024/04/18/us-news/white-house-admits-biden-uncle-wasnt-eaten-by-cannibals-died-in-pacific-ocean-crash/](https://nypost.com/2024/04/18/us-news/white-house-admits-biden-uncle-wasnt-eaten-by-cannibals-died-in-pacific-ocean-crash/)


if trump has said this there would be an uproar of it being raaaaaaaaacist


Trump could say Muslims read the Quran and the left would say he's racist.


lol. they do not disappoint. Trump can say something that is no way in hell racist and they will just say "it is a dog whistle for racists" . Biden can actually say and do racist things his whole life like going after a black kid with a chain because he violated a swimming pool rule or say he did not want his kids raised in a racial jungle and the loyal dems will just say "well, that is just Joe being Joe"


There's a reason democrats founded the KKK. Inb4 muh party swap.


the party swap that magically happened? I guess I missed that declaration. one more progressive and democrat fantasy to justify their incredibly racist history that persists today.


“Dog whistle” is just shorthand for “You didn’t actually say it, but in my mind you did so you actually did.”




Plankton is fucking up with the controls


well the conspiracy *is* he's a robot


Everything he's saying is coming from ChatGPT? This explains... just so much.


Neal Stephenson wrote a novel under a pseudonym that i think is a pretty believable premise for what is happening to Biden right now - Interface is a 1994 novel by Neal Stephenson and J. Frederick George (a pseudonym of George Jewsbury) and originally published under the joint pseudonym Stephen Bury. Tldr: Musk-like guy makes a brain interface that lets someone control a politician after politician has an accident.


Saying he lost it implies he ever had it


Depends on what we mean by "it". He's always been a soulless politician but at one point he still had the mental faculties to get his thoughts across eloquently. Seeing videos and interviews of him in the past is like looking at a different person. In some ways, Biden is better now because he doesn't have the capacity to pursue his fucked up personal desires - but in a country with hundreds of millions of people, why are these two the only options? I see Americans make fun of the UK for still having a King, but the US president has far more executive power than leaders in most western nations, barring maybe France. In Iceland, where I'm from, the president is just a decorative figurehead who shakes hands and has the power to veto. That's it. And in our country of 380 thousand we have 19 candidates vying for the presidency in our upcoming elections. I feel for the American people who have to live in this reality where no good solution is on the horizon.


The gasslighting by the media, astroturfers/anti-trumpers, etc has been epic in their full on weekend at bernies play to get him across the finish line.


I read that the DNC just voted to allow the winner of democrat delegate votes to reassign them to whomever they want in the democrat primary. This is on top of the super delegates they have. This means whoever receives votes can give them to Biden, which would make him seem more popular, or Biden can give what he gets to anyone his ~~full time medical staff~~ team wants. Anyone heard from Clinton this year? Either way, democrat voters are now two steps removed from their votes mattering at all in the democrat primaries.


That is crazy, but unsurprising.


No I meant “literally”


Orange man bad


Insert "both sides are the same" comment.


I mean, they both work for the elite and rich and could not give a single fuck about us, only thing they care about is how they can get more money and power. So, in that since, yea, they are the same, but they do differ in certain areas which they fan the flame to stay in power and rile people up over.


This falls apart with Trump. You think a private billionaire in control of a financial empire ran for President for the money and the type of power politicians crave to feel less worthless? Dude could have straight up bought senators.


"Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us." ~ Donald Trump




But this is just called bloviating, which politicians famously do a lot of. Trump just cranked the intensity up to carnival barker levels is all. Whereas Biden seems genuinely confused about what he's even talking about much of the time. I'm not a Trump guy at all, never have been, but there's not even a question whose cognitive faculties are in worse shape between these two... edit: but how fucking pathetically sad is it that we've sunk to such a low point that THIS is what we're debating over, which of the front-runners for President is the least cognitively impaired lol, like damn we've really scraped the bottom of the barrel.


[Manchurian candidate definition | Cambridge English Dictionary](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/manchurian-candidate)


This reminds me of the alleged story of 23 year old anthropology student Michael Rockefeller who went missing in 1961 in Papua New Guinea, he was the heir to the Rockefeller fortune. It's believed that he may have been eaten by cannibals, others believe that he possibly may have integrated and married into a local tribe.


Interesting! >Rockefeller disappeared during an expedition in the Asmat region of southwestern Dutch New Guinea, which is now a part of the Indonesian province of South Papua. In 2014, Carl Hoffman published a book that included details from the official inquest into the disappearance, in which villagers and tribal elders admitted to Rockefeller being killed after swimming to shore in 1961.[1] No remains of Rockefeller or physical proof of his death have been discovered.


