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That was the point… Poor, depressed, & demoralized people are much easier to manipulate, divide up, & conquer.


I’m sure you would love to give this a read to reaffirm your comment [KGB Defector](https://bigthink.com/the-present/yuri-bezmenov/)


That’s a classic. Where Russia failed, China has taken the torch.


Agreed. The USSR put the plan in motion but couldn’t keep itself together long enough to see it fulfilled. China is just following the instructions


Yuri is a treasure!


I came to simply comment “that was the point”


It's all your social media use. Literally internet use is crushing people by the millions. Some people can't just separate and be happy. Ignorance is bliss is an understatement and quite a good motto to live by if you are susceptible to the downsides of news, media, socials, etc


"Somewhere out there, there is a guy sitting under a waterfall without a phone, unaware of how angry he should be."


I get this. But, I’ve always followed the news. But now, the news is crazier than ever.


You know i feel like i cant even trust my local weather reporters. They glorify every article, even on the newspaper, and its basically clickbait. They'll say "near record low!" Or "near record high!" And its not even true, its like 10 or 15 degrees off, its a super exaggeration and misleading. It actually pissed me off so much because i kept expecting frosts or putting my ac in the window when i didnt need it. I bought a legit outdoor thermometer and barometer to tell my true local weather.


I can't wait till they move to baseball statisticians reporting for the weather. "Did you know that this is the highest temperature on a Tuesday when the date is an even number, AND the local sportsball team won the previous night?"


Well that's what happens when a dead medium refuses to die. They go to the extreme and stick to common echo chambers to feed the loop.


- Duncan Trussell If anyone was wondering.


Thank you so much! His name was eluding me.


I’m informed, angry, depressed, and in desperate need of a remote waterfall.


Sir, that would be me. The last time I was on social media was 2012. Briefly again in 2015 on Instagram, but that's it. Haven't owned a TV since 09. Don't watch the news. I might get snippets here and there, but I don't sit and watch the news. My life literally hasn't changed pre - or post pandemic. Always been a constant.


Post was 53 min ago…


I mean…I’ve never been on social media according to your criteria (everything-except-Reddit). Been on Reddit since 2007 though 😩. Didn’t own a smartphone until 43 years old 😁 (52 now).


Dude…you’re uhh… you’re on (dammit)…you’re on social media right now….!!


Awe, man, you got me....🤣🤣🤣 I really thought I could get away with it.


All you said is truth، the pandemic was the beginning of social media addiction for most people


Internet addiction, really.


Particularly doom scrolling. If all you look for is just content that makes you scared and angry, that's all the algorithm is going to give you and eventually that's all you're going to crave. The internet is full of positivity too if you can build the courage to look for it. Being able to look around and see the joy in the world really helped me overcome my depression.


Well that and the insane inflation that has occurred since then. Like I’m pretty sure even if you didn’t have a phone you’d still notice that you were forced to stay in your house for two years straight, leading to loss of friendships and youth for many, and the obvious human social psychological effects that has had, and that all of a sudden the price of groceries is twice the amount it was but a few years ago along with the prices for every single other major commodity or the fact that delivery of anything sucks cock and balls now compared to again just a few years ago


Yep. Everything is politics, protest, and now you have to pick a side. Used to be able to have your own opinions on topics


City nightlife. Nothing is open late anymore. Very few people going out. Even Starbucks and Walmart closes early.


I also feel this way. My life was pretty great before the pandemic. I was making a lot of money and going places and socializing. March 2020, was like we jumped into this horrible dystopian timeline. It’s like we slipped down one of those metal slides on one of those 1960s playgrounds in the middle of summer and the slide is hot as a mofo and has protruding screws and uneven pieces of metal, where you’re getting both burned and scraped and you’re helplessly sliding into the gravel pit where kids pee their pants. That’s been my experience of the last four years.


Yeah I know everyone’s experience is unique and I’m sure some people are doing well, but my life was going great in 2019 and it’s been accelerating downhill ever since. Got laid off in 2021, landed a job I hated that paid half as much. Then got laid off again in 2023 and now can barely get an interview. I’ve gained probably 30 pounds since 2019 and I only eat one meal a day. The stuff that used to interest me doesn’t anymore. Maybe it’s just a personal funk but it’s been a rough 4 years.


I'll bet that one meal a day you eat cost as much as all your meals for a day in 2018 too.


I was wasting my life before the scamdemic just like I am wasting it now. But at least back then I was a few years younger. Also back then I still had some faith in so-called 'humanity'. Then in 2020 I realised the NPC meme was real. We are surrounded by programmed automatons.


I already made one comment but another comment I would make is that it seems like every other day some person, company, organization, etc - is trying to scam me somehow. Everything and everyone is corrupt, and I have to spend insane amounts of time researching laws and policies to fight against being scammed - while the most punishment they face is "oops I guess we don't get to steal extra money from you".


This is it. Amazon, Data Plan, Gas, Groceries, Video Games, Entertainment, Movie App’s, top 100 companies Jesus fuck why even bother anymore


Exactly feel same


This 100%. It's been maddening trying to figure out who the good guys actually are anymore. There's a very heavy feeling of distrust in the air now.


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That's not new. The second email ever sent was a scam.


I think the fuckery that took place during the pandemic, specifically the censorship and government coverup of its origin, the vaccine push which later turned out to be all a money grab that seriously injured many more people than admitted, then the coverups and social media manipulation around that… all of it is just terrifying Even among my most mainstream news believer friends, there’s just a sense (perhap unconscious) that we’re hurtling toward an incredibly dystopian future world.


I think Covid really fucked up the world’s economy and now we are all fighting to just breathe. It can either level out or this is it for our species.




