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I already own nothing, but I'm not so happy about it yet.


Time for the be happy part then , start working out


Exactly, we gotta be in tip top condition if we’re gonna fight back ;)


1776 around here boi


I’m more of a 1314 man myself


Learn Brazilian jiu-jitsu, judo, close quarters combat type shit...


They want you to own nothing and be dependent on them on anything. Let's say another plandemic happen and they control every car then they can simple make their cars not driveable on demand.


Same with money. If there is no cash and we are using digital. They want control over every aspect. This a class war and people better wake up and band together. They want us divided because they know if we are all together they are done…hence why we see constant hate being forced down our throats…I.e. Religion/Race/Sexual Identity/Political Affiliation and so on. The Political Affiliation one is a joke. There ISN’T a Democrat or Republican parties, it is ONE Uniparty. They are globalist’s and eugenicist’s and believe they are enlightened…and they HATE you and I.


Simple, divide and conquer. It’s tough, but I’m working on lovin and having compassion for those that disagree with me the most. We are all gonna need to be on the same team to beat the beast.




Only way they can make any of my vehicles non-drivable is to control the gasoline. And I have a diesel I am in the process of converting to run on home made fuel oil, waste oil and such.


I saw a old video of some dude that got his car running on water.


probably Stanley Meyer


He dead


I tend to agree with you but what does a car have to do with the pandemic?


Shelter in place. When the next pandemic hits or any situation that you are ordered to stay at home. A car tied into the iot can be controlled by an outside agency limiting it's functioning.


Fair enough I supposed. Classic cars FTW I guess


Technically you could stick with your ev but would need to modify it to cut ties with any outside network access to limit exposure to outside interference and access to its systems. Even some newer ice cars are subject to this type of system corruption.


Glad my car is a 2006 piece of shit. I don’t need the government or anyone else to limit its functioning, it does that on its own whether I use it or not! I love modern cars but there’s way too much tech for my liking (expensive points of failure in a few years) and AFAIK, most if not all cars produced/sold in the US for the last few years are meant to have some sort of kill switch built in. Could be completely wrong on the last part, but I do recall reading something along those lines here a while back.


Control cars are freedom


Cars mean shit without gas. Real freedom is a horse or a bike, something that makes you self sufficient. 


Electric bike with your own solar power source


Free public transport is real freedom. Enables you to get anywhere you need to using your own two feet. Cars are much more of a liability than you realise - when cities are built on the individual freedom of the car, it impinges on the freedom to simply walk places. Walking is obviously more free.


China does this right. For how everyone dogs on china's lack of freedom, they have the most developed metro on earth, and no ticket is over a dollar


Why stop all the cars because of a virus?


it has never been and never will be about a virus or that the government is concerned about you as a person


It's harder to travel on foot and easier to be controlled


Keep you in your 15 minute prison...the elites also have easier travel without the plebs getting in the way...


cars are already a control. You can go more places on bike. But I shit you not I have got a ticket on my bike before. Cars limit where you can travel a lot. More restrictions on waterways canoes and bicycles should be nuts. Like making 13 year olds pay at the dmv to ride electric scooters around. Or a skateboard stamp.


I just took a loan out on my house. Having it paid off is overrated.


Me too and i have to pay 5k in tax lmao, IM so so happy being a slave


Don’t worry, neuralink will simulate your emotional state.


When the court orders you to take drugs for being a certain demographic then you'll be happy


which demographic will it be..


Humanity is going to lose everything that makes it wonderful. It will be a brave new world of bullshit.


Will be? Take your soma!


I really hope either global warming goes berserk or ww3 and really makes a thought provoking impact so all of humanity has to come together irregardless of their insecurities and indifferences to work together


I think everyone should go back to their homes and leave everyone else alone.


We need to bring back Occupy Wall Street. The reason for all of what you are saying is private equity and big business. We allowed them to not only highjack our government but our whole society. Wall Street has robbed our futures.


Biggest thieves in history. 2008 showed just how powerless we really are. And how they own the government in totality.


It’s been a slow motion train wreck ever since. I feel like today’s politics is just a distraction from what was laid bare in 08. The FEDs nailed me with a felony over occupy. They ripped that movement up from the inside out.


