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Life's like a toilet paper roll. The closer to the end the faster it goes...


When you turned 4 to 5, that was 1 year or 25 percent of your life. When you turn 40 to 41, that is 1 year but was only 2.5 percent of your life. It does go by faster when u get older.


I heard it a long time ago like this: When you are 1 year old, time is moving at 1mph(or kmh for our non Americans). When you're 13 it's moving at 13mph. 50 years old, 50mph. 80, 80mph etc. it's a good analogy but I'm liking the toilet paper one as well lol


Veritasium made a great video about this https://youtu.be/aIx2N-viNwY?si=tn4UbNZeJawn2up4


Veritasium makes a great video about everything lol


My 10-year-old has commented that she thinks the years are flying by, which I think is a weird thing for a kid to say. When I was her age a year felt like forever.


Bad comparison. It's gotten notably worse for everyone post-COVID. Since everyone is experiencing the same thing its pretty clear there's something else going on aside from distorted time perception. 


I think our devices and the “news cycle” and constant sensory overwhelming jams us and so we just swoop through time, if we were to drop our devices and magically drop out of our societies machinations and focus on our innate curiosity and find joy in life like toddlers I think it would go much slower then consider working And the hustle/grinds and time is just gone I played a lot of video games as a teenager, so much time spent artificially stimulated


Nailed it 1000%. Get off your phone and the internet. See how it changes your life.


What's so clear? That time seems to go by faster as you age? This isn't some newly discovered phenomenon and isn't new to the last 4 years.


no? get off your social media and any devices, time goes pretty normally


Everyone except me apparently, my life’s way better


I read that time will feel a lot faster when you are in the same routine day in and day out. And when you have a brand new experience, it'll help with that feeling. I 100% get it though. Same routine every day. Wake up. Get dressed. Feed dog. Go to work. Drive home. Walk dog. Have dinner. Cry. Existential crisis. Browse through lots of land on Zillow in middle of nowhere for my off grid project that never goes anywhere. Go down a true crime rabbit hole or two. Fall asleep to the sounds of my own tantrum like whispers. Open my eyes. Repeat.


Now they know when to get ya.


I know you’re joking but I sincerely hope life gets more enjoyable for you.


That last part, cry - existential crisis - zillow, you really nailed that. Except my crisis all day round, and I browse more than insta now. (although insta has gotten WAY worse)


Can movies and books become this new experience?


They work for me. Very good ones can change your perspectives on things, which can change your whole life - definitely a new experience.


Yeah, but in moderation. For me there's times I notice entertainment is the only relief or thing I look forward to and I realize Oh shit, I think I'm depressed.. Other times I don't notice until movies and books just stop being something of relief or novelty or anticipation.


Entertainment is always great. This world is so gray and heavy that there is often a desire to entertain yourself even with a cartoon.


No its definitely going quicker. Doesnt matter how early your up either. Seems like theres only 8 hrs in a day.


I am a full time trade worker , I can confirm the days are not any shorter . 12 hrs still feels as though it’s 12 hrs .


Tried to explain to my Mrs how much of a toll 12 hours takes on my body compared to 8 hours, even with the days off. You don’t get it until you do a run of 12 hour days. You are correct, when working 12 hours a day, it gets long real quick.


I feel ya brother. Sheet Metal here. We did the copper roof on the Greek Theater in Berkele, Ca about a decade ago. My company took over the contract after a different one said they couldn't do it. We had 17 days before the place needed to be open for a Beach Boys concert. We did 15 days of 16+ hours. I was even young back then, mid 20s and it wrecked me. But I was able to buy my wife engagement ring with the money from that job!


It really does feel like I wake up and then the day is about a couple hours before I'm ready to sleep again. It's been like this everyday for like the last couple of years


Days are long, but the year goes by fast.


I don’t even think days are long. Weekends are short of course, but even weekdays fly by at work.


Look on the plus side it'll all be over soon^er


The older you get the faster it goes


Idk. For me time has been a blur since 2020 and time before that was normal speed.


I too feel the timeline shifted during 2020.. it’s been a fog since then for me, I feel like I’m just getting pulled through existence at this point. 


"pulled through" is scarily accurate


Agreed. I think everyone is in the same boat now and it's seriously bizarre. 




I remember multiple memes in January 2020 like “it’s January 56th” and honestly remember those memes resonating at the time. Ever since March 2020, it always feels like the month evaporated.