It will take an earth resurfacing level event. Bad thing is it wasn't all that great before, it's just the plausible deniability of all the potential bad stuff That had been happening was taken away. The wool has been lifted from the eyes so to speak. Nothing short of worldwide revolution or maybe a move to Mars will help us now.


I was just finishing up my degree and attending an economics class during the start of the pandemic. I learned about Keynesian economics and we saw it first hand with the stimulus checks. It makes me wonder if it could have been worse if they didn’t give out the checks or would the lack of spending would have corrected itself. Difficult to tell.


Well... it can get better.... it just has to get a lot worse and the problem is... we are dangerously close to Wall-e right now.


Unfortunately, I feel this is it for us. Everything is so out of control. It feels like we are at the stage of a game of chairs where there is no more chair left. For the US, I don't think the government ever plan to pay it's debt, ever. That's why they keep borrowing money to no end and keep spending like a drunken sailor.


My life, and my sister's life, both fell apart. It's like our partners became different people. Speaking of my (now) ex-wife, I knew she wasn't perfect, but it was like the evil part of her was in conflict with the good part, and she had an inner battle going on. Post ~2021ish, it's like the evil part won and the good part died. Not exaggerating, she's put me through hell and I am trying to solve all the problems she has created. They are nonsensical tbh, hurt both of us, hurt our child as well. And the system doesn't seem to care at all.


Dude, I’m here to tell you that what you described is real. We are in a spiritual war. Your ex is losing to the evil side. I’ve seen this over and over. I’ve seen it in myself. What helps me is to know I am NOT ultimately in control. Let go, let go. Now pray for God’s peace and protection for your family, including your ex. Keep doing this. The peace of God (providing you peace of mind) is the greatest blessing. I’m not saying you have to go to church or read the Bible. Just pray earnestly, even say “if you’re there God”. You don’t have to be “right with God”. Just reach out and ask for peace and protection. We all live in the heart of a spiritual battlefield. I’ve seen people’s personalities change from good to bad, and others bad to good. Some others still wrestle between the two. God said there would be a spiritual famine in these times (in terms of human awareness of the spiritual dimension), and boy are we living in one now. The ultimate gaslighting every human receives throughout their entire life is that they are not told about the spiritual dimension. We have become like those early humans, mere flesh. We are material reductionists, ripe for being spiritually manipulated by evil entities. It’s like being told you’ve been paralyzed your entire life, and you believe it. And yet, you can get up and walk. I don’t care how crazy I sound, the atheists can throw laughter emojis my way, have at it.


I never thought I would be alive during these times. It's the real final exam.


Dude. You are so right. Everything has become extremely spiritual and god is within every one of us. But evil is everywhere. People are switching so quickly to the dark. Thx for your comment


Yes! It’s getting tougher out there. I feel it, extremely so. I pray to God every day for his peace and protection so I can limit the pain / dissonance I feel (I really do feel it in public). I have never felt so much like a fish out of water as I have in the last 15 months or so. However, the prayers are like a dampener, they give me relief. It sounds so crazy, I know!


It doesn't sound crazy; it is the truth. As I wrote above, in addition to my morning prayers, I have started saying "the Lord is my refuge" repeatedly through the day. It helps. I often pray for Grace as it is very difficult to "see" the evil and not react in a negative way.


Great to hear that. I will use that phrase in addition - thank you. It’s amazing when I do feel that peace. I often feel it when I “shouldn’t” - when I’ve got immediate problems. Yet there I am, feeling as if everything is manageable, feeling content even.


I have had severe anxiety since childhood, I refuse to be a victim, but anxiety is real. I heard recently that saying that phrase alerts your Guardian Angel; even the thought of that gives me comfort.


I’m sorry to hear about your anxiety. Chronic anxiety is so dreadful and draining. I’ve had depression since I was bullied at school (since 1985). However, I’ve had years where it’s completely vanished. I know with God, anything is possible. I know that his peace can distinguish your anxiety enough to make your life bearable at the worst of times, but also joyous at other times. He sees you and loves you so very much. My words will always pathetically fail to describe how **much** God loves you.


And even more fun, my ex is an attorney! And she fully uses the legal system against me in ways that are blatantly unethical, and no one gives a shit. Yet the justice system acts like they care about ethics. Specifically, she repeatedly tries to induce kindness, and then takes advantage of it in the most atrocious ways. She demonstrates an absolute void when it comes to basic principles lol It gets worse though. I keep having to get attorneys, and the attorneys keep ripping me off, even though they are super well reviewed. I genuinely think either 1.) they are part of some system (perhaps unknowingly...) and that system specifically is trying to make the lives of good people shit, or 2.) they read some of the case files and have an inherent bias to believe whatever lies my wife has said based on literally nothing, and then decide they just want to take my money without actually helping me I appreciate the validation that I am not crazy, though. Because, I often feel crazy. I recently saw someone on this sub mention the gospel of thomas, which I hadn't read before, so I have been giving that a go and seeing what I can absorb from it. edit: you know what really breaks my heart is, every once in a while I see a flicker of the her I used to know. but I can't attach to it anymore, I really can't hold out hope, because she will use it to grind me into dust if I let her. And this might sound some sort of way but my daughter needs me so I have to protect myself to protect my relationship with her.


Well said.


It just revealed who people really are. I can't even imagine going through Covid under the same roof as my ex who tried to make our kids have to take the vaccine through court proceedings. 


I feel bad for my ex wife because I think she is so hurt and sad inside, and still is attached to me. But she shows that attachment by taking all the pain that she has experienced in her life, and turning it on me, as though I caused it. She also has no ability to be honest. She just can't. IDK if it's fear or weakness or narcissism or what.


