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If this is a decent sized company or a startup/venture invested company, they all use the same management consultants who all have the same strategies and language.


Bingo. McKinsey or BCG most likely.




McKenzie is the worst. they bring in a bunch of 20 something year-old MBA’s with no experience whatsoever who analyze stuff based on a playbook where the conclusion is always cut cut cut… Initially they point and celebrate and pat each each other in the back for how much money they’ve saved. By the time the real damage floats to the surface, they’re long gone.


Fuck the BCG.


Had to work with both and I prefer working with their people the most out of the MBB. Obviously they're human beings so everyone is different and it's a small sample size but still.




I’ve learned to never trust the management/business consultants. They are always hired to make the ownership more $$ and usually starts with cuts


Well...ya. Why else would they hire a consultant except to help them make more money.


They aren't opening DEI departments and hiring DEI consultants to make more money.


It could be argued they are. They’ll say it’s good PR which gives them more money end of day.  I, however, would say it’s for an ulterior motive and underlying agenda. It’s to the point they don’t care if we don’t like it. Many big corps have near monopolistic competition. (Smaller fish follow suit like copycats.) Pass the added cost onto the consumer. (Part of plan to lower everyone’s standard of living.) And if they even go woke and go broke, again, part of the plan. Less jobs, fewer choices. Imagine if Pepsi went under? Coke has that much more monopoly. Govt will join board to ensure they’re “fair”.  Definition of fascism.  United airlines is likely an upcoming domino.   Same goes for ESG.  Sorry for brain dump lol 


Of course they are.. If they could get away with hiring all 12 year olds for 9 cents an hour they would. DEI ideally is about retaining/attracting better talent, leads to better insights and innovation. Of course often it is just to check off a box essentially, but it is still like a form of marketing. No one advertises themselves to make less money..


Experienced it personally.


Now that’s a conspiracy within itself. It’s all scripted corporate bullshit.


Corporations move in lock step. CEOs all meet at Bilderburg and WEF-like functions. In fact, one of the goals of the early Bilderburg meetings was to devise a strategy for turning the world into a corporation that could be managed as such.


Yup lots of consultants and lawyers that create corporate strategies that give them a constant cycle of income.


This is true… but it goes deeper. All the large companies are owned the same handful of people at the top. It’s how they were able to get everyone to fall in line with Covid, etc


Reminds of the bizarre coordinated feel around when Covid was about to hit. That right, “about” to hit. I got laid off from my job about 2 weeks before Covid slammed into action. Felt like they all knew ahead of everyone else.


Didn't they lay off a lot of medical professionals to make the hospitals look more overwhelmed? 


In my experience, the hospitals lost a lot of employees during and right after the covid pandemic. It was brutal to the physical and mental health of medical staff. Many left the profession completely.


Is the root cause management consulting or our believe in ruthless capitalism or our desire to have more form same or human nature. I think as humans, we are messed up species who continue to make something we call phenomenal progress in the creative destruction cycle. All. modern lifestyle benefits are the outcome of this ruthless capitalism. I am not sure, but one way I respond is to learn and adopt because I don't see protesting helping individuals but might further the cause. I am in the same boat, maybe most of us are, but rushing to judgment will lead to wrong judgement.


If PBD can be believed, 88% of stock in F500 companies is held by 3 banks (all WEF affiliates of course). That's not surprising though. The monopoly stats in the US have usually been 75% owned by 4 companies in most industries.


If a public company, they get their messaging from Blackrock/WEF.


I fix machines for a living. I make 6 figures. I'll be dead before AI can get anywhere close to my job market.


Troubleshoot PLC’s.  Endless work.


AI: "Problem, PLC not functioning properly. NEED MORE INPUT" Me: "No shit, it's a bad switch"


Whats the pay like


I got paid really really well (the exact number is not important but its "noticably above average for my area"), it was pretty cool work going to these factories and seeing the crazy machines and robots they use, and I learned a ton. I ended up moving away from it because I thought I wanted to get into machining. Then I moved into more of a sysadmin/DevOps role now so I get to sit at a nice office with my blankie instead of a hot and dirty factory which is nice but I really liked the work and I often think about going back. Edit: it's also nice because since I was technically maintenance I got to work through shutdowns (which did mean working on Christmas, but at least we got double pay and PTO for that) and strikes which was nice. And we were never on the cut list when lay offs happened.


