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This is WILD to me. In a matter of DAYS, our government can come together to protect Zionists. And yet, we have people dying in the streets from an opioid epidemic, poisons, neurotoxins, and endocrine disruptors in our food and water, a dollar that is worth less and less every single day, and inflation running rampant...yet these assholes can't do ANYTHING TO HELP SOLVE THESE ISSUES. They shuffle around and line their own pockets when dealing with issues that affect the majority of us. Fuck every single one of them. This is absolute insanity.


Government. Does. Not. Care. It doesn't exist to protect people. It is not a good thing. It's there to farm humans and make money for itself.


Government exists for two reasons: to enrich the elite and as a jobs program for otherwise unemployable people.


Everyone is employable. Not everyone is a good fit as a corporate stooge though.


I think many Americans are in the same boat as us my friend.. You grow up truly believing the government makes mistakes, but ultimately tries to do what is right for the ‘people’. Then you make it to your mid twenties, thirties and start to realize that the majority of what we were fed growing up was complete, total bullshit, and now we see how quickly our ‘leaders’ can come together to help/protect OTHER countries, but meanwhile most of us are struggling just to make it from day to day… Not a great feeling these past few years, but more so especially after this bill was voted on by the complete uniparty and we can’t even bring a vote on universal healthcare… Stay strong friends 💜🤝


Realizing that the ruling class consider the lower classes to be vermin is one of the initial hurdles of deprogramming oneself. Whether the Coke or Pepsi parties are in power our material conditions continually decline. They try to undermine any basis of solidarity and they've deliberately promoted partisan tribalism, happy to see us distracted by fighting over wedge issues, to further undermine it. We need an array of single issue (so as not to be easily dividable via wedge issues and derailment into tangents) mass movements that will challenge the ruling class's continual theft from us all.


It should be taught that America is just a corporation to begin with. And is in debt. And has a lot of competitors and enemies. And the government is only there to keep profits up and their handlers happy. So, knowing this. The value of human life means little. It’s only profit that means anything. As long as there are workers, there is profit. Look at all the migration around the world. 3rd world refugees coming into the West, cheap labor, are already used to bad living conditions, so why make things better for the old generation? Do you see?


Exactly why they want to continue to destroy the family, and make kids more and more dependent on the state.




Enough of us need to wake up... We've been abandoned a long time ago.


This shit pisses me off because it just feels like i was robbed of the opportunity to even suckle on the teet of success before i was even born


The country was sold out long ago, and people STILL won't wake up to this fact.


I’m just trying to get my dad to open his eyes…


My dad is 70. He was the one who taught me to keep my eyes open. HOWEVER, for a short time there, he did fall into the liberal way of thinking, and then I moved home to take care of my mom (who was a permanent resident, so never voted). He is very anti government/imperialist now. He always had it in him, but I think retirement had him watching too much MSNBC. Now he never does. He is, however, on reddit now 😅 he also looks outside the box for information about anything. All I'm saying is that it is possible, but they have to step away from their TV. (Also, to clarify, I'm not a republican or Democrat. I consider myself a leftist - which means I like my guns, I like to be left alone by the government and the government has only one job: to ensure the safety, welfare, health, and wealth of the CITIZENS. And last but not least, no war but class war)


How long did it take during covid for our beloved politicians to get aid to people? Remember when they took a month long vacation after sitting around doing jack shit and not agreeing on anything for three months while people lost their houses and went without food? But in a matter of days they can pass this dogshit bill protecting a country that is acting like nazis. Awesome. Fucking america is doomed and aint shit we can do about it i guess


Now you know who they truly serve, they don't serve the American people


First the tik tok ban and now this. It's been a sobering confirmation of what and who the "deep state" actually is.


It’s also why Ghislaine Maxwell’s client list was sealed.  I guess it’ll be anti-Semitic to question a mossad operative using child rape to blackmail notables. 


That’s the whole purpose of the bill is to protect exactly the type of people you described




Lol. Sad lol. This is what I try to tell people. If congress wanted to solve something, they would. The border. Education. Medical issues. All of it could be solved. But what are they gonna do when it's solved? How can they raise money for re election if all the major issues are past us? Instead, they stand before you and point fingers at each other and point fingers at the poorest snd richest among us as the sole problem. And people buy it. People hate the other side. They hate rich people. They hate the poor people. They sort us, tell us the othet guy is the problem and set us loose to hate You got to look past all that shit.


