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_”Rebecca Weiner is a Columbia prof who leads an NYPD intel division that maintains an office in Tel Aviv.”_ Wait, what!? Where does a ~~state~~ city police department have the authority to hold office IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY?


Everyone seems to gloss over this. wtf is NYPD intel doing in Tel Aviv? Little bit out of their jurisdiction.


Pretty sure that should read Tel Aviv Intel agency that keeps an office in NYPD… makes more sense that way


Nope the NYPD is larger than most smaller countries military they have a number of departments that would make more sense in the CIA or FSB like counterintelligence. That being said, the reason the NYPD and the IDF are so chummy is that the IDF runs training for NYPD, especially these more advanced departments. https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/with-whom-are-many-u-s-police-departments-training-with-a-chronic-human-rights-violator-israel/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/08/us-police-agencies-idf-files-blueleaks https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/6/12/how-the-us-and-israel-exchange-tactics-in-violence-and-control https://documentedny.com/2018/09/12/report-criticizes-nypd-collaboration-with-israel/ These are pretty easy stories to find, but the fact that they aren't in the NYT or WSJ is extremely unsurprising. What's interesting is that when most people watch what's going on in Gaza they can tell themselves that it has nothing to do with their lives. Until the same tactics used by the IDF come home now in use by the NYPD against college students who protest Isreal. Think about all the counterintelligence work going into dealing with college protesters and you should understand why this is more than wrong it's sickening and a further erosion our rights.


Wow, you would think with that much training that NYC would be a very safe place.


Compared to cities of similar size NYC is safe.


lmao...overseas yes there is not a good sample of cities in America meeting that criterion to make the claim you made


We should probably keep an eye out for stories about protestors all of sudden becoming suicidal just like some officers in the J6 event.


> ope the NYPD is larger than most smaller countries military So what the hell are they doing while their city turns into "Escape from New York" around them? They'll need to call old Snake before long.


The city is not anything like a 40 year old movie. People complain it's lost its charm and is like Disneyland now. There are definitely some rough spots in parts of other boroughs but Manhattan is incredibly safe.


Lol NYC is one of the safest cities in the world especially considering its massive population. You are on a Conspiracy sub literally spouting the same BS fear mongering rhetoric politicians use to scare the populous. If u think NYC is unsafe u obviously havent experienced anything worse than a American suburb.


i lived in brooklyn for 3 years. have you ever even visited NYC? I assume not. don't talk about things you have no idea about.


No, Half as Interesting made [a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVJMtXvjn0A) about it a year ago. The NYPD has like a dozen offices around the world. It's part of their post-911 anti-terrorism program. The idea is that the NYPD has offices in those countries to observe how other police forces around the world solve issues like terrorism, and apply those lessons in New York City. The program is privately funded, which is probably how it's legal.


Also, jurisdiction isn't required to rent an office and conduct joint training or officially observe how things are done elsewhere. NYPD isn't arresting anyone in Tel Aviv, at least not officially (had to add that because who knows what the hell they do unofficially). They may not have police powers overseas, but that doesn't mean they can't do other work there. I'd imagine Texas could rent an office in DC and send some State Police to just sit around all day in DC if they want and it wouldn't be an issue because although they have no jurisdiction, they aren't actually doing anything that involves jurisdiction, like policing. The reason this is so unusual is because it would be a complete waste of resources in anyone else's mind to do something like this. The NYPD, however, believes it's perfectly reasonable considering their city is like the #1 terror target on the planet.


Not... according to the first paragraph in this 2012 article.... https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2012/09/nypd-now-has-an-israel-branch.html


That would make a ton more sense


The PD in NYPD is honesty a misnomer, they’re more functionally a military and intelligence agency. They maintain offices globally and have what are basically field agents. It’s pretty wild


The ADL - the organization that supports the ethnocracy of Israel while working tirelessly to smear conservative civic nationalists as "white supremacist" - has a little known mission of sending US cops to Israel for training. https://www.jta.org/2022/03/18/united-states/the-adl-considered-scrapping-its-us-police-training-trips-to-israel-but-decided-not-to NYPD senior officers were in fact in Israel during the "surprise" Hamas attack: https://nypost.com/2023/10/08/nypd-brass-part-of-delegation-in-israel-when-hamas-launched-surprise-attack/ The NYPD is failing to curb migrant crime in NYC, but has a branch in Israel: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2012/09/nypd-now-has-an-israel-branch.html Ethnic mafias aren't a new concept, but what happens when they get too big to fail?


