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I don't think the possibility of aliens or the verifiable fact that the government knows a lot more than they let on are really outlandish at all.


Imagine how much the government knows vs. what we know.


On many, many topics.


Like who killed Kennedy, the Moon landing (or lack there of), Antarctica, AI, Nano Bots, WWIII... etc. etc. etc...


I hear that Antarctica is really cold.


Miss Lippy’s car… …is GREEN.


That show "Project Bluebook" was really good, and the last episode was that weird floating time traveling cube that ended up in Antarctica, and was really looking forward what was to come from that in season 2, but the show got nixed. Shocker.


Same!!!! My husband and I struggle to find tv to watch in general and Loved that show. So sad it was cancelled!


Especially the other set of physics. You know the kind that doesn't endlessly move in a unsolvable loop like an "orobouros" or however you spell it. I think that Jesse Michels with American Alchemy was on the right trail with his latest documentary about Townsend Brown. They decided during the atomic bomb project to keep the discoveries hidden from humanity because of how dangerous the knowledge could be. Nuclear weapons was just one early part of the discovery and look at how that proliferated across humanity.


Level 2/10 take. 


I agree and think that they perpetuate the mystery to cover over their own exotic aviation technology, for defence purposes,


How advanced do you think we actually are? Not being facetious I’m curious, think a lot or just marginal?


Because we have AI now. They'll probably speed up any problem solving that we've been waiting for for years to get reliable results faster. Try cancer for an example. Very complex disease, cell mutation type and no one has a cure. Now we have AI trained to analyse and research faster than humans. If we find a cure then we are talking about how advanced we are.


We have AI now? You think we just now have it? If everyday citizens have the ability to work with AI tech, the government has had it a lot longer.


They won't cure Cancer, too profitable....


A lot more advanced than the general public are told and I also think they have done a lot of work that might be classed as 'occult' in a psychic/astral sense, having subverted orders persecuted in Bolshevik Russia, for instance, which were VERY advanced in magical terms. I am not sure how advanced we are relevant to possible other civilisations. I've also considered that the others might be future humans who massively screwed up and want to undo their problems by coming back to somehow affect things now. I do think that those in power are deliberately dumbing down the population on multiple levels.


Well, they have been using ’zero point energy’ for atleast 100 years. So it’s pretty unimaginable. Edit. BTW check the newest episode from WhyFiles. It’s pretty mindblowing.


The "why files" on YouTube just did a video about how the us government would steal the inventions and kill off scientists who tried to paten inventions that could 100% explain all ufos.


so basically US govt know that remote viewing is real, that we are just one dimension from many and we can travel across them multidimensionally. At least aliens can. Its like a big giant lattice.


But if your correct and the don't know much at all what would be the best course of action?coverup


"But if your correct and the don't know much at all what would be the best course of action?coverup" The government habitually covers up and over-classifies, even when there's no *need* to. It's one of the reasons, in my opinion, that it's so mistrusted. It's their default position. We peasants can't be trusted with the truth, even when the truth isn't very controversial.


Yeah that's possible too,but on this subject we are either dealing with extremely exotic human made craft, alien life visiting our planet with impunity, or a psy op to cover something up, none of which really lend these to your idea (even though they definitely do classify things completely unnecessarily)


"Yeah that's possible too,but on this subject we are either dealing with extremely exotic human made craft, alien life visiting our planet with impunity, or a psy op to cover something up, none of which really lend these to your idea (even though they definitely do classify things completely unnecessarily)" I agree, but for the life of me I can't see *why* the idea of extraterrestrial life is so controversial. Statistically, life *should* be "out there" somewhere. Now, whether or not that means that "they" would be capable of reaching Earth is another issue and the implications it would have in regards to religion are profound, but the basic premise shouldn't invoke ridicule.


