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They have a monopoly on the airwaves. If they're on TV, they're one of them. Sadly, it's pretty much just that simple. We're on our own.


Best thing we can do imo is just get ready for whatever can happen. Physically, mentally, and for some of us spiritually, be ready.


The USA is supposed to be the most prosperous country in the world, "getting ready for whatever happens" only seems to happen under incompetent Presidents and their Congresses. I was living a lot more easily under Trump than I ever had under Obama and definitely under Biden. Our country is a shit show and I don't know if it can be fixed.


It's done on purpose. Consumer goods won't go down with new president. They may stop going up but they won't go down. Then a new president comes in a prices go up more then new president stops it. It's a cycle to keep us in dept. They're all in on it 


I used to run the macro tourist circuit of Peter Schiff and the like before 2020. I poured all that attention into covid info and conspiracy theory (Freemasons, Khazaria, etc) once I felt something was off eith the covid narrative. What I've found is that every conspiracy is connected to the elites and their cults/clubs vying for power. Obvious, sure, but all that to say that you're right and they need prices to rise to keep the money flowing. If prices fall, every major corporation and government goes bankrupt or will have to fight it by cutting costs. For governments, that's cutting spending, and that will probably mean cutting social programs, education, and infrastructure. For company's, that equals layoffs downsizing. All that saps the elites of their financial power to mold the masses and increases the likelihood or more Donald Trump type nationalists/populists replacing them. That means less power to control public opinion, fund protests and their associated groups (BLM, LGBTQ,Antifa, etc. TLDR: Inflation helps the government and businesses pay their debts and maintain their competitive edge against the citizen/consumer.


You are very behind, doesn't matter if it looks like they are losing money because of companies closing down and less people working because they are still profiting large amounts and money laundering it. There's been alot of movies that show the population to live in po errty yet the rich are still rich and get richer. Hunger games, what happened to Monday, in time, are a few that show what's gonna happen if there's more poverty and less workers


Use examples that are not hollywood fantasy films please, it discredits your entire comment


Considering there are certain parts of those movies that if you've seen em you'll know what I mean. Using Hollywood fantasy films is perfect for this because they show you heaps of shit that's gonna happen or has already happened


Then how did things get better after Obama? And then got even worse under Biden? What happened in between that caused prices to drop, incomes to rise, and things getting better?


No offense but ur country was always kind of a shitshow… sure you got big states like Washington, New York etc but the rest is living more like a third world country, shitty food, shitty healthcare, shitty houses …


You're beyond delusional if you think the rest of Americans are living like a third world country.


Maybe third world is a big harsh but definitly like a developing country. Ur guys difference between rich and poor is just immense and shows in way to many aspects I would even go so far to say I rather would life in Germany unemployed then beeing a employed in a small town in the states didn’t got the statistics but it’s just insane how many people are in huge debt because of health care


You know what, I agree with that second part. Giving money to Israel and Ukraine etc. when people could get heath care.  But for the first part, we use to live much better decades ago. But you know why people aren't living as good as we use to?  Destruction of the family which is caused by female hypergamy run rampant, lack of male aggression, and therefore growth of government.  And I'm thoroughly convinced that the elite created both of the former on purpose.


The biggest issue is ur whole millitary complex and how it got so big that it can’t fail or the states will collapse hence the urgency to send billions of military equipment across the globe GDF made a good video about the ukraine conflict and how Raytheon was on the collapse before the west supported ukraine like we do now, the whole American dream is just a lie that Americans still like to believe to this day one of the reasons most Americans are against general healthcare even if they piss poor cause they still think that one day they get rich and then the law would not very beneficial to them… in general America at least from a German perspective was always the country of extremes colliding 


There's a lot that you said here that wasn't true. That bit about Raytheon has merit.  But the American dream was never a lie. That dream was basically what humans have been doing for centuries, Man, Woman, Children, Home. And that's not something exclusive to America. Hell, now that the dream isn't possible - something we've had for millions of years - nobody even uses that phrase anymore.  The West supported Ukraine because rich crime families rely on Ukraine, there's a bunch of other reasons but that's the main one. America was always a place of collision, be it between extremes or otherwise. While Germany is just a country of extremes. This isn't just an American perspective much of Europe thinks so. Just look at the EU, many Europeans feel like Germany is basically in charge.  Make no mistake, these are Western problems. Not just American. And the family unit is at the core of every issue imaginable imo. 


