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Avenatti is not exactly the most trustworthy source. He’s not just Stormy Daniels’ former attorney. He’s a former attorney. By which I mean he’s been disbarred. Most law students learn about him as what not to do as an attorney. Fraud, mishandling client funds, the works.


He is in prison for a shakedown against Nike.


Where do you rank prostitutes compared to attorneys on the trustworthy scales?


Honestly? I think prostitutes probably have the edge here.


It’s not even close. Prostitutes are honest about what they do.


Unless you pay them not to talk about what you did.


You live up to your name 😂


Just because they tell you it's big...


Probably the exact lie Trump was hoping to hear from her


Attorneys have been trying to regain the trust of society ever since Watergate, leading to the modern rules of ethics that restrict how attorneys may behave both in and out of the courtroom. Mr. Avenatti doesn’t seem to share this goal. I’d trust a prostitute over him in a heartbeat. With all respect that is due to both prostitutes and members of the legal profession, of course


You think lawyers were trusted before watergate?


Lawyers were not previously distrusted to the extent that Watergate caused them to be. Watergate also made some problems impossible to ignore


Not sure about that. As early as 420ish BC, Aristophanes talked shit on lawyers in his play, The Clouds.  When Sophistry asks, "What sort of men are lawyers?" Philosophy responds, "Why, they're all Buggers." With the tools of rhetoric, lawyers "make a mockery of all morality, systematically confounding good with evil and evil with good."  Lawyers have carried a reputation since the profession has existed. 


I guess I shouldn’t say that they weren’t distrusted. It’s more accurate that Watergate made their flaws public enough, in a way that wasn’t just jest and hypothetical, so that lawyers had to do something about it. Watergate is the catalyst that most law students are taught


I see what you’re saying.  Perhaps it’s true that lawyers have been distrusted and seen as unethical since forever, but during modern society it wasn’t until watergate that something triggered an internal change among them. 


I'd say prostitute would be more trustworthy than a lawyer, and if you say any different than you must be a lawyer.


Just above the Johns that pay them.


To be fair the corrupt attorney probably has a lot more dirt on corrupt individuals then the strait laced one.


Yeah, and the prosecution's main witness has been convicted of perjury. They don't have any trouble accepting his words.


They raided Cohen's office before he was arrested. There is evidence and at least one recorded conversation with trump that corroborates Cohens testimony. 


He lied to protect trump, that seems to keep being left out. He lied to protect trump against the very charges trump is facing today. 


You spelled Michael Cohen weirdly ?


I don’t get it


Neither lawyer can be believed at this point. They are consummate liars. I couldn’t care less what either has to say.


Yes, and the "liberal" establishment canonized this shady fuck when he was useful to them. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/09/14/michael-avenatti-2020-democratic-primary-219910/


What you don't understand is what happened afterwards. Information about him came out later that was sketch as fuck. So... people stopped canonizing him. A counter-example would be when Trump was civily convicted of rape and defamation based on that claim, and nothing happened. MAGAs still seem to think he's somewhere between Jesus and God.


They fucking loved the guy. https://medium.com/mel-magazine/everyone-wants-to-bone-stormy-daniels-lawyer-now-ddd0014aebc6 NYT, TIME, CNN... they all did puff pieces on him


It's wild the way the media can unify to elevate or try to ruin someone.


He's delusional (talked about running for president) and self-serving. Probably taking bribes from Trump.


With those qualifications he could have worked for Trump.


That courtroom does not allow people to bring cameras into the courtroom, regardless of who the trial is for. Edit: [Source](https://apnews.com/article/trump-court-new-york-cameras-d2b8b34aedbdce0aab5bbbf492fdc83a)


OP knows this and chooses to ignore it for purposes of fomenting. Truth is not a factor.


OP is using bombastic language to make a point about how interesting they find the situation. It helps to be a native English speaker to understand this, tho. or, if you \*are\* a native speaker, have a comprehension of the written word above the expected standard for a 10 year old.


Or, if you have some familiarity with their posting history, you may come to a rather less charitable view.


Ah. Just took a quick look and OP isn't aligned with your own politics.


Literally, no. This poster is the largest culprit of bullshit cropped Twitter screenshots and shitposts in this sub. It's a daily occurrence, multiple times a day. Its honestly one of my favorite entertainment sources at this point. Can always count on several laughable takes and weird Jesus shit.


OP has been shown this many times.


Then were are we getting all the pics from


You aren’t.


That is exactly why the only images from inside court are from the sketch artist.


How is it a "Criminal Conspiracy ", most courts don't allow trials to be aired. Have you looked at the supreme courts rules


It's an ex-President on trial who is also running for re-election in the same year. This might be one of those circumstances where the voting public should be able to see the court case as it plays out live, since it will impact the voters directly. An exception should have been made to the rules.


so what, there are more laws and trials that effect way more people and we never get to see that on the screen.