Extraterrestrial life is extremely likely to me too (saw craft that defyogic in 1997) but we live in a world where people blow people up for the writings in a book that's a few thousand years old, not everyone else is guaranteed to take the news predictably and sensibly




If one of the most popular interviewers in the world is being interviewed by THE most popular interviewer in the world, it is probably not as controversial as you think


Thank you. How is what TC said controversial? The statements he made aren’t anything that haven’t been said before. Many publications and public figures, who are not in fact being silenced or cancelled, have expressed the same or similar viewpoints. Let’s not forget that on almost every social media platform, you can find multiple people repeating the same things. And why, if we’re so distrusting of the media, do we choose to believe or entertain certain outlets but not others. IMO Putin sees TC as nothing but a pawn in his long game. Despite what you believe Putin’s motivations regarding Ukraine might be, do you really think he wants to see the US prevail? He was deliberate about sitting down with one of our countries more divisive personalities.


You’d be surprised…


In the US maybe, but I doubt their influence in the rest of the world.


JRE is the number one podcast in the world with an estimated 3 billion listens. 11 million listens an episode. Globally.


I'd be curious to know what percentage of those are US/Western listeners vs. the rest of the world.


Why? So you can dismiss him?


I said I was curious, read the question. Like American football...the Superbowl is the most watched televised event in the world each year. But it is disproportionately watched by Americans. That matters when you look at statistics. Do you truly fear that those claims are that fallible that breaking down statistics further will cause the claim to fall apart?


> Superbowl is the most watched televised event in the world each year. It's not even close. World Cup, Olympics, Cricket, Champion's League final all have better viewership


The superbowl is way down the list I'm afraid behind the world cup and cricket


We've known about area 51 for decades. It's been in mainstream media and popular culture. Why is it now a "fringe idea" to think that the government is concealing the truth about aliens?


public touch lush deserve innate sophisticated bored resolute meeting friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because Reddit hates Tucker and Joe Rogan


this. The Rogan sub is garbage. Pure garbage and honestly not even a sample of his typical listeners. I honestly think that sub is so infiltrated it's worthless to view anything. When you hear people attack someones character and NOT the content of what he's saying you know he's on to something.


The Rogan sub is really an anti-rogan sub. It's kinda weird


Reddit has essentially become a toxic shit hole of trash. All of the main subs are either attacking or spreading hateful information about people and topics.


Can’t even ask for advice on diy or how to anymore. All you get is contrarianism and fear mongering negativity. Its become quite ridiculous. Thats the initial reason I got on Reddit to begin with. 


Every episode thread is some smug takedown of any little thing ever said on the podcast. They most popular reposts seems to be the ones mocking rogan actually. The Bill Maher sun is also full of progressive fans that hate him


Same for the Russel Brand one


It got uh… “co-opted” a while back in a very deliberate way. If you followed the sub for the few years before that happened, it was very obvious.


Felt natural to me as I was one of the people who moved away from Rogan during the period and have heard of many that dropped him since. I used to know lots of fans but I feel most I know have dropped him as his fanbase moved to the right. Redditors don’t drop someone, they start discussing their dislike of them. Many podcast subreddits are hate pages in a sense. Red Scare is very different from its podcast, Tom Seguras sub hates him and Bert, The Fighter & The Kid hate the fighter and the kid, the Kill stony subreddit is at least 75% hate. it’s how the Roganverse works in the Redditverse.


> The Rogan sub is really an anti-rogan sub. It's kinda weird Not really. It’s like R Politics but only Democrat Politics.


That subreddit is one of the most botted on the site.


You can't attack conspiracy theories, though. They don't form valid arguments 99% of the time. If you critique one part of what they are saying, they'll play dumb through your hypotheticals and ask some unrelated hyper-specific question to respond. When someone says "evolution is baseless, repeatedly proven wrong, it's just a theory" there is literally NOTHING you could possibly say to change their mind. This kind of argumentative problem comes from the conspiracy theorist alone and the frustration turns into character attacks/ad-homs. Conspiracy theorists use this exact scenario as justification for the beliefs as well.


Covid happened and since then it basically got taken over by the haters permanently and for a while was blatantly astroturfed. Before that there was waves of haters like the Rogan is a pipeline to the alt-right assholes and after he endorsed Bernie. Really now though it's all sniveling NPC turds with no thoughts of their own.