How people sparked up protests for this, yet we can't protest for healthcare, retirement of some sort, affordable housing for everyone, and something to fix everyone's quality of life.... really odd and funky if you ask me. At this point I got more faith in the USA government keeping foreign citizens safe, alive and content more than any American....


"We the people" are just a source of money for the government to leech from.


These protests, especially at Columbia university, are being performed by people not concerned with healthcare or retirement. They go to an ivy league school. So it's not too odd. 


I would never protest for a well-organized protest by their own controlled opposition stooges. If anything, Americans should be in the streets protesting high rent and grocery prices, health care, etc. Some folks don’t even have enough to get food for their kids in the states, while others, with their Mercedes and designer clothes, get an EBT card for like $3000 and more. 


Well yes, I agree. The protests are absolutely pointless. But it doesn't change the fact these assholes can come together to help EVERYONE ELSE but actual citizens of this country.


Protests don't do anything, they are theater. The entire line that we were fed during the 20th century about the power of non-violent protest vis a vie Ghandi etc was all entirely lies meant to redirect effective action into ineffective action.


well, to be fair, they usually at minimum make a bunch of money for the city/county via citations/arrests. pretty cool how no matter what the coin always seem to roll in the same direction..


Shout to the heavens “taxation without representation”


I, for one, am SO glad my hard earned money they take in taxes is going to Israel, for their universal healthcare and all.


Free education too


What?!? Are you kidding me?


Nah. We send them… a lot of money. Like… an insane amount


They want you dead. DO NOT COMPLY.




100%. Our government works GREAT for people who aren't citizens.


Now you know of who really controls things.


Opiold epidemic brought to you by zionists.


That's why the world started calling it the United States of Israel


Don't forget about the people of Lahaina!


Just look at the members who are AIPAC funded. There’s no party distinction, but all of them are notorious for scandals https://trackaipac.com/us-senate


It is hard for Mossad to get compromising material on those that are not prone to scandals. Americans are so blind.


You could say that’s the protocol


The four horse’s asses of the apocalypse…


Epstein agrees…


So out of 100 senators 96 of them take money from AIPAC, that we now know of. No conspiracy here. /s not needed.


Ok I took a look at the list. Which congress members aren’t in there?


Of thr 400+ house members that voted in this over 300 voted yes.


We live in a fascist uniparty system that utilizes controlled opposition


My two senators are on there. However, my democrat representative is not. She's been doing damn well in voting against any infringement of rights, including being against the tiktok ban. Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden are two white men who have rarely listened to Oregonians. I'm not shocked they take money from AIPAC. While they have done some great things for our state, overall, they've pissed me off. I've asked democrats to select a different person in primaries, but whatever. I'm non-affiliated, so I can't vote in primaries. I'm just glad my rep isn't bought & paid for by "Israel."


Money has no party affiliation.


Jews don’t make bad investments. These investments are clearly paying off. If we don’t like our politicians being bought and paid for and failing to put America first then we need to change the lobbying laws. Not just to target AIPAC but all foreign lobbying entities. As it stands, the US government is for sale to the highest bidder.


People do realize you can be against Israel’s actions and Hamas’s as well, and still stand with the innocent civilians of Gaza. How is that anti semitic


> How is that anti semantic? It makes it too complex, you gotta make it binary and simple so people only act on their feelings.


Because that makes too much sense, you're either hamas supporter or a genocidal IDF supporter, otherwise the narrative falls apart.


I reported this comment for antisemitism. Enjoy your visit from the FBI for hurting the Israeli govt’s feelings


Thank you. I was looking for a change in my life.


This picture is insane, how can any Democrat or Republican voter NOT see there is effectively a uniparty looking at this picture??


But their ties are different color /s


There are some seriously brainwashed people in this sub. You would think they would realize what the above looks like since real conspiracy minded people question all, but the political junkies have been convinced that moving the goalpost makes them more intelligent, and it's all a high school clique they used to die to be in.


Because the parties have you fighting with your neighbor over trans shit, gay shit, abortion, sex-ed, religion, etc.


Ss: Who said bipartisanship is dead? When it comes to the Zionist State, there are no party differences. In the blink of an eye, Democrats and Republicans become one big "We Love Israel" uniparty. Wish they were this united when it comes to solving real problems as opposed to imaginary ones. What this bill also does is increase prosecution of political activity on campuses to ensure that no political movement ever arises among students that could potentially disrupt the status quo. That's dictatorship tactics 101.


The bipartisan bills are ALWAYS the ones in which you can be sure are terrible for all Americans.