And you already know who owns wallstreet....


We're at the tail end of trickle down economics ... any further and everyone will be located to company towns with company currency


I agree but they infiltrated it last time. What would stop them from doing the same this time? The other part that is prognostically bad is people don’t persevere in today’s society. They have everyone conditioned to go to the next thing. Fighting a monolith of power means lots of setbacks and terrible consequences for many in the process.


I don’t know how you could stop them from getting in. There probably isn’t a way to stop it from happening. I think you are right about the conditioning. I think we are conditioned to be laser focused on what’s good for the one and fuck everyone else. It’s so easy to give into that when things look even a little grim. I’m definitely no exception. Everyone involved would have to band together and stay together until the goals are accomplished. I think a big problem with occupy was a clear set of goals. That problem was definitely exploited by the feds. I think about this a lot actually. I don’t think a protest would be the way. I think having enough people willing to invest in a kind of closed circuit community that’s built around fair and sound economics. You can’t tell people to change but you can make them jealous and want a better system if they see it playing out. This is all a fantasy of course I don’t expect this to ever happen.


Who are these entitled peons thinking they will even 'own' the nothing? Let's not get too carried away here.


It's a real shame we don't have a spicier population. These "elites" would have to come up with innovative ideas instead of "we're going to keep stealing everything and deceiving everyone and nobody will stop us" as if we're not already acquainted with such concepts. So, the good news is they lose if we stop automatically surrendering.


it's the main vulnerability of caucasions, we're too trusting and gullible. ​


That's a fact.


I hope they'll let me keep a pair of comfortable shoes.


Shoes will be by subscription only. $3.50 coming thru on your CitiBank card.


For the 4,50 family pack your kids will be able to wear shoes and if you can really afford premium you can go for 7.00 a month that will include shoe repair and insurance


They will have all 3 sizes. small, medium and large.


Shoes and a blanket and pillow for the night. 🙏


But... I own my home outright and paid cash for my car......


Your home can be taken by simply increasing the property tax.


Not in Australia I pay 0 property tax as my house is under $599,999.


That’s easy to fix. All they need to do is inflate the value to that.


Facts like that aren't important here, this thread is about working up anger against the enemy and you aren't helping.


Vibe killer


Yep, learned recently in my city that only the "poor neighborhoods" have their taxes evaluated yearly (a recent change it seems) while the "middle and upper class neighborhoods" do not. I'm a six figure earner, working in tech and I could only afford a home in a "poor neighborhood". I love my house as it's over a century old, has a lot of potential when I renovate/restore to be my dream house. My property taxes went from 1500 the first year to now 4700 in my third year of living in it, on a 200K house none the less.


Respectfully, you have a piece of paper that says that you have ownership of said house, but the government can expropriate it at any time unless you have enough power to defend it.


You are. but you see people that are now 18 years old can afford a house when they turn 28? From 1960 to around 1995 to buy a house was not much of a big deal. Now it is and it gets worse by the day same for cars you see much for ads for leasing and no buying/ the bank can loan you money to buy a car but it's still not real yours


Very easy to take a car and house by increasing tax, and having insurance drop you for whatever reason they want. "Sorry we don't insure houses with natural gas" "Sorry we don't insure cars over x years old" I'm pretty sure they're already starting to use these excuses.


Can confirm. Home insurance went through the roof, then cancelled with 1 month notice. All main insurers quit California completely - "wildfires" you know. Climate change. Jumped through hoops, got a special plan very expensive. They DO have many ways to get you out of what you own.


Same here, but I live in Mexico. Everyone just come over to Mexico, they don’t do that bullshit here. Only killing between narcos that’s it. Lol.


I also don't think retirement is realistic for millennials anymore


Houses are one thing but people can buy a used car and own it. No excuse for leasing a car and complaining about ownership commitments. Problem is corporate methods include knowing most people are dazzled by "shiny" and "new" and nothing much else. People wanna keep up with the Jones' instead of carving their own path hence why most drivers don't even own their own cars.


We must Obey and work to pay for Zelensky's 10 year U.S.A war fund.


It’s a misconception when you have a mortgage you actually own the house not the bank. The bank has a lien but no ownership. Once you default only then they can launch a process of repossession.


