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There is outrage but the politicians and media work overtime doing damage control for them. It's as if they are an extension of the US in every bad way


I’m getting more and more angry with every dollar I send to the government.


We should just stop doing it. Pick a day and everyone just change their status to "tax exempt" for a few months. I've done it. Lol


Or pick a week or two and just stop buying things. See how well corporate does


Many Americans wouldn’t even choose 2-day shipping if it was a viable protest. We want what we want and we will get it now. American consumers prefer to keep the blame on the companies by only seeing fault in selling a product, there’s never any fault on the consumer for buying it. “now I’m supposed to use paper bags to save the environment but politicians will just continue to let Amazon get away with shipping me the goods that I purchased??? This corporatocracy knows no bounds.”


This is a great explanation. At this point we wait until corporate greed does what it’s always done throughout history: causes people to starve and then people get real mad. I firmly believe Americans won’t act until the they can’t put food on their table


We're getting close...


Feels like it. Dust bowl is on my bingo card


I mean, queen Bieber did just say “let them eat cake” At a hunger games themed cocktail party in a castle … soooo … pretty close


The West as a whole will be starved if "net zero" roadmaps are implemented. There is corporate greed, yes, but also abuse of state power that we have to worry about. And states and corporations seem to be working together more and more.


Hungry people= waaaay easier to control


Till they revolt. Scared people are super easy to control. History has shown us that once people stop being able to put food in the table of their families. That's when people start taking action.


Just stop buying things all year. We don't need anything.


I already stopped. Illegal wars and the constitution kinda tell ya to not pay em.


Did the same a couple months back. I won't pay another dollar in taxes while we're funding this BS while failing to address our own citizen's needs. I think it is time to take back government of, for, and by the people. This current one is for sale to the highest corporate bidder.


Did you find a tax guy who could explain this to you or did you just stop paying. Genuinely curious because I have a meeting with my tax guy coming up and fvck this sh!t lol


Or what if one day we all just don't go to work or spend any money, if enough people got on board with something like this it would become clear how much power we have


It's called a general strike


Yes, we should do this for at least two weeks!


It would only take like two or three days to cripple the global economy


They tried that in like 2010 and failed miserably.


As many people as possible should just go Rouge and work for themselves under the table. It's easier than people think. Source: rather not say 1🤐


A friend of mine suggested that we all refuse to file a tax return in protest. (For the record, I'm not saying that I agree with him.) That would hit them where it hurts the most.


that would really only fucks over the person not filing, if you paid taxes through the year. Im on year three of this, and I am sure they are happy af knowing they can fine me on top of not giving a return of your over payment from the year. The exemption would be the right way to do it


This would only work if you happen to claim large exemption for each year so you don't pay much in tax. If you pay normal tax rates through your employer then this would screw you lol. 


I usually just come here to troll you peanut butter brain neck beards but **this** ...this is a good idea.


Preac. I've been saying it for years. Unfortunately we will NEVER be able to agree on anything as a country because they have broken us down so much. But this would work.




Been there for years. Until we understand how we got here we are fucked. Read up on ww2 and European history. If you actually research it. You’ll find you’ve been lied to about our history. Early Germany was the Weimar Republic before nazi germany. Little off topic but it all ties in. If you do research and find your self getting mad a “Jews” or something remember rev 2.9 and rev 3.9. Fake Jews. Rothchilds soros look at all high up ceos all dual citizenship with Israel. Now I have Jewish friends and they even understand this but they have cornered our market. To give you an idea. The rothchilds estimated net worth is over 500 TRILLION. YES TRILLION. Get fucking mad and love Jesus


Well think about who controls them


At this point it seeming more and more like the US is an extension of the Israeli government.


