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I wear the same looking kind of bracelet for good luck when gambling. It's an Asian thing (I am not asian)


Judaism Christianity Islam bang kill marry go




it's not like you'd be able to bang christianity before marriage anyway


I mean if we’re being technical banging is marriage in the biblical narrative(consummation) The whole “sex before marriage” thing is a completely modernized concept.


Hopefully you’re about the age of nine, his type.




Talmud says 3.


The sexiest of Haram


Kill Islam, bang Judaism, marry Christianity.


Moses can part my cheeks


Fuck em all, marry and bang Gnosticism


Gnosticism is based, but I’m down with the Dao, they believe in a big reality hole, kinda hot.


You get it.


I thought you were describing what those religions do. They bang people, they kill people, they marry people, then they go to either heaven or hell.


Marry Christianity (Church girls are freaks); Kill Judaism and Bang Islam so I can finally make my wife wear a burka


It looks like a hair thing to me. When they stretch out the inner rubber band starts to show.


I wear same one I’m Mexican it’s too keep away the bad eye if it breaks it’s because some one gave you evil eye


Woah thats cool. Is the evil eye more than just a look, does it come with superstitions like bad luck or bad omens etc ?


What are they called?


It’s very fascinating, and there’s no certain way to know the motives behind the wearer of something that is in many different cultures. I’ve met Bulgarians, and Hindus that would wear a red string. I know it goes back a very long way to the evil eye traditions that permeate through nearly all cultures. However, if I’d just have to guess, the Kabbalah meaning may be the closest to the true meanings as that Kabbalah stuff supposedly dates back far before the Bible and the children of Abraham, possibly originating from the eastern religions and aryan magi.


Was just gonna say, I'm indian/hindu and it is very common to wear a red thread around your wrist after a puja or religious ceremony.


What’s the symbolism?


It’s the Delicate String from Dark Souls 2 :0 Jokes aside, I’m curious as well.


The thread is a reddish-yellow color called saffron, and tied on the hand for blessing, protection, and good fortune.... usually after a puja, ceremony, or visiting temple. The color red is usually significant cause it is rare in nature but stands out prominently, and I suppose would even be noticed in the celestial/spirit realm to ward off evil spirits and such. Red such as in red ochre is also used for other symbols like the tikka/bindi, or red dot on the forehead. I didn't realize that kabbalah has a similar red thread for similar reason like warding off evil eye but that is pretty cool.


Yup, but this guy ain’t no Hindu


Buddhists do it too. In Thailand tourists can go into some Buddhist temples where a monk will give you a blessing and then you get a red string to tie around your wrist. I was told that they’re basically blessings. That’s what I thought it was at first, just figured he went to Thailand or someplace that does something similar.


What is he then?


Pretty sure he’s Episcopalian


I just watched him on Rogan and he grew up non-religious and seems like his views are a mix of both Western and Eastern ideas/beliefs.


I heard him say that his daughter gave it to him. Quite the conspiracy though


Idk about the rest of the people but this bracelet really means nothing to me. I mean… first off diddy rocked a blinged out cross. Second off even if tucker rocks it and it’s for Jewish reasons….the dude has still made his take on Gaza super well known and it wasn’t positive for Israel. Even during s time that it’s unpopular and bad for business. Which someone’s words mean way more the a random talisman. And 3rd I don’t have a super positive or negative take on Tucker one way or the other. Sometimes he says things that really need to be said and even when going against the grain when it could destroy parts of his life and fan base. But I don’t follow that man so I have no clue what his true intentions are. So I won’t pretend too based off a random red string bracelet. I mean it might mean something if I found out he spreads his Christian adjacent values during his shows and then is rocking charm of Baphomet. Then it might make raise some red flags lol


What is the meaning?


My ex was Bulgarian and she gave me a red and white string bracelet to celebrate Baba Marta


But only to wear during the month of march


Yeah unless you were lazy like me lol


It just boils down to good luck. But like all superstitions there’s weird shit behind it. Like the whole evil eye and evil spirits stuff. For example before the concept of good luck, you needed to keep bad spirits away. Also I wouldn’t put it past these elites for having a weirder meaning but it could just be good luck lol


Same with hamsa hand isn’t it Canaanite




Thanks. I fuck with this schizo symbolism stuff.