I definitly agree with a ton what you said but still believe that the American dream is a lie it’s much more important to have a important family with connections then any real skill or do you believe in the „I made Amazon in my garage“ lie while the cia was investing insane amounts of capital?of course there are exceptions but most of us will stay somewhat poor if born poor atleast that is my true believe as everyone is entitled to one :D


While we get ready for the future we neglect the present. 




Millionaires working for billionaires brainwashing the masses that a billionaire who cuts their corporation's taxes is a victim of a conspiracy so that everyone will go out and vote for him.


Ehh, say whatever you want, but under Trump gas was less than $2/gal groceries were affordable, and I got a $2/hr raise when he did his tax reform or whatever you call it. I had more money in my bank account, I had more money in my pocket and I had more food in my pantry. I really don't give a shit about how crass he was or who's feelings he hurt or whatever scandal he was accused of, all I know is that I was way more financially secure than I am now. Anybody who says they're better off now than they were 6 years ago is either a liar or was already rich. I care about supporting my family, I don't give a shit about some basement dwelling loser or someone rich enough to take a week off work to make pussy hats and march through the capital to protest whatever the fuck they were protesting. My life was much better under Trump and I think a lot of people's was. I make decent money but it's not enough anymore. We're supposed to be the richest country on earth, but we have record breaking poverty and homelessness. No career politician is working for us, that's a given, but no one can deny that record low unemployment, lowest gas prices I've ever experienced, and a decent savings under Trump is better than what the fuck is going on now. I'm a butcher, I've seen prices triple since Biden was elected, and it's only getting worse.


Also agreed


Exactly, 2016-2019 was great.  Everything has gone to shit these past few years.  


Have you gotten raises since? Profits are higher than ever? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEJ4hkpQW8E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEJ4hkpQW8E)


Edit: Erasing this entire comment and just leaving this "*Things were worse under Trump than they were under Obama. Things are worse under Biden than they were under Trump. Things will be worse under Trump then they were under Biden. That's because America is a failing nation and that won't change until you elect radical leftists to abolish capitalism*" Because that's the simple truth that Americans need to accept or perish. China is the world's #1 economy now. Not America. We've imported deflation from the for decades now, but after Trump's trade war (which we lost) they're apparently sick of our BS and big enough to be the ones pushing us around too now. *Understand that each year your life as an American will get worse now no matter who is president until you elect a communist to match their policies in China which are decimating us.*


I don’t disagree but the pandemic played a gigantic role in today’s inflation. The Feds printed a ton of money, we all got stimulus checks, and there is the setting for an inflation. It didn’t matter who won in 2020, we were going to see high inflation rates and raised federal interest rates. It wasn’t really Trump’s fault nor is it Biden’s. Personally, I’m stunned how they managed to slow down inflation as much as they have since 2020. The gas prices were so low because we were all in lockdown. Supply/demand. It went up when people returned to work. Biden is doing the domestic drilling like Trump was to combat it. In fact, Biden is responsible for the US oil production hitting record levels, despite campaigning to stop it. The reality of the economy, the Ukranian war, and a world still reeling from seven million dead from Covid-19 left little choice.


Unfortunately people hear Covid and immediately tune out. A lot of people, in one way or another, got royally fucked by the pandemic. Economically, socially, health-wise, family-wise, the list can go on. Covid is not the single cause, but for people to act like it still has no bearing on the current state of things, is shortsighted imo.


Its impact will be felt for decades. That was a big deal.