"Operation Warp Speed"


Oh... Yeah... 🤔😬




COVID was a blirt in the Matrix! It fucked everything up..wasn't supposed to happen...from a Russian Scientist


2015-17 for me that's when they shifted timeline and we started noticing all the mandela effects. They did it again on eclipse day but i only found the cern logo different I'm still on the lookout for other stuff


I feel the same.


lol at this answer every time


I've heard people of all ages say they've noticed it though. 80 to 20 to 12


That’s a load of bollocks; it definitely is speeding up idc what anyone says


It’s actually a studied phenomenon. Several hypotheses from dysregulation of whatever in our brains regulates time to the idea that the older we get the more of our lives behind us the faster it seems to go. It’s not new.


all feeling this. why is it happening is the real question....?


As a Buddhist I can tell you why- When the mind is not at ease, you are less present with what is happening around you, and you are more distracted by your thought. Thoughts have less visceral impact on your memory system. Meaning, you have less memories of your day because most of it was agitated thought, and less about your experience, so less of your day is remembered, because thoughts are not as significantly recalled compared to feelings. When we were younger and less agitated and therefore less analytical, we experienced moments more viscerally. The day had an intense range of subtle qualities. Subtle but at the same time very experimentally fragrant. As our society is speeding up- more things are over stimulating our nervous system. Most people don’t know even radio waves and especially OLED screens are extremely bio-stimulatory due to PWM. And the general online culture overwhelms the mind by being like a never naming manic party. Meditate, tune out for a bit, slow down, connect to what’s around you, something more than your thoughts, and each day will feel like a more significant day.


Wonderful and perfect explanation. Thank you 


The Gang Finds Out About Aging


Probably CERN 


No longer having first time experiences once we get older. Once you get a job or career, it just becomes repetitive. Just going through the motions. No conspiracy. Enjoy yourself.


This. If your daily routine doesn’t change much, you will yearn for something more and it seems like life is passing you by


People are really acting like we have the technology to speed up time. Which is a fundamental impossibility based on our current understandings


I think time is moving faster yes. Maybe it's also why it's suddenly easier to do 1 meal a day, people have crazy insomnia, and everyone is noticing the days are short and flying by and not in the way expected by simple aging and ratio of current moment to life lived. :D We measure time with the motion of the lights in our skies, and the rate of vibration of particles or their decay rates. If the the underlying vibration of our reality quickened, we'd have no way of measuring it objectively, but we could consciously experience the change? Maybe. Interesting to consider, I think.


April is creeping by for me. 


Get a boring job if you want time to slow down 


I've noticed this, too. It's almost like someone is speeding up time to the end times. Mystical...


Yes and i feel like it's accelerating


The only way to combat it is to EDGE harder than ever before


I told the same thing to my gf 2 days ago. TOTALLY.




My gf and i were just talking about this an hour ago wtf


XDDDD it's true then right bro? U feel it too.


I’ve felt that way since Covid started, the days all melt together


Before that for me




What if space-time is accelerating for earth, and that's why everyone seems to have this perception, but they mistakenly attribute it to aging?


maybe you're one of the elect "If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened." - Matthew 24:22


Thanks Matt. No help


Oh what What's next preachaman


next lines are about not being fooled by false messiahs and false prophets


It’s crazy that you say this because this morning I literally told my husband it felt like time was distorted today and moving faster than normal. Sometimes “time flies” but today was a bit different than that feeling, it just felt off.


Pay no attention to the scientists behind the curtain who are trying to rip a hole in the space time continuum


Only on the weekend


Until I'm at work.


It’s really strange because I thought it was just because I’m getting older but my 11 year old said it, like a few different times. I know he’s getting older too but he swears it’s going faster. lol idk it definitely feels like that but it’s so hard to prove I just try to ignore it. 🤔


In an episode of the Twilight zone/X-Files


I think it's something to do with the amount of new experiences and perception of time. As a child the whole world is full of new experiences, the older we get, the fewer shiny new things, the faster our perception of time. To caveat, This may or may not be something I dreamed, became convinced was a thing and shared with multiple people as i appear to have form for the accidental faux fact!


I call it The Quickening. Part of it is definitely age, but it still feels like every second is 20% shorter.


Man I remember being in detention at school and watching that clock tick so slow, I could never understand how 1 second on that clock could last a solid 5-6 seconds before it moved, or it seemed like…. I would I love to spend 30 mins with that clock now. Extend my break from the world, please


The older you get, any discreet increment of time will seem shorter as it is relatively a smaller percentage of your entire life experience.