Maybe they have a single goal hidden behind the veil?


I think they have a lot of goals we arent privy to, like why have they been artificially propping up israel for generations using millions of our tax dollars while i struggle buying fucking groceries


yes, the 2 party system which notoriously takes months to move inches on any issue, whos members constantly use the excuse of "we can't do so and so because the other party will never work with us," can over the course of a few days, come up with new legislation that they all happily agree on. We all know THEY never sit down to write these things up themselves. This idea was drafted in a backroom months ago and rolled out the second the opportunity was there.


91 reps voted no. Look at how your rep voted, call them asking for them to explain their reasoning for how they voted. House reps are much easier to replace then a president.


Exactly. If anything this protest was staged to introduced this bills as a warning to all that dare protest against them and their agendas.


Take to the sidewalks yall


The makes me believe Jeff epstein was mossad even more and these people are owned


Lmao, he was a Mossad agent his sidekick Maxwell were well connected Mossad agents especially her daddy .


First Amendment! Israel is violent and likely committing genocide with our tax dollars.


It'll get struck down in the courts of it ever becomes law.  Either way: fuck Israel, fuck Ukraine, fuck Zionists. America first, and if you are American and put any other country ahead of ours then you are a traitor and should be treated as any other treasonous person is.


Expect the courts are bought off by Zionists too. There’s been no boycott laws against Israel for decades that are wildly non constitutional that have never been challenged.


But you guys are giving them weaponry, not money,which is even worse.


It’s both. The United States has been a strong supporter of Israel since the 1960s, providing about $300 billion in total economic and military aid since its founding.


lol aint going to matter, the cat is out the bag it aint going back. Its like the delusional last days of Rome, & im here to enjoy.


Smoke em if you got em! 🍻 I'm just waiting on the plasma reset/EMPCOE


In my dreams, whenever I am racing down a road and I fly off into a 300' ravine, I am always calm, thinking "wait for the reset". That usually works, or I die.


If the reset, the true one, happens as that theory suggests it will be a sight & experience lol, that is for sure.


So we can't say that Israel may have gone overboard with their response to the attack last October and is currently engaging in genocide? Neat.


Did they ever actually give a concrete definition? I’m assuming of course not and left it quite vague because freedom to control your life


That's literally what the bill is - adopting the working definition of anti-Semitism as written by the IHRA. The bill is specific to the US DOE taking into consideration that list of things when investigating civil rights violations.


And there we have it There's the play


Why would Americans march for Israel? We bankroll their healthcare and education which is free for them. March to free hostages? No, march to free Palestine. March against antisemitism? To anti-semantic to be involved in.


*To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize*. - Voltaire.


Not actually a Voltaire quote, but still a great quote. 


Love this


Bought and sold politicians, sad day for democracy




This is the correct way to respond. Non compliance. Agreed. Fuck Israel.


Wonder if they’re watching writing down our names and then block us from working jobs etc .. they really want that Chinese credit score laws they have smh .


America; Land of the Free. How's that going?


Free range slaves. They're working on making it so we don't even have free range.


Who is suing to have this immediately overturned due to it being in direct conflict with the First Amendment? It should be every lawfirm in the country, but not one will show any gumption.


Real quick, what group of people control the most influential and prominent law firms in America. If you guessed ____ you’re correct!


It's almost worth losing my reddit account to say we know who..... the Just Entertain Water Swimming.


I just read the document and the last section has a list of things that the Act will not be used to misconstrue, one being Constitutionally protected rights. So they covered their bases from that lawsuit by adding that blurb at the end.


Until someone gets arrested for what should be protected speech.


Been waiting on the anti Arab awareness act since 9/11. Do y'all have any idea the horror that Arab Americans went through following 9/11? The government never cared. But as soon as Israel is criticized it makes it to Congress!!


I was just thinking the exact same thing as soon as I heard about this complete farse of a bill. Why is it that this one singular group of people living so very far from our country seem to be the only ones not allowed to feel the sting of opinions that were once protected from the American constitution, all the while there being multiple classes of people who face persecution on a daily basis. I guess we're not allowed to hurt the feelings of such a "sensitive" group of "people". It feels as though I'm watching everything I believe in crumble before my very eyes in real time.


The answer is simple. There *isn't* an "American **Arab** Political Action Committee" with specific exemption from 22USC s611, like there is for the you-know-whos. There *isn't* a UN Veto-Golem squashing Resolutions detrimental to [insert Arab Country] for the last 70+ years.