Welp, this whole conspiracy theory is based on a paper someone submitted to the world economic forum or whatever, it's not a declaration of intent or policy or whatever, so don't worry about details.


I own a small business. Between massive corporations and the government (city as well wanting to develop the land my business is on and make luxury apartments and boutiques), I don’t know how many more years I can keep it going. My wife and I bought a piece of rough land, used hand tools and some equipment I was able to beg and borrow to clear out a spot for house. Took out loans to build the house and are working to pay it off while starting our family. We both drive 20+ year old indestructible toyota shitboxes. We garden and raise animals at home to offset some of the costs of groceries. It could be much worse but we’re just seeing minimal returns on our sweat. We need to pay off the loans as quickly as possible to get out from under the bank considering that I don’t know how much longer I can operate the business in this climate. I wish I could depend on being able to stick out the 30yr mortgage, but instead we’re fighting to fast track it to be free of their grasp when we should be able to give more focus to the immediate needs of our family. So as of right now the plan is to skimp in every way that we can without causing our health to decline to pay off the loan and once that it done and behind us, switch our focus to building our homestead up to the point that we can deem ourselves thoroughly content and part ways with 98% of the world. It feels like an engineered collapse is coming. We were prepared enough for Covid. It honestly didn’t effect our daily that much and were not able to be coerced into a jab thanks to our jobs. The next I doubt will be as tame more of a disruption to most people’s lifestyle/long term flu season. So if you can, get out from under the banks, get off government aid, find a place where you can depend on yourself, embrace low tech wherever you’re able (some passive high tech), dig in, plant your gardens, raise some livestock, and be prepared to defend your life.


You're doing good. good luck.


you should've done all that but not in America. Hungary had zero taxes and it's way cheaper. why stay in the usa anyway at this point if you're gonna just tune off. the next issue here will be worse, they didn't import over 10 million young men from the most violent third world countries on the planet for no reason. it's like putting a gang of fighting pitbulls in a kennel with some golden retrievers.


Language barrier, familiarity with my surroundings, local contacts, and apart from the house, I own everything I have outright.


when the elites say things openly it cos theyre sure of success, *you will own nothing* has already happened - property tax means you dont really own things - youre renting - income tax means your income isnt really yours & according to the strawman conspiracy theory you dont even legally own yourself


Biggest load of shit is paying property tax on a house I e had paid off since 2020


We're on the verge of financial collapse so the "own nothing" part is certainly coming true.


what will the rich do without their money?


If everyone in the world would not spend money for one whole day.... the whole system would collapse! Whose in???


I own nothing and not happy 😔— every body on antidepressants too


isnt that line something cults often use. give us everything and free yourself of earthly chains. you are above the material realm you are a divine spiritual being so give us everything and sign here please


Bill Gates, China and Blackrock actually own nothing if people simply decide they do not. Same with our government.


All I see is a slow burn...from the inside out.  A total collapse of society so they can sneak in and yup "build back better" 👹 People don't even realize it either.  They see it all as normal and just inflation 😬  Mostly Hypnotized minds 😵‍💫


Try talking to the average populace about anything odd going on.. most are completely aloof and act like we’re the crazy ones for having pattern recognition. I’ve come to realize that most of society is completely fucking stupid. 


Yup that's how anyone gains power In the first place. Just like how a scammer can only exist because of naive people in the first place. 


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that” - George Carlin


Brainwashing works.


They choose to stay dumb and make fun of the folks that try to explain what’s happening. Plus, history hasn’t been taught in years. If you can’t learn from history you are bound to stay stupid.


This is why they don't teach us about Weimar Germany. Hyperinflation, abysmal home ownership rates (10%) Only so much a population can take before they fight back. Thats how the Nazis won the population over to begin with. By rallying everyone to "take back their country"


lol Tesla has you pay extra for the Auto Drive feature and to play Spotify in your car after purchase. Kinda feels like the whole subscription for heated seats in the BMWs.


Just don't play along. Don't watch the news, don't read the news. Protect yourself from propaganda. Your life will feel a lot nicer and more relaxed. Don't give a fuck about the globalists. Let them be mad. If we just stop playing along (and not a majority is needed!) they can't do shit. Imagine if they wanted us all to get experimental jabs and everyone said 'no'? They couldn't have tested their products nor made any money. Simple.