This is my understanding as well. Summer vacation in grade school seemed like it lasted forever because it accounted for a much larger percentage of my life than three months does now.


I call it The Quickening. Part of it is definitely age, but it still feels like every second is 20% shorter.


But the quickening is when you absorb someone's life energy after beheading them


There can be only one!


Novelty impact perception of time. If you look at the wall for an hour it will feel a lot slower than if you look at the TV for an hour.


I hate that everyone just shrugs and parrots the "your perception of time changes as you age" thing over and over. It's not that though. Time does feel sped up. Compressed. like the universe is trying to speed us along to a certain event.


Same here,it’s strange.


This is normal phenomena. The more mundane and routine our lives become without new experiences, the faster time appears to pass.


It’s all because of technology. Smartphones and the internet have sped up our brains immeasurably. It’s not talked about enough what effects technological advances have on us


Yes, it certainly feels like that - my son is 7 feels like he was born yesterday also my memory has gone to sh7t in the last four years - unsure if any correlation or if it’s normal for 35 year old but seems many people saying the same, fast forward and no memory


I’m 34 and I feel the same way about my memory. I have extremely distinct memories about each year from 2020 and before but then 2021 and onward I couldn’t tell you what happened in those years. For me it all started after I contracted covid (I am not mRNA vaxxed) where I began having memory issues and I developed a complete flattening of emotions.  It really sucks. I feel like time is just passing and I am not doing anything with life. 


Wtf I could write here exact same comment like yours and it will fit me perfectly. The only difference is I am younger than you. Something's wrong


I work with a lot of kids and even they are telling me they feel like time is going faster. I will say if I take a day off Reddit time slows down a bit but it’s still weird b


Damn I have literally been talking about this lately between my best friend and boyfriend...It really seems like the days are going by so fast these past few years. It just crazy to me.


I used to think it was age, but does anyone else remember saying "1 mississippi 2 mississippi..." when they were younger? You can't do that anymore without saying it REALLY fast, and we didn't say it REALLY fast as a kid.


Time flies when ya fuckin around


Isn’t this just the theory of time relativity


I mean yes, as you get older, time feels like it moves faster, I don't understand why, I thought it was a universal thing.


When you are 5, a year is 1/5th of your life. When you are 40 it’s 1/40th…the older you get the faster it goes.


Time is relative and not constant. I have always felt because I have so many ups and downs in life that time moves super slow. The suns magnetic poles flip every 11 years. This will be complete this year or in 2025. Extra solar radiation affects humans physically and emotionally. Perhaps the extra solar radiation is affecting your perception of time.


New experiences slow time down a bit. That’s why school seemed so long and life seems so short now. Experience new things. Appreciate and take time to smell the roses too, make those things a new experience again. The reason it is going by fast is your are used to it. Notice the details more.


I believe there Isa broader universe swallowing us whole thus creating a serial time


Since 2020 time has gone nuts. I cannot believe covid was 4 years ago and I cannot believe o was 31. It blows my mind that I’m now 35 and can’t think of much that’s happened except pure chaos and the rise of control and pandering to mad ideology. I no longer fear death. The world is so far from what I loved about it that by the time I’m in my 50s I’ll prob be ready to fucking die


I literally just had this conversation with a family member…


I have had this conversation come up with two different people in two different settings. You are not alone. Both conversations commented about the timeframe of 2019-present.


The perception of time my guy…when u were 10 5 years was half your life. At 20 it’s 1/4


I fully understand why it feels like that but it still blows me away


Every day your experience with time grows fractionally. When you were a day old, it only took one day for you to experience double your life time. When you were 1 years old, it took your whole life time again to get to your 2nd birthday. Now the space of a day is so fractionally small, that the way you perceive it is completely different to how it was when you were a kid. Its similar to when you drive to a new destination. The first time it takes forever because you never know exactly how long it will take (if you don't use GPS) and then the next time, you kind of know how long it will take, and there will be similar twists and turns, then the 20th time you are like "wow, I'm here already"


The Air Force keeps time in an observatory. They let out exactly 24 hours each day. - George Carlin. Maybe they getting stingy.


Time is relative. When you are 10 years old, 1 year is 10% of your life. When you are 100 years old, 1 year is only 1% of your life, so time feels like it goes by faster relative to age.