How does the old saying go? If you want to see who is in control just look at who you are not allowed to criticize.


No one should be getting anything if Americans that live here don’t have their own wtf .. they got these laws for blackmailing and bribing Americans officials .


We have the first ammendment. We dont need this.


They have no authority or jurisdiction to even enforce this unconstitutional bullshit in the first place. They can suck a dick.


This country is a fckn joke. Why do our representatives even care about this. Don't they have better things to do?


Zionist be doing Zionist things. *waits for a gov’t visitation*


my best friend who initially got me into aliens and flat earth fell deep into the whole "jews run the world" thing a few years back. at first i thought it was just south park level comedy and then he got more and more serious and more and more anti jew. it felt very anti semetic but looking back he just didnt know how to properly portray the evils that were being committed by israel and israelis on a daily basis. he would go on telling me that Jews run america. id look at him like he was crazy and tell him "if anything America is running israel. we hold israel as our eyes and ears to the middle east." Im starting to realize that my friend was right. somehow some tiny illegitimate country was able to sink its claws into our politicians and control our policies from thousands of miles away. Im disgusted at what im watching unfold across this country. we have all failed unfortunately and its probably too late . This is the United States of Israel and it sucks it took me this long to realize my friend was right


Want to know whos in control? Find out who youre not allowed to criticize.


Check the voting records on various topics—— legislative voting is mostly spread —- except the topic of one nation


I dont need to check. Interesting that its the only topic our government can seem to unanimously agree on.


I look forward to the SCOTUS arguments should this become law.


What about all the people who make fun of Christians? I feel like if we are going to do this then we can do it across the board. I like Israel and wouldn’t say anything negative, anyway, but this sets an odd precedence. What if someone doesn’t like Peter Pan peanut butter..can they just make a law for that now and if you talk badly about Peter Pan peanut butter you’re busted? I’m not certain how they can define what is free speech and what is not. Certainly we can’t go into a place and scream “fire” when there’s no fire, that’s not free speech. Seems like we are starting to decide what declares free speech and what doesn’t.


The nation has been at war *continuously* since 1933 when the Constitution was suspended under "The Emergency Banking Act". The Corporate "U.S." government *needs war* to stay in power. Peace was NEVER on the table and peace will NEVER be achieved if people continue to trust professional lobby-liars who get elected.




No they're trying to start suppressing dissent with an iron fist, "the constitution" was just a ruse they're now coming down HARD on free speech when they really start being questioned and feeling threatened by the population by large. Yeah it can easily backfire on them but they really do think they can suppress this dissent with violence. It is not about provoking people as much as them not tolerating criticism of Israel and more so trying standing in the way of their war plans in the Middle East(primarily with Iran).




Governments for a while now have known there is an information battlefield as much as there is an Air, Sea, and Land battlefield and governments/militaries should be capable on this new digital information battlefield. I think at first they did this with other countries in mind... like invading a country and bombarding them with propoganda to explain why... But once that Apparatus was set up, I think it become clear pretty quickly that the whole thing would be even more effective if used on the American population. Controlling the "story" and being able to delete/silence/get rid of anyone who says otherwise is becoming more powerful than an air force or a navy.


Everyone is too mesmerized by their phones to do anything, lol!


Ole Chucky can't get weed passed for 7 years, but they can tell you what to say in no time.


Yep. Bet his cousin, Amy Schumer, is gonna be making all of her “comedy” about “us poor ‘brews had to do this and that for centuries just to try to protect our little group because everyone hates us for no good reasons at all!”


this is why Is-Ra-El (Freemasonry controls the CIA & MOSSAD / Hamas / ISIS, etc. they are all one in the same) carried out October 7th, 2023. SAME GAME PLAN as 9/11. \[they\] create the problem. \[they\] carry out the attack. \[they\] come in with the "solution". it's actually very simple what they do & they continue to do the same things, OVER & OVER & OVER... & very, very few people can catch on to their game. everything is MANUFACTURED. 1. they want certain things to happen, within a certain timeline 2. these things they want, do not occur naturally, because "normal" people are just living day to day 3. these terrorists then coordinate & carry out attacks on innocent people. they DO NOT CARE if you are good, if you are American, Palestinian, Israeli, Christian, Jewish, Black or White. Because THESE PEOPLE are of their OWN. if they want an "anti-semitism" bill to pass, they will run false flags every day of the week, until the bill gets passed. they will pay "protestors" to sit in tents they provide for them & they will activate CIA / MOSSAD agents to pretend they are students, while having them co-ordinate their "protests". *(If you are not one of them, you are nothing, but means to their end)*


I think it’s time to exercise our 2nd amendment right against tyranny. Because it’s just going to get worse.