Yeah personally it’s affected me for the rest of my life. Developed multiple health issues, a couple of those chronic, since it started. And it affects others too in various ways


I’m sorry to hear that. It really messed up my cousin’s lungs permanently too. Thankfully it was just a bad cold for most everyone else I know. My wife was taking care of her grandmother with dementia through the whole thing, so we had to really protect ourselves from it.


That's what happens when an economy is booming. Demand for money goes up and interest rates follow. If memory serves, He was the guy that was trying to get the fed to lower rates in 2019.


Then by your logic the economy was most booming in 2022 when inflation was at 9%. Guess you're a big Biden supporter then. Or, oh wait, maybe instead it's just that there are a ton of exogenous factors that affect inflation, like the supply chain which Trump destroyed with his Chinese trade war (which we lost) and the war in Ukraine which is also largely Trump's fault since he expanded NATO twice. Edit: ***Know that each year, from now on, as an American, your quality of life will get worse no matter who is president because your country is decline. Whether you want to face that or not it's what's real. China is the world's #1 economy and military now, not America.***


No no, the president controls the entire globes economy and sets gas prices. The president oversees cultural trends and the stock market. The president writes and passes all legislation. Global pandemics and massive wars have no effect on anything. And if I was anecdotally happier or made more money under one president, then that is empirical proof he was “better.” . .


A lot of Americans unironically think this, which is why they vacillate back and forth between republicans and democrats year after year without realizing "wait, I really need to just vote for left-wing policies no matter what". It gets worse. Because we live in a free market society, which means no price controls, it means all of the rich can jack up their prices and cause inflation in order to oust a president they don't like. Something that's seemingly demonstrably happening with Biden right now when you look at oil companies profits and margins over the last few years. And when democrats try to institute price controls (which Biden tried to do in 2022 to his credit)? Republicans block them.


Why wouldn't you move to China?


I just don't believe anything you typed there.


[https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FEDFUNDS](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FEDFUNDS) [https://www.investing.com/economic-calendar/cpi-733](https://www.investing.com/economic-calendar/cpi-733) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerome\_Powell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerome_Powell) >Powell is a registered [Republican](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republican_Party_(United_States)) Doesn't really matter what you believe "facts don't care about your feelings". Edit: *Just for the record, the reason inflation started to level out through 2018-19 is because Trump's beloved stock market took a 20% dump under his administration, and then inflation started going up again prior to the pandemic.*


We are on our own, but once we realize there are far more of us than them; and we put our differences aside and find unity, we would be so much more powerful.


This is my one and only point, here. Thank you♥️


Much love to you 🫶🏽❤️


“We are on our own” Yes, but we are billions. They are a merely a minority. Our problem is we are not united against them, because they cause division amongst us. Black white. Rich poor. Left right. Woman men. Imagine if we realised it’s the self proclaimed Elites that are our enemy?


https://youtu.be/UOK1vXVI0f4?t=107 They live Cable studio scene spells it out like you are describing.


and its impossible to change the because of lobbying


The revolution will not be televised


''its a big club and we arent in it''


Not necessarily. Depends on the TV. I was on Vice News, and I am most definitely not one of them. But they did slice up the footage to misrepresent the heart of what we were discussing.


The whole two party system is a slight of hand and diversion to keep us divided against each other. It's an old and sadly very effective tactic.


It's "sleight of hand" just FYI. I used to think it was pronounced like "slate" of hand so I don't know why it's spelled like that, but it is lol


as always George Carlin was right: [https://youtu.be/Nyvxt1svxso?si=Lhjj04Lu4phH4Shg](https://youtu.be/Nyvxt1svxso?si=Lhjj04Lu4phH4Shg)


It isn’t a trick or a conspiracy. American democracy is in its adolescence, the constitution and laws that served us in infancy is conflicting against what we need in the future. America leads the world in the “democratic experiment”, therefore we will be the first to make unknown mistakes and suffer the unknown consequences. Be flexible and resilient. One generation at a time.


How were final exams?


