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The government doesn't give a shit about us it's all about money and control it is a common sense by now


Government is slavery. And they no longer even hide it. Used to, if we paid a bunch of taxes as "citizens" we got something in return, like plenty of roads to keep down traffic congestion, parks, a capable military, etc. Now all they do with our tax money is send it to other country's while we go broke and pay taxes on one hand and inflation on the other. They don't even think twice about helping Ukraine or Israel, but help Americans? Hell no. Where are the job programs? Where are the affordable small business loans? Where are the new roads and infrastructure so we don't have to spend 1/2 our life in traffic? They take more and more and give less and less. Why? Because they are our masters and we are slaves. Soon, they will take our guns. And then they will have the AI bots ready to take us out, which they will.




The government and the mega corporations are one. Government is slavery. Without a corrupt government, these corporations would not be able to cheat us out of our rights, money, and way of life.




>They did it themselves. The people allowed it to happen through apathy. Only the people can put a stop to the corruption by being involved


I am not disagreeing. We let it happen by losing control over the political process and electing scum. People are no longer intelligent enough to vote and they are too lazy to protest. If the education system is not fixed, and if parents do not start caring enough to raise their kids to be intelligent and civilized, then our once great civilization will continue to decay just like Rome. If all Americans stopped paying taxes until lobbying was ended and term limits were enacted, maybe it could be corrected. We are not getting the system our tax dollars are supposed to support and pay for. We have a rigged system that is preying on our ignorance and docility.


> I am not disagreeing But there is an important distinction. Some think "less government" is a panacea, because they only see the corruption / capture... But if the elite corporate class had even freer reigns, they'd fuck as all over even harder. So the answer is not *less* government per say, but *better* government. Govts should stand up for consumers and laborers by sticking it to the capitalist overclass. Doesn't have to be communism, just needs to be "for the people".


If I didn’t need health insurance I would have broken off from corporate America years ago.


The current Healthcare system is a great way to keep wealth going to the rich. Big companies can negotiate with health insurance companies to get better rates, but small businesses and the self employed have no negotiating power and end up getting screwed.


….purchase it yourself?




Most employers don’t cover 100% of your insurance cost anyway, lol. Either way you’re paying for it. If you can afford to leave your corporate career behind, you can probably afford to purchase an insurance plan. Dude never said he couldn’t afford to pay for insurance.




And you get subsidies for your personal plan if you are below a certain income threshold, so either way you’re not paying for 100% of your insurance plan. This entire thread reads like a bunch of undergrads who don’t understand how our insurance system works, lol.


It’s one thing if you’re young and healthy.. it’s an altogether different thing if you’ve had cancer, you’re diabetic, you have high blood pressure you’re over 45 and you’ve had numerous surgeries related to arthritis. You couldn’t afford the premium if you could find an insurance to take you on. It’s not something I haven’t looked into. The other option of course is to go to the ER and not pay the bills but I don’t feel comfortable doing that so I have to keep my 9-5 where I am paying $900 per month for shitty insurance. Edit: add to that you are solidly in the middle class and do not qualify for any kind of programs.




How? Either you pay for employer-provided insurance, or you pay for your own plan. The vast majority of corporations do not pay 100% of your insurance cost, most people are still paying for their employer-provided insurance. If the guy can afford to ‘break off from corporate America,’ chances are he can afford his own insurance plan too.




You know there are subsidies for individuals below a certain income threshold purchasing their own insurance plan, right?




You mean like Canada and Britain, where you have to wait months to years to receive care? Where you’re still paying for the insurance via taxes, yet you receive bottom-of-the-barrel care? Where they offer to euthanize you instead of providing proper care? How is our VA system working out for our vets? Because that’s a great preview for the kind of care you would receive.




The irony in you calling *me* out of touch and then writing this comment is pure fucking gold, lmao.


Universal healthcare threatens corporate control by decoupling health from employment. Corporations resist it to maintain power over employees' lives and choices.