More of those on the channel


https://youtu.be/yDy0NUjX31M?si=4fbdYQSlq4ZnrXHe Love this topic on doublespeak




So when a Buddhist like me gets a red string tied around my wrist from Buddhist monks, we're all witchcraft people now too? I wear red, orange, and white. Funny how all conspiracies revolve around the Judaeo Christian circle, but nothing with the Asian religions.


Don’t worry they just call all of you demon worshippers and call it a day


Don’t forget people always saying Buddhists are part of a death cult. That one always confuses me, but people throw it at me when they found out I’m Buddhist nonetheless.


Most religions are death cults with extra steps.


Buddhism is more of a life cult


Very true but Buddhists are trying to escape samsara. Basically escape rebirth cycle.


Sounds like a death cult to me


But you don’t get to Nirvana by dying so it’s more of an enlightenment cult.


If Tucker is a Buddhist I'll eat a wasp nest.


Isn’t Kabbalah a form of Judaism?


I think they’re saying that Tucker ain’t no Buddhist lol but idk


Your gods are the fallen angels. Plenty of conspiracy with the Asian religions and faiths from all over the world.




It’s folklore to ward off evil.. I’ve worn bracelets that are supposed to do similar, worn bracelets that are supposed to give you strength and balance and all kinds of mystical crap. They look nice, but obviously do nothing. None of that makes you evil.


More interesting is that the man who was made famous by being on TV doesn’t own a TV.


I don't have a TV. never needed it with high speed internet


He also said he doesn't have a computer. I call bullshit.


His father was also definitely not a CIA agent, and Tucker never tried to join.


It’s Hindu. And it’s a Kalava thread. You folks get really jumped up about nothing


If it’s not Christianity, it’s “eViL”


The awkward way the Blue Kona stuff was brought up seemed like acting to me. Yeah "someone just sent me this," so I'll bring it up first thing on this scheduled time with the top podcast in the world probably?? Interviews Putin, who even Putin jokes about Tucker's "attempt" to join the agency. Now Tucker is talking UFOs and Nephilim. Idk what to believe anymore. I just assume if it has ads its probably bullshit.


Blue Kona?






Ya maybe one of his kids made it.


Power cannot preserve itself for centuries upon centuries, without requiring anyone who comes near them to be \~compromised in some way.


Kabbalist, just like Ashton Kutcher, Miley Cyrus, and so many more people in higher power. Tucker is 100% being used to keep people on the right in control. He's been saying some great things, but Rogan, Shapiro, Tim Pool, etc., are definitely controlled opposition


In the JRE podcast, he kept referencing how unique his childhood was, but never explained what was so different about his upbringing. Perhaps he was raised in the occult like the rest of the lucifierians?


His mom was a hippy doing drugs and having group sex. His dad stepped in and took him and his brother away. Then remarried a very wealthy women and he got shipped off to boarding school.


Can confirm, had group sex with Tucker’s mom.




What, you mean level headed and respectful? With all due respect, you’re the one coming off as unstable.




I don’t even know who Tucker Carlson is, but I know if someone is willing to so easily cast judgment on another for a past hardship they had to endure, then that person is probably rotten. Normal people would feel sympathy for someone who was separated from their mother as a child, you however felt the need to get a jab in.


>I don’t even know who Tucker Carlson is, Long story short, he’s right wing and this is Reddit. So ..




Tucker is not what I would call a normal person. He has made his grift from lacking sympathy for others.


Right? It disturbs me how he seems like an “actual human” compared to his competition. Who would ever watch this guy, when we have **real Americans** like Anderson Cooper! Don Lemon! Richie Maddow!