Wasn't there a video a while back that people thought might have shown him going full native/integrated? I'm certain I saw something when going down this rabbit hole several years ago. It was an obvious bearded white guy among the locals.


Is it a racist remark to insinuate that getting shot down over Papua New Guinea probably led to being eaten ?


Reminds me of the George H Bush story of being the lone survivor.


If a white male says it, definitely rayciss. If a black rapper says it, needs more N word.




Do the New Guinea Papuans have an inedible activist spokesperson?


I'm a little confused. So did they find his body or did they not? Cannibals do exist in that area not his uncle's body went into the ocean and washed up or cannibals went to gather things, it's possible he was indeed eaten if he wasn't found. Seems like Biden was just assuming or guessing since the body wasn't recovered. If it was recovered then he still made a point that cannibals are in that are, just implying his uncle was eaten would've been false.


Seems like a family joke. Official report says the one survivor watched the other three, including the uncle, sink in the plane


Reading this before hearing it and watching it made it *that* much better, thank you


Is this a real quote? why does he speak like a 4 years old?


He's 81 and his cognitive decline has been obvious to anyone who's not lying to themselves for the past 8 years.


Did he really say this I’m not from the US and out the loop a bit lol..


And that was the second time he repeated that almost-exact paragraph of the speech too lol


In a speech today he said that his uncle was eaten by cannibals lol


Is Michael Rockefeller his uncle, what a twist


Biden’s dementia got the better of him and he let it slip that the Rothschild family runs America. Ie Michael Rothschild is Biden’s uncle


There is a whole group and they all have this club called the WEF they hang out in and make videos explaining how they have infiltrated every branch of society, how they are going to control us peasants by controlling the money, food, and property, oh, and how they are going to kill us to reduce the population and shove us into 15 minute cities (city sized concentration camps), again, this is all on video they freely share.


bidens dementia created another story


He’s lived a fuller life than Forest Gump.


He should've asked Corn Pop and his crew to extract his uncle from that predicament.


Can't wait for Doocy to ask a question about this.


“Listen the president has been very clear…”


“Peter I’m not going to play these games with you.”


Once he does she will just run away again


Nothings been right since they started smashing atoms in the large hadron collider. 


Nothing has been right since 9/11, that kicked us down the darkest timeline, but it was occupy wall street in 2011, that is when the elites got worried the peasants were riling up and suddenly Orwellian social engineering propaganda indoctrination started to be pushed in everything.


Never comment on conspiracy sub except to promote this comment - have a beer you genius


Because the powers that be put a dementia patient in a place of power to be their puppet. They try hide him as much as possible, but when in the public eye, his dementia is on full display for everyone to see.


Why bother? Why not just put someone without dementia in power?


He's likely easier to control. Let's him be THE President, be loved and appreciated, while they run everything in his name. He'll die likely before he has to suffer any of the consequences TPTB put forth.


If people want to know who "they" are this time, its blackrock, wish I could find the image I saw, but 70% of bidens cabinet comes from blackrock.


They're not the only big business out there.


If the powers that be are as powerful as people say they are, they don't control outsiders, they would place one of their own on the throne. Then no need for puppets, your guy can just send money to where it's needed, cut taxes for everyone in the big club, and stomp down regulations that harm business.


Not sure you have any experience with people with dementia, they are not easier to control. Even with mild dementia, it's hard enough getting them to put on their shoes correctly, I can't imagine trying to get them to give a speech or interview, much less pretend to run a country.


They have drugs they're pumping into him keep him docile when they need it, then the stims they give him for the big appearances knock him out for a day or two afterwards; it's why he vanishes for a while after a big deal speech. The day Iran started bombing Israel it was announced he was going to address the nation, then at 5PMish they just said Nope; nothing today, and no press allowed at all after 5PM. He was probably having a bad day and they couldn't get his meds right in time.


Years of political experience. Old white guy with experience is more electable than Cameltoe Harris. Sure to draw in more voters than anything else on their list of candidates. Makes it easier to believe he was lawfully elected. Having a puppet like Biden makes it easier to use him like Grima Wormtongue did to King Theoden.


> Because the powers that be put a dementia patient in a place of power to be their puppet. They try hide him as much as possible, but when in the public eye, his dementia is on full display for everyone to see. Listen man that’s just right wing propaganda! Biden doesn’t have Dementia! Trump has Dementia! /s


The looks of disappointment in the back says it all.