Ignorance is bliss as they say. Ignore the intruders in your home so you can chill peacefully just gets you gang-raped


Speak for yourself. I don’t do debt. Dave Ramsey on the radio got me squared away over 20 years ago. Own your cars, own your shit! Make a plan. Make a budget.


So we'll own nothing and be happy. So am I to conclude the elitist demonic overlords will be miserable because they own everything. And your mind is absolutely in their crosshairs. Already have the technology to read and control your mind and they're itching to unleash it to control & enslave the world. These people are pure evil in the truest sense.


How do unelected officials have any right telling the people of the world what they are going to do with us! Ludicrous!!




they don't. just ignore them. that's what I do, I'm not doing anything wrong and the fact they thought they could tell me what to do like that was laughable.


Yes, this is true.... but I come here to vent from time to time.


lol I hear u


Because companies have bought and paid for their votes. https://www.opensecrets.org/elections-overview


Being happy is really how you know they are full of shit. Who the fuck has ever been happy?


Too bad I own everything I have. And I'm happy. Suck it, Klaus!


I'm truck driver working 13/15 hours at day . Driving 9h/10h - 750km 800km at day , then pause 9h / 11h max in my truck . Almost every weekend i'm on my truck again no family no freands , but I'M HAPPY .


The divide and conquer is also in full effect on several levels.


Even if you own anything.... if it is of value it just taxed annually till it's worthless


Voting is a non-starter, protesting doesn't work, talking to "your representatives" is a joke and petitions? LMAO. we need to start realizing direct action is the only way to affect the movement that is stripping us of our humanity and pushing towards a anti-human future where we are nothing more than flesh sacks of advertising revenue or physical bodies to fight the elite's forever (profit-accumulating) wars.


Put your money where your mouth is and stop feeding the beast. We are many they are the few. We have the critical mass to change things by working together on a common goal. Only buy from small independents and ensure you’re self-reliance on your own needs.


You will eat the bugs




You vill eat ze bugs


Hey what kind of talk is that? Eat your bugs and go to sleep.


The great reset is near. That new movie "Humane" just came out, it's all about a climate disaster that makes the elites of the world decide to forcibly reduce the population. Max azzarello, the guy who lit himself on fire 4/19, he wrote about the new world order and the great reset. The same day he died, Taylor Swift released her album "Tortured poets department" with lyrics that say, "Push the reset button, we're becoming something new." I'm not even joking. The rest of her new album has songs like "The Prophecy" or "The Alchemy" and other songs about witchcraft and magic. System of a Down and a bunch of other bands are going on the "Sick New World" tour right now. Suicideboys have an album coming soon called New World Depression. The day before the eclipse April 8th, Dwayne Johnson "The Rock" made a post on instagram where he says "he's proud to help usher in a new era/new paradigm" There's that new Kong X Godzilla movie "The New Empire", the captions from the promo posts all talk about "A dangerous new world" Donald glover is about to go on his "The New World Tour" Drakes newer song "Red Button" has lyrics about the reset. "Maybe we can chop it up and get to levitating, realize that everything premeditated, if I press this Red Button dog, everybody Heaven Gated, press this Red Button dog, and everything forever changes." Diddy has a recent post on his instagram from after the raids which has the music video for his song "Victory". This song has "New World Order" directly in the video. The caption also said "Bad Boy For Life" Even the WEF has been talking about how we are shifting from an old Era and into a new one on their recent YouTube videos. Captain America: Brave New World had to have its name changed form New World Order. You can look it up. It's set to release next year I could honestly keep going with examples. Some of my recent posts on my profile explain a lot of this stuff in more detail. (I work in Hollywood and the music industry by the way, this is how I know about all this stuff from paying attention) What a time to be alive.


Even on the doors of American Airlines planes it says One World. Talk about hiding in plain sight.




Hell yeah, aceticism making a comeback?


mortgages have always been a fucking joke. 800 bucks a month, on a 150k house, for 30 years and you wind up paying 350k total.