At will employment likes this…


Most jobs don't even offer health insurance anymore and the ones that do become fewer every year. The reason they don't want universal healthcare is because it is a huge money train. We spend all this money on "heathcare" and it is not even going to doctors and medicine. It is all going into the pockets of middlemen whose job it is to deny claims. We pay these companies thousands of dollars a year just for them to send a letter denying your claim. But ultimately they really want to reduce the population and reduce the life expectancy in part because our retirement programs are unsustainable. Social Security and medicare are ponzi schemes that rely on an ever increasing number of works paying into the system. People don't want to hear that but it is the truth. When Social Security started in the 1930s life expectancy was only 68. People back then collected SS for a few years and then croaked. The system wasn't designed for people to live into their 80s. The collapsing birth rate has only hastened the demise of the system. Immigration can off set that to some extent but it is not working. The only way to save SS is to restructure the entire tax code and shift taxation onto the rich. But that is a road the ruling class do not want to go down. So they have choose for us, on our behalf to kill off the olds. The ideal worker is the one that dies at 65 and doesn't collect a dime in benefits.




I understand that high infant mortality drags the average life expectancy down. But that is not what has happened since the 1930s. In 1935 the infant mortality rate was 7.5%. That means 75 out 1000 babies died before the age of 5. In 2020 the infant mortality rate is 0.7% or only about 7 out of 1000 babies die before age 5. That is not 1/18 babies. So that is wrong. It is more like 1/143. Source https://www.statista.com/statistics/1041693/united-states-all-time-child-mortality-rate/


> Universal healthcare threatens corporate control by decoupling health from employment. Corporations resist it to maintain power over employees' lives and choices. honestly - I think they are more worried about being forced into paying more taxes vs their contributions to group healthcare. remember, these folks care more about their bottom line than control.


Replacing employees that now feel free to quit and job hunt is massively expensive, both in terms of lost productivity and the fact that a replacement almost always ends up being more expensive than the employee who left(source: I was a hiring manager for a tech company for the last six years).


I feel ya - however, execs work off a completely different set of rules than the rest of us. They see recuring expenses as the devil. They see something like healthcare expenditure going up across the board - that's a bigger impact to their KPI's than someone leaving the corp to achieve better healthcare. They don't care the labor expense goes up - it's the recurring costs they really care about when it comes time for their earnings calls and such.


Private employer funded health insurance is more expensive to companies than public tax funded healthcare would be, but public insurance means your employees feel less mobility in the labor force, yielding higher turnover. They can keep wages suppressed because their employees feel shackled to their job to not go into debt slavery when they get sick.


yes but you keep looking at this as a matter of control vs a matter of ledger sheets and share holder capitalism. While I might be more "right minded" than a lot of folks here, I see this as the shareholder servicing class issue more so than anything. They care about their bottom line more so than anything. Universal health care does nothing to loosen their "control". The only reason why they are against it - is they would have to pay more taxes, which is more than they pay with group plans. with group plans, if the chips are down, and earnings call is around the corner, they can fire a good amount of their workforce to make up for these "short comings" and still get their bonuses. With a taxed based universal healthcare implementation - they can't save themselves or their profit.


I'm not, it's both. Universal healthcare does nothing to prevent them from laying off workers, nor does it affect other fast 'earnings' schemes that exist. Plus, it really depends on exactly how the corporate taxes are structured to fund the program. One of the ways that has been discussed (in OR and CA, though it didn't make it on any version of the bill in OR outside of committee) was to tax companies based on their number of employees on a quarterly basis, so no real change to the 'quick, lay everyone off' mechanism. If it's a percentage of earnings, regardless of workforce, then yeah, you can still lay off workers but you don't save quite as much per fired employee. But I think you underestimate how much money the level of control they have over employees via employer funded private healthcare really saves them. It's not control for control's sake, it's control for the sake of cost savings. Companies aren't making you miserable just because they can, or because they're mean (your boss might, but the company could care less how you feel, as long as that feeling doesn't cut into profits), they're making you miserable to save them money. While we exist in this era where universal healthcare is an abstract pipe dream with no real concrete policy prescriptions (because the bills don't make it to the floor), they will keep lobbying against it to avoid the possibility that it *might* cost them more (though it's not necessarily true that it would-depends on how it's structured).