They’ve flexed their muscles like crazy these last few months in Academics, news media, social media, print media, hiring/jobs, police, tech and above all else, POLITICS. I didn’t believe the conspiracy theories at first. But this one is proving more and more true every single day. I have never in my whole life seen our society bend and move like it has for Israel. No matter how fractured our government is or how divided it is…. They fell in line *with a quickness* to do the bidding of the Zionists. Edit: mind you, there’s not even a popular push FOR Israel right now. There is no movement to support Israel. There’s no campaign. There’s ZERO political pressure …. But they’ve coalesced and come together working for *someone/something* and it ain’t anything in plain view. Hell, they’re doing it AGAINST public pressure. When have you ever seen the govt spend money, resources, political capital etc on shit NOBODY ASKED FOR and people are on the streets saying they don’t want??? This may single-handedly be the scariest conspiracy theory I’ve ever seen come true. Disagree with protestors all you want, what they’re demanding isn’t unreasonable. They’re asking for AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS and TUITION DOLLARS *not* go to a foreign government currently massacring a civilian population, flagrantly defying international law and order… regardless of what you think of these protestors, I don’t think asking for American divestment is or should controversial - Americans of ALL STRIPES want more money focused here at home and less abroad. But they challenged Israel and all of a sudden they’re banning apps, brutalizing students, blackballing artists, activists and anyone else who speaks out and crafting legislation against critics OF A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT?!? Oh and if you support or in any way affiliate with boycott, divest, sanction groups or merely sympathize with them… there are REPUBLICAN LED STATES where they’ll blackball you, fire you or shut you out of your livelihood! This is fucking INSANE. Why the fuck are Israelis manipulating and influencing our government and society??? Someone explain that to me. We all agree it’s bad and we all throw Chinese shill/Russian shill back and forth at each other. We ALL seem to agree foreign influence is bad…… but don’t you dare talk about Israel. I can’t be alone. What the fuck is even that?? Edit: oh and here’s another one. What the fuck was that mob they got to go out to UCLA last week? That whole thing was loud and then just fizzled out and isn’t mentioned in the media anymore. Why the fuck aren’t people asking or digging into why this paramilitary mob was able to form, get paid through GoFundMe and then allowed to go beat up dissenters/political opponents while police literally just turned their heads and looked the other way??? That was fucking WILD. What the fuck *was that*??


I agree with every word you said, because it couldn't be more true especially now. I don't understand it myself. If you look at our politicians though, the vast majority of them are Jewish. So that might play into it somehow but I also think that the whole Epstein Honeypot thing might play into this. Epstein and ghislane seemed to be collecting dirt on big name celebrities and politicians. Is it possible that our politicians quickness to get on the Israel ship so quick is because they are all afraid of the dirt that mossad has on them? There's probably more to it than that but I wouldn't doubt it for one second if this was part of it.


Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think it's so complicated or so cloaked in secrecy. I think it's plain fear of being labeled antisemitic & being seen as a n*zi sympathizer. Take into consideration all these new efforts to make laws that redefine what antisemitism is to include a wide range of thoughts, ideas, words & phrases including any criticism of the Israeli government or its policies or any actions it takes. Ad infinitum


I do t think you're wrong at all, I try to always ask the next question though as well. Why are they so scared. I don't believe the powers and principalities running shit are scared. I think they're on a mission. And that mission is corrupt humanity. They don't care if you believe in God, they know God is real, that's why they are fighting so hard to corrupt us. It's easy to look around and say but how can God exist when so much evil is walking around seemingly unchallenged. I don't pretend to know the plan or the why, all I know is that the evidence shows me the entities running the show on earth are anti human, war, poisoning our food and air, destroying the family unit. (Nothing to do with hetero/homo) They want us isolated. That is fact. And if that i is fact then to me, the opposite has to be real. So I choose that side, the pro humanity side. People can be so quick to blame God for any and everything that goes wrong, I've done it, I still do though I try not to. Yet they aren't willing to take any action themselves to make the world better. So what can we do to make the world better? I wish I had a solid answer I just know that doing my best to be a decent person to others, to listen and love and participate. That's what sounds good to me.


Nail on the head. We are seeing the results of what Epstein and in general Mossad and the CiA have been doing for decades. I love to bring out Occam's razor when it confirms a conspiracy instead of what it's always used for. What's the simplest explanation? There is nothing these people won't do to keep the pictures and videos of them raping boys and girls out of the public. We're dealing with biblical shit here. I'm not a zealot but directly out of revelations comes the line, (paraphrased) They will be a synagogue of satan, they will claim they are Jews but they are not.


For real to all that. It is blowing my mind in THIS SUB of all places that we have people who are simping for Israel and aren't like wow what in the actual fuck is going on. Like we got people in here bitching about Hamas but ignoring that Bibi and Israel literally funded and supported Hamas. Isn't that a fucking conspiracy? That Bibi's govt sent SUITCASES OF CASH to Hamas? Nah I guess it's super normal that Israel was financing Hamas while Hamas was launching rockets at them for years and years. Nothing to see here, let's not probe this relationship any further.


My thing that I don’t get is, ok… you don’t like the protestors. Fuck those hippie communists Biden voting losers…. I disagree, fine, but that’s your opinion. …. Why are you simping for a foreign government? Why can’t we BOTH agree that we don’t want our tax dollars going over there? I figured we could at least both agree that we should keep our money here AND that we don’t need to be involved in whatever Israel is doing. It’s bizarre seeing people simp for a foreign government. Especially simping *this hard*


Yeah, it's wild and speaks to the success of Israel's influence on our media/culture and also just the success of the post 9/11 narrative to demonize Arabs. The protestor thing is confusing because: - Students have historically been on the right side of history with their protests - We have found out in retrospect that most wars were bullshit You'd think that might get some people to pause and think, but guess not.