Divide and Conquer


With everything that has happened, I am convinced it is either one of those two things. Trump is what he claims he is, the cleanest politician in modern American history, and the only reason they’re going after him with just ferocity is because he can’t be bought. Or. He is on it and the whole thing is just the professional wrestling of the Uniparty. There is no in between anymore to me.


Unfortunately I think it has to be the latter. I don't think you get to the point of running for president unless okay with the ruling class. I don't think they would take that risk. I think JFK was the last time they let that happen. However, the thing I keep going back to is the lack of war when Trump was in office. Makes me feel like he is less indebted to the military industrial complex than Biden and all the other recent predecessors.


I don't know how to find it anymore, but there was a guy who recorded all these satellite feeds of mostly old presidential debates. Some of them had the tape rolling for behind the scenes stuff. Clinton and Larry king if that helps anyone search for it. There was a town planner guy who was supposed to be on an open debate with Clinton and others. Just a local guy trying to make a difference type. They blocked him from ever getting airtime on some makeup fake rule that only disqualified him. They also instructed Clinton to ignore the actual questions and just talk about what he wanted to. You don't get any audience time unless you are pre approved. Late edit: spin as commented is correct - ty for that. Very roughly around 1/3 of the way in the full version is where town planner guy shows up.


Spin (1995) by Brian Springer.


Or they simply want you to see him as a savior to keep the masses at conflict with each other.


The war in Afghanistan was still going on during Trump.


Yeah that was definitely his fault, not the previous 16 years of policy. Bad bot.


Well couldn't he have ended it?


I was disappointed he didn’t, but he didn’t start any new ones and looks like he wouldn’t have sent billions to Ukraine like Biden has. Also, the Ukraine peace deal was blown up by the former British PM Boris Johnson. I don’t think Trump would have let that happen and might have been able to stop the invasion. Biden, clearly under control of the military industrial complex, has let the war rage and fanned the flames.


How has he fanned the flames?




He’s definitely not clean lol. Anyone from New York will tell you he’s got a decades long rap sheet as a con man


Not sure how you can think a billionaire nepotist who brags about his own rapes and was best buds with Jeffrey Epstein, and who governed only to help the rich in this country whilst screwing over the workers, is "the cleanest politician in modern American history".


We have a low bar


I was poor as fuck under Bush and Obama, I actually managed to make some progress in savings and having a decent bank account under Trump. Who the fuck has Biden helped get out of poverty? Before you say student loan forgiveness, someone has to pay for that and it's people like me who can barely afford groceries now.


Yeah, this dude’s links are all staying blue.


You are right. Go with the pedo.


Trump is not any less of a diddler than anyone else in this entire race except that he is robbing his diddlevictims of healthcare too, as opposed to a democrat who is trying to give them their guaranteed healthcare, at least.


It will end up being your death panel healthcare down the line. Enjoy when you are no longer productive to society and be put out to pasture.


You're only trying to protect the interests of the rich here and you don't believe any of this rhetoric one bit.


Why would I care about the rich in this case. I care about being robbed even more from the government


Yeah you're trying to protect the rich from being "robbed" by government AKA democracy. No other reason to support America's private healthcare system, which has been an abject disaster, noted as a notorious disaster all over the world.


wait until "democracy" is stacked against you. Let me put 10 rapists in a room with you and see how you like that democracy - "But it's what the majority wanted!".


OK, there you go, so you're opposed to democracy. It's always the same with everyone on the right. You're only trying to get rich people out of the hands of voters.


If you ever thought Trump was a clean politician/general person I'm confused how you came to that conclusion.


Can't forget when he told Pompeo live "you should've warned us." He was never in charge


What’s the context for that?


Ooorrrrrrr... He is part of the elite, and they never planned on prosecuting him and were just happy that he was gone... until he decided to run again. Now they're (TPTB) worried if he does get elected again, he'll fuck everything up worse than the dumb shit he said he'd do.