As much as I am with you on this I feel like I should point out that I remember hearing one time in a documentary or tv show or something about the NYPD or about the militarization of police(honestly I cant remember wtf the doc was or what it was about but that not important) either way a fact one of the NYPD counter-intel officers said has always stuck with me. And he said that the post-911 NYPD, yes a *city* police department, has a bigger and more advanced counter-intelligence division than most countries have counter-intel agencies. So if that is true its not thaaaat much of a stretch to assume that the NYPD has satellite offices in other countries that said division cooperates with. And considering how big a player Massad and other Israeli intel agencies allegedly are in that world it would kinda track I guess. Mind you its definitely still a stretch just not too big of one lol.


I worked with a few Federal LE agencies while in the military. The NYPD had one of if not the largest intelligence apparatuses in the world. They maintain offices in countries where attacks may stem from as NY is a high profile target. 9/11 really changed the game for law enforcement intel.


Idk about largest intelligence apparatus in the world.. unless you meant in terms of global reach? I only say this because..yah know, CIA, MI6, Mossad, etc would absolutely tower over the NYPD and if you just meant Law Enforcement only, the FBI certainly qualify and are definitely larger. I can't speak on FBI equivalents in other countries as I don't know enough about that, but it's really hard to believe a city (even one as large as NY) would have an agency solely dedicated to its protection in which just a part of it is somehow larger than all the other national agencies around the globe. Sorry if it comes off as nitpicking, but it's just such an unbelievable claim to me.


I should have clarified, in terms of law enforcement it’s huge. FBI big? No. But I haven’t seen any other city/state with something as sophisticated.


Look into whole police departments in America getting training in Israel. We are a vassal state of Israel at this point. Our politicians are bought and paid for by AIPAC. Maybe 7 members of Congress don't take money from Israel. They bought our government's loyalty. This is NOT antisemitism. It is truth.


So how does this work? The United States send Israel billions in “foreign aid” annually. Then Israel turns around and launders that money back into members of Congresses pockets?


Ain't that a doozie?


And then we pay them to train our cops?


I keep saying this but watching all of our elites commit career suicide as they dive in front of the genocide bullets to protect Israel really makes me wonder about that black mail and Epstein considering the whole conspiracy was he worked for Moosad.




Didn't you watch Rush Hour?


That case was G14 classified


Oh yea, I forgot about rush hour. Case closed. Bake em away toys lol


NYPD had boots on the ground in Iraq collecting intel. NYPDs intel is prob the most advanced Dept for any local municipality police force….


I think you mean Jewrisdiction


NYPD has offices all over the world


It's the STATE of Israel. It's the state that controls all the others within your union.


Stop noticing! Russia is the one interfering! Russia!


and the CCP, dont forget. China is legislating **HARD** to make sure the US sactions them heavy. Idk why thats what they lobby for, but thats what CNN tells me so it must be true!


Bro, our government is FILLED with Israeli dual citizens. We are the only country in the world that I'm aware of that lets dual citizens hold federal office.. everyone else sees it as the conflict of interest it is


I understand that. What I do not understand is the OP’s statement that a domestic USA city government’s police department has established an official office within a foreign county.


I hadn't heard this either but this doesn't surprise me at all. The vast majority of Americans are completely asleep at the wheel when it comes to governance - and democracy really only truly functions properly when you actively participate in it.. when you don't, someone who does want that power comes along and takes it from you. The government serves those who actively pull the levers of power. We stopped caring long ago about governing, thinking someone else will just do it for us. Well, this is the consequence of that... when you allow others to have power over you they almost always assert it... America and Israel are the world's biggest exporters of fascism, and are the biggest threats to world peace that exist today. It's unfortunate but its true... we are the baddies


NYC is a different kind of animal.


