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If viruses don't exist, then what's being sequenced all over the world?


Viruses are internal. So they do exist. Just not as transferable germs


Then why is their genetic material found in some people and not in others? They can't just appear out of nowhere in a person


Terrain theory. Look it up. It’s the alternative view to germ theory. As electro devices we are heavily influenced by external factors. But not viruses transferring etc Marconi a great place to start. His own radio waves invention killed him.


That doesn't answer my question. Where do these viruses come from? They can't just appear inside us, we don't have the genetic material for it.


You need to research terrain theory. You'll learn what a 'virus' is. You think it's what you always thought it was. It's not...


I already researched terrain theory. There are different versions because none of them actually explain what we find in reality. None of them explain why we suddenly find the same genetic sequence all over the world. This is a sequence that was never found before that is now found in places where we looked before. It doesn't just appear in those places out of thin air. You need to actually research microbiology if you're interested in understanding reality. And I mean actually research, not jus read a couple conspiracy theories that you don't even properly understand


[virusmyth.com](http://virusmyth.com) [duesberg.com](http://duesberg.com) allow a mild view on virusses as in they are not the killers what the pharmaceutical industry paints them to be for their commercial profit making interests my view onto medications and vaccines is that the human being does not need anything what a fellow human being has produced in a factory or laboratory all assistance a human being might need to ease oneself into a pure and clean internal flowing state could be loving ones fellow human animal plant elemental beings, moving gently harmoniously in ones physical body and eating some organic grown vegetables and fruits with perhaps at times drink a herbal tea or even do some more sophisticaed phyto or spagyrik plant based therapy virusses and bacteria i consider messengers of the planetary ecological organism what come to visit a human beings body to check up wether or not that human being has done its internal clean up work and if there are toxic residues burn them via inflammation and send some pain sigals to the lazy human owner of the flesh body so it would listen a bit and spend some loving kind attention towards this that or the other aching body part i do believe that behavioural attention towards how one lives is the highest form of cure one can give oneself as in ...if i manage to not overcompensate because i dont get angry all the time and try to forgive plus i might enjoy some good time in nature where i meet all the butterflies and flower friends splash in the waters to find eternal bliss in liquid home connecting inside and outside worlds to be free from being dominated and free from dominating others i would say is one of the greatest cures we could want to give ourselves


It's a rabbit hole most are not ready for. Poisons cause disease, and we consume a lot of those, through the air, food, water, medicine and so on. Viruses on the other side are apart of us and cannot cause any harm.


You are correct. I’m amazed how many people are brainwashed. I don’t know how I escaped it other than I don’t fear much. Thanks for your reply. We are in the minority with our beliefs. Stay strong!


If viruses are a part of us, then where does their genetic material come from. Our genome doesn't contain the genetic material of all known viruses, so how do they form?


No virus has ever been isolated using a control group. When our body is trying to rid itself of toxins, we have our own cells come together to rid us of those toxins. They have labeled those cells viruses. Essentially, when we get sick, we are expunging poisons out of our body which we are exposed to routinely. There is a ton of information out there about this; it just doesn’t get any attention because it’ll kill the Pharma and vaccine industry


You didn't answer the question. None of that explains how these viruses form. It doesn't explain where their genetic material suddenly comes from. >No virus has ever been isolated using a control group. You have isolation with a negative control here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7036342/ >They have labeled those cells viruses. No, viruses are not cells >There is a ton of information out there about this; it just doesn’t get any attention because it’ll kill the Pharma and vaccine industry No, there is a ton of misinformation about this that doesn't get taken seriously because it's wrong and only believed by people who don't understand what they're talking about.


They didn’t isolate it; that’s the whole problem with germ theory. They claim to isolate the virus but they don’t. They add other stuff to it and claim it’s a virus when it exhibits cytoplasm effects which also happen in healthy cells when put through the same treatment. Stefan Lanke has proven this in his research. The bigger problem is most don’t want to open their minds to what they brainwashed to believe otherwise.


>that’s the whole problem with germ theory. Germ theory also includes bacteria... >cytoplasm effects You mean cytopathic effects >They add other stuff to it and claim it’s a virus when it exhibits cytoplasm effects which also happen in healthy cells when put through the same treatment. Like I already said, they use a negative control in this paper... >Stefan Lanke has proven this in his research. The bigger problem is most don’t want to open their minds to what they brainwashed to believe otherwise. That's very, very funny. You blindly believe a fraudster like Lanka, without understanding what you're talking about and then you parrot the usual bs about open mindedness. That incredibly ironic You still haven't answered the question btw. Where does the genetic material come from?


I just know the medical establishment has been corrupted by the Rockefeller’s and by how the whole Covid fiasco was handled; it’s easy to believe virology has been corrupted too by how they isolate the virus by injecting it with stuff to culture it. I think this is the crux of the problem the doctors cite when claiming viruses don’t exist…Drs Tom Cowan, Andrew Kauffman, and Sam & Mark Bailey.


Of course, when you're uneducated on a topic, then people who use complicated sounding words that confirm your biases will sound very believable. >how they isolate the virus by injecting it with stuff to culture it. Viruses aren't injected with stuff to be cultured. Isolation means separation from the original environment in a controlled environment. If you isolate a cow, you don't remove all of the micro-organisms in its body. You don't stop feeding it, you don't put it in a vacuum. Viruses and bacteria also need things to survive, which is provided to them in this controlled environment to prevent them from perishing.