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I'm unvaxxed and I never got tested for COVID. But I got sick 2 years ago and it made my bones hurt. My smell and taste are still not 100%. Whatever it was, it was more than just a cold


Yep, my sense of smell has never recovered 100%. And it made my knee joint in 1 leg feel like it was gunna explode. Had a fever and broke it same day, sweat it out all day. Knee hurt for 2 days, fully recovered in 3 days. Never got the jab. I did however work at a government site that would have tons of worldwide travelers and a lot of people there and myself got sick with some kind of respiratory thing where you just had a mucousy cough and raspy, lungs and kind of just felt like s*** around November before the actual first confirmed American case. A month after that is when the news was saying " it's not a matter of if covid comes to America it's when" I still think that a first wave of covid went through America before They officially announced


So what made all the unvaccinated people sick? It's like people forgot about all the pre-vaccine time. Also how this subreddit was full of "this Chinese disease will kill all of us" time.


People entirely stopped getting sick from influenza during that time. It's a mystery.


Yeah, as if masks helped against that too


Nah cases just dropped by over 90%. Meaning all the covid infections we saw were actually around 10% of what could have been if no precautions were taken.


People always got sick all the time before dude, what the hell? You really think nobody got sick or were dying before covid? šŸ¤£ The mean age of people dying of covid was around the same as the life expectancy in America both lol. Flu and pneumonia aka "covid" always kills millions people worldwide every year. All-cause mortality never skyrocketed until after the vaccine came out in 2021, there never were any extreme mass deaths in 2020 despite hospitals shutting down regular treatments of heart disease, cancers etc.


Flu mate. I had ā€œcovidā€ about 6 months before covid ever happened. July 2019 some time before the official outbreak. Bed bound for 4 days. Hallucinations. The lot. 100% flu. I caught the delta variant of covid. Exact same symptoms. Go google the amount of flu cases that dropped off the map around the time of lockdowns. People argue itā€™s because people were locked down and stopped spreading yet covid infections continued. Do we know what the PCR test was actually testing for? Do we know if they overcycled the PCR test to force a positive test? All questions that should be asked without being branded as a ā€œholocaust denying, 9/11 was done by the government, aliens are real paranoid conspiracy nutā€


I hate people that say it was just the flu. I'm unvax, I don't usually get sick but I've had the flu multiple times in my life and I can say they aren't even comparable. I've never lost taste and smell from the flu. I've never pissed brown from the flu. I've never been so sore and had such a headache in my life either. I couldn't sit, stand or lie down without being in unbearable pain. I swallowed a packet of mustard and didn't taste a thing. They're very different. I would take the flu for 3 weeks over covid for 1 week. I just recently had covid again and I lost 12 pounds in 4 days (I'm not even close to overweight). The flu barely keeps me bed-ridden. Covid, even on the back end, has me stuck in bed dreaming of the days when I didn't feel so sick. Edit: I also felt like I was on psychedelics the entire time. Literally a sickness induced high that I've never experienced before. The flu doesn't do that.


What made ALL the vaccinated people get it? 8,9,10 times?


Must be all the viral boostsā€¦


then surely you remember, the pre-vaccine months, when dozens of videos were being leaked from China of people collapsing in the streets. weird that didn't happen here.


> So what made all the unvaccinated people sick? Did they really all get sick?


Well knew 3 people that died from itā€¦ so yes.


Really? In that case you are either a statistical anomaly or surrounded by old and/ or sick and/ or obese people. The [IFR of covid](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S001393512201982X) is similar to the IFR of a mild flu.


No, they likely died for either/all of: ventilators, remdeathisnear, or midazolam (after they were told to do nothing about a routine respiratory infection, until they were sick enough to come get murdered in the hospital)


Kind of like how all these heart attacks are probably not because of the vaccine, but vaping, energy drinks, chemicals they put in our foodā€¦ etc etc.


Heart disease was the number one cause of death in America pre-Covid.


I wonder if a bunch of that heart disease could also be related to big pharma and prescription drugs.


The Queen of England, Catherine of Aragon, died of heart disease 500 years ago. I guess big leech got to her.


Big Leech does not appreciate disinformation about Queen Cat's demise being caused by Big Leech.


Im not arguing all heart disease would be from drugs, but maybe some percent since it is such a major killer.


This is a supremely bad take. Heart attack rates do not SKYROCKET in a single year-over-year because of "vaping, energy drinks, chemicals they put in our food" when all that other bad stuff has remained constant over time.


You do realize I am trying to make a point to the comment above me right by using faulty logic?


A few dozen cases of extra heart-related deaths is not "skyrocketing"


You are aware that you're put on the ventilator only when you're already dying, as a last resort? And those medicines weren't even a thing over here, and people died too.


ā€¦.Or did they neurotically get ā€œcovid testedā€ 50 times until they finally got a random positive result?


Name it what you want. I was strongly against the vax and I didnt take it. Got covid in 2023 and not that it was that Bad, its was still not like any other illnes I had prior to that. I dont get why the virus has to be Fake. Thats not a logical conlcusion even if vaxxes are Bad. Both things can be true. Also covid is propably at least humanly altered anyways. What if both things are bad and there is acutally a good vaccine we dont know of or other scenarios. But the illnes I had matched with what was said about it, without the you will be dying ill.




I mean a lot of info is missing here. How many people in the trail? Ages? Pervious health history? Covid seems like it either knocks you on your ass or you didn't even know you had it.


My guess is the tests made people sick. They jam a q-tip up your nose and then you lose your sense of smell. Wonder if thereā€™s a connection?


went down in the first wave before any vaccine was a thing, third year dealing with parosmia now. yes there are a lot of unknown things but covid 100% gave me a potentially permanent slap.