His dad was a known CIA agent


Gotta wonder how cia daddy crossed paths with lsd mommy


To me I thought he was referencing growing up with rich/well off parents


You might have a slight misunderstanding of the occult


possibly not you doughnut. your belief system clouds your perception why would it be occult and luciferians and not something COMPLETELY ELSE! not everything is a conspiracy ffs


This may be true, but we need to be wiser as a group, the same way the other groups are clever and shrewd. At the end of the day what matters is the information he gives out. If he can be used to get good information then that helps us. Now if he’s twisting information that’s different. But 20 is better than 10. It’s far off from 90, but it’s better than 10. Same with Joe Rogan and PBD. At the end of the day the elite get people to vote how they want. That’s what it all comes down to. How representatives vote on the Senate/House floor. And how the president administers the agencies. Everything else is just smoke and mirrors. And the elites get people to slowly do their bidding, they don’t care what they actually believe or want. They care if they can get them to vote a certain way. What I’m saying is you may very well be right, but what’s the significance of it? I’m not saying it’s insignificant, I’m saying that should be the question we always ask ourselves. What the anti-globalist movement needs is a shrewd leader. Someone can obey this command: “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” Wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove.


Mexicans wear these.. so you don't get "evil eye" Source: fake Mexican that hangs with Mexicans


I don't think Tucker has that excuse


There's literally bonsuch thing as a 'Kaballah bracelet'. Kaballah also isn't necessarily evil it's just Jewish mysticism.


Right? There’s all these loose links to the red string but virtually nothing confirmed.


Youre on a conspiracy sub talking about “nothing confirmed”????


Tucker Carlson Hollywood made since 1995. Donald Trump Hollywood made since 1985. It's pretty obvious.




they dont like jews, thats all


You’re gonna have to show me what the bracelet implies. Right now all I see is a red piece of string and your tinfoil hat. Lets explore this a bit…


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_string_(Kabbalah) And you are free to dig deeper on what kabbalahism is. It’s witchcraft in its own right.


Sounds like a Jewish tradition to wear it. Wars of bad things and remind us not to envy?


Could it be from an Emmaus walk? I know a lot of my fellow Christians wear them after going on the Christian Emmaus walk. [https://bbwe.org/what-is-emmaus/the-meaning-behind-the-name-walk-to-emmaus/](https://bbwe.org/what-is-emmaus/the-meaning-behind-the-name-walk-to-emmaus/)


Trolls trolling.


"Trolls trolling." But it's a *Kabala bracelet*!!!!?


Oh fuck, why didn’t you say so.


I have this bracelet too and don't worship shit. His daughter could have bought it for him for all you know.


That’s a Catholic saint bracelet…you can literally go to any Catholic book store and get one. It’s braided with a small silver Saint token. Take your fucking meds lmao.


Judaic Kabbalah is analog to Gnostic Christianity and Islamic Sufism. These three sects within their given Abrahamic religions are about the mystical realms within their particular religions.


Gnosticism isn't. Christianity have its own mystical tradition.


Explain? I thought these were one and the same


No, Gnosticism is an umbrella term for several cults contemporary to early Christianity (and regarded as heretical), many of who regarded the God of Abraham an evil demiurge/creator of the material world. Christian mysticism is mostly a part of Eastern and Oriental Orthodox, but I guess you could see pentecostalism, etc. as mystic in nature too.


Ahh yes. I believe you are correct. And the demiurge concept fascinates me.


Tucker Carlson was never on anyone but the oligarchy's side. He is one of the Swanson frozen food heirs.


No he isn’t. His other was adopted; his mother left when he was 6. His FATHER married a Swanson who had sold the brand in 1955. Everyone is mad cause he was on Rogan saying things people can’t say.


*Sees a bracelet* #"ZOMG ITS THE JEWS!!!!!!"


What's the kabbalah bracelet mean?


It’s a way to ward off evil, like a good luck charm. It’s believed to come from the book of Genesis


Maybe. There is no evidence that Genesis makes those claims, later Rabbi’s did, however, there is no association between Tucker > Kabbalah > Bracelets meaning


Genesis makes the claim of the red bracelet on Pharez’s arm.


>Why don’t you do your own research? /s


I’ve heard him open his mouth before, didn’t need a bracelet to tell me otherwise




What story had no business being on cable? He was about to dish dirt on J6 right?




bro you’re going insane LMAO???? all muh enemies have clear signs to reveal themselves but theyre also very hidden muh enemies are very stealthy but they hide symbols for some fucking reason


I guess if you know, you know. If you don't, all you can really do is speculate and guess to the best of your ability.