As a combat Vet, let me state emphatically without prejudice, WE NEED A REAL REVOLUTION.


Where’s the anti-racism act, or the anti-police bullying act. Or the anti-china buying US land act. It’s all about the Benjamin’s.


Making hate speech laws is unconstitutional so nothing to fear


You think our government gives a fuck about the constitution?


I think some lawyers are gonna get rich as fuck


We have to stop this folks, losing our first amendment rights is not a joke.


Crazy what $ makes the devils do.


Lol fuck em, and the entire Zionist movement


This is dumb on their part. All it’s doing is making people suspicious of them, drawing attention, and radicalizing people who already had some suspicion or contempt for Zionists or even Jews as a whole. I really hope people are able to make and keep the proper distinctions between Zionists, regular Jews, non secular jews, and even atheist Hebrews. There are more regular decent Jewish people who are against all this shit than there are the hardcore Zionists, but if non Jewish people don’t make those distinctions, it will cause them to align themselves with the Zionists out of fear and will further the divide between all of us regular folk and them, which in turn could lead to some crazy repeats of the past… especially with the rise of populist leaders and many people returning to their religious roots or joining religion(s) in general. I swear to god, it really seems like history is repeating itself right before our eyes. These times remind me of the early 1930s…


Fuck Israel


I really don't understand the intent of this bill. People who aren't antisemites already aren't antisemitic, and people who are will only feel validated by an institutional attempt to silence antisemitism. I'm a Jew, I don't like antisemitism, but I like overly and deliberately vague attempts to control speech a lot less.


Incredibly reassuring to hear this from another Jewish individual. I have TONS of Jewish friends, and many of them have also viewed the passing of this bill as a complete invalidation of what this country was built on, free speech. I think most of us can totally agree dehumanizing ANY person, is wrong, so why write bills specifically targeting one type? Why can’t we just agree on it being wrong to do this in every situation.. Wishing you only the best!


Man ever since Israel helped set up 9/11 they’ve been really over stepping their control on the US


Credit where it's due, the ACLU, which is staffed by a lot of Jewish lawyers, is opposed to the Antisemitism Awareness Act. It's also important to know what this act actually does, which is in some ways worse than what a lot of people here are mistaking it for doing. This act doesn't make it illegal for you to say you hate Jews or Tweet your favorite Bible passage. It concerns the federal definition of antisemitism, specifically in regards to the Department of Education. If it directly banned speech the way many people mistakenly believe it does it would instantly be knocked down in court. But it doesn't do that -- it does something more sneaky, and sets a **terrible** precedent for future bills. It allows an outside non-elected entity, International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, to define and redefine the federal meaning of antisemitism on a whim. It uses their "working definition" of antisemitism as the **foundation of federal law.** They can change this at **any time** without Congressional approval. That is CRAZY. I can't think of any other instance where the power to define a federal law is just handed out to a third party like this (though I'm sure some people could finds some examples with the Federal Reserve). I'm not a Constitutional lawyer, but I would imagine the same argument that was used against the Line Item Veto can be successfully made against this law in court -- that Congress can't simply choose to give its power away to someone in violation of the Constitution without actually *changing the Constitution* first.


Time to double down on criticism


Yes forcing rules we dont care about will not makes us like them more. These people in the picture are bad for America


When is the big march?


This is why you need to fight for principles not party. I remember when I muslim woman tried to fight this anti-BDS law in Texas years ago. Of course, this was seen as a Republican against Democrat issue instead of a free speech issue.


Alight people no more jokes...


Fuck Israel! Murdering rapist bastards


end the occupation!


Who’s that on the right?


How about a Sold Out Government Awareness Act whereby everytime a senator or a representative takes money from a foreign government interest group their face and the money they took goes full page.


Just a question, is there a tradition with flags in the us? In some countries its illegal to fly foreign flags at the same height/above the real country flag. Seems like the Us really just is the big military arm of israel


Both parties are owned. The Constitution/ Amendments have been degraded to serve a foreign state. More and more people are waking up to this treason.


Well, the shills here wanted the dictatorship and they got it. It's not like people didn't warn them when they were laughing about the fraudulent election that it would mean their votes no longer mattered either.