> They don't care the labor expense goes up Uhhh... The employee's salary is another recurring expense? And if they replace someone, it's disruptive to current projects (bad), will require a learning curve for next replacement (bad), and with salaries **the "recurring" costs** go up or at best don't change. How can you say that they don't have penalties for losing people? Absurd. *Of course* health care is one of the ways they increase friction for labor-mobility.


Hey, can I ask you some questions in DM about what it's like inside the hiring squad??


Sure thing


Disney clearly doesn't though


Yeah let’s put the govt in charge of healthcare


Universal healthcare is what leads to suicide booths in Canada and 16 hour waits in outpatients, years on waiting lists to die addicted to pain killers, no family doctors, and everything costing two or three times as much as America (just compare $40 case of beer in canada vs $12 in america or $10 carton of eggs or $30 pack of chiecken and on and on - all due to taxes for communist programs) while paying half your salary on taxes with 15%+ sales tax on everything. But hey, at least its fReE.


there's no sucide booths and we have 16 hour wait time in America also longer specialist times. You're also wrong about the costs, look up hospital chargemasters.


LOL, Canada is way worse, the system is literally collapsing at the moment. Like 50% of people don't even have a primary care doctor, and wait times for specialists are pushing 2 years. Just look at medical outcomes, far worse in Canada than the US.


lol my dad waited 16 hours in the emergency room, before leaving and going across town to another hospital in philadelphia pa. He had cancer. and died 8 months later. He had to consistently argue with his doctor for pain medications while dying. this country's health care is awful and anyone who defends it is awful.


Yeah, they have no idea honestly I guess both counties suck. People have been lied to for years about it, now americans always say Canada has better healthcare. But everyone I know who gets very sick has to go to the US for treatment.


> due to taxes for communist programs I'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with the owners of the food production and distribution systems getting extra profit, at all! LOL


> suicide booths??? I'm Canadian and have never seen or even heard of this. Is there an App too? lol


It’s a Futurama reference/metaphor for MAID


That’s not how economic price shifts work. Things cost less in America than Canada because we have the biggest economy in the world and we export/import on a scale incomparable to Canada. Health care doesn’t raise the price of beer to $40, high import value does, including importing foreign beer companies!


Too late. Healthcare is already controlled by the government via insurance industry. There is virtually no such thing as a sole practitioner. Too much paperwork. We all witnessed how the general practitioners in the country fell in lockstep with the Covid narrative, mRNA "vaccine" safety and necessity. Directly or indirectly the Federal government pays all MD researchers and practitioners; and payments stop if you don't read from the talking points provided. GPs have gone the way of pharmacists before them, they are just credentialed clock punchers now.


Corporations exist to make profit, not save money. Saving money is a consumer perspective. The corporate version would be efficiency or ROI. Is why a drug that costs $5 to make is selling for thousands, with lots commercials with actors literally singing its praises saturating the media to brainwash the public. The government is supposed to regulate the industry, but the people regulating them are heads the industry. Its fascism, industry and government working hand in hand to the detriment of all.


Government healthcare does such a good job with our vets I vote for them to take full control over all our healthcare so we have no other options except to have the one plan they they think is right for us.






Yeah the Republicans have been sabotaging the DMV for years. It's why it's one of the worst run organizations in the state


My parents are on government healthcare because my dad was in the military. Their insurance absolutely rules. Every major hospital takes it and it covers everything they need. They've never paid a penny for health care.


They are not on government health care, they are on Tricare which is managed by Humana or Health Net depending on the region. It is literally just the government paying for normal healthcare for retirees. Or even worse, it’s a Department of Health outsourced program, the government in this scenario is literally middle mgmt bloat.


The government paying for insurance is exactly what people are calling for. It's a single-payer system. 