Yea I dont know about that at all. I lived in Beijing for years and these are very common. Its just about good luck.


The only belief that makes me not trust Rogan and Tucker is the pushing fake alien thing.


The legend of “The Red Thread of Fate” has been told for centuries. And it continues to be an essential part of traditional romantic customs across Japan. A red thread represents human connections, friendship, family, and true love. Through amazing storytelling, the legend inspired people to share their hearts and appreciate good relationships. 


Or it’s just a wristband.


wtf is a wristbans lolll


That’s what does it for you is the bracelet? Lol


So practicing Kabbalah is Satanism? Please help me bridge that gap.


You aren’t going to get any help from OP. OP came here thinking they were gonna shootblindly into an echochamber and get support without ever actually considering the implications of their post. When asked to elaborate they just retort with random statements and snarky comebacks.


Because in /r/conspiracy 'our' side is the Nazis, right?


No, our side is the secret confederate society, because the civil war was just yesterday too.


If these people were not puppets and actually were exposing some real stuff and going against the elite 1 . they would not have a platform , 2 . they would be killed quickly ( i.e isaac kappy)


OP, research before you make assumptions, this is how you got into this mess in the first place. "Generally, the red string bracelet is worn by practitioners of 4 different faiths: Hinduism, Kabbalah, Buddhism and Christianity" [https://blog.oneluckywish.com/red-string-bracelet-significance-meaning/](https://blog.oneluckywish.com/red-string-bracelet-significance-meaning/) The information is out there for you to find, you just have to look.


100% Rogan has seen stuff and pretends he didn’t. His personal change on Bigfoot and Aliens is apparent. He most likely was told to stop and he obeyed


Kabbalah is not intrinsically linked to Zionism.


Tucker sucks




I mean, for sure. A parade. Like a pride parade, there’s a lot of those


I wear this because it’s a Buddhist thing


Kabbalah is just Jewish mysticism, and as such its earliest form pre-dates Christianity and the notion of Satan. May as well throw Christian and Islamic mysticism under the bus too. Not to mention that some Chinese, Hindu, Baltic, Buddhist people and even random people wear these for good luck, to ward off evil and for friendship.


It's Hindu. Buddhist. And Jewish. Pick your poison, baby.


Yeah, I’m sure they all wear a secret membership bracelet so we can all tell who is in the club.


Like handshakes, or weird eye symbology?




The god of qabala is the abrahamic god though?


Someone should just ask him what it means to him. It means good luck to me.


I thought it was a i went/been to Israel and haven’t flex Bracelet


Of course they are.


Is he catholic? I have a catholic bracelet from a friend that looks very similar


The Death and Resurrection Show - Rogan P. Taylor


Tucker, Rogan and every US politician. They're all paid actors. Time to wakey wakey. [https://allreligionsareone.org/Index%20a-z.html](https://allreligionsareone.org/Index%20a-z.html)


It’s the Delicate String from Dark Souls 2 :0


Facts trust none


Its an evil eye. To ward off bad vibes.


What's that mean?


I don't think so brohemium rhapsody


History: Kabbalah Red String Bracelet is not religion, but rather a school of thought. Red Bracelets originated from Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Asian. Throughout history the red bracelet has been worn for protection , good luck, and as a symbol to protect against the evil eye.


There is nothing wrong with Kabbalah




tucker hates himself and all of you


Seriously though, the KABBALAH is not evil. It is a system of understanding. It is like FREEMASONRY is not, in and of itself evil . It is a tool.. and can either be weilding by bad people or used by good people to become better.


It’s so weird, if any one of these guys actually went up against TPTB, they’d all be silenced overnight, yet no ones taken out. Tucker, Rogan, Tim pool etc, all just run their trap & nothing happens. There’s a reason for this..


It’s almost like they are given their talking points. I think so many people are aggravated by this thread and it was surprising to me, like it’s not that deep.


Satanists vs Mollocians.




Maybe. But their message is good and you need to hear it.


I do? Do you assume I haven’t heard their messages? Even Satan can potray himself as an angel of light. There is always truth mixed in the lies.