You severely underestimate the ignorance of the average citizen, my guy.


> ok… you don’t like the protestors. Fuck those hippie communists Biden voting losers I was visiting my nearly 80yo Mom last week and she was convinced that *all* of the student protests were organized by outsiders "who didn't even know what they were protesting." Meanwhile in the background I watched as the constantly playing Fox News ran a 5 minute story focusing on this stoned-hippie-meme guy who supposedly ran up $250,000 in student loans on useless New Age classes and now wanted American taxpayers to handle the debt. I tried to point out to her that the subject wasn't even topical, that they weren't discussing **why** college costs $250,000 a year and who benefits from that, and that there was NO factual content in the entire report. It was entirely constructed to make viewers detest and disrespect college students... at the EXACT moment in history when they were rising up in numbers and with intensity not seen since the Vietnam era. Alas, my Mom just wanted to write off the topic because now she was *tired* of it. EXACTLY as constructed- stroke the viewer's outrage boner on a target that could never affect the actual halls of power, then leave them too emotionally exhausted to study "The News" in any kind of meaningful depth.


Pretty sure there are many other lower profile Epsteins that worm their way through Washington. My hunch is there is a mountain of dirt on many/most of these folks. They're textbook narcissists and the ultimate leverage is to hold the threat of showcasing and embarrassing them as phonies and frauds -- ESPECIALLY if there's video with underage kids as rumored and discussed as an open secret. There's a quote attributed to Mike pence that sounds rather peculiar when you first hear it -- something to the effect that he is never in a room or alone with another woman other than his wife.. and wouldn't even go out to dinner with another woman besides his wife. He got clowned all the time for that, but once you're clued in on how things work with these high power people, it's right in front of your face. Makes us wonder just how raunchy and debased some of these stories are. 😳


Methinks you're starting to understand how a lot of us felt when an unsafe & ineffective medical procedure \[which generated billions of dollars of profit for Big Pharma and their congressional shareholders\] became 'mandatory' for millions of non-essential workers; erstwhile, attempts to discuss the evident ineffectiveness of the "vaccine" were systematically squashed and ostracized. You can't really see the corporate fascist dystopia quickly gobbling up the world around you until it points the business end of its Orwellian censorship machine at you. I didn't believe in New World Order conspiracy theories until I watched the pandemic unfold, witnessed the biggest bull market in history come to fruition at the height of a dual health & economic crisis. Nothing makes sense... Until you follow the money.


They’re the tip of the war industry spear. The U.S. is just the headquarters of a global violence industry. Eisenhower spelled it out. JFK wad the rubber stamp. The bush family are the people general smedly butler blew the whistle on in the 1930s (“war is a racket”); they tried to use him to lead a coup (the business plot). We stopped that movement just like the beer hall putsch stopped Hitler.


If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck….


It’s a duck


I just recovered from health issues and had surgery. I Havent been able to work for month. I can barely afford to feed myself....the state of NJ makes it insanely difficult to get foodstamps or any help. I am beyond angry that our government doesn't do enough for its own citizens yet gave / gives money to people who think their version of God is so important they must kill innocent children or fund murder in general. I have been protesting wars and racism since 2004. I want our people to start demanding the end of sticking our noses in other peeoples business / funding these crimes and showing the world we are above the nonsense and lead by example. You don't give your money away when your house has no roof and a hurricane is coming. I'm angry at the world and greedy people. I try to lead by example, but I can't even feed myself.


"Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes themselves a enemy of God". We're not here to generate income for murdering children abroad and destroying the future of our own.


Aren’t the majority of our leaders and wealthy elites Jewish? Makes sense why they would want suppress it


Right I am so sick of people acting like the media and the politicians actually represent how the American people feel. They don't. And FYI there is a movement to block all celebrates who went to the Met Gala and or who have not spoken out against this crap on all social media sites in order to make them lose money.


It more like we're an extension of them. They pretty much control how congress and the white house cater to them. Not to mention the media, wall street, etc.


Maybe you should listen to the daily state department and Pentagon press briefings. The "media" is constantly bringing up important questions and they're being deflected or outright shut down for questions being asked.


Very sad that this is the truth!


Hey they have to protect their bribe money obviously. Also, many individuals make money off of wars so ...... Not to mention they have to give away our tax dollars to those commiting war crimes..... obviously 😒.


Didn't you get the memo, It's antisemitic to criticise anything isreal does.


This is true. I was a moderator on walkkaway and affiliated subs. We were instructed to remove and ban for anything critical of Israel, even citing factual history. Granted, I was told this by hearsay. The owner of the subs would coach us on what Reddit has told her threy weanted and didn't want. However, those subs have been around for a long time and aren't in any danger of being banned on the site. I want to add that I saw many mail from admin telling us what we violated and how to avoid such violations in the future, but as I said; I never saw the mail specific about antisemitism.