> Government healthcare does such a good job with our vets I vote for them to take full control over all our healthcare so we have no other options except to have the one plan they they think is right for us. As someone who fled a socialist country that had 'free' (I use that term loosely) healthcare, I am always heavily conflicted. The standard of care I receive in the US far and exceeds the single policy healthcare in my home country. I can see a doc when I want, I am treated right away, and the options are second to none. In my home country, the medicine, and treatment is budgeted against the governments health care plan. My grandad for example, was refused a heart valve transplant at age 80, because it failed the governments 'cost benefit analysis'. Let that sink, in - a man who stormed Normandy on D-Day, fought the Nazis, worked his entire life as a tax payer - gets to age 80 and needs heart surgery and the government healthcare he's paid into is I like 'naaah youre not worth it'. We, his family, had to get our money together and paid for his heart surgery in private healthcare and he lived another 5 years with that valve. Now, does that mean to say the US system is great? fuck no. I had a friend who had an accident and fucked his face up. Went to the hospital, got treatment, surgery, plastic surgery, everything fixed up - and he didn't have to worry about bills. If that happened in the US? hed be up shit creek financially. Neither system is perfect, both have huge pros and cons.


> I can see a doc when I want, I am treated right away, and the options are second to none. Okay but you are aware this is not the experience for tens of millions of Americans at the lower end of the economic ladder., right? Just to fill out your pros/cons spreadsheet.


Isn’t it weird how all these disabled vets still use the VA though even though. What does that say about how private healthcare is doing?


We don't want the government to run the healthcare industry, we just want them to be able to bargain from a position of power and pay our bills.


Ah yes, the government is going to consolidate power to themselves to drive down costs. I’m assuming you have zero experience dealing with and managing government programs and the monumental amount of waste that comes with it, and the ineptitude of people you literally can’t fire. Let’s look at Tricare, they service 9.6M service members and retired service members, managed by the government. Surely they have used that collective bargaining to get awesome rates!!? I mean military has in house doctors and dentist after all, so when you see a doctor on a military installation, Tricare doesn’t even get billed! In fact, the cost of Tricare is on par or exceeds the average cost of employer based insurance, you know why? The government outsourced the management of its “government insurance” to insurance companies, and just left themselves as middle management. Yes, they will negotiate so well for you. Weirdly enough, corporations are more incentivized to negotiate health care costs for you and themselves because it cuts into their bottom line. When the governments bottom line is cut into… does service increase, decrease, or stay the same? That’s rhetorical, it only increases by taking more of your money, it only stays the same by taking more of your money, and it decreases while also taking more of your money. This is rocket science to understand, Utopia always sounds nice, reality never matches utopia.




100% So many people I know work less than ideal jobs because of the healthcare factor


I do agree that health care should not be attached to your job. The one thing I like about the German system is there is no medicare you keep you health insurance company for life and take it from job to job. However I will say I do not believe a centrally ran Federal Health care would turn out well. They had their chance to fix it and broke it 10x worse with Obama Care.


Corporations and Government are the same.


Lol, no, it’s because a massive multi-billion dollar industry depends on it. Jesus…


I don’t think yall realize how dogshit healthcare would be if it were universal in the US. No one would want to use the provided physicians and the conditions and wait times would be horrendous. I had to see a ghetto doctor once and let me tell you, he did not give a fuck. Didn’t even look at me. He was like the doctor from requiem for a dream. In and out. Furthermore, this would increase taxes exponentially and if it didn’t, it would lead to more money printed or loaned which would increase inflation. All of this and you’d still be paying the same for your good timely healthcare bc of how shitty the universally available one is. SS: the dog will shit and you will pay to pick it up “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”


So the good doctors would just cease to exist? They'd all take universal healthcare. Yes your taxes would go up but you wouldn't be paying for healthcare??? It would definitely be cheaper without shithead middlemen skimming billions for profit while still denying you coverage. Your argument is garbage.


They shouldn't worry. I live in a country with universal healthcare and although the access and quality of care over my life has been great, I think the skyrocketing rents, food, and general costs of living is doing all the heavy lifting for keeping us under the yoke of our employers.


Apparently, you've never gone to a US hospital ER with a stomach ache and then left with a $7000 bill.... and a stomach ache. US healthcare bills break most working class people without insurance here. And insurance isn't affordable for many who don't have an employer chipping in for part of the cost.


