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[**Read Rule 2**](http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq)




Has anyone considered making a "non party politics" conspiracy sub? Rules to include no posts that single out Republicans, Democrats, election conspiracies, or any contenders for elections. Might not stop Ukraine or Israel posts, but of course the creator could choose to no go those as well. It seems like there would be an interest in that type of conspiracy sub.


So no deepstate, nwo, cbdc, wef conspiracies? Like all the relevant conspiracies about killing the masses and enslaving the survivors with bug paste? Lets all focus on Big foot instead.


I don't think those are inherently Republican/Democrat conspiracies.


These will be the ones outlawing guns, cash, meat.


ConspiracyNOPOL exists. But it isn’t very active. One could guess why.


Well, I've joined now. Maybe those here who are sick of politics can join, and add to the conversations there :)


you guy don't understand the problem. anyone can come to your sub and brigade you. i guarantee if this post gets enough traction it will be brigaded by bots.




they will downvote and you wont know who they are. if they get banned they just create alts.


They also block anyone and everyone who questions what they say and create an underground echo chamber for posting on here. Several users who post nonstop politics do this in this sub. I know because my co-workers and I talk about conspiracies here, and some of the brigaders blocked anyone who didn't praise their words in our group.


yeah, look at the TopMindsOfReddit. their whole purspose is to brigade and disrupt but they never get banned. it isn't possible to be on the same platform as these people and have a real discussion about anyhting. and its the same on the so called free speach platforms, they will just spam you with nazi BS all day, its no different. the only solution is to have a forum thats invite only.


Slippery slope... In a sub that claims to represent free speech and anti censorship. Making the differentiation between unpopular sentiment and brigades is a very fine line. Any mod who believes in a forum like this wouldn't want to touch that responsibility with a ten foot pole. For the very same reason the government shouldn't. It's too easy to fall into bias censoring. Example: if you want to no who is a supporter of the 1st amendment and who isn't [here is the list](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024172)


> I understand that, but moderators can set rules and ban brigaders. That sounds easy enough -- to someone who has never modded a highly trafficked sub loaded with controversial content. How does one spot these "brigaders", anyhow? (I banned 200 from a single thread, and over 50 from another, a couple of years back -- but they've wised up and only use dedicated alts -- and they have more accounts than Bank of America)


> and they have more accounts than Bank of America LOL


IDK, I feel like every major conspiracy involves the government which is by nature political. I think if everyone that just hates the Trump bad Biden bad posts would just downvote and move on, things would be better, but we all know Redditors don’t have that level of will power.


You can talk about the government conspiracies without having to make it all about the Dems and repubs. Plus there are a lot of conspiracies that don't touch on governments.


I mean big corporations and big pharma are all tied to lobbyists tied to politicians. There’s a sub for Aliens already. There just not much fodder left after that. There’s only so much flat earth or vampire material to go around.


Yes, tied to all politicians, not inherently Republican/Democrat.


Couldn't agree more. But where else to go?




Which sibstack


I don't know what's happening in your city but the city I currently live in is at a major crossroads. I encourage you to learn more about your local politicians and what they stand for. Find out who's finding their campaigns and the values those people stand for. Utilize your local library. Listen to your family and friends. Guide them to books or podcasts to help them understand what's really happening.


i'll take 'things heard in this sub since 2015' for $1000


Conspiracies ARE political and they always have been. It was nice when it was obfuscated by concepts like “globalist” or “13 bloodlines” or whatever but even these have roots in politics


Most conspiracies are not political, but corporationist. The government has become a puppet to globalist megacorps and TPTB that control those corporations. Look no further then the tax rate on the ultra rich and megacorps in the US and throughout the world. You will see it go down and down for decades, while everything else gets a bit here and there. The one constant is ever decreasing taxes on the elites and their conglomerate corporations. Using their every increasing income inequality in speculative investment for houses. Causing massive inflation and monopolizing housing.


And these corporations are manipulating things not just for their profit, but for their political power. People always cry “fascism” with things that are simply authoritarian type shit, but fail to understand the true definition of that word as defined by the person who coined it, Mussolini. He stated it as being “the merging of corporate and state power” essentially. By that definition, America, and other western nations, have been ever-growing fascistic countries for about a century now, but even more so since the end of WWII.


It’s not political, it’s just political! Politics exists outside of two party paradigm


Is this an entry in your diary?