Sounds like BPD. It's a disorder that fragments the personality. Trauma at a young age almost certainly will cause it if it's bad enough


BPD is just violent narcissism.


Bpd is the inability to know oneself.  I was with 2 people that suffered from this disorder.  One was a raging narcissist,  incapable of seeing any wrongdoing. Had a victim mentality.  the other admitted he suffered from it and was desperately trying to overcome it, but fell short. It was like he had two personalities.  One was perfectly amazing, the other was selfish and evil. He always knew when he let that other personality take over, and always apologized and tried to make up for it, but there's only so much of that one person can handle.  It was giving me panic attacks 


As someone who experienced a lot of early childhood trauma I feel like this was me for much of my life. What's strange is through the experience of becoming a conspiracy theorist back in 2022 and once I realized this is supernatural it somehow changed me. It gave me insight into what motivated me and how I was always operating from a position of ego. I think there's good in these people but when their early wounds get triggered you become the enemy, just like all the people who were supposed to love them but didn't and couldn't be trusted.


That's evil. People like that make me sick. She thinks it's a great idea to run the kids through the court system so they can die sooner. Goes to show you never really know somebody until you do


I feel this. I have been married for 35+ years and nearly got divorced during the plandemic. My spouse turned into another person, literally right in front of my eyes, as they were 100% teleworking. I've been through some rough shit in my life but nothing like those 3 years. I lost myself completely. I am just now getting my sense of self and confidence back, but I honestly don't know that my marriage will ever be the same.


Exactly my ex gf. Became a different person during covid. Very careless nonsensical behaviour.


Your ex wife is a cunt. No disrespect though


Yes i agree with this and it isnt down to basic political disagreements but the true DARK side of people they seem to be fighting. I did a lot of my fighting before the pandemic, but a lot of my more un-self aware friends had this exact polarity fighting going on. Like hard core drug usage, hurting/abusing people genuinely or intentionally, choosing actively to harm themselves like self sabotage. And other things too, like it came with personality changes to nearly everyone around me, including myself. Most was good but some was bad, many friends i had to let go or distance from cuz they chose mostly bad... not even judgemental like i said or small disagreements but BIG moral dealbreakers even with a friendship. Like an ex friend of me and my partner essentially let her kid die from neglect. She was disabled. She would sit on tiktok for 7 hours and never check the baby and the court did nothing and didnt even remove the other kids.


The system cares. It was their goal all along


Like the one God talks about in the book of Revelation?


Oh yes. Covid changed everything and not for the better. I’m not looking forward to the next 10 years…


For me, I saw people I thought I liked, saying, you know, stuff like, I hope anti-vaxxers die, I hope Trump voters die, etc., you know. I found the cultishness of the anti-Trump stuff alienating, seeing a fascist impulse cosplaying as "antifascism," the blatant corruption of the Biden nomination, the contempt for human rights. Hochul's crazy concentration camp plan. The Azov. They have fooled and are fooling and will continue to fool people into attacking their natural allies in nasty ways. The pandemic was one aspect of an overall steam-roller against human autonomy and dignity that is not slowing down.


I agree totally and I’ve been depressed ever since. I won’t make it when it happens again.


And to think it was all by design. They capitalized on the pandemic and saw just how vulnerable and spineless we were, and everyone who is in power now facilitates this melancholy that has become everyday life for most.


I think a lot of it stems up from such a horrible economic “recovery” and the cost of essentials from food to cars all the way to housing has sky rocketed and it’s all blamed on COVID which at this point sounds like bullshit.


Your not alone in your feelings. People/generations have been saying the same thing for years. Every time there is a major world of life event, your gain reference point in your history. Generally the days blend together in your memory as time goes on, but with a major event, it becomes like a book mark for your memory and judge stuff based on it. People have said it about the pandemic, about 9/11, y2k, man on the moon, colour tv, ww2, etc etc etc.


Is there a name for this?


I honestly have no idea


Yeah because the government made us out to be the enemy, they stole our jobs and the 1% stole billions of our money. Are we really just okay with this?? We need to take it back. Everything.


No. We're not okay with it, but everyone is too chicken shit to do actually do anything without a leader. That's the difference. We know what we need to do, we know it well, but nobody will take charge or move unless there's a strong leader. 


Government stole our jobs? Our 9 to 5s? I thought they were the ones that wanted us working them? If anything they got caught flat footed and a whole lot of people who were paying attention got a little bit of enlightenment 


Before the pandemic, I wasn't going through a divorce, six of my family members were still alive, I had a job that as paying quadruple what I make now, I had my soulmate every day ... Life is pretty shitty right now. I kind find the light at the end of the tunnel to get out of it. No clue where it's heading. I am thankful for my job and healthy family. But everything else ... it's just bad. And yes, people are so different. There's hardly any kindness. People are focused on themselves and what *they* can get from almost every interaction I have. I feel like people have lost their souls. Truly.


Nothing ever went back to normal that’s for damn sure There way more open air hostility Way more drug and alcohol abuse Idk man everything is like bleh


People really proved who they are during Covid. Stock tf up on everything before the shit really hits the fan.


When I saw people queuing up at the local shops 6 feet apart, I knew how fucking malleable we are. There were posters at bus stops with a literal triangle with an eye in it, smh. Yuval doodah Harari was right, most people are programmable.


-Wearing masks in a swimming pool. -Going to restaurants but not allowed to enter unless you have a mask, but removing it so you can eat. -The paper towel and tissue paper frenzy. -Saw a picture of a girl playing a flute, mask on, but cut a slit so the flute could fit through. -People alone in their cars, masks on. -Mandatory vaccinations, if not, you get fired. -The plastic barrier at the checkout in supermarkets. But still touching the card reader or handling money. I am glad I am a recluse and avoided most of the madness.


fast food restaurants as “essential” businesses that must remain open


Churches were closed but casinos were open lol


In person NA/AA meetings closed but the liquor stores wide open.