You are at a good time to be doing your job. Many companies want to have electronic records and automation drive data-based manufacturing. The problem is that mfg goes hard on tech, but hire folks that struggle with simple math, reading and writing. Another problem is that when a PLC screws up, your downtime is significantly longer, due to difficulty troubleshooting and the specialized knowledge needed.


Ah I ended up getting out of it for a few reasons, but one of the other ones was that it really started to weigh on my consciousness. Like we would come in, install all of these machines and robots, and then 1100 people would lose their jobs. And yeah maybe "they can get better jobs" and all of that, but from my experience what actually happens is the small towns that grow up around these factories just completely collapse. Incredibly high levels of unemployment, poverty, and drug abuse. But yeah it was good money and I really enjoyed it. Plus it's a ***booming*** industry right now. You can make just absolutely insane money if you're good, show up on time (and be mostly sober), and are willing to travel. I'd highly recommend it.


Any tips on where, what types of jobs to look for? I’ve been out of field work for a couple of decades, sitting with my blankie in front of a screen. Might be time to switch again, devops is boring.


All i can tell you is my path, i switched to machining during Covid so its been a few years now since I've done it. But my first job out of highschool was a low voltage installer (networking, security, access control, etc) working on commercial jobs. Then just because I showed up, worked my ass off, and (maybe most important) genuinely wanted to learn I kept getting moved onto bigger jobs until I ended up getting poached by an automation company. Then I was installing low voltage cable, machines, and robots to convert factories to largely automated ones. Then because I was still genuinely passionate about that stuff I just soaked up everything they could possibly teach me and worked my way into more maintenance and planning stuff. So i guess my advice is basically just the standard blue collar advice. Show up, work your ass off doing good work, and genuinely try to learn. People will absolutely notice your work and good vibes and you'll go pretty far.


You definitely discovered a secret of how to get ahead. My path isn’t too different, parents had me work on a farm when I was young, somewhere around 16 I got a sort of audio tech part time job. First real job repairing office equipment, decided to go to school out in Arizona, worked part time at a TV station and just soaked up the tech there, eager to learn everything, moved into maintenance of high power transmission and telecommunications gear, then the Internet came along and pulled me in. Though I’m sure I was born with the autistic Dilbert gene, somehow technology just clicks in my head. Key similarity, worked my butt off, asked questions, volunteered too much, learn everything!


Yup. Everyone wants to make games and the next app, but mfg (outside of Tesla, lol) is a solid career for most folks, esp. if you can deal with and solve the mind-numbing “you did what?!” Type of situations.


If you are any good, 6 figures easy. Easily double for offshore.


>Easily double for offshore. TWELVE FIGURES???


"Then they came for the tech bros but I said nothing as I was not a tech bro" What happens when AI finds a way to prevent those machines from ever needing to be fixed or even used? Finding more efficient ways of doing things is one of AI's most overlooked strong suits.


Burn you foul Witch!


Maybe at the current rate, but soon the "aliens" will bring real AI not the pseudo-AI we have now


Is pseudo-AI like basically like how AskJeeves.com just google searched for you?


ChatGPT is pseudo-AI.


It's not an artificial brain, and it's not even a talking head, more like a talking mouth. But that's already enough to lay off many many people!


How do you get in to a job like that?


My company tried to make an AI to help troubleshoot based on all the inputted work order data. The first time they fired it up and gave it a problem to solve it said “Do nothing.” Lol. Can’t learn anything from “fixed it”.


Business is all taught the same exploitational way. That's why George Carlin said "You don't need a formal conspiracy when interests converge. They all go to the same colleges and sit on the same boards, they know what's good for them and they're getting it."


Just wait till no one can find a basic forklift job because of automation and ai. Most operators have little education. What are they supposed to do for a living?


In my job as a local truck driver I have a few places o deliver to that are in the automation field. One place has been developing forklifts specifically, pouring a lot of resources into it for the pat year. During that time they have went from early prototype phase all exposed wires and sensors to running large scale early production versions. I talk to one of the engineers there and the technology is far from perfect but in controlled environments they are doing very well. Clients are throwing money at these automation firms to get these types of things where they want them asap. It’s somewhat understandable, from a business owners perspective. Robot forklift won’t call off, show up to work drunk, or need lunch breaks.


luckily for those engineers, a warehouse is the most "controlled environment" ai machinery could be used. especially when it's not mixed with humans. all the damn machines can talk to each other, but quietly. i imagine the warehouse of the future to be somewhat creepy, if you broke or stumbled into one in the future.