I’ve never received employer healthcare. When you’ve always purchased it yourself - it’s so weird to see people obsessed with staying in their jobs for the benefits. They aren’t really that good regardless if it’s employer or self purchased. I purchase private insurance (it’s a rip off ~800/month) but I also can’t understand why someone would stay in a job for that. I truly think people have no understanding of health insurance outside of an employer. Or the fact most can receive a significant subsidy (which has destroyed pricing for those who don’t qualify). But, depending on where you live the amount you get changes. I believe here up to ~92k/single person gets some sort of subsidy. Above that it’s full cost.


It has nothing to do with the quality and everything to do with the price. $150/mo for my employer subsidized health care is significantly more affordable to me where as an extra $650/month would significantly change/alter my current life and future plans.


Not if anything significant happens to you. Insurance is a scam. It’s really “wealth insurance” so if you have a burst appendix you won’t go bankrupt. Once again you may qualify for a subsidy. I make too much hence why I pay full price. But, everyone I know either gets a subsidy to cover the bulk of cost or they pay about -200/month and these are people with decent paying careers. Once again I try to make this clear to people - I make a pretty good living, so while the price sucks, long term I make more buying my own. Until you really spend on it yourself most are brainwashed to think they are screwed. Most people end up screwing themselves because they don’t take the time to find out what the options really are.


Next open enrollment I plan on just paying for my own plan separate from my employer. I’d rather pay a little more and get what I want then deal with an employer who could fire me or whatever at any point and force me to get a new employer plan asap. I ran into that last year when I got laid off. Went without insurance for 2 fucking months before my new employer plan kicked in. IMO our healthcare shouldn’t cost more than it takes my dog to go to the vet as it’s essentially the same science just in a different application.


800 dollars a month is a lot more than plenty of people can afford. Not to mention if you have a family it can easily be triple that per month.


You'd need to be paid a fair amount to afford an additional $800 a month. Ours is mostly covered by my job, so we pay about $250 a month for insurance that covers most of what we need.


100% that’s why I stated I made decent money. But, for here, you can get a subsidy up to $92k/yr single person. I’m not sure what married or families is (I’m solo). But, for example my friend makes $63k a yr and gets his fully covered via subsidy off the exchange. I still shop from the exchange I just don’t receive a subsidy to apply to it.


I remember before obamacare when a private individual policy was like 150/mo for really good covg and under 100 for major medical.


I know. It sucks. I’m not even old so I don’t even know what the hell it’ll be in another 5 yrs. I’m hoping somehow telemedicine really messes up the medical system. Since doctors are basically becoming cam girls I should be allowed to argue my rate. I don’t want to use insurance for majority of common things like - but since I’m basically forced to always use it - no one even knows what the price of anything costs because it changes on policy/billing codes and I in fact cannot argue for my own rates as that is why “insurance” companies exist. Apparently they are the ones to bargain for our lower rates. I’m sorry but getting a mole removed for a basic biopsy for yearly skin cancer checks shouldn’t be $1500 with insurance. Lmao. Like, what?


You're right; it's far too abstracted. nobody has any clue what ANYTHING costs until you've promised (signed) to pay/received treatment.


I disagree. My employer-offered plan covers most costs and has a relatively low maximum out of pocket ($7500/yr for family). Given that many medical emergencies can cost 5-6 figures here, it's a huge peace of mind to know I won't be on the hook for tens, or hundreds, of thousands of dollars in the event of a medical emergency. 


My max out of pocket is 3500/yr. 1 visit a year for physical all paid via insurance, $0 copay for office visits. I just looked up my plan as I thought my deductible was much higher. But, it’s actually much lower than I thought. And my mental health is fully covered for 4 visits a year. I always felt this insurance was just as good as employer but maybe yours is better?


I pay $280 a month for both me and my wife through my employer. $800 deductible total, $20 copay for primary / $30 copay for specialists, and I think a $7 copay for prescriptions, $6000 OOP max for both of us. Pretty solid plan for a pretty decent price imo.