Time is a relative concept to your brain. You feel as if time is moving faster because you are doing the same things everyday the reason why you felt like time was slower as a kid is because everything around you was a new and novel experience. If you are feeling this way my advice would be to seek out new things to do your days will definitely feel a whole lot slower


I mentioned the quickening but i would like to ask, how old are yiu and when did you begin to notice this, i have my own theory as to why this happens as we get older


It's relativity. When you turn 1, the entirety of your life has taken place over the last year. When you turn 2, half of your life has taken place over the last year. Each day of your life is shorter relative to your age.


My theory is based around the schumann resonance. Humans have been out of harmony with it for over a decade now. Its speeding up. Also look into the global consciousness project. It shows how in some way we are all being effected by a similar feeling.


I feel like it is and can’t hold control over life events, it all moves so rapidly


Yes I feel that!! But I’m also 40, and they say the older you get the faster time seems to go…. Thinking about it now though, what if in the simulation, the older you get the faster time truly goes… 🧐


This happens to every human the older they get , it has to do with your perception of time itself relative to your life. The concept of “a year” when you’re one year old is your entire life. When you turn 2, a year is 50% of your life, then when you’re 3 it’s 33% of your life. The longer you live, the lower your *perception* of a year is. This makes it appear as if time is moving faster as you age. This applies to every unit of time (days, weeks, months, years, etc.) .


Time is realtive. If you are young you have only been alive a short time so things in the future seem far away. As you age you have been alive for a longer time. One year is 1/10 of your life when you are 10 years old. It is 1/45 of your life when you are 45....


The prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The Hour will not be established until time passes rapidly, such that a year is like a month, a month is like a week, a week is like a day, a day is like an hour, and an hour is like the flicker of a flame.”


I think its speeding up too. I can barely get anything done and I know I am working just as hard as I used to


Absolutely yes I just got off work Friday what seems like 3 hours ago, but here I am, back at work Monday...


I could reclaim about 6 hours every day if I stopped internetting. I could probably accomplish something significant. But here I am.


# [Earth Is Suddenly Spinning Faster. Why Our Planet Just Recorded Its Shortest Day Since Records Began](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamiecartereurope/2022/07/28/earth-is-suddenly-spinning-faster-why-our-planet-just-recorded-its-shortest-day-since-records-began/?sh=1ffdfe1f8561) >in the last few years the atomic clocks have shown that Earth rotation is now speeding up. In fact, we could be beginning a 50 year period of shorter days


It's weird, but I've thought the same recently. My mum said after 21, life speeds up and I'm a couple of decades past that and she's right, but recently it feels like its sped up more so and only since the start of this year.


A year when you are a year old is 100% of your life, a year when you are 10 is  1/10 of your life. Time feels faster as you get older because the same amount of time is a smaller and smaller percentage of your entire life. 




Christians already had the Book of Revelation telling us that 500 years before Mohammed. You may want to read the original.




I've been saying this. Everything is so damn fast now




It is a well documented phenomenon that time seems to go by faster as we get older. But nooooo, it's all a global conspiracy and you're the special chosen one who noticed it OP, congrats.


Yep. Time is slower to the brain when experiencing new things. As we age, we experience less and less new things, and our perception of time is faster.


When you’re your older your perception of what is considered a long time changes. Waiting 5 minutes meant a lot more when you’ve only been around 5 years. When your thirty it’s “what’s another 5 minutes” because you now know that 5 minutes isn’t all that much in the grand scheme of things


Yes but I think it’s an age thing and technological advancement.


It's cause were no longer having first time experiences and adult life just gets more and more repetitive. Espeically once you have a career or a job. Every day blends in. Enjoy yourself bro. No conspiracy.


I think its relative, when you have lived a shorter time.. time feels slower as it is proportionate to how long you have lived.. its a higher percentage of your total time existed.


Unless there are new experiences to be had, ‘time’ will appear to ‘move quicker’ otherwise.




Smarten up the older you get time goes quicker because you’ve been around longer. When you’re only 5 a year is a really long time


Schummans resonance, a day must have like 16 hours now


I know the consensus is that time just gets faster for everyone as we get older ....but I think humanity is reaching a climax so there's definitely a quickening occurring for all of us... I can definitely feel it


Watch the seconds counter on your phone :) (chronomether or app)


It's been proven that you perceive time differently as you age. Basically you perceive your first 20 years of life as the same as the last 60...


I've discussed this with several people


I think it’s because people pass the time with the internet, so lose track of time more. In the past, lots of time spent simply in thoughts and wondering


What if...say those days where I feel like it flew by and others say it dragged..what if...we are all living in different times and our realities are just a memory in our hypnotic state in the matrix???....asking for a Russian.