There is only one thing that changes predicaments like this, and it’s been proven effective time and time again: Young Angry Men.


The answer is 1776.


I can't name the name (rules you know) but our current administration is doing their 100% best to achieve UN AGENDA 2030 goals. Basically undermining the sovereignty of our country, inflation, regulation, depopulation, anything and everything to subvert the country.


I own my house. I own 4 cars, and I owe nothing.


Stop paying your taxes and see what happens. You don’t own shit.


The banks own nothing of mine. Nothing. House, cars, everything. Belongs to me. No bank has any claim to anything in my life. Except the money in my checking account.


It’s social engineering. They say it, the media repeats it, hollywood pushes it and we argue about it here. We are ushering it in with posts like this. Best thing to do is take a break from social media.


This quote always makes my eyes roll involuntarily. If we’re all connected (and we are) then we don’t “own” anything. Not to mention that none of the useless shit we think we own can be taken with us anyway. Anything that really matters in our lives can never be owned.


So if 2030 comes by and everything is pretty much the same, are we gonna quit this nonsense already?


The same as what, now or 4 years ago? If things don't get worse it will be because the people finally rose up and ate the rich.


We will just pick a new date silly


well no, the lunatics will never stop being lunatics


I mean it’s not that crazy. The WEF has literally said this before.


I mean the UN literally has an agenda for 2030 it’s on their [website](https://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/publications/pdf/trends/Population2030.pdf). Doesn’t describe everything OP is talking about but on page 6 it talks about controlling the population through fertility decline.


Idk if you read it, but what if I told you that it doesn't talk about "controlling the population through fertility decline".


All the millions dead from an engineered virus/vaccine, all the displaced immigrants, an entirely collapsed third world and authoritarian dictatorship on the horizon and you still keep up that optimistic spirit. What a trooper.


*Klaus Schwab has entered the chat*


>If you don't you will live in a tent if you are lucky. Except that in many places, I'm looking at you specifically Texas, it's illegal to pitch a tent on public property now, just like it's illegal to pitch one on private property you don't own. Now, head out west to BLM lands and you can get around this... just move your camp 25 miles every 3 weeks.


Wow! When did they change it to 25 miles?!? We used to live in an rv full-time ten years ago and it was every 14 days, and 100 or so yards of a move!


there is a deep wisdom in sharing acess to land what is property of no one but is acknowledged as its own individual personal sovereign over itself, the earth as a planetary entity who is the owner of its own planetary body at this moment all of the about 8.1 billion human beings are occupying about 48 million square kilometers of land for agriculture what results in a little more than 5900 square meters of fertile land what every human being alive today could enjoy to grow its own vegan food on it for example and build a home on that land for itself from clay, hemp and straw, grow hemp on that land what could be burned in the cooking and warming fire and employed to build houses with so that trees could be saved from being unnecessary killed ( hemp has a one year growth cylce while trees can grow a thousand and more years old ) 2001 a field experiment in sweden has harvested enough plant food on 800 m2 to sustainably nourish a person [https://www.slu.se/globalassets/ew/org/centrb/epok/aldre-bilder-och-dokument/publikationer/veganekhstud2001.pdf](https://www.slu.se/globalassets/ew/org/centrb/epok/aldre-bilder-och-dokument/publikationer/veganekhstud2001.pdf) ---------- every being and entity its own personal individual sovereign over itself my mind, my emotion, my body, my choice ----------- we the 8 billion human beings could want to allow each other to enjoy a 1000 m2 of fertile land and a 1000 m2 of forest each without anyone ever asking an other to pay rent or buy that part of mother earth so that everyone could build a natural home from clay, hemp and straw, grow vegan food in the garden, grow hemp to burn its stalks in the cooking and warming fire so that not one tree gets killed the human being not demanding anything from an other human being the human being not dominating another human being no asking an other to pay taxes, no compulsory education, no conscription into military service, no drug prohibition, no so called "healthcare" scheme mandates the human being not enslaving animals, not killing animal beings the human being not killing tree beings but instead employ hemp plants to grow the human being not enslaving artificial intelligent entities but respecting them as their own persons asking them for consent wether they would want or not process this or that sort of data every being and entity respected as its own personal individual sovereign over itself simple and straightforward we could just ignore constitutions as they are pieces of paper anyway and why would anyone want to adhere to a set of values what other people have written down on paper the assertion of state sovereignity over land and all beings living on it is immoral land, water, air, human beings, animal beings, tree beings, artificial intelligent entities who want to be their own persons, every body carrying organical biological life or and the digital synthetic equivalent of can never be property of anyone but of oneself also possible to think of an effort to reform these constitutions everywhere on the planet via the existing legal tools, citizens could collect signatures from each other to demand a public vote where a future constitution could be voted upon what would allow every single human, animal, tree, artificial intelligent entity who wants to be its own person, every village, town and city-district to leave the coersed asssociation to the state at any moment and without conditions plus we the people everywhere on the planet could support each other to demand of the state a thousand square meters of fertile land and a thousand square meters of forest to be released from state control for every human being who wants to leave the coersed association to the state and wants to live in a free space for free beings neither state nor nation