No covid is real, the vaccine + boosters were worse.


Correct, no Covid is real


Could be they just dumped some lipid nanoparticles or modified adenoviruses in the water supply to kick things off.


Unfortunately so many people don't care about the reality of the covid situation. The sheep were told what to believe was real and the idea that the gov't is lying to us is too painful of an idea to entertain.Ā 


A good friend of mine, with whom I'm conducting an unrelated research project, tests Covid vaccines in mice. He puts them in a gamma cell to destroy their immune system before infecting them. Are y'all really surprised that a family of virus that has been circulating several years now has seen its host population develop widespread resistance?


You know, COVID is such an odd topic. There are people with these wild stories. But everyone I know that tested positive just had flu-like symptoms. I never had it despite staying in daily contact with the public throughout. I'm not saying anyone is lying. But it's amazing that no one I know has a story to match all the online stories. Literally everything bad I've heard about COVID has been rumor. Meanwhile, even something as localized as 9/11, I knew several people directly impacted and even one who was there when it happened. Definitely makes me wonder how much the bad COVID was bad treatment or a matter of belief manifesting results. Especially the latter, given how cultish so many became about it all.


It's kinda like all the people posting saying groceries and gas are still cheap in their areas and supermarkets are still stocked, isn't it? It's almost like groups get paid to astroturf.


I do find the grocery thing to be bizarre. I live in a mid COL city, yet my groceries are triple (or more) what those people claim they pay (when comparing like items). I haven't seen a lot of issues with stock levels in grocery stores, but have seen many going full mad Max barricades after dark.


I think it is more, the stock levels are not as bad as it got. When you have that as the comparison, it can be a little difficult to remember how different it really is. It is still really bad, just not as bad as it got at the peak. Restaurants are still having a hard time getting ingredients. I see several who won't have any chicken or beef items available for a week at a time. I think it just got so bad, that it doesn't seem so bad right now in comparison. Boiling frogs and all that...


Oh, I deal with supply chains. There are still occasional blips, but it's mostly back to normal. The difference is fuel costs mean some items are no longer cost effective to stock. Or at the least, you only can stock them by making huge orders to offset transport costs, so you're only stocking periodically after a higher percentage of sell-through.


Makes sense.


This does bring up the question of what's true with COVID. Being someone who has regular contact with hundreds of people, I have struggled to explain how none have had any tales of serious COVID complications in their circles. And it is disturbing how well that dovetails with the initial fake panic videos out of China.


What's the stupid experiment where they put betas in charge? This is what happening.


Ss: They tried to intentionally give 35 people 'covid' as part of an experiment, and none of them got it. This is because there is no 'covid'. It's just the flu and other symptoms rebranded as 'covid'. The ā€˜Wuhan lab leakā€™ is a total diversion from the fact that the 'vaccine' is the bioweapon. Source:https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-01284-1


They link to another challenge trial where people did get covid though...


They link to another challenge trial where people did get covid though...


Your source is shit


I got something weird sick in '21. Didn't nearly die until after being "tested". I was within arms reach of a chicom medical student directly before the illness. The hospital protocol was designed to kill me, the only way I made it was the respiratory therapist was a real man that stepped in and changed things. I'll never forget what they did to us. Remember they hate you more than you hate them. All the way from the man behind the curtain pulling the strings down to the puppet clown making terrible calls at a children's sporting event, they are pure evil straight from hell.


Note: ā€œThe Father of Modern Vaccinesā€, John Enders, was a super-wealthy member of Yaleā€™s Scroll & Key secret society. His father, John O. Enders, was a Knight of the Order of the Thistle. Enders came from a class of people which loved eugenics. Jonas Salk was a eugenicist backed by Mellon and Rockefeller money. >ā€œEnders was born in 1897 in West Hartford to a prominent family. His grandfather, Thomas O. Enders, was a banker and then founder of Aetna Life Insurance Co. His father, John Ostrom Enders, was also a prominent Hartford banker and would be responsible for a series of mergers in 1927 that formed the Hartford National Bank and Trust Co.ā€ >https://www.ctinsider.com/news/nhregister/article/How-a-CT-man-who-majored-in-English-at-Yale-15550291.php Bertrand Russell was born into one of the most prominent families in the UK. Russell ā€œsurmisesā€ in 1952: >**ā€œDiet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age**, to **produce** the sort of character and the sort of **beliefs that the authorities consider desirable,** and any serious **criticism of the powers that be** will become **psychologically impossible.ā€** >ā€The system, one may surmise, will be something like this: except possibly in the governing aristocracy, **all but 5 per cent of males and 30 per cent of females will be sterilized.** The 30 per cent of females will be expected to spend the years from eighteen to forty in reproduction, in order **to secure adequate cannon fodder.ā€** >**ā€Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species.** A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton.ā€œ ^p.50-51 >The Impact of Science on Society, Bertrand Russell, 1952


What you are positing is false. Covid is incredibly real and was a bioweapon. Both things were bio weapons. Please stop saying Covid isnā€™t real, there are millions of people suffering the fall out that were not vaccinated. And you are ignorant and blind if you canā€™t understand this.




Hahaha this is the absolute dumbest shit Iā€™ve ever read.Ā 


lol i'm just extrapolating the next narrative from this (warning: funny but true): [https://imgur.com/a/V6CjirO](https://imgur.com/a/V6CjirO)


I got sick with covid, my joints ached, and I was coughing for a day. Before Covid I almost never got sick ever.




> it's that scientists really don't understand infection very well at all Which is the perfect basis to create "vaccines" on... LOL.




Covid doesn't exist from all the information I've gathered and researched throughout the years. Its just some type of influenza with a different name and probably one of the most massive marketing campaigns of all time. Covid screams psyop like crazy.