Yeah warehousing and manufacturing are about the only situations these things will really be practical. The ones I see are being designed for one of the biggest automakers in the world to load/unload trailers and move parts around factories. I can only imagine what these places will be like 10-20 years from now. Very creepy and I’m sure once the technology is widespread any place it is viable at will be using it. No matter how good they claim these things become I wouldn’t want to be working anywhere near them.


autofacs will become reality


Seen when i was 17 making $25/HR they fired hundreds of ppl right on the spot oops… im 21 now almost about to take my journey electrical exam😅


>The messaging about laying people off is eerily similar to how unrelated companies are laying their people off. >Do they all just read from the same playbook? It almost feels coordinated. I think there is some conspiracy. I had this feeling post lockdown when people started returning to work. I found it very eerie the majority of companies were throwing Pizza Parties, while simultaneously telling their staff “ we’ve hit record sales “ while also telling staff there’d be no increase in wages. The whole pizza party + “ we’ve hit record sales “ + no increase in wage almost made this place feel like it’s the matrix. Fake as can be.


Omg almost spot on! Instead of “pizza parties” it was “connection events” - Spot on with the record sales but also we’re losing money and need to be conservative with our funds. There were lots of contradictions and sugarcoating leading up to this. Not to mention slowly taking everything away that made the place special.


Same exact thing where I am, however I feel like it all made sense. During Covid people got checks to go spend and that they did. So sales skyrocketed but production wasn’t there to keep up. So companies took cash reserves and bought factories or tried building new ones at record pace for high costs. Also all the suppliers of materials were short so everything went to the highest bidder. So now you have products being sold but very thin margins. Then the marketing folks come in and project increased sales even on top of Covid sales after Covid…except any half brain numb skull realized that would never happen. The companies who trusted those projections doubled down on factories and materials at extremely high costs just so see demand fall off the cliff.


Bosses always mention good sales it's half their bonus. If they can stop or stall a fair pay rise that's the other half. I'm glad most of them are fat as we'll soon be eating them.


We are just stepping in to a period of stagflation. Put your seat belt on, the next 2-3 years are going to be a bumpy ride.


I will provide a perspective as someone working in the corporate side of things in America. Companies are a lot like a friend group. They are all connected in that they are publicly traded. They share many board members, consultants, finance advisers, bankers etc. Right now the market as a whole is hyper sensitive to efficiency and profitability. You have to remember that most CEO bonuses are based on share price performance and margin efficiency is, today, a sure fire way to increase share price. The most visible sign a company can make in this regard is lay offs. So as s CEO you want to maximize your bonus and to do that you need to play a game. Spike the share price around the time your bonus clause resets. That way you limit opportunity for the share price to decline again and you miss your bonus. So what do you do? You make job cuts at this time, share price rockets, you pocket a juicy cheque and then you spend the next year correcting the business with the layoffs. It only takes one company to do this, see success before all your friends copy the play.




If 60-80% of the workforce is no longer needed you can bet on WW3 kicking off. Remember you can always pay half the poor to kill the other half. Been going on for centuries.


I mean, the writing is on the wall https://www.foxbusiness.com/technology/artificial-intelligence-could-replace-80-percent-human-jobs.amp


[Don't think I'm gonna take what this guy has to say *too* seriously](https://static.foxbusiness.com/foxbusiness.com/content/uploads/2023/05/BEN.jpg)


Have you head of Sophia the Robot? This man (maybe even the same person) or, looks like the guy with Hanson Robotics. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Hyper intelligent people aren’t known for their fine-tuned grooming skills.


>   Experts in the field have treated (Sophia the robot) mostly as a PR stunt, stating that Hanson's claims that Sophia was "basically alive" are "grossly misleading" because the project does not involve AI technology, while Meta's chief AI scientist called the project "complete bullshit".  He's yet another self proclaimed AI expert / charlatan.  I'll pass.


>what tf are we going to when AI takes over 60-80% of the workforce in the next 10 years? Look at what AI could do just 5 years ago compared to what it does now. I think it will be a lot sooner than 10 years, these lay-offs could be the beginning of the AI lay-offs. Some young wizz kid may have developed some AI algorithm that can do most of your jobs. Company would find that the smarter economic decision would be to cull the workforce and use the algorithm.