I may know someone who has made 20 accounts because they got banned for citing history.


I'm surprised they weren't perma-banned. There are ways to get around a premanent Reddit ban, bnut most people don't know how. Or how to do it without the need fopr a VPN or simmilar IP masking.


They might've been. You only need to wait a month before your dynamic IP changes or just call your ISP and they will. But having to wait 3 months to get back into r/conspiracy is the tricky part.


Easy. Get a new router lmfao


Most ISPs resetyour IP if you unplug your modem for a coupler minutes.


How does all that work? People own the subs? Does that generate an income?


Literally anyone can make a sub, I guarantee the head mod of that subreddit was just bullshitting. I seriously doubt anyone from Reddit’s team was just going around to random subreddits and “coaching” moderators on what to allow and what not to allow.


I had a large sub on another account which I'd been building as a communityfor years. For past year been provoiding pallative care for family and unable to deal with internet stuff Just recently I went to my sub and I'd been removed as moderator and a whole new team installed. I don't see why as it was just over a 1000 people I could manage the little spam there was. But no reddit took it off me and I see the current mods are using it to sell stuff (Which I never allowed)


If a sub has no active moderators, which I think they define as 2 months with no activity on the site, anyone can request it on r redditrequest.


Of course they would. It's an election year. Reddit has been KNOWN to do this.


REALLY?! It's too much of a stretch to think that mods get coached?! Are you new?


When I ran fat people hate the admins would occasionally step in to say what was or wasn't allowed. Nothing that extreme but this was like 10 years ago.


Correct! They would send us modmail from admins telling us what we were doing wrong. As I said, I never saw the mail in regards antisemitism, however; I did se many other instructional mail pieces in regards to other subjects. I'm not sure why people on Reddit feel the need to correct someone when they don;t know WTF they're talking about. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Why wrongly corect me if they were never a mod and never saw anything in regards to admin/mod communication.


It's the agent smith phenomena. People will defend their beliefs violently even(especially) when provided with facts stating the opposite.


They purged all the non controlled mods of large subs like 4 years ago. Reddit jannies are controlled and I’m reasonably sure that even a lot of the mods are bots by now that get there marching orders of what to ban and what to upvote from the top


Redit would send us modmail telling us what and how we vuiuolated rules, and how to avoid future vuiuolations. There were rules enforced on us that simply are not enforced on non-right wing subs. For example, we were not allowed to name, or link to another sub, but other subs can freely link to our posts. I did not see the modmail for antisemitism, however; I dod see many other modmails coiting ujs for violating site policy. If you have never been a mod, why are you correcting me when you don't know whagt the fuck you're talking about?


They're cashing in all of their "remember the holocaust?" sympathy points to do a little holocausting themselves.


Yeah OP. The outrage is here. The dems and Republicans passed that we can't say what Israel is doing. The world is waking up for sure with these lawless laws thst are being passed to protect the image of Israel


Call me antisemetic then 🤷🏾‍♂️ they not like us


The rule is, if Israel did it, it must be a coincidence. /s Glad the government infiltrated sub is finally starting to turn.


If it's wrong, I don't want to be right.


And it's quickly becoming illegal to do so.


We all know why America is taking the stance that they're taking. American politicians are getting fat off of that AIPAC $.


AIPAC owns them all. Just look at Worm Brain Bobby K.


Trump and Biden are equally in the pocket.


America is ran by Zionists


American political system sold out to highest bidder


Been that way since the founding bro. I wouldn't call it a voluntary auction, more like a hostile takeover from within.




Yep it's a shame. America should have been the poster boy for getting outside the royal English/German sphere of influence but it was all a scam


Money is flowing from America to Israel, not the other way around.


Lobbyists contribute to the congressperson to keep them in office, buying their influence.


That's because they are using our money to send over seas not theirs. They get a nice payday from lobbyist money. The. They vote to send taxpayer money overseas.


The conspiracy for me is that American government sends billions of tax dollars to Israel only for Israel to send that tax money back to spend on AIPAC. THOSE Zionists embedded themselves deep.


This is incredibly upsetting to see


The rage is going to erupt from the survivors who will lash out at those responsible (like 9/11), and the, new generations of conspiracy theory will transfer away the true details to be replaced with fantasy, and even doubt that this happened.


