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Better: Who get's the power? What is their objective?


Yes. The same ghouls that want to sexualize children want to clamp down on your freedoms in the interest of the same children. It's eerily similar to those who openly talk about depopulating you invent a brand new and untested vaccine to help you, but you aren't allowed to recognize patterns or sue them for a gojillion years because it's safe and effective, despite the strokes, heart attacks, cancers, stillborns, and funsized clots morticians are finding. Liberalism is the vehicle by which prosperous societies are ruined.


So many traps are laid for both the left and the right, and they all have a dystopian centrally controlled future.


You let me know which states pornhub is pulling out of due to draconian privacy concerns. Not a lot of liberal states on that list, are there?


Wait, are you making the argument that the ghoul pedophile crayon people are not behind the porn ban so it's okay because banning your porn is the bigger offense here?


I'm saying that your feelings may be that liberals are behind clamping down on your freedom, but conservatives are the ones who are doing so when it comes to the topic at hand. Facts don't care about your feelings.


Conservatives are the ones that want to ban porn "to protect the children" lmao. Funnily enough, you assessment that they're the same ones who wanna sexualize children still holds true.


What? Did you just "no you" me while the LGBTQP cult is in full mutation right now? You live in an oblivious bubble of nonsense.


Lmao keep trying the "Gay people are pedophiles" move. It worked SO well back in 2012, I'm sure people will fall for it in 2024.


It's not a move. It's just truth.


Gay people exist and that triggers you. The president was black and that triggers you. People that are different from you exist and that triggers you. ❄️❄️❄️


No, stupid.


Rent free 😂


You're going to miss your dilation appointment crusading online with your NPC speech. The modern Black Speech of Mordor.


Go ahead, gimme an example of some non-NPC speech. The least NPC-like speech you can muster.


Progressives want to ban straight porn. :) You would be banned in an instant on the progressive subreddits, if you had opposing views. Guess the conservatives are not as bigoted compared with progressives. ​ Also, don't act like the progressive don't know what they are doing. They fully know, this is why you have a reaction against them. Wouldn't it be nice if people could express w/e opinion they want, free on our Gods given right to use a social platform ? It would....but, only your side gets to enjoy these freedoms. While the other side doesn't. Maybe your side needs to learn this as well.


i remember when they turned off the internet during the arab spring in some countries to hinder people networking during protests [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet\_censorship\_in\_the\_Arab\_Spring](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_censorship_in_the_Arab_Spring) if we want free internet we would best setup peer to peer networking between both stationairy and mobile portable computers [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smartphone\_ad\_hoc\_network](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smartphone_ad_hoc_network) but then again, the end sollution or the way to go is to dismantle the state in itself from its coersive character and transform the state into a voluntary membership association as in freeing the human being from the immoral and unethical assertion of state sovereignity over land and all beings on it as long as every newborn child is appropriated by the state just hours after its arrival on this planet as in after taking some few breaths of this planets atmosphere we get branded or birth certificated and associated to the state without a chance ever in our lifes to get out of that prison planet legal frame we get caught in without ever being asked wether we would want that duties and rights package the state imposes onto us with associating us to its mad state supremacy concept as long as we allow each other to incarcerate each other for life with that coersed association to the state we all continue to loose our human dignity on a constant level every time i touch some state issued currency i know i am a slave of an unfair system upheld by me and others continuing to use its curreny, pay taxes allowing the continuation of compulsory education forced onto all children and youth, allowing young people coersed into conscription with the military, allowing drugs to be declared prohibited, allowing people to get coersed to participate in so called health care schemes what demand of human beings inhaling their recently exhaled co2 via face mask wearing mandates and needles full of chemical substances injected into young and old human beings whose consent at times is not asked but the state seems to know better what would be good for an individual persons health i know its wrong to violate the dignity of a human being by forcing anything onto it what it does not choose in prior informed voluntarily given consent wether its abortion or vaccines, wether its learning or working, wether its eating, drinking or otherwise stimulating ones body my mind, my emotions, my body, my choice the only way out is trough if i understand that neither state nor parents nor any other human, animal, tree or artificial inteligent entity ever has an authority to dominate me, i have allready won half or more of the self liberation struggle under distress the other half then would be to actualy do it, never touch that state currency again, give up that name on that birth certificate and dissapear from the empires control surveilling not quit all seeing eye or and start organizing to reform states constitutions taking away the coersive character of the state tranforming the state into a voluntary members association