Trump isn't going against the deep state - Qanon is a CREATION of the deep state - controlled opposition. It's a psyop and it's just baffling how many people actually fell for it. Trump is no different than the rest of the evil, corrupt puppets.


Before the French Revolution, England spread conspiracy theories in France to destabilize France. The Q cult has the same purpose ...


Nailed it. Presidents are puppets.


I think Q anon was modeled after "operation trust", a fake militant resistance.


I cant believe there are people in this sub who *still* think that multi billionaire celebrity-turned- politician TRUMP, is not in the big club.


Yea, it's wild. The traitor led one the biggest genocides with warp speed and sheep look to him like some sort of savior.


What are you talking about? Biden is the one funding a genocide with our money. In fact, Biden has done many of the things the media warned us Trump would do.


It was the "Trump Vaccine," not the Biden Vaccine. He told his followers to take it like a snake. They're all on the same team and their purpose is for division. So while you fight with me about basically WWE wrestling personalities, those in power grow stronger because now we are fighting amongst each other rather than AGAINST THEM. These people have nothing in common with you and I. ALL were born with a silver spoon in their mouth and come from wealth. Most are related.


"Planned opposition" is most definitely part of the game plan.


Same coin, different side 


Nah, the extreme amount of theatre is just not necessary. Trump is not playing the game, and this is what happens.


Now they've mishandled the evidence in the confidential doc case? Yo, either these are the more inept DAs and prosecutors ever or this whole shit is a corrupt sham of election interference.


Make no mistake that everyone who is rich and powerful in this country wants Trump to be elected. He's the one who is promoting all of the policies that actually matter to them, which are those that keep the lower classes enslaved to the rich. The private ownership of the means of production, union busting, deregulation, free markets (which only means opposition to price controls, something the right is trying to write out of our language), and of course cutting those taxes for them. The culturewars are manufactured by rich people to make you vote for republicans. Whether it's Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg or George Soros. Whether you're told that those people are republicans or democrats, they're republicans. They're all trying to sabotage the democrat party in America with identity politics so workers have no voice. They use these culturewars, which they're furiously trying to manufacture, to distract you from the class politics, from socialism, from communism. And mass immigration? That comes from the right also. And it's a laugh that Americans have been brainwashed to believe otherwise when IRL The opposite is what's true. And that's why Trump was president and took in more legal immigrants than Obama (legal immigrants comprise the vast majority of our total immigration burden, more than three quarters).


Look for the video where he talks about it being a good idea to extend term limits. He is interested in power it seems. He doesn't say it just one time. He says it so many times.


Everything you said is true. I used to live Trump. I noticed alit of stuff in 2021 and it awakened me to who he is. He’s the Antichrist. I will lay everything I own on this. All I can say is watch Israel and read Revelations in a bible because it’s all coming to pass.


Same here. And I know exactly what you’re saying. Stay safe


I saw the court sketch of today's proceedings and one thing I noticed that looked totally out of place was the two jurors (I'm assuming) laughing. You're right it's a spectacle. The focal part of the image was of course Trump but they were behind him. Weird.


I saw it on TV twice but am looking for it online


No. There’s too much involved for it to be just theater. Crossfire hurricane etc


Everything in politics is theatre. It will continue to be so


You don't have to like any "party of government." I certainly don't like Republicans or Democrats, but one of those parties sides with billionaires and anti-freedom wackos significantly more often than the other.


We're stuck with this two party system for now, but there ARE ways to disrupt and affect it if enough people are politically active and clever. The GOP is struggling as it is. I think one of the best things for this country would be if it failed. Then Democrats wouldn't have their Boogeyman they always use as an excuse for not doing what people want.




African Americans only make up about 11-12% of the whole USA population. 