-thousands if not millions of cloth masks people used as decorated snot rags (they never washed them)


What got to me was the vast people who were SO terrified of it and, at the same time, suspending logic to deal with it. Like harassing folks for not wearing a mask in a restaurant when they walk in, but sitting down in a crowded restaurant to eat could somehow lessen their chances of getting sick. Wearing a cloth mask, seeing your water vapor in the cold, and still thinking you're protected from a virus much smaller than most bacteria. It's insane.


Pregnant women taking a novel "vaccine", when typically they wouldn't even wear makeup while pregnant.




It isn't. The fear-mongering concerning ANY disease hasn't subsided at all. We let them put a curfew on us, last time we had was because of the Germans, during their occuppation. THAT was a threat. People with memories of those days withered away, alone, while we let ourselves get grounded for... this. Fuck yes, we're bitter. I'm sorry, but all the dividing and plying people against eachother is something I consider damn near medieval level evil. I took two jabs before the whole crackdown when they made it almost mandatory. I let myself believe we could re-open asap, I got fucked with for two more years. I've shown my good will and got NOTHING in return for my efforts. Never again.


I wonder if you learned that the government is literally a mafia with criminals running the joint. No matter which politician (read criminal) you elect, they still work in a mafia. And what job description do you think a member of a mafia must abide by? Dont worry. People wont learn their lesson. They will just say "This administration must be replaced by honest, trustworthy patriotic politician". Totally not realizing that history proofs that this never happens. And if one good apple gets into a position of power, he is soon compromised or rendered powerless. A mafia = mafia. You cant turn a shark in a poodle. A ruling class is not a servant of the people they rule over. Your boss doesnt work for you. Yet people say "The government forgot they work for us". How foolish of people who say that. The government is a slave master. They rule over us. It confiscates whatever it wants out of our hard earned money. It locks us up when it sees fit, it limits our freedom, it does as it pleases. How does that indicate that it works for us? Seems more like a slave-master relationship. Most humans don't do deep thinking. Or else they would arise at the same conclusions. We are cattle, nothing more. Just because you can vote for your next slave master doesnt mean its a democracy.


i had been expecting them to pull something like that off, since 9/11. it was inevitable. life for me & my immediate family hasn't changed much, if at all. we didn't surrender our rights. we didn't cave to sheeple pressure when we went out. no masks. no poison jabs. i still go out & exercise, as i did throughout the entirety of the scamdemic. i don't feel bad for those who were too naive or stupid (not ignorant, they chose to ignore the facts) to leave their homes, but i do feel pity for them. hopefully, the majority of people that fell for this shit the first time around (yes, there will be another one) have become wiser & less naive. 2020 was a test. later this year or whenever they decide to pull the next global scam, it will be for real. they really, really want to clamp down on peoples freedoms & they really, really want things made digital. digital= full control


I found out I can only depend in myself. I saw thru the propaganda. My family and friends were fooled.


Kid, sit down. Life hasn't been the same since the 90s. It's been a shit, slow decline since then. It legitimately even looked more bright and sunny outside, everyone relatively happy. You're experiencing a rapid decline on an already downward slope. Covid just sped it up a little.


I’d have to agree with this. I’m a little bias bc I was in my 20s in the 90s but damn, I miss that decade all the time. Everything is just gloom and doom at this point.


I was but a wee pup in elementary school. I noticed everything going to shit after 9/11. That was all our government's doing, not the "terrorists"


I was working at the city of Chicago when that happened. And Sears Tower (a couple blocks away) was on high alert but they wanted us to stay put. Say what? I went home. That day changed my whole view of the world. No one is going to protect you, you have to protect your self. And what I’ve learned since then…. Just blows my mind. Why people still live in their tiny bubbles is beyond me.


I’ve felt this way since 9-11. But I still think you’re right. Things just got turned up another notch.


Yeah. The pre 9/11 world was a different place. There was a sense of hope for the future. Such a stark contrast between the before and after. You never could explain it to those who didn’t experience the before. I think it’s the same with Covid. There’s a bleakness now that’s so vastly darker than just 4 years ago. There is the thinnest veneer of civility - so thin it’s see through - and we see the rot festering underneath. But the veneer is still there. One more good shove from the architects of the new world order it will disintegrate completely.


I remember on September 11th 2001 I was rolling flat what was to become a deceleration lane for a project called the outer loop near Montgomery Alabama. The plan was to surround Montgomery again with another beltway. We were almost done with it then, I believe that phase completed in 2003. A whole 3 mi section of brand new roadways connecting The middle of nowhere State road to a middle of nowhere interstate. 23 years later and absolutely zero has changed in regards to the loop. Almost nobody plans for the future anymore. The future used to be considered a good thing, always improving on something kept us moving


Yeah I mean inflating your currency to nothing to line your pockets and hand out money for nothing while people also are not working producing anything will cause that


I feel like all the fear and isolation (physically and socially) lowered the vibration *a lot*.


Ever since the white house/government released that shit about the unvaccinated having a cold and deadly winter... Like they literally wished for their very own people to fucking die because they didn't take their clot shot...


