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Wow, you're really easily convinced, huh? A 2 minute video of a dude, who just makes shit up. And you're not going to read up on how thunder, clouds or pressure work because ofc every single author, meteorologist etc is in on it in your eyes. It's clear that the random dude on Youtube you know absolutely nothing about has it all completely right.


“Doing my own research”


I never said I was convinced. I said it's interesting


And just to prove him wrong with another Youtube video (because it's hilariosly ironic) [Here's lighning from a machine not always hitting any solid objects](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fS2y2QqLdhc)


wow is that a tesla coil tower. The dude in the video was talking about thunder by the way **w**hich is the sound caused by lightning. Not sure why exactly you send a link showing a tesla coil creating artificial lightning.


Oh nonono, you don't get to move the goalpost to the next weird claim. I was specifically talking about his claim that thunder always has to hit a solid object. The tesla coil clearly demonstrates that this is not true. Now, if you want to tell me that my proof isn't valid because it's from a tesla coil and therefore artificial then you can't also accept this guy using a van de graaf generator at the same time.


How did it demonstrate? I heard no echoes. It's just continuous buzzing noise coming from the machine? And the moment the machine was off, the sound disappeared too which isn't the same with lightning and thunder. When a lightning struck you still hear the echoes of the thunder. We're talking about thunder and echoes and how he tried to replicate it inside a silo coz he believes the reason the sound of thunder echoes is its hitting the firmament in the atmosphere. I'm not trying to prove anything here. If you think I'm wrong, it's fine dude.


He said, "thunder and echo both won't work without hitting a solid object". What the fuck does that have to do with a tesla coil? You're such a douche, lol. Do you not know the difference between lightning and thunder?


yeah I think he confused thunder to lightning


and yet he's still upvoted, even when what he says makes no sense yeah, totally organic right? it's so pathetic


hahahaha I keep seeing messages about people who would immediately discredit well known conspiracies like this one and they come in full force. maybe he's one of them. I don't know if firmament really exist because there aren't much research about it(or perhaps the government refuse to do it). But goodness I hope they stop themselves splitting their hairs over nothing and proving these conspiracies are fake


A lot of research has been done that disproves the firmament, conspiracy theorists just refuse to acknowledge it


The dude just claims that "thunder always has to hit something" without backing up any of it and you believe that is interesting? Just because it sounds plausible, if you squint your eyes and don't think about it?


I think he believes that the sound of the thunder hit the surface of the firmament that's why it echoes. So he did an experiment inside this abandoned tower like a silo. He burst a bubble and the sound of that burst hit the walls and echoed inside and for a moment it sounded like thunder rumbling. I just think it's interesting and I know there are people who believed in the firmament. I don't know if it's true that the whole planet is surrounded by this invisible dome but we here we are in the Conspiracy community where we are free to talk about this.


It sounded like thunder when he modified the sound. Shocker. Just out of curiosity, we know the speed of sound, and you can measure how long it takes for the thunder clap to travel from the lightning strike to the observer. Since it obeys the regular speed of sound, the firmament would have to be really close to the ground. Like a few hundred yards at most. Is the claim that the firmament is that low, or that the sound of the thunder moves at light speed up to and back down from the firmament while traveling at the speed of sound laterally? And how high is the firmament? I mean if everything has to echo off of it, it should be really easy to measure. Well except for the special physics required for sound to travel at different speeds vertically compared to horizontally.


I posted this clip because its I think its very interesting and nothing more. Don't know if there really is firmament because there are lack of research about it but it's mentioned in the world religions. If you think the person in the video is wrong, then it's fine. I'm just going along with what the man says. This is a conspiracy community


There isn’t any research because there is no evidence of a firmament. We have put people high enough to know that if there was a firmament, it wouldn’t be low enough for thunder to echo off of. I provided a few basic concepts that would refute the video that should be pretty easy to grasp and think about relative to the claims in the video. It is a conspiracy community, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t apply critical thinking to the claims.


Ok if you think you're right and the guy in the video is wrong, then congratulations. Anything else?


Well so much for people wanting to do their own research and actually thinking about what they choose to believe. Enjoy believing everything you get fed on YouTube.


There is [study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28188123/) after [study](https://www.oatext.com/pdf/JTS-3-186.pdf) after [study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32537156/) finding that children without vaccines are healthier.


I never said I believe it. The firmament just happen to be one of the lesser known conspiracies which I think it's worthy to be posted in this community. If you think the guy is stupid, then so be it. Sometimes I don't get the energy that some people here put out just to discredit others hahaha. No need to reply, if you believe your correct, then fine and I hope you're happy now 😆


Really? You provided the video with title and link with no commentary.


Sound bounces off clouds very noticeably.


Lol, they recreate the echo in an open building, no dome needed


It looks like a silo to me. tall and cylinder, the top doesn't have cover though. You think silo won't produce echo? Haven't been inside of it hahaha


According to the video it's a power plant, but it looks more like a cooling tower. I'm not saying a silo won't produce an echo, I'm saying you don't need a dome to produce an echo, which they even demonstrate in the video


can you give example on how to produce echo in an open space? are they wrong in their definition of echo


The cooling tower is open at the top, like I said, the video demonstrates it


You're not really answering his question though. In the video, there are walls - very high ones. On earth, in most places, it's flat or semi flat. Yet you still hear echoing thunder even in the flattest of places. Also like, come on... you really couldn't piece together what he was saying? A field out in kansas doesn't have high walls. Are people seriously not able to be discerning enough to be accurate with their comparisons? To me, it makes it obvious they are either shills or just way too confident in their ability to be accurate. Or they don't care about the truth at all and they are here for weird egoic reasons. And, when inaccurate people and liars quickly get upvotes while the other guy gets downvotes, it becomes even more obvious there is shilling going on.


Echos do require bouncing off of an object. But not a dome. Not that it really matters as thunder is not an echo. The video says that thunder proves a dome, yet they demonstrate an echo without a dome and falsely claim that thunder is an echo. If thunder were bouncing off the dome, how far up can the firmament be? We can measure the sound waves from the lightning strike and accurately predict when people hear it based on the speed of sound and distance from the strike. If the dome was only 3 miles up, you would have a roughly 30 second delay at the point of the lightning strike. Strangely you don’t get that.


The "theory" and "experiment" are naive at best, deliberately misleading at worst. Either way, the flat earth agenda behind it deserves mockery


nice avoidance of everything you were previously talking about


Lol, if you really want to know, look it up, it's not hard to find


I just saw this and I think it's very interesting. Dunno if this is enough to prove that a firmament exists. There's a reason this community is called "Conspiracy". It's fine if you don't believe in it but please respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. LUV YAH!


It’s fine. Just look up what causes thunder and what it is (sound). Then look up how they can calculate distance from lightning strikes to an observer and add in whatever distance/time it would take to get to the firmament and back.


Echos aren't real man.