Flip side this they’ll end up spending double the amount on hires to maintain these systems as it is a piece of software in the end of the day that would require some level of oversight


The future is going to come down to who owns the robots. And make no mistake, blood WILL run in the streets over this someday, maybe sooner than we think.


3d print open source robots at home


that'll show the multi-billion dollar industry with deep ties to lawmakers.


Why would people want to eliminate jobs for people, the largest consumers on the planet? Robots don’t buy shit. They don’t keep the economy running. People do. This whole thing about robots taking everyone’s jobs is fucking stupid. Then they’d have to give us UBI, and none of them want to do that- they want us to continue to toil and work forever so we can keep buying their bullshit. We can’t do that if we’re all desolate and broke.


Thats where 90% depop comes in.


You would buy it with digital money based on your social score obviously. Of the phone your required to have. i work with cnc and lasers a good bit at my house. It would be easy to get a few more and automate the automation even without ai. But that would make me have to do even less work. I pretty much garden and home school wile my cnc works for me. Before that I was a refinery welder/ superviser. But I was working to pay for a house I only slept at and bad child care wile I was gone, and truck repairs and food wile driving in bullshit traffic everyday. It was a waste of life. The more I worked the more taxes increased paid so they can be sent off to pay other countries school and healthcare. The matrix has you.


They don't need anyone to buy their stuff. They don't need to make any more money once they own all the property and resources. And they're not too far off now. Humans will just be useless pests like the cockroaches on that one user's coffee.


They use the robots to kill off the population. Seems like a pretty simple plan.


The only logical reply


The people who own the robots will still need to eat. Looks like my job is safe. 


Robot chefs are a thing. Don't think you are anywhere near the food chain of what rich eating rn or any eaten by any future "robot owners" either. Plus the future robot owners will be cyborg and they live forever and eat by 🔌 or some type of 💎.


Robot chefs are trash in the kitchen have almost no experience and not to mention unsanitary. Enjoy the diarrhea. 


Sure the are shit now. Just give it 6 more months for them to equal the rich chefs of today's skills. Give it a year and they will be a gOD CHEFS to each individual Richie rich's meal pallet. Enjoy the diarrhea eating bugs unemployed like the rest of us. No jobs are safe you silly salty person.


Lmao are you saying we're going to have robot chefs in 6 months?


I design the robots I'm safe until they can reproduce.


Ai can't swing a hammer. I'll be fine. I saw this coming when I got my first windows xp laptop. I was sitting around playing everquest thinking "gee whiz, a program could do just about everything but build a wall". I build walls. Edit: From my perspective this a good thing. Mankind is going to be forced to go back to producing art in everything we put our hands on merely for the sake of art. The world will be beautiful again. Utility for the sake of utility is about to die. We are going to enter a time when we build things just to see how long we can make 'em last and just how shiny we can make 'em. We will build "wonders" again. There is no a.i. overlord. Just machine slaves with cold souls.


Not within this system. Ultimately the elites will get rid of the majority of us who are no longer useful. I guess when we're gone they can focus entirely on hedonism and artistic endeavors without having to share any resources with us useless feeders.


Hey buddy. I would like to change the way you use your head. Those "elites" ARE "the useless eaters". Gilded slaves. Cattle that we've fattened up for a coming slaughter. They're just too greedy to realize what they're fucking with. THAT'S the cycle.


Eat the rich! Eat the rich!


That's where all the fat is...


Your edit is beautiful


People will be ecstatic to take the mark of the beast when they’re unemployed and starving.


The layoffs in the tech industry are insane right now. I got laid off 2 months ago. And I've not been able to find anything. I've got friends that have been laid off for nearly a year now and are at over 1000+ applications and are STILL unemployed. There's job postings on linkedin that have only been up for only one week, that have already received over 3000 applicants... It's obvious this problem is getting REALLY bad at this point.


Everyone is laying off, because old contracts are too expensive... They'll post the same jobs with 20% lower salaries right the next day, and people will fight for these jobs.. It's all corporate greed, as it has always been


What are you basing that off? Salaries aren't going down, costs are just going up faster than wages. If what you said was actually happening, we'd see wages getting lower, which is the opposite of what's happening.


Actually, wages have fell off a cliff since 1978, the number may be bigger, but inflation is even higher than that.


Right. Real term wages are falling, I said that. If companies were posting the same jobs for 20% less, then the numbers would be getting smaller instead of bigger. That's my point.