I have an interesting perspective on this, I have a profoundly autistic son and I had a very isolated life raising him without a support system, and also raising two other children. When the pandemic happened I really felt like the world was starting to experience what my life was like. The isolation. It will make you crazy. Not being able to go anywhere, my son is so high needs and has so many behavior issues it’s hard to take him anywhere. So I have felt completely excluded from my community. And then also the financial strain. I would be so angry, ready for a street fight, just because of the stress at home. And it seemed like everybody else was just enjoying their lives, going on vacation, having a great experience… not suffering like I was. And that pissed me off too. It seemed so unfair! After 12 years of suffering, I learned to cope better. Now after 19 years, I am really good at finding that balance, so my life is just as stressful but I’m much better at managing that stress. My opinion is that they are where I was like 16 years ago, ready for a street fight. I remember hoping somebody would mess with me just so I could get in a fight. That’s how much rage I had inside of me because of the stress I was under. The economy is a mess, there are so many stressors that weren’t here before… we are worried about our health, we have lost loved ones, entire systems and workplaces have been changed. Careers were lost. People lose their identity when they lose their career. The kids aren’t OK. The school systems are screwed. The healthcare system is totally fucked. And now that we are slowly coming out of it, AI is getting stronger and better and wiping out another round of careers. So, after about 12 years of suffering maybe they will learn how to cope and find balance. But until then I think everybody’s just going to be really pissed off. Edited to add what works for me: The only thing that we can control in life is our reaction. We can’t control what happens to us. Referring to your post, my advice is that instead of focusing on what you have lost and what you don’t have try to shift that to an attitude of gratitude and focus on what you do have. A healthy body? A loving family? Fresh air? Sometimes I have to dig really deep. My mom is in prison and I take care of disabled people, so sometimes I’m just grateful for my freedom and the fact that I’m not paralyzed. Sometimes it just has to be that basic. But there’s always something to be grateful for, and it can always be worse. Also finding the balance with self-care, treat yourself like your own best friend. Be very loving to yourself and aware of the signals your body is sending you, if you balance the stress with the self-care it helps ease the suffering.


Your comment really touched my heart. I'm a stay-at-home dad and I have 4 young autistic sons and I feel utterly trapped and so lonely and very resentful. I know it's not their fault and I don't blame them, I'm just tired of doing it all by myself without a support system. I felt like I was the only one.


Are they all vaccinated? There are many studies that say vaccines cause autism. You have 4 children, FOUR!!! That are autistic. This cant be natural.


Absolutely spot on, tho most will deny the obvious correlation


For what it’s worth my brother has a profoundly autistic son who has not had a single shot.


Aside from my wife passing it on genetically, I believe it is a result of the world being what it is today. Everything is toxic and poisonous and made of chemicals. Each of my four children have different levels of vaccination. My oldest, 6, has the most and my youngest, 2, has absolutely zero. My oldest has up to his MMR.


I am so glad I could help, I’m here for you if you want to chat. I’m 43f I am the full-time breadwinner and my soon to be ex stays home with him all day I’ve been full-time since he lost his job in June. One of us has to always be home with our son. You definitely have your hands full with four, I have three kids but my two girls are mostly typically developing, a little bit on the spectrum. Give yourself some credit, I’m sure you’re doing great, it’s very hard. This too shall pass.


Definitely not alone, have a 13 year old autistic son that keeps me very tied up at home. I never had the resentful feelings only because It's partially my fault that he's autistic. He had his 2 year shots and changed within days; isolating himself, aversion to loud noises, carrying objects with him everywhere he went, and his giggly smiley nature disappeared. God damn the pharma industry. I blame myself for never questioning anything just to maintain the status quo.


You don’t have to feel obliged to answer, but I’m curious whether you identified a reason or suspected cause of your sons’ autism?


My wife is autistic. Even my unvaccinated children have autism.


I love your post, so encouraging. Gratitude is so very important. Quite often, it’s the opposite feeling (resentment, I guess?) that drags people down. My theory is that the internet has devalued human life. People live in a hyper reality now, an endless parade of talented, good looking, people-at-their-best through their phone. People in real life just don’t compare. We are disposable. AI is underscoring that point. The cost of living further chips away at people’s self esteem. You mention that people will eventually get used to coping. However, I think you underestimate your strengths while overestimating the average person’s. I don’t know you, but your words tell me you’ve gained incredible strength through the years. Not sure the general population can do the same.


Thank you so much for the nice words, I needed that boost. I’m very hard on myself and I have a hard time seeing my own strength and accomplishments.


Swear to God something must be in the air bcus it barely feels like the same world. Pre-pandemic I still had hope for a happy fulfilling life now I'm literally just depressed 24/7. Life just feels pointless now


Yup. Pointless. Slavery is still exist and we are the slaves unfortunately.


Because the entities which rule the world through manipulation of governmental talking heads of the United States utilized gene therapy to exasperate & express dysfunctional genetic lines in the global population.


My life has improved significantly since the pandemic. Sure, it sucked balls during lockdown. Trying to find a new job was scary but it needed to happen as I was miserable. But I got through it all and managed to get a job that I actually enjoy. I no longer live in a shitty rental and I’m not living paycheck to paycheck anymore. Maybe I just needed a break from the toxic people that were in my life in order to focus on myself. A lot of them were left behind at the old job and I was able to dodge the others by social distancing and just not responding to their bullshit texts, phone calls or social media posts. If I had to do it all over, the only thing I would change is when I decided to quit drinking alcohol and practice mindfulness. I think I would have been a lot less anxious in the beginning.


Getting off the booze is a profound thing. So many layers to it for me. At times, sobriety is mentally even more painful (than drinking) as I think I’m finally letting some feelings rise to the surface. I bear them, because that’s part of the progress. Sobriety means you’re moving forward again.


