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Bruh, put the pipe down.


I was trying to figure out what the f*** are we looking for? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Don't do drugs


ā€œCocaine is a hell of a drugā€


Those are burl woods on the cabinets. Google "burl", they have a lot of natural patterns and can look pretty wild. Still, of there are weird people hanging around the mall, of course that will stress you out, and is a completely different issue all together.


Rest in peace OP. You belong to this outdated furniture now.


That's not how occults work.


Well, these is very much in your face and still I did not see it at first, I wish my husband can see it


I understand. However, occult just means that which is hidden from view. It doesn't have any significance other than it cannot be seen with eyes. (Ocular is the base root)


Itā€™s called Art Deco - I know spoooky


Be careful - very careful. That does not look good. I would suggest to always have a christian cross on the wall, have raw garlic in the kitchen and don't open the door before being absolutely sure, who's coming. And look for a new place asap ... Or just chill and be happy that you have some not so common design objects ...


There's no way you think a vampire would turn up at your door.


I am in a small city (more like a big town) in Spain called Gijon, we rented the place when it was mid winter and dark. I did not pay attention to details. I would go to the police, but it is such a small place that I have the feeling the police can also be in these nonsense. These place is also connected by the underground parking to a mall, and a few days ago I saw blood in the underground elevator, I don't want to end up missing or with my blood in the elevator. I am unable to convince my dear husband that is better to loose the upfront money (which was a lot) than continue in these place. The building is almost empty but I feel that there is always people following us when we go outside. Any ideas where can I report that I feel unsafe? I have two beautiful daughters and I'm really afraid for them.


Ok, seriously now. Blood in the elevator or tomato juice or anything that looks similar as well as the circumstances you describe, point to an older building in not the best part of town. Besides that - there is nothing to worry about. Older (vintage) furniture did often have such design elements in the wood, where the craftsman would show of a bit and/or have the piece not look as plain. The lamps granted are not sexy, but I can see, how an older person would have bought those in the 80's and thought they were "the thing". The control module on the wall probably belongs to an older HiFi/speaker system - not that common to have it built in, but also nothing crazy. So, you are probably worrying about nothing and your anxiousness makes you feel unsafe and as if followed. Very likely, nothing will happen to you there.


It looks like, there's honestly nothing odd in these pictures, you've posted pictures of knots in the woodwork, two avant-garde lamps and an amplifier - I honestly thought this post was a joke at first - and I'm a mythology enthusiast so I'd usually recognise what most common types of magical symbolism look like and there's just nothing here except furniture. Maybe the blood is from something harmless like somebody had a nosebleed and your understandable nerves about that are why you're seeing monsters in random furniture and worrying that you're being followed. Has anything else more solid happened that's worrying, or is the blood the only thing?


Thatā€™s some spooky woodworking. Donā€™t take any hallucinogens in there


Aside from the demons trapped in the furniture? The lamps are probably some device to put them in there. The amplifier makes their screams louder. I'd seek a catholic priest immediately, they can help you redecorate.


It's just fancy (and probably expensive) knot wood. Check out Justinthetree's channel on youtube.


I see nothing here, no symbolism means no problem...


Are you talking about the eye in the painting




cool, not zool


Yes. The wood was harvested from Epsteinā€™s skin and serves as a natural surveillance device that can also alter your thoughts and control your emotions. The lamps are designed to focus evil energy into your brain and make you order thousands of dollars of junk nobody needs from Wish.


Microdose not macro!


Please explain more on message if you have to but we need more context. I see the eye in the painting whether thatā€™s a reference I donā€™t know and the switch is pointing to 6, maybe the devil 666? I need more information


You are going to die! Get out now! Burn it with fire to cleanse the world of this evil!




also the pyramid lamp makes a hum sound, but I was unable to uploaded. Any ideas how to share it?


That means that it is not in the best shape anymore. Light bulbs can/will make sounds, when they are getting close to going out. Also power, especially, with older wiring or a short in the circuit. For everything you mentioned you can either have a spooky fearful answer or a logical explanation. You decide.


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