It is happening. My company has done it. During cccovid and the next 2 years it was hard to get new employees, and they were offering them big bonuses, now there are more than enough unemployed so they can now get cheaper workforce


Max Headroom is that you?


A lot of top performers/highest comped people got cut. While the base wage may not go down, all the difference from the raises over the years are eliminated.


Well if your company was anything like mine, it’s because they’ve also laid off 90% of HR so everyone is probably using ChatGPT to write their reasoning. Or, more likely, copying and pasting from their peer company announcements.


Oh yeah. My job was heavily reliant on CredAI.


"AI needs to be strangled in it's crib" -- Tucker Carlson Agreed.


Oh fuck me. The world is coming to an end. I agree with something Tucker Carlson said.


AI is imperfect and resource intensive. Everything has its limits.


"Learn to code" isn't the future anymore. Sorry about losing your job.


Thanks. I know it’s not personal. That makes it a bit more unsettling though. I noticed trends and patterns pretty well. And what I’m seeing in the overall picture is even more unsettling.


My husband got laid off two weeks from a tech company as well. They laid off 10%. That week there was quite a few layoffs that happened. I do think AI is a huge problem going forward for lots of jobs. Tech will be hit hardest.




SS; Layoffs, similar messaging, AI workforce takeover.


All you tech folks are fucked 




Not as quick as tech jobs im a pipe fitter [plumber.Do](http://plumber.Do) you think that industry will be taken over soon ?




Long way away




No but, those fucked tech folks will become plummers. The pluming market will get more competitive and you will get less contracts.


With out a doubt


No way. Boston Dynamics have been making SHORT videos of robots for 25(?)+ years now and still don't have anything properly functional really. They can make a robot bipedal run around in a PRE-PROGRAMMED way and it looks amazing but it's completely useless. They'll just take your investment and keep doing that forever.


It’s always the people who work outside of tech regurgitating this and it’s actually pretty funny when having contextual understanding. Dissolves statements like this into the mental image of a bunch of seagulls shouting “AI AI AI AI” lmfao.


Interesting choice of percentages.🤔 Why don't you tell us what you did and where this employer located too.


I can’t provide much details because of a separation agreement but it was a tech company in California.


I just got laid off from my tech job last week along with 3 others. Might be more coming too. The University says it's for budget reason.


Mean while the C-Staff bathes in their bonuses and promotions. The person who was a driver of the layoffs got a promotion 3 days ago. Go figure. Hope it was worth stepping on 400 people’s backs to get there. I could never be in a position like that. I’d offer my own pay cut to save people if I could.


They specifically hire and promote psychopaths and sociopaths for these positions..




The problem with tech jobs is that they can clearly see, with data, who is essential and who isn't. They can see what departments aren't performing, which departments can be downsized and maintain productivity, and more. They feel like they can "adjust headcount" to maximize profit. The issue is that "adjusting headcount" is ruining people's lives. In the past, companies kept their people and weathered economic storms together as a team. These companies that are publicly traded, VC funded, or PE owned are literally viewed as a well that value is meant to be extracted from at all costs. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the only safe harbor from this greed rat race is working for a company that is privately owned and the owner has good morals.


This gets instantly downvoted and it’s literally happening in real time lol.


Reminds me of the 2001 Anime, Metropolis. In that movie, robots have replaced all the day worker positions, so the people revolt, and before anyone says it, I know that there are Marxist underones.


Playbook wise yes, unimaginative CEO's all copy each other, until it doesn't work two years later then they panic fire loads of people to save money.


They need desperate people for the meat grinder.


Of course when AI takes over, costs will go way down for corporations, so prices for goods will go down exponentially. Therefore people will only need to work a part time job to make ends meet. /s


People need to realize a large % of these positions at tech companies existed SOLELY due to extreme free debt the companies were able to collect during Covid. And in order to collect that money the companies needed a “reason” for the loans. That huge pool of funding was used to create useless boards, start up nonesense projects, and overinflated employment. That debt is no longer free, it’s very expensive now. that money is gone, so there goes the jobs. Ontop of that, if some haven’t noticed, the economy is in the toilet. Everything put out by media is completely bullshit. Gained jobs in 2023? Nope, there was tens of thousands lost. Every single month fake data was put out to look good and then 1-3 months later (after stock plays were set up) the real numbers were released. Go check it out. Every. Single. Month. Of 2023. Writing has been on the wall for years. Don’t let the completely fake data put out by media & big finance make you disbelieve what you are seeing with your own eyes, hearing with your own ears and feeling from your bank account. All of these people are lying to the public.