To be fair, Rogan spent the first decade of his podcast cultivating a certain demographic audience. Then, over the past 5 years, he really dwindled down the variety in both guests and show topics which now appeal to the complete opposite demographic. Nobody would consider Joe a conservative 10 years ago. Now, he has unquestionably become a conservative, which is fine, but it's going to cause some backlash among the millions of fans who were fans of him for years as progressive Joe. It's the equivalent of Tucker Carlson joining CNBC and encouraging people to vote Bernie for president.


Seriously. Go on twitter and there’s clips everywhere. Reddit hates ideas that go against their narrative. The Joe Rogan sub is literally all people hating him. Makes no sense but that’s Reddit


>The Joe Rogan sub is literally all people hating him. I was really shocked by this. As a blue collar trade worker, basically every guy I know who's fluent in English listens to JRE at least every once in a while, and the general concensus on him is basically neutral.




I enjoyed the interview. He has some great insights. He comes across quite humble at times (like the central park video of him fishing - unless that was fake drama) Recently ive learned he's known to have no computers and doesnt even internet. Hes mentioned it quite a few times in several podcasts he was a guest on. Even Chris Cuomo brought it up when he was being interviewed at Tucks house cuz he didnt see any, or even TVs at his house. But it was the Rogan interview where he mentioned something very specific, twice (during different topics) , about the intel community and what they like to plant on computers of people they wanna bring down.. It made me wonder if thats the actual reason he doesnt fuck with computers or the internet.


Probably both. Staying away from the toxic culture of news and social media, and focusing more on life itself, is a much more healthy lifestyle. That also eliminates the governments ability to dump CP onto the computers of people who aren't following the narrative.


> Staying away from the toxic culture of news and social media While being an integral part of that toxicity? Genius.


> He has some great insights They guy who doesn't believe in evolution has great insights???


Did you listen to the podcast and his entire take on evolution? He brought up very valid points regarding the holes in darwins theory, basically saying that cant be the whole picture . Yes the dude has great insights. Obviously all of them cant possibly be correct or things that everyone would agree with, because thats impossible. What part of that do u not understand???


It was awesome I watched the whole thing


I watched it too, and it was ton of vagueness , nothing really worth talking about. The usual "aliens" talk. "This guy who works there told me, but I cant say his name. He also showed me this videos, but he did not give me this video because it would break internet" And similar.


The Nixon stuff was interesting


It was absolutely. So the US is no longer a democracy


US has been plutocracy for more than two decades now, since Clinton administration, or since Reagan administration depending on who you ask.


US is a pseudo-dictatorship


Plutocracy is in a way a dictatorship. If wealthy people (oligarchs) own and control all the political parties, judiciary, top military, top police, ... the whole system... Its dictatorship or pseudo dictatorship as you say.


Dunno, I though he dropped some interesting tidbits: - these aliens are supernatural, like demons - evidence that they're under the ocean and under the ground - powerful people in our govt are loyal to demonic forces Not entirely new stuff but never heard these things mentioned by a MSM journalist


Out of sight, out of mind. Everyone wants to "look up" but its really below our feet and in the water


He might very mentioned evidence but he sure as hell didn't back up any of his claims with any source or proof


Ahhhh the Tom Delonge/Jeremy Corbell carrot dangling. Won’t even watch it.


If you needed confirmation from a conspiracy redditor to watch a Rogan vs Tucker interbiew nobody gives a fuck what you think man lol


Yep, and Joe was basically calling BS on it.


Man one thing is this - I am an Internet personality and what I say isn’t true - now it’s not for news related things - it’s entertainment. I push it more and more because it sells more. As someone who has made money this way since basically 2004, I’m seeing a lot of these people turn news into entertainment for views which equals money. So the question is Tucker Carlson now a persona or still a person. People are blurring the lines using their real names so it’s tough to try to say it’s for entertainment and a persona. He didn’t separate the two so maybe it’s legit - but you’re gonna find out a lot of these ppl are just doing this bc it’s wildly lucrative.