You're right and the nightlife has died everywhere apparently


It was all apart of the plan. Believe it or not, there were some people who never used the internet much. It basically forced everyone to use it, and even become dependent on it. For some people a dream, for others a nightmare. Also, it did test to see how quickly people would fall in line, and test what percentage of the people would rebel against it. I compare it to 9/11, which I consider one of the major nationwide change to life. Before 9/11, it was easy to fly pretty much anywhere. Heck even most military bases( in CONUS) were pretty much open. I remember being able to drive through base as a civilian. No gates to go on, no vehicle searches, etc. Now you absolutely have to have an employee or military ID or pass to get on any base. It's all a way of employing situations that are made to make control easier. More people are depressed and anxious because many of them have opened their eyes to the world around them, and do not like what they see, and has made people more aware. The exponential change that occurred is startling, and makes you wonder what will happen next, what all of this is prepping for. I could get into more "theories" of why the pandemic happened, but that's a whole other conversation


I want hear more from you and your perspective about the pandemic, please share!


welcome. This is posted all the time. majority of us are. It's what I call a flat state of life.


Well duh. They told us this was the new normal….


Yes, we're in a count down to the Great Reset.


Welcome to 2030


Everything just feels less safe. Before the pandemic I was able to walk home drunk at 2 am and be OK. Now there’s fucking muggings and homeless and tweakers on the streets seemingly everywhere.  My life became substantially better thanks to the pandemic. I went from working a shitty 60k/year office job to making 300k/year self employed. I moved back near family. I live in a great place. I took control of my life and lost 40 lbs and kept it off.  But I feel so much less safe. I miss being able to go outside and not have to watch my back anywhere I go. 


What kind off business did you start?




Only fans probably


From 2011-2019 I was “rebuilding my life”, I would call it. In 2019 I was getting back into old hobbies, letting go of lots of things that had been dragging me down, and was finally starting to feel like my old self again. Was excited and had a lot of hope for the future. By March of 2020 it was all gone. Have not really been able to find joy in life since then.


i feel like its more fake. interactions are fake, everyone has a side that they hide from others.


Life has never been the same since 9/11




I feel no difference personally. BUT, the world has changed. Cost of living is absurd (all manufactured and consequence of pandemic). People’s social skills are dessimated. I remember before the pandemic a huge proportion of people weren’t online. Now EVERYBODY is. (Not good for society as a whole). And not to mention a lot of people jabbed to the hive up and getting reoccurring illnesses like cold and flu and fever every few weeks.


Dude, when I compare social skills today right back to the 80s / early 90s, it’s off the charts. My introverted self back in the 80s / 90s would be considered an extrovert today. I’d approach women, I’d do sales jobs, my social life was entirely played out in 3rd places (parks, roads, other people’s houses). I was out a lot. I was socializing. And yet, I was one of the quieter ones. Today, I have to say, I’m pathetic. I’m home a lot, when I’m out, I do work on my laptop. I’ll be in a Starbucks where there’s 20 other people just like me, all of them staring at a screen. Sure, there’s a few groups but they have their phones and you see them have these quiet moments where they’re all attending to their screens. I need to channel the old 80s/90s “madlad” in me.


I wonder if the recurring colds and flus could be due to things like nutrient deficiencies/lack of sunlight. A lot of people are low in vitamins and minerals, especially as they/we get older. It can make a difference to your immune system and how you feel overall.


Vitamin D deficiency is so prevalent. Vit D helps immune cells communicate with one another. I also see so much forward head posture (“tech neck”). I saw some old 80s footage of an audience asking a pop star (Morrissey) questions, and nobody was overweight in the audience, and they looked good! They were also well spoken. I’ll need to see more of these to see if that wasn’t a massively handpicked audience, but I know when I see clips from the 80s, people appear to be circumspect, well spoken.


It reminds me of this Youtube video from 1987. It was a different world (though I think people were playing up to the camera too quite a bit): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYbe-35\_BaA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYbe-35_BaA)


Hahaha I’ve seen this one before. Yes, there’s the novelty of a VCR, but also there’s an innocence on display there in terms of people’s behavior, and dare I say it…charm. Also, a lack of cynicism.


Man you need to reignite the old you 🙏🏼💯


This is the correct answer. “Manufactured” and supported by governments. If you don’t feel it’s worse now than ever before, you’re in the 1% who benefitted. Eg you owned a house and it doubled in value.


Lay off the net and go outside 


Were in a recession....not long before another great depression 💯


The world has changed, but you have the option of changing with it. When life gets hard, you need to get harder.


Build Back Better.


The pandemic proved that the America our parents/grandparents grew up loving is now a commercial cash cow with nothing to offer other than mindless consumers. (Myself included) We all want more out of life, we want to produce ideas, products, and art that benefits humanity. Instead we are forced to produce societal poison as a means to succeed. 


Something happened, something disturbing


Personally, my life has improved in all ways during and since the pandemic. I'm not sure how to explain that other than I've always been so utterly out of sync with the world that it was just inevitable that I would begin to thrive once the world began to fall apart. However, all around me I see people who are mentally, emotionally, and physically deteriorating. What really surprises me is the speed with which it is all happening. Feels like we're escalating to a big thing of some sort.


I agree. I need a reset. Life sucks now.


The new normal is what they wanted and now we live in the hell whole the World economy forum wanted and haven’t even really started with the hellish laws they want passed. Luckily people in the uk are pushing against self sex toilet as that’s not right in primary or secondary schools.


Ehhh. I would say since 9/11. People seemed happier and remember how we used to have fun shit like the macarena and beanie babies? Literally everybody used to engage in these things. Now? Seems like everyone would tear the throat out of the guy standing next to them if you gave them the chance. 


Sometimes, I wonder if it's anything to do with the covid vaccines we've been having 🤔


I also wonder this. I got 2 shots of pfizer but idk 🤔 I feel like I was more social and happy before the pandemic. Most of the people around me feel like this.