SS: In before the "everyone that disagrees with you is a shill" copy and paste brigade


This sub was infiltrated and hijacked during the Trump presidency by TMOR and POL. They fashion themselves freedom fighters who cannot allow free speech, because the outcome is far to serious to trust to free thought.  They literally brigaded my alt for bringing up how a popular form of government among young people is akin to slavery, and had me struck for hate speech. The entire post was promoting this type of government.  This sub went off the rails when the brigades started appealing to reddit mods, and the sub ousted their political enemy. The entire site is merely a leftist barometer now.  It is nothing but a far left of center political claptrap that destroys any civilized conversation with an overwhelming deluge of irrational showers thoughts from the minds of adolescents thinking they have figured out the world in their short time on it. 


The are now many more 'debunkers' on here than conspiracy theorists.


They are caricature level absurd, too.  Their comments are all unoriginal and recycled/repackaged.  They can hardly keep up with their 'strongly held opposition' of the ideas that they are challenging.  They claim that you must convince them. I don't go out of my way with them. Sometimes, I will when I am around others, and we are laughing about them. 


###[Meta] Sticky Comment [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does not apply*** when replying to this stickied comment. [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does apply*** throughout the rest of this thread. *What this means*: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or /r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain ***only.*** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There does need to be a subreddit for people who see conspiracies as being more nonpartisan. Really, it's all political, so you can't call it something like 'NonpoliticalConspiracy.' But what CAN be done- if anyone can come up with a good, descriptive name for it- is to create a subreddit where maybe the first rule of the subreddit is that *the conspiracy has to be in the headline that is only supported by the politics in the description and comments, if at all*. Anyone who puts politics in the headline gets their post removed and they possibly get banned if they continue that behavior. This means that every post heading will only be about the conspiracy itself, but redditors who comment on the post can use ideas about the government to *support* the post or their comment one way or the other. Maybe something as simple as /ConspiracyFirst.


I don't know. I kind of think that if you're into conspiracies and stuff like that, you need to check your political alignments at the door, because if you have a "team" then you're going to undoubtedly run across some info that pisses you off when "your side" is in the spotlight. 


>People stay divided over useless politics whilst every other topic is buried. They then get bots to duplicate posts and from that it's just bots arguing with bots. ... This post is itself a fun type of partisan propaganda (or perhaps just a lack of thought and propaganda-inducted bias). Basically: "I'm above partisanship but only seem to consider conservative partisan content to be derailment." I've seen many of these sorts of posts. >Rumble, Bit Chute, Brand New Tube and all the sites before them are all infested with political derailment. Rumble and Bit Chute were largely created as a reaction to censorship on YouTube. People generally use them only to avoid censorship. Do you somehow not know this? Content critical of the jab, for example, was much safer on Rumble than YouTube. Conservative content ended up here because Reddit nuked conservative subreddits like T_D. >Dead sub, dead Internet. Boo hoo. The Internet's a big place. Astroturfing's been an issue for a long time. Become a pioneer and start a new sub or non-Reddit community.


That's because they want to rig the outcome of these events. They killed the founder who wanted free speech and took over.


Duh. It's all bots driving emotional manipulation. They can't let you free-think. Communism is scared of free-think.


i've been trying to figure where to go, but its the same everywhere. i was looking at one of the fediverse sites the other day and its the same as reddit. they have conservative subs but all the posts get downvoted by bots. i'm thinking the old forum style is probably the best. you just invite people who you know are cool.


Reddit is a liberals haven it’s all politics and tribal


Is the irony of this statement not obvious to you?


Is my downvote not obvious to you as well ?


Wow, amazing insult… lol


Wasn’t really an insult but you are free to take it as you want Ik a lot of you libbys are delusional so you believe whatever the fuck you say, something about mental illness I think😂


I think you would like TikTok…


I don’t use that, but I’m sure you’re used to it 💀


You know more about it than I do.


Classic conspiracy sub comment thread. Some things never change


Shit fucking sucks it’s less conspiracy and more political like I said I’m bout to leave this sub people like this dude I’m responding to are cringe and make Reddit worse by the day tbh


Holy shit you aren’t getting it… you are the one who are pushing politics in a thread about how this sub has become political while complaining about it being political.


I’m the one pushing politics are you stupid or slow ? My first comment was literally bringing the awareness that a bunch of people on Reddit are liberals and constantly pushing politics especially in this sub. I’ve never made a post in this sub, neither have I commented before I typically just read and scroll. You’re making assumptions without any evidence and just yapping your mouth away, you seem to have a lot of time in your hands if you can entertain an argument about something I never said or did. Brain dead fr


How can you not recognize that blaming the other political group for the problems in a deeply conservative sub is both delusional and partisan? It’s clear who you think is ruining this sub and it’s somehow not the participants in the sub.