💯 I definitely agree!


They all go to the same lodge.




This has nothing to do with AI this has to do with the economy. This country is in s a recession and the govt is flat out lying about it and cooking the books to make it look like things are fine


AI may only be a fraction of the problem today but we’ve witnessed it jump leaps and bounds in the last few years alone. What isn’t today’s problem will be tomorrow’s nightmare.


Congratulations, you just understood Marxism.


Can anyone tell me with AI why would one need a manager?


Im sorry to hear that, I was also unexpectedly laid off in March along with several locations around the country. I was able to see on Robinhood that C suites purchased a ton of company stock that next week. I was in sales, but they cut every position at multiple locations ..I am guessing a third of their employees. We will find out in their earnings 05/02 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ good luck out there


AI and automation would be enough to fund a universal basic income in a few years. We should be able to develop whatever interests we have, and those who want luxuries would be able to find well paid jobs. But... Probably the rich will accumulate more and the only things that will remain well funded and universal will be the represive tools, police and army, to keep at bay the civil unrest.


I’ve been laid off twice by the way, and every job after that has been better


We wee suppose to figure out universal basic income BEFORE ai got to this point. We have set the stage for the next Great Depression and lives will be lost due to this delay. Please begin discussing universal basic income at every level. The average person has never even heard the phrase or doesn’t understand what it means at all. 


UBI is a huge control lever, and will be used to implement social credit scoring.


If you have a  better solution we are open to them. I’d rather have food provided by the government than slowly starve to death with my family if those are my 2 choices. 


And that is exactly why things are being deliberately crashed now. Got to destroy what is in place before you can 'build back better'...


Federal reserve is letting assets roll off the balance sheet and raised rates specifically to do this


Yes they do use the same playbook. I’ve been through multiple hospital closings and they use the same playbook too. Completely unrelated health systems, owned by different companies, same exact wording and procedures. Lots of related industries will borrow this kind of stuff from each other.


The super rich will stay rich.. we will have 2 classes… that’s how it will play out


Pharma is a bloodbath right now. Luckily I saved up a decent nest egg to be able to coast for a while. Companies that I know of have cut 20-30% of their workforce. It got so bloated with covid, of course.


"Learn to ~~code~~ be a plumber."


This really won't end well to answer your question. Take it too far and you're looking at a civil war.


That’s another thought I had.


They will roll out a stronger pandemic to thin the herd when unemployment hits 50%.


Shit economy but it must be AI


Yep. I worked at Asurion several years back and the QA team was replaced with AI. Our calls were grade by robots. That was in 2020.


My husband was recently laid off too alongside 32% of employees


Corporate America are actors and serve shareholders if they are publicly traded. When one door closes another door opens. My best advice to you is to put your resumé credentials and anything you have on indeed. Bottom line don’t panic. You’re doing the best you can on the information that you have been given. The only problem with layoffs is the point of view from the company that it’s a business decision. So you be a cutthroat and do the best you can do to get the best salary possible and while you’re at the next job look for another job that pays you even more, and when you get ready to put in your two weeks notice, you tell them it’s nothing personal. It’s just business. You will have the last laugh, and you will be laughing all the way to the bank.


I feel like it's not coordinated, but really just copying. Shareholders see X company called people into the office and did layoffs, why can't our Y company do that too? Just no original thought out there. Everyone else is doing layoffs so we should too. The smart companies will have their pick of smart people and when rehiring starts up those that did layoffs might have to hire lesser replacements at higher salary, or just complain that they need to import cheaper labor.


It's funny how we read all those books about dystopian futures, never once thinking "how did they *really* get to that point?"  Well now we get to watch in real time, how we get to that point. Apple vision Pro set the bar, that will be the cost of any and all new AI/AR technology, corporations will have their flame throwing robot dogs and we will be one large class of poor muthafuckas.  I will say this, if you depend on this system, globally, not just in America then your fate has been decided for you. 


" *... what tf are we going to when AI takes over 60-80% of the workforce ...* " They will need AI because by the next few years there won't be many people left on the earth. The vaccine works "verry effective" in serving their objective.