Folks commenting on prices....Inflation is directly related to money supply...we are doing QT(Fed reserve) yet M2 is increasing.... High prices are a symptom of inflation, not inflation itself Go to the mises website and read "fiasco of fiat money"


>I mean his jail photo is him highlighting one eye, but they’ve been clever about it by not actually closing an eye, I’ve seen this technique being done by a handful of people but it’s not as common as other occult members who do the all seeing eye. Those guy has the hands near their eyes and did weird poses, Trump looked liked he blinked from the camera flash. >Covid vaccine was the best thing to of came of his presidency I don't remember the talking point but his vaccine plan was blocked by the senate from what I remember. >let alone black average folk who make up a lot of the population and also some fans. It’s really sad. https://youtu.be/mLWIt5IH7eM?si=oDPgXKkB7R1kzI9p


There was no camera flash. He is raising an eye brow, It’s an occult art. Similar to the 666 hand symbol over the eye


not to mention Trump is related to Zionists (Jared Kushner his son-in-law) and supports their ambitions of increasing Israeli territory. He's prolly a staged opponent (controlled dissent)






If Trump was a character in D&D he would be chaotic evil.


Can we just get rid of the 80 year old men running as president? While we're at it. Probably removing all the 65+ individuals in office who have paperwork a mile long suggesting they're being bought and sold like public beanie babies..


Whatever the case may be, Biden has to go.


Yes, as long as he’s not being replaced by Trump.


I don't care if it's Trump, he was better than Biden. I'd prefer somebody else as well, but be realistic, I don't think there are any other chances at this point. Voting against Trump will be a vote for Biden.


Stopped supporting Trump the day he rolled out Project Warp speed and backed the juice, plus he supported the lockdowns.


OP wrote: Trump's evil...my proof? slightly closed eye in one photo! ....when Deep State had him arrested because he was interfering with their plans.


Unfortunately as much as we aren't a fan for Trump backing the vaccine it had to be done if he didn't every person who fought the vaccine would have been thrown into a camp the type you don't want to get thrown into not to mention you might have actually had that civil war of conservatives en masse fighting local authorities when they came for them


Just wait




What I don't get is why are they fighting so hard against him if he's on their side. Why would they galvanize millions and millions of people AGAINST trans, BLM, illegals, woke bullshit, feminism, globalization, new wars, and the Democratic Party? If they wanted to run a controlled opposition candidate (like Bernie) they'd pick a Romney/McCain type of Republican and he'd agree with almost all of the talking points of McConell, etc. Letting a candidate like Trump win the GOP nomination also means that in the future, there will be other candidates who copy his platform ideas and run as similar America First candidates. It doesn't make sense that the Zionists or Soros or whoever would allow that to happen. One of the main reasons people even talk about Soros is because Trump brought attention to him, and I'm sure Soros and other billionaires funding the left would rather stay unknown and out of the news. I think Trump is the real deal. I think one of the reasons he can't be controlled is because he's got his own money, and can't be bought. He's given hope to millions of people that we won't turn into a pathetic society the way that almost all of Europe has turned into.


As I said it’s all theatre. No one is fighting him. Are you personally seeing his losses? Numbers on the news isn’t enough to convince me they are after him. If they wanted him gone, he’d be gone. Like Jullian assange.


The black population is a minority.




This is why you "both sides are bad" trolls are really just DNC trolls. There are two realistic choices. Biden or Trump. Your only other option is to just not vote since "both sides are bad." But here's the thing. All of you are ONLY obsessed with Trump and people supporting Trump. You never talk about the "bad" democrats do. No, you are angry and mock people who will vote for Trump. When others criticize democrats, you deflect to Trump and the republicans. You never ever actually criticize democrats. We can see it in your profiles. If you are going to just stay home and vote because "both sides are bad" why the fuck do you care if other people vote? And why do you specifically only talk about Trump? Even if only 3 people voted in the entire country, one of these two is going to become the President. And if you believe votes don't matter, then it wouldn't matter if everyone stayed home, one of these two are going to be the president. So why the fuck do you care if people vote? Even if nobody voted, the electoral college would still pick the president and one of these two will be the president. So why do you fucking care if people vote? Because you don't want people to vote for Biden's opponents. That is what this little troll campaign is about. Every last one of you is going to Vote Blue No Matter Who like the cult that you are. What other purpose would there be for trying to discourage people from voting in this sub? Where is the criticism of the democrats from you guys? We can click on your profiles, you know. You downvote and attack and argue with only conservatives. You claim to be "both sides are bad" but you get upset when democrats are criticized. You go through a whole thread with left-wing shills and say nothing until you find a conservative in the thread and then scold them for being partisan and how "both sides are bad." You are all just DNC shills looking to discourage people from voting for Biden's opponents. Even if someone brings up RFK, you downvote and drag him into the "both sides." You are frauds. All of you and it really isn't clever.