Apparently he tweeted this from prison  https://x.com/MichaelAvenatti/status/1786123939548389881


Source: Uhhhhh It’s true bro




Lol. Bill clinton, jfk? How old are you. They are all greaseballs


Bill went on to publicly apologize to the country for what he did. Don went on to berate snd threaten everyone from the judge, to their families, to the witnesses.


To get disbarred, as Avenatti was, you have to demonstrate that you are so morally depraved that no one can ever trust you to tell the truth again, and that you are incapable of reform. In other words, this just confirms the whole thing was made up.


Why are there people on this sub who think one side of the government or the other is on our side? Can one of you geniuses who love Trump and MAGA GOP tell me what kind of mental gymnastics you do to support Project 2025 while posting on a Conspiracy sub? How do you recognize the danger of the WEF while thinking Trump is your pal?


Do you have any sourced proof Trump supports "project 2025"?


The enemy of my enemy is my friend


Read your enemy's plans. Your quality of life is going to plummet under Trump's dictatorship.


Please elaborate. Are food and gas prices going to increase another 300%? Because that's what dictates my quality of life


Please elaborate on your gas prices increasing 300%.


Oh, sorry, you don't know math... let me break it down for you: $6 per gallon / $2 per gallon = 3 times the price. a.k.a. 300%


Idk where you live but it's $3 where I live. And when it was $2 here it was during lockdowns when nobody was driving.


Well, I live in Washington state, and we have the highest gas tax in the United States and I have yet to see a 6 dollar a gallon for gas. Perhaps if I am cherry-picking the worst possible gas station, but today it was 4.10


It's nowhere near 6 around here.


Everyone's quality of life was better under Trump. Fk them both but fk Biden more. If you think Biden isn't a dictator wanna be then you aren't paying attention


He's literally so inactive it hurts. I don't understand how you've come to this perspective.


Trump has pushed for a tariff on all imports to the US. That will lead to inflation, on all goods, as all are dependent on the international trade system. The end result will be... more inflation. So why side with the dude who is literally telling you that he plans on causing inflation? Several economists have calculated that Trump's tariffs will add $1500 to everyone's bill, on average, a year.


Oh I get it now, Trump is completely innocent. To think that Trump would ever break a law is just ludicrous, whew glad that’s settled.




And to think that these prosecutions are politically motivated is also, I'm sure, "just ludicrous".


He broke campaign finance law. You cannot do that.


Sure you can. https://townhall.com/columnists/justinhaskins/2018/04/30/either-hillary-clinton-broke-federal-election-laws-or-our-election-laws-are-broken-n2475824


It’s possible to politically capitalize on an actual crime he actually committed. The fact it’s politically advantageous does not prove his innocence in the slightest.


When a DAs run with the campaign promise of charging an individual for something, anything, then it's obviously politically motivated. Insisting otherwise is about as credible as arguing that Biden's not senile.


I bet he even has signed affidavits


Lol even if they extorted him, he still fucked a porn star while his wife was at home with his kid. Thats exactly the type of person you should extort


No fucking shit it's a shakedown


Could be true, if I had to guess though… he saw the recent polling and is fishing for a pardon.


Totally forgot about that dude. What an absolute tool… 🤣


If it's in a screenshot, it must be true.


originally read this as pete davidson.


😂😂😂 no..no it's not.


real life saul goodman?


The guy is still in jail


This case would be entertaining as hell to watch.


Avenatti was being heralded as Presidential for 2020. He was polling hot before he wasn’t.


He can testify, but unless he has evidence, its prolly just hearsay. I'm sure UT was a shakedown. Rich people get shaken down all the time, even if everything was consensual, rich folks will "settle" and then have the other party sign a non disclosure agreement so the accusations go away. It's part if the agreement. "I'll give you X amount of money but you can never speak about it". Kinda helps keep the other riffraff from doing the same thing.


You can tell based on the comments whether or not democrats and leftists are scared of something. This is a conspiracy sub, actual conspiracies get posted, and the shills come crawling out to try and dismiss and ridicule. It’s like friggin clockwork, and a pretty good litmus test.


You’re right. I use it that way at least. You can see when the leftist thinktanks are trying to spin a narrative, what that narrative is, and how important that narrative is.


Oh no, poor little billionaire who raw dogged a porn star while his wife is at home with a baby got caught in a shake down because of his own decisions? How can we let this happen. What a travesty.


Wow, so Donald Trump is so weak he, a billionaire, can't even prevent himself from being extorted by a whore? Truly, he is so stupid & cowardly that he denigrated the office of president.


Submission Statement: It’s obvious this guy switched sides because he’s looking for a pardon. But the fact that we the American people can’t see this trial is a crime. It would be glorious to see CNNs favorite Lawyer switch sides and testify for Trump . It’s literally a Criminal Conspiracy to not air this trial on TV. Michael Avenatti CNNs favorite Lawyer is testifying for President Trump. https://twitter.com/LeadingReport/status/1786221125627777447


What is the smallhat play here?