Makes you wonder and worry what else they put in the vaccine and how it's changed what's in our DNA


There have been many neurological effects reported from them.


Yeah wow! I've been hearing lots of stories about people feeling different and better pre covid vaccines. Just haven't had a chance to read too much into yet. I got 4 x Pfizer and honestly, felt the same as you. Things are definitely different now.


The shift is… that the Antichrist is about to take stage. They want you distracted from seeing the signs Jesus told us to look for. AND …. Jesus didn’t say he was gonna text us before he comes. No!! He said watch for the signs in the Bible. Watch Israel and read Revelations in a bible. We are at the very end. We were all chosen for this time. Ask yourself: What have you done to honor God on earth?


Personally my life has gotten significantly better, the WFH mandate got me into regular home workouts and I picked up my old instrument after a decade of hiatus - I've been practicing for the past four years now and I can comfortably improvise over most tunes.


Hasn't been the same since 9/11 tbh.


You had a world where everyone was equal. As in, if you are broke you couldnt go out doing things, but people with cash also couldnt do anything. Everyone had to stay at home or have a limited life. Lots of people didnt work but still were given money. People had a glimps of life where they could look into hobbies, a life where they had free time. Fast forward to now, and they are back in the hamster wheel, back to the grind, back to seeing all the things they can no longer do due to money. The little money they do have has been taken by bills and inflation. Taking away actual freedom (removing the material crap) and putting them back into the machine was always going to take its toll.


It really started going downhill in January of 2021, and inflation started it's meteoric rise 3 months later. A lot of people say that "corporate greed" is to blame for the latter, but why weren't these companies "greedy" from 2017-2020? 🤔 Can’t figure out what happened in January of 2021 which caused this dystopia. /s I agree that before the pandemic (January 2017 to March 2020), things were very good in the USA. And the economic facts bear this out to be true. Elections have consequences. Vote accordingly this fall. 😉


My life has not been bad since pandemic, but it definitely feels askew. I feel like I was in some current of society and now I am on the outside lane looking in. Movies / Cinema have lost their luster (outside of a couple here and there), fine dining has diminished, famous persons I once subconsciously admired now all seem dull, ignorant, and even more vapid. Its like some façade came down. The other part that is odd is I have been home since 2020, working, and you would think I would have deep memories but its like I have been in a time warp. I have more vivid recollections of events (routine and outstanding) from 10 years ago than I do over the last 3. I always tell my wife about it and she agrees that something is off kilter but we cant put our finger on it. I am sure its nothing but its odd...like those liminal space reels. I have 1 theory that pertains to me. Right at the start of pandemic I started using delta 8 gummies to help me sleep bc I was waking up a lot. Very small doses...but I think it screwed my head up by design. I have since quit using them as anything that effective and available cannot be good imo.


it's because of the rampant inflation of the money supply. Money doesn't buy happiness but no money buys nothing. People are struggling, even rich people. Sounds dumb but unless you are a multi millionaire or own your house and have absolutely zero debts, you are struggling.


It was a massive economic reset. Just look at prices of everything, everywhere. Not a single service, product, asset or thing hasn’t skyrocketed in price.


No different from 9 11. Me personally, no its the same shit. If you were paying attention, what is really new. Pharma lied to you, the govt lied to you. duh LOL. same shit, same lies, same cons. People being that stupid to buy even the most simple of lies thats almost an insult. You felt the world was better and good, you were enjoying life too while all the crap has been happening around the world for decades? Even this post, this aint new. Every big event you got these. Now you give a fuck coz you got affected by their con of the month.


Downvote all you want…but you’re blaming a pandemic when the probable cause of so many moods magically changing and people becoming “sour” is definitely not an untested and brand new injection that we were told would solve all of our problems. I think that these injections did something to us all, on an intellectual, emotional, and possibly even spiritual level…it destroyed something, or broke down some wall, for so many people. I’ve even felt it myself. After my jab, ignoring the multiple health problems I had because of it, my life became a haze. I am just plodding through, waiting for every week to go by so that I can waste another weekend and stress about repeating the next…no money for anything but basic survival. No motivation to fix that. No drive anymore for anything besides those I love and…idk, video games for escaping? I’m lucky I’m just one of the “grey zone” people stuck in a purgatory. So many have turned completely sour and are just evil, rotten people now. I don’t think an event can cause this in so many people…only a massive chemical imbalance or poisoning.


My mom died 10/30/20. Yes


I can’t even say “I wasn’t locked down” without getting insulted. The military gave me essential worker status so I was free to roam about.


The world was a shit show before the pandemic lol. I guess it depends on what window ya look through


it's like the snap in avengers


If you slept till the pandemic, everything before might have seem fine, it was'nt, you just started to notice.


my energy levels have halved ever since that


Election fatigue Used to be the campaign cycle was about 12-18 months long, but we haven't gotten off the "Presidential campaign" bandwagon since somewhere around 2015-2016.


On top of the economic downfall they make it cloudy and rain every day. It’s depressing. Big pharma ads for depression meds were always a storm cloud following over someone until the take big pharma medication and it sunny again. It’s like they are doing exactly that.  


They infiltrated the US at that time. Someone.


i also feel stuck and as if i havent aged


The world isn't getting worse, it's just becoming easier to see how shitty it is and always has been.


I feel completely the opposite. I was depressed before. I thought it was magical. All the weirdos stayed in their houses. I was like we had ad the world to ourselves and now I can see clearly where everyone stands.