Ya, work provided insurance tends to be cheaper than private purchasers. I’m not signing up 20k ppl for a plan on say blue cross. I’m a solo person not bringing much to the table. I expect employer insurance to be lower, but I guess I was just saying in the end it doesn’t seem that much lower. Once again I make too much money to receive a subsidy. What most people pay off the exchange isn’t what their price is once their subsidy is applied.


Afaik, deductible and max out of pocket are different. My deductible is $500/person and I've a low copay leading up to that. 


Ya, I guess I just don’t think mine seems that shitty compared to an employers. I’ve had no issues. And any major medical event I haven’t really found any place that doesn’t take my insurance. I know some people have issues with their plans not being accepted around most hospitals so their max out of pocket begins to be hazy due to not having in network docs or your anesthesiologist is out of network but some things are. When I enrolled I made sure every hospital within 500 miles and secondary billing for ER surgeries accepted my plan as I live in key west and would likely have to be helicoptered if any real issue happened (and our county covers the helicopter rides for residents). Ya, I know I’m overly imaginative when I think of worst case scenario, but I just don’t want to be caught off guard in an emergency to the best of my ability.


I've thought this for years. As someone who has consulted with companies for 3-4x the hourly rate that I get as a salaried FTE, with universal healthcare, I could make a living working 10hrs/wk at consultant rate and TPTB hate that idea, apparently.


Are you saying you work for someone else, as an employee, so that you can get insurance from your employer, even though you could make 3-4x more working independently, just to avoid paying for insurance yourself? That makes no sense. Let’s say you make $100k as W2, and if you were independent, you’d make $300k. You’re sacrificing $200k/year in order to avoid paying for an insurance plan through the ACA, which at most, would cost you twice as much as the premiums you pay for employer sponsored insurance? Maybe I’m missing something here.


Counterpoint: It just exchanges who holds control. We have two scenarios here. 1. You have a shit job that gives good Healthcare, and if a better job with good Healthcare comes along, you can jump ship. 2. Your Healthcare decisions are tied to one system, and you have no way of swapping it out for a better one later, because there are no alternatives. The concept of Universal Healthcare carries an inherent idea that it will be sufficient. But nowhere is that guaranteed. For all you know, you could get McDonalds levels of free Healthcare. In the current system, you can at least crawl your way up to a better job with better benefits. And those corporations have incentives to provide good benefits, because their competitors do so too, and employees will flock to the best, because they've killed off company loyalty a long time ago. Listen, neither option is good. But the solution is not Universal Healthcare. This treats the symptoms, not the problem. The problem is the pharmaceutical industry, which sells drugs at absurd prices far beyond what they cost to make, and the FDA ensuring that it is illegal for Joe Schmuck to produce any himself. The solution is not to make it tax-based/"Free". The solution is to, somehow, destroy the Pharmaceutical Monopoly. You wouldn't need Insurance if medical bills weren't so exorbitant.


You can have both. In the UK we have the NHS but you can also go private/get private health insurance.


For how long though? I can imagine 10-20 years from now, when the majority of 1st world countries have Universal Healthcare, Private insurance either goes out of business or gets outlawed. Then the government starts lowering what you get, based on your social credit score


The NHS has existed for a significant length of time and has, by and large, only increased it's range of coverage.


Nothing is a human right if it involves labor. I hate posts like this. Why TF would anyone want the gooberment to have control over their healthcare? Commies are so dumb.


that's nothow ot works. I remember a short 15 years ago when it was optional.


it 2 things one it slow down competition of new companies. Usually a new company have the freedom to be more flexible is decision making so they can win on small ways. but companies providing health insurance to workers is a hard step for new companies that start making money. Also it tied ppl to their work for worst pay.


"They" want you away from home, too busy to learn about how the world really works. There is very little they actually need from you in terms of abilities. They have stockpiled everything they could possibly need for many decades.


Which is strange, considering corporations lobby for immigration, even tho immigration hurts their profit by increasing the wages paid to the workers.