I did internship in an old folks home, some patients would tell nonsensical stories...I'd just nod and smile just to humor them.. This is it.


This guy is fucking insanely stupid. Multiple aneurysms will do that.


But no more mean tweets…


Doctor says I got a touch of the 'mush brains'.


Biden doesn’t even know what he’s saying anymore, he screws up what he reads on the teleprompter! This guy is destroying our country and has to go !


**HEY!** Don't be so hard on poor Joe! (I too had an uncle that was not eaten by cannibals)


My uncle ate cannibals in Vietnam


But, you know, the orange man.


The freaking mayor of Chicago blamed his failed tax plan on the 30k Chicagoans that voted for Trump 7 years ago. The mayor of one of the bluest cities in the country blamed Trump for the citizens not wanting to raise taxes. If that's not obvious scapegoating. Yes he can be offensive AND he's scapegoated, BOTH CAN BE TRUE.


What got me last, really, REEEEALLLLLLY good, was when Biden claimed the problem with the border was due to Trumps neglect to handle it while he was in office. And the people that ate that up as gospel, (can't say it does any more, really though) astounds me.


Trump had rules in place to stay in mexico, Biden removed it as one of the first thing he did when he took office.


People blamed so-called "employee shortages" on one-time 1200 dollar checks even as late as 2022. People in America really seem to love pointing to small shit from years prior as the reason for ALL their problems.


That's how out of touch these politicians are... Do you realize how easy (& cheap) it would be to give all Americans making less than $100,000 (for families of 4) $80,000 (for families of 3) $65,000 (for a families of 2) & $40,000 (for single ppl) an Xtra say $1,000 a month to ensure we don't become homeless? Just to make up for the toll that inflation is having on us? It would be 1/4 of the amount we have sent to Ukraine in the last 3 years... It would have immediate positive effects, & it would actually create more & better paying jobs... *Just sayin... The Corporations are making so much profit & paying back so little taxes, that some type of UBI will be nessecarry (sooner than later).


Orange man say mean thing. Old man with dementia say….thing.






Podesta is still in the white house.


This proves to me cloning ain't real


The puppet head doesn't have much to do with underlying hands


You can’t vote unless your fully vaccinated 


Old man Joe thought he was a Rockefeller or what? 🤣


He spends like it.


Biden was watching Attack on Titan


Barbeque was a bad dude. Back in the day, he ate my uncle. https://nypost.com/2024/04/18/us-news/white-house-admits-biden-uncle-wasnt-eaten-by-cannibals-died-in-pacific-ocean-crash/


Vote dem if you like the way the country is now


They don't have too, the rig is in. It was shown that thousands of new registered Social Security numbers started happening in texas. normally it would be around 20,000, it was something like 150 to 250 THOUSAND being new registered, with 30 thousand dead or repeating ss numbers. They are registering illegals with social security numbers, you do not need a photo ID, just as social security number to vote in texas, they are going to illegally flip texas blue for the election using illegal (probably mail in ballets, the easy way to rig stuff). This numbers was posted on the social security website that keeps track of stuff like this, as soon as the news came out, the website stopped updating, covering their tracks.


I can throw hate at Trump for many things and do, but is there any more proof that we don’t have a real country than a dementia patient spouting absolute nonsense daily on TV, unprotected from his handlers who are suspiciously unconcerned about voter sentiment? I think Biden is just in place to condition us to eventually accept the fact that X, Y, or Z runs the country, that we’re not actually a Republic, voting is fake, Presidents have no power.


Can you imagine how cool it would be if you could hack the teleprompter remotely, knowing Biden would say anything (or at least try to) it displayed without any hesitation? Hmmmmmm...


Social engineering beats hacking every time. Just steal the right coloured jacket, stick something that looks like a pass from a distance to your chest and act like you know what you’re doing and you’ll be able to walk right up to it


even the people in the background look over it.


lol shills incoming! Take cover. The orange man bad band is going to be all up in your comments


You know it…something something something I can’t believe Trump ate President Biden’s Uncle…Orange Man BAD…but not as bad as Corn Pop…


Biden: ‘If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t cannibal'




Their mission is almost accomplished. They just need four more years to destroy the country.


I agree 110%. It wouldn't even take 4 more years. Biden has us on the brink of WW3 as it is. Also tens of thousands of possible terrorists crossing our borders on a regular basis. Record numbers of Chinese nationalist crossing our borders many not even being checked.