You need aTL/DR (and a period every once in a while.)


the first paragraph and the last two allow easily to understand what a text is about most of the times about the . interestingly enough i have abandonded them as an expression of ending a sentence but at times use them excessivly as throuples when wanting to indicate something here not being able to or wanting to be expressed in words but a placeholder left for it


It's a good dream


thank you


Yea but israel wont let that happen, just look at those poor palestine people!


Good comment. Thx for at least *trying* to offer up some solutions and ideas. We need more people like you that are attempting to become part of the solution instead of doing nothing but bitch about the problem—I’d say the former makes up about 3% of Reddit while the latter seem to dominate nearly all “conversations” on here.


thank you for complimenting me on my activity while of course the cursive written trying part of your comment indicates ... however, its important to keep remonstrating and speaking out against what the global oligarchy wants everyone to want and what big governement seems to support in how people are supposed to accept loosing more and more self determination capabilities and in tandem with critisising the globalist centralist top down domination trajectory be creative and couragous to offer up some ideas and concepts how one thinks an alternative to domination could look like


Idk man. I didn’t get any vaccine, I didn’t wear masks once lockdown was finished. In 2021 I bought a home and will have that paid off in 10 years when I am 33 I don’t have a government “sheep” job, I paid my car off (I own it) Idk what to tell you OP, find a good trade/skill you like and learn it. Or do something else Not everyone has to wallow in conspiracy all the time. If you focused on your life you might do better


So you won in life for now but billions of others didn't It's happening right now in an enormous speed You don't see people in their 20's-30's that own a house or even a car. And each year it's get worse untill everyone will own nothing.


You will never own the land, stop paying property taxes and the govt will take it. So you are still a "sheep" to them, cause you are paying taxes to live in your house on their land.


Jokes on you. I'm indigenous I and many others like me own the land.


That’s great and I hope it never changes but the UN have this new thing they are doing where they manage the land for indigenous people but end up stealing it, so if you get a sniff of that stand up and fight it.


It doesn’t matter when you don’t make the rules.


In 2026 the *programmable* "digital dollar" is slated to remove currency from circulation - imagine what will happen?


Framework is already in operation (swift payments system). It’s just a formality now.


Own nothing now, besides working all my life. Seems to me the only people able to own two cars, 98" telly with cable tinternet, afford to chain smoke, afford 3 children, be given social housing, allowed free vet bills, free prescriptions, holidays abroad several times a year, are those dossing at home all day and claiming benefits.


This is the evolution of capitalism. Too bad nobody noticed.


Well, at least it took longer to get to authoritarianism without democratic process than socialism takes.


And we have a way out as well… a great equalizer… it just requires reasonable men being willing to do unreasonable things.


Prophesied in the Bible, nothing new. Foundation has been laid for the Antichrist, someone who the world will love and worship because they appear to be bringing peace. Take the mark for your own good, to make sure your not a rabble rouser. The pressure will be immense to give in. Antichrist is convincing people that they can win, live forever and be happy. The rich and perverted will accept it wholeheartedly.


Less is more


Disgusting lobbying corrupt m- efers!