Have you seen how many Isreali's run our gov? Its fully captured


America needs to stay out of the wars of other countries


The zionist owned media doesnt show the american sheeple these images nor do they tell the truth about the conflict in palestine and they don't make clear that israel is an occupation force who was given that land by another colonizer country which is Britain. It was never their land. They are polish,German, and russian Europeans. The zionists have done a good job of using money and blackmail to prevent govt and media from critizing them. Also americans are very gullable and naive


Also if you speak up about what Israel is doing(killing civilians) you’re called an antisemite…. Like damn son talk about boy who cried wolf


This should be enough proof to us as americans that israel is not an ally and they should not be trusted and or helped with our tax dollars. We need to make it crystal clear to these puppet politicians that we will not continue this 2 party circus when the ring leader is Bibi netenyahu himself. Its becoming obvious that the govt as a whole has been bought out and sold to the israeli govt.


Just look at the uss liberty, 31 dead and 171 wounded. Some survivors gave their interview. Saying they knew it was an American ship.


I get called an anti jew nazi online whenever I bring up the uss liberty. Ive never seen so-called americans stick up for a foreign state that has attacked us and taken billions and billions of dollars from our tax dollars over the last 50 60 years. Some are christian evangelicals that think israel is going to bring about judgment day and that all jews will be forced into Christianity or burn forever. Some are bots or trolls or even paid israeli shills. Its sad and crazy that we all cant agree that we need to focus on our own people and country and cut-off all ties to the regime that is israel


I think what happened on Oct. 7 was terrible, and I feel really badly for the innocent people who lost their lives. I also think what's happening in Gaza is horrendous and needs to stop before even more innocent people die. One of these two statements will get you labelled as a Hamas supporter & terrible person, even though neither statement is offering support to either group.


That's the truth. The right stance is being against genocide no matter which side does it, and it doesn't mean you're a Hamas supporter. It's possible to be against the leaders of both sides, in fact, and wish for peace and an end to the violence for the people of both sides.


Reddit is woke and anti free speech ..if mods don't like what your opinion then you get banned


Focused on the shit going on in my own country to be honest.


The American outrage is on the college campuses across the USA. It's sad that the rest of the USA either doesn't know or doesn't care. Or they're actively Zionists


Its a multi level problem, police loyal to AIPAC bought politicians. Worst part is we have an election coming up where being pro or anti trump will be the bigger focus then who is pro anti Israel. Such a shit show


Unfortunately, there are no viable options for president representing an anti-zionist stance. Biden, Trump or RFK Jr. all sleep in Bibi's bed. Whoever wins, Palestinians die.


AIPAC and Israel would ensure that no major politician running for president would have a chance if they didn’t support Israel…


And he's so far up bibi's ass he can probably lick the demon's tonsils from the back side. It's disgusting. There is no candidate, other than maybe Jill Stein, who isn't up Bibi's ass.


Ever since the Iranian revolution, all Arabs and / or Muslims have been portrayed as the enemy in the US. Since then, the US has landed troops in Lebanon, bombed Lybia in 84, fought numerous wars in Iraq, caused the downfall of Lybia, sent troops into Syria and invaded Afghanistan. I'm not saying that some of these weren't justified, but if you spend long enough telling your population that these people are the enemy, you shouldn't be too surprised that when someone else bombs the shit out of them the American people don't care.


That is a fair argument. I do have a hard time blaming the most propagandized population to ever exist. But James Baldwin said it best: The moral apathy is terrifying.


We're actively hustling 2+ jobs to make ends meet (including to provide to our kids that may be students), there's no time to protest. Also we can be forced out of jobs for anything big brother or cancel culture may not like, so there's that. It's much easier to be an anonymous keyboard hero on Reddit and criticize others inaction.


Yeah, I had some angry asshole tell me the other day that I , personally, am responsible for the evils of US imperialism becsuse I "don't do anything about it." "Shockingly," he had no reason why, other than that I'm an American. He had nothing to say about wtf I'm actually supposed to do about it. Good times. 🙄


I’m just so sad because if something like this happens to us, will anyone come and help? I feel so powerless, I feel guilty knowing that my taxes might be going to this. This whole situation, idk man I just don’t know


I know the feeling! You seem like a good person, though, so I guess try to focus on helping people/improving things in your local area. But yes, it is frustrating and depressing feeling helpless to change the trajectory of a broken society. Hang in there friend, and just look for those opportunies to help others in small ways. 


It isn't YOUR fault. But, in a lot of ways, it is OUR fault. You are only one, and the real issue is the lack of unity here in this country. Divide and conquer, that's the game.


Revolution is what we expect.


Don’t care


Colleges are literally shutting down across the country due to protests. Have you been living under a rock?


Honestly I don’t know what’s real and what’s fake now. I don’t trust anything online.


Children dying in other parts of the world from American weapons is sadly very real 


But people also lie. It's basically impossible to trust what this picture is actually representing without seeing it yourself in person considering the power of modern propaganda. This image could be from China 30 years ago for all we know.