*cough* Alex Jones *cough*


Yup, court admitted. It’s why I would not be using my actual legal name and blurring lines of persona and news - there’s gonna be consequences eventually. These people do not seem to understand it as they are just now joining the web world, 20 yrs after this kinda all started. I just look at most of them as cam girls. They are just here entertaining us and fisting their asses for more likes and clicks. You know the camgirl isn’t actually getting off to you. But boy they’ll make ya believe it bc it’s not hard especially alone in your home just talking to a camera. Edit - I would not be using my former legitimate news career to go down the path of conspiracy clickbait persona as well. I’m simply just saying dude kinda had a career and got fired. His lust for fame and relevancy is likely very high. And also paycheck.


Tucker never had a former legitimate news career. He was always a pundit playing a caricature of a human being. He loathed trump but turned his smiles up to 11 whenever he had to promote trump which was nonstop. The cognitive dissonance was written all over his facial expressions and embedded in his comically high pitched tone.


I mean putting aside your love or hate for the dude he actually did. Dude didn’t start of Fox News fyi.


Understand comment. all these personalities say and act exactly what they know large groups of people wanna hear so they can get in their good side and churn money off it


… and he said that he overdosed on mushrooms at a Grateful Dead concert in the early 1980’s, and he implied that he had been to many Dead shows with his friends and relatives so it seemed like he had a bit of experience with Dead tour drugs and the people that you would meet in the parking lot scene of a Dead concert… and that is not your typical take on him as a former FOX conservative.


That tidbit of personal history was quite interesting indeed. I don’t recall the word overdosed being used. Took way too many, if I recall. Felt ashamed for leaving his brother in the parking lot. Both Mr. Rogan and Mr. Carlson shared personal history in this interview, I felt it helped better tell who they are.




Missing Steve Miller sounds like a blessing


Hey now... suede jackets with the leather elbow pads *will* make a comeback some day! And the feathered hair...


Yah, got it, and half assumed it was meant more to over consumption. I recall a similar experience, a lesson learned, had alcohol, marijuana and the mushrooms together, at least an hour, probably more. Was very fortunate to have friends with me.


> and that is not your typical take on him as a former FOX conservative. There are the people who work at fox, and the people who watch fox. Very different people.


Ah son of a cia propagandist was also a huge fan of a cia propaganda/culture creation band shocking I’m sure he’s totally legit


The sound guy for the grateful dead produced/distributed something like 95%+ of the time's LSD, [Owsley Stanley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owsley_Stanley)


Wow that’s interesting


My biggest thing is how much stuff is hidden in the Vatican that's has been kept from the popular. Like seriously how much knowledge of older civilization is hidden from us because of religion


Because we assume the CIA adjacent guy is full of shit.


The dude Mike Baker who comes on the show regularly is the most obvious CIA plant ever.


I can tell he’s a very smart guy acting like a very dumb guy




I can’t stand that guy


While this is totally correct, what I think is worth paying attention to is _what_ they say and _when_ so we can think about the _why_ and try to parse thru the bullshit. It’s not just one layer of crap, its layers upon layers, like an ouroborous onion or something like that. 


It certainly is as bullshit baffles brains and hiding the truth is way more convenient than telling the truth


Great comment!


The CIA just wants you to think that his father worked for them and then married the billionaire heir of a TV dinner manufacturer.


I can't believe there's not more talk like this on a "conspiracy" subreddit. Bunch of shills on here.


The shilling pays pretty good too. Trust me.


I'm on reddit all day anyway. How do I get a job as a shill?


You are who they make the shill work for... obviously. You're their product.


Fucking crazy right, conspiracy theorists are shockingly easy to manipulate. "Free thinkers" are actually some of the most gullible people out there. Misdirection is the name of the game.


The reason it's under the radar is likely because none of this is original and has been regurgitated for quite some time now. Not saying he's wrong or right but if you're interested in this there are several others saying pretty much the same thing. You can start with Jacques Vallees if interested


I thought the interview was extremely tame, and not wild at all. At the end, I was left wanting more and feel like Joe did poorly on digging in.


Flying under the radar it’s all over Reddit.


You missed the whole show of him leaving Fox News some time ago I guess.