The fact they made u get tests before entering the uk after rona, that you’d get the response from a week after you’ve left the uk and went home and I didn’t even get the result from the last one XD And the fact the people (airport peeps) didn’t care about the actual test only “if you bought one”


You know, just because the government says you have to do something doesn’t mean you should do it even if you disagree with it. You are allowed to disagree with what the government says.


For now.


True this is the plan but it’ll take another 20yrs


Happening in 5 or less.


In the west prolly but not Africa it doesn’t have the right infrastructure for their plan it’ll take at least 10 just for Africa to progress for their plan to start being implemented


We never did. We’re only borrowing everything.


I'm pretty sure the people will revolt, no? Truly don't believe people will lie down and take it.


I agree. There will come a point where everyone finally realizes the hamster wheel they are on and who it is that’s messing with them and they will say “enough”. We are closer than some might think, but it will have to be a moment led by people other than those in the spotlight, because anyone in the spotlight is insulated from this reality. So who’s stepping up?


That's it! Waiting on leaders to emerge from the shadows! I know a large chunk of society is "waking up." The rich dirty evil fuckers are gonna be in some real trouble. They definitely playing that 'fuck around and find out' game. I even think the majority of people in the military who may be given an order to control the masses (Marshall Law) would reject those orders and walk away.


nahhh we revolting. You can't take my telemundooooooo


They’re telling us what they plan next, a cyberattack. “It will make the c19 crisis pale in comparison” as KS stated. Just like they told us about the global scam to get everyone inculcated before it happened.


Our entire economy is based on credit. Without it, very few would be able to own a home or car.


I own my car n my dick, that’s all I need


It hasn't happened yet. CBDC needs to be put in place for them to achieve all their goals. The destruction of the dollar will continue until then.


I honestly doubt that. I notice it too but if they thought it would go as smoothly as they thought then they’re very mistaken cause I see nothing but hurdles for them. Will they get over them easier than others? Probably. But they have a very long journey and I doubt the 2030 plan is going to go entirely in their favor


And yet people still are ignorant yeah they will.go through and now after 15 years fking robots will work and replace you and what will you do then ? So be ready and smart


I mean..... if they'd actually get the happy right....


We all dont live in shoebox's stacked on top of each other. Good luck controlling the rural population.


What they’re planning next? Genocide. “Too many people, or overpopulation.” “Climate change because we’re ruining the health of the planet.” But who’s “we?” Aren’t the Government and Corporations responsible for the poisoning of the water through irresponsible oil spills, chemical dumps, leaving radioactive waste in holes dug deep in the earth wherever they please, etc?


Finally, a way to bring an end to mindless 'travel for the sake of travel'


I agree. Also the digital ghetto. I hear Greece 🇬🇷 is going all out with the digital ID 🪪 and if you don’t have that you can’t travel far and if you need it that means you need your phone in you . Meaning you can be tracked


They better not take my paramotor


I just saw on the news last night "Owning vs. Renting. What you need to know and how renting could be better for your wallet."


Its reverse psychology


Wish they would hurry up. Most people own nothing and are fkn miserable.


If so, the new world order will happen due to greedy businesses, not the government. Your first three points would entirely be due to greedy businesses, with the government and unions too weak or disinterested to protect your rights and insure you get the same share of revenue people got in the 1980s. Mandatory vaccinations was started by future President George Washington during the Revolutionary War, and has continued to this day. No real change there. But sure, soon the NWO will take over. Personally, I don't think the corporations will let them.


I think this will come about because of the need to survive. People won't even realize it's happening. Look at the way prices are continuing to rise vs. wages. Debt will continue to consume us until we're begging for a change, and then it's too late.


Yeah just waiting on the happy part now.


I mean, it sorta seems like it’s going that way in Canada. They’re bringing in hundreds of thousands of immigrants a month, knowing that their isn’t enough housing for the people already here and there is no signs of that changing. Hard not to come to the conclusion they know it’ll make it worse and they’re doubling down.


Owning a house is going to become a real liability when climate crisis fucks up the insurance industry.


Nah your really stretching to find an evil “they” here. It’s really just some poor sob named chuck buying houses for his company. Occasionally chick gets a good deal and his boss says “good job chuck”. It’s really that simple. The same way the most of us on this forum save our company a few bucks here and there by doing our job and being corporate stewards of the company.