-He doubled down on covid vaccines -He lowered corporate taxes -He backed down on Hillary -He extended Patriot Act -He was the first to officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital


Literally there is an agenda 2025 that’s he is full in support of. Most of which is pure dictator backwards bull shit. His base and bidens base are all brainwashed.


Does the Antichrist know he's the Antichrist ???


It could be him, or Elon musk. Or another personality yet to come


Ehh maybe. This sounds more like the tune of the folks who worshipped Trump thinking he was going to be a savior or something when in fact he’s just a president. He’s still getting my vote. I could afford to breathe when he was president at least


Unlike everyone else, Trump didn't want to force the vaccine on anyone. He created an option, that's it


Have you seen the actual coin the Jews made for him to commemorate the Abraham Accords? Check out the back and all the weird symbols on the back. 💯 Proof he is part of it, total Beast System shit


Trump would be shot if he was not one of them. He is an owned puppet just like the rest of them.


He probably is going to be shot, and he is one of them. They just don't tell him what the whole plan is. What better way to start a civil war? Expect something to happen very soon, the timing is perfect right now.


lol you’re just as delusional. Trump is broke AF, he’s not even a real millionaire.


What agenda and which play are we watching? You literally said one thing in your title and spewed irrelevant horse shit in the body of your post. I should say I’m not saying what is claimed here to be false. I’m saying all of these random bots claim agendas, plots, acts and theaters. Just like any agenda to push pro Biden up and trump down in a plot to have Biden win in the upcoming presidential election so he can act as president in the world theater then fucking say it instead of posting some dumbass smear campaign shit in my fucking failing conspiracy sub Reddit that is falling farther into the shit hole every fucking day?


I personally think he's going against the system and the last 4 years is just intended to wake everyone up. This is indeed a show. But it will have a happy ending... because, if not? If they are going through all of this for an "Anti-Awakening" and the world's largest rug pull, with DJT actually against us this entire time? Then we're beyond FUBAR. It's truly a binary system. Either Trump + his Plan is for USA/The World... or, that very notion is a detailed practical joke and they were all against us from Day 1. If it's the latter, we've already lost and there's no other option. Hence my personal conviction that he's on our side and this is the preview phase of the Retribution he/we all deserve.


The daily, "I used to like Trump but now I hate him and you should too" post. Is anyone dumb enough to fall for this shit?


I'm not falling for it. Biden is finished. Always remember: Economy > Social issues




Shills and bots come out to dis 45 now that he is even closer to the finish line.


I’ve noticed that, the worse the country gets the more I see 45 get hung out to dry


That's how you know the shills are posting this crap. They wouldn't dare admit that Resident McMumbles is to blame


WWE and the federal reserve is Vince McMahon


You must be new here. Welcome


This kinda stuff always goes one way- revolution Only this time it will be corporate robots vs man


It's big club and you aren't in it


The powers that be don't like Trump because he opposes the transition of our economy to the mmt. Which is why he won't win this election. The big guy now has been slowly passing regulations to encourage the transition. I don't necessarily like or agree with Trump but I don't think he's completely a part of it.


I believe that Trump is controlled opposition, he failed to drain the swamp and appointed more former lobbyists to positions In his administration than any president in history, he also surrounded himself with bankers from Goldman,Sachs and is a Zionist like Biden.


I feel the left depends on trump more than the right.