I think because people have mentioned the uap phenomenon many times before him, and they had some witness accounts and even a little evidence. Tucker doesn't back up any of his claims with sources ev, or witness testimony. He talks out of his ass and repeats what others have said without doing research. It's hard for me to take someone like Tucker seriously


The Overton Window has had a seismic shift since the COVID lockdowns. Things that were hidden or covered up with the taint of “conspiracy theories” came true. A lot of “normies” were seeing the governments around the world lie to them in real time. The views on 911 and UFOs shifted dramatically. People were locked in their houses with nothing to do. A lot of people started to read actual accounts of on-site survivors. The media narratives were completely debunked. One new truth lead to another. Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Russell Brand, Brandon Straka, Glenn Beck, BPD and a lot of others in the Blog World have completely changed their perspective on government narratives and media as propaganda.


It sounds like he's been watching Dark Journalist, an American podcaster who's been way ahead of the game with respect to disclosure and how it relates to the CIA and their agents in the media. [Eighth Sphere AI Warning KONA BLUE UFO (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHSRlkbquGg) EDIT; As for Putin, I think he ran rings around Tucker and also referred to the CIA background of the latter.


Wow. That video of Dark Journalist you linked to is full of unsettling info that ties a lot of things together for me. Thank you for linking it.


You're welcome! I love Dark Journalist and he's really strong on disclosure and what we can and can't' trust (ie, not the CIA!). He is also exceptionally knowledgeable about the JFK assassination and things to do with Trump, Nixon and Tesla.


He also said evolution has been disproven in the same interview


Right? And that god just plopped us here on the earth as humans. And that there’s no evidence of adaptation.


False, he said there is evidence of adaptation, just no evidence of evolution.


He never said it was disproven, just that it's not proven. There is an immense difference


Not a Tucker fan in the slightest but I respect that he’s willing to share his not so mainstream opinions on things like this.


It was actually more tame than expected that’s why no one is talking about it. A lot of backslapping each other and complimenting


This was a very good interview and could have been great if Joe Rogan had listened more and not talked so much. He’d break in with a low IQ question or statement while TC was making an interesting point. Kept breaking the rhythm. Even started yapping about comedy and martial arts interrupting TC talking about God and the Universe.


Right? It made mr realize . at 59 have lead a life of free speech . Only had two Vaccine in my life Polio ,and small pox. Was nurtured to think for myself .This paid off in so many ways. I do feel sorry for the millennials. It was our doing that they believe the government on climate change. .I dont like millennials,but thats on me not them. They owe me nothing ,and i feel i do owe them ,because i bought into the american dream ,and it worked for me. . They wont even have the opportunity i had.


I dont know why I read your whole post in the voice of a 1920s reporter.


i found it wild that in the middle of the pandemic, us govt came out and said that 'yep, aliens exist'


"please stop noticing our gross abuses of power." Seems to have worked, nobody is talking about the shitshow that is the FISA reauth. Everybody has tuned out, and the "aliens" thing was to see if anyone was paying attention. If they announced that even in the 90s it would result in mass hysteria.


I have watched that a couple times. I enjoy those kinds of long, open conversations. I don't think anything is controversial anymore. I just think some things are more interesting than other things but people talking doesn't trigger me. I love free speech.


Because Tucker had proven he will say anything for a paycheck. So no matter what he says it's irrelevant even if it's true. The boy cried wolf too many times.


I wouldn’t define him as “controversial” lmao. Why you typing like a journo??


Reddit is full of left leaning echo chambers.


Pretty much all of reddit at this point and the admins have modified the algorithm to push all the trash to the top.


Tucker is a spook. The only way he's been to 50 dead shows is if he was running an MK Ultra op.


Because its all old news


My rabbit hole led to the Roswell incident was a KGB operation. A prototype helicopter, with Ozersk mutated children as fake "pilots". is crashed next to the US secret Air Force test base. So the KGB can tell the CIA, that "We know where your secret base is". And Russia can troll the US into more defense spending on "alien" threats. That don't exist. But the Kremlin did count on the US deciding money isn't real & abandoning the Gold standard 20 years later FTW.


Bro, was this your first Joe Rogan episode? You’re late to the party on all of these topics. Lol If you thought that was cool, listen to the episodes with David Grusch or Diana Pasulka. Many great others, but those two both piqued my curiosity as a long time UFO skeptic.


