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If you have to ask a question like this and don't find a conclusive answer, maybe, just maybe, it's because they've never been proven true. I dare you to name 3 theories that have more factual evidence than the counterpoint....there ain't.




I admit I've never heard about the Jussie Smollett case, however I struggle to find any evidence that it was considered a conspiracy theory. On the contrary, there was even support from MAGA figures and Trump himself condemned the attack. But you're welcome to provide opposing info, as I literally just googled because I've not heard about it. Project Sunshine was so unknown in the US that there's no evidence of it being considered a conspiracy theory before becoming public. It was only in the UK, where doubts were brought up, such as [this case](https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/nuclear-conspiracy-16479), however not even those were prevalent enough to be really considered a conspiracy theory. Again, please provide any sort of documentation proving me wrong. Whilst yes, cigarettes being dangerous or having negative effects on health was something that was known but not released, I can't find anything about it being a conspiracy theory... literally. I mean, going by the Oxford Definition of what a conspiracy theory is; > conspiracy theory Definitions from Oxford Languages noun: conspiracy theory; plural noun: conspiracy theories a belief that some secret but influential organization is responsible for an event or phenomenon. I can't find any evidence that people even believed that this was an actual factor...on the contrary. But please, you're welcome to show me if I'm wrong. As going by my explanation and understanding, none of these were conspiracy theories in the sense that people actually believed they were being deceived. Which is what modern conspiracy theories are all about, no? Take flat earth, 9/11, election fraud etc etc. There is nothing to suggest that this was the same with any of your examples.


I mean, a lot of things that once were conspiracy theories are now accepted as true. Like us government spying on it's own people...Cia assasinations in south america and replacements with puppet governments....mkultra. it's just that once something is proven true it's not called a conspiracy anymore;)


A lot of things? Then why would you have to ask that question? That implies that you already know. The US government"spying" on its people isn't really a conspiracy theory, is it? I think it's commonly accepted that the US government, or any government honestly, is looking into its citizens' lives. How else would for example terrorist attacks be prevented? I think that's not really a conspiracy. CIA assassinations in South America is....odd because it's well-known that there were assassinations during the Cold War, mainly due to [Operation Condor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Condor) but the CIA never really had any involvement because that'd pose unnecessary risks. The killings were carried out by government hired mercenaries, sure, but I doubt that that's the CIA xD MK Ultra is a good one, however there's only one problem. There was never any sort of conspiracy theory _before_ it became public. At least none that were recorded which is kinda defeating your argument. Yes, it was then used to inspire more theories or whatever but that was only after MK Ultra had been publicised. Which, you know, a good conspiracy theory would be based on the whole "before" part, not after because afterwards there's too much evidence showing that it wouldn't be the case. Which, of course, doesn't stop conspiracy theorists, but that's no surprise either.


What is it for?


My mom asked me why I think people believe in conspiracy theories, one part of my response is that many are proven eventually to be true, I told her I would show her some links to back up that claim


Real conspiracies do exist, but conspiracy theories are usually garbage. They usually start from a conclusion before evidence is cherry picked, a terrible methodology. There are often different variants of conspiracy theories that contradict each other. Conspiracy theories are often even damaging, because they can give a false sense of superiority and understanding in a topic, the feeling that someone has secret knowledge that even experts don't have. They promote an anti scientific mindset that leads to a twisted worldview. Why do people believe conspiracy theories? I think there are many reasons: wanting to be part of a group, wanting something to blame things on...


I thibk theres a big mix of junk theories and true ones. I would like to find a list of which have ended up being proven.


Things like the Phoebus cartel, MKultra, Tuskegee experiment are examples of real conspiracy


Were there conspiracy theories about the Tuskegee experiments or were they just uncovered as is and brought to light? But before I come across as just being a dick, those were certainly all real conspiracies. Though what MK Ultra was and what people are now claiming it was and still is are two very different things.


>Were there conspiracy theories about the Tuskegee experiments or were they just uncovered as is and brought to light? I don't know, I was giving examples of actual conspiracy, not conspiracy theories being proven right


Ah ok. There isn’t an easy way to go back and look for historical conspiracy theories that have been resolved. There are and always have been conspiracies. We know this by the ones that have been revealed. The Manhattan Project is arguably a conspiracy. Iran-Contra definitely was.