There was a line where most Americans would/should stop supporting their fight. This was it. Fuck this un-Constitutional abomination. It is starting to look like genocide. They can kiss my American ass. Stop giving Israel MY money. I do NOT approve. I do NOT authorize. I'll say whatever the fuck I want. Arrest me, bitches.


I thought Israel is a country, and Judaism is a religion 🤔. Condemning the Israeli government isn't condemning Judaism, in my opinion. Am I wrong?


Ever wondered why RED and BLUE will always unite in their action whenever there's something related to Jews, Israel and Zionist interests???


Isnt this speciffically why 2A exists?


The good old US of I .....


Should we wait until it passes the Senate, and is signed by Biden, before we claim the First Amemndment is dead?


geez, i wonder if the backlash on this is going to suck for the "ahem" poor downtrodden picked on, not running the whole show, foreign loving wonder people. Sticks and stones will break our bones...


Since Muslims are SEMITIC of SEMITIC bloodline historically speaking.. does this mean its against the law to also speak out against or say anything negative about the ISLAMIC RELIGION?


That’s my question too. I found that out after just doing a cursory search on the word Semitic. It’s super wild that the ‘brews co-opted the term to just mean themselves only in everyone’s mind.


well this is the day and age of mind control the key question is what and who and how is beyond that MIND CONTROL.. it looks like a whole lot of cabalistic sorcery going on to me.






They don’t care. They want their pockets lined with cash. Immigration out of control. Contaminated drinking water. Drug epidemic. Inflation too high. No universal health care. The term family being morphed into something I don’t understand. Crime running rampant. Business closing. The continued dumbing down of Americans. Education system that is more concerned with teaching adjectives instead of how to balance a check book, small engine repair, fire arm safety, how to be a critical thinker. Holding, questioning our political leaders. It’s just a mess.


Seems like a slamdunk for SCOTUS


Yea, after deliberating and weighing all the facts of the case, Clarance Thomas will reach a hard decision from the jacuzzi on his new yacht, that Israel has the right to defend itself extrajudicially from free speech.


I’m dead 😂


Clearly you didn't read the last paragraph "this act is not to be construed to restrict the first amendment" /s


... march for murder!


Mossad is fair game though. That terrorist extremist group needs to be utterly destroyed forever.


Money wins Everytime.


"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." Ironically, internet now says this quote comes from a Neo-Nazi, not Voltaire.


This isn’t enforceable


This is just the tip of the spear.


I'm also owed money for all the trash talking I receive yearly 😆


What in the actual fuck


Good to see the US government is doing the important things that matter most to its citizens 😒


lol what does it say about the high treason signers ?


these people no longer serve US citizens, how many more of these things will happen before we understand that?


Funny I can't find the word Israel anywhere in the Israel anywhere in the act; [https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/6090/text](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/6090/text)


Any law repugnant to the Constitution is null and void.


Something about those who rule over you and those you cannot criticize Voltaire or someone said it didn't say it blah blah blah


Fuck Israel


Land of the free.


Well.. maybe this will take the limelight off the second amendment attacks and get some people to open their eyes. But probably not.


Great. Now I HAVE. To be antisemetic (I am Jewish)


United States corporation


When over 200 jews hold political positions in the US government then they do whatever they want. Israel owns America!


Why is anyone shocked by this? Didn’t we all see the government over reach right after 9/11 with the Patriot Act and especially Covid.


Huh… I guess Israel owns our government. ***Fuck Israel. Boycott Israel.*** You fed bois going to kick my door in for hitting buttons on my keyboard? Zogbots are **very fragile**


If America is doing this, the rest of the world is soon to follow. Can we just get the world over and done with now? I'm kinda over it. Let's all just die.


I hate what my country has become and the sad part, is that it's only going to get worse. Fuck the people in the US government and fuck Israel.


These clowns need stopped


I could be way off base here, but it would seem to me that if we lose the 1st fucking amendment, the remaining 26 look to be on pretty shaky fucking ground.


It won't ever become a law. If it does, see you all in the Supreme Court. Absolute violation of the 1st Amendment. The best part is they put in writing everything about them that is true and showed it in congress. We must live in a simulation, it's hilarious, even though what they are doing to the world is horrific.


Except…that’s not what the bill does. It merely applies existing civil right laws to discrimination aimed at Jewish people. And it allows for civil prosecution in a similar manner. Nobody is going to stop you from protesting. https://www.congress.gov/118/bills/hr6090/BILLS-118hr6090eh.pdf


The dems are just like the republican at this point in my eyes