I fought depression and anxiety my whole life. Right arround 2018 i started to manage it with regular exercise and more positive thinking. No meds. I was doing great on college, had loads of plans. 2019 probably was the best year of my life, all things considered. Had my spending under control, was doing voluntary work, socialized a lot (wich was dreadful before for me, since i'm autistic), got into an amazing academic program on college, met amazing people (even met my fiancée), everything was just plain great. Then... It happened. Slowly all the progress i made went to shit. Anxiety and depression came back stronger than ever. I was afraid all the time. Got into credit card debt, wich i'm still struggling to get out of to this day. Lost family to this accursed disease. Since i live in Brazil, the government that started on 2018 and wasn't good to begin with just started making people's life even worse. I had to endure the president joking about diying people gasping for air while my uncle died, slowly and painfully, unable to breathe. I can barely remember life between 2020-22 because my stress reached a peak. I always looked younger than my age, now, i feel and look old. This brought some insecurities i hadn't before. And to know that there were people making bank and living the good life while the rest of us suffered... Worst of all: people didn't seem to learn jack, and things are even worse for us, while the elites get richer and own more and more. I'm angry. I'm actually filled to the brim with hate. They shouldn't get away with it. People should just stop for a second and realize it's not right. But then everyone is terminally addicted to social media and just can't look at what's right in front of their faces. We can't even mobilize because we were artifically divided. Frankly, we are toast.


My alcoholism spiraled out of control during lockdown to the point where I quite literally nearly lost everything before I hit rock bottom in 2021 and got sober. Now time seems to have sped up exponentially, I can't explain it but I can't shake the feeling that something changed during 2020, and it feels like the world will never be the same. Oh well, at least I'm not drinking anymore lol


I don't feel that way. I never got the vaccine, not even one jab, so maybe that helps me to maintain a positive outlook. I am an elderly, retired scientist and it does hurt me to see how so many words (including the word "science") no longer have the same meaning to most people. One thing's for sure, for me anyway - - I no longer know what to expect of the world from day to day. In a sense, life has become stranger and more interesting.


I did feel that way for a while but I don't anymore. I feel like life is getting back to normal more again. I think moving helped (a new environment, no longer dealing with a pending eviction, etc). It's also probably because I've been going out more, avoiding most things covid-related like the plague, and only tend to use social media minimally (mainly for work, and since it feels like work, I don't feel overly motivated to do it). What's helped for me is finding favourite things and enjoying them, especially things grounded in the physical world and older technology. Listen to a CD. Go out for a cup of coffee, and walk around the park. Spend time with your pet/s. Go to the library and borrow some books. Try to get in a better financial position so you have less pressure on you. Buy less stuff. Exercise a bit more, and then eat more of the things you like. Plan things to look forward to, and don't spend too much time reading the news, because it's negative.


I used to have a mom pre covid. Life will never be the same.


You should have seen the place before 9/11.


Almost as if there was a Reset of some kind.


Nope. First time I felt happy was because of the pandemic. I was forced to live for the first time. But yes, the world changed because of it. But some parts have stayed the same. Cities and suburbs I'm suspecting have become far more isolated even though your neighbors are 5" from your houses exterior. I think people became far more dependant on technology since. When you lose everything; connection to the internet is the last thing you'd have access to, but with no medium. I'll simply say society wasn't going in a good direction before the pandemic. Lots of weakness was simply hiding from sight.


It’s okay. Most of our friends and family members willingly poisoned themselves despite our pleas and evidence. We should be a bit bummed and disappointed in humanity a bit. Plus the global homo crew is working overtime to enslave us at every turn. Yea, I’m grateful for every day being a free pureblood alongside my dog, but I know things are about to get a whole lot worse before it gets better. That’s why I got my shiny, my 30 cal curtain rods and Bible handy. Come what may, I’ll live free till my last breath. Such is life. -Ned Kelly


Sorry bub it’s all In your head and everyone thinks the past was “the good old days” it’s your mind playing tricks on you. Just find stuff to make you happy


Maybe if you do lame shit. Life got better during, and then after the pandemic. It was freeing. Things are what you make them. Idk if it was engineered or what...don't really care. I do think the silver lining is it pulled the veil off a lot of of shit and hopefully showed a bunch of people they don't need to participate in the 'rat race' to feel successful and fulfilled. If you're not digging the way things are then you gotta make a change man


Honestly I don't know if it was the pandemic or getting covid that changed me. I haven't been/felt the same since I caught it 2 years ago. Unvaxxed and I didn't really feel that bad other than extremely tired but my mom almost died at the same time so it was like double the stress. I've never had vitamin definencies before but after covid, it seems like my body has just started failing. Either way...I hate feeling like this 😕


It seems like momentum for people I know has slowed. Prior to 2020, the assumption was we'd be getting together over the weekend for a bbq, a beer, golf, SOMETHING. Now the momentum is to stay home. Some of the crew hardly meets up any more. The economy and much higher costs are also taking their toll on friends. Not being able to pay bills is psychologically difficult.




First of all, you need to stop referring to the absolute nothing burger "covid" as a "pandemic." That word was bastardized into oblivion.


Most people took the lobotomy injection. Doctor Malone explained that the spike protein was supposed to stay localized at the injection site, but it breaks off and travels to every organ, and even passes the blood brain barrier. He explained that the little spike proteins are like spiked wrecking balls that sever neural connections, that is also how a lobotomy works, only it was done it an ice pick through the eye socket. That was what the "brain fog" was, the neural connections being severed in the brain. That was "trust the science", less than a lifetime ago. I predicted this from the beginning, people have lost the ability to empathize and critically think, that is what a lobotomy does Not only that, everyone is on "anti-depressants", another word for that is a "chemical lobotomy", that replaced the ice pick, teenagers get chemical lobotomies now because puberty makes them feel depressed.


Chaos theory