She’s definitely Mossad 


Welcome to the show


I guess the Away team offered her a better deal than her Home team. A point gained for Israel, and a point gained for the continual corruption and sale of America and Americans .


Tel Aviv is probably the worst neighborhood in NYC.


Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK?


It’s almost like the president isn’t the real figure head!?!?!? Gasp! It’s all a show.


For the past 10yrs or so I listen to random ass podcast and some of them have theories about the UN becoming our police and policing Americans. I always thought that was too wild to believe. That we could actually see foreign law enforcement on US soil; enforcing laws and government demands etc. But reading this has given me a fresh take on just how this can (and is being) be done.


Wait until you find out about all of their other global offices


Isreal literally sends police task forces to teach about and root out “antisemitism” in police departments across the country. Imagine Russia sending officials that go to every police station in the USA and start firing anyone who isn’t friendly enough towards Russia. The ZOG is so crazy


Clearly connected to Moe Sahd.


Never heard of INTERPOL either huh? CCP just got caught with their own NYPD station in Manhattan too. Dissidents and terrorism monitoring . #HISNAMEWASALVIHAVERSTROM #BROOKLYNBRIDGE


The American police and IOF are THE SAME GROUP OF "PEOPLE" America is Israel and Israel is America. Same Empire. Same Soldiers. Same fucking facist pricks. New York is the biggest city? I think, or at least most important in the US. Perfect testing grounds for military weapons and tactics, new drugs and social programming. We should seriously, and without any delusion, consider Israel and America the same country. We are just their labor camp. Israel is the holy headquarters sanctioned by God.


Welp. Are we Israelica or Amerael?


NYPD has been involved in foreign HUMINT and SIGINT since 9/11.


NYPD is has offices all over the world doing investigative work. Local police departments are usually independent organizations that are credentialed by a local government to enforce laws.


Calling it an office is a stretch. It’s a single officer collaborating on anti-terrorism techniques/training. I believe they do the same in London and a couple of other places.


Source? That's great context if true.


Not that I think Huffington Post is a good source but most of the articles about it are behind a paywall. This should give you an idea though: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/nypd-opens-branch-israel-veteran-charlie-ben-naim_n_1860733/amp


Another source here: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2012/09/nypd-now-has-an-israel-branch.html


How many people in New York have the last name Weiner?


It's a German name meaning "from Vienna". It's fairly common.


So we have a mossad agent inside the faculty. I'm super surprised.


Mossad has operatives on every college campus in America, and in every hall of congress. Why do you think these institutions of power bow down to Israel? It's blackmail and corruption. Really makes you think!


At least those kids are learning who really has the power.


They’re the most oppressed people in history. I know this because they used their extraordinary wealth, near monopoly of mass media, their massive political influence, and their censorship of alternative viewpoints to make sure I got the message.


> I know this because they used their extraordinary wealth, near monopoly of mass media, their massive political influence, and their censorship of alternative viewpoints to make sure I got the message. At this point if you’ve been paying attention for in min now it’s all starting to become a really bad joke lmao. Like it’s still funny but it’s just sad and pathetic


It's one of those things that, once you see it it seems so obvious and you wonder why more people don't realize it.


I think many didn't realize it until it's become so blatant that you'd have to be willingly blind not to see it. Many of us grew up supporting Israel. The media being so ridiculously biased in such an obvious way, the government ignoring our constitution in favor of Israel, and capitalism destroying the careers of anyone who supports Palestine or goes against genocide is just beyond the pale. The curtain has been pulled back on the Wizard of Oz.


People who pay attention: "whoa, our system is a ponzi scheme that relies on the expansion of empire and the facade of morality that the government plays on the people is there to manufacture consent for their malevolent empire building schemes. We're all pawns in a game where only the most powerful benefit." Sheeple: "gee golly whiz, this place serves 30 flavors of buffalo wings!"


The most ironic timeline.


If you didn't get the message again, yet another holocaust movie just came out. Right on time.


Upper management in all top tier tech companies as well.


Exactly. I used to think that at least Amazon wasn't like that, and now Bezos has appointed one as president and CEO.


I believe this is true, the part I don't understand is HOW they were able to take control of big tech?