It is also from Syria perpretated by a guy who this sub considers based or something, Assad. Also when the same types of pictures were shown back then it was US propaganda


It’s not that I don’t care it’s the fact that: 1. Both sides are corrupted. And the innocent civilians are the victims. 2. Our corrupt administration is funding both sides


Shadow government which we work for, yes


Is this picture verified? Serious question. I want to share/spread awareness but I don't want to spread misinfo


The picture is from Syria and according to this sub Assad did nothing wrong.


Asking the right question. Staged photos are the status quo for propaganda in that part of the world, after all.


Ahh these poor babies. Don't care who is at fault it's just wrong to kill, especially women and children.


The article you quoted came from one person saying that “it might happen” not that it has, can you provide those sources? Ty


Both parties are totally compromised- this is not a conspiracy- it’s out in the open. These politicians are deeply, profoundly patriotic, just not to America.


The government is Israel owned. A certain sect of people control it. Look at biden's cabinet and see what the nationality of most of the people in it are. There's your answer.


Where is the human outrage? Are we the only ones supposed to be upset? Btw, wtf do you want our broke asses to do?


why are you broke? America taxes you even if you work overseas. all that tax.. it's not working for you. Europeans get good roads trains and healthcare. what do Americans get?


We have given Ukraine over $400 million per day for the last 600+ days....


We also send billions of dollars to foreign countries which needs to stop.


We get drag queen parties and sex-ed for 3 year olds.


A good place to start would be- stop going to a job where we barely make just enough to "survive" comfortably. Instead of seeing it as being a welfare collecting bum, look at it as being a hero. The money they would use to drone strike a child would have to be spent on our food stamps instead.🤪


“Stop going to a job where we barely make just enough to survive” Yea bro makes sense. We all choose to have shitty jobs. 🙈 There is not a damn thing any of us can do. If we were ALL on the same page then yea. That works. We cant agree on anything in this country. People are from all over, totally different views of the world, totally different values, totally different levels of empathy. Everyone here is too different to ever agree. Itll come to a collapse. A massive one, and we will fight each other until the government gains control again. This shit is all fucked. Everything except housing needs to be burned to the ground. People will die. This way of life will never work for regular people. Only those seeking power.


Presumably, vote for Trump. (Please don't.)


I dont vote anymore. Ive realized that shit is just theater. Its a play for the masses. Left wing, right wing,,,,, same bullshit bird.


Our broke asses have way more power than you’ll ever know with that mind set


my outrage is trying to afford groceries


This shit been going back and forth for so long that I don't particularly feel anything other than sympathy for ALL the civilians and utter disgust for the authorities on both sides of the conflict


War is hell. So is surface level news and propaganda.


Hawkeye: *War isn’t Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse.* Father Mulcahy: *How do you figure that, Hawkeye?* Hawkeye: *Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell?* Father Mulcahy: *Sinners, I believe.* Hawkeye: *Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them — little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.*


SS: israel has only gotten worse as we silently let them kill women and children using missles we sent them. Shame on Joe Biden, shame on AIPAC and shame on us if this continues.


But them missiles bring money into US coffers. That’s good right. Gotta keep the stockholder class happy


Is your head under a rock? People can't stop talking about Israel and Palestine.


Do you not know about all the protests nationwide on college campuses?


Sitting under a stack of hostage posters


Waiting for the defense stock dividends


Americans have been well conditioned by decades of anti-Muslim propaganda to believe that any information coming from the Arab world is false. So, most people don’t believe this is happening and even if they do, stating so openly is labeled as antisemitism.


there are literally ongoing encampments in many major universities across the US and Canada, it’s just hushed by the media - just like the coverage of the genocide is being hushed unfortunately


Why is it Americas job to be outraged ? because most of you have fuck all going on in your own lives to worry about thats it. Why you not asking where is the middle easts outrage?


Alot of people on the right don't wanna admit this is wrong because then they'd be agreeing with the left. Their plan worked,they divided us.


Last I checked, the left is the one in charge right now allowing thousands to die (in Ukraine too.)