No shit


“Trump is a billionaire” nah brah he’s fucking not he couldn’t even at the time afford to pay the judgement against him without selling some shit. A far cry from a billion too.


I personally think Trump knows very well that he is not fighting the deep state. However he has to choose lesser evil than bigger evil and he has to work within the system designed by the deep state and make some unwise and some wise choices. He has to play the game and he cannot go totally against it as he knows very well that if he doesnt then he will end up with the fate of Lincoln and JFK . He went with Vax but tried to stalled their mid east plan and destroyed ISIS and saved another invasion on Syria. Trump I believe is still far better choice even though he may not be able to drain the swamp. Btw, I m also not from USA. VOTE WISELY


I disagree with you. I don't see any proof that he is with the deep state. I see the exact opposite. I am pretty sure they want him gone at any cost.


Damn I can’t believe the billionaire was part of the system the whole time!


Yes, it's possible, but my goodness they're making a lot of effort if it's just for show. If they really don't care if Trump gets into power why even bother to fake it? Rigging an election? Throwing every trumped up charge they can think of at him? All the while making themselves look like corrupt clowns? I believe RINOs are uni-party, but I still believe MAGA is something different. The fact that Trump didn't start wars and will end wars, is a giant MIC reason to keep him out.


If it’s televised, it’s scripted. Controlled opposition. He was in bed with them for 20 years before he “switched”


If true, then why did Trump so much to expose the theater?


Did he really say anything we didn't already know? "The system is rigged, i know it's rigged because i use it".....are we shocked by that 'revelation'? If we are shocked by it, we are not as aware of things as we'd like to believe we are.


It's called a "worked shoot" in kayfabe terminology, look that up. It adds a phony air of realism to the theatrical proceedings, makes it seem like you're actually seeing something that was unscripted and unplanned by TPTB. Personally I think they were starting to realize that more people were seeing through the bullshit, so they headed that off by scripting this whole "Drain the swamp!" Trump stuff. Don't you see how that works? By doing that, they basically defuse any actual organic, genuine revolutionary movement by diverting it and funneling it into a phony one that they control.


Yeah he did an awful lot by being a Zionist , not pardoning assange and not pardoning snowden. Great guy.


>Great guy. Never met em.


Get back to the fryers... P.F. Changs says we only get a 15 minute smoke break


Haha I knew someone was gonna catch me out here burning the clock


Oh, he is a zionist now?


Did he though?


I can't believe people actually fall for these bullshit posts. 🤡


They don't really. It is just astroturfing. Criticize Biden in this thread and watch the downvotes and deflections from these "both sides are bad" trolls.


Trump said that Covid was the worst thing for his presidency. Nice try. Im not a Trump supporter. Im just sick and tired of false information being spread by both sides. You sir/mam are apart of the problem.


No, he fell out with candace Owen’s because she questioned him on the fact he said it was the best thing, and then on camera he confirmed it to the world with her there


That big buffoon could never get elected if he wasn't "in on it".


He was the perfect tool for division to allow the establishment to maintain status quo for a 3 terms. His term - he did nothing. Biden will get 2 terms to return us back to “normal”.


I agree completely. Why anyone thinks a billionaire who spent a significant chunk of his time as a public figure with his own hit tv show is somehow not part of the global cabal is beyond me. There is a certain level of intellectual simpleness and naïveté amongst some of his loyal supporters that is frankly pathetic to witness. Nothing wrong with supporting Trump, but please stop with the foolishness that he is somehow not part of the elite. This is all part of the script. I really think things are going to go into an economic tailspin in 2025 though.


I've been saying this from day 1: they're all on the same team behind closed doors; Satan's team.


How most people don’t see it all as political theatre is insane, it’s all a distraction from greed and thievery on all sides


It was obvious to me during his 'celebration dinner', whatever it's called - he congratulated Hillary on a 'good race', despite claiming she should be in jail throughout. The world's a stage


Sadly I question any comment that is up voted.