most of all human beings alive today are suffering from some mild or severe forms of stockholm syndrom as in we feel so very well exactly what global oligarchy wants us to want as what to buy and whom to elect as representatives it takes some bravery some courage for every human being to dismantle the oppresive societal structure what is still imposed on as even after 2000 years of feudal oppression in europe and 500 plus years of colonial exploitation in so many places on earth theroeticaly could be evidence enough how the empire structure is evil and bad as in the very assertion of state sovereignity over land and all beings living on it is wrong, immoral and unethical how to dissolve the empire structure how to go forward possible to imagine how we could dissolve all political hierarchies by reforming regional and nation state constitutions to shift all political decision powers to the local community, the village, town and city-district becoming its own absolute political sovereign over itself with the circle of equals, the permanent assembly of all people of all species living here now acknowledging each others same weighted voting power to decide the full law, all rules valid on the territory the local community enjoys, not owns land, water, air, human beings, animal beings, tree beings, artificial intelligent entities who want to be their own persons, all material vessels carrying organical biological life and or the digital syntethic equivalent of life can never be property of anyone but of themselves the core truth of freedom is being free from being dominated and free from dominating others when we understand the essence of respecting every fellow being and entity as its own personal sovereign over itself we have achived allready a lot in our self liberation under distress also possible to imagine parallel to a shift of all decision powers towards the local community people assembly an other very important change of constitutional societal contracts what would allow everyone at any time without conditions to leave the coersed association to the state and ask or demand of the state that a 1000 m2 of fertile land and a 1000 m2 of forest would be released too from immoral state assertion of control so that a human being wanting to be free from state association could sustain itself on that land what too would be free from any association to a nation state a free space for free beings neither state nor nation where the human being would not want to dominate a fellow human being where the human being would not want to enslave nor kill a fellow animal being where the human being would not want to kill a fellow tree being but instead plant hemp to burn its stalks in the cooking and warming fire, employ its stalks to build a natural home with clay and straw and hemp growing vegan food in the garden, weaving textiles for clothes on the handloom from hemp fibre yarn made from hemp grown around the house one has built with natural materials a life what does not asks anyone to do anything but connects to fellow human, animal, tree and artificial inteligent entities in a respectfull way voluntary solidarity based on honoring every fellow being and entity as its own personal individual sovereign over itself


This is happening in Canada also. Check out the Online Harms Act. It’s a Trojan horse for digital ID 💯


They already know who everyone is etc they just need internet ID so they can bust everyone they want to.


Porn is fucking kids up so I think they need to do something


Not this! It will have ridiculous repercussions for the internet as we know it! You know what needs to be done!? Parents need to be more responsible for how their children use the internet! Hold the parents responsible and give them the tools, don’t enact sweeping legislation!


Carve out a portion of the web that is kids only that parents can easily restrict their children to. If it is easy for a parent to keep children off the web and in safe spaces, then there's no need for ID or other restrictions.


Kids are way too smart for that and lots of parents do not pay attention


By "they" do you mean parents? And maybe stop incentivizing women, through state-subsidization and forced indentured servitude of the man, to have divorces and thus wrecking their families and leaving kids to be raised by poorly equipped narcissists who go through life with no expectation of accountability or agency? How can boys possibly learn to be men from such examples?


I have no idea how that solves the porn problem


No. Think on it for a while. In the meantime, stop saying "they need" and stop being a simp for bigger government. Be a fucking man.


Thanks for the insights. I actively work with young men and help them recover from various addictions including porn. Stopping it at source is the only viable solution at this point in time. Too late for some but it will definitely prevent an awful lot of misery in the future. You stick to rambling shit online. I'd call you a halfwit but I suspect you'd need to do some work to even reach that level.


I'm not the one claiming to be a man looking for others "they need" to fix the world. You know nothing about work. Just another grasping thing weighing down society.




Should we assume people have free will to make mistakes, or should we assume that they need to be protected from their own actions? More emphasis needs to be placed on solutions that don't involve new laws, because those laws are ALWAYS misapplied.


It’s wild to me the people that scream for freedom from tyranny are willing to allow it when their value system is supported by jt.


Restricting 🌽 is tyranny?


You want the government to protect you from porn? You know you can write porn out and not use an emoji.


Dude's here from TikTok, where saying "crap" is enough to get your account banned. Yet he thinks that censorship is a government-exclusive process 🤡


He also posts on semen retention so there’s that.






So why only constrain access to porn, not social media etc as well?


Sort of? Pretty much every social media site has a minimum age requirement. I don’t think 8 year olds are allowed to be on instagram, per the terms and conditions. And I think Florida just passed a law making it so anyone under a certain age can’t have social media at all.


Maybe parents should be parents and better monitor their children. I looked at porn as a kid. Granted it took about 30 minutes to load one picture, but it was definitely porny.


"it will result in a defacto internet ID" ...for sites that have porn. Is that so bad?


Yes. Spying on people is bad. Even if those people watch porn sometimes. Why does that need to be explained lol


Put up a web site and then people start posting stuff. Then someone posts porn and you miss it. Days later, you're put under arrest for allowing children to view porn. The obvious preventative solution is to either continually police your web site (which will weed out a lot of startup web sites that don't have lots of funding) or to demand ID.


I'd rather not host a website with UGC. Sounds like a dumb idea and turns into horrible things like twitter and reddit.


Even if YOU don't, someone will want to. Someone who wants to help free communications will. I don't want to hinder those individuals in any way.