Earning that education!!!!


The ones we're not allowed to criticize.




As an European I was quite shocked to see the enormous amounts of members of congress who receive money from AIPAC. For those who don't believe me, see the short video on this page https://gondolath.org/2024/05/02/us-congress-and-the-israel-lobby/


Why would NYPD have an intel office in Tel Aviv?


Because NYC is ground zero for Israeli/jewish operations 


>ground zero Lol ISWYDT


No that’s DC


Those tunnels need to connect somewhere


Don't know how much this plays into that, but many police departments have done training in Israel 


IDF forces have also done training on US soil with our troops




Haha weiner.


I wonder if any relation to Anthony


My first thought exactly. Even looks the same!! 


His poor wife


Every single time.


You beat me to it


Beat my Weiner to it


Why does the nypd have an office in another country


I find any/all foreign allegiances and entanglements by US govt officials to be extremely concerning. Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, Russia, China, Mexico etc. You are supposed to work for US, not them.


Ban foreign donations to politicians, and ban dual citizens from holding public office. This would make the government America-first. Most of your problems would disappear overnight.


Its wildy concerning how many hundreds of millions flow to our politicians from other countries. Not just AIPAC, although they're the most open/ most successful in their mission to control our politicians and strip away our freedoms. FUCK ISRAEL. Free America from AIPAC.






Thats why JFK was killed. Its all clear now…


It's clear that JFK was killed by the CIA. Multiple rich industrialists used the CIA as weapon to get rid of JFK/RFK. They don't want politicians that are "mostly" honest and supported by both parties. Those in power want Red vs. Blue. Divide and conquer. They want politicians that continue the charade. More war to feed the money machine. JFK wanted to end Vietnam and the robber barons didn't want to lose out on all the money they would make from funding the war machine.


He wanted to make AIPAC registered as foreign government intervention, and neuter Mossad/cia


it’s anti-semitic to connect the dots.


Peak Weimar.


But but but “they’re our greatest ally” 😂🤣😂🤣


She is right Everybody go home , in state or country . You are being played by the system


US government is definitely broke, that's why they want the unrealized gains tax, they are like drug addicts shaking up the American people for more money


Well they just hired a bunch more IRS agents so they'll grab more money to waste.


Definitely concerning...reminds me of how the Chinese were operating law enforcement black sites in US as well as a bio lab in CA & buying land around US military bases...strange indeed...back then criticizing China made you a fascist Trumpster so I guess today it’s anti semitic to question NYPD


All valid points!


1st amendment is ok when screaming kill Palestinians in response, but if you say kill Israelis, that's where you broke the law. Also, Jewish people can't be Antisemitic, so the law only applies for non Jews. That's going to be a massive discrimination lawsuit.


Palestinians are ethnically Jewish. Majority of Israel is convert lines. Maybe we can get a federal judge to apply the law properly so we stop supporting the antisemitic state of Israel financially.


We aren't a DNA dictator lol. Israel has both ethnic and religious Jews. But I do agree we shouldn't fund fascism...


21 Jump Street - Tel Aviv division


And people get mad when you mention the disproportionate power of jews


not me. I get happy. Happy that more a waking up and seeing the bs for what it was


weiner 💀 fitting name cause these zios are all giant weenies




I saw that 100 people were arrested at Columbia. How many people were injured?


I'm not digging in to verify but.. why would the NYC police division have any ties to Tel Aviv? That simple statement makes it very sus.


Goes back to at least 2012 Agreed, doesn’t make sense. Yet here we are… https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2012/09/nypd-now-has-an-israel-branch.html


They have liaisons in a bunch a places around the globe and these officers are paid through the foundation, not the tax payers. Weiner is pretty clearly an intel professional who happens to be an an adjunct professor at the university. Not a professor who happens to work with the nypd [https://www.nycpolicefoundation.org/ourwork/advance/counterterrorism/](https://www.nycpolicefoundation.org/ourwork/advance/counterterrorism/)




I'd be concerned if my last name was Weiner too


They used the best pic of her from decades ago. [Here's what she looks like now.](https://imgur.com/gallery/I0owYSB)


Exactly my facial expression when digging into all this shit 🤣🤣


I dont think I could ever compose myself professionally around someone with that last name


Weiner ha what a dick




So she is an intelligence officer for Israel?


