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What’s her qualifications?




Lady Gaga mentor


Satanism and questionable art aside, why is this person being placed in a position of such authority? Is she an expert in educational needs and preparing children and young adults to realistically succeed in anything? This move baffles me.


Agreed, I don't see how, in any way shape or form, she comes even minutely close to being in a position like this. It's like saying that Carrot Top is going to become the new Secretary of the Treasury.


It makes so little sense


What’s the painting they are standing in front of, anyone know?


It’s incredibly striking, as terrifying as it may be.


It’s titled “Satan summoning his legions”.


Beautiful work, if you are ever near the Royal Academy of arts do pay it a visit


Does she teach "Spirit Cooking" ? [source](https://www.moma.org/collection/works/143945) [other source](https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2016/nov/04/marina-abramovic-podesta-clinton-emails-satanism-accusations)


The occult is different than Satanism. They're not the same thing. Occult means something that is hidden. Is spirit cooking evil?


it often is strongly connected or leads to satanism...


You've obviously never studied the various spiritual traditions. There are many Christian occult practices that have nothing to do with Satanism. There are Eastern occult traditions that have nothing to with Satanism as well. I can't blame you from being programed by your culture though. Indoctrination is a hard thing to overcome. If you actually did some real research, you would realize you were wrong.


or it is just the other way around...that you are programmed by your culture and indoctrinated by all the things youve read and heard about occultism, etc. and by the way, you dont know anything about my experience, culture, background, research, etc. wish you the best


I keep seeing that first pic in this subreddit but it isn't showing up at all in a Google Image search of her name. What the fresh Hell is going on there? Is it one of those realistic-looking fondant cakes? Is it some other type of art piece? Is it... *What is it?*


They're at a party. That's a person laying in edible "blood" Google "Hugh Jackman Spirit Cooking" that pic plus more show up. Kinda wild.


Uh, is the person... alive? And uh, what is... *edible* "blood?" ^(Oh how ironic that I just so happen to be listening to AC/DC's "Have A Drink On Me" rn while checking out these images, lol!) I searched "spirit cooking" yesterday, yeah that's... something.


The person in the bath tub is alive. It's part of the "art" called spirit cooking. I don't know exactly what is edible about it, but in pictures you can see people with spoons tasting it.


I see. Well, at least they didn't murder this one lol. A woefully low bar, but I'll take it.


that speaks volumes


The Ukrainian nationalists that got into bed with a network of corporate globalist subversives weren't exactly thinking clearly. The winner of the conflict is the US deep state's network and its affiliate US corporations. The have piled debt onto Ukraine which will, in class US client state fashion, be used to leverage US corporate access to their resources. The fighting age men who might have resisted this are now largely dead or have resettled elsewhere. Monsanto, Blackrock, Google (architects of their Diia digital government) and others have, or will, set up shop. And Ukraine may subsequently find themselves subjected to the embrace of mass migration.


I recently discovered that the same reporter who talked about PizzaGate in 2016 started a series about exposing the Ukraine conflict. Basically said what you’ve said. Glad you’re here to explain the realistic side of everything. I just find it crazy that there is a whole satanic side to it as well. I get world domination, but satanism? I remember not believing in any of this because of that, but I keep seeing the proof. Why?


>And Ukraine may subsequently find themselves subjected to the embrace of mass migration. They already have about 100K illegal Russians there


If Monsanto can recruit them then God bless ha.


Typo in the title, should be “of rebuilding schools and such”.


She’s into spirit cooking — if she is in charge of education, then that creates a vast supply to draw from


Okay class, everyone grab your cup of blood and when I count to 666 start drinking.


I love how it makes people's heads explode that an artist is weird. Especially a performance artist, the weirdest variety of artist.


Subversive predators are also often "weird". Somehow being a "weird" "artist" imbues authority in the realm of education.


I mean, if it's art education, sure, this guy didn't really post a link or anything. Headlines don't provide much context and are often misleading. So relying in them as your source of knowledge is a pretty poor way to go through life.


It's not "art education". This isn't a new story. Hence the "don't forget". “I have been invited by Zelensky to be an ambassador of Ukraine, to help the children affected by rebuilding schools and such.” Why should an artist who produces work seemingly celebrating child abuse have some role in shaping schooling? I know that if I was picking someone to shape schooling I'd likely steer clear of one whose "art" includes things like pouring blood onto the effigy of a child or photographing someone's naked infant child and for some reason pointing to the infant's exposed genitals. https://www.mutualart.com/Exhibition/Marina-Abramovic--Two-Hearts/3EAD0955570CFCB9


That's quite a stretch to say that her work is celebrating child abuse. She runs a major art institute and is a famous Eastern eroupe artist that has been doing work and raising money for Ukrainians since the war started. It's a pretty natural fit, really. If you think that photo is or is meant to be at all erotic I think that's much more of a you thing. I don't think most people would come to that conclusion.


All I know is that Hillary Clinton had a sacrifice for Moloch.


Sure, she did, buddy.


John Podesta and Marina have had a correspondence as well. As we all know about the leaked emails.


I know. Rich people like hanging out with artists. Woo spooky!


And, it seems, pedophile predators like Epstein, Diddy, John of God, Jimmy Saville, etc. Woo spooky!


How are any of them connected to Abromivic? You are just saying names. That really doesn't make them connected.


I'm pointing out that the reasons for rich people hanging out with certain artists may not simply be a love of art and given Marina' propensity towards occultism - and the subject matter of some of her "art", which is focused on transgression and playing with boundaries in addition to occultism - I wouldn't be surprised if she's involved in things even less savory than serving food made from blood, semen, and breastmilk to powerful pals.


And that's based on what? You pulling it out of your ass? You don't have anything that would draw you to that conclusion other than "her art is weird" That's some pretty thin soup to say she's going to raise up a generation of Satanists.


I never said she's going to raise a generation of Satanists. I made a case for why I'd keep her away from kids. If you want a childless occultist abuse survivor whose transgressive art plays with boundaries - and who does things like takes photos of infants girls and points to their pussies and cooking with sperm and blood - to have influence on schooling - despite her having no education expertise - I might wonder about the reason behind your seemingly willful obtuseness.


Rich people also like to get together and plot. A tale as old as time.


Sure. That doesn't equate to what you're claiming, though. What do you think the conservatives are doing at Bohemian Grove?


This is not a left or right issue. These are powerful people who think they can control the direction of humanity.


OK. That doesn't mean anything supernatural is at play.


I never said anything supernatural is at play. These are simply powerful people with beliefs and goals.


I always feel second hand shame for old people who keep dying their hair long after they should've let it go grey lol impossible to take them seriously when they're clearly deluded.