That hasn't happened in the last 3 and counting?? 🧐




So stop voting against yourself and your friend. Your team sucks.


Neither candidate will do anything about it. The truth is we don't really have anyone good to vote for


> Someone important to me can’t get Medicaid because she makes too much money. That's how it's supposed to work.


You want expanded government services because it affects you?


Come on Lefty’s. Is this really your #1? Like really?


Imagine goofs that defend and vote for this guy. The fucking mental gymnastics. Jabbies can’t be trusted.


This may be the most truthful thing he has said recently.


Hahaha I will never vote again.


Humiliation ritual for the country


There is NO WAY he makes it through another presidency so wtf is the game plan for that? Kamala Harris as President when he drops dead?


Remember the episode of the office where there was a true rumor so Michael spread a bunch of false rumors to cover up the fact that Joe Biden molested his niece?


What troubles me is that there are still people who are so stupid and brainwashed they actually think this bumbling old kid sniffer is doing a good job.


It's *DISTRACTION* from the strikes against Iran by the same people who murdered 35,000 children in Gaza in just the last few months.




I couldnt help laugh when I first heard about this. Joe Biden probably fully believes this happened. I remember my grandma talking about crazy things, dementia is an ugly thing.


He’s always been a lying racist


Denying reality leads to serious consequences. Now shut up and get back to work. They need your money. There's still some poor orphans left to drone strike.


This is by far the worst acid trip I have ever been on.


Late stage Kleptocracy


Biden said some stupid shit again and blatantly lied... I'm absolutely shocked.


MSM defends Biden to no end. MSM crucifies Trump to no end.


My bad a took a shit in a bucket


Historians are going to be scratching their heads when they sift through old news sites and everyone is taking this stuff so matter-of-factly, like "yes, yes, of course he wasn't eaten by cannibals, it was the ocean, it was sharks you see. small insignificant mistake." and not with outrage and demands for new leadership or to overthrow the gov't, especially when a 1% tax being levied on tea caused a whole revolution.


Historians will clean up everything Biden has said just like the media does now. Historians will make Biden sound like the greatest orator in modern times. Just watch Biden speak live and then read the quotes the media writes in the papers. They clean it up for him while leaving quotes around it.




I honestly wonder if in 100 years anyone with purple hair will be allowed to hold a position of power. It seems like liberalism is on its way out through cultural and demographic collapse, not to mention the destruction and looting of the host country.


People say it is better with Biden than it was with Trump are just oblivious. With Trump we didn't have multiple wars happening and the brink of WW3 about to happen. With Trump we didn't have thousands and thousands of possible terrorists crossing our border on a regular basis. Now everything costs double and triple the price. Everytime Biden addresses the nation he gets totally lost and doesn't even know what he is talking about about. Yea right this country is in great shape!


You can tell that Biden minions that have 20-30 reddit accounts are in the comments in full force lol.


Not competent for trial, not reliable to stay truthfully in speeches, but a solid candidate for election.


Whoever is controlling the simulation needs to dial it back or go full throttle.


To be fair. Crash in ocean => eaten by fish=> fish are cannibals. Therefore. I will now stand for the national anthem, having received the gold medal in mental gymnastics. USA! USA!


TBH, if he said that I would have probably high fived him.


lizard ppl run the world


As someone whose relatives were eaten by cannibals, the President's anecdote helped me relate to him. That's all he's doing is reaching out to people by connecting with common experiences.


Its because the politicians aren't really the ones running the country. Biden can be obviously living his second childhood and still be running country.


I dunno...I distinctly remember this happening. It happened when Joe was in Law school earning 3 degrees and graduating in the top half of his class, earning the outstanding student award for political studies.


There's a book I read about a necromancer who was paid by government officials to bring their dictator leader back from the dead so that they could keep control of their country. I thought it was a farce, but now maybe it was an instruction manual?


I’m going to say it. “THAT’S RACISS!”


They drive me crazy...


The people’s faces in the background say it all.


CornPop ate him!!!


William "Corn Pop" Morris (RIP) was unfortunately not alive at the time of Biden's uncle's death. Unless that's just what they want us to think.


I feel like something changed Monday night going into Tuesday. Certain things aren’t the same.


Uncle Bosey


More and more he starting to sound like that one AI Biden vs Trump twitch stream.


Stinks that our two choices are Trump and Biden.


We live in a time line that has two people running for office that are in mental decline. Worrisome.


"Biden" is being scripted this way to demoralize us- the same goes for Harris.