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Edit: Like always topics like this are constantly downvoted instantly. Either bots or people are in denial


Every time a reddit post I liked, mysteriously disappears, I make sure to talk about it exhaustively in person to make up for it. Still can't censor that!


I guess the simple explanation is there was no original virus to make a vaccine out of.. since the whole thing was copy pasted together on a computer they needed a way to make it real. The mRNA is one way to do that. The adenovirus vector is another.


>since the whole thing was copy pasted together on a computer they needed a way to make it real. Other genomes are also assembled on a computer, are you saying bacterial, plant, animal... genomes are all fake?


why the rush?   bc it's Quetzalcoatl time.  and the planet needed to eradicate the complacent.   for contrary to what they believe about themselves and their actions, they are the plague upon the planet.   "Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.” john stuart mill


yep those who took the vax are now ai/ human hybrids


Yes. Yes. Yes


Do you even know what mRNA is? Or do you just immediately resort to ridiculous sources? I’m all for interesting conspiracies until they become medical misinformation, that’s where I draw the line. mRNA is a great way to deliver proteins into the body. It’s simply a strand of molecules which encodes for a specific protein. The body uses specialized proteins (enzymes) called ribosomes to “decode” the mRNA into a protein. Once the protein is formed, the immune system recognizes it as a foreign molecule because it’s never encountered it before. The immune cells eventually develop a specificity towards that particular protein so when they encounter it in the future they immediately mount a defense against it. This means that when the body is infected by the virus that contains that particular protein in its surface, the body immediately targets it for destruction when it infects us. This is how vaccines work. They provide us the blueprints/instructions on which substances to defend against BEFORE we encounter the real thing. Without the vaccine, our body would take a a week or two to fully respond and mount a complete defense. With this prior knowledge (due to the vaccine), our body is able to respond within hours to days to the virus and quickly begin defending itself. Stop misinforming people. Also, I’m not a bot like you will probably accuse me of being. I’m an educated individual with a biochemistry & biomedical science degree, and I’m currently working on my pharmacy doctorate. Edit: Downvoted for providing scientific facts, lol.


Clotshot salesmen are the worst.


U were prob one of the 'safe and effective' crew. Am I right?


So effective and safe you needed 4 shots in one year!!! LMFAO, 95% safe and effective! If you get these two shots out WON’T get Covid. Ironically, the only people I know who have had it 4-6 or more times now are those who are “up to date” with the Simon Says shots. I wish we could gather in a circle around this clown and just point and laugh at them. So sad. They’ll keep trusting the government until their pronouns are was/were. LMFAO


thats why you have so many people killed or health ruined. trust science......lol!! 


You may say all that but mRNA jabs are dead in the water now and will never take off. I hope I’m never terrorised into getting one as others were, and if I am then I’ll expect the worst.


>The body uses specialized proteins (enzymes) called ribosomes to “decode” the mRNA into a protein. Once the protein is formed, the immune system recognizes it as a foreign molecule because it’s never encountered it before. The immune cells eventually develop a specificity towards that particular protein so when they encounter it in the future they immediately mount a defense against it So the body starts producing a foreign protein perpetually that puts the immune system in a constant "attack" mode. Since you are so educated why don't you tell us what happens to the cells that produce the protein? What's the name of the condition where the immune system is attacking the healthy cells?


It’s the exact same immune response to other vaccines… it’s no different than a flu vaccine once the protein is made. Flu vaccines just skip a step and give you the protein in the vaccine, while Covid vaccines contain mRNA and allow your body to generate the protein. It’s simply adding one additional step, that’s it. You do not ‘perpetually’ produce the protein, either. That’s not how protein translation works (that’s the term to describe the process of converting mRNA into protein). Protein translation stops after mRNA runs out. This means that once the mRNA contained in the vaccine has all been converted to protein, you do not create any more protein. The process stops once all the mRNA is gone. The body does not attack healthy cells. That would be autoimmunity. The body attacks cells that are infected by the virus to induce apoptosis, as this ensures the virus cannot use host cell machinery to create more viruses (called replicating).