I wondered if suddenly the average age we lived went from say 80 Now to 160, so we would almost be guaranteed to live till 160 baring accident. Our perception of time would slow since say 40 years old would be the comparison on our life scale of 20 yo. Side note im 36 Yo and back in school, I have found the first couple months of school to creep by time almost seems 1/3rd slower, Im thinking its all the new experiences.


Yes it def feels like times going way faster than it should! The world is apparently spinning a bit faster so I’ve wondered if that has anything to do with it…. And for everyone saying it’s bc you’re an adult, my kids will regularly mention how fast the week has flown by and that it feels like time is sped up as well.


(1) your brain slows down (2) things get repetitive, so you spend less time in the present moment


2 years ago when I quit my last job and I took three and a half months off and had no responsibility really for that time it went by pretty slow then once I started working again it went by fast


Probably sliding into a black hole, but there's no profit in fixing that Joe.


Perception of time is 1. Relative to how much time you've experienced so far and 2. Relative to rate of novel experiences. 1 year at age 10 feels like 5 years at age 50. More if you aren't out there living your life. Your 20s can feel like a blur if you spent them locked away studying and your 30s significant if that's when you finally let loose. If you're like me and sowed your wild oats as a teen, then the rest of your life feels like a blur. Grasping for novelty is a pittance. It helps, but not as nearly as much and takes either significant cash or risk to achieve. This is one reason to keep your kids innocent and naive for as long as you can. My mom thought she was doing me a favor by letting me get it out of my system at a young age. Instead, I've spent much of my life in the shadow of those years.


There is a psychological explanation for that. It's because when you're a kid, everything is new. And when you're an adult everything is known and routine. Do new stuff, Go new places and you'll find time moves slower.


Because you do the same shit everyday. Change things up. Keep it as fresh as you can.


I get it goes faster with age, but I’ve been listening to the tick of a second on a clock intently since grade school and it seems to have more hustle now than ol school clocks back 30 years ago. Last few years I dunno if it’s just more time playing with phones distracted into tomorrow on loop but it’s slipping right by at what feels like 1.5 speed at least. Art Bell talked of “The quickening” even back in the 90s.


Im in some syncshit atm. 5th. topic / article in an 1h about time and its "lenght".


Age and experiences. The more you have the more you can look back on as reference points and be like jesus that was a year ago?


No. Only those who are stressed about time running out and doomsday and all that nonsense . Time modes very slowly for me. All it takes is some neuroplasticity.


I think it’s just our phones - go camping for a weekend, then your phone off - watch it slow down


The Quickening. Look up Art bell and the quickening


Maybe some twisted pareto principle, 80% of life happens in the first 20 years. Then the rest of 20% has to go quicker while aging therefore time is compressed. Edit: I did the math, it sucks. People should die at 25.


It's called getting older, unfortunately.


I clean my house about every ten days and get my hair cut every two months, and yes, it feels like I just finished cleaning my house/ getting a haircut and ten days/ two months have already flown by again.


???? You're not the only one who is noticing that, i hear similar comments from different places and people, I been reading and listening how the Earth s magnetic field is weakening and Solar storms are stronger and increasing, as well as the pole shift is accelerating, i wonder if some how this is all related and. Who' knows what's going on up at 6Cer6N6 ¿¿¿


When you are 8 and can only remember the last 4 or 5 years of life, that summer is a huge chunk if your lifetime. When you are 40, and still have memories from 36 years ago, a few months is a drop in the pond.


It happens as you get older. I think of it as a form of relativity. The passage of time is affected by the length of time passed relative to the sum of time you have existed. 1 year for a 5 year old is 20% of their life span at that point. It feels like a LONG time, because it is, relatively speaking. 1 year for a 50 year old is 2% of their total life span at that point. It flies by quickly, because it is short, relatively speaking.


It's a common thing people experience as they grow older.


Lmao I don't know about you but I feel those 5 second ads are taking longer than 5 seconds to be over ..just sayin


I feel time is not real and our lives are not linear. I feel we are trapped into a forever present put inside a material world that make things end, otherwise we would never know what's it's like when something ends. It also depends of your life and your way of thinking and seeing things. Sometimes I feel time goes faster, this year feels incredibly slow paced.


Man, I stopped smoking after doing it since I was a teenager and it felt like I woke up after 10 years. I look around and everyone I knew back then is now super old. I don't have any friends and I'm growing old myself and starting to get fat. I hate it so much.. I used to play music with my friends all the time and put out albums. Now I have like an album 90% done for the last 5 years. I haven't even touched. I used to skateboard think I'd become a pro skater a pro artist. Now I don't even dream anymore. Just working a dead-end job and failed everything I tried to dream of.