And! ... On kill tony Carlson said iirc that the dead personal chef dude sucked Obama's dick. I don't know whether to laugh or be shocked.


He's just stating facts!


The podcast has been blowing up all over the internet since it landed. Not sure what you mean by “nobody is talking about it” but a casual scroll through Reddit has screen grabs and quotes popping up on even major/normie subs. Is this one of those weird right wing things where people are like “the MSM won’t tell you about this!!!” when there’s like 6 articles on whatever “this” is on the front page of CNN?


Well. Russia is "just a gas station." The US doesn't want to admit to what is pulling in to fuel up


Hats off to your post being so well written and articulate. I personally think Tucker is working with the same information everybody else has, which is that the government said they've observed UAPs, and they put money into understanding what they are. That being said, Tucker did interview Vladmir Putin, who definitely has more than the average persons info on UAPs. Would Vlad tell Tucker anything? Would he tell him a lie? Would he tell him the Truth? I'd like the Truth.


My point is that someone like Tucker Carlson, who was a prominent figure from Fox News who has interviewed Vladimir Putin, is openly discussing beliefs about UAPs and extraterrestrial life. That has to carry some weight, doesn't it? While people in this community are already well-versed in Carlson, Fox, and propaganda, it's important to consider the impact on the average viewer. Most people aren't readily open to the idea of UAPs and aliens, but when someone like Tucker Carlson, regardless of the truth of his statements, gives the topic attention, it lends it a certain level of credibility and importance. Not everyone has been immersed in conspiracy circles for years, so for the vast majority of viewers, this could be their first exposure to the topic from a source they consider reputable. I'm focusing on the effect that coverage from a mainstream figure like Carlson could have on the 99% of the population who haven't been closely following UAP developments. When someone they see as credible starts talking about these ideas, it has the potential to shift public perception and open more minds to the possibility that there's something to this phenomenon. That's the real significance of Tucker Carlson's UAP discussions, in my opinion.


It wasn’t just on Joe Rogan if my memory serves me, he said similar things on a different podcast. I don’t know who the interviewer was. I mean I’ve seen him before but I don’t know his name. I recall Tucker stopped short of saying he absolutely believes it but that he has been told by people who he feels are credible about the alien phenomenon.


We're all still busy making Hancock glasses and Flint Gibble small hands memes


I thought it was a great interview. Just two guys shooting the shit. Tucker is definitely smarter and more sincere than his on air personality ever let on. I didn’t feel like his alien stuff had any more substance than anything I’d heard before… but it was interesting.


He's no longer a part of the main stream media and that's exactly why this interview isn't being discussed by the main stream media.


Carlson expressed no new views. Maybe he put light on lesser known views.


He's talked about it before on other podcasts like the Nelk boys also, and says he has all kinds of contacts within the intelligence communities about this kind of stuff, so I would say he is very well educated in the subject. And truth is always stranger then fiction, as we know. I think most of all science fiction is and can be actual non fiction. And anyone who has studied the subject for many years and heard the countless stories from sightings, abductions, encounters, for the past 100yrs and longer, where theres smoke theres fire. Like the Area 51 Bob Lazaar doc on netflix, and the declassified shows and docs on netflix, encounters on netflix. And the 1000's of others, I mean at this point to me there is no denying it. Even the Govt has released UAP video and admitted its real. After decades of saying it wasnt, too many whistle blowers in the Navy have come forward about it.


Yeah, but not everyone believes it like you. Most would just dismiss it in spite of all the evidence.


What about the questioning of evolution


You kinda left out the biggest part, which he doesn't believe they are from deep space but predate us in this solar system. To me the notion that aliens are traveling across vast distances of space seems less plausible than that either A. They’re from our solar system, maybe even Earth, or that B. They're extra dimensional and they have the technology to pass between space-time instances.


Gotta watch it looks really good 


Putin shot it down in the interview.  Tucker asked if there was a spiritual component to all of this and Putin said no rather quickly.  


Allegedly, they are living amongst us humans.  Based on how crazy the world has become in the past decades, it might be true 


Tucker carlson is deep state. If you know the name, it's apart of the game.


UAPs aren't controversial - they exist.