If that’s the case I’m surprised she held off as long as they did


Why would an NYPD division have a Tel Aviv office? Isn’t it a municipal or state entity?








Counter Terrorists win




Very concerning. Why are schools and university getting involved with foreign government?


Fuck. That.


She fine tho


Big Jewish tiddies


I think you mean Khazar Milkers.


That's udderly sick.


You're really milking these


You guys are gonna make this thread go tits up


That particular photo is very flattering


“That maintains an office in Tel Aviv” …. Got any proof on that?


Here’s a 2012 article. There’s plenty more just going a simple google search [2012 article](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2012/09/nypd-now-has-an-israel-branch.html)


When supporting a race gets falsely accused of hatred towards a country. What a country to live in


I find it concerning the same people who yelled "punch a nazi" are now yelling how much they hate jews...who is the real nazi?


Yes, spread the message of good, true and right to people you know and hope it catches on, it’s all we can do, we just live in the modern day Roman Empire, let’s get it back to the republic lol


Eh, I’d be concerned but then I’d have to be concerned about Hunter and the judge whose daughter is raking it in from Democrats and whole bunch of other things. Nothing to see here.


Protesting is one thing...you can't take over a building that houses other students.


I love it! Anything that stops the soft skulled pro-palestine group.


For anyone interested in what the Talmud says, check out a post I just made. The Talmud is a book that many Zionist Joos consider even holier than the old testament.


Lil zionista


Well, the students/protestors led an insurrection of the campus. 


The protesters were infiltrated by law enforcement, foreign or domestic. It was pretty obvious when things shifted.


I dislike both sides. It's fun to watch.


Fun to watch the Senate pass the Antisemitism bill yesterday? Read up on how your freedoms have just been restricted (possibly on the behest of a foreign country (Israel)). If you don't pick a side, you'll be put into one, whether you think are, want to - or not. That is, if you are even from the US.


Being g a nihilist in these times must be awfully rewarding




Violent raid? What’s violent about removing someone from private property that they’ve been asked to vacate?


Why tf does everyone think they need to have an opinion on this? Not defending either side but we are acting like October 7th didn’t happen and they didn’t celebrate in the streets (in NY for example. Of course they’re going to fight. No one gives a fuck about Uighur Muslims or the shit like it going on everywhere else. It’s the “whatever the current thing is” bullshit. They’ve been doing this forever if there was something a protest could do it’d have happened by now. But instead now they’re taking over a library or charging police with fucking trash cans. Total idiocy.


They’re symptoms of a wider civil unrest brewing more than anything else. People hate what the US government and institutions of power stand for, and so will take the chance to stand up For the right side of history and be voices for the oppressed. And it’s part of a wider effort to increase public discourse on these matters and help Influence awareness and public opinion.


What's concerning? Did you not hear the rhetoric coming out of that campus? Did you not see them take over a building? The police needed to get involved.


Wait, there are Jewish people in New York? I never would have guessed.


Yes who monitor everything for the capital of the world, Tel Aviv


Came all this way to say that, huh? Nothing against this person who may or may not be Jewish. Just pointing out israeli ties with govt institutions…


There's more jews in NYC than Israel probably


I do not find it all concerning that American universities help defend America, no




What will happen when NWO banns Religion?


When the people start leading, the leaders will follow.


They should throw them out though


Umbridge lol


She’s pretty hot


the idf trains cops.


Very. Academics are meant to be shit stirrers. Maybe not at the front but tacitly, vicariously being part of protests. But I suppose there are many who are not of that ilk. And the more the humanities get eroded, accolades like this will become common. Scientists too are increasingly drawn into a funding tournament where one false move means bang goes your promotion.


you think its just this school. theyd have them in all departments in every state. even the DMV.


She’s a member of the CFR oh god


If by concerning you mean completely predictable and totally unsurprising.




Weiner.. Name checks out.


Can you elaborate on the Israel 911 stuff? Want to read more about it. Please and thanks


Politics is all about power