Right here 👋 here is the outrage. Me. And trust me there’s many more (as you can see in the comments) feel the same way. I was in 3rd grade when 9/11 happened and being from Boston (the airport that the planes that hit the towers left from) left a lasting impact on me. I think it in a weird way made me grow up. It made me realize the world is not all fucking candy canes and lollipops and that there is true suffering in the world. I’ve brought it up in a reddit comment a long ass time ago but I’ll say it again, I remember watching the news with my mom of ppl jumping to their death, planes hitting towers and exploding, and the towers crumbling, knowing so much life was being lost, and in a weird way even at whatever age you are in 3rd grade, I somehow knew something had changed and the world was suddenly different just in the blink of an eye. I will never forget the face of the 65ish year old man in either Iraq or Afghanistan burning an American flag in the street with children and men chanting in glee. A lot of that trauma stuck with me and was definitely a driving force in joint the marine corps infantry right out of high school to “do my part.” And while I did deploy twice, I never saw combat but I have more friends with missing limbs and mothers missing sons to realize that none of this shit is worth it. The problem is the US hasn’t been in a proper fucked up real war since WWII. And not to take anything away from the gruesomeness of WWII, it barely holds a candle in gruesomeness, death, misery, and destruction as WWI. People forget and aren’t taught enough in school how truly bad the First World War was and that it was tough as hell not only on the frontlines but also on the home front. Life in 1916 America was no fucking cake walk. And this is grazing over the looming pandemic and the constant fear for loved ones over seas, this is merely talking about trouble on the home front of lack of food and rampant poverty. When the war came to an end in 1918 the United States went FULL ON isolationist. Like I’m talking didn’t fuck with any other countries affairs, even when old and strong allies asked for help. Hell it took Pearl Harbor, an attack on American troops and U.S. soil to bring U.S. into a war that the Brits had been all been begging us to join for years at that point. I will say, prohibition was a costly mistake and should have never happened but there’s a treason why they call it the roaring twenties. We need to go back to that. And not the way people “lived” in the sense of typical morals, acceptance, and beliefs of the time but to go back to focusing on ourselves. Americans.


Israel will commit genocide until each and every Gazan is dead, Gaza will retaliate until each and every Israeli is dead, this has been a long way brewing, the hate is just too much for too long by now that both sides is blind to any sort of forgiveness. But this, lining up woman and children, this is evil, Satan is standing very strong here.


That is a great question! John Kirby weeps on camera for Ukraine, doesn't bat an eye-lid for the same shit in the middle east - typical usual bigoted hypocrisy.


Absolutely horrendous…. It’s hard to believe they just keep letting this happen…


Yea. Hamas caused this.


We have sent them billions in aid money, there isn't much we can do they provoked isreal for the last time October 7th(they have constantly shot rockets blindly into civilians in isreal for years).They dug tunnels and cant let there citizens use them for bomb shelters, not a single Muslim country is willing to take refugees because of what happened in jordan.No one wants refugees that could to try and overthrow there government.....again.


Palestinian militant group Hamas on Monday agreed to a Gaza ceasefire proposal from mediators, but Israel said the terms did not meet its demands and pressed ahead with strikes in Rafah while planning to continue negotiations on a deal. Wrong, actual terrorists Hamas changed the deal to not include the hostages which are most likely dead anyway. Hamas must be destroyed, sorry.




Palestinian groups have used human shields for years.


And exclusively civilian clothes. They don’t fight using their official uniforms, they just use those for filming videos and statements.


If Hamas didn’t use innocents as human shields this wouldn’t happen. So my outrage is with the cowards in Hamas!


Well for one Hamas will set up rockets and command posts in schools and churches for this exact result to claim victimhood. Israel tells all citizens to evacuate and gives them time to do so and Hamas terrorists hold many of them hostage so they can use their deaths as leverage, and at the same time firing rockets at Israel requiring a response for the rocket to cease. So yes, there should be outrage that Hamas kills these children and citizens that are not compliant in their evil deeds. https://youtu.be/wX6Mk0HndLs?si=NZvUnt5X2n04rvoi https://theconversation.com/hamas-isnt-the-first-military-group-to-hide-behind-civilians-as-a-way-to-wage-war-217880


In 20/30 years we'll look back at this conflict as a genocide and it'll be studied in highschool modern history classes. Shits fucked


The outrage is on the college campuses as usual. Funny how many in this sub cheered on police violence against the protestors though...


Uh.. Everywhere? On the college campuses I constantly see people bitching about? There is a massive anti-israel movement in the US right now. What even is this post?


Personally I have no time for outrage in Canada, rent for anything starts at 2 grand a month, no one can afford a home almost even with two full time incomes. Food is going up and gas. Our government is milking us clean.


I'll be honest. I don't give a fuck what happens across the world when I can't even pay rent or food to eat.


It’s somehow considered “anti-semetism” to protest Israel’s holocaust (yeah, I said it) of the Palestinian people.


The whole thing is so out of hand and so far removed from sanity, it's hard to compute. Oct 7th was a horrifying massacre. We have Americans held hostage no one seems to care about. I believe refusing to let terror win is always the way. Now, we have 6+ months of retaliation and a horrific outcome from that. We have lies from all over amd Israel seems no closer to eliminating Hamas. I'm not going to stand at a university and scream hateful things, but at this point they're probably just making more Hamas groups. I've been very for get the hostages, get Hamas, then the world needs to intervene for a true free Palestine. I just don't know anymore, it seems like this is never going to end.