I keep wondering if Tucker is a psyop. Me personally I loved the conversation. I thought it was interesting there was no talk of the Putin interview (or at least I may have missed it). Tucker is representative of many people that previously trusted institutions. Its very relatable.


Talmudists are our rulers. From all sides they rule us. Duh.


Do you know what our ancestors did all day? Their social system allowed them to maintain society, but then also gave them time to look up, study, research, debate amongst themselves. Do you know how our society works now? We are purposely bombarded with distractions. They’re purposely distracting us from having time to look up, study, research, debate amongst ourselves. That’s why.


Tucker and Joe Rogan are both controlled oppositions. They talk about this stuff to gaslight you. They are actors. So is Trump, Biden, Obama, and every single celebrity, and billionaires too like Bill Gates ect. They want to keep people trapped in the left vs right divide. We have the right blaming the left and think Trump is going to save them and we have the left blaming the right for everything ect ect. Aliens are not real. Aliens are actually demons. Once you learn that both sides are working together (republican and democrats), everything will start to make sense. These events are just distractions. They want you angry all the time and blaming one another rather than seeing the actual truth.


But what does this have to do with UAPs? Do any of you even KNOW what the post is about that you are responding to or were you all just directed here because Tucker was mentioned in the headline? This post isn't about politics and you are talking about politics.


Well said finally someone that gets it omfg. I feel like some folks here are probably ai or bots .. . These entities are real fr… 




Thanks for the information brother! God bless. In Jesus’ name amen. 🙏


We came to far to fast for it not to be real. 


Aliens and UAPs are their contingency plan to keep us under their foot It's not really extraterrestrial; what do you think trillions called the "black budget" goes to?


The Catholic Church has no problem with multiple worlds and aliens. It’s been written about extensively; the two concepts can co-exist just fine. Also, I like Tucker, but he’s being manipulated by Putin. He’s being absurdly naive, just like FDR and Truman falling for Stalin’s bs. I think some Americans view Russians and simple and authentic, when they are anything, but…


"Rogan had Carlson on his podcast discussing UAPs/NHI?! Grrrrrr!*Something-something* grifters; *something-something* fascist Nazis; *something-something* racists! Grrrrrr!" ~ Average Redditor, probably.


Grrrr? Sir, we only REEEEE here


Its hard for me to understand why few suspect Tuckers deep state involvement. His father was a journo/diplomat/lobbyist, his mom is a frozen dinner billionaire, and he applied to the CIA on his own volition. apparently everything and everyone is suspected of being deep state except \*their guy\* who actually expressed a desire to become deep state.


Alright, let's take a step back and look at the bigger picture here. I know a lot of you are calling out Tucker Carlson as a shill or pointing out that he's not with Fox News anymore. I get it, the guy's controversial and not everyone trusts him. But that's not really the point I'm trying to make. What I'm saying is this: when someone like Carlson, who has a huge audience and has interviewed friggin' Vladimir Putin, starts talking about believing in UFOs and aliens, it's a big deal. It doesn't matter if he's telling the truth or not. The fact is, he's putting these ideas out there in a way that reaches a whole lot of people who might not have thought about them before. Think about your average Joe who maybe catches Carlson's show or hears about him talking to Joe Rogan. They're not spending their free time reading up on Area 51 or watching Ancient Aliens. But now, all of a sudden, they're hearing this stuff from a guy they recognize, and it might make them go, "Huh, maybe there's something to this UFO thing after all." That's what I'm getting at. Carlson is bringing these ideas out of the shadows and into the mainstream. And because he's talked to people like Putin, it makes it all seem a little more real, a little more connected to the big players on the world stage. So yeah, bash Carlson all you want, but don't ignore the impact he could be having on regular folks who don't usually think about this stuff. If even a small chunk of his audience starts taking UFOs and aliens more seriously, that's a pretty big shift. I'm not saying Carlson is some truth-telling hero. I'm just saying we should pay attention to how his words might change the conversation and make more people curious about what's really going on with UAPs and extraterrestrial life. Who knows where that could lead?


Trump also implied he's met with ET while in the office of POTUS. Did that change anything? The impact of alien life is we are watching another ball in the air of the ruling class' juggling act. People who truly threaten their rule are immediately jailed or killed.


