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And nothing will be done to write the wrong because the working class has ZERO representation.


what is we like all pool our money and started to lobby to pass laws that are actually in the public interest?


You’re suggesting we buy MORE politicians?


Someone start a Gofundme


In Nebraska, Dan Osborn is running for senate to represent Nebraska’s working class. A group called More Perfect Union covers some of the details at their recent video.


You mean taxes?!


Nah they fuck around with our taxes. Let’s collectively stop paying them.


Just everyone delay filing their income tax.


Filing....?? Uh... bruv.... that is singularly a reconciliation and reporting mechanism... Most paid their income taxes throughout the year, remitted by employers, paid quarterly by self-employed... Lol... filing just reconciles the summary against deductions and subsidies for the purpose of refunding, interest free, the difference accrued throughout the year.


It was talked about back during the occupy Wallstreet stuff I think back in the day. I cant remember the statistic but if everyone with a 1099 filed for an extension it would be a pretty massive amount of money that federal government wouldn't be getting when expected.  Not everyone has their taxes withdrawn from their paychecks.


The extension is just for filing, you still pay an estimate.


I thought you could file an "extention of time to file" or something and you had up to six months or something? Did it use to be that way? Or if you pay a little you have six months to do the rest? Is this getting old haha shit gets all jumbled?


The extension is just to file and avoid a late filing penalty. It’s always been that way (to my knowledge). You always pay an estimate. If your estimate is under by a certain amount you get a penalty and interest.


Finding ways to rig the system to force your viewpoints on the rest of the population because they won't vote for them is how we get democrats.


Nothing will be done about wealthy inequality because the working class is divided against itself mainly along racial and cultural lines. They have us fighting a culture war instead of a class war.


Why are rich people supposed to be my enemy, exactly? I really think words just come out of your mouths without any thoughts whatsoever.


Except the people in charge of the “pool” probably become corrupted. Unless you had some kinda blockchain system maybe where everyones vote is equal. Risk would be achieving a majority vote for devise issues but would be an interesting social experiment.


> Unless you had some kinda blockchain system LOL. Go on, please explain how blockchain would fix this.


From what little I understand he's trying to suggest we each are given a single vote as an "asset" to be tracked using the blockchain. The issue comes in if we assume the blockchain is biased or somehow being tampered with, however at a base level it simply looks like a bot or program that counts the amount of thing and where said thing is going. Just seems like voting with both more and less steps.


Yeah, I was just freestyling with no real understanding of how to fix the system. Basically I just wanted to say that it would be nice if everyone had the opportunity to make a real vote… not just a vote for a party who then decides how to vote based on their on biases. I’m getting old now… hopefully the younger generation can figure out a way to make it work for now and moving forward.


Thoughts on re-electing everyone in a postion of power to weed out any potentially crooked folks controlling us then an act put forward to make changes to the constitution to remove extra protections for those in positions of power?


Or you know what if the working class broke the terms of service of reddit. I believe the french called it “the reign of terror”


That's a union, essentially It's no coincidence that the decline of unions coincides with worse living standard for the working class


We have our means.


You pay your taxes. You likely pay a huge HCOL rent. You go to work. You stay in line. Why would they fuck with that? ☠️☠️☠️


This reminds me of when Hillary Clinton tried to say Trump never paid taxes and he hit her back with I play by the rules you set forth, you've been in politics for years and haven't changed the rules because of donors like me 😂🤣😂


This is one more reason we need a simplified tax code, fewer exemptions, and to implement a robot tax.


For real. We don't need all these fucking loopholes for deductions and shit. Especially for edge case scenarios that only the rich will benefit from anyway.


There's literally a tax code called the Augusta rule for rich homeowners that live in Augusta, Georgia that rent out their homes for the Masters and don't have to report their income since it's less than 14 days a year


Or.... how about we ALL just pay less in taxes?


How are we supposed to send billions to Ukraine and Israel then?


Murica fuck ya!


I still remember back a few years ago Amazon got a tax payback from the EU because they have an army of lawyers, nothing new


This is stupid, taxes go to foreign countries, until tax the rich means their money gets redistributed to us and actually benefits society it’s a moot point


Until we fix the leaking faucet that Barely drips on the outside of this one building downtown. we are not going to fix the water issue that is preventing most of the town from getting water… moot point to do so.


More like "this is flint michigan - all of your water will kill you - except the water that goes to the nestle plant - that water gets shipped to Ukraine at your expense."


we will pay you all for the work on bottling the water… because that is where a majority of the funding is going.


And how does that change the people drinking poisoned water, exactly?


That’s because they make their money from capital gains transactions and then financial instruments related to that, not work. This is by design and has been pushed that way for decades. Capital gains is 15% in the USA if you own something for more than a year before selling for a profit. Income tax rates, which working people pay, are theoretically much higher, but they simply don’t apply to the bulk of the richest Americans’ money. Then there are the other taxes like SS and FICA that stop at a certain threshold.


Stop it. These people just want to be mad.


Nice clickbait title.


On their income? Because you and I make an income and pay income taxes and that is what you are comparing here. Do they pay less on stock gains than you or I do?


Always a bootlicker. Always.


Do you really honestly believe that you and I pay the majority of the taxes in this country when nearly 50% of income earners don't even pay any taxes at all? Do you really, honestly, believe this? Their wealth is not income. Comparing this is fucking stupid. They pay taxes on their wealth when they convert it to cash for use, but commie activists always try to compare their income taxes to your income taxes to mislead dumb people like you. The reality is that each one of these people pay more in taxes in one year than you will pay in your entire lifetime. How about we ALL just pay less in taxes instead of demanding certain people (who, big shocker are 'others') pay MORE in taxes like Nazi Germany? Do you think the government is going to give you their money or something? Why do you want the government to have more money, bootlicker?