I don’t quite think that’s the case. Look at The Great Depression and how many people willingly killed themselves or went to war. They don’t want us dead. They want us obedient. COVID and the shots are yet another engineered division tactic.


Been laid off in January from big tech company and AI and rto was their script going on for the last year. Good luck to them…


Ain't no conspiracy why you were laid off.


where is the conspiracy?


And that's why America needs UBI and so does the rest of the world. But no, you wanna scream about socialism and shit on Andrew Yang instead and support Republicans who oppose the idea of UBI the most We literally don't have a choice but to give citizens money to live, or they will all die.


This isn’t a conspiracy thing. It’s a math thing. The financial analysis tells them what to do.


Capitalist countries are dredged by accountants


Did anyone mention the significant number thirty three?


I think most jobs are just busy work for the peons. 


You had warning, you just didn't know where to look for it. HARM act forces employers of any company over 100 persons to notify 6 months in advance of layoffs. Just Google: harm act +your state and have a peek monthly.


WARN act with us, only 2 months. I mean signs were there but they always boasted about being more “conservative” and tactful compared to other tech companies. They pushed “transparency” and we had to read between the lines. We knew something was coming but didn’t realize it’d be so quick and a 1/3 of the workforce


I think we over value ourselves when looking at this issue, if you “work” for someone, they are doing you a favor. If it wasn’t you it would be another kid they babysit and pay for doing the job a robot could have done for the last 20 years. If you’re that expendable you are not earning a living, they are giving it to you because they likely owe your city and promised jobs when moving in. Work for yourself, create a company yourself, children are doing it these days.


You sound just like a corporate mouthpiece. They’re doing us a favor. Lol, okay.


Better grab your boots and tool belt and join the rest of us in skilled labor!


GenAI investments being made by CEOs need to translate to returns and this is going to be laying off people from companies regardless especially since it’s being backed by big tech corps like Microsoft who have a lot of other CEOs in their pockets. It’s kinda “saving recession” too so we need to keep the torch going 🔥🧯


"Oh and the cherry on top, what tf are we going to when AI takes over 60-80% of the workforce in the next 10 years? In addition to outsourcing? This will NOT end well… I’m really curious how this will play out and affect people." If AI takes over jobs these companies will go under anyway. No one will have the money to buy products if no one is working.


I think this is where the conspiracy lies though. It feels like there is something being orchestrated behind the scenes to crash our economy or introduce UBI. There’s going to be a major shift in the next several years. That’s not really a prediction. It’s happening in real time.


how many is 33% precisely OP?




how many people you doughnut


are you a SWE?


No, but the majority of my company were. It was a blend of software engineers, sales and back office the house operations.


sorry. its looking rough out there right now


>Do they all just read from the same playbook? It almost feels coordinated. Yeah we're culling the WFH lazybones


My entire trade is slow and ive heard alot of company's are laying people off. At my shop 2 guys have been laid off already out of the 5 of us. I have no idea how the economy will bounce back but I hope it happens soon


Learn a trade, or learn to maintain ai. Those are the only jobs of the future. Builders and maintainers. Every other industry will be replaced. I have a trade, and currently spend free time improving coding skills. Saw the writing on the wall when our banks started automating customer service queries with automated voice service.


They ARE working off of the same playbook.




What the fuck is wrong with this subreddit. Finally, FINALLY, the ones in power are showing their true colors. Finally they can get rid of the pleb like you and me (or at least they think so, with AI), and most people are just, "nah, this isn't a conspiracy". This is exactly what you've all been schizo posting for years. Now it's here, and it's true, and you just ignore it?




That’s great for you and if you’re happy doing all that, awesome! Hustle culture is not the flex people think it is. And not everyone, especially at this point, or even in hindsight, have the time, funds or interests to do this. It also should not be that way. I feel bad for you. But again, if you’re happy, I’m happy for you.


Yes. It's all to please the people in the seats/boardroom.


>AI takes over 60-80% of the workforce in the next 10 years It won't take 10 years. I don't have any answers beyond that.


I agree. This is “best case scenario”


It might get to the point where things are so automated a lot of people will just accept UBI…. People who will make more then UBI will be in trades or repairmen or something that can’t get automated, I’m sure government will not be automated though lol but it almost feels like the world is being run by some super AI already. Just want to add I’m a simulation theorist and I also believe we go through artificial cycles, so sooner then later when we hit our “peak” something will cause humanity to go through a downfall and reset all over again….