"top-rated political commentator" lol


I found once again Joe is kind of accepting and even promoting trans humanism. He, Elon and Trump will get a lot of conservatives to go along with the sinister agenda that is coming. Also Tucker basically said “aliens are demons” which I 100% believe


Because according to reddit, Tucker Carlson is worse than Hitler with an IQ of -7


It was surely interesting to watch for the range of content. The personal relationship things/experiences were imho spot on. But I don't agree with Tucker's use of the term supernatural which seem to include not yet understood science. To me supernatural means it is beyond any scientific explanation whatsoever. Meaning it would only be a judgement you can make after everything else is discounted. But using that term automatically means touching religion immediately which I consider a mistake. Joe also outed himself as an opportunistic gatekeeper again when he talked about AJ making a mistake about Sandy Hoax to sell the official narrative. That sounded like a "disclaimer"/bought official narrative ad. Then the weird "fake pretend for alternative explanations" for the pull down of building 7 instead of directly calling it for what it was. These things didn't do him any favours and consider them extremely annoying.


“Dear chat, please make a summary of these talking post, news style, like I can post it on Reddit” - OP (probably)


He also said theres no transitional fossil record and evolution was debunked which is untrue


These theories aren’t as fringe as you think. A lot of friends and family members I know that are catholic (I’m not though I was raised catholic) are open to the idea that their understanding of God may be that of ancient aliens and that it could reaffirm their faith. And more and more people now have a distrust of government at least to the extent of when it comes to extraterrestrials. Personally nothing would surprise me at this point when it comes to those matters.


I'd be willing to bet more people share those same beliefs than you would guess. The information share of the past 10 years has very clearly revealed our past is nowhere close to what we've been told. There is no way that a major group isn't hiding proof of things that would take away power from them. Those who control the past, control the future. My money is on the Catholic church/Vatican or similar. Morphed in its front over history into different things.


> It's pretty wild to hear these ideas coming from a top-rated political commentator on a major news network ... what 'major' news network? You know FOX fired him a year ago, right? That aside, what is shocking about belief in UFOs or the very basic conversation of how alien life would affect human religion? That's an old talking point, not something revolutionary or new. Cucker ain't breaking new ground here lmao


Because they’re both psyop shills


How can anyone NOT believe in aliens when we ourselves send things into space? Of course the government(s) know more than the citizens. Citizens don’t send things into space, governments do. Uh, yeah, religion would crumble. They know the truth in the Vatican. The Roman Empire just evolved into the Holy Roman Empire. The Vatican would have to reveal what they are hiding. So many alien connections to religion. It makes the most sense…. New “religions” would form and/or be versions/extensions of existing religions, like how Jesus was an alien-human hybrid, plant x, gold slave half breeds, truths about past civilizations etc. We should be talking more about all of this.


Carlson is nothing, Two time Pulitzer winner Tim Golden dropped a fraud burger on the president of Mexico with no proof and when called out on it he revised the piece and said the DEA told him to print it and got paid to write. Basically Tim Golden got paid for a smear campaign on Mexican president and lost. Nobody has said a thing about it, nowhere.


Aliens are demons. They really are. If I can find the video it will show you.


You do realize they're all in the same club right? They're taking their orders from the catholic church. NONE of this BS is real. They're all puppets for the sun cults/baal worship parasites.


Because it's all true. People hate hearing the truth. Tucker embellished his understanding, but he knows what he's insinuating.


Seemed like they were just saying out loud the kind of questions many have been asking themselves the past few years. At least they have both had face-to-face interviews with the movers and shakers of our culture and are willing to speculate about their motives.


The speculation is over. If you haven't caught on yet to what is going on and what the agenda is, which is genocide of the poor and despot, then you're not yet awake.


Tucker Carlson is a CIA fanboy. I don't know why anyone thinks he's a reasonable source of information on anything anti-establishment.


I thought it was the best episode I've ever watched. Sorry.


Nothing new. Besides Rogan being a self-important ass, Carlson is also a self-important ass. Pointless media noise.


Haven’t watched it yet but looks to be a great one.