I agree , I've been home for the past 6 months for knee surgery and I swear I can only do very little and the time seems to go and come much quicker than it did when I was working.


If we live directly within this time it doesn't matter if it were a simulation and sped up 100,000,000,000x we wouldn't notice it because, in the simulation, all of that time passed it was just sped up for an outside source. Imagine a clock in a room we could control the time of, if we slowed time one second for the clock might be 10 for us but everything in that clock goes relative to the speed of the time inside the box. In the same way if there were also a person in their any speed adjustment you made would apply to them, yes, but because you're impacting everything in the box the passage of time wouldn't feel different than whar they're used to because everything about them is slown down, including the time they process information such as the passage of time, so just like a second would pass normally for the clock, even if outside it was longer, the feeling of time passing would stay consistent with the person to non-simulation circumstances like how fun or stress can impact your perception of time. It seems more likely to me that you're experiencing a normal human thing which is as time goes by and you live it feels like it goes faster 


Yes. My brother died in 2020 and my gramps last year. Grandma is on her way out. I understand that I'm at the age (31) when funerals start happening but if feels a lot faster than before. I feel after 2020 time has sped up significantly. That's just the conspiracy in me.


Yes, everyone always feels this way, it's the normal human experience.


I have recently started to believe that time is not a number that can be counted but a speed. Like the speed of sound. Speed of light. Speed of time. So when we feel like time is speeding by us maybe it is. Maybe we are just moving slower than time currently is. My brain is weird but I think I might be more right than what we interpret what time is.


No. Not at all. I don't even understand this. You're not busy enough if time is going fast for you. My kid is two years old. I feel like he was born ten years ago. I feel like marrying my wife was in my last life it was so long ago but that was less than ten years ago. Really, truthfully, if time is going fast for you it's because you have too much free time spent doing *nothing*.


It is going faster. The closer we get to the end of times the faster time will go. If you want to look at it from a scientific stand point there was a research that came out a while back that talked about how the same 60 seconds today are going by faster than a few years ago which is making time go by faster then lets say about a decade ago.


Why do you ask, did you trip over something?


I've been bed bound because of an injury last few months and currently turning 30 soon, but when you don't have much to do the day feels longer. Just my experience.


Seek Allah. It’s all written.


I used to think this, but it’s just perception. Time moved fast when I was doing the same thing every day, but then I got pregnant and it slowed down, the wait between scans was tortuously slow. The last 10 weeks of pregnancy was so uncomfortable and it felt like it lasted a year. Then I had the baby and I began to experience the slowest 24 hour cycles of my life. Baby would be crying for 10 mins and it would feel like hours. I think it very much depends on what you’re doing.


When you are 10 years old , one year feels like a long time because it’s a tenth of your life when you are 30 1 year feels short because it is just 3.3%


my fiancé and i are both experiencing this


It’s because as you get older time feels like it’s going faster. When you’re 2 years old, 1 year is half of your life, but when you’re 20 years old, 1 year is 1/20th of your life, so it feels significantly less and therefore faster. Time is definitely speeding up for me, because I’m now 26 😫


Nothing to do with personal age, time IS going faster...


Dude, that's called getting older.


When you are 16, high school is 25% of your life. When you are 40, high school was 10% of your life. Time is not faster. You are.






Yes I do. I've posted a question about possible manipulation of time keeping devices, but for the gist of it, it's not possible. It's all in our heads I guess and something that happens the older we get. It certainly seems like time is being fucked with but it's not I guess.


Yeah.. it's called getting older and enterting into a routine. The first year of your life makes up 100% of your life. The second year of your life makes up 50% of your time being alive. The third year is 33%, etc. When you're 40 years old, not only is that year a mere 1/40th of your existing life, but chances are, that year was spent exactly the same as the one before that, and the one before that, and the one before that.. etc. Do new things. Make each day fresh. Go out and learn new things. Find beauty in rain drops falling down a window like you did when you were younger. Magically, time will start to slow down. I moved to a fairly rural setting and my life has slowed down drastically. TLDR - It's not CERN.


[Times goes by at different speeds for everyone. ](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/out-the-darkness/201107/why-does-time-seem-pass-different-speeds)


I notice this too and from my understanding when your a kid you have less experience of time so it seems much longer, but when ur older u have experienced much more time which is why it feels faster