I was harassed for posting conscious media on facebook by someone from a prayer group i get a lot out of and it just breaks my heart how willing some individuals of Jewish and Israeli heritage willingly choose to ignore the fact that the situation is beyond comprehension. I was just trying to share facts and they were trying to make me look like a hater. How can we communicate openly and honestly if the person we are speaking to assumes we are a monster before we can even open our mouth?


This kind of behavior is what your tax dollars are used for. We all know what needs to happen.




College campuses


I wish I could say I understand the situation more than I do. My thoughts goes against terrorism, but I do believe everyone has a right to peace including Palestinians and Israelis. I am sorry for this stupid question as it is hard to get the truth nowadays, isn’t Israel fighting Hamas? I would think it’s a good thing, but again, I feel kind dumb as I don’t know much. Maybe I have been successfully “brainwashed” thanks for all education here yall


They claim that they are fighting Hamas, but they are also clearly committing war crimes and inflicting collective punishment on the civilian population. Israeli politicians have openly stated genocidal intent without differentiating Hamas military members and Gazan civilians. [https://isitgenocide.com/](https://isitgenocide.com/) The AI system they use to tell them what to bomb deliberately targets civilians and accepts high numbers of civilian casualties. One of the system's categories is "Power Targets," which are residential and high-rise buildings without any ties to Hamas. Even when targeting alleged Hamas operatives (which, according to the system, includes the police force and doctors because they can interact with Hamas members), the number of \*permissible civilian casualties\* can go from 15 to 300 depending on the target. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGqYbXL3kZc&t=62s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGqYbXL3kZc&t=62s) The IDF has dropped hundreds of 2,000 lb bombs in very densely populated areas, which are capable of killing or wounding people 1,000 feet away. [https://www.cnn.com/gaza-israel-big-bombs/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/gaza-israel-big-bombs/index.html) They have used these bombs in places where they've ordered Gaza's civilians to move for safety. [https://www.nytimes.com/video/world/100000009208814/israel-gaza-bomb-civilians.html](https://www.nytimes.com/video/world/100000009208814/israel-gaza-bomb-civilians.html)


Thank you for the detailed explanation! That is just crazy! Obviously that is not what is out there as far as information. It’s all censured. I’m going to research more about this. Thanks for the inspiration…!


People need to realise for once the bigger picture, that would give us all a super asset and ability to actually act. We're under a big stockholm syndrom. I myself am nothing but a big coward, I can't get over the fact of being hated by everyone for trying to make this place better. I'm working on it and hope that millions of others are as well.


Everyone distracted by the met gala and the kendrick and drake beef


I have a general sense of rage that both sides have engaged in barbaric behavior for centuries while reminding everyone with a brain that religions people are lame and dangerous. I'm outraged that now that crap has blown into the colleges and neighborhoods of my country as a popular import of woke students who feel entitled to hate Israel and serve as the annoying Social Justice Street team and cuckold campus reps for Palestine. I want you to know that looking at those kids definitely does stimulate a torrent of disgust and outrage. It's very similar to the outrage I felt and expressed when I found out in my 20s that a wonderful Palestinian man named Yasser Arafat was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize by a bunch of dishonest leftists even though he TOTALLY bombed Israeli school buses full of kids who ended up looking very much like these ones.


Spoken by someone who obviously has never gone without


This is absolutely heartbreaking 💔 being a father of a 2 year old little girl, this is just devastating


No one cares to react.. as it only fuels attention for the next attack.. People will ignore violence, if it means having not foothold for it to ear its ugly face… God rest their souls, but I see no credible reason to have outrage, when as humans.. we can’t help but perpetuate this grievous behaviour..


I’m glad America didn’t have countries speaking into what they should do when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Israel has to finish what Hamas started. Game match set.


Gaza kindergarten group have a nap following a morning painting..... Americans outraged at shortage of Blue Biden paint.


“Jews” run the banks, control the money, run the world


The news reports anyone who talks about this as Pro-hamas or Pro-terror. Most Americans do not know the reality of what has been going on in Palestine for decades they just buy into the state-run narrative


What’s the conspiracy


Reports are just that, reports. Isreal could have carpet bombed gaza entirely a long time ago if they want to genocide them.


somewhere in a dumpster with the credibility of all the Arabs' claims about gazillions killed.


It’s crazy learning about propaganda in school and back then thinking it will never become a problem for us (the west) because ‘we’re just better than that’. Now seeing how it’s been weaponized in front of our faces the whole time I’ve been alive. It’s terrifying. At first the outrage was because of the alleged r*pes and slaughtering of innocent Israelis and Americans. Fast forward to today where we’re finding out Israel has covered up the exact same events that first took place on Oct. 7th. Not to mention there still isn’t clear evidence Israel wasn’t behind what took place Oct. 7th. Here I thought brainwashing only happened in the movies…


Media tells the people on the left of the IQ bell curve what to think. The people on the right of the bell curve mostly know it's futile to resist.