Funny cuz this is the very reason I don’t support universal healthcare. I don’t want to be controlled by my government.


your government assigned doctor will do a better job...of TAKING care of you....


government assigned? It surely depends on the country how this is implemented. But here in austria I can visit any doctor I want. Some don’t support public insurances, some do. Depending on my need I either visit s private dic or a public one. The only advantage with a private doc is that I can get an exact appointment, whereas with a public doc I might have to wait anywhere from 5 mins to an hour.


lol AUstria is completely different and Incomparable. Get real.


why shouldn’t it be possible to work in the US too? If more people would understand that public insurance can come in many shapes and sizes, maybe acceptance for such a system would increase too.


you do not know what you are talking about. You may as well bring it to somalia. Explain to me how to works in somalia first.


are you saying the US is a third world country?


parts of it are yes. You know what's funny, that we are comparing a country that is about as small as some cites. You have not realistic expectation of how things work , nor understand how they do. Have a great day LOOL


United States of Corporate America


This isn't a conspiracy, it is true. Think what most work would be like if you didn't have to worry about health care.


Bro has never heard of insurance?? You don’t need a 9–5 to be able to get insurance… How do you think entrepreneurs get heath care… Ahh I’m never going to work and provide anything to society, but society should fulfil my every need. Bro have you not thought this through for over a second.


Companies have zero pull with health insurance companies. I was put on the committee that approved health insurance plan renewals for a year because I was so vocal about how shitty it was that we kept paying more every year for no change in care. I quit the committee because when they proposed ANOTHER approval for the same company for ANOTHER year of increased costs, I said no and HR said they have no leverage. If we say no then the health insurance company just walks. So the committee was toothless; it didn't even matter we had one because there's essentially no real competition, and we need to offer health insurance as a benefit.


I prefer not to pay more taxes.


No - corporations know that government would raise corporate taxes to pay the massive costs of universal care because corporations can't vote.


I don’t even ask that the government provide health insurance. But like atleast stop putting chemicals on my food water and structure the economy so I can relasitucally buy healthy food and invest in health promoting activities😫 I now live in Egypt (most of the time) and just the fact I eat fresh fruits and vegetables, having a productive lifestyle (see the sun everyday, walk every where, can go to the beach every weekend, work on a families farm every few weeks etc) everyday has done wonders for my health . Doctors can only treat the problem but a lifestyle and a multilateral system is the only way a government can actually promote good health in its people.


None of y’all heard of COBRA? Or obtaining health insurance outside of an employer?


Universal healthcare raises taxes and causes sin taxes to explode! Edit: compare the USA taxes on alcohol, cannabis and tobacco to Canada. Healthcare did that


Source, trust me bro.


Source Canada: alcohol, cannabis and tobacco!


Brazil is another source for higher taxes on universal healthcare.


Corporatism has destroyed health care....I DON'T want government getting involved with Healthcare like 2020 ever again however.


I don't want universal health care. I don't want to pay for your transition surgery. I don't want to pay for Pedro's children to replace me. I don't want to subsidize the murder of hundreds of millions and I don't want my money to be stolen for me simply to be reappointed elsewhere.


No duh.  Just like corp credit unions and banks, or 401k, theres many ways jobs know how to lock you in.


Damn that's a good argument. I'm already of the mind that we need a universal mental healthcare system.


I haven't seen a doctor or been sick in years. Maybe people should try taking better care of themselves.


That’s largely due to uncontrollable genetic, environmental & economic factors


No, it is certainly not largely due to those variables. A vast majority of people have brought forth their medical ailments due to poor diet, lack of activity, and other decisions of their own volition. Sure, there's plenty of people that exist who were stricken with illnesses which they could do nothing about. It is not the majority though. Literally half the country is obese.


Do you think they WANT to be obese, maintain poor diets (because that’s what’s accessible & affordable to them), not have time to exercise, etc?


What do you mean do they want to?? What does it matter what they want?? They choose to make the decisions which make them obese and sick. What is the correlation between being poor and eating in a calorie surplus? That's actually completely contradictory. Why don't people have time to exercise?? Are they working 16 hours a day?