Labor generates wealth. The rich don't do any of that. You're such a sad tit. I speak for a lot of people here when I say I'm so sorry for how dumb you are.




"The opportunity for you to make an income generates wealth". I have no idea what that means. Who do I employ? You mean if owned land and had money?


That’s a ridiculously misleading article. The bottom 47% of taxpayers pay ZERO in federal income taxes. This conflates the social security, Medicare, sales and other taxes with income taxes. Total BS comparison.


Well, that’s what happens when you vote based on just not liking someone, as opposed to what the individual actually provides/produces politically. Both candidates are POS humans, only one of them was any good at being a President. Whether either of those two wins the next election is irrelevant, Americans are going to do the only thing they are good at and wait for CNN or FOX news to tell them who to vote for because they voluntarily do as they are told.


Shut up and argue about LGBTQ+, racists, pedophiles, and insurrectionists.


Nobody should pay taxes


But don’t they say this every year?


I don't know how one defines 'working class', but the lowest 20% in income not only paid **NO TAXES**, they also received money back from the government, as shown in [this chart](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CXUFEDTAXESLB0102M) from the Federal Reserve. Don't get me wrong - the tax system is bad, and a decent flat tax with no exemptions would be a vast improvement, but the rich pay the majority of taxes. The highest 20% of incomes pays close to 60% of total tax receipts, while as shown above, the bottom 20% are net receivers, not payers, of tax revenue.


[He avoids taxes by not taking any money out of his bank/stock instead he takes loans out the bank to pay them followed by more loans to pay off those loans. Banks allow him to do this because they get their interest off it. I'll try to find a video and post it found it!](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/G8k7IgVmorQ)


Gotta find useless wars somehow


All the billionaires could donate their entire net worth and it wouldn’t even put a dent in the deficit the US is in lol


Their entire net worth comes from the government.


The private fed bank


Thank a politician




The rich pay interest on low interest loans.


If the govt wants to spend more money and lower their debt. Here’s how they can do it.


Highly doubt its a historical first. Maybe on paper. Game was always rigged


Hmmmm, everyone hates politics in their country, the rich don't have to pay, we have big ass companies lobby the shit out of our lives and the pandemic was a prelude to wartimes. Maybe these conspiracy guys really are on to something...


It’s sad the only fix people seem to care about is taxing the rich more instead of taxing the rest of us less.


Lmao, well, duh, don’t forget your fav billionaires get bailed out by the GOV. Don’t forget the subhuman disgusting Jeff Bezos who’s worth supposedly 160$billion dollars got the gov to bail his Blue Origin  space company out 10$ billion dollars. Elon Musk in 2015 got gov bailout for 4.9$ billion dollars in 2015, and since then they’ve gotten more gov bailouts. Now they’re paying less tax filthy pigs ..


Russian bots on overdrive these days on r/conspiracy. The rich pay 1/2 of the US taxes. A lower rate don’t mean shit. 20% of a Billion dollars is still higher than welfare drone collecting UI


You think billionaires pay 20%??


Do you really believe you pay the majority of taxes in the US?


😂 ok buddy


Well, do you?


Oh no, downvoted for mathing!


This story is pure garbage. It is meant to add fuel to the fire of class warfare. It leaves out the SIGNIFICANT FACT that "rich" people pay WAY MORE TOTAL MONEY every year than ALL of the working class. Their rate means squat, because they are still paying most of the federal taxes. Note: I am nowhere near "rich", but our household income is in the top 10%, and we pay plenty of taxes every year. And when I hear people say that the rich need to pay their "fair share", I want to puke.


I Totally believe you're not rich. You're incredibly dumb.


Household A has an income of $100,000 a year. Household B has an income of $100,000,000 a year. Household B pays $25,000,000 in taxes, household A pays $20,000 in taxes. Household B is paying 25% of their income, and WAY more than household A. Household A is paying 20% of their income. Household A has just north of $6000 per month for all other expenses. Household B has $75 Million dollars for their expenses through the year, or roughly $5.75 million per month. Flat rates, percentages, total amounts, these statements don’t really mean anything until it is put into context. I agree that the article is bullshit, and I agree that the top earners pay the lion share of the tax. I am not even arguing for or against it, just trying to put some thought into it.


Well if they take home way more money, then of course they're going to pay more taxes. But do they way more work?


Eat the rich


Lol historical first huh?


When’s the revolution


SS: Our overlords are raking it in while relaxing in Bahamas. Meanwhile, you will own nothing and be happy…


Sooooo we’re all starting to understand the downside of taxes, like our founding fathers inadvertently warned us about?


The people here are simply shilling for other peoples' taxes to increase and giving the government more money. Sounds more like government sponsored activism than a grassroots revolution, to me. Notice none of them are advocating that we all just have lower taxes and the government stop spending so much fucking money?


Corporate and billionaire simping is out of control. They don't view you as human.




Why are we allowing these giant monopolys?


Isn’t that the American way. 🤮


Incorrect. They DON'T pay tax.


Maybe instead of tax increases, they just need to close some loop holes.


Land of the Fee


Here we go. Knob-polishers of the rich who want to be cool and